Botswana Building Control Act
Botswana Building Control Act
Botswana Building Control Act
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Establishment of Building Regulations Board
4. Building regulations
5. Passing or rejection of plans
6. Appeal to the Building Regulations Board
7. Deposit may be declared to be of no effect after three years
8. Power to require removal or alteration of work not in conformity with building
9. Relaxation of building regulations in special cases
Law 7, 1962,
L.N. 84, 1966,
S.I. 12, 1977.
An Act to authorize the making of building regulations and to provide for matters
incidental thereto.
[Date of Commencement: 29th May, 1962]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Building Control Act.
2. Interpretation
(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-
"building regulations" means regulations made under section 4;
"commercial building" means a shop, warehouse, factory or hotel;
"plans" includes sections, elevations and specifications;
"the construction of buildings" means-
(a) the erection of new buildings; and
(b) the re-erection, adding to, altering and conversion of buildings, and the covering of
open spaces between walls and buildings.
(2) All or any of the powers and duties conferred or imposed on a local authority under
this Act or regulations made thereunder may, subject to the local authority's control, be
exercised and performed by the officers, servants and agents thereof (including any officers of
the public service of Botswana acting as officers or agents thereof), and all references in this
Act and the regulations to a local authority shall be construed accordingly.
3. Establishment of Building Regulations Board
(1) The Minister shall, by order published in the Gazette, establish a Board to be known
as the Building Regulations Board which shall consist of a Chairman and such other persons
not exceeding six in number as the Minister may from time to time appoint; and he shall appoint
a member of the public service to be Secretary to the Board.
(2) No member of the Board shall adjudicate upon any matter in which he is directly or
indirectly financially interested.
(3) The Chairman and any two other members of the Board shall form a quorum at
meetings of the Board.
(4) Decisions of the Board shall be determined by voting, each member other than the
Chairman having one vote and the Chairman having a deliberative and a casting vote.
4. Building regulations