Numero 3
Numero 3
Numero 3
Compatibility with firm name
Number & profession number
Profession for no 4
Technical jobs, mechanical jobs , machinery works,
sales and marketing handicrafts, planners, lawyers,
teachers, artist, politician and technicians.
Profession for no 5
Any profession, trading financial, banking sector, CA,
CS businessman, invertors ,bankers, stock broker,
Insurance agents.
Profession for no 6
Anything particularly related to glamour, luxury jewellery ,
ladies garment, cosmetics, car accessories, hotel, industry ,
restaurant, tour and travel ,share market, transport ,beauty
parlour, boutique ,transport interior design, actor, director,
healthcare providers, art critics ,journalist, alchemists
Profession for number 7
Teacher, artist, journalist, film makers, healing, teaching,
doctor, Vastu, astrologer, lecturer, scientist, researcher,
computer hardware, CBI, forensic, software and IAS
6 + 18 = 24 = 6
5 + JAN (1) = 6
5 + DEC(12) = 17 =8
Personal Years 1
Key word.New starting
This is a year of new starts. You will have more
enthusiasm and energy this year than you will have
had for many years. Anything you start now is
likely to remain important for a long time. You
may start several new activities this year, but will
have enough enthusiasm and energy to sustain
them all.
Personal Years 2
Keywords: Patient Waiting
This is a slower, gentler year. In many ways it is a
consolidation year. In a 1 personal year you can go
shooting off in all directions. The 2 personal year brings
everything back to more manageable proportions. The
keywords for this year are “patient waiting” These two
words do not fit together very well; it is often hard to
patiently wait. You will be tempted to push in an attempt to
of time and energy in a 2 years. This is a year to exercise
patience, to love. By doing this, at the end of the year you
will find yourself pretty much where you want to be.
Personal Year 3
Keywords:Hard Work
This is a pleasant, happy, carefree year, ideally, you will be able to
have the whole year off to play and enjoy life Unfortunately, this is
unlikely to be the case, so you will have to work hard, even though
most of your thoughts will be on pleasant fun activities. This is a good
year to spend time with old friends, to make new friends, to take up
new hobbies and interests, or to play more attention to existing
interests. You may have several short-lived interests come and go
during the years.
Personal Year 4
Keywords: Hard Work Goals achieved