Watermelon Fruit Disorders
Watermelon Fruit Disorders
Watermelon Fruit Disorders
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SUMMARY. Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus [Thunb.] Matsum & Nakai) fruit are affected by a
number of preharvest disorders that may limit their marketability and thereby restrict eco-
nomic returns to growers. Pathogenic diseases discussed include bacterial rind necrosis
(Erwinia sp.), bacterial fruit blotch [Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (Schaad et al.) Willems
et al.], anthracnose [Colletotrichum orbiculare (Berk & Mont.) Arx. syn. C. legenarium (Pass.)
Ellis & Halst], gummy stem blight/black rot [Didymella bryoniae (Auersw.) Rehm], and
phytophthora fruit rot (Phytophthora capsici Leonian). One insect-mediated disorder,
rindworm damage is discussed. Physiological disorders considered are blossom-end rot,
bottleneck, and sunburn. Additionally, cross stitch, greasy spot, and target cluster, disorders of
unknown origin are discussed. Each defect is shown in color for easy identification.
rowers and advisory personnel are often confronted with field
problems that are difficult to diagnose. One such case in point
are the many preharvest maladies affecting watermelon fruit.
Although watermelon fields are frequently scouted for pest management
purposes, fruit are not examined carefully until harvest begins. Accord-
ingly, rapid diagnosis with accurate prediction of consumer acceptability is
essential for marketing purposes. It is also important to know if there is
likelihood of spread to unaffected fruit in transit. Where possible, we have
included suggestions for amelioration of the problem, but have not in-
cluded pesticide recommendations because of the advantage of current,
local recommendations.
Pathogenic diseases
BACTERIAL RIND NECROSIS. Rind necrosis was first reported in Hawaii
(Ishii and Aragaki, 1960). Typical rind necrosis is characterized by a light
brown, dry, and hard discoloration interspersed with lighter areas (Fig. 1).
The disease develops in the rind and rarely extends into the flesh. Occa-
sionally the affected area is limited to the vascular bundles, but generally
the discoloration spreads, sometimes affecting the entire rind. The causal
organism was believed to be an Erwinia species.
The disease was first reported in the continental United States in several
areas of Texas (Thomas, 1968). Fruit from some fields were completely free of
the disease, whereas in other fields infected fruit ranged from few to many.
Bacterial rind necrosis was often more severe in fields where plants were heavily
infested with watermelon mosaic virus. This led to speculation that a common
vector may facilitate the spread of both diseases. The causal organism again was
narrowed down to an Erwinia species.
Florida Agricultural Experiment Station contribution R06516. The cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the payment
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Professor, University of Florida, 5007 60th St. E., Bradenton, FL 34203-9324.
Professor, University of Florida, 5336 University Ave., Leesburg, FL 34748-8232.
April–June 1999 9(2) 155
Rind necrosis is a serious disease of water- organisms are ultimately responsible for decay
melon that regularly occurs in California’s and collapse of fruit.
Imperial Valley (Kontaxis and Kurupus, 1975). The fruit blotch bacterium also produces
Results from several experiments to determine foliar symptoms (Latin, 1996). First symptoms in
a causal agent were inconclusive. watermelon seedlings consist of water-soaked
In other experiments (Hopkins and areas on the lower surface of cotyledons and leaves,
Elmstrom, 1977), the diversity of bacterial that become necrotic. In young seedlings, lesions
flora isolated from healthy and diseased fruit in the hypocotyl can cause the collapse of the
was similar except that enterobacteria were emerging plant. Leaf lesions are light brown to
isolated more frequently from diseased than reddish-brown and often spread along the midrib
from healthy fruit. Erwinia, Pseudomonas, of the leaf. Leaf lesions in the field usually are not
Enterobacter, and Bacillus isolated from symp- very distinctive or severe and do not result in
tomatic fruit caused rind necrosis at injection defoliation, but primarily serve as important reser-
sites following inoculation. voirs of bacteria for fruit infection.
