Quiz Question Bakn - 2ND

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INSTRUCTIONS: Below you will find a group of questions, refer to the information
checked in class (uploaded in moodle too) to review before the quiz (second class of
week 23).

1. Where would you click to rotate the image?

● A ● C
● B ● D

2. Documents you create using Google Docs are stored:

A. In you Google Drive C. In a file cabinet
B. On your iPad D. On your computer

3. The blank white space around your document and text is called...
A. margins
B. blank space
C. frame
D. there is no blank space

4. Which one of the icons will center text?

A. The first one

B. The second one
C. The third one
D. The fourth one
5. What will clicking this icon do for your Google Doc?

A. zoom in
B. convert a number to a percentage
C. zoom out
D. give you a perfect paper

6. When would I want to use this icon?

A. Linking a website URL within my Google Doc

B. Creating a graphic organizer
C. Creating a comment
D. Connecting two Google Docs together

7. In Microsoft Word you create:

A. documents
B. spreadsheets
C. presentations
D. animations

8. What function does this icon represent?

A. Center align
B. Font name
C. Increase font
D. Underline

9. What function does this icon represent?

A. Font color
B. Font name
C. Increase font
D. Bold
10. What is the first thing you should do when you create a new Google doc?
A. Name it C. Decide which font to use
B. Start typing your report D. Set margins

11. Why is there no Save button for your files?

A. Google Drive uses autosave, B. No changes are ever saved.
which automatically and C. The Save button is in the “File”
immediately saves your files as submenu.
you edit them. D. You “Right-Click” to get the Save

12. What will happen to your Google Doc if you forget to save?
A. Nothing because Google Docs C. Google Docs will send you an
auto saves email
B. Your document will be lost forever D. Who knows? Life is cruel.

13. In a Google Doc there is a vertical blinking line. What is this line called?

A. Cursor C. Blinking line

B. Tab D. Undo

14. Which icon lets you insert an image?

A. B. C.

15. What is this icon used for?

A. Undo
B. For help
C. Delete
16. What does pressing Ctrl + V do?
A. Paste C. Save
B. Copy D. undo
E. view document

17. What does pressing Ctrl + Z do?

A. undo C. Copy
B. Paste D. find

18. What does this button do?

A. Italicizes C. Underlines
B. Bolds D. Change Font

19. Microsoft Word and Google Docs are examples of what?

A. Word processors C. Presentations
B. Spreadsheets D. Databases

20. Google Docs or Microsoft Word allows you to:

A. create, edit, share and store C. create, edit, share and store
word-processing documents. webpages and sites.
B. create, edit, share and store forms D. create, edit, share and store
for user input. spreadsheet documents.

21. A keyboard shortcut is:

A. a single or combination of C. a quick tapping of a key on the
keystrokes used to access a menu keyboard.
command. D. a keystroke that generates a
B. a mouse-click used to generate a number.

22. A template in a word processor provides access to:

A. a page design layout into which C. a presentation of pre-defined
you can place your content. slides.
B. the program coding used to D. the complete list of shortcuts used
operate your word processor. by your word processor.

23. What is a shortcut to paste text?

24. What is the program's name that looks Like plain white paper on the
A. Microsoft word B. Excel sheets
C. code.org

25. Microsoft Word is________________.

A. a word processing application B. a data analysis application
C. A program to edit .psd

26. The most popular word-processing program is ____________.

A. Microsoft word C. Excel sheets
B. Powerpoint D. slides

27. You can use Microsoft Word to: (CHOOSE 2)

A. Writing Documents C. Edit pdf documents
B. Writing Letters D. Find and edit videos

28. You can align your text to the Left in MsWord

A. True B. False

29. I can share my file with more than one person at a time.
A. True B. False

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