2024 Aschenbach Brochure

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Welcome to your Aschenbach Auto Group benefits.
At Aschenbach Auto Group, our employees and their families are our most important asset. We can’t operate
without our team, and that’s why we provide a comprehensive package of flexible and affordable benefits.
On top of a paycheck, these benefits offer you peace of mind and help you care for yourself and your family.
This guide summarizes your benefit options with rates covering November 1, 2024 through October 31,

Insurance Benefits Eligibility

We provide health insurance benefits to our employees who work 30 hours or more weekly, along with their
lawful spouse or domestic partner and legal dependents up to age 26. These employees can participate in
all benefits plans. The waiting period for benefits is the first of the month following 60 days of continuous
full-time employment.

Open and New Hire Enrollment

Eligible employees can enroll for insurance benefits during two occasions: when newly hired as an
employee, and during annual open enrollment. Below are descriptions of each of these periods:

New Hire A newly hired employee is allowed to choose insurance benefit plans during the
new hire process to begin on their eligibility date. Once a new hire has chosen
plans, these benefits are in place for the remainder of the plan year unless there
is a qualifying event (see below).

Open Enrollment Once a year, the company offers an open enrollment period when employees may
change their insurance benefits at their discretion. The open enrollment period
occurs before the November effective date.

Qualifying Life Events

In addition to changes made during the open enrollment process, certain qualifying life events may
allow a benefit change during the plan year. You must request the election change within 30 days of
the life event.

The following qualifying life events are some status changes which will permit you to revoke an
existing election and make a new election:

Change in marital status including marriage, divorce, death of a spouse

Change in number of dependents including birth, adoption, and placement for adoption or death of
a dependent
Change in employment status of the employee, spouse or dependent that causes the individual to
become or cease to be eligible under the plan
Change in dependent eligibility status including events that cause the dependent to gain or cease
eligibility such as attainment of age 26 or employment

Important: If you do not make your changes within the 30 days of the qualifying event, you will lose the
option to make the change and must wait until the next open enrollment period.
We understand how important it is for you and your family to have quality health care. That’s why we provide
you different plan options that offer comprehensive coverage. A quick overview of the plans is shown below.
The full plan summaries can be found on Employee Navigator.

If you are enrolled in a High-Deductible Health/HSA medical Plan, you may be able to contribute to a
Health Savings Account. These tax-advantaged saving accounts, known as HSAs, have numerous benefits.
They allow you to set aside pre-taxed money from every paycheck into an account to pay for qualified
medical, dental, and vision costs incurred by you, your spouse, and your dependents.

Please note: The Internal Revenue Service will not allow you to have an HSA in certain situations. If you answer
“Yes” to any of these questions, you may not contribute:
• Are you covered by another non-HSA qualified health plan, such as your spouse’s health insurance?
• Are you enrolled in Medicare (including Part A) or Tricare?
• Are you covered by your own or anyone else’s medical Flexible Spending Account (FSA)?
• Are you claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return?
• Are you receiving Veteran’s health benefits now or in the past 90 days for a non-service connected
disability, disease, or injury?

You can optimize your tax savings by contributing up to the maximum amount allowed by the IRS. Maximum
contributions to your HSA allowed by the IRS are:
For 2024: For 2025:
Single Coverage: $4,150 Single Coverage: $4,300
Family Coverage: $8,300 Family Coverage: $8,550
55 or older: additional $1,000 annual catch up 55 or older: additional $1,000 annual catch up
Quality dental care is an important part of staying healthy. That’s why we provide you two comprehensive dental coverage
options through Cigna.
Our vision coverage helps pay for eye exams, glasses, and contacts through Guardian. You can choose from the Davis
Vision Network of eye doctors and retail providers such as WalMart, Costco, Pearl Vision, and Target Optical.

Employer Paid Life and AD&D

Eligible employees are provided life insurance coverage, which is completely paid for by Aschenbach Auto
Group. The benefit is $15,000. The policy includes Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage.
There are reductions in benefits starting at age 65.

Aschenbach Auto Group offers additional voluntary benefit options that help round out your benefits package to
meet your family’s specific needs. A brief summary of each plan is provided below, and more detailed
information is available online in Employee Navigator. *Please note some plans have a pre-existing exclusion
clause; see plan summaries for details.

Voluntary Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)

Eligible employees may elect Life Insurance in increments of $10,000, a maximum of 5 times your
earnings, up to $300,000. At initial enrollment, no medical questions are required for:
Employees (up to age 65) are approved up to $100,000
Employees (age 65-69) are approved up to $50,000
Employee (age 70+) are approved up to $10,000
If coverage is not elected during initial enrollment or if the benefit amount exceeds the guaranteed issue
amount, an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form will be needed and you could be denied. You may also elect
coverage for your spouse and children.
Short-Term Disability*
This benefit provides 60% of your weekly earnings to a maximum of $1500 per week. Short-Term
Disability helps protect your paycheck if you are out of work due to sickness, surgery, or an off-the-job
accident or injury. Short-Term benefits begin on the 8th day due to an accident or illness and are
payable up to 13 weeks.

Long-Term Disability*
Long-Term Disability protects you from loss of income in the event you are unable to work due to an
illness, injury, or accident for a long period of time. This benefit provides 60% of your monthly earnings
to a maximum of $6,000 per month. Long-Term benefits begin after 90 consecutive absent workdays
due to an accident, illness, or surgery and are payable up to Social Security Normal Retirement Age.

Accident Insurance
Cover medical expenses if you receive treatment for an injury resulting from an accident. The plan can
help you and your family cover medical expenses, including doctor’s visits, surgery, hospitalization, and
transportation. There is an annual $50 Health Screening/Wellness Benefit. The benefits are paid
directly to you.

Hospital Indemnity Insurance*

If you elect Accident Insurance, you may also elect Hospital Indemnity. Get a hand with out-of-pocket
costs if you have to stay in a hospital. You will receive benefits for hospital admissions (for each day in
the hospital) and increased payments for ICU confinement. You may also elect coverage for your spouse
and children. The benefits are paid directly to you.

Critical Illness Insurance*

Receive a lump-sum benefit of $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000 if you are diagnosed with a critical
illness such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, Advanced Multiple Sclerosis, or
major organ failure. This benefit helps you and your family in a time of need to cover medical costs and
other expenses. You may also elect coverage for your spouse and children. There is an annual $50
Health Screening/Wellness Benefit. The benefits are paid directly to you.

Pet Insurance
Receive reimbursement for a portion of eligible veterinary expenses related to accidents, injuries and
illnesses for your pet.

Employee Life Option Plus (ELOP)

The Employee Life Option Plus is more than just a life insurance at an affordable price. It combines the
guaranteed premiums, coverage and values that have always been so attractive in whole life insurance with the
advantages of cash accumulation at current interest rates.
Employee Navigator: A one-stop online benefits portal for you to enroll, update and
maintain your employee benefits elections.

Access the portal at employeenavigator.com (or scan QR code)

First time users:

Click "Login" at the top right of employeenavigator.com.
Click "Register as a new user," then follow the instructions.
Company Identifier: Aschenbach
Select / Create a "username" (we recommend using your email
Select / Create a "password" (must be at least 6 characters long
and contain both a symbol and number)

Medical Health Savings Account (HSA) Employee Life Option Plus (ELOP)
Cigna Cigna - association w/ HSA Bank Boston Mutual
866.494.2111 877.851.5274 877.624.2249
my.cigna.com hsabank.com/cigna bostonmutual.com
24/7 Nurse Line: 800.337.4770
Enrollment Manager
Life, Disability, Accident, Critical
Dental 804.441.8925
Illness and Hospital Indemnity
Cigna marenrollment@hilbgroup.com
Guardian Life
888.482.7342 Hilb Client Advocate
guardianlife.com 800.867.1129
Guardian Life Pet Insurance
888.482.7342 Nationwide
guardianlife.com 800.540.2016
Find a Davis Vision Provider: petinsurance.com

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