Variation among varieties in susceptibility Fruit blotch first occurred in commercial
was reported in Florida (Elmstrom and watermelon fields in the United States in Florida
Hopkins, 1973 and Hopkins and Elmstrom, in the spring of 1989, with isolated severe
1974). Over a 3-year evaluation period, ‘Sweet outbreaks also occurring in South Carolina and
Princess’ and ‘Jubilee’ were most tolerant, Indiana as the season progressed (Latin and
whereas ‘Klondike Blue Ribbon’ and ‘Louisi- Hopkins, 1995). In some fields, losses were
ana Queen’ were most susceptible. The inci- greater than 90%. Bacterial fruit blotch has
dence of bacterial rind necrosis varied from year been observed in the eastern U.S. every year
to year. For example, ‘Sweet Princess’, the since 1989, but usually occurs in only a few
most tolerant variety, had 10.0%, 14.8%, and fields. The disease was most damaging in 1994,
21.8% affected fruit in 1972, 1973, and 1974, affecting thousands of acres of watermelons
respectively. ‘Klondike Blue Ribbon’, the most and causing extensive losses in at least 10 states.
susceptible variety, had 39.1%, 64.8%, and The bacterium that causes fruit blotch of
73.7% affected fruit in those years. watermelon is Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli
Some of these same varieties were evalu- (formerly Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes subsp.
ated in Imperial Valley of California (Kontaxis, citrulli). The disease cycle usually begins with
1976). ‘Klondike Blue Ribbon’ was the most contaminated seed (Latin and Hopkins, 1995).
tolerant variety and ‘Sweet Princess’ was inter- Much of the watermelon production in the
mediate in susceptibility. These results are at U.S. is still from direct-seeded plants, but
odds with those obtained in Florida. transplants are rapidly gaining in popularity.
To summarize, bacterial rind necrosis has Bacteria from infested seed infect the develop-
been reported from several watermelon grow- ing seedling as the cotyledons emerge from the
ing areas, Erwinia sp. most often has been seed coat. Most transplant facilities employ
associated with the diseased rind areas, other overhead irrigation, which effectively splash-
bacterial organisms isolated from either dis- disperses bacteria to neighboring seedlings.
eased or healthy fruit cause typical symptoms at This secondary spread in the transplant house
inoculation sites, the incidence of the disease can result in high numbers of infected seedlings
varies among varieties and growing seasons, reaching the field. In the field, symptom devel-
and varieties may not always respond to the opment and spread of A. avenae subsp. citrulli
disease in the same way. on foliage and fruit is most rapid during periods
Watermelon bacterial rind necrosis appears when the weather is hot and humid, with
to be genetically controlled but its frequency is thundershowers (Hopkins, 1993).
affected by an interaction with environment. For The ideal control of this disease is to
the most part, varieties in use today appear not to prevent the introduction of the bacterium into
be as susceptible as those used in the 1970s the field (Latin, 1996). This can be done by use
suggesting that watermelon breeders have been of seeds that have tested negative for the pres-
successful in selecting against the disease. ence of the fruit blotch bacterium, or use of
BACTERIAL FRUIT BLOTCH. Bacterial fruit plants from transplant houses in which there
blotch was first reported in the Marianna Is- were no seedling symptoms of the fruit blotch
lands (Wall and Santos, 1988). Symptoms on disease. When symptoms are observed in the
the surface of fruit begin as small, dark-green, field, copper applications should begin as soon
water-soaked lesions that rapidly expand to as possible and no later than the time of first
cover much of the fruit surface in 7 to 10 d (Fig. flower (Hopkins, 1991). Weekly applications
2). These surface lesions do not enlarge much of the highest recommended rate of copper-
after harvest of the fruit. Initially, the lesions do containing fungicides has provided excellent
not extend into the flesh of the melon. In control of bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon.
advanced stages of lesion development, areas in ANTHRACNOSE. On young fruit, anthra-
the center of the lesion may turn brown, crack, cnose symptoms, caused by Colletotrichum
and ooze a sticky, amber substance. Secondary orbiculare, consist of black spots which may
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April–June 1999 9(2)
result in abortion or malformation of the melon. fruiting bodies, usually pycnidia, that appear as
On older melons, small, water-soaked, elevated black specks. Stems can be girdled and plants killed
spots with greasy yellowish centers develop by crown lesions.
