Framework For A Pavement-Maintenance Database System
Framework For A Pavement-Maintenance Database System
Framework For A Pavement-Maintenance Database System
130 pages | 8.5 x 11 | PAPERBACK
ISBN 978-0-309-44598-6 | DOI 10.17226/24665
George White, Steven Velozo, David Peshkin, and Prashant Ram; National
Cooperative Highway Research Program; Transportation Research Board; National
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Framework for a Pavement-Maintenance Database System
George White
Steven Velozo
Pavia Systems, Inc.
Seattle, WA
David Peshkin
Prashant Ram
Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.
Urbana, IL
Subscriber Categories
Maintenance and Preservation • Pavements
Research sponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration
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The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
The mission of the Transportation Research Board is to increase the benefits that transportation contributes to society by providing
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in the development of transportation.
Contributions were made by several departments of transportation including Kansas, Michigan, and
Washington. These departments of transportation provided data on their pavement-maintenance activi-
ties, pavement condition, and pavement inventory.
By Amir N. Hanna
Staff Officer
Transportation Research Board
supplemented with data from a random data generator and other sources. These data were
entered into the PMDb framework; relevant data were extracted and used in the analy-
sis of scenarios involving the application of different maintenance treatments of asphalt
and concrete pavements. In addition, to promote consistency in the terminology related to
pavement-maintenance actions, a glossary of related terms is presented.
The report is accompanied by CRP-CD-179: Pavement-Maintenance Database (PMDb)
for NCHRP Report 820, Volume 1: Framework and Volume 2: Sample Data. Volume 1 con-
tains the database framework and Volume 2 contains sample data collected from highway
agencies to illustrate the use of PMDb.
1 Summary
3 Chapter 1 Introduction
3 Problem Statement
3 Research Objective
4 Organization of the Report
5 Chapter 2 Background on Pavement-Maintenance Practices
5 Scope of Pavement Maintenance
6 Pavement-Maintenance Terms
10 Pavement-Maintenance Data
14 Pavement-Condition Terms
15 Pavement-Condition Data
16 Summary of Pavement Maintenance
17 Chapter 3 Pavement-Maintenance Database System
17 Pavement-Maintenance Data Elements and Terms
19 Pavement-Maintenance Data Definitions
33 Pavement-Condition Data Elements
43 Chapter 4 P
avement-Maintenance Database
Software Application
43 Functional Elements
44 System Components
52 Security and Access Control
53 Browser Application
60 Chapter 5 Pavement-Maintenance Database Workflow
and Applications
60 Workflow Description
70 Applications and Case Studies
77 Chapter 6 Recommendations for Research
79 References
81 Glossary
87 Appendix A Participant Responses to Electronic Survey
96 Appendix B Interview Summaries by State
Note: Photographs, figures, and tables in this report may have been converted from color to grayscale for printing.
The electronic version of the report (posted on the web at retains the color versions.
PMDb is a database framework for archiving maintenance events and condition observa-
tion events for a defined section of a roadway. Each event record in PMDb contains infor-
mation on the specific pavement section where the maintenance and condition events may
occur. Given that maintenance and performance measures are attributed to different pave-
ment section boundaries, PMDb performs dynamic segmentation to allow the creation of
homogeneous pavement sections for further study.
Pavement-maintenance data terms and elements are defined for PMDb to provide for a
common attribution of all activities. PMDb provides tools for index and value translations
to allow DOTs to transform their input data to the appropriate PMDb definition. Where
appropriate, new attributes and definitions can be created, providing PMDb the capacity to
adapt to evolving maintenance and condition measures.
PMDb is presented as a single page web application that interfaces with a database com-
prising a dynamic table array to support the data terms and elements defined for a specified
segment of roadway. PMDb was envisioned to function as a framework to aggregate and
organize agency data stored in other databases, not as an alternative to the various types of
databases already in use within an agency such as the pavement management system and the
maintenance management system. However, to the extent that PMDb highlights data needed
for maintenance analyses that are not captured in existing agency databases, this may suggest
the need for internal refinements to those databases.
The PMDb software application uses a two-part record processing system and a single page
web application acting as the user interface to upload, filter, search, and download records. In
the first phase of ingestion, properly formatted source files that are outputs from DOT sys-
tems are archived to the server, and records are then extracted from the files to be put into the
source record database. During the second phase, archival records are used to generate logi-
cal normalized pavement data segments from which analysis and query activities can take
place. This flow maintains data integrity of the original source data from the user agency
while allowing for long-term flexibility and scalability in how the PMDb system filters, sum-
marizes, and combines datasets for the end user. The PMDb applications run as a virtual
machine for individuals or can be scaled to run as a central web server for organizations.
The PMDb has four major workflows available for users: adding or editing route inventory
data, adding source data, extracting data from the database system, and managing glossary
terms. This enables administrators to input, format, translate, map, and upload data into
PMDb. It also allows them to export data that enables users to download data or data subsets
for analysis, manipulation, and review. PMDb administrators can also review, add, and edit
terms to the PMDb glossary to maintain standard definitions of terms within PMDb.
To demonstrate use of the PMDb, sample data and analysis scenarios were generated to
illustrate several possible maintenance applications for asphalt and concrete pavements.
Sample data was generated in part from existing data provided by state agencies as well as
from a random data generator. The applications for PMDb will become more useful as the
data store of pavement-maintenance activities and pavement-condition data grows over time.
The report is accompanied by CRP-CD-179: Pavement-Maintenance Database (PMDb) for
NCHRP Report 820, Volume 1: Framework and Volume 2: Sample Data. Volume 1 contains
the PMDb database framework and Volume 2 contains sample data collected from highway
agencies to illustrate the use of the database.
Problem Statement
A variety of maintenance actions are performed by highway agencies to preserve highway pave-
ments. Generally, highway agencies document information pertaining to these maintenance actions
such as methods, rates, basis of measurements, costs, performance, and other related information
as part of a maintenance management system (MMS). Similarly, highway agencies document infor-
mation on pavement conditions as part of a pavement management system (PMS). However, these
data collection efforts do not always focus on the collection and analysis of data needed to improve
pavement-maintenance decisions. There is no widely accepted system that identifies the data needed
to capture the factors that influence the performance of maintenance treatments on pavements,
including climate conditions, traffic levels, existing pavement conditions, material properties, and
There was a need to identify the data elements required for evaluating the effectiveness of
pavement-maintenance treatments and the effect of these treatments on pavement performance
and service life. These elements will constitute the framework for a database that can be used to
establish the influence of maintenance actions on pavement performance and help identify and
select the most effective treatments for specific conditions. Research was needed to develop the
framework for a database system which could be used for the collection, storage, and retrieval
of pavement-maintenance data. This framework, together with clear definitions of maintenance
items, will provide a uniform format for collecting, reporting, and storing information on pave-
ment maintenance. In addition to providing the data needed for evaluating the effectiveness of
maintenance treatments and helping with maintenance investment decisions, use of this database
will promote the compatibility of maintenance data reported by different agencies, ensure proper
interpretation of the data, and facilitate sharing of data among highway agencies. This database
will also provide the data needed for evaluating the cost and performance of alternative mainte-
nance applications, establishing the contributions of maintenance on pavement service life, and
incorporating maintenance into pavement design and analysis procedures.
Research Objective
The objective of this research was to develop a framework for a database system of pavement-
maintenance actions, the materials and methods used, and their effectiveness. The database sys-
tem will provide a means for establishing a record of actions that includes uniform descriptions
of maintenance activities, basis of measurements, costs, pavement conditions, and other relevant
data for use in a cost-benefit analysis, evaluating the effects of maintenance on pavement per-
formance, selecting the maintenance actions needed, and making other related decisions. The
database system considers asphalt, concrete, and composite pavements.
Background on Pavement-
Maintenance Practices
The framework for the PMDb system developed under this project was designed to capture
the factors that influence the performance of maintenance treatments, including climate condi-
tions, traffic levels, existing pavement conditions, material properties, and workmanship, or the
factors pertaining to pavement performance, and establish a common framework that is com-
patible with the many existing maintenance data collection practices at state DOTs. A review of
the existing practices examined the type and scope of activities in pavement maintenance and
identified areas where data collection practices exist to populate a national framework.
Pavement-Maintenance Practices
State highway agencies are placing increasing importance on pavement maintenance. There is
a significant change in practice from the “worst-first” approach in which pavements were allowed
to deteriorate to highly distressed conditions before any major (and more intrusive) rehabilitation
was performed to an approach that considers the performance and cost-effectiveness of preventive
In order for agencies to make the best use of maintenance and preservation treatments, it is
important to collect, store, and analyze performance data that captures the effect of the treat-
ment on performance. The particular issue of cost-effectiveness has been studied by many agen-
cies, including Michigan (Bausano, Chatti, and Williams, 2004; Galehouse, 2002; and Ram
and Peshkin, 2013); Texas (Chang, Chen, and Hung, 2005; Chen, Lin, and Luo, 2003); Indiana
(Labi et al., 2005; Labi et al., 2006; and Labi et al., 2007); Arizona (Peshkin, 2006; Smith et al.,
2005); Ontario (Wei and Tighe, 2004); and Utah (Romero and Anderson, 2005). Several studies
have analyzed different aspects of maintenance treatment cost-effectiveness, including case studies
(Baladi et al., 2002; Hicks, Seeds, and Peshkin, 2000), a synthesis of preventive maintenance
treatment practice (Cuelho, Mokwa, and Akin, 2006), cost-effective preventive maintenance
(Geoffroy, 1996), optimization of pavement preservation (Mamlouk and Zaniewski, 2001), SPS-3
and SPS-4 studies (Morian, Epps, and Gibson, 1997), and optimal timing (Peshkin, Hoerner, and
Zimmerman, 2004).
However, the importance of being able to determine treatment impacts is not restricted to
preventive maintenance; both routine and reactive maintenance are important practices of every
highway agency and, as such, there should be an inherent interest in identifying the treatments
or pavement-maintenance activities that provide the greatest return at any time in the life of a
pavement. The ability to carry out the analysis that would support the determination of cost-
effectiveness hinges on the availability of data on the treatments, the conditions under which
the treatments were used, and their subsequent performances. Especially where maintenance is
concerned, these data are rarely available.
While there is an extensive body of literature on the performance and benefits of pavement-
maintenance treatments, published information on issues associated with data collection, man-
agement, and analysis, particularly related to maintenance treatments, is limited.
Pavement-Maintenance Terms
This section presents a set of commonly used pavement-maintenance data terms and defini-
tions that were identified for evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the different types
of maintenance treatments. Pavement sections are defined as a specific section of an established,
defined route, which may require maintenance. An operation describes the type of maintenance
work being performed (routine, reactive, or preventive) on the pavement section, and a main-
tenance activity is a specific treatment (e.g., crack sealing, asphalt patching, dowel bar retrofit,
Term Description
Specific portion of a road that encompasses the pavement-maintenance treatment
Pavement section
operation and activity.
Type of maintenance work being performed: routine, reactive, or preventive
Specific maintenance action being performed and supporting information
describing the action.
Time and location of a particular maintenance activity. This is described further in
Chapter 2.
Method of contracting to perform the activity: whether in-house or by a contractor,
Contracting mechanism
including warranty specifications, if any.
diamond grinding) applied during the operation. An event describes the accomplishment of an
operation using a specific maintenance activity. The dates, quantity of work, and resources used
are described as a part of an event. Table 1 describes these terms in further detail.
Pavement-Maintenance Operations
Pavement-maintenance operations are categorized by highway agencies in several different
ways to quantify the purpose and desired outcome. Table 2 describes the types of operations
most commonly identified as a part of an agency’s maintenance program (FHWA, 2002).
Pavement-Maintenance Activities
Pavement-maintenance activities are those specific pavement treatments that are conducted
to fulfill the maintenance operations goal. Treatment types vary across the United States depend-
ing on traffic, climate, local practices, and desired outcome. Sometimes maintenance operations
may include two or more combined activities (e.g., an asphalt pavement that receives an asphalt
patching activity, prior to a thin asphalt overlay activity). This section describes and defines the
various pavement-maintenance activities most commonly performed by highway agencies for
different pavement types.
Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements
Asphalt-surfaced pavements are pavements surfaced with an asphalt material, whether hot-mix
asphalt (HMA), warm-mix asphalt (WMA), or an asphalt-based surface treatment. Although
these are different pavement types, the applicable maintenance and preservation activities are
very similar. Table 3 provides a summary of various maintenance and preservation treatments
used for asphalt-surfaced pavements.
