ALZATE, MA.-VENUS - Activity M1L1

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Educ 102-The Teaching Profession

Sunday (11:30-2:30 PM)
Prof: Dr. Guillermo Dimaligalig

Mod 1 Lesson 1 Activity

Teaching as a Profession
1 “Without hard work and discipline it is difficult to be a top
Learning  Explain the meaning of teaching as a profession
Outcome  Trace the historical development of teaching as a profession in
the Philippines
Let’s Read This
A. Teaching as a profession
Read the following instances when the word “Professional” is used.
what the word “Professional” means in each case.

1. One night, cellphone were stolen right there from your home while
Youwere asleep. There was no indication of forced entry, so you
claimed that the manner by which your cellphone was stolen was
Activity highlyprofessional.
2.Father tells floor tile setter whom he asked to work on a new
constructed bathroom “gusto ko yonggawangpropesyonal, malinis
3. She is highly professional in her ways. She deals with everyone
including her daughter – employee professionally.
4. “How unprofessional of her to act that way Teacher pa naman din.”
5. Medical doctors, lawyers, education consultants are entitled to
professional fees (PF) for expert services rendered.
6. After his oath taking as a professional teacher, he was congratulated
And was told “now you are truly a professional”.

Let’s Analysis: What does the word Professional mean as used in the
Analyze instances given above?

Based on the instances stated above, PROFESSIONAL means demonstrating
a certain level of competence or earned a credential. It involves consistently
achieving high standards, both visibly and "behind the scenes. Also, it is a
form of etiquette in the workplace which is linked primarily to respectful and
courteous conduct.

Abstraction . Teaching as a profession

In the words “Professional manner,” “gawang propesyonal,”
“professional fee for expert services rendered” the world “professional”
implies one who possesses skill and competence/expertise. “highly
professional” “unprofessional… to act that way” imply a code of ethics
by which a professional person abide. In short, a professional is one
who conforms to the technical or ethical standards of a profession. So
two elements of a profession are competence and a Code of Ethics.

The other elements of a profession are:

1. Initial Professional Education – Professional generally begin their

professional lives by completing a university program in their
chosen fields – teacher education, engineering, nursing,
accountancy. This means long and arduous years of
preparation. Take note this is just initial, which means only the
beginning because a professional is expected to learn endlessly.
2. Accreditation – University programs are approved by a
regulatory body like the commission on higher Education
(CHED) in the Philippines to ensure that graduates from these
recognized programs start their professional lives with
3. Licensing – Licensing is mandatory, not voluntary and is
administered by a government authority. In the Philippines, this
government authority is the Professional Regulation Commission
4. Professional Development
This is an ongoing professional education that maintains or
improves professionals’ knowledge and skills after they begin
professional practice. In the Philippines this is Continuing
Professional Development mandated by RA 10912, otherwise
known as the CPD Act of 2016

5. Professional societies
Professional see themselves as part of a community of like-
minded individuals who put their professional standards above
the individual self-interest or their employer’s self-interest. These
professional societies put dedication to the public interest and
commitment to moral and ethical values. Professional societies
define certification criteria, manage certification programs,
establish accreditation action for violations of that code.
6. Code of Ethics
Each profession has a code of ethics to ensure that its
practitioners behave responsibility. The code state what
professionals should do. Professional can be ejected from their
professional societies or lose their licenses to practice for
violating the code of ethics. (McConnell. Steve, Source:, Retrieved 6-3-18)
The teaching profession is governed by the code of ethics for
Professional teachers. Violation of the code of Ethics for
professional teachers is one of the grounds for the revocation of
the professional teacher’s Certificate of Registration and
suspension from the practice of the teaching profession
(Sec.23., RA. 7836).