which give the fruit a bumpy appearance. These Black rot symptoms on watermelon fruit
raised areas later become sunken and are cov- can develop in the field and result in significant
ered with pink spore masses (Fig. 3). The losses to the grower. More frequently, severe
disease may develop and spread in transit. decay of watermelon fruit from this disease
Anthracnose symptoms can occur on all occurs as a postharvest decay that develops
above-ground parts of the watermelon plant during shipment to the marketplace, after in-
(Parris, 1952). Leaf lesions are brown to black, fection occurs in the field. This can be especially
irregularly shaped, and usually limited by leaf severe when shipment occurs under warm,
veins. Stem lesions are often oval shaped and humid conditions. Black rot of watermelon
tan colored with a brown margin. Leaf and was found to increase progressively from 45 to
stem lesions serve as a source of spores for 75 °F (7 to 24 °C) (Luepschen, 1961).
infection of the fruit. In the southern U.S. and other subtropical
Anthracnose was the most destructive dis- and tropical areas of the world, gummy stem
ease of watermelon in the United States 40 to 50 blight is one of the most important diseases of
years ago (Parris, 1952). While resistant varieties watermelon. Didymella bryoniae survives between
and improved control strategies have reduced seasons on crop debris in soil and on infected
losses to this disease, it is still a relatively common volunteer watermelon seedlings and wild cucurb-
disease of watermelon grown in humid regions its. Primary infection sources for a watermelon
throughout world. Colletotrichum orbiculare field are contaminated seed, infected transplants,
survives between crops on infected plant debris, and airborne spores. Airborne ascospores were
volunteer plants and can be seedborne (Sitterly detected throughout the year in Florida with the
and Keinath, 1996a). Conidia of C. orbiculare are peak occurring in June–July (Schenck, 1968).
spread by wind, splashing rain, farm implements, Ascospores appeared to be most important in the
and field workers. Humid, rainy weather is neces- distant spread (field to field) of the pathogen;
sary for infection to occur. whereas, pycnidiospores, which are spread by
Resistance to races 1 and 3 of C. orbiculare splashing rain, were more involved in the local
is present in several commercial watermelon plant to plant spread within a field. The pathogen
varieties (Sitterly and Keinath, 1996a). Con- often persists through adverse weather as perith-
trols for anthracnose should include planting ecia on the crowns of watermelon plants. Warm,
clean seed produced in areas where anthra- humid conditions favor the development of
cnose is not a problem and suppressing primary gummy stem blight and most rapid disease devel-
inoculum by deep plowing of crop residue after opment occurs with frequent rains (Schenck,
harvest and by crop rotation. Chemical control 1969). Free moisture on leaves for at least 1 h is
can be attained with repeated application of required for infection and further continuous leaf
protectant fungicides. wetness is needed for lesion expansion.
GUMMY STEM BLIGHT/BLACK ROT. On fruit, this No commercially acceptable watermelon
disease caused by Didymella bryoniae (anamorph varieties with resistance to gummy stem blight are
Phoma cucurbitacearum (Fr.:Fr.) Sacc.) is known available (Sitterly and Keinath, 1996b). Controls
as black rot whereas the foliage disease is known as for gummy stem blight should include cultural
gummy stem blight. Small, water-soaked spots practices to reduce the primary infection as much
develop on watermelon fruit, enlarge, and exude as possible, such as using seed that have tested
gummy material (Fig. 4). As the symptoms de- negative for D. bryoniae, and using a minimum of
velop, fruiting bodies of the fungus may appear as 2-year rotation cycles between cucurbit crops.
black specks on the lesions. In the tropics, fruit Practices that minimize leaf wetness in the trans-
infection can occur through blossom scars and plant house and field should be used when pos-
begin to decay inner fruit tissue, with no visible sible, such as drip rather than overhead irrigation.
symptoms on the surface of the watermelon. The Satisfactory chemical control can be obtained by
decay eventually will progress to the stem end and regular applications of protectant fungicides
reach the surface of the fruit (Sitterly and Keinath, (Keinath, 1995).
