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Research Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Management. Vol. 3(1), pp.

049-055, January, 2014

Available online at http://www.apexjournal.org
ISSN 2315 - 8719© 2014 Apex Journal International

Full Length Research

Challenges of quarry activities among rural dwellers in

Odeda local government area of Ogun state
T.O. Bamgbose1, O.A. Omisore2, A.O. Ademola1 and O.B. Oyesola1
Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igboora, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Accepted 18 November, 2013

Despite the vast body of research on the impact of quarry activities on the ecosystem in Nigeria, little
has been done on the challenges it poses to the people living in quarry areas. Hence the study
determined the personal characteristics, prevalent diseases and challenges of rural dwellers in Odeda
Local Government Area of Ogun State in relation with the quarry activities in the area. There are 11
quarries in the area so the communities closest in proximity to the 11 quarries made up the study
population. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the data. Most of the respondents were
married males, with modal age of fifty years and modal monthly income of 10,000 Naira. The average
family size was five and the highest educational level attained by most of the respondents was
secondary school. Most of the respondents were involved mostly in crop production. The most
damaging effect of the quarry activities is the continuous vibration and consequent damage of houses
as a result of rock blasting and damage to roofs and ceilings by flyrocks. Others are ailments like
cough, eyes problem and other irritations arising from dust from the quarry sites. Dust also covered up
leave surface, altering photosynthesis, decreasing crop yield and reducing farm income. It is
recommended that quarry activities like every other industrial activity should be compelled to
complement agricultural activities, if not, commensurate compensation should be enforced. Basic
social infrastructures such as access roads, schools, clinics and boreholes should be provided by the
quarry companies as their social responsibility to the communities to ease the pain of their
socioeconomic losses.

Key words: Quarry, fly rocks, dust, environmental degradation and rural livelihood.


A quarry is a type of open-pit mine from which rock or less direct ways, it is used in industrial production
minerals are extracted. The end product materials from processes involving toothpaste, cosmetics, paints and
the quarries include marble, gravel, granite and limestone plastic. Odunaike et al. (2008) also reiterated the use of
which are regarded as inevitable in modern civil quarry dusts as a means of “re-mineralization” of soils.
engineering and construction works. It is also known that Hence, quarrying being the only source of these raw
stones, over the century, have played vital roles in the materials is a major activity in many parts of the world
entire lives of the human race. It supplies mineral to meet where mineral deposits such as hard rock and sand and
many of the societal needs, since stone products are gravel are available. The broad industrial sector of mining
needed essentially in concrete buildings such as houses, under which quarrying is classified contributes 37% to
bridges and roads. Quarried blocks of stones are used Nigeria’s GDP (FBS, 2004). However, it has been per-
when cut, shaped and carved for facing buildings; rough ceived in many ways that quarrying has quite a number
blocks are used as amour in the sea defenses while in of effects on the environment.
The environmental effects of quarrying include air
pollution, noise pollution, water pollution and damage to
biodiversity. Air pollution causes nose and eyes irritations
*Corresponding author. Email: damola.ademola@yahoo.com for humans and blocks and damages the internal
050 Res. J. Agric. Environ. Manage.

structures of plants leading to stunted growth and 3°31´E, its total land area covers 1,560km . The popu-
sometimes death. The excavation of quarry minerals lation according to the 2006 census is 109, 449. Odeda
involves noise, particularly the blasting methods. Also, Local Government shares boundaries with Abeokuta
quarry involves the emission of significant amount of South, West, East and North LGAs. The Local
waste. These wastes can contaminate and imbalance Government Area enjoys tropical climate and enjoy
freshwater ecosystem. One of the wastes could be double maximum of rainfall from April to July and
hydrogen sulphide, a colorless gas with characteristic September to October. Average temperature is about
rotten egg smell. When inhaled, it causes headache, 32 C and humidity can be as high as 95%. There are
dizziness, and irritation to the eyes, mucous membrane about 25 to 30 peri-urban areas, 860 villages and
and the upper respiratory system (www.gcmonitor.org). hamlets in the LGA and people are predominantly Egba
According to Arthur (2006), due to constant traffic of who have their homesteads and farms in the area but
heavy dumpers and lorries to and from quarry sites, mostly reside in Abeokuta. The people of Odeda LGA are
people who live near are likely to develop asthma or predominantly farmers who engage in small scale
other respiratory diseases while their lungs development farming. The major food crops of the area include
may also be stunted. Quarry activities have also cassava, yam, cocoyam, plantain, maize and vegetables,
produced an ever growing number of abandoned quarry while cocoa is the major cash crop. The people of the
pits that are quickly filled up with water and become area also engage themselves in quarry business, trading,
suitable habitats for freshwater snails that in turn acts as craft and artisan works. There are 11 quarries in the LGA.
intermediate host for Schistosoma haematibium that The inhabitants of the communities closest in proximity to
eventually contributes to the prevalence of urinary the 11 quarries made up the study population. Table 1
problems in people (Hilson, 2002). The stagnant water show the list of quarries in the LGA and their home
bodies also breeds other disease carrying organisms, communities/locations.
increasing the susceptibility of rural populace to various Among the villages nearest to the quarries listed in
heath challenges. Table 1, 12 were randomly selected for the study. They
The results of past studies on the environmental effects are Ikaa Ogungbe, Ajegunle, Abule Eye, Idalu, Orile
of quarrying activities suggest a drawback in rural lively- Ijaye, Ososun, Arege, Daso, Emere, Agerige, Otere, and
hood. Adekoya (2003) and Aigbedon (2005) discovered a Ayoyo. Systematic random sampling method was used to
trend of declining crop output on farms within a close select seven households in each village to give 84
radius to quarries. They concluded that the phenomenon households. Interview schedule was used to elicit
is most probably associated with dust pollution on crop information from the household heads of the 84
leaves and flower, disrupting photosynthesis and households, but 83 interview schedules were found to be
reducing yield. The attendant adverse effect of quarrying usable for analysis. Focus Group Discussions were also
activities on crop health and yield, and on human health had with each gender category. Descriptive statistics
is likely to be inversely proportional to rural livelihood. In were used to summarize the data.
addition, Brogaard and Seaquist (2005) stated that
livestock growth, development and productivity of
livestock could be affected by shocks they feel as a result RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of blast noise and vibration. Therefore this study
determined the challenges of quarry activities among Personal characteristics of the respondents
rural dwellers in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun
State, Nigeria. Table 2 shows that most of the household heads (69.9%)
fall within the age range of 40 years and above. Their
1. What are the personal characteristics of the rural mean age is 43.4 years. This is supported by the findings
dwellers in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun of Oyesola et al. (2006) that the active rural labor force is
State? in their forties. Majority (67.5%) of the household heads
2. Which diseases are prevalent in Odeda Local were males. There is however a large and unexpected
Government Area of Ogun State? percentage of female headed households in the study
3. What are the other challenges faced by the rural area. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) revealed that
dwellers because of the quarry activities in the area? high mortality rate in the area is responsible for this
phenomenon. Adversely, female headed households
tend to be poorer in rural Nigeria.
METHODOLOGY About 85% of the household heads are married and
81.9% of them have one form of education or the other.
The study area is Odeda Local Government Area of This was made evident in the FGDs as most of the
Ogun state, Nigeria. Odeda Local Government Area respondents used the word “pollution” in describing the
(LGA) has its headquarters at Odeda Community. The effect of quarry activities in their environment as also
coordinates of the local government area is 7°13´N, stated in Afeni et al. (2008). The mean household size in
Bamgbose et al 051

Table 1. Quarry sites in Odeda LGA and their location.

S/No. Name of Quarry Location

1 Oba Quarry Nigeria limited Odeda
2 De Crown Quarry Limited Odeda
3 Kapital Quarry Limited Olodo
4 C.N.C. Construction Limited Orile-Ilugun
5 Glimor Construction Company Limited Mologede Village
6 Casagrande Quarry Limited Ayoyo Village
7 Green palm Quarry Limited Mologede Village
8 Kepxing Quarry Nigeria limited Ososun Village
9 FAM Construction Nigeria Limited Banja
10 Shepeards Value-pack Quarry Limited Olugbo
11 F.W. Quarry Limited Orita-Ijaye
Source: Planning Department of Odeda Local Government Administration

Table 2. Personal characteristics of the household heads.

Variables Frequency Percentage

Age in years
< 40 25 30.1
40-50 43 51.8
>50 15 18.1
Mean = 43.4

Male 56 67.5
Female 27 32.5
Marital status
Single 6 7.2
Married 71 85.5
Divorced 1 1.2
Widowed 5 6

Level of education
Non formal education 15 18.1
Primary school 28 33.7
Secondary school 36 43.4
Vocational school 4 4.8

Household Size
<5 60 72.3
6-10 20 24.1
11-15 2 2.4
> 15 1 1.2
Mean = 5

Years of residence
< 15 14 16.9
15-29 12 14.5
30-44 20 24.1
45-59 31 37.3
>59 6 7.2
Mean = 36
052 Res. J. Agric. Environ. Manage.

Table 2. Contd.

Primary activity
Salaried/waged job 1 1.2
Artisan 3 3.6
Farmer 62 74.7
Quarry work 1 1.2
Trading 17 20.5
Secondary Activity
Artisan 3 3.6
Farmer 21 25.3
Priest 2 2.4
Quarry work 2 2.4
Salaried/waged job 2 2.4
Trader 12 14.5
Average monthly income
<15,000 54 65.1
15,000-20,000 18 21.7
21,000-25,000 2 2.4
>25,000 9 10.8
Mean = 14,015

