Scope of Microbiology
Scope of Microbiology
Scope of Microbiology
I. What is microbiology?
A. Microbiology is the study of organisms and agents that are generally too small to be
seen clearly by the unaided eye. These organisms include viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi,
and protozoa.
B. Microbiology can be applied or basic.
C. Microbiology is linked to many other scientific disciplines including biochemistry,
cell biology, evolution, ecology.
D. Subdisciplines (both applied and basic research)
1. General microbiology: broad range of microbiological questions
2. Medical microbiology: microbes that cause human disease
3. Public health and epidemiology: Studies and controls transmission,
frequency, and distribution of disease
4. Immunology: the immune system
5. Agricultural microbiology: impact of microbes on agriculture
6. Microbial ecology: relationships between microbes and their habitats
7. Food microbiology: Prevention of food borne disease; microbes that make
food and drink
8. Industrial microbiology: commercial use of microbes to produce products
9. Biotechnology: manipulation of organisms to form useful products
III. The scope and relevance of microbes
A. L. Pasteur "The role of the infinitely small in nature is infinitely large."
B. 1st living organisms
C. Live in every possible environment
D. More numerous than macroorganisms
E. Constitute the largest component of biomass
F. Fundamental to the ecosystem
G. Have changed the course of history in obvious and not so obvious ways
IV. History
A. Discovering the "organisms"
1. 1676: A. Leeuwenhoek – first to observe and describe microbes accurately
2. 1884: C. Chamberland – constructed a bacterial filter that allowed the
identification of viruses
3. 1898: Loeffler and Frosch – identified filterable infectious agent as cause of
foot-and-mouth disease in cattle
4. 1898-1900: M. Beijerinck – identified tobacco mosaic virus
5. 1982: S. Prusiner – described prions (infectious protein that causes a
particular normal protein to alter its shape and become a prion)
B. Disproving spontaneous generation (that living organisms could develop from
nonliving matter)
1. 1688: F. Redi – first to challenge theory of spontaneous generation by
showing that if raw meat was protected from flies, the formation of maggots was
2. 1748: R. Needham – supported spontaneous generation of microbes by
showing that even after boiling mutton broth and pouring into sealed containers,
growth of microbes occurred
3. 1776: L. Spallanzani - challenged spontaneous generation as it pertained to
microbes by showing that sealed containers that were boiled do not produce
4. 1861: L. Pasteur – rigorously disproved spontaneous generation
a) filtered air à showed that air contained microbial organisms
b) constructed flasks with curved neck that allowed air into the flasks
while dust, etc. remained in the neck à placed broth into the flasks and
boiled à showed that no microbial growth resulted unless flasks were
tipped to allow the broth into the neck
C. The germ theory of disease
1. Previously, people thought that disease was punishment for an individual's
crimes, due to poisonous vapors, and/or an imbalance of the "four humors".
2. First proponents of the idea that invisible organisms caused disease were
Lucretius (B.C.) and Fracastoro (1546)
3. 1835: A. Bassi showed that silkworm disease was due to a fungus.
4. 1867: J. Lister showed that antiseptic surgical procedures reduced the
frequency of wound infections.
5. 1876/1884: R. Koch definitively proved that Bacillus anthracis caused the
disease anthrax in cows and Mycobacterium tuberculosis caused the disease
tuberculosis using Koch's postulates.
a) The suspected pathogen should be present in ALL cases of the disease
and NOT present in healthy animals.
b) The suspected pathogen should be grown in vitro in pure culture.
c) Cells from a pure culture of the putative pathogen should cause disease
in healthy animals.
d) The putative pathogen should be reisolated from the infected animal.
D. Preventing disease by vaccination
1. E. Jenner inoculated people with cowpox to protect against smallpox.
2. 1885 – Pasteur developed the rabies vaccine.
3. 1890: von Behring and Kitasato produced antibodies to purified toxins to
protect against diphtheria and tetanus.
