Reading Between The Lines

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Reading Between the Lines

Literacy is supremacy; being literate is power

Debunking the myth that being literate is to read and write,
Ending the eminent belief that it is all that ever is.
Truth is: literacy is a gateway to endless possibilities.

To be literate is to see across all horizons,

To hear all the messages of various perspectives,
To critically analyze, evaluate, and assess opinions,
And to fuse with the elusive nature of candor.

To be literate is not only to read and write plainly,

But to read between the lines,
Seeping away from the viscous lies and profanity.
And to write in seek for truth, justice, and fairness.

To be literate is to be the best version of oneself,

Igniting the fiery element of humanity:
Pursuing nothing but the authentic version of reality,
And embracing the intrinsic ability of sagacity.

Truth is For Those Who Seek It, Not Those Who Make It

The bittersweet world we live in today,

Filled with sugarcoated lies and one-sided stories,
Is no place for truth and reality
As those in power make their own versions of them.

Truth is truth no matter how people alter it.

But nothing is impossible for the elite and supreme.
For them, truth is what they want, what they need,
and how they want it to be.

But for a puzzle to be made into a masterpiece,

The mass, who make up most, must be critically literate.
The battle between the elite but few and the weak but many,
Is a gory battle that existed since the times of yore.

To be critically literate is to read messages of inequality,

Of instability, of unfair and unjust treatment of humanity,
To be critically literate is to evaluate sources with credence,
Sophistically weaving the threads of veracity.

To be critically literate is to convey messages that mirror truth,

no matter what evident danger blocks the pavement.
To seek truth, justice, and fairness amid the horrid land,
is to choose reality as it is, as it was, as it should be.

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