1996b). PHYTOPHTHORA FRUIT ROT. Symptoms begin
Gummy stem blight can affect most above as a water-soaked, often depressed, spot (Fig. 5).
ground parts of the watermelon plant (Sitterly and Frequently, the area of the fruit in contact with the
Keinath, 1996b). Tan to dark brown spots occur moist ground is affected first, but symptoms also
on leaves and may rapidly enlarge as a dark brown, can develop on the upper surface, following rain or
water-soaked lesion until the entire leaf is blighted. overhead irrigation which provides splashing wa-
Symptoms on petioles and stems first appear as ter to disperse the pathogen. In older lesions, a
water-soaked spots that develop into elongated, mass of white mycelium that contains sporangia
tan lesions. A brown, gummy exudate often is may develop. Infected fruit can decay rapidly and
produced on the surface of the lesions. Older collapse. Fruit decay may continue after harvest.
cankers appear corky and cracked with small Phytophthora fruit rot is caused by Phytoph-
April–June 1999 9(2) 157
1 4
2 5
3 6
Figs. 1–6. Bacterial rind necrosis, water, in infected transplants, and weeds, roguing infected watermelon
bacterial fruit blotch, anthracnose, through contaminated soil and equip- plants, and decontaminating equipment
gummy stem blight/black rot, phy- ment (McGovern et al., 1998). Surface (McGovern et al., 1998). When com-
tophthora fruit rot, and rindworm
moisture is required for motile zoospores bined with good cultural practices, fu-
of P. capsici to reach and invade the migation and preventive fungicides may
host. Therefore, phytophthora fruit rot help suppress disease.
thora capsici and other Phytophthora sp. A is most severe in warm, wet weather and
wide range of vegetable crops, including all in low, water-logged areas of fields. Insect-mediated damage
cucurbits, are susceptible to this fruit rot. For disease control, rotation with RINDWORM. Insect larvae that feed
All parts of the plant can be attacked, nonhost crops is recommended, avoid- on watermelon rinds are generically re-
producing water-soaked lesions on leaves, ing rotations with pepper, tomato, egg- ferred to as rindworms regardless of
stem lesions, and dieback of shoot tips in plant, cocoa, and macadamia (McGrath, their specific identities. Their feeding
watermelon (McGovern et al., 1993). 1996). Management of soil moisture by results in irregular trails over the rind
Commonly, crown rot causes entire plant selecting well-drained fields, avoiding surface (Fig. 6) which may limit salabil-
wilting and death (Roberts and McGovern, low-lying fields, and not overirrigating ity when severe or when market condi-
1998). is an effective management strategy. tions are poor. The most troublesome
The fungus survives for at least 2 Other good management practices to insect species that have been implicated
years in the soil (McGrath, 1996). Spores limit phytophthora fruit rot include the with rindworm damage include the cab-
of P. capsici are spread by wind and elimination of volunteer crop plants and bage looper (Trichoplusia ni Hubner),
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7 11
8 12
9 13
April–June 1999 9(2) 159
effective for distinguishing hollowheart. Op- partially grown fruit and progress to a dark-
erators were able to identify 20 of 23 melons brown, sunken, leathery lesion (Fig. 8). Variet-
with hollowheart using one view. Detection ies producing elongated fruit are more suscep-
improved to 22 of 23 fruit with hollowheart tible to blossom-end rot than those producing
when fruit were viewed from two directions. round fruit (Hammouda, 1987).
The authors suggest that commercial detec- The incidence of the disorder is increased
tion with fluoroscopy could be incorporated under low calcium regimes (Waters and Nettles,
into packinghouse operations. The Japanese 1961). Recommendations for control of blos-
are already using nuclear magnetic resonance som-end rot include liming of soil according to
(NMR) in Tottori Prefecture for simultaneous soil test results and maintenance of an adequate,
determination of soluble solids and hollowheart uniform soil moisture through irrigation manage-
(D. Maynard, personal observation). ment (Kucharek and Hopkins 1992).
