Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
this point, the mass of cells is now known as an
I. BIOLOGICAL BEGINNINGS embryo. The embryonic stage plays an important role
A. The Stages of Development in the development of the brain.
1. Prenatal development is highly influenced by the
inheritance, expression, and regulation of genes. 3. Fetal Stage (Ninth week to birth). Once cell
The three stages of the Prenatal period differentiation is mostly complete, the embryo enters
the next stage and becomes known as a fetus.
1. Germinal Stage (Fertilization to 2nd week). This
stage begins at conception when the sperm and egg cell Brain Development. The central nervous
unite in one of the two fallopian tubes. system also become more responsive during the second
trimester of the prenatal period.
Embryo Miscarriages. Falls, emotional shocks, malnutrition, glandular disturbances, vitamin deficiency, and serious diseases
(pneumonia, diabetes) can cause the embryo to become dislodged from its place in the uterine wall ; this is likely to occur
during the 10th and 11th week after conception
Developmental irregularities. Maternal malnutrition, vitamin and glandular deficiency, excessive use of drugs, alcohol,
tobacco, and diseases can interfere with normal development.
Fetus Miscarriages. Possible up to the 5th month due to illness of the mother, falls…etc…
Prematurity. Fetus that weighs less than 2 lbs. and 3ounces have less chance of surviving and greater chance of developing
Complications of delivery. Maternal stress affects uterine contractions and is likely to lead to complications during birth.
Age 8-10 Children are showing the balance, coordination and strength that allows engagement
in gymnastics and team sports.
During these years, muscles grow stronger, In Piaget’s terms, they are on the concrete
and neural pathways that connect the cerebellum to operational cognitive development stage hence their
the cortex become more myelinated. thoughts dominate the “here and now”. Their sense of cause-
effect relationships is further developed.
Reaction time refers to the measure of how quickly
an individual can respond to a particular stimulus. V. ADOLESCENCE
IV. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT DURING PUBERTY Adolescents generally find that activities involving
physical movement -sports, dance, and drama, for example -
are among the most pleasurable and gratifying. They enjoy
the most physical education and engaging in extra and co-
curricular activities.
A. Body Image.
Boys Girls
Advantages of Boys in Early Maturity Advantages of Girls in Early Maturity
More popular than late-maturing peers. They are more popular.
More likely to be leaders in school. They have2. what
The interactive
late-maturing girls influences
would like toof genes and
Poised, relaxed, and good natured; not being rushed develop (bodilyexperience
changes) shape the developing brain.
B. Health into maturity
in Adolescence. Five out of six adolescents are in
very good or excellent health. Few are chronically ill or miss Scientists now know a major ingredient in
school due to illness. this developmental process is the “serve and
return” relationship between children and their
Causes of Death- Death rates are low during
Greater risk of aggression and delinquency. parents
Early maturing girlsandareother caregivers
at greater risk in
for the family or
Abuse of alcohol and drugs. community.
psychological problems and substance abuse.
at home, in Physical growth
school and even occurs
community may more Many girls who mature early obtain lower grades and
expect too much
rapidly of them
in the in school.years than at any other
adolescent initiate sexual activity.
often dominated, bullied or tried by other the older boys
time after birth, with the exception of this past 3. The brain’s capacity for change decreases
year. with age.
Adolescents are also likely to obtain less
vitamin A, thiamine, iron but more fats, The brain is most flexible, or “plastic,” early
sugar, and sodium than recommended. in life to accommodate a wide range of
One reason for adolescents’ nutritional environments and interactions, but as the
deficit is irregular eating patterns. maturing brain becomes more specialized to
Junk food is connected with being assume more complex functions, it is less
overweight that can lead to chronic illness. capable of reorganizing and adapting to new or
unexpected challenges.
b. Eating Disorders
1. Anorexia Nervosa- This psychological
disorder of fear of eating is caused by the 4. Cognitive, emotional, and social capacities
extreme disgust of being heavy, chubby are inextricably intertwined throughout the
and fat/stout. life course.
2. Bulimia Nervosa – The adolescents would
recurrently binge eat (eat too much) and The brain is a highly interrelated organ, and
purge (intentionally inserting fingers to the its multiple functions operate in a richly
mouth to induce vomiting). coordinated fashion.
Stage 2: birth to 6 -Development of voluntary movement, reasoning, perception, frontal lobes active in
years development of emotions, attachments, planning, working memory, and perception.
A sense of self is developing and life experiences shape the emotional well-being.
-By age six, the brain is 95% its adult weight and peak of energy consumption.
Stage 3: 7 to 22 -The neural connections or ‘grey’ matter is still pruning, wiring of brain still in
years progress, the fatty tissues surrounding neurons or ‘white’ matter increase and assist
with speeding up electrical impulses and stabilize connections. The prefrontal cortex
is the last to mature and it involves the control of impulses and decision-making.
Stage 4: 23 to 65 -Finally, the brain reaches its peak power around age 22 and lasts for 5 more years.
years Afterwards, it’s a downhill pattern. Last to mature and the first to go are the brain
functionality of executive control occurring in the prefrontal and temporal cortices.
Memory for recalling episodes start to decline, processing speed slows and working
memory is storing less information.
-Best approach is to stay mentally active, learn new things, stay physically active and
eat a very healthy diet. ( Recall that in chapter 1, I told you that teachers live longer
than other professions because they keep on learning).
Stage 5: older than -Brain cells are lost in the critical areas such as the hippocampus responsible for
65 years processing memories.
smooth, calm behavior unsettled, uneven behavior
practicing skills already mastered learning new skills and abilities
plateau in development quick time of growth and new development
at peace with self and the world uneasy with self and the world
more confident more anxious, more stressed, less confident
a period of stability and consolidated behavior a period of struggle and breaking down of behavior
easier to live with more difficult to manage