Planned work that is performed on a regular basis to maintain and preserve the
Routine maintenance condition of the highway system or respond to specific conditions and events that
restore the highway system to an adequate level of service.
Actions that are performed in response to sudden, acute problems that must be
Reactive maintenance
corrected to address safety issues and restore normal traffic operations.
Planned strategy of cost-effective treatments applied to an existing roadway system
and its appurtenances that preserves the system, retards future deterioration,
Preventive maintenance
maintains or improves the functional condition of the system, and extends the life of
the existing pavement (without increasing the structural capacity).
Treatment Definition
It is used to treat localized distresses. These repairs address surface distresses
Asphalt patching
and full-depth patches address structural distresses (Peshkin et al., 2011).
Sprayed application of asphalt (usually emulsion, although heated asphalt
cement and cutbacks are also used) followed by aggregate chips rolled to
achieve 50% to 70% embedment. Different types of chip seals are obtained
Chip seal
by varying the binder, the aggregate, or by placing multiple courses
(Gransberg and James, 2005). Chip seals enhance surface characteristics and
seal the underlying pavement structure.
Milling and sizing reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and mixing in-place
with recycling additive and new aggregate. This is then re-laid and
Cold-in-place recycling compacted as a new base course. Cold-in-place recycling requires that a new
surface be placed over it, usually an asphalt overlay or other surface
treatments (ARRA, 2001).
Placement of adhesive material into and over non-working cracks; minimal
Crack filling
crack preparation, lower-quality materials used (Decker, 2014).
Placement of adhesive material into and over working cracks; good crack
Crack sealing
preparation, high-quality materials used (Decker, 2014).
Very light application of asphalt emulsion on pavement surface. Fog seals
apply additional asphalt to seal the existing asphalt surface, while the
Fog seal/rejuvenator
composition of rejuvenators allows them to penetrate slightly into the surface
and reduce the stiffness of the pavement at its surface (Peshkin et al., 2011).
The removal and replacement of a portion of the surface of an existing
asphalt pavement to correct surface distresses within the top 2 in. (51 mm).
Hot-in-place recycling The pavement surface is softened by heat, mechanically loosened, picked up,
and mixed with recycling agent, aggregate, rejuvenators, and/or virgin
asphalt, and then relayed (ARRA, 2001).
Mix of crushed, well-graded aggregate, mineral filler, and latex-modified
emulsified asphalt. Microsurfacing can seal non-working cracks, restore
Microsurfacing desirables surface characteristics, fill ruts, and seal off the pavement
structure. This is usually delivered with specialized mixing and placement
equipment (ISSA, 2010).
Process of removing pavement material from the surface of the pavement to
either prepare the surface to receive overlays (by removing rutting and
surface irregularities), restore pavement cross slopes and profile, or re-
establish the pavement’s surface friction characteristics (micromilling).
Devices added to a pavement after it is in service to facilitate the removal of
subsurface water. These devices usually consist of a drainage feature that is
placed between the edge of the pavement and the shoulder. This technique is
Retrofitted edge drains
used to collect water that has infiltrated into the pavement structure and to
discharge it to the ditches through regularly spaced outlet drains (Smith,
Hoerner, and Peshkin, 2008).
Mixture of quick- or slow-setting emulsified asphalt, well-graded fine
Slurry seal aggregate, mineral filler, and water. It is used to fill cracks and seal areas or
the entire surface of asphalt pavements (ISSA, 2010).
Asphalt binder (may be polymerized or rubber-modified) and dense-graded,
gap-graded, or open-graded aggregate combined in central mixing placement
and placed with paver in thickness ranging from 0.625 in. to 0.75 in. (16 mm
Thin and ultra-thin overlays
to 19 mm) for ultra-thin and 0.75 in. to 1.5 in. (19 mm to 38 mm) for thin
overlays. Costs and performance depend on the binder type and whether
milling has been performed prior to treatment placement (Newcomb, 2009).
Bituminous layer placed on top of an existing pavement and bonded with a
thick, polymer-modified asphalt emulsion tack to improve the functional or
Ultra-thin bonded wearing surface characteristics of pavements, including enhancing friction and
course reducing noise. Consists of open-graded or gap-graded aggregates and rubber
or polymer-modified asphalt layers 0.4 in. to 0.8 in. (10 mm to 20 mm) thick,
well bonded to the pavement surface (Newcomb, 2009).
Thin, 2 in. to 5 in. (50 mm to 125 mm), Portland cement concrete overlay of
an existing HMA pavement. The overlay provides a stable surface that is
Bonded concrete resurfacing
resistant to deformation from static, slow moving, and turning loads (Smith,
Hoerner, and Peshkin, 2008).
Concrete-Surface Pavements
Concrete-surface pavements are pavements surfaced with concrete, and include jointed plain
concrete pavements (JPCP), jointed reinforced concrete pavements (JRCP), and continuously
reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP). In general, these pavements consist of a concrete sur-
face on one or more granular or bound layers and also include various concrete overlays that
can be placed on existing concrete pavements (unbonded and bonded concrete overlays) or
on existing asphalt pavements (conventional whitetopping, thin, and ultra-thin whitetopping).
However, the maintenance and preservation activities for these different pavement types are
largely identical (although there are some variations in how the treatment is executed depend-
ing on whether the pavement is jointed or a CRCP). Table 4 provides a summary of the various
maintenance and preservation treatments applied to concrete-surfaced pavements.
Treatment Definition
Placement of an adhesive material into and over working cracks. Often
Crack sealing characterized by good crack preparation and use of high-quality sealant
materials (Smith, Hoerner, and Peshkin, 2008).
Technique used to maintain load transfer across non-working longitudinal
Cross stitching cracks in concrete pavements that are in relatively good condition
(Smith, Hoerner, and Peshkin, 2008)
Removal of a thin concrete layer, 0.12 in. to 0.25 in. (3 mm to 6 mm), from the
Diamond grinding pavement surface using special equipment outfitted with diamond-tipped saw
blades (Smith, Hoerner, and Peshkin, 2008).
Cutting narrow, discrete grooves (typically longitudinal) into the pavement
Diamond grooving surface to increase tire-pavement contact when the surface is wet and to reduce
noise (Smith, Hoerner, and Peshkin, 2008).
Removal and replacement of deteriorated concrete through the full depth of the
Full-depth repair
slab; may be cast-in-place or precast (Smith, Hoerner, and Peshkin, 2008).
Removal of existing longitudinal/transverse joint sealants and preparation and
Joint resealing
installation of new sealant material (Smith, Hoerner, and Peshkin, 2008).
Installation of dowel bars or other mechanical devices at transverse joints or
Load transfer retrofit cracks in order to effectively transfer wheel loads across slabs and reduce
deflections (Peshkin et al., 2011).
Localized removal and replacement of deteriorated concrete (most often in the
Partial-depth repair
vicinity of joints) in the upper third of the slab (Peshkin et al., 2011).
Devices added to a pavement after it has been in service to facilitate the
removal of subsurface water. These devices usually consist of a drainage
feature that is placed between the edge of the pavement and the shoulder. This
Retrofitted edge drains
technique is used to collect water that has infiltrated into the pavement
structure and to discharge it to the ditches through regularly spaced outlet
drains (Smith, Hoerner, and Peshkin, 2008).
Restoration of support beneath concrete slabs by filling voids and thereby
reducing deflections. Slab stabilization involves raising slabs to their desired
Slab stabilization
elevation by pressure and inserting material beneath settled slabs (Smith,
Hoerner, and Peshkin, 2008).
Asphalt binder (may be polymerized) and dense-graded, gap-graded, or open-
graded aggregate combined in central mixing placement and placed with paver
in thickness ranging from 0.625 in. to 0.75 in. (16 mm to 19 mm) for ultra-thin
Thin and ultra-thin overlay
and 0.75 in. to 1.5 in. (19 mm to 38 mm) for thin overlays. Costs and
performance depend in part on binder type and whether milling has been
performed prior to treatment placement (Newcomb, 2009).
Bituminous layer placed on top of an existing concrete pavement to improve
the functional or surface characteristics of the pavement, including enhancing
Ultra-thin bonded wearing course friction and reducing noise. Consists of open-graded or gap-graded aggregates
and rubberized or polymer-modified asphalt layers 0.4 in. to 0.8 in. (10 mm to
20 mm) thick well bonded to the concrete surface (Newcomb, 2009).
Term Description
Labor hours and unit rates to perform maintenance work (in-house and by
contractors); sum product of hours and unit rates
Equipment Cost of equipment (rental or purchase); sum product of usage hours and unit costs
Materials and quantities used in the maintenance activity; sum product of material
quantities and unit costs
Pay item List of pay items and unit costs; sum product of pay items used and unit costs
Traffic mobilization Cost to provide traffic control to perform maintenance work
Cost elements that may be included within cost such as administrative or non-
activity related costs that were assigned to the maintenance project
Quantity of maintenance work performed, in units of length or area, related to the
Accomplishment sum of labor, equipment, material, traffic mobilization, and overhead costs to
develop the unit cost of treatment
Composite Pavements
Composite pavements are pavement structures consisting of a combination of asphalt and
concrete layers. Most commonly these are asphalt overlays of concrete pavements (concrete
overlays of asphalt pavements are discussed in the section on concrete pavements). For mainte-
nance purposes, the same treatments applied to asphalt-surfaced pavements apply to composite
pavements. However, two forms of deterioration—delamination and reflection cracking—may
trigger the need for maintenance that is not typically covered for the two primary pavement
types. Sawing and sealing joints in the HMA overlay and the use of membranes or interlayers
are techniques used to mitigate reflection cracking in composite pavements. Otherwise mainte-
nance activities for composite pavements are the same as to those described for asphalt-surfaced
or concrete-surfaced pavements.
Pavement-Maintenance Costs
A review of pavement-maintenance activity practices by state DOTs showed a variety of terms
and boundaries to describe pavement-maintenance costs. Maintenance costs are computed from
the use of resources that include labor, equipment, and materials. Cost calculations also require
pay items, quantities, and bid prices. Maintenance accomplishments include quantity of main-
tenance work performed, which may be expressed in units specific to maintenance operations
or as quantities of a specific maintenance activity. Eventually, these items are used to develop the
unit costs associated with a particular operation or activity. Often there is a difference in these
costs that is based on whether the work is performed in-house by state forces or contracted out.
When the work is performed by a contractor, depending on the terms of the contract, the costs of
the various elements can be identified fairly easily. However, if the work is performed in-house,
practices for calculating the true cost of the various elements of the work or the overall activ-
ity vary substantially and the disparities between the calculated costs associated with different
methods of completing the work should be considered. Table 5 describes each of the cost terms.
Pavement-Maintenance Data
Current practices for maintenance data management vary dramatically among state highway
agencies as no single predominant system is available or in use. One common trend among
DOTs is the use of an MMS to store pavement-maintenance construction information. Most
commonly, maintenance activity data is stored centrally within the agency, although many
detailed aspects of the maintenance operation, activity, and cost remains decentralized in dis-
tricts or regional offices. The following sections highlight some of the state DOT practices related
to pavement-maintenance data collection.
significant differences in the type of information collected and the level of details reported if
the work is done by contract or in-house.
Regarding cost data, while reporting a single unit cost may appear to be straightforward, agen-
cies do not use a consistent unit measure for any given treatment. For example, some agencies
pay for crack sealing by the pound and some by the linear foot. In addition, the survey identified
that cost data can be highly variable, depending on such factors as the location of the job, the size
of the job, the contracting method, the ancillary activities included in the treatment placement,
and the condition of the pavement.
Pavement-Maintenance Treatments
The selection of appropriate treatments must consider relevant factors, including the follow-
ing (Hicks, Seeds, and Peshkin, 2000):
• Existing pavement type,
• Type and extent of distress,
• Climate,
• Cost of treatment,
• Availability of qualified contractors,
• Time of year of placement,
• Facility downtime,
• Traffic loading,
• Expected life,
• Availability of quality materials,
• Pavement noise and surface friction,
NOTE: MPD = mean profile depth, MTD = mean texture depth, IFI = International Friction Index.
Pavement-Condition Terms
Maintenance treatments generally have some effect on the condition of pavements. Different
performance measures are used by highway agencies to evaluate the effectiveness of maintenance
actions; not all measures are applicable to study the effectiveness of every maintenance action
[e.g., the International Roughness Index (IRI) is not a good measure for the effectiveness of
crack sealing treatments, especially in the short term]. Overall performance measures (compos-
ite condition indices computed using raw distress data quantities) are among the most widely
used. Levels of service are also frequently used by maintenance. In addition to the maintenance
activities performed to improve the service life of the pavements and delay major rehabilitation
activities, some treatments may be applied to address safety issues, reduce noise, and improve
the overall ride quality. Table 7 summarizes the measures that describe pavement-maintenance
treatment performance.
Pavement-Condition Data
Most agencies use PMS as the primary data source to track and report the performance of
pavement-maintenance treatments over time. The use of PMS has grown considerably since
its initial implementation by state highway agencies beginning in the late 1970s. A relatively
recent trend is the emergence and growth of pavement preventive maintenance and preserva-
tion programs.
Pavement-Performance Parameters
Most states collect individual distress data (e.g., cracking, rutting, faulting), composite
pavement-condition indices [e.g., Pavement Condition Index (PCI), Pavement Condition
Rating (PCR), or Pavement Serviceability Index (PSI)], and ride indices [e.g., IRI, Ride Condi-
tion Index (RCI)]. Very few states use subjective indices (e.g., good, fair, poor) to supplement
the other data collected.
Database System
The PMDb framework provides the ability to store a historical record of pavement sections,
pavement-maintenance treatments, and their subsequent performances. The framework pro-
vides a means for establishing a record of actions that includes uniform descriptions of mainte-
nance activities, basis of measurements, costs, pavement conditions, and other relevant data for
use in cost-benefit analysis; evaluating the effects of maintenance on pavement performance;
selecting the maintenance actions needed, or making other related decisions.
The PMDb framework was structured to provide an archive of maintenance events and
condition-observation events for a defined section of a roadway. Each event record in the PMDb
framework contains information on a specific pavement section where a maintenance event and
a condition-observation event may occur. Given that maintenance and performance measures
are attributed to different pavement section boundaries, PMDb performs dynamic segmenta-
tion that allows for the identification of homogeneous pavement sections for further study.
Pavement-maintenance data terms and elements contained in PMDb are defined to provide
a common attribution of all activities. PMDb provides tools for index and value translations to
allow DOTs to transform their input data to the appropriate PMDb definition. Where appropri-
ate, new data elements and definitions can be created, thus providing PMDb the ability to adapt
to evolving maintenance and condition measures.
Figure 4 illustrates a model that allows for the stacking of multiple layers of data upon a defined
roadway section over time. This is particularly important as many maintenance treatments
require numerous years of use and condition assessment to demonstrate measurable differences
in performance.
• Condition. This category encapsulates the data terms and elements that describe how the
pavement-maintenance treatment is performing over time or the outcome of the pavement-
maintenance activity. This includes the ability to attribute certain distresses to pavement
sections and track them over time.
The following section describes the data elements within the PMDb framework. Elements and
attributes can be added to support the evolving data requirements for the database framework.
A description of the data attributes is provided as well as an indication on if the field is required.
A required attribute means that a value must be provided for the attribute in order for it to
be valid. In addition, numerous data attributes have recommended validation ranges to help
provide guidance on acceptable values. Finally, where appropriate, a common list of value types
is enumerated to ensure consistency in data over time.
Data Element Description Required?
AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic Yes >0
Percentage of the AADT that comprises heavy vehicle truck
Truck Traffic Yes ≥0
traffic (defined as FHWA Class 9 or greater)
ESALs Equivalent single axle loads on the road section No ≥0
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Not Asphalt
Type of material used on the
Surface material Yes applicable Concrete
existing surface
(n/a) Existing treatment
Thickness of the surface
Thickness Yes ≥0 n/a
material layer in inches
• Pavement Surface. Pavement surface data elements are used to describe the existing pave-
ment surface on which the maintenance treatment was performed. Pavement surface data
elements are described in Table 12.
• Pavement Structure. Pavement structure data elements describe the structural state of the
pavement on which the maintenance activity was performed. Information on the structure
can be provided by layer. Pavement structure data elements are described in Table 13.
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
An integer value indicating
layer sequence, starting with 0
Layer number Yes ≥0 n/a
for subgrade, and incrementing
with each additional layer
Material type found in the
Material Yes n/a n/a
pavement layer
Pavement layer Purpose of the layer in the
Yes ≥0 Wearing
function pavement cross section
Name of the material used in
Subgrade material No n/a n/a
the subgrade
Resilient modulus of the
Subgrade stiffness subgrade in pounds per square No ≥0 n/a
Data Element Description Required?
Total project cost for the
Total cost Yes >0
maintenance activity
Loaded cost of labor to apply
Labor cost No >0
treatment, $/unit
Rental or implied rental rate
Equipment cost for equipment used in No >0
treatment construction
Cost of all materials used in
Material cost No >0
Cost for providing traffic
Traffic control cost No >0
control, per project
Applied overhead cost per
Overhead cost No >0
project, if work done in-house
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Cold mix
Hot mix
Type of asphalt material used
Material Yes n/a Proprietary patch
for patching
Automated patch
Equipment material
Approximate area of patch in
Patch area Yes >0 n/a
square feet
Depth of patch at the deepest
Patch depth Yes 0–10 n/a
point in inches
Compressed air
Steps taken to prepare a patch Milling
Preparation method area before patch material is No n/a Saw cut
placed and compacted Jack hammer
Automated equipment
Throw and go
Techniques for placing Throw, roll, and go
Placement No n/a
material in prepared patch area Automated equipment
Steps taken to complete
patching operations before Compaction
Finishing No n/a
pavement is ready to be Seal edges
opened to traffic
Cost to apply the asphalt patch
Cost No >0 n/a
per square foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Asphalt product sprayed on CRS-1H
Binder type pavement surface prior to Yes n/a CRS-2
application of aggregate CRS-2H
Binder application Rate of binder application in
No >0 n/a
rate gallons per square foot
Trap rock
Aggregate type Source of stone No n/a Natural gravels
5⁄8 in.
½ in.
Size of largest aggregate in 3⁄8 in.
Aggregate top size No n/a
¼ in.
Average rate of aggregate
chip application in pounds per No n/a n/a
application rate
square foot
Type of roller used to embed
Roller type No n/a Static steel wheel
and orient aggregate
Is surface swept to remove Yes
Brooming used No n/a
loose stones? No
Time of brooming after
Brooming timing No >0 n/a
placement, in hours
Is additional binder applied to
Surface seal finished surface to promote No n/a
aggregate bond?
Defined by sequence and type
Seal type of materials used to construct Yes n/a
Geotextile reinforced
Cost to apply chip seal,
including binder, aggregate,
Cost and any post-construction No >0 n/a
activities (e.g., brooming,
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Recycling train
Equipment used Name of equipment used Yes n/a
Single machine
Average depth of activity in
Depth Yes >0 n/a
ASTM D4552
Rejuvenating agent Name of rejuvenating agent No n/a
Types A, B, C, D, E
If additional surfacing is used,
it needs to be indicated. The
additional surfacing can then Yes
Additional surfacing No n/a
be added as an additional No
treatment using the types
described here.
Type of treatment eventually
Chip seal
Type of surfacing placed after existing surface No n/a
HMA overlay
has been milled or pulverized
Average thickness of activity
Thickness of surfacing No ≥0 n/a
in inches
Total cost to apply treatment,
Cost per square foot (including No >0 n/a
final surface, if applied)
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
ASTM D6690 Type I
ASTM D6690 Type II
Material Type of sealant product Yes n/a ASTM D6690 Type III
ASTM D6690 Type IV
ASTM D5078
Quantity of cracks filled per
Quantity Yes >0 n/a
linear foot
Steps taken to prepare cracks Water blast
Preparation method for application of sealant No n/a Compressed air
material Sand blast
Geometry of placed sealant
Configuration No n/a Flush
In-place cost of material and
In-place cost No >0 n/a
labor per linear foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
ASTM D6690 Type I
ASTM D6690 Type II
Material Type of sealant product Yes n/a ASTM D6690 Type III
ASTM D6690 Type IV
ASTM D5078
Quantity of cracks filled per
Quantity Yes >0 n/a
linear foot
Depth of rout or sawcut for
Reservoir depth No 0–3 n/a
Width of crack created by rout
Reservoir width No 0–1 n/a
or sawcut
Steps taken to prepare cracks Saw cut
Preparation method for application of sealant No n/a Water blast
material Compressed air
Sand blast
Geometry of placed sealant
Configuration No n/a Flush
In-place cost of material and
Cost No >0 n/a
labor per linear foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Binder type Specify grade of the binder Yes n/a
Dilution rate Percentage of water Yes 0–100 n/a
Binder application Rate of binder application, in
Yes n/a n/a
rate gallons per square foot
Application of sand or other
Friction cover material to temporarily restore Yes n/a
Cost to apply fog seal, including
Cost No >0 n/a
friction cover, per square foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Single Stage Remixing
Name and/or type of Train
Equipment used Yes n/a
equipment used Multiple Stage
Remixing Train
Average depth of activity in
Depth Yes >0 n/a
ASTM D4552
Rejuvenating agent Name of rejuvenating agent No n/a
Types A, B, C, D, E
If additional surfacing is used,
it needs to be indicated;
additional surfacing can then Yes
Additional surfacing No n/a
be added as an additional No
treatment using the types
described here
Wearing course placed over
Chip seal
Type of surfacing recycling project at time of No n/a
HMA overlay
Average thickness of surface
Thickness of surfacing No ≥0 n/a
in inches
Total cost to apply treatment
Cost per square foot (including No >0 n/a
final surface, if applied)
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Average depth of milling in
Depth Yes n/a n/a
Milling machine
Equipment Name of equipment used No n/a Cold planer
Cost to apply treatment per
Cost No >0 n/a
square foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Pipe edge drain
geocomposite edge
Drain type Type of edge drain used Yes n/a
drain (PGED)
Aggregate trench or
“French drain”
Location along edge of pavement Pavement shoulder edge
Drain location Yes n/a
where drain is constructed Shoulder edge
Distance below pavement surface
Depth below surface
to the bottom of the drain in Yes 0–36 n/a
to bottom of drain
Material placed around pipe or AASHTO No. 57
Backfill material No n/a
alongside geocomposite Same as base material
Cost to apply treatment per linear
Cost No >0 n/a
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Type Classification of type of slurry Yes n/a II
Type of emulsion used in
Binder Yes n/a CSS-1h
Quick-set mixing
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
PG 64-28
PG 64-22
Binder type PG binder of asphalt used Yes n/a PG 76-22
PG 70-22
PG 70-10
Aggregate type Source of stone No n/a
½ in.
Size of largest aggregate in
Aggregate top size No n/a ⁄ in.
Aggregate gradation Size distribution of aggregates
Yes n/a Open-graded
type used in mix design
Average thickness of overlay
Overlay thickness Yes 0.2–0.8 n/a
in inches
Tack coat Is tack coat used? No n/a
Cost to apply treatment per
Cost No >0 n/a
square foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
PG 64-28
PG 64-22
Type of material used in mix
Binder Yes n/a PG 76-22
to bind aggregates together
PG 70-22
PG 70-10
Source of stone used in Sandstone
Aggregate type No n/a
surfacing Basalt
Size of largest aggregate in ½ in.
Aggregate top size No n/a 3⁄8 in.
Aggregate gradation Size distribution of Open-graded
Yes n/a
type aggregates used in mix design Gap-graded
Placement Name and/or type of
No n/a Spray paver
equipment equipment used
Type of modifier used in tack Polymer
Tack coat binder Yes n/a
coat Rubber
Average depth of ultra-thin
Thickness bonded wearing course in No ≥0 n/a
Cost to apply treatment per
Cost No >0 n/a
square foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Thickness Average depth of surface in inches Yes ≥0 n/a
Slab width Typical concrete slab width in feet No >0 n/a
Slab length Typical concrete slab length in feet No >0 n/a
Cost Cost to apply treatment per square foot No >0 n/a
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Steps taken to prepare crack Saw
Crack preparation
for application of sealant Yes n/a Rout
material None
Width of rout or sawcut for
Reservoir width Yes 0–1.5 n/a
placement in inches
Depth of crack created by
Reservoir depth Yes 0–2 n/a
rout or sawcut in inches
Material inserted into
Backer road prepared crack to help No n/a
achieve desired shape factor
ASTM D6690
Type of material used in
Sealant material Yes n/a D5078
crack sealing process
Cost to apply treatment per
Cost No >0 n/a
linear foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Material used in cross stitching
Stitching material Yes n/a Rebar
Stitch length Length of stitch in feet Yes >0 n/a
Stitch diameter Diameter of stitch in inches No >0 n/a
Stitch spacing Spacing of stitches in inches Yes 1–36 n/a
Type of material grouted into Epoxy
Grout type Yes n/a
drilled holes Cement
Cost to apply treatment per
Cost No >0 n/a
linear foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Type of process used for Conventional
Method Yes n/a
diamond grinding operation NEXTGEN
Groove width Width of groove in inches No 0–0.4 n/a
Spacing between grooves in
Land area No 0–1 n/a
Depth Depth of groove in inches Yes 0–0.5 n/a
Density of diamond blades in
Number of blades No < 65 n/a
number of blades per foot
Cost to apply treatment per
Cost No >0 n/a
square foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Grooving pattern constructed Transverse
Orientation Yes n/a
on pavement surface Longitudinal
Spacing between grooves in
Land area No 0–2 n/a
Groove depth Depth of groove in inches No 0–0.5 n/a
Groove width Width of groove in inches No 0–0.4 n/a
Cost to apply treatment per
Cost No >0 n/a
square foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Length in the direction
Surface area of repair in square of traffic
Area Yes n/a
feet Width perpendicular to
the direction of traffic
Depth Depth of repair in inches Yes 0–18 n/a
Transverse joint
Location where repair is to be
Repair location Yes n/a Longitudinal joint
performed within a given slab
Type of repair material used in Cast-in-place PCC
Repair material Yes n/a
patch Precast panel
Saw and jackhammer
Method used to prepare Jackhammer
Preparation method pavement for placement of Yes n/a Mill
patch repair material Drill and lift-out
Specify load transfer method
Load transfer Dowel bar
employed at leading joint on No n/a
method, front joint Nothing
slab in direction of travel
Load transfer Specify load transfer method
Dowel bar
method, passenger employed at joint on right side No n/a
side joint of slab in direction of travel
Table 34. (Continued).
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Load transfer Specify load transfer method
Dowel bar
method, driver side employed at joint on left side of No n/a
joint slab in direction of travel
Specify load transfer method
Load transfer Dowel bar
employed at trailing joint on No n/a
method, rear joint Nothing
slab in direction of travel
Time to trafficking, Curing time required before
No >0 n/a
hour patch can be open to traffic
Cost to apply treatment per
Cost No >0 n/a
cubic foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Load transfer device Dowel
Type of LTD used Yes n/a
(LTD) Plate
Number of LTDs per Number of LTDs placed in
Yes 1–6 n/a
wheelpath, count each wheelpath
Slot preparation Method used to prepare slot Saw
Yes n/a
method for LTD Mill
Type of material used to
Repair (filler) Rapid-setting
encase LTD in existing Yes n/a
material proprietary materials
Epoxy-resin adhesives
LTD length Total length of LTD in inches No 12–24 n/a
Thickness or diameter of LTD
LTD diameter No ⁄ –2
58 n/a
in inches
Cost to apply treatment per
Cost No >0 n/a
joint placed
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Transverse joint
Location where repair is to be
Repair location Yes n/a Longitudinal joint
performed within given slab
Length in the direction
Surface area of repair in square of traffic
Area Yes n/a
feet Width perpendicular to
the direction of traffic
Average depth of repair in
Depth, in. Yes n/a n/a
Saw and jackhammer
Method used to prepare
Preparation method pavement for placement of Yes n/a
patch repair material
Type of repair material used in
Repair material Yes n/a Cold patch
Proprietary cementitious
Proprietary bituminous
Indicate if a bonding agent was Yes
Bonding agent No n/a
used No
Curing time required before
Time to trafficking patch can be open to traffic in No >0 n/a
Cost to apply treatment per
Cost No >0 n/a
cubic foot
Data Element Description Required? Default Values
Technique used to locate areas
Void detection method Yes n/a Visual observation
of void beneath the slab
Epoxy injection
Cementitious material
Type of material selected for Bituminous material
Stabilization material Yes n/a
the slab stabilization process Expandable
polyurethane foam
Cost to apply treatment per
Cost No >0 n/a
joint placed
• Safety. The data elements used to measure the effectiveness of a maintenance treatment in
improving safety-related characteristics are described in Table 43.
Distress Definition
Series of interconnecting cracks on the surface of asphalt concrete pavement
Alligator cracking caused by fatigue failure under repeated traffic loading (ASTM D6433); also
referred to as fatigue cracking
Formation of a film of asphalt material on pavement surface that creates a
shiny, glasslike, reflecting surface that usually becomes quite sticky; bleeding
is caused by excessive amounts of asphaltic cement or tars in the mix,
excessive application of an asphalt-based crack sealant, excessive application
of a tack coat, low air void content, or a combination of all these factors
(ASTM D6433)
Interconnected cracks that divide the pavement into approximately
rectangular pieces; blocks may range in size from approximately 1 ft × 1 ft
(0.3 m × 0.3 m) to 10 ft × 10 ft (3 m × 3 m); block cracking is caused mainly
Block cracking
by shrinkage of the asphalt concrete and daily temperature cycling, which
results in daily stress/strain cycling; it is not associated with pavement
loading (ASTM D6433)
Bump and sag Deviation in surface elevation which impacts ride quality (ASTM D6433)
Series of closely spaced ridges and valleys (ripples) occurring at fairly regular
intervals, usually less than 10 ft (3 m) along the pavement; ridges are
Corrugation perpendicular to the direction of traffic; it is usually caused by traffic action
combined with an unstable pavement surface or base; also known as
washboarding (ASTM D6433)
Localized pavement surface areas with elevations slightly lower than those of
the surrounding pavements (ASTM D6433)
Pattern of distress in asphalt pavements which runs parallel to and usually
within 1 ft to 1.5 ft (0.3 m to 0.5 m) of the outer edge of the pavement; it is
Edge cracking
accelerated by traffic loading and can be caused by a frost-weakened base or
the presence of subgrade near the edge of the pavement (ASTM D6433)
Difference in elevation between pavement surface and shoulder surface at the
pavement edge, in inches; it is caused by shoulder erosion, shoulder
Lane-shoulder drop-off
settlement, or by building the roadway without adjusting the shoulder level
(ASTM D6433)
Table 44. (Continued).
Distress Definition
On asphalt pavements, these cracks are parallel or perpendicular to the
pavement centerline or laydown direction; caused by poorly constructed
Longitudinal and transverse paving joints, asphalt shrinkage, or reflective cracking, which is caused by
cracking (not reflective) cracking in the underlying surface; not usually load-associated (ASTM
D6433); also referred to as longitudinal cracking, transverse cracking, and
thermal cracking
Area of pavement that has been replaced with new material; done to repair an
existing pavement; considered a defect no matter how well it performs
Patching and utility cut (patched area or adjacent area usually does not perform as well as the original
pavement section); some roughness is associated with this distress (ASTM
Wearing away of aggregate texture by repeated traffic applications (ASTM
Polished aggregate
Loss of pavement surface in a small—usually less than 30 in. (750 mm) in
diameter—bowl-shaped area of the pavement; generally have sharp edges and
vertical sides near the top of the hole (ASTM D6433)
Dislodging of coarse aggregate particles in an HMA surface; caused by
Raveling insufficient asphalt binder, poor mixture quality, insufficient compaction,
segregation, or stripping (ASTM D6433)
Occurs in asphalt cocrete layers that have been placed over a concrete slab;
does not include reflection cracks from any other type of base (i.e., cement- or
lime-stabilized); caused mainly by thermal- or moisture-induced movements
Reflection cracking
of the concrete slab beneath the asphalt concrete surface; not load-related,
however, traffic loading may cause breakdown of the asphalt surface near the
crack (ASTM D6433)
Depression in the wheel paths of a pavement surface; it is a permanent
deformation of one or more layers of the pavement structure (ASTM D6433)
Permanent, longitudinal displacement of a localized area of an HMA
pavement surface caused by traffic loading (ASTM D6433)
Crescent or half-moon shaped cracks in an HMA surface; usually transverse
Slippage cracking to the direction of travel; produced when braking or turning wheels cause the
pavement surface to slide or deform (ASTM D6433)
Upward bulge in pavement surface; a long, gradual wave more than 10 ft
(3 m) long (ASTM D6433)
Wearing away of the asphalt binder and fine aggregate matrix (ASTM
Distress Definition
Reaction between the alkalis (sodium and potassium) in portland cement
binder and certain siliceous rocks or minerals, such as opaline chert, strained
Alkali silica reaction quartz, and acidic volcanic glass, present in some aggregates; products of
reaction may cause abnormal expansion and cracking of concrete in service
(Taylor, Kosmatka, and Voigt, 2007)
Vertical pavement deformations that usually occur in hot weather; usually
occurs at a transverse crack or joint that is not wide enough to permit slab
Blowup and buckling
expansion; insufficient width is usually caused by infiltration of
incompressible material into the joint space (ASTM D6433)
Table 45. (Continued).
Distress Definition
Crack in jointed PCC pavement that intersects the joints at a distance less than
Corner break or equal to one-half the slab length on both sides, measured from the corner of
the slab (ASTM D6433)
Breakdown of concrete slab within approximately 1.5 ft (0.5 m) of the corner
Corner spalling
or joint (ASTM D6433)
Slab that is divided by cracks into four or more pieces due to overloading or
Divided slab
inadequate support, or both (ASTM D6433)
Failure mechanism in concrete in which the freeze–thaw expansion of large
aggregates over time gradually breaks down the concrete; usually begins at the
Durability cracking bottom of the slab and appears as a pattern of cracks running parallel and close
to a joint or linear crack (ASTM D6433); also referred to as D-cracking or
freeze–thaw damage
Difference in elevation across a transverse discontinuity such as a joint or
crack (ASTM D6433)
Any condition involving failure of the sealant in a concrete pavement that
Joint seal damage enables soil or rocks to accumulate in joints or allows significant water
infiltration (ASTM D6433)
Breakdown of concrete slab within approximately 1.5 ft (0.5 m) of the corner
Joint spalling
or joint (ASTM D6433)
Difference between the settlement or erosion of the shoulder and the pavement
Lane-shoulder drop-off travel-lane edge. Elevation difference can be a safety hazard and can also
cause increased water infiltration (ASTM D6433)
Cracks which divide a PCC slab into two or three pieces; usually caused by a
Linear cracking (longitudinal, combination of repeated traffic loading, thermal gradient curling, and repeated
transverse, and diagonal) moisture loading (ASTM D6433); also referred to as longitudinal cracking and
transverse cracking
Area where original pavement has been removed and replaced by filler
material; a utility cut is a patch that has replaced the original pavement to
Patch and utility cuts allow for the installation or maintenance of underground utilities; severity
levels of a utility cut are assessed by the same criteria as large patching
(ASTM D6433)
Wearing away of the aggregate texture by repeated traffic applications
Polished aggregate
(ASTM D6433)
Loss of a small piece of the pavement due to freeze–thaw action; more
Popouts commonly found with expansive aggregates, chert, clay particles, and other
low quality materials (ASTM D6433)
Ejection of material from the slab foundation through joints or cracks; caused
by deflection of the pavement from passing loads (ASTM D6433)
In a CRCP, a localized area of the slab that is broken into pieces; it can take
Punchout many different shapes and forms but it is usually defined by a crack and a joint
(ASTM D6433)
Hairline cracks that are usually less than 6.6 ft (2 m) long and do not extend
Shrinkage cracks
across the entire concrete slab (ASTM D6433)
Network of shallow, fine, or hairline cracks that extend only through the upper
surface of the concrete; cracks tend to intersect at angles of 120°; usually
Scaling, map cracking,
caused by concrete over-finishing and may lead to surface scaling, which is a
and crazing
breakdown of the slab surface to a depth of approximately 0.25 in. to 0.5 in.