Most watermelon experts agree that there is BOTTLENECK. Constricted growth at the
a higher incidence of hollowheart in crown-set stem end of the fruit characterizes this disorder
fruit than in lateral-set fruit, that triploid (seedless) (Fig. 9). It is attributed to inadequate pollina-
varieties have more hollowheart than diploid tion either because of a low bee population or
(seeded) varieties, and that there are differences to poor conditions for bee activity such as cold,
among varieties in hollowheart susceptibility. Be- wet, or windy weather. The cause of the mis-
yond that, there is much speculation as to the role shapen fruit can be verified by a cut fruit which
of water and fertilizer management, temperature, will show an absence of seed at the stem end of
pollination, and other factors. the watermelon (Johnson, 1992).
Because of the difficulty in understanding SUNBURN. This disorder appears on the
the cause of hollowheart, little research has upper fruit surface as a gray area where the rind
been reported. Results obtained in Japan (Kano, pigment has been destroyed (Fig. 10). High
1993) confirm that hollowheart occurs more temperature and high light intensity together
frequently in crown-set (7th to 8th node) than are essential for expression of sunburn in cu-
in lateral-set (20th node) fruit. The crown-set cumber and pepper fruits (Rabinowitch et al.,
fruit had fewer but larger cells than the lateral- 1986), but the precise cause of sunburn on
set fruit; they also had larger intercellular spaces watermelon fruit has not been determined.
than the lateral-set fruit. Accordingly, cell separa- The average watermelon rind temperature of
tion occurs because the fewer, less compacted several varieties reached 107 °F (41.6 °C) in the
cells in the crown-set fruit cannot keep pace sun and was 97 °F (36.1 °C) in the shade when
with the expansion rate of the rind. When air temperature was 89 °F (31.9 °C )(Maynard,
growth rate was depressed by defoliation, the 1991 unpublished). Sunburn damage may be
inner cell growth rate did keep pace with the avoided somewhat by selection of varieties with
expansion of the rind and hollowheart did not light colored rinds which seem to be less sub-
occur. These results agree with the notion held ject to sunburn than dark-rinded varieties. The
by some that watermelon plants that are best means of circumventing sunburn damage,
“forced” are more likely to produce fruit with however, is to provide conditions for good vine
hollowheart (Rubatzky and Yamaguchi, 1997; growth which shades the watermelon fruit.
Wien, 1997).
In preliminary experiments (Maynard, 1995), Disorders of unknown origin
‘Jack of Hearts’, a triploid variety, had 14% of its CROSS STITCH. This disorder appears as a
fruit affected by hollowheart whereas ‘Sangria’, a series of 0.5 to 1-inch (1 to 2-cm) long necrotic
diploid variety, had 5% hollowheart fruit. The wounds that are perpendicular to the longitu-
average cell separations in ‘Jack of Hearts’ fruit was dinal axis of the fruit (Fig. 11). It was observed
0.21 inch (0.5 cm) in diameter whereas the cell in Indiana in the late 1980s and early 1990s and
separation was only 0.02 inch (0.05 cm) in diam- in Florida in 1990 where the name was coined
eter in ‘Sangria’ fruit. Hollowheart in ‘Jack of (Latin, 1993).
Hearts’ was more frequent and severe when GREASY SPOT. Relatively inconspicuous raised,
fertilized with 130N–25P–150K lb/acre(145N– circular, olive-green areas on the rind surface
29P–168K kg·ha–1) than with various combina- characterize this disorder first described in Florida
tions of higher N and K rates. No relationship (Fig. 12). Greasy spot occurs rarely and is thought
between fruit age (days after pollination) and not to be of economic concern (Latin, 1993).
hollowheart was established. However, earlier TARGET CLUSTER. Distinctive target-like
studies by Elmstrom et al., (1995) showed that configurations occur on the rind surface, usu-
there was a low incidence and severity of ally in clusters of three or more targets (Latin,
hollowheart in ‘Jack of Hearts’ and ‘Crimson 1993). It has been suggested, because of their
Sweet’ watermelon at 5 and 12 d postpollination, unique appearance (Fig. 13), that the causal
but much greater hollowheart at 19, 26, and 33 d organism may be a ringspot virus, but this has
after pollination. not been confirmed. The disorder is not com-
BLOSSOM-END ROT. Symptoms begin as a mon but it has been observed in Florida and in
softening and shriveling of the blossom end of Australia (DNM, personal observations).
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