Nativity status
Non native 15 18.1
Native 68 81.9
Source: Field survey, 2010

the study area was five, while the modal household size and the rural dwellers either directly or in directly. This is
was three. Also, the mean years of residence in the study suggested during the FGDs, where group members cuss
area is about 36 years. This indicates that an average loudly on the mention of quarry activities. Even, quarry
household head has lived in the area for 36 years. This byproducts such as rock dusts which are valuable
means that majority of the respondents have spent a long agricultural input for soil re-mineralization were not made
time in the study area, long enough for them to have a use of. This could be due to their lack of awareness of
valid perception of the effects of quarry activities on the usefulness of the byproducts or anger towards quarry
livelihoods in the area. activities.
Most of the respondents have been staying in the study Being the most widely practiced activity, farming also is
area even before the quarry sites were established. the activity most affected by the quarry activities as
Having stayed in the environment before the establish- stated during the FGDs. The average monthly income in
ment of the quarry sites, most of the respondents have a the study area is N14, 015 and most of the respondents
good knowledge of changes to livelihood in the environ- earn below 15,000 naira. This implies that these rural
ment, before and after quarrying activities. Agriculture is dwellers live within the economic values estimated to be
the primary activity for majority of the household heads upper middle income range (Aliyu, 2006). Finally, only
and also the major alternative source of income for 18.1 percent of the household heads were non-natives of
multiple income earners. This implies that people in the the study areas, showing that the area was not attractive
study area are heavily dependent on farming for survival; to non indigenes. FGDs suggested that many of the non
therefore activity that has a negative impact on their natives were from some villages around the quarry sites
agricultural activities would affect their livelihood. that had since been evacuated because of problems
It was also found that a considerable number of the associated with the quarry activities. Such villages
rural dwellers in the study area are involved in trading include Ilao, Agerige and Orile Kemta.
and food processing as a means of diversification. Only a
few of the rural dwellers are involved in the quarry work Prevalent diseases
itself indicating apathy towards the work, perhaps
because of its perceived ill effects on the environment The prevalent diseases in the area according to Figure 1
Bamgbose et al 053

Cough, 79.2


Malaria, 45.7

40 Asthma, 32.6
Rash, 28.8
30 Eye problems, 22.9

20 Aches, 7.2

Figure 1. Percentage distribution of prevalent diseases in the study area
Source: Field Survey, 2010

Unfavorable, 33.5%

Favorable, 53.1%

Undecided, 13.4%

Figure 2. Percentage distribution of the perception that diseases are caused by quarry
Source: Field Survey, 2010

are cough (79.2%), malaria (45.7%), asthma (32.6%), diseases, Figure 2 shows that 53.1% of the respondents
rash (28.8%), eye problems (22.9%) and aches (7.2%). believe that the above mentioned diseases are caused by
All these diseases are in relation to quarry dusts, the quarry activities nearby, 32.5% believe the prevalent
vibrations and many stagnant water bodies filling up diseases and the quarry activities have no relationship
exposed land surfaces. The eye problems are more while 13.4% are undecided. The prevalent diseases
prevalent in areas closest to the quarry sites such as especially cough is seen as a major health challenge by
Abule Eye, Idalu and Orile Ijaye. Plate 3 shows the effect the respondents. It was noted from the FGDs that cough
of the health hazards and Plate 4 shows that the people has caused many to lose a great deal of labor and farm
are disposed to physical accidents. The perception of the produce to theft because they had to go far away to the
household heads on whether these diseases can be nearest clinic and stay for at least a week at home
blamed on quarry activities was also determined. because of the severity of the ailment. A few of the
Regarding the perceived cause of the prevalent respondents agreed that the prevalence of malaria in the
054 Res. J. Agric. Environ. Manage.

Other Challenges

Reduced livestock
Damage to houses

Decreased harvest

Figure 3. Percentage distribution of other

challenges due to quarry activities.
Source: Field Study, 2010

Plate 1. Flyrock damaged roof in Abule Eye.

Source: Field Study, 2010
Plate 4. A house damaged by the effects of stone blasting in
Abule Eye.
environment was not due to the quarry activities while a
lot of them said it was due to the water collected in the reveal that lack of basic social infrastructures such as
quarry pits that serve as a breeding place for mosquitoes good roads and potable water is a major challenge in the
that transmit the disease. communities. Though the quarry operators promised to
provide basic infrastructures for the natives, observation
reveals that they failed to fulfill their promises.
Other challenges due to quarry activities

Figure 3 shows that damage to houses is the most Conclusion and Recommendations
challenging ill effect of quarry activities in the area; plate
1 shows damage to a building as a result of stone It is concluded that farming activities and livestock rearing
blasting vibrations in one of the communities and plate 2 are mainly affected by the quarry activities. Damage to
shows a damaged ceiling by a flyrock. Damage to houses houses, flyrock accidents, health problems especially
is closely followed by crop and livestock loss; the two cough and eye problems caused by irritation from the
major sources of income for the predominantly agrarian quarry dust all stand out as the challenges facing the
community. This suggests that quarry activities spells rural dwellers in Odeda local government area of Ogun
doom for their major livelihood activities. The FGDs also State, Nigeria. It is recommended that quarry It is
Bamgbose et al 055

should be put in place as soon as possible to avoid

rendering the quarry lands totally useless after the stones
have been exploited. A tripartite forum should be created
among the villagers, the quarry companies and the
government to tackle latent problems resulting from
quarry activities in the area in order to avert conflicts.
Researches on the usefulness of the byproducts of
quarry activities should be conducted and made available
to be disseminated by extension workers to inform
concerned rural dwellers about ways to make positive
use of these byproducts.


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