(6 mm to 13 mm) (ASTM D6433)
Block cracking Medium severity, sq. ft. Blocks are defined by medium-severity cracks
Low severity, linear ft. Bump or sag causing low-severity ride quality
Bumps and sags Medium severity, linear ft. Bump or sag causing medium-severity ride quality
High severity, linear ft. Bump or sag causing high-severity ride quality
Corrugation Medium severity, sq. ft. Corrugation produces medium-severity ride quality
Low severity, sq. ft. ½ in. (13 mm) to 1 in. (25 mm)
Depression Medium severity, sq. ft. 1 in. (25 mm) to 2 in. (50 mm)
Low severity, linear ft. Low or medium cracking with no breakup or raveling
Edge cracking Medium severity, linear ft. Medium cracking with some breakup and raveling
High severity, linear ft. Considerable breakup or raveling along the edge
Difference in elevation between the pavement surface and
Low severity, linear ft. the shoulder surface at the pavement edge is more than
1 in. (25 mm) and less than 2 in. (50 mm)
Difference in elevation between the pavement surface and
Lane-shoulder drop-
Medium severity, linear ft. the shoulder surface at the pavement edge is more than
2 in. (50 mm) and less than 4 in. (100 mm)
Difference in elevation between the pavement surface and
High severity, linear ft. the shoulder surface at the pavement edge is more than
4 in. (100 mm)
Table 46. (Continued).
Table 46. (Continued).
Shoving Medium severity, sq. ft. Shove causes medium-severity ride quality
Low severity, sq. ft. Average crack width is less than 3⁄8 in. (10 mm)
One of the following conditions exists: average crack
width is greater than 3⁄8 in. (10 mm) and less than 1-½ in.
Medium severity, sq. ft.
Slippage cracking (38 mm), or the area around the crack is moderately
spalled or surrounded with secondary cracks
One of the following conditions exists: average crack
High severity, sq. ft. width is greater than 1½ in. (38 mm) or the area around
the crack is broken into easily removable pieces
Swell causes low-severity ride quality; not always easy to
see but can be detected by driving at speed limit over the
Low severity, sq. ft.
pavement section; upward motion occurs at swell if
Swelling present
Medium severity, sq. ft. Swell causes medium-severity ride quality
Table 47. (Continued).
Table 47. (Continued).
Pavement-Maintenance Database
Software Application
The PMDb framework includes a two-part record processing system and a single page web
application acting as the user interface to filter, search, and download records. In the first phase
of ingestion, source files are archived to the server and records are then extracted from the files
to be put into the source record database. During the second phase, archival records are used to
generate logical normalized segments from which analysis and query activities can take place.
This flow maintains the data integrity of the original source data while allowing for long-term
flexibility and scalability in how the PMDb system filters, summarizes, and combines datasets
for the end user. An overview of the architecture can be seen in Figure 6.
Functional Elements
Each functional element of the system is contained within the remote procedure call (RPC)
application programming interface (API) and its purpose can be summarized as follows:
• Bulk data importing. This functional element is responsible for validating users and data
sources prior to storing data on the server filesystem. The uploaded files are stored in a flat
file system within the server using a hash-defined folder system per organization. Within
this scheme, when files with the same name are uploaded, the last file uploaded always takes
precedence, although the original file is maintained in the file system for archival purposes.
This allows users to update a file they uploaded onto PMDb in the past and then override the
existing file with updates while preserving the original file.
• Record archiving. This functional element is responsible for processing uploaded data source
files from the server filesystem and processing them into the source record archive. During
this step, validation routines are run on the source data and a source record index transla-
tion is performed to match records to existing route records within PMDb. When this step is
complete, the source records are ready for processing into the system records.
• Record processing. This functional element encapsulates the process by which the records in
the source record archive are transformed and dynamically segmented into system records.
System records are discrete segments of defined routes that contain maintenance, inventory,
and condition data for filtering, analyzing, and reporting. To produce uniform segments, all
source data is transformed through a data field mapping process. The end result is that data
is stored within PMDb for subsequent search or aggregation.
• System record access. The system record access functional element provides API endpoints
for the web browser application to view, filter, query, report, and download data within
PMDb. The access functions do not manipulate or transform data; the access functions only
package and present data quickly and efficiently to the user. To enable quick retrieval of data
and aggregations, data views and cache tables will be created by the database during the system
record processing.
The following section describes the key elements of the system in further detail.
System Components
Server Filesystem
The server filesystem is used to store all uploaded data files for subsequent processing into
the source record archive. The server filesystem maintains the integrity of the original data from
the source file throughout the chain of processing to ensure that no valid data is ever lost during
transformation. Each source data file and corresponding record in the source record archive is
linked dynamically to the system records allowing end users to always access the original data
source provided by an agency when filtering or downloading data.
Data Sources
The PMDb framework provides the ability to load data from existing sources at DOTs, includ-
ing PMSs, design and construction data systems, MMSs, and reporting systems for labor, materi-
als, and equipment used during maintenance events. For the purposes of PMDb, this is defined
as source record data.
Table 48. Source index fields required for imported data source.
source data “Agency_Field” moniker in the filter interface. An example data bag can be seen in
Figure 9 for data that was generated from the National Highway Planning Network (NHPN)
describing inventory elements.
Once a source file has the appropriate source record index fields defined, it may be uploaded
into the server filesystem for processing into the source record archive. During data ingestion
the following steps are performed:
1. Ensure that the required index columns are provided.
2. Ensure that the required index columns are the data type we expect them to be.
3. Ensure the validity of the columns (e.g., PMDb_BRP ≤ PMDb_ERP, PMDb_Year ≤ PMDb_
WA 2I R 71.16 71.22 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 71.42 71.67 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 71.77 71.89 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 71.99 72.07 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 72.39 72.49 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 73.66 73.81 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 74.32 74.56 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 74.87 75.02 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 78.96 78.99 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 81.2 81.3 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 81.35 81.44 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 81.95 82.14 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 82.2 82.33 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 83.47 83.65 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 83.71 83.75 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 83.9 83.97 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2I R 84.35 84.65 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2D L 71.12 71.35 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
WA 2D L 71.39 71.72 2000 0 0 2000 0 0 …
Figure 8. Sample source record index data for input in PMDb.
Following validation, the source record data file will be ingested into the source record archive
database for subsequent processing steps to become the system data records.
Note: ARM = accumulated route mile, BARM = beginning accumulated route mile, EARM = ending accumulated route mile.
records must either transform their route value to match an existing route during the index
translation process or the route will not be archived and searchable within the database.
The system record index fields also define the segments by which all source record data is
normalized using data field mappings and data field aggregations as described later. The primary
system record index fields in the database system are described in Table 50.
Field Mappings
Data field mappings represent how data elements are grouped within the system record
database. It is where a user performs a function similar to that of the source record index
translation although across different dimensions within the data. The primary dimension
maps attribute names contained within source records and matches the existing data attribute
names, in many cases as defined in the glossary. As seen in Figure 12, field mapping pro-
vides users the ability to transform the attributes specified within the source to match defined
attributes (as defined in the glossary and glossary categorization) within the existing PMDb
The second dimension of field mappings involves transforming values or groups of values
through a data type aggregation process as described below.
Data type aggregations will be expanded once sample data is collected and tested within the
system. However, only the following aggregations are currently supported:
• Average. This is the average of values within the event to get the representative value for the seg-
ment. For example, if a user had 10 density readings that took place within a given segment, the
average of those readings would be the representative number expressed in the system record.
• Weighted average by length. This refers to the average of values weighted by the length of the
measurement or activity. For example, a distress measurement of 10% cracking over 500 feet
added to a distress measurement of 25% cracking over 5,000 feet would more heavily weight
the percentage cracking from the 25% cracking observation, since it was observed over a
longer segment.
• Distribution. This occurs when the value is not aggregated but proportionally distributed
along the length of the system record. This is common for values such as cost that are typically
distributed over the entire segment.
User Roles
Contributor Users
Registered Users
All Users
Functional Requirement
View resources/references
View glossary
View data dictionary
View system statistics
Register for access
Browse and view pavement sections
Query for pavement section datasets
Download pavement section datasets
Perform user account functions
Submit new data
Append data
Publish data
Append new data terms and elements
Perform user management functions
Modify and remove data
registered users are granted access to view and extract data within the system. It is anticipated
that registered users will include state agency personnel and researchers who are interested in
accessing the data for subsequent analysis.
• Contributor users. Contributor users can submit data to PMDb. It is anticipated that con-
tributor users are users who have access to specific data and are responsible for uploading data
at each agency. For example, this may be a pavement-maintenance manager or technician at a
given agency. Only agency-approved personnel will be allowed to contribute to the database
• Administrator users. Administrator users are the stewards of PMDb and are capable of man-
aging data within the database. They are responsible for managing user accounts and access
and administering access policies created by the group that manages PMDb.
Browser Application
The diagram in Figure 14 identifies the different interfaces within PMDb to deliver the func-
tions listed in Table 52. Each interface within the Browser Application interacts with the RPC
API to generate data and present results to the user. All web interactions are done through a
single webpage application which provides a quick, responsive display to the user. This is par-
ticularly important with large datasets that are anticipated to be uploaded into PMDb during
the implementation effort.
Static Content
PMDb contains several static content pages to aid user navigation and understanding of data.
This includes the following pages:
• Home. This is the landing page for the site and contains links and navigation to the key inter-
face elements and screens. A screenshot can be seen in Figure 15.
• Getting Started. This page contains information to help users navigate through the PMDb
software. When clicked on, a document containing instructions in Adobe format will be opened.
• Glossary. This page contains glossary items that describe the intended definition of the data
element or attribute. Further details can be found in the glossary on page 81.
System Management
To manage users within PMDb, a user management scheme was implemented to facilitate
user sign up and access while providing a secure method of verifying the user’s identity. This
involved the development of two data structures, one for organizations and the other for users
as described below.
Organizations are collection points for registered users and contributor users. Users of the
system with elevated privileges, such as an administrator user, will have access to a mainte-
nance screen to create organizations. An organization allows users from a particular agency to
self-register with a white listed email address pattern defined per organization (Figure 16). For
example, Acme agency has a white-listed email (* which allows users to self-register
and confirm registration if they have a valid email address with the organizational domain (e.g., If there is no organization match during sign up, a customized organiza-
tion creation form will be made available to the potential user.
Users are members of a particular organization who can then have additional rights granted to
them to conduct the administrative actions of a contributor when their access is elevated by an
administrator. The only attributes particular to users involve their username, name, and email.
In addition to managing users, PMDb also tracks user activity on the site to determine who are
uploading and downloading data. A screenshot of the edit user interface is seen in Figure 17.
System Features
The dashboard is an interface that communicates the amount of data in PMDb that is cur-
rently available to users. This is helpful because it shows what data is currently within PMDb and
where the gaps exist. Currently PMDb supports data grouped by state. As such, the dashboard
interface groups all routes with data by state and indicates the number of data records that reside
within PMDb for that particular state.
Upload Dataset
PMDb provides a workflow interface to allow a user to upload and transform their data to
align to PMDb standards. The workflow is described further in Chapter 5. A schematic diagram
of the process can be seen in Figure 19.
Source Records. To upload a dataset to PMDb and generate source records, one must first
define a data source for their organization. This is done to maximize data integrity and control
the data that is being loaded into PMDb. Once a data source has been defined within PMDb, data
files may be uploaded directly to the server filesystem by authorized users. Users can consult the
uploaded data file list interface within PMDb to view each of the files uploaded and determine
whether or not it has been processed into a source record.
Figure 18. Screenshot of the route inventory listing for PMDb with sample data from the NHPN route inventory.
Figure 20. Browser application interface for specifying the active filters.
Index Translation. To allow for translation of the key source index fields to map to an exist-
ing route in the route index dataset, a source record transformation function has been developed.
The function allows users to define distinct actions that will be performed on the source record
archive data. Actions can be additive and several powerful translation functions are available
including the use of regular expressions, find and replace, and forceful override.
Export a Dataset
System records and source records can be downloaded once they have been selected by the
filter function. This allows end users to download both the system records that were generated
as well as the source records that reflect the original data. The export function downloads data
as an aggregate (all data for the given record set) and can be downloaded in numerous formats
(csv, tab, JSON).
Figure 21. Browser application interface displaying the search results from the filter.
Pavement-Maintenance Database
Workflow and Applications
PMDb is a web-based database framework that can be run and installed in both a desktop
environment to serve an individual user as well as a server environment to serve many individuals.
This chapter describes the steps involved in using the browser application and illustrates the use
through a series of example applications using sample data.
Workflow Description
PMDb has four major workflows available, all of which are focused on enabling designated
users to optimize their use of the application.
• Adding or editing route inventory data. This workflow is required to create the route inven-
tory onto which source event data can be attributed.
• Adding source data. This workflow enables administrators to upload, translate, and map data
into PMDb.
• Extracting data from the database system. This workflow enables users to download data or
data subsets for analysis, manipulation, and review.
• Managing glossary terms. Glossary terms allows PMDb administrators to review, add, and
edit terms in the PMDb glossary.
These workflows are discussed in greater depth in the following sections.
Add a Route
The “add a route” function is available from the route inventory interface as seen in Figure 22.
When users click on the add a route button, they will be prompted to enter in the state, route
name, minimum ARM, and maximum ARM for the route. Additional information on rural
cost and functional class may also be entered. Long routes may extend through various rural
codes and functional classes. Each unique route segment should be entered discretely into
PMDb. Once complete, users need to click save and will be shown the saved record, as seen
in Figure 23.
Edit a Route
Similar to adding a route, users can “edit a route” definition by clicking on the pencil icon as
seen in Figure 24. The subsequent interface will allow users to edit the route data in the same
manner by which they originally added the route data.
The “upload” a data file function gets users started on the adding source data workflow
process. A screenshot is shown in Figure 27. To specify a data source, users with appropriate
permissions can either select the data source from the drop-down list or use “add a data
source” to include a name and a hash designation for the source data file if it is not listed. If a
data source needs to be added, a prompt will appear as seen in Figure 28. Users need to enter
the data source name and a hash, which defines the uniqueness of the dataset (the server file-
system folder by which the data should be stored for the organization). Once a data source has
been created, it will appear in the list of data sources available within PMDb, and can be used
to locate and update the data file.
When users have successfully uploaded a data file to PMDb, a screen similar to the screen-
shot, as shown in Figure 29, will appear. Users need to click on “build archive” to proceed to
the next step.
Figure 30. Interface for building the source record archive from an uploaded data file.
Build Archive
During the “build archive” step, data that was in the original data source is uploaded into
PMDb and placed in the source record archive. To execute the process, users will have to click
on the process file button, as shown in Figure 30. Imperfect input data will generate an error
Translate Index
“Translate index” is done once per data source. This allows users to create a consistent source
for the data and ensures the inclusion of key fields in the data source for it to be uploaded suc-
cessfully. This involves adding index translations using the interface seen in Figure 31, whereby
users need to select the data source and source index field and add a description of the translation
to be performed. Defining the sequence of translations is important if multiple translations are
planned. The transformation fields enable the setting of a transformation type and the values
to be found and replaced in the transformation match and transformation replace fields. As the
name indicates, the default value field allows users to set a default value for the field where no
value currently exists.
Preview Matches
Once users have completed defining or reviewing the source record index translations, they
need to click on “preview matches” to dynamically review the results of the translation. This
will display a list of the existing data in gray and the post-translated data in black, as seen in
Figure 32. Users can compare how the translations ended up and return to translate index if
further refinement is needed. This function is especially useful to determine how many source
records match an existing route and to identify additional translations that need to be made.
Map Fields
To map the source data fields to specific data fields within PMDb, users need to click on “map
fields.” This step involves identifying the data source, identifying the record name, and recording
a record hash—a unique name for the record (Figure 33). The record archetype identifies the
grouping/data element for the record.
Source and destination fields are needed to identify the original column name and find out
where it is to be mapped. Action and ordinal sequence of events are set at their default values of
copy and 0. The active field is set at 1. The final action before saving is to set the transformation
type. Users will have to choose between the options of none, regular expression, replace, value
set, and validation.
Figure 32. Screenshot of source index translation matches during upload workflow.
Import Data
During “import data,” data and transformations populate the systems record database. This
step can take a significant amount of time depending on the amount of data being processed. A
screenshot of the step is seen in Figure 34.
Apply Filters
The search function located at the top of the screen is driven by the use of data filters as shown
in Figure 35. The filter function allows users to find pavement sections within the database
whereby certain conditions are met to allow that data to be downloaded for further analysis.
Either a value filter or a range filter must be applied to display the desired data subset. A value
filter, as seen in Figure 36, allows users to select a specific value for any attribute within PMDb.
The result set will return all system records that contain the exact match.
Figure 34. Screenshot of the import data step in the upload workflow.
Figure 35. Screenshot of the active filter interface in the search function.
A range filter allows users to indicate a range of values in the active filter interface. Only attri-
butes that can be queried by a numeric range will be visible in the “select a range filter” box, as
seen in Figure 37.
Download Data
To download data for subsequent analysis, users are presented with two options at the bot-
tom of the result list. The download source data presents data in its original format as it was
uploaded in PMDb (Figure 39) and the download system data provides users with the system
record segments generated after the data was mapped and translated.
Figure 38. Browser application interface displaying search results from filter.
The definition field is where the user will add the definition source, citations, and links, using
the format seen in Figure 41.
When users have completed adding the term, they need to click on “save” to return to the
glossary term listing page, as shown in Figure 42.
Note that if a link to your reference is not available, please use the following format:
supplemented to help demonstrate the use of PMDb and should in no way be construed as
attempting to provide a conclusion regarding pavement-maintenance activity or effectiveness.
The following sections describes several possible applications of PMDb.
• Surface type,
• Maintenance elements for chip seal,
• Treatment name,
• Treatment type,
• Treatment reason,
• Condition elements at treatment year and after 3 years, and
• Overall condition index.
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Hicks, R. G., S. B. Seeds, and D. G. Peshkin. 2000. Selecting a Preventive Maintenance Treatment for Flexible
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ISSA. 2010. Recommended Performance Guideline for Emulsified Asphalt Slurry Systems. International Slurry
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Labi, S., G. Lamptey, S. Konduri, and K. C. Sinha. 2005. “Analysis of Long-Term Effectiveness of Thin Hot-Mix
Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Treatments.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation
Research Board, No. 1940. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
pp. 3–12.
Labi, S., G. Lamptey, S.-H. Kong, and C. Nunoo. 2006. “Long-Term Benefits of Microsurfacing Applications
in Indiana—Methodology and Case Study.” Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting. 06-2390.
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
Labi, S., M. I. Mahmodi, C. Fang, and C. Nunoo. 2007. “Cost-Effectiveness of Microsurfacing and Thin Hot-Mix
Asphalt Overlays: Comparative Analysis.” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting. Transporta-
tion Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
Mamlouk, M. S., and J. P. Zaniewski. 2001. “Optimizing Pavement Preservation: An Urgent Demand for Every
Highway Agency.” International Journal of Pavement Engineering. Vol. 2., No. 2, Gordon and Breach Science
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Peshkin, D., P. Ram, and A. Wolters. 2012. “Performance and Benefits of Surface Treatments.” Report No. FHWA-CFL/
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Washington, D.C.
Agency cost: Costs to an agency of an activity that are directly related to the quantity of work
(e.g., labor, material, equipment usage, contract pay items) (AASHTO) (1). Also referred to
as direct cost.
Aggregate: Granular material, such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, crushed hydraulic-cement
concrete, or iron blast furnace slag, used with a hydraulic cementing medium to produce either
concrete or mortar, or used with asphalt cement to produce asphalt concrete, or used in the base
and/or subbase layers of a pavement structure (CPTC 2007) (9). Also referred to as stone, gravel.
Aggregate gradation: The distribution of particles of granular material among various sizes,
usually expressed in terms of cumulative percentages larger or smaller than each of a series of sizes
(sieve openings) or the percentages between certain ranges of sizes (sieve openings) (CPTC 2007)
(9). Also referred to as gradation.
Alkali silica reaction (ASR): The reaction between the alkalis (sodium and potassium) in
Portland cement binder and certain siliceous rocks or minerals, such as opaline chert, strained
quartz, and acidic volcanic glass, present in some aggregates; the products of the reaction may
cause abnormal expansion and cracking of concrete in service (ASTM D5340) (4).
Alligator cracking: A series of interconnecting cracks in the surface of an asphalt concrete pave-
ment caused by fatigue failure under repeated traffic loading (ASTM D6433) (3). Also referred
to as fatigue cracking.
Annual average daily traffic (AADT): Total volume of vehicle traffic of a highway or road for a
year divided by 365 days.
Asphalt concrete: A mixture of asphalt binder and aggregate thoroughly mixed and compacted
into a mass (AI) (2). Also referred to as bituminous concrete, flexible pavement, hot-mix asphalt.
Asphalt emulsion: A blend of asphalt binder and water that contains a small amount of an
emulsifying agent. Emulsified asphalt droplets may be of either the anionic (negative charge),
cationic (positive charge), or nonionic (neutral) (AI) (2). Also referred to as emulsion, bituminous
Asphalt patching: Replacement of a localized area of pavement. Used to treat localized distresses;
partial-depth patches address surface distresses and full-depth patches address structural distresses
(SHRP 2) (15). Also referred to as patching, HMA patching, asphalt concrete patching.
Base: The layer of material immediately beneath the pavement surface or binder course (AI) (2).
Base course: A layer of specified select material of planned thickness constructed on the subgrade
or subbase below a pavement to serve one or more functions such as distributing loads, providing
drainage, minimizing frost action, or facilitating pavement construction (CPTC 2007) (9).
Bleeding: The formation of a film of asphalt material on the pavement surface that creates a
shiny, glasslike, reflecting surface that usually becomes quite sticky. Bleeding is caused by excessive
amounts of asphaltic cement or tars in the mix, excess application of an asphalt-based crack sealant,
excess application of a tack coat, low air void content, or a combination thereof (ASTM 6433) (3).
Block cracking: Interconnected cracks that divide the pavement into approximately rectangular
pieces. The blocks may range in size from approximately 1 by 1 ft. (0.3 by 0.3 m) to 10 by 10 ft.
(3 by 3 m). Block cracking is caused mainly by shrinkage of the asphalt concrete and daily tem-
perature cycling, which results in daily stress/strain cycling. It is not associated with pavement
loading (ASTM 6433) (3).
Blow up and buckling: Vertical pavement deformations that usually occur in hot weather, usually at
a transverse crack or joint that is not wide enough to permit slab expansion. The insufficient width
usually is caused by infiltration of incompressible materials into the joint space (ASTM 6433) (3).
Chip seals: Sprayed application of asphalt (usually emulsion, although heated asphalt cement
and cutbacks are also used) followed by aggregate chips rolled to achieve 50% to 70% embed-
ment. Different types of chip seals are obtained by varying the binder, the aggregate, or by placing
multiple courses (NCHRP 342) (17). Also referred to as oil and chip, seal coat, surface treatment.
Cold-in-place recycling: Milling and sizing reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and mixing
in-place with recycling additive and new aggregate which is then re-laid and compacted as new
base course. Cold-in-place recycling requires that a new surface be placed over it, usually an
asphalt overlay or other surface treatment (ARRA) (NCHRP 342).
Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP): A concrete pavement characterized by
no transverse joints and continuous longitudinal reinforcement (CPTC 2007) (9).
Corner break: A crack in a jointed PCC pavement that intersects the joints at a distance less
than or equal to one-half the slab length on both sides, measured from the corner of the slab
(ASTM 6433) (3).
Crack filling: Placement of adhesive material into and over non-working cracks. Often character-
ized by minimal crack preparation and use of lower-quality sealant materials (NCHRP 784) (11).
Crack sealing: Placement of adhesive material into and over working cracks. Often characterized
by good crack preparation and the use of high-quality sealant materials (CPTC 2008) (10).
Cross stitching: Technique used to maintain load transfer across non-working longitudinal
cracks in concrete pavements that are in relatively good condition (CPTC 2008) (10).
Depression: Localized areas of the pavement surface with elevations slightly lower than those of
the surrounding pavement (ASTM 6433) (3).
Diamond grinding: Removal of thin concrete layer (0.12 in. to 0.25 in.) from pavement surface
using special equipment outfitted with diamond-tipped saw blades (CPTC 2008) (10).
Diamond grooving: Cutting narrow, discrete grooves (typically longitudinal) into pavement surface
to increase tire-pavement contact when surface is wet and to reduce noise (CPTC 2008) (10).
Dowel bar: A device placed across transverse joints at mid-depth of a PCC slab to transfer load
from one slab to the adjoining slab. These are commonly smooth, round steel bars that are
coated to resist corrosion (CPTC 2007) (9).
Dowel bar retrofit (DBR): Placement of dowel bars across joints or cracks in existing jointed
concrete pavement (SHRP 2) (15).
Durability cracking: A failure mechanism in concrete in which the freeze–thaw expansion of
the large aggregate, over time, gradually breaks down the concrete. This distress usually begins
Glossary 83
at the bottom of the slab and appears as a pattern of cracks running parallel and close to a joint
or linear crack (ASTM 6433) (3). Also referred to as D cracking, freeze–thaw damage.
Edge cracking: A pattern of distress in asphalt pavements which runs parallel to and usually
within 1 to 1.5 ft. (0.3 m to 0.5 m) of the outer edge of the pavement. This distress is accelerated
by traffic loading and can be caused by frost-weakened base or subgrade near the edge of the
pavement (ASTM 6433) (3).
Equipment cost: A value assigned to equipment as part of an overall life-cycle cost calculation.
It may be a rental cost or an ownership cost spread over the expected life of the equipment.
Equivalent single axle load (ESAL): ESAL is a concept developed from data collected at the
American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO) Road Test to establish a damage
relationship for comparing the effects of axles carrying different loads.
Faulting: The difference in elevation across a transverse discontinuity, such as a joint or a crack
(ASTM 6433) (3).
Fog seal: Very light application of asphalt emulsion to seal an existing asphalt surface (SHRP 2) (15).
Full-depth asphalt pavement: The term full-depth (registered by the Asphalt Institute with the
U.S. Patent Office) certifies that the pavement is one in which asphalt mixtures are employed for
all courses above the subgrade or improved subgrade. A full-depth asphalt pavement is placed
directly on the prepared subgrade (AI) (2).
Full-depth repairs: Removal and replacement of deteriorated concrete through the full depth
of the slab using approved repair materials; may be cast-in-place or precast (CPTC 2008) (10).
Functional classification: A way of grouping or categorizing highway routes using a set
of planning objectives that range from serving long-distance passenger and freight needs
to serving neighborhood travel from residential developments to nearby shopping centers
(FHWA) (6).
Hot-in-place recycling: The removal and replacement of a portion of the surface of an existing
asphalt pavement to correct surface distresses within top 2 inches (51 mm). The pavement surface
is softened by heat, mechanically loosened, picked up and mixed with recycling agent, aggregate,
rejuvenators, and/or virgin asphalt, and then relayed (ARRA 2001) (NCHRP 342). Also referred
to as HIR, HIPR.
Hot-mix asphalt (HMA): A plant-produced, high-quality hot mixture of asphalt cement and
well-graded, high-quality aggregate thoroughly compacted into a uniform dense mass (AI) (2).
Also referred to as asphalt concrete.
International Roughness Index (IRI): A measurement of the longitudinal profile of a pavement,
expressed as the ratio of the accumulated suspension motion to the distance traveled obtained
from a mathematical model of a standard quarter car traversing a measured profile at a speed of
50 mi/h (80 km/h) (ASTM E1926).
Joint reflection cracking: The projection through the surface of an HMA pavement of a joint in
an underlying layer of a PCC pavement. This does not include reflection cracks from any other
type of base, that is, cement- or lime-stabilized; these cracks are caused mainly by thermal- or
moisture-induced movement of the concrete slab beneath the AC surface. This distress is not
load-related; however, traffic loading may cause a breakdown of the asphalt surface near the
crack (ASTM 6433) (3).
Joint resealing: Removal of existing longitudinal/transverse joint sealants, preparing and install-
ing new sealant material (CPTC 2008) (10).
Joint seal damage: Any condition involving failure of the sealant in a concrete pavement
that enables soil or rocks to accumulate in the joints or allows significant water infiltration
(ASTM 6433) (3).
Jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP): A concrete pavement system characterized by short
joint spacing and no mid-panel reinforcement. Smooth dowels may be placed across the trans-
verse joints to facilitate load transfer. (CPTC 2007) (9).
Jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP): A concrete pavement system characterized by
long joint spacing and containing steel mesh reinforcement distributed throughout the slab to
hold any cracks tightly together. Load transfer devices are a common characteristic of this type
of design (CPTC 2007) (9).
Labor cost: The costs of labor used in performing an activity. Often added to the cost of materials
and equipment to result in the total cost of the activity.
Linear cracking: Cracks which divide a PCC slab into two or three pieces, usually caused by a
combination of repeated traffic loading, thermal gradient curling, and repeated moisture load-
ing (ASTM 6433) (3). Also referred to as longitudinal cracking, transverse cracking.
Longitudinal and transverse cracking: On asphalt pavements, these cracks are parallel or perpen-
dicular to the pavement centerline or laydown direction. They may be caused by poorly constructed
paving joints, asphalt shrinkage, or reflective cracking caused by cracking in the underlying surface.
They are not usually load-associated (ASTM 6433) (3). Also referred to as longitudinal cracking,
transverse cracking, and thermal cracking.
Maintenance: Activities that enable a transportation system to continue to perform at its intended
level; comprises a range of services in preservation, cleaning, replacing worn or failed compo-
nents, periodic or unscheduled repairs and upkeep, motorist services (incident response, hazard-
ous materials response), snow and ice control, and servicing of traffic devices and aids; does not
add to structural or operational capacity of an existing facility (FHWA) (5).
Map cracking and scaling: A network of shallow, fine, or hairline cracks that extend only
through the upper surface of the concrete. The cracks tend to intersect at angles of 120°. Map
cracking or crazing usually is caused by concrete over-finishing and may lead to surface scaling,
which is the breakdown of the slab surface to a depth of approximately 0.25 in. to 0.5 in. (6 mm
to 13 mm) (ASTM 6433) (3). Also referred to as crazing.
Material cost: Cost of materials used to perform an activity.
Microsurfacing: Mix of crushed, well-graded aggregate, mineral filler, and latex-modified
emulsified asphalt spread over entire pavement surface with specialized equipment (ISSA 2010)
Partial-depth repairs: Localized removal and replacement of deteriorated concrete (most often
in vicinity of joints) in the upper third of the slab using approved repair materials (SHRP 2) (15).
Patching: The removal and replacement of a localized area of pavement with new material to
repair the existing pavement. A patch is considered a defect no matter how well it is performing
(ASTM 6433) (3).
Pavement Condition Index (PCI): A rating of pavement performance on a scale of 0 to 100,
where 0 represents a failed pavement and 100 represents a pavement that is in excellent condi-
tion (ASTM 6433) (3).
Pavement distress: Visible indicators of pavement deterioration caused by loading, environ-
mental factors, construction deficiencies, or a combination thereof. Pavement distresses are
typically further characterized by severity level: low, medium, and high (ASTM 6433) (3).
Glossary 85
Pavement maintenance: Work that is planned and performed on a routine basis to maintain
and preserve the condition of the highway system or to respond to specific conditions and events
that restore the highway system to an adequate level of service (SHRP 2) (15).
Pavement subbase layer: Layer of material in a pavement structure immediately beneath the
base course (SHRP 2) (15).
Pavement subgrade: The native soil prepared and compacted to support a pavement structure
(SHRP 2) (15).
Pavement wearing course: The top layer of a pavement structure. Also referred to as pavement
surface, surface course, surface layer, wearing course, and weathering course.
Polished aggregate: The wearing away of aggregate texture by repeated traffic applications
(ASTM 6433) (3).
Popout: The loss of a small piece of pavement due to freeze-thaw action. More commonly found
with expansive aggregates, chert, clay particles, and other low quality materials (ASTM 6433) (3).
Potholes: The loss of the pavement surface in a small—usually less than 30 in. (750 mm)
in diameter—bowl-shaped area of the pavement surface. They generally have sharp edges and
vertical sides near the top of the hole (ASTM 6433) (3).
Present serviceability index (PSI): A subjective rating of the pavement condition made by
a group of individuals riding over the pavement, ranging from 0 (impassable) to 5 (perfect)
(SHRP 2) (15).
Preventive maintenance: A planned strategy of cost-effective treatments to an existing roadway
system and its appurtenances that preserves the system, retards future deterioration, and main-
tains or improves the functional condition of the system (without significantly increasing the
structural capacity) (FHWA) (13).
Pumping: The ejection of material from the slab foundation through joints or cracks. This is
caused by deflection of the pavement from passing loads (ASTM 6433) (3).
Punchout: In a CRCP, a localized area of the slab that is broken into pieces. The punchout
can take many different shapes and forms, but it is usually defined by a crack and a joint
(ASTM 6433) (3).
Raveling: Dislodging of coarse aggregate particles in an HMA surface. Raveling may be caused
by insufficient asphalt binder, poor mixture quality, insufficient compaction, segregation, or
stripping (ASTM 6433) (3).
Reactive maintenance: Emergency or other unprogrammed time-sensitive maintenance or
repair that arises as a response to observed defects or performance problems (e.g., small bridge
deck repairs, traffic signal repairs, incident response) (AASHTO) (1).
Retrofitted edge drains: Devices added to a pavement after it is in service to facilitate removal
of subsurface water. They usually consist of a drainage feature that is placed between the edge of
the pavement and the shoulder. This is a technique used to collect water that has infiltrated into
the pavement structure and discharges it to the ditches through regularly spaced outlet drains
(CPTC 2008) (10).
Roughness: Longitudinal distortions of the road surface that contribute to an undesirable,
unsafe, uneconomical, or uncomfortable ride (SHRP 2) (15).
Routine maintenance: Work that is planned and performed on a routine basis to maintain and
preserve the condition of the highway system or to respond to specific conditions and events that
restore the highway system to an adequate level of service (FHWA) (13)
Appendix A
Participant Responses
to Electronic Survey
The following responses were collected between August 9, 2013, and September 8, 2013. The
following state agencies participated: Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri, Minnesota,
Montana, North Carolina, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Oklahoma,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, and West Virginia.
What follows are summarized responses to the questions contained within the survey. Where
appropriate, additional free entry responses are listed.
Periodic performance after construction
Pavement condition before maintenance
Weather at time of maintenance
Location (precise)
Location (between marker/mile posts)
Material Quantities
Costruction Date
Material Type
Yes No
Additional Comments
Are there differences in the information collected if the work is done by contract or in-house?
Labor and equipment costs are not tracked for contract work.
The contracts are precisely located while the work done in-house is for a county and route.
Construction inspectors collect quality control data for contract projects but not for in-house work.
Less testing is done, so less data is available when the work is done in-house.
In-house information is collected and stored in the assets work management system. Contract work is
stored in PMS.
We do not have labor and equipment information if the work is done by contract.
We do not collect the contractor's labor and equipment costs.
If the work is done by contract, a construction administration crew (resident engineer) tracks all work,
according to the bid schedule and inspection reports. If the work is done by maintenance forces in-
house, the work is tracked by MMS.
Contract information is less detailed.
Manual input by Written records Collected with
maintenance supervisor handheld device or
computer in field (please
identify device in text box
Additional Comments
How is pavement-maintenance construction information collected?
Computer at site office.
Will implement laptop in field in January 2015 with server based MMS.
We use SiteManager, an AASHTO program, and also an in-house MMS.
Patching is done by state forces and input into an MMS. All other maintenance treatments are
delivered by contract.
All the above depending on the region.
Locally, by the Regionally, Centrally, in Server-based Mainframe
collecting office by a district headquarters or in MMS computer MMS
or region the maintenance or other
Downloaded Accessed from Via handheld or In GIS output Hard copy
from mainframe agency server other portable reports
devices distributed by
central office
5.0% No information is collected
5.0% Collected as part of the pavement
management process
Collected as part of maintenance
0.0% management
Informally collected by maintenance
Collected by the agency if performed
15.0% by contract
Collected by financial management
60.0% Other (please specify)
Individual Condition Ride indices Subjective Other (please
distresses indices (e.g., (e.g., IRI, RQI) rating (e.g., specify)
PCI, PCR, PSI) good, fair, poor)
If pavement-maintenance performance data are collected, how frequently are they collected for
each functional classification?
Functional Classification Data Collection Frequency
Every two Every year Other
NHS/Interstate 4 15 0
Primary 7 10 1
Secondary 12 4 2
Other functional class 8 2 2
Agency, centrally Agency, at district, Consultant under Other (please
region, or yard level contract specify)
Manual surveys Automated surveys Automated surveys Other
as part of pavement distinct from
management pavement
Additional Comments
Describe how pavement-maintenance information is reviewed and used in agency decision-
It is part of the decision tree in our PMS. Certain conditions will generate preventive maintenance.
Our road analyzer collects raw data which is refined in our planning division and used by our
maintenance division.
A pavement optimization program considers the condition and history of the pavement, and then
recommends the most cost-effective treatment strategy.
It falls within our PMS.
We used a performance system that evaluated pavement management.
Yearly data are summarized in one-mile segments and disseminated in 4 regions where project
selection is finalized based on PMS data and field review.
Pavement performance data, condition, deterioration curves, year of last work done, and other factors
are used to select a treatment recommendation for each segment each year. Segments are selected
for work based on available funds and program priorities.
Pavement-management information is used in decision making.
Individual sites are being monitored now to determine the effectiveness of various treatments.
The performance of pavement-maintenance treatments are reviewed and evaluated periodically and
used to determine if the treatment/practice should be allowed to continue and/or if their specifications
and/or construction practices need to be changed.
Which of the following management systems does your agency use? For
each identified system, identify whether the system was internally developed or
a proprietary system.
Number of Responses
Internally developed
Commercial software
Asset Pavement Maintenance Bridge
Contractors (including fence-to-fence Agency forces (including another public
maintenance contracts) agency acting on your behalf)
Crack sealing Patching Surface treatments Other (please
Additional Comments
What pavement-maintenance activities are contractors hired for? (Select all that apply.)
Small localized paving/patching, 95% for crack sealing and surface treatments.
Mowing, guide rail, and paving.
Milling and thin overlays.
Thin overlays.
100% of crack sealing and surface treatments are delivered by contract. 100% of pothole patching is
delivered by state forces.
Microsurfacing, chip seals, and thin-lift HMA.
None Electronic data Hard copy Tabular Others
files that can be reports summaries
imported into an
Forecast staffing
Schedule work
Monitor efficiency of
Track pavement
accomplished vs.
Track equipment
Monitor treatment
Develop budgets
Track labor use
Track material use
Forecast equipment
Control costs
Compare work
work planned
Appendix B
Appendix C
Pavement-Maintenance Database
System Requirements
The following section describes the functional and non-functional requirements that were
identified to guide the development of PMDb.
Functional Requirements
In software engineering, a functional requirement defines a function of a system or its compo-
nent. Functional requirements define what a system is supposed to accomplish. The functional
requirements of PMDb are summarized in the table below.
Non-Functional Requirements
A non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to
judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. This should be contrasted with
functional requirements that define specific behavior or functions. A summary of the suggested
non-functional requirements for PMDb is described here.
Product Requirements
• Performance requirements (availability, capacity, speed, and storage):
• The system should be available 99% outside of scheduled maintenance periods (down
< 87.6 hours per annum).
• Scheduled maintenance periods for upgrades
• No more than 24 hours of downtime per month
• Estimated total capacity of 250 registered users (5 per state)
• Maximum simultaneous connections projected at 2% user load (5 users)
• Reliability: can have up to a maximum of a single week outage at a time (not a mission critical
• Alert users of application downtime or outages via the maintenance page with email notifica-
tions to user account emails
• Network response (browser client)
• Reports and visualizations: simple reports and visualizations which render non-compound
query content should be constructed and viewable in under 10 seconds.
• Page loads should take less than 5 seconds to complete
• Data downloads will happen asynchronously (may take longer time)
• Connection speed supported
• Broadband internet connection (256 kBps or better)
• Scalability and load: the system should be able to maintain the aforementioned speed
requirements on the server to support the maximum simultaneous web users
• Initial support for less than 500 GB is expected based on sample data from customers.
• Database and file storage is expected to grow over time both with additional projects and more
data per project.
• The system should provide scalable support for storage either locally or in the cloud to
manage large datasets.
Interface Requirements
• Display size and resolution
• Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 as this application does not demand nor warrant
mobile access.
• Widescreen support (1366 x 768)
• Standards requirements
• The system’s communications should function over HTTP V1.1 and be compliant with the
latest web standards.
• Look and feel standards to follow applicable branding and font guidelines.
Security Requirements
• Access to the website URL will be available to all Internet users.
• Access to individual functions of the website will be managed by user groups as described later
in this document.
• Encryption strength: no encryption will be used for this project at this time as the data is all
public domain.
Portability Requirements
• Browser client: browser interfaces will be compatible with the most current version of
Chrome, Firefox, and Safari at the time of release. Internet Explorer, Version 8 and above,
will be supported as well.
• Server: platform and architecture of the server component will be on Linux x64 systems,
utilizing PHP 5.3+ to provide multiple release options.
Operational Requirements
• Failure and restart: In the event of failure, the system shall provide for the execution of an
automatic restart process.
• During the process of automatic restart, there should be a default webpage displayed to browser
client users and a message to tablet client users (in the event of a synchronization request),
announcing that the system will be available shortly.
• In the event of an automatic restart, the system will be fully functional within 120 seconds
of rebooting.
• All data file transfers between the client and the server will occur via an asynchronous batch-
ing process that provides a per-batch file download confirmation to the sender when ready.
• Downloaded data files shall be stored for 30 days and then removed from the server to limit
storage requirements.
Maintainability Requirements
• The system will support an update release process which will involve taking the system offline
for no longer than 24 hours.
Usability Requirements
• The system should allow for training and orientation via solely online resources.
• No further assistance should be required to become proficient in the use of the application.
Support Requirements
• Documentation will be supplied via access to online materials hosted on the site.
• Documentation to include: user’s manual for end users
• Case study examples of conducting search and analysis
Infrastructure Requirements
• Cloud or Single Machine Support
• The system will be deployable to a cloud implementation such as Amazon Web Services (AWS),
as well as to a Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) stack local or customer controlled
• The system should be designed in a manner that allows for movement between solutions in a
somewhat simple manner.
External Requirements
• Legal requirements or disclaimer: the system must support the display of a standard dis-
claimer message to the user.
Appendix D
Database Virtual Machine
Installation Procedure
To demonstrate the use of PMDb, sample data and analysis scenarios were generated to illus-
trate several possible maintenance applications for asphalt and concrete pavements. Sample data
were generated in part from the existing data provided by state agencies as well as from a random
data generator (Figure 45). All data and illustrative examples presented in this report are not
accurate representations of existing state agency data. The data have been altered and supple-
mented to help demonstrate the use of PMDb and should in no way be construed as attempting
to provide a conclusion regarding pavement-maintenance activity or its effectiveness.
Click next to perform the installation and follow the on-screen prompts.
This process may take a few minutes the first time it is done and users can see progress prompts
and messages.
Once the import is complete PMDb will launch on the desktop of the virtual machine where
users can click to start PMDb. “Welcome to the PMDb” will appear on the screen.
If prompted for a password, enter “pmdb.” This prompt may not show up at all, depending
on the system configuration.
Appendix E
To demonstrate the use of PMDb, sample data and analysis scenarios were generated to
illustrate several possible maintenance applications for asphalt and concrete pavements.
Sample data were generated in part from the existing data provided by state agencies as well
as from a random data generator (Figure 45). All data and illustrative examples presented in
this report are not accurate representations of existing state agency data. The data have been
altered and supplemented to help demonstrate the use of PMDb and should in no way be
construed as attempting to provide a conclusion regarding pavement-maintenance activity
or effectiveness.
Step 2. From the route inventory page, click on “add a route” to add a new route to the
Step 3. Enter the route information. The route state represents the two-letter abbreviation of the
state the route is located within, the route name is the formal name of the route, the rural code is
the classification of the route, and the functional class represents one of the federal functional clas-
sifications for the route. For the minimum ARM and the maximum ARM, enter the accumulated
route mile boundary conditions of the route which represents the minimum and the maximum
value against which events can be attributed for this section. For routes that traverse multiple
codes, you may break them up into multiple segments or simply select the most appropriate or
representative section. Click on “save” when complete. Use the information in Table E-1 to create
the route inventory.
Step 4. Regenerate system records. Click on “regenerate systems records” to process the new
route into the system records segments.
Once the new route has been regenerated, a confirmation screen will appear with a message
indicating that the route was successfully populated into the system data segments.
Step 5. Enter complete inventory of routes. To allow a portion of the sample data to be
processed, enter data for the routes as seen in Table E-1 by repeating Steps 1 to 4. Click on
“regenerate system records” after each entry to ensure that the route is segmented appropriately
in the system record database.
Step 2. Select a data source and select a file that needs to be uploaded. Using the drop-down
menu, select the name of the data source, according to Table E-3. The uploaded file will be
attributed to this data source. If the data source name is not listed in the drop-down menu it
needs to be created. For the sample data, select “add a data source” to add a new data source to
the database.
From the data source input screen enter in the name, hash, and user description for a data
source as seen in Table E-3. Press “save” when complete to store the new data source and then
select it from the drop-down menu.
Next, select the data file to be uploaded by clicking on the “browse” button.
To select the file associated with the data source described in Table E-3, insert the CD into
the drive on your computer. To access the CD-ROM drive from the virtual terminal it must be
connected to the virtual machine. To verify and enable the CD-ROM drive, click on the “player”
button on the upper left hand corner of the VMware Player and ensure that “CD/DVD” is
checked under “removable devices.”
Now click on browse from the PMDb application and a file dialog box will appear. From the
dialog box, select the “sample data” CD/DVD as seen below and navigate to the “sample data”
folder and click open.
From the sample data folder, select the appropriate file that aligns with the data source
selected, as seen in Table E-3. Once selected, click on “open” and the file name will be placed
into the application interface for upload.
Once the file path has been set, click on “upload” to process the file into PMDb. This will
automatically lead to the next step.
Step 3. Click on “build archive” in the workflow and then click on “process file” to import
the uploaded data file into the source record archive data table. When this step is complete you
will be taken to the “translate index” step. The uploaded file format must adhere to the format
defined within the report in order to successfully be processed.
Step 4. Translate the source index files. This step can be used to clean and transform source
data so that it aligns with routes defined within the inventory. For the sample data provided, no
translations are required so the table listing will be blank.
Step 5. Preview the matches found in the source data. During this step the transformations are
applied to the source data and compared against the original data. In the example below, note
how the route index value has been modified. This will only occur if an index translation has
been made. Click on “map fields” in the workflow at top to proceed to the next step.
Step 6. Create the field mappings. This step is where the source field names are mapped to the
PMDb data fields. One can add transformations to the source data as well during this step to
allow for data to be cleansed or validated. To add a field mapping click on the “add a data field
mapping” in the upper right as seen below.
Data Source Name Hash Archetype Source Field Destination Field Operation
Treatment Maintenance Maintenance > General
Treatments Type Gen-TrType -General WORK TYPE > Treatment Type Copy
Gen- Maintenance Maintenance > Cost >
Treatments Total Cost TotalCost -Cost COST Total Cost Copy
Condition Condition > Overall
Performance PCI Cond-PCI Index PCI Condition Index > PCI Copy
Surface- Inventory > Pavement
Treatment Surface Surface SURFACE Surface > Surface
Details Type Inv-Surface Material TYPE Material Copy
Treatment Treatment Inv- Maintenance TREATMENT Maintenance > General
Details Reason TrtReason -General REASON > Treatment Type Copy
Complete the entry fields for the field mappings for the data source you are working on as seen
in Table E-4. For all non-specified inputs, use the default value. Once complete with each entry,
click “save” and you will be returned to the field mapping listing page.
Step 7. Import and process sample data records. Once you have successfully mapped the fields
for the data source, click on “import data” at the top to proceed to the next step.
To process the records and complete the import, click on “process system data record
mappings” as seen below. Once this process completes, the data will have been imported into
system records. At this point you have completed the upload process.
Step 2. Click on “rebuild lookup” and when complete click on “rebuild statistics.” Each process
can take several minutes to complete based on the size of the database and the speed of the server.
In this example, the search result indicates that there are 6 miles of matching segments on
M-28 and 11 miles of matching segments on US-41 in the sample data that both had an asphalt
surface and a PCI between 10 and 50.
To perform additional analysis or explore the additional data associated with these segments,
download the source records or the system records using the buttons located at the bottom of
the screen.
Washington, DC 20001
500 Fifth Street, NW
ISBN 978-0-309-44598-6
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