4. 1884: E. Metchnikoff described phagocytosis of bacteria.
E. Discovering the effect of microbes on organic and inorganic matter
1. 1856: Pasteur described lactic acid fermentation; contributions to wine
2. 1887-1900: S. Winogradsky and M. Beijerinck studied soil microbes and
their role in the biochemical cycles of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen
What Microbiologists?
Microbiologists study microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and some types
of parasites. They try to understand how these organisms live, grow, and interact with their
Duties of Microbiologists
Microbiologists typically do the following:
Plan and conduct complex research projects, such as improving sterilization
procedures or developing new drugs to combat infectious diseases
Perform laboratory experiments that are used in the diagnosis and treatment of
Supervise the work of biological technicians and other workers and evaluate the
accuracy of their results
Isolate and maintain cultures of bacteria or other microorganisms for study
Identify and classify microorganisms found in specimens collected from humans,
plants, animals, or the environment
Monitor the effect of microorganisms on plants, animals, other microorganisms, or the
Review literature and the findings of other researchers and attend conferences
Prepare technical reports, publish research papers, and make recommendations based
on their research findings
Present research findings to scientists, nonscientist executives, engineers, other
colleagues, and the public
Environmental microbiologists study how microorganisms interact with the environment and
each other. They may study the use of microbes to clean up areas contaminated by heavy
metals or study how microbes could aid crop growth.
Mycologists study the properties of fungi such as yeast and mold. They also study the ways
fungi can be used to benefit society (for example, in food or the environment) and the risks
fungi may pose.
Parasitologists study the life cycle of parasites, the parasite-host relationship, and how
parasites adapt to different environments. They may investigate the outbreak and control of
parasitic diseases such as malaria.
Virologists study the structure, development, and other properties of viruses and any effects
viruses have on infected organisms.
Interpersonal skills. Microbiologists typically work on research teams and thus must work
well with others toward a common goal. Many also lead research teams and must be able to
motivate and direct other team members.
Logical-thinking skills. Microbiologists draw conclusions from experimental results through
sound reasoning and judgment.
Math skills. Microbiologists regularly use complex mathematical equations and formulas in
their work. Therefore, they need a broad understanding of math, including calculus and
Observation skills. Microbiologists must constantly monitor their experiments. They need to
keep a complete, accurate record of their work, noting conditions, procedures, and results.
Microbiology often has been defined as the study of organisms and agents too small to
be seen clearly by the unaided eye—that is, the study of microorganisms. Because objects less
than about one millimeter in diameter cannot be seen clearly and must be examined with a
microscope, microbiology is concerned primarily with organisms and agents this small and
Microbial World
Microorganisms are everywhere. Almost every natural surface is colonized by microbes
(including our skin). Some microorganisms can live quite happily in boiling hot springs, whereas
others form complex microbial communities in frozen sea ice.
Most microorganisms are harmless to humans. You swallow millions of microbes every
day with no ill effects. In fact, we are dependent on microbes to help us digest our food and to
protect our bodies from pathogens. Microbes also keep the biosphere running by carrying out
essential functions such as decomposition of dead animals and plants.
Microbes are the dominant form of life on planet Earth. More than half the biomass on
Earth consists of microorganisms, whereas animals constitute only 15% of the mass of living
organisms on Earth.
The microorganisms can be divided into two distinct groups based on the nucleus
Prokaryotes – The organism lacking true nucleus (membrane enclosed chromosome and
nucleolus) and other organelles like mitochondria, golgi body, entoplasmic reticulum etc. are
referred as Prokaryotes. (Ex : Bacteria, archaea)
Eukaryotes - The organism possessing membrane enclosed nucleus and other cell organelles
are referred as Eukaryotes (Ex : algae, fungi, protozoa)
The microorganisms were divided into 6 distinct groups based on the phylogenic, morphological
and physiological characters.
Discovery of Microbes
• To see microbes, you need a microscope. The first
microscope was invented by Antony van
Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), a Dutch businessman.
• Leeuwenhoek took up lens grinding to make magnifiying
glasses so he could examine fine weave of fabrics.
In testing his lenses, he discovered many small
• Francisco Redi (1626-1697) demonstrated that flies did not arise spontaneously from rotting
meat by simple experiment. If jar of meat was covered by fine muslin, maggots did not
arise. However, the simpler life forms discovered by Leeuwenhoek lacked visible
complexity, and most people still believed these could arise spontaneously.
• Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was passionate believer that life only originated from previous
life, developed several experiments that finally deflated claims for spontaneous
generation. Pasteur filtered air through cotton to
trap airborne materials, then dissolved the cotton
and examined the particulate matter under a
microscope; many bacteria and spores of other
life forms such as molds were present. Since
most skeptics kept arguing that overheating killed
the life force present in air, Pasteur developed
and ingenious experiment using a swan neck
flask that allowed fresh air to remain in contact
with boiled materials. The long passageway
prevented airborne microbes from reaching the Louis Pasteur
nutrient liquid, without impeding access to air. One of Pasteur's flasks is still sterile after
100+ years of being exposed to the air (Pasteur Institute, Paris).
The Spontaneous Generation Experiment: Pasteur’s swan neck flasks used in his
experiments on the spontaneous generation of microorganisms.
Alexander Fleming (1928) identified Penicillium notatum inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus and
identified the antibiotic Penicillin
• 1929-Discovered antibiotic
penicillin –important
milestone in medical
• Found that natural
substances having
antimicrobial activity-
Saliva,Nasal mucous
• Worked on Staphylococcus
aureus,-inhibition of growth-
due to Penicillin
• Florey &Chain-isolated Penicillin in pure culture.
Selman A Waksman, 1945 identified Streptomycin antibiotic from soil bacterium. He also
coined the term antibiotics (referring a chemical substance of microbial origin which is in small
quantity exert antimicrobial activity.
• 1927- Wrote the book on Principles of soil Microbiology
• In 1939 Waksman and his colleagues undertook a
systematic effort to identify soil organisms producing
soluble substances that might be useful in the control of
infectious diseases, what are now known as antibiotics
• Within a decade ten antibiotics were isolated and
• three of them with important clinical applications
• actinomycin in 1940, streptomycin in 1944, and
neomycin in 1949.
• Eighteen antibiotics were discovered under his general direction.
Bacteria are mostly unicellular organisms that lack chlorophyll and are among the
smallest living things on earth—only viruses are smaller. Multiplying rapidly under
favorable conditions, bacteria can aggregate into colonies of millions or even billions of
organisms within a space as small as a drop of water.The Dutch merchant and amateur
scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first to observe bacteria and other
microorganisms. Using single-lens microscopes of his own design, he described
bacteria and other microorganisms (calling them "animacules") in a series of letters to
the Royal Society of London between 1674 and 1723.
Microbes are organisms that we need a microscope to see. The lower limit of our
eye's resolution is about 0.1 to 0.2 mm or 100 - 200 um. Most microbes range in size
from about 0.2 um to the 200 um upper limit, although some fruiting bodies of fungi can
become much larger. Microbes include the bacteria, algae, fungi, and protozoa. In this
lecture we will discuss mostly the bacteria and the fungi.
Bacteria are found everywhere in water, soil, and even air. These small
prokaryotic cells, typically from 0.2 to 1 um in length, are capable of living in boiling
water, frozen ground, acid volcanoes, and at the bottom of the ocean. They can
reproduce by doubling with a generation time of 20 minutes, or survive for centuries in a
resting stage. In natural waters (lakes, streams, oceans) their generation time is around
1 day. In soils they live in a film of water around plant roots or other particles, and their
activity is dependent on the temperature and the amount of available moisture. In
general, bacteria are found in concentrations of 106 cells/mL of water in surface waters,
and 109 cells/mL of soil in soils and sediments.