Activity 2 1. By the use of a graphic organizer present the elements of a

Code of Ethics

ELEMENTS Professional

Education Competence

2. Why does a Because as educators it is essential
profession like teaching and imperative to remain competent,
requires long years of effective, and innovative when it
initial professional comes to the skills and techniques
education and that need to be applied inside the
continuing professional classroom. The need for Continuing
development after that Professional Development for
long, arduous initial teachers is not just for themselves
professional education? but for their students as well.

3. By the way of an acrostic, explain the elements of a

P- rolonged period of Education and training
R- equires a deeper sense of Responsibility
O- ptimism in the workplace
F- ull of vigor and vitality
E- nthusiasm and living with a positive life force
S- ervice with a heart
S- prightly full of life and energy
I- nnovative
O- pen-minded
N- arrow-minded


Teaching is a profession. It requires:

1. long years of initial professional education

2. the attainment of a college/university degree recognized by a

regulatory body, CHED

3. A license examination called the licensure Examination for

Teachers (LET)

4.Continuing Professional Development and

5.adherence to the code of ethics for Professional Teachers

Activity 3
1. Based on the elements of a profession given in this lesson, can the taxi
Check for driver be considered a professional? – analysis
understandin a. No, because driving is not a college/university degree.
g b. Yes, because there is such a term professional driver.
c. It depends on the technical and ethical competence of the taxi
d. Yes, if the taxi driver is component and honest.

ANSWER: A. No, because driving is not a college/university


2. Which are elements of a profession like teaching? – Analysis

i. Long years of professional education
ii. Passing the competency- based examination to obtain a diploma
from TESDA
iii. Continuing professional Development
iv. Adherence to a code of ethics for the professional group

A. I, II and III
B. II, III and IV
C. I, III and IV
D. I, II and IV


Research Read a research related to teaching as a profession and fill out the
Connection matrix given below:
Activity 4 Problem: Research Methodology:
Our country continue to face Systematic observation, Case
challenges in teaching due to the study, Survey techniques,
economic and emotional impact simulations, commentaries,
caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. concept mapping, and narratives.

Findings: Conclusions:
• Identity: Exploring one’s teacher To ensure all students receive an
identity is the starting place for education that prepares them for
building the relationships that make postsecondary success and life,
imaginative, integrated, and the teaching profession must be
innovative education possible. strengthened such that it
* Relationships: A strong network of systematically guarantees high-
relationships—connecting teachers, quality teaching practices.
researchers, artists, scientists,
students, and communities—creates
possibilities to co-construct deeper,
more responsive learning
* Curriculum and pedagogy: When
approached with curiosity, the
curriculum offers rich possibilities. 3i
education provides a framework for
teachers to delve into the curriculum
and make authentic connections with
the world.
* Leadership: Leaders play a critical
role in permitting and encouraging
imaginative, integrated, and
innovative education. Leaders inspire
risk-taking and participate in
courageous and thoughtful
conversations that deepen learning.
For Small Group Discussions (SGD): Create at least a group of 3 for
Activity 5 the SGD.
SGD Topic Does the teaching Profession fulfil all the
Question1 elements of a profession?
Yes, the teaching profession can fulfill all
the elements of a profession according to
Alex S. Brown; The teacher must need to
take the four-year course which can fulfill to
the first element which is the Initial
Professional Education.
Ma. Venus O. Alzate
Members Peter James Pantanosas
Minutes of the of the Michael Nichol Lagoc
SGD group Jimmy James F. Bigaran II

Concluding Teachers must possess and attain the

Statement elements of teaching profession
Topic Question Is professionalization synonymous to
2 professionalism?

Professionalization is different from
professionalism although the main purpose
isbecoming or possessing a good
profession, Professionalization is the
process or act ofbecoming professional
while on the other hand professionalism is
something that weacquire or obtain that
insinuates our act or demeanor towards
Ma. Venus O. Alzate
Members Peter James Pantanosas
Minutes of the of the Michael Nichol Lagoc
SGD group Jimmy James F. Bigaran II

Professionalization is an ongoing process

Concluding by which professionalism is attained
Statement through devotion to the profession

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