ExpAct V Forces

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Campus Estado de México Departamento de Ciencias

División Preparatoria PC5037 Energía y Transformación I

Name: ID Number:
Name: ID Number:
Name: ID Number:
Name: ID Number:

Experimental Activity V: Forces in Combined Systems

Modality: Teams of 3 or 4
Materials:  3 hanging masses of different value
 Aluminum Air track  Laptop with Tracker
 Aluminum glider  Smartphone
 Air Compressor

I.- Follow the next instructions and complete the required information:

1.- Check that the combined-mass system resting on the lab table has the following configuration, the
compressor must be turned off:

Figure 1: System of 2 masses connected by a rope.

2.- Answer in your own words the next question: Why isn’t the system (in its current
state) moving?

3.- Define the free body diagram for each mass in the current state:

Mass of the glider (m1) Hanging mass (m2)

Table 1: System Free Body Diagrams

4.- If you turn on the compressor, the glider on the rail will slide and the hanging mass will descend
vertically. How can you explain this behavior?

5.- If you activated the system for the previous question, turn off the compressor, return the glider on
the rail to its initial position and note the value of the hanging mass (if the mass is greater than 90g,
hold the glider with your hand to prevent its movement). After this, you’ll take video of the rail while
you activate the air compressor again (release the glider from your hand if you were holding it) and the
movement will occur again.

Important: This video will be taken to Tracker to be analyzed so you must be careful with the
perspectives generated by the tilt and movement of the camera while recording.
6.- Carry out the corresponding analysis in Tracker and determine the value of the experimental
acceleration (aTracker) of the glider that slides on the rail (it is not necessary to analyze the hanging mass
in Tracker).
Include in the report as evidence:
 Screenshot of the main Tracker window showing the marked points, as well as the table of the
marked points over time (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Tracker’s main window analyzing the rail

 Screenshot of the analysis of the Position vs time graph (X vs t) where you can clearly identify
parameters A, B and C of the parabolic fit that you used to determine the acceleration of the
block (Figure 3).

Figure 3 Parabolic Fