Sweep Guide Banking v6-9516
Sweep Guide Banking v6-9516
Sweep Guide Banking v6-9516
in Banking
Guide Banking
Contents Introduction 3
V. Collaborative reduction 14
Lead author
Marie-Anne Vincent
VP Strategy & Regulatory
Ewa Jozefkowicz
Senior Content Manager
Nils Baqué
Carbon & Sustainable Finance Expert
Joshua Berman
Carbon & Sustainable Finance Expert
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Introduction In an era defined by the urgent need for climate action, the global banking
sector stands at the forefront of the battle against climate change. With
nearly 60% of the world's leading banks committing to achieving net-zero
carbon emissions, the financial industry plays a pivotal role in shaping
a sustainable future.
In our guide, we offer insights into how banks can navigate these
challenges to fulfill their commitment to a decarbonized future.
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Part 1
Understanding the full
scope of measurement
Key Challenge
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Part 1
The Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA)
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Part 2
Measuring Financed
Key Challenge
A recent report from Accenture has found that the majority of banks
Banks' financed emissions
use emissions data with limited granularity for significant portions of
The European Central Bank their portfolios, enabling only intermediate or high-level measurements.
has found that the majority of
banks’ financed emissions often Only a handful of banks possess a detailed understanding of the carbon
come from a small number footprint associated with funded clients and projects at a granular
of large counterparties, which
increases their exposure level. This includes factors such as activity, location, energy sources,
to climate-related risks. or other characteristics that may be correlated with emissions.
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Part 2 Collecting the right data
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Part 2 The Sweep methodology
Sweep for Finance is a unified platform to capture all the carbon data
from across your portfolio in a single location – helping you to efficiently
achieve your climate targets.
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Part 3
Measuring Supply
Chain Emissions
The importance of
supply chain emissions
Accenture’s Rising to
the Challenge of Net Zero
Banking report emphasizes
that supply chain emissions,
often overlooked by banks,
hold the key to significant
emissions reductions.
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Part 3 The Sweep methodology
If you don’t have exact supplier-based data at your disposal, don’t
worry. You can still obtain a baseline measurement for your supply chain
emissions. Our platform is specifically designed to suit suppliers with
varying levels of data maturity.
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Part 4
Target Setting
It's worth setting separate targets for your Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions,
either absolute or intensity-based.
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Part 4 Intensity-based emission targets
If you sign up to the NZBA, you commit to aligning your lending and
investment portfolios with net-zero by 2050 and set science-based
emission reduction targets for 2030 or sooner for the most carbon
intensive sectors in your portfolio. This must be done within 18
months of joining the alliance.
Absolute or
intensity targets?
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Part 4 The Sweep methodology
Sweep enables you to take the lead on your decarbonization strategy,
and support the transition to a net zero economy.
Using our platform you can easily set targets at different levels:
for portfolio companies, funds, or entities, and cascade the fund
temperature alignment back to them.
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Part 5
Collaborative reduction
Key Challenge
Train employees
Equip relationship managers with climate science expertise, turning
them into 'climate advisors' capable of guiding corporate customers
through the decarbonization process. This involves comprehensive
training, education, and upgrading information systems to support
industry-specific climate science skills. By empowering employees
with a deep understanding of climate-related challenges, banks can
effectively drive sustainable practices within their organizations
and among their clientele.
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Part 5 Offer green products and services
Develop a comprehensive range of sustainable offerings that incentivize
and enable customers to enhance their sustainability, moving beyond
competitive pricing to provide tailored 'green glove' solutions and
partnerships. This involves creating innovative financial products that
align with customers' sustainability goals and actively contribute to the
development of a green economy.
Sustainability-Linked Loans
These loans tie the interest rates and terms to the borrower's
achievement of predefined environmental, social, or governance
(ESG) performance targets. By incentivizing borrowers to meet
stringent sustainability criteria, such as reducing carbon emissions
or enhancing social responsibility, your bank can actively contribute
to a low-carbon economy.
Sustainability-linked loans not only integrate environmental
considerations into the financial decision-making process but also
encourage clients to prioritize decarbonization initiatives.
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Part 5 The Sweep methodology
Sweep can help you engage securely with your loanees in order
to collect the ESG metrics linked to any SLL facility.
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Part 6
Reporting your progress
When it comes to reporting, one of your key KPIs will be your loan
Avoiding greenwashing
portfolio’s and suppliers’ progress on their Scope 3 emissions. This will
Exercise caution in your require you to share your reporting tool with each of them and to regularly
messaging, as clients are
adept at spotting greenwashing. monitor progress against targets. Each individual company target will
Given the evolving regulatory fit into your own overall climate target.
landscape, ensure your
claims align with substantial
actions taken. Climate classification
Level 1
Loans that have achieved net zero for Scopes 1 and 2, and whose
Scope 3 reduction trajectories are aligned with a 2°C max increase
in temperature.
Level 2
Loans whose Scope 1 and 2 trajectories are aligned with a 2°C
max increase in temperature, with Scope 3 calculations 80%
based on physical data.
Level 3
Loans whose Scope 1 and 2 trajectories are aligned with a 2°C
max increase in temperature, with Scope 3 calculations 60% based
on physical data.
Level 4
Loans that have calculated their Scope 1 and 2 emissions based
on physical data and their Scope 3 carbon footprint based on
spend-based data.
Level 5
Loans that are using a spend-based approach across all scopes
to calculate and act on their carbon footprint.
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Part 6
What’s the temperature of your portfolio?
It's important to note that the Your company’s financed emissions reports are likely to be
SFDR applies to all financial
institutions that market their requested by a number of stakeholders, including customers, and
products within the European analysts. Reporting is also essential for complying with regulations.
Union, regardless of their
geographical location. These depend on your region and scope of operations.
Here are the key ones that you should be aware of:
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Part 6 The SFDR aims to create a more sustainable financial system by
providing investors with more information about the sustainability of
their investments and promoting more sustainable investment practices
by financial market participants.
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Part 6 The Sweep methodology
Sweep enables you to respond to key stakeholder requests
with easy-to-use climate and ESG reporting tools.
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A collaborative approach is key
If we could leave you with one leading thought, it’s that effectively
engaging your entire portfolio and supply chain in your decarbonization
strategy is key to achieving your climate targets. It may seem like
a daunting task, but with the right tools to automate data collection
and ease of collaboration, you’ll soon be on the right path.
Trusted by
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in Banking 21
Start your
journey with Sweep
Book a demo