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Faiveley Transport Australia Ltd • Sydney • +61 288 6347 00 • Australia +

Photos: Faiveley Transport - Christophe Recoura - Bombardier - - Mikael Damkier

Faiveley Transport Belgium • Zaventem • +32 27 59 79 12 • Belgium +
Faiveley Transport do Brasil Ltda • São Paulo • +55 (11) 6889-6000 • Brasil +
Faiveley Transport Chile Ltda • Santiago • +56 24 26 85 54 • Chile +
Faiveley Transport Systems Technology Co Ltd • Beijing • +86 10 5126 6588 • China +
Faiveley Transport Far East Limited • Hong Kong • +852 2861 1788 • China +
Faiveley Transport Sri Rail Brake Co Ltd • Qingdao • +86 87 90 30 68 • China +
Faiveley Transport Tremošnice s.r.o • Tremošnice • +420 469 661 938 • Czech Republic +
Faiveley Transport Amiens • Amiens • +33(0)3 22 67 35 00 • France +
Faiveley Transport Gennevilliers • Gennevilliers • +33 141 854 300 • France +
Faiveley Transport Witten GmbH • Witten • +49 2302 2775 0 • Germany +
Nowe GmbH • Elze • +49 50 68 55 06 • Germany +
Faiveley Transport Rail Technologies India LTD • Hosur • +91 4344 276761 to 276765 • India +
Faiveley Transport Italia S.p.A. • Piossasco (Turin) • +39 (0)11 90 44 1 • Italy +
Faiveley Transport Polska z.o.o • Poznan • +48 61 653 64 11 • Poland +
Faiveley Transport Korea LTD • Seoul • +82 2564 03 25 • South Korea +
Faiveley Transport Iberica S.A. • Madrid • + 34 91 1534100 • Spain +
Faiveley Transport AB • Landskrona • + 46 418 54400 • Sweden +
Faiveley Transport Birkenhead • Birkenhead • +44 151 649 5000 • UK +
Ellcon National Inc. • Faiveley Transport North America • Greenville • +1 864 277 5000 • USA +
Graham White Manufacturing Company • Salem • +1 540 387 5600 • USA +
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Head office:
Faiveley Transport
Immeuble Le Delage - Hall Parc - Bat. 6A - 6th floor
3, rue du 19 mars 1962 - 92230 Gennevilliers - France
Tel: +33 (0) 1 48 13 65 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 48 13 65 54
Faiveley Transport


give you the safety,
simplicity and reliability that tomorrow’s market demands
Faiveley Transport simplifies the
- Design: dedicated design teams allow customised solutions to meet all your needs
• WHEREVER YOU ARE - Installation: Faiveley Transport flexibility allows installation where you need it
The worldwide network of member companies - Maintenance: intelligent maintenance systems with easy access save time
ensures a maximum of local expertise and - Future: supplying complete, customised solutions,
input, simplifying installation and maintenance Faiveley Transport is committed to taking full responsibility
and helping optimise total cost of ownership. for the brake function.
This unrivalled experience ensures the perfect
integration of Faiveley Transport systems,
whatever the operating conditions.


Faiveley Transport is a practical, long-term
partner through every stage of your project:
from system definition, design, manufacture,
commissioning to lifetime warranty… including

++++++++ Our dedicated design engineering team
++++++++ spearheads this global experience,
++++++++ giving you a fully customised system
++++++++ solution using refined
++++++++ & proven design procedures.


Faiveley Transport, supplying reliable, innovative
systems that cover all aspects of the railway rolling
stock industry for over a century. This enviable
experience provides a solid base for innovation,
and helps provide rigorously tested, state of the art
technology to meet tomorrow’s needs.
Faiveley Transport

from the driver’s hands to the wheels

keeping trains moving,
with greater safety, availability & cost control.
Faiveley Transport owns a wide coupler
portfolio thus giving the group very strong
knowledge of this highly demanding field.
Automatic Compact and Propact as well as
semi-permanent couplers interconnect trains
and cars simply, quickly and safely. Associating
MANIPULATOR mechanical, electrical (including data
Because braking precision starts at the transmission, e.g. ethernet), pneumatic and
driver’s hand, Faiveley Transport offers even optical connection, our couplers provide
very accurate drivers’ brake valves as high energy absorption, ensure efficiency and
well as traction-brake controllers for all time saving while securing passenger safety &
types of regional and suburban trains. comfort plus improved vehicle integrity.
We take particular care of local habits to Efficiency - safety - reliability
ensure perfect reaction of the machine
to the driver’s order.
Accuracy - instant reaction
- user friendly
Using the unequalled experience gained over
the years, Faiveley Transport provides fit-for-
purpose Nowe sanding solutions to enhance
adhesion between the vehicle and rails during
AIR GENERATION AND critical braking actions. The unique design
allows easy integration onto the vehicle while
TREATMENT the patented sand dosage delivers the exact
Using state of the art technologies,
quantity of sand needed, under every condition.
Faiveley Transport provides both
Precision - easy integration - customised
screw lubricated and oil free piston
compressors - fully integrated with air
treatment and control systems - from 500
to 3000 ltr/min air delivery. Our unique oil
free BURAN technology gives the lowest MAGNETIC TRACK BRAKES
cost of ownership of the industry. Highly solicited during safety and emergency
Lowest life cycle cost - situations, UIC-qualified Magnetic Track Brakes
easy maintenance - built for life are essential for train safety.
Faiveley Transport’s electro magnetic track brakes
provide additional braking power with adhesive
BOGIE BRAKE STATIONS force up to 84kN per metre and magnet.
SMART BRAKE CONTROL With a full portfolio of very robust and compact The modularity in material, length and design
Faiveley Transport deploys all its expertise to provide disc brake solutions, facilitating integration facilitates integration on bogies while preserving
smart control of the complete braking system, from on tight bogies and easy maintenance, while high braking performance.
the brake manipulator to the energy management ensuring optimised stress absorption even during Faiveley Transport also offers solutions with
associated to the friction pairs at each bogie. the most demanding operating conditions. permanent track brakes with adhesive force up to
Offering three different levels of pneumatic layout The compact C3 disc brake units are compatible 64kN per metre and magnet.
associated to certified electronic BCU technology, with both axle mounted and wheel mounted Safety - reliability – reduced maintenance
Faiveley Transport’s brake control solutions provide discs. Faiveley Transport is at the leading edge
the highest level of availability combining service for friction pair solutions with high performance
brake plus software-free safety brake. discs and sintered metal pads.
Smart braking management - availability - safety Compact - light - robust
Faiveley Transport

Smart Brake Control

Adhesion (-)

200 km/h

Simplicity, easy integration, fully customisable

Smart and compact braking management is essential to ensure the performance of the train in all operating conditions.
World specialist in pneumatronic solutions, Faiveley Transport offers three different levels of integration.
Behind every reference
This approach gives a very high modularity for any type of regional or suburban train - whatever the configuration.
Moreover, each of these three options can fulfil all UIC requirements.
is a story of Faiveley Transport flexibility
[Pendolino City Elephant]

ELECTRO-PNEUMATIC CONTROL Force (kN) [Lanzaderas, Civia]

Typical brake blending Diagram
Speed (km/h)

EPM (Electro-Pneumatic Module) with VCAV

(Variable Load Valve)
Dump valves close to the bogie [Class 220/222, Class 315, Chiltern, Scotrail, Arriva, London overground]
Minimum integration - maximum availability
Simple technology, high reliability
[ZTER, TER2N-NG, M109,
M12N, Regiolis, Regio2N]

Compact Brake
EPAC for articulated trains The new Regional trains that SNCF has
Electronic brake control ordered to renew the French rolling stock FAIVELEY TRANSPORT SERVICES
Blending management are built by Alstom Transport for the one-
Integrated wheel slide protection level type (Regiolis) and by Bombardier
The most compact solution on the market! Transport for the two-levels type. With over a century of service to the transport
“plug & play” SNCF has defined frame contracts for a industry, who better than Faiveley Transport
maximum of 1000 Regiolis trains and 860 to maintain your investment?
Regio2N trains, to be ordered from 2010
up to 2020, according to the needs of the Constant and extensive feedback on the
SMART BRAKE French Regions and the funding capacities. performance of on-board equipment over the
The first deliveries took place in 2013, and century gives unequalled experience.
Integrated Brake Unit (IBU) modules the entry into commercial service of these
EPM (Electro-Pneumatic Module) with VCAV trains will be done during 2014. As early as the design stage, this information
Wheel Slide Protection is essential to the (Variable Load Valve) These trains are gathering all the new helps make the equipment easier to maintain and
Dump valves fitted on the module or close to the brings greater availability, reliability and safety,
efficiency of the braking system technologies helping to make the passenger’s journey safe
significantly optimising the life cycle cost.
bogie and comfortable, with many options related to local use.
With the leading edge, certified WSP algorithm using inputs from Additional optional modules upon requirements
high precision speed sensors, Faiveley Transport’s smart solution Faiveley Transport is proud of having been selected to be It leads directly to easier access, reduced
(Magnetic Track Brakes, VACMA, Pneumatic insulation maintenance times, tools for troubleshooting and
gives perfect control of the adhesion - whatever - the climate and the unique supplier of Brake systems, Doors, Cab HVAC,
and filtration, etc.) finally faster return to revenue service.
environmental conditions (ice or snow, autumn leaves on the rail, rain). Electronic equipments such as ATESS, CCTV... These 2 new
Smart fit for purpose modules platforms are representative of the support Faiveley
With Faiveley Transport’s WSP performance, the full operating speed Best pneumatic integration in challenging train installation Transport is able to offer to car-builders from initial
can be maintained and flats on wheels are avoided. conditions need to homologation and finally to Services.
Accuracy, modularity and easy maintenance Up to now more than 400 trains have been ordered in
Speed France and Faiveley Transport is already supporting
Adhesion (-)

200 km/h
(km/h) both AT and BT for further orders either in France or
Typical Adhesion Diagram abroad.
MAX. ADHESION Guillaume Lucas
EFFECTIVE ADHESION Operations Management Director

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