14 Reasons Why Teaching Civics Is Important Right Now

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14 Reasons Why Teaching Civics

is Important Right Now

February 14, 2022

Teaching civics prepares students to be informed and engaged

members of society. Students who experience high-quality civic
education are more likely to complete college and develop employable
skills (including communications and public speaking skills), vote and
discuss policy issues at home, and volunteer and work on community

However, prioritizing civics in the classroom can be difficult. According

to research from The Brookings Institution, schools have reallocated
instructional time from social studies toward key tested subjects,
often prioritizing reading and math. This has become even more
pronounced as class time has been disrupted by the ongoing
pandemic. Teachers spend what time they do have in the classroom
trying to catch students up and prepare them to meet grade-level
requirements by the end of the year.
But teaching civics remains at least as important as ever, in preparing
students to take their place in shaping our government and society
now and long into the future.

Why make teaching civics a priority? We posed this question to iCivics

Educator Network teachers and our staff members, and they
responded with the following:

o As we approach 250 years of America’s independence, there is no

better time to teach civics. Instilling the principles and virtues of
our democratic society will prepare future generations to lead us
through the rest of the 21st century. -Michael Reyes, Youth
Fellowship Community Lead, iCivics

o The reason for teaching civics has always been about helping to
inspire the next generation to be active and productive citizens. -
Janet Wills, iCivics Educator Network Teacher

o Teaching civics helps students connect past and present in order to

be informed voters. It helps students make meaning of current
events and reassures them that nationally and internationally,
there is precedent for solving modern issues. Civics also helps
students engage in critical thinking and writing, which engages
those 21st century skills that will be essential in their future. In
examining civics, we cultivate empathy. -Amanda Setters,
Curriculum Associate, iCivics

o Civics is the language of the citizenry. It’s how we communicate

and plan and execute the change we desire. When people aren’t
prepared to find this voice, ask these questions, and learn their
role in the community and the democracy, they miss out on a
major opportunity to be part of something meaningful—and they
resign that power, those decisions, to someone else. The returns
on civic education, or lack of it, are cumulative and transformative.
-Christian Swagger, Educator Network Teacher

o Civics is a shared reality. Regardless of where people fall on the

current divide du jour, we are all a part of something bigger than
ourselves. Civic skills have to endure, and they have to be taught. -
Carrie Ray-Hill, Senior Director of Digital Learning, iCivics

o No matter what plans students have for life after high school—
whatever their career plans, however they may continue their
education—all students will be members of communities where
they will need agency to raise their voices and make an impact.
Civics teaches skills, knowledge, and disposition that will be
needed by all. -Shannon Salter, iCivics Educator Network Teacher

o Civic education is important because it is the passport to the

future. The future belongs to those who prepare and educate
themselves today. -Angela Clay, Educating for American
Democracy Curriculum Associate, iCivics

o Understanding civics empowers change. The founders

intentionally created a system that could endure by allowing
citizens to make changes that could benefit society as a whole. -
Beth Doman Doughty, iCivics Educator Network Teacher

o In a digital age, it is easy to have knowledge of all of the wrong

things. Teaching civics allows students to learn valuable skills that
are conducive to critical thinking. It helps students understand
how important decisions have molded the country and continue to
set precedents as time goes on. I think the statement of "history
repeats itself," applies beautifully here in a sense that knowledge
allows for personal action to prevent further repetition. -Niko
Garcia, Curriculum Intern, iCivics

o I like to think of teaching civics as giving students the opportunity

to practice civic skills they are going to need when it becomes their
turn to play in the real game. -Tia Costello, iCivics Educator
Network Teacher

o At its root, civics is about how we all live together, as different as

we all are from each other. To do civics well, everybody needs
practice, just as we all do in learning to read, write, do math, and
cook a decent meal. -David Buchanan, Director of Massachusetts
Programs, iCivics

o Everyone needs civics. It is the fabric of civilization. Contributing to

the advancement of one’s community and society and
understanding how to navigate through the perils and roadblocks
is of the utmost importance if we want to continue to govern
ourselves in a productive manner. -Kymberli April, iCivics Educator
Network Teacher

o A government "of the people" can only exist if the people

understand how their government works, and are willing to
participate in it. Teaching civics is the pathway for meeting both of
those goals. -Lora DeSalvo, Curriculum Associate, iCivics

o Civic education has massive cross-partisan appeal as a solution to

what ails our democracy. The public overwhelmingly agrees that
our country needs K-12 civic education! -Abbie Kaplan, Federal
Policy Associate, iCivics

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