1. The microorganism must be present in every case of the disease but
absent from healthy organisms.
2. The suspected microorganism must be isolated and grown in a pure
3. The same disease must result when the isolated microorganism is
inoculated into a healthy host.
4. The same microorganism must be isolated again from the diseased host.
Microbiology is a branch of science that deals with the structure, function, classes and
economic importance of microorganisms. Microbiology is one of the exciting; ever
developing field of science with greater scopes as the microbes play a major role in our day
to day life. This chapter introduces the subject of microbiology to the undergraduate
beginners who have little knowledge about this subject.
(a) A microbial cell can live alone Plant or animal cell exist only as part of
(b) Growth, energy generation and Plant or animal cell depend on other cells for
reproduction by a microbial cell are all processes
Eukaryote is a Greek word, eu - true and karyon - nut or kernel. Eukaryotes posses a
membrane enclosed nucleus and cell organelles. They are more complex morphologically and
are usually larger than prokaryotes. Algae, fungi, protozoa, higher plants and animals are
1) BACTERIA are prokaryotes that are usually single celled organisms. They multiply by
binary fission and reproduces asexually. They are the most dominant group of
microorganisms in soil, water and air. Some bacteria even live in environment that has
extreme temperatures, pH or salinity. Many of them play more beneficial roles in
nutrient cycling, decomposition of organic matter, production of commercial industrial
products like vitamins, antibiotics, etc. Wherein, some of them cause diseases and food
spoilage. Ex: Bacillus, Pseudomonas.
3) ALGAE are eukaryotes that contain chlorophyll and are capable of performing
photosynthesis. Algae are found most commonly in aquatic environments. They
reproduce either sexually or asexually. Mostly they are used as food supplements. They
are mainly used in the preparation of agar. Ex: Spirulina, Gelidium.
4) FUNGI are eukaryotes. Next to bacteria, they are the most dominant organism in the
soil. In general, fungi range in size and shape from single-celled microscopic yeasts to
gaint multicellular mushrooms. They possess filamentous mycelium composed of
individual hyphae and reproduce either sexually or asexually by fission, budding or by
means of spores borne on fruiting structures. Unicellular fungi like yeast are involved in
the production of alcoholic beverages like wine and beer. Multicellular fungi like molds
are useful for industrial production of antibiotics like penicillin. Ex: Mucor, Rhizopus.
5) PROTOZOA are unicellular eukaryotes that are usually motile and lack cell wall.
Many free living protozoa function as the primary hunters and grazers of the microbial
world. They can be found in many different environments and some are normal
inhabitants of the intestinal tracts of animals, where they aid in digestion of complex
materials such as cellulose. Some of them are parasitic and can cause diseases. Ex:
Amoeba, Paramecium.
6) VIRUSES are acellular (non cellular) organisms that are too small and can be visualized
only using electron microscopes. All are obligate parasites that require a living cell for
reproduction. They are pathogenic to plants, animals and humans. At most of the cases
they cause human diseases. Ex: Cauliflower mosaic virus, Cucumber mosaic virus.
As each branch of microbiology have got their own specialization that contribute to the
development of science and technology, always microbiology are crowned as innovate, ever
green branch of biology that have wider scopes for the emerging scientists to be explored. We
are living in the world of microbes without which life won’t be trouble-free and comfy.
The field of microbiology developed further and gained its importance after the fascinating
discoveries later than 1600’s by the discovery of microscopes by pioneer scientists. The
important discoveries that contributed much to the discipline of microbiology is the conflict
over the ‘Theory of Spontaneous Generation’ followed by ‘Koch’s Postulates’ that
completely changed the view of microorganisms. This chapter gives a vivid outlook on the
contributions of many pioneers like Pasteur, Koch, etc.
Kotch’s postulate