Presentation 8 - 241116 - 170418
Presentation 8 - 241116 - 170418
Presentation 8 - 241116 - 170418
Properties of actinides
• The group of fourteen elements from Thorium (Th, Z = 90) to
Lawrencium (Lr, Z=103) are called actinides, actinoids or actinons. These
are named so because these elements succeed the element actinium (Ac, Z
= 89).
• These elements are also known as inner-transition elements as they lie
between actinium and rutherfordium (Rf, Z =104), i.e., the elements of
fourth transition series. Thus, they constitute the second inner-transition
series of which actinium is the prototype.
• In these elements, 5f-subshell of the antepenultimate shell (n=7) is
successively filled by the additional or differentiating electrons, one at a
time in each step, which are embedded in the interior while 6d- and 7s-
electons are exposed to the surroundings.
• In the outermost and penultimate shell of these elements, the number of
electrons remains almost the same. That is why the actinide elements
resemble one another very closely.
• The actinides lying beyond uranium, i.e., the elements with Z = 93 to 103
are called transuranium elements
Electronic Configuration
• The electronic configuration of actinium (Z = 89)
which is followed by fourteen actinides is
[Rn]5f06d17s2, the last electron entering the 6d-
• In the next element, Th, the first member of the
actinide series, the additional electron must enter 5f-
subshell and the filling of 5f-subshell must continue
progressively till the last element, Lr.
• Thus, 6d-subshell in all the elements must remain
singly filled thereby giving the expected valence shell
configuration of 5f1-146d17s2 for these elements.
• It has been observed that the electronic configuration
of actinides does not follow the simple pattern as is
observed for the lanthanides.
• For the first four actinide elements, viz., Th, Pa U and
Np, due to almost equal energies of 5f and 6d, the
electrons may occupy the 5f or 6d subshells or
sometimes both.
• From Pu (Z=94) onwards, 6d1 electron gets shifted to
5f-subshell except for Cm (Z=96) and Lr (Z=103) in
which 6d1 electron does not shift to 5f due to stable
5f7 and 5f14 configurations.
• Element Atomic No. (Z) Electronic Configuration of outer orbital
Actinium(Ac) 89 6d17s2
Thorium (Th) 90 5f16d17s2
Protactinium (Pa) 91 5f26d17s2
Uranium (U) 92 5f36d17s2
Neptunium (Np) 93 5f46d17s2
Plutonium (Pu) 94 5f67s2
Americium (Am) 95 5f77s2
Curium (Cm) 96 5f76d17s2
Berkelium (Bk) 97 5f97s2
Californium (Cf) 98 5f107s2
Einsteinium (Es) 99 5f117s2
Fermium (Fm) 100 5f127s2
Mendelevium (Md) 101 5f137s2
Nobelium (No) 102 5f147s2
Lawrencium (Lr) 103 5f146d17s2
• Comparison of the electronic configuration of Ln and An shows both a
substantial overall similarities.
• The energy separation between the 5f and 6d orbitals even smaller in
actinides than between 4f and 5d orbitals in lanthanides.
• Spectroscopic, chemical and other data tell that 5f level becomes
progressively lower in energy compared to 6d level with increasing
atomic number.
• The spatial extension of 5f orbitals relative to 6s and 6p orbitals is thus
greater than 4f orbitals relative to 5s and 5p orbitals.
• The difference is lower binding energies and less effective shielding of
the 5f electrons than those of 4f orbitals.
• The actinides have deeply seated incomplete 5f orbitals compared to 4f
• 4f and 5f orbitals differ in their radial distribution functions. The radial
distribution of 4f orbitals shows a small shell of electron density below
the main 5p orbital.
• Therefore 5f orbitals are more penetrating than 4f
• In lanthanides, there is no interaction between 4f and the
surrounding ligands.
• The 5f orbitals which are more penetrating than 4f
orbitals are little more diffused at the periphery of the
atom and these orbitals are disturbed by the ligands.
• The energy difference between different levels and
sublevels decreases with increasing atomic number. Thus,
in the actinides the energies of 5f,6d,7s and 7p orbitals are
• Therefore the bonding in the compounds of actinides can
involve any or all of these orbitals.
• Unlike lanthanides, actinides can form complexes not
only with anions such as X-, SO42- but also with pi
bonding ligands such as alkyl phosphines, thioethers and
Cp by the use of 5f orbitals.
Oxidation states
• Like Ln, An exhibit +3 common oxidation state.
• Actinides show a greater multiplicity of oxidation state since in the
first half of actinides series, the energy required for the conversion
(5f 6d) is less than that of 4f 5d.
• Lower actinides show more higher O.S. such as +4, +5, +6 and +7.
• In second half of the series, the energy required for the conversion
5f 6d is more than that required for the conversion 4f 5d, the
higher actinides show lower O.S.
• The second half of the series appears to parallel with Ln.
• The lower O.S. tend to be ionic and higher ones are covalent.M2+,
M3+ and M4+ ions are all known.
• Hydrolysis of these ions occurs quite readily but can be suppressed
by using acid solution such as perchloric acid.
• Hydrolysis of compounds in the higher O.S. gives +V MO2+ ions
and +VII MO22+ ions.
• The most stable oxidation states for the first four elements are Th(+IV), Pa(+V),
• Though Np(+VII) exists, the most stable state is (+V).
• Pu shows all the O.S. from +III to +VII, but the most stable is Pu(IV).
Lanthanides Actinides
Binding energies of 4f are higher Binding energies of 5f are lower
4f electrons have comparatively greater 5f electrons have poor shielding effect
shielding effect
They have low tendency to form complex. They have greater tendency to form complex
They form complex with ligand having with π-accepter ligand and anions.
oxygen or oxygen plus nitrogen like glycine,
oxalate etc.
Their colour absorptive spectra are less Their colour absorptive spectra are more
intense than actinides intense than lanthanides
They have lower ionic radii than actinides They have greater ionic radii than lanthanides
They have more magnetic moment than the They have less magnetic moment than the
actinides lanthanides.
Except prometheium they are non-radioactive All of them are radioactive
They do not form oxocations They form oxocations
Maximum oxidation state exhibited by Ln is Due to lower binding energies they show
+4 higher oxidation states such as +4, +5 ,+6 and
• Similarities