Natasya Febiola
Natasya Febiola
Natasya Febiola
In the divine presence of Allah, the Most Compassionate and the Most
appreciation is extended to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, peace be upon Him, for
researcher acknowledges the support from her parents, Endang and Edi Heriyanto,
and her elder sister Nadya Septica, their sacrifices have been the backbone of her
have provided the researcher with opportunities she will forever cherish, thanks for
loving and believing in her and for making countless sacrifices to ensure her
Sumatera Utara.
3. Dr. Pirman Ginting, S.Pd., M.Hum, and Rita Harisma, S.Pd. M.Hum, the
Head and the Secretary of English Education Program of FKIP UMSU for
4. Halimah Tussa’diah. S.S., M.A their researchers supervisor who has guided
her here has set the available time to provide comments and suggestions
5. All lectures of English Education Program who have given their valuable
6. All the staff of FKIP UMSU who have given help in administrative system
7. The Headmaster of SMK Budi Agung Medan, Pandu Subroto, SE., S,Pd
and all teachers for their kindness to give the researcher chance to do the
9. All people who cannot be mentioned in this part, thankyou very much. May
Natasya Febiola
3.5 Procedure of Collecting The Data .................................................................. 18
5.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................... 28
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 30
tool. In today's modern world, English has become an integral part of every field in
existence. Katemba (2022) says that learning English is very important because it
Berry (2021), the sound system is a system of speech units that learners need to
the meaning. The speaker's pronunciation of each word must be clear and precise
so that the listener understands the meaning of what the speaker is talking about.
besides listening, reading and writing. This has been taught since students entered
junior high school: but it is not easy for students to communicate in English; they
have to think more often when speaking English. Jinping from China, talking in
Better Speaking, “I have learned English for almost 15 years. Speaking has always
grammar, vocabulary and exams. Pollard (2008:34), states that speaking is one of
the most difficult aspects for students to master. Because speaking is a skill that
students must develop in order to successfully convey their thoughts, ideas and
talk, they use different speaking features depending on the type of conversation
This research problem stems from real events in the classroom. Based on
activities in the classroom, some students only focused on grammar and vocabulary
but could not speak English. The researcher also found that students had low self-
about making mistakes, or the listeners did not understand them. This is also
supported by learning resources which are only taken from dictionaries and other
relevant books as English learning media and the presence of several students who
had low English learning scores and do not reach the minimum completeness
criteria (KKM).
(2016:28) believes that the problem that students often face when learning English
is feeling bored when studying it, because they use books as a medium.
media is able to attract students' interest in learning and create understanding for
students, for example using YouTube can make the learning process more
enjoyable. As Almurashi (2016) says, learning via it can change the learning
environment positively. By using it students can learn not only in the classroom but
the side, students can prac.ce pronouncing words in “understandable and
According to Prambudi (2013), the most efficient technique for learning English is
listening and watching movies seriously. This allows them to control their
pronuncia.on easily. According to Maulana Idris Hari Kissoko & Mulyadi (2021),
watching movies with characters helps students understand and iden.fy context
From the explanation above, the researcher chooses the topic "The Effect of the Use
because the researcher wants to know the impact of using the Disney Movies on the
speaking performance.
2. Learning resources taken from dictionaries and other relevant books as
English learning media can not reach the minimum completeness criteria
3. Some students only focus on grammar and vocabulary, but can not speak
The scope of this research is on the speaking skills and it is limited on the
2. How does using BBC Disney Channel effects students’ speaking abilities?
speaking skills
2. To find out how Disney Channel effect on the students’ speaking skills
1.6 The Significance of the Study
1. Theoretical
The researcher hopes that this research can provide the source of
2. Pratical
research and become a reference for those who are interested or can be
2.1.1 Speaking
precisely and quickly. They also believed that the speaker should focus on
mostly a foreign language language learners try to learn it. In this process, they
must acquire all four basic skills the language, e.g. listening, speaking, reading and
writing.According to Rao (2019), speaking is the most important skill among the
meaning in a range of circumstances using both verbal and nonverbal cues. It should
be noted that speaking involves not only body and facial motions and gestures, but
also using the vocal organs to produce sound. Speaking involves using your vocal
2.1.2 Aspects of Speaking
1. Grammar
which is how the learners use the words to express meaning. Grammar is
something we need not only for written language. However grammar also
2. Fluency
everyone's purpose and the main reason most students learn a language is to
class can build students' self-confidence and also help them convey
messages better. The more fluent students are in English, the more
3. Pronunciation
phrase stress, and clear pronunciation of each sound. This requires using
4. Vocabulary
units that learners need to pronounce clearly and correctly. These units of
words used when speaking, this refers to the collection of words and their
meanings that students must understand to understand the text. When they
don't understand the meaning of a word, they can check what the word or
The aspect that should be achieved in the speaking skill test included
analytic score has four item and each item scores is five point.
Tabel 2.1 Oral Proficiency Scoring Categories
English and learning around the world. In every country, students are forced
to study and learn English. In Indonesia, students start learning English from
elementary school to high school. However, many students still cannot speak
English, why? What is the problem and where is the rest of the problem of not being
able to speak English? This is a very serious problem, therefore here I will discuss
1. Confidence
language. Many students worry that they will make mistakes, or that the
person listening will not understand them. Speech is often clearer when a
person is feeling confident and relaxed, and this is one of the most important
problems. If the message is delivered with confidence, the listener will not
worry about any mistakes. Many students learn English but don't practice
how to speak it, practice often the more you speak, the easier it becomes.
themselves and speak English in front of the class in public. It's okay to
make mistakes, because students can learn from their mistakes, it's very easy
students can try to be more relaxed and focus on the message they want to
Fluency means being able to communicate your ideas without having to stop
and think too much about what you are saying. However, many students
also have the goal of achieving speech accuracy. Speaking accurately means
you speak without grammar and vocabulary errors. Many students only
meaning that even though students learn English well, students also have to
often have conversations in class. On the other hand, students may speak
English very often, this makes students sound very fluent but ignore
mistakes and don't stop to correct them, this can make it difficult for others
3. Lack of Motivation
English to get used to it, disengaged listeners make the speaker stop
4. Pronounciation
know in their own language and are difficult for them to recognize and
pronounce. Students may have difficulty pronouncing it even though the
stress in words and sentences. This means thinking about which syllables
need to be stressed so that the meaning is clear, students also need to think
about intonation.
using English, they are afraid of making mistakes or being judged, but
avoiding this problem will only make it bigger and scarier. According to
students experience it and clear steps students can take to help themselves.
scientific definition, the internet is a vast library containing millions or even billions
of data that can be represented in the form of text, images, audio, animation, or
other electronic media. With the help of the internet the world is connected, the
internet holds various benefits for humans, these benefits cover various fields
ranging from economics to education. Based on the description above, the internet
can be used by the international community throughout the world. The role of the
internet in the world of education is widely used to collect information and conduct
major tool for effective teaching. Media can act as a facilitator in the teaching and
thoughts, feelings and attention and facilitate the learning process. Media effects
are changes that occur in listeners as a result of media exposure. Students' curiosity
in learning something new is one of the reasons media has an impact on education.
These resources are believed to be useful for language teaching and learning.
launched on April 18, 1983, by The Walt Disney Company. Originally created as a
premium channel targeting families with children, it has since expanded into a
globally recognized brand with a focus on entertainment for kids, teens, and
were Disney Channel's top priorities initially and were moved to standard cable in
The network is best known for its original content, especially its live-action
series and films. The most popular programs include Lizzie McGuire, Hannah
Montana, That’s So Raven, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, and Kim Possible.
These shows became cultural sensations, launching careers of stars like Miley
Cyrus and Hilary Duff. The channel also gained fame for its original movies, known
as Disney Channel Original Movies (DCOMs). Films like High School Musical,
The Cheetah Girls, Camp Rock, and Descendants became huge hits, with High
to live-action series, Disney Channel has also produced popular animated series
such as Kim Possible, Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, and Amphibia. Disney
countries around the world. It also adapted its programming to suit different
entertainment. In recent years, the channel has adapted to the changing media
Disney shares clips, trailers, behind-the-scenes content and full episodes. The
channel is primarily geared toward children and teenager, though its original
movies and some series have appealed to a wider audience, including families and
younger adults. Disney Channel's mix of original content, movies, and international
2.2 Previous Relevant Study
There are certain relationships between current research and previous research
findings, including:
1. Mark Phel B. Trota, et. al. (2022), “The Influence of Watching English
purposive sampling technique, the data were gathered during the four-week
Acquisition and does not focus on the effect of using Disney Channel on
2. Andi Asmawati, (2022), The Effect Of ‘Learn English with Tv Series’
Maros” The aim of this research is the students’ vocabulary taught by using
matching test, and vocabulary level test. As a results the students vocabulary
size was increased using Learn English with Tv Series. 3. This research
and does not focus on the effect of using Disney Channel on students'
speaking performance.
3. Alda Indah Permana and Fika Megawati (2021), in their journal entitled
Skills?" The aim of this research is investigating the effect of Disney film
findings of this research show that students become more interesting and
Students Current Speaking Ability
Treatment by
Disney Channel
Speaking Ability
After Treatment
2.4 Hypothesis
This research used one group pretest-posttest design which used pre-
confounding variables outside those tested, the researcher must be able to measure
the effect of pre-experimental research through this kind of investigation. There are
two types of variables: dependent and independent. Students' speaking ability is the
dependent variable, and the independent variable is the material design taken from
the Disney Channel on YouTube. The aim of this research is to find out the effect
This research was located at SMK Budi Agung Medan, Jl. Platina Raya
No.7, Kec. Medan Marelan., Medan, Sumatera Utara starting from class X students
for the 2023/2024 academic year. The reason for choosing this school was because
the researcher finds that tenth grade students have problems in speaking English
and the researcher intends to use Disney Channel which was not yet available in
3.3 Population and Sample
classes with 150 students at SMK Budi Agung Medan for the 2024-2025 academic
year. In this case the data will be obtained from the population using purposive
sampling, this means that the researcher takes samples not based on strata, random,
or region, but based on research objectives. The sample of this research was one
Researcher was an oral test to carry out a speaking test. The researcher would ask
students to make a dialogue consisting of 2 students, then the researcher asked each
group to show the results of the dialogue they had made orally. This test would be
used for pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given to determine students'
speaking abilities before implementing Disney Channel, and the post-test was given
3.5 Procedure of Collecting The Data
There are some steps taken by the researcher to collected the data:
3.5.1 Pre-Test
Before starting treatment, students would carry out an initial test. The purpose of
3.5.2 Treatment
the students. The researcher would provide motivation and explain the importance
of learning English to students and introduce new learning media through the
YouTube Disney Channel improving students' speaking skills. The treatment was
3.5.3 Post-Test
after instructing students how to use Disney Channel in speaking learning. This is
the Social Sciences) software to collect the data from oral tests which were analyzed
used statistical tests and techniques in SPSS version 29 which are very relevant to
research in the field of education. The researcher analyzed pre-test and post-test
score data.
The T test was carried out to test the research hypothesis. Graham Hole
(2009), the test enables us to decide whether the mean of one condition is really
different from the mean of another condition. Meanwhile, to get a speaking score,
scoring categorized by Brown (2004). Scoring the result of the students’ speaking
skill :
Score Classification
76-100 Excellent to Good
51-75 Good to Adequate
26-50 Adequate to fair
0-25 Unacceptable-not
scoring categories, Brown (2001) explained about five criteria in scoring students’
speaking skill through oral test. In this chapter, the researcher showed the result of
the test. The data consisted of one class, that is X digital business vocational,
20 SA 8 8 4 8 4 32
21 SA 8 4 8 8 4 32
22 AS 4 4 8 8 4 28
23 SA 4 4 4 8 4 24
24 KK. S 4 8 8 4 4 28
25 S 8 8 8 8 4 36
before using Disney Channel. Based on the table, the researcher could take the
highest score in pre-test of the pre-experimental group which was 40, and the lowest
score was 20 with a total pre-test score 756 . and that the mean of Pre-test of the
22 AS 8 8 12 12 8 48
23 SA 12 12 16 8 12 60
24 KK. S 8 12 16 8 12 56
25 S 16 12 16 8 12 64
After instructing students how to use Disney Channel, when the data was
analyzed, this shows an increase with a total post-test score was 1.420, the
researcher could take the highest score in post-test which was 72, and the lowest
score was 40. The mean of post-test of the experimental was 56.80, and the median
was 60.
After analyzing the data of the pre-test at SMK Budi Agung Medan in English
class in the speaking material, the highest score in pre-test of the pre-
Criteria Score
Mean 30,24
Median 28
Mode 28
Total 25 - 100%
From the table above, it is shown that the students who got a score between
0-25 are 4 students or 16% with classification unacceptable-not and from the score
After analyzing the data of the post-test at SMK Budi Agung Medan on
English class in the speaking material, the highest score in post-test of the
pre-experimental group was 72, and the lowest score was 40.
Criteria Score
Mean 56.80
Median 60
Mode 64
From the table above, it is shown that the students who got a score between
26-50 are 7 students or 28% with classification adequate to fair, and from the score
Based on the explanation above, researchers believe that although students'
speaking abilities were affected by using Disney Channel, their scores improved
after treatment.
improved after treatment, the use of Disney Channel affected students’ speaking
abilities. Most of the students achieved good to adequate criteria with a score 51-7
The descriptive statistical findings for the two samples was investigated by
presenting pre-test and post-test scores. The average result of students' speaking
ability scores that had been calculated using the score scale is 30.24, while the
average results of students' speaking ability scores that have been calculated using
the score scale is 56.80, which means there has been a higher increase than the pre-
test score. The number of mean score respondents used as research sample was 25
people for the Std. value of pre-test deviation is 6.437 and the Std. value of post-
The T-test method was used, According to Ghozali (2018), the T statistical
test basically shows how far the independent variable partially influences the
following needs;
students' speaking abilities. If the probability value (Sig.) is less than 0.05
(< 0.05)
0.05 (>0.05)
In accordance to the data shown, if the probability (Sig.) 0.001 < 0.05, H0
is rejected. This suggests that Disney Channel has greatly enhanced of the students’
speaking performance.
Based on the results of data analysis, the speaking ability of Budi Agung
Vocational School students has increased which is affected by the use of the Disney
Channel. In this case, it shows that students who study English, especially in
using the Disney Channel as a teaching tool had a significant effect on improving
students' speaking performance. In other words, students who are taught using the
Disney Channel method are better than students who use conventional methods.
4.2. Discussion
speaking abilities. Before starting treatment, students will carry out an initial test.
performance. After conducting the pre-test, the researcher will provide treatment
to the students. The researcher will provide motivation and explain the importance
of learning English to students and introduce new learning media through the
Maulana Idris Hari Kissoko & Mulyadi (2021), watching movies with characters
helps students understand and identify context through interaction. They can
practice speaking by imitating the pronunciation in movies for a long time. The
treatment is carried out by providing videos from Disney Channel. The test is given
to use Disney Channel in speaking learning. This is used to assess how well the
treatment is working.
From the data obtained based on the pre-test and post-test one group design
tables, the highest score in pre-test of the pre-experimental group was 40 are 21
students with classification adequate to fair and the lowest score was 20 are 4
students with classification unacceptable-not. Sementara itu, the highest score in
good to adequate and the lowest score was 40 are 7 students with classification
adequate to fair. The average result of students' speaking ability scores that have
been calculated using the score scale is 30.24, while the average results of students'
speaking ability scores that have been calculated using the score scale is 56.80,
which means there has been a higher increase than the pre-test score. The data
test to the post-test. This shows that the use of the Disney Channel is acceptable
5.1 Conclusion
This research problem stems from real events in the classroom. Based on
activities in the classroom di SMK Budi Agung Medan, some students only focused
on grammar and vocabulary but could not speak English. The researcher also found
many students were worried about making mistakes, or the listeners did not
understand them. This is also supported by learning resources which are only taken
from dictionaries and other relevant books as English learning media. After
utilizing videos from YouTube Disney Channel, students' speaking skills improved
during class, students appear more confident in front of the class and other students
when asked to retell stories with good grammar, this is obtained from the role of
This research can be used as a source of data, guidance, and can be expanded
Of course, this research has many limitations, both in the number of students and
the research period which may have an impact on the research findings that have
The impact of Disney Channel on students' speaking performance was
found in this research, based on the findings H0 was rejected, while H1 was
accepted. Based on these findings, the probability value of the data before and after
the speaking ability test for students using the Disney Channel is Sig (2-tailed) 0.01.
Considering the probability (Sig.) 0.001 < 0.05, then H0 is rejected. Moreover,
these findings clearly show that Disney Channel has improved students' speaking
5.2 Suggestion
deemed prudent for enhancing the instruction of English Speaking. The researcher
hopes that this research can provide the source of information to readers about the
a. For Students; the use of Disney Channel on YouTube can be the source of
b. For Lectures; it is hoped the result of this research provide the learning
certain research and become a reference for those who are interested or
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pribadi pengucapan Dalam kegiatan e Disney
cukup jarang elaborasi :
dengan Channel
terjadi • Making a
orang bukan • Membuat
with friends,
struktur secara
penutur asli. then show
the results
of the
tata bahasa
dialog they
had made
• Mampu orally.
menggunakan • Identifying
bahasa dengan expressions
lancar di commonly
semua used in front
of the class.
tingkatan dan
• Creating and
berpartisipasi role playing
dalam dialog based
percakapan on the given
apa pun situation
• Dapat • Watching and
mendiskusika video from
n minat Disney
khusus Channel
kompetensi • Writing and
dengan cukup make
mudah from the video
• Retell in front
of the class
from the video
about, creating
and role
Medan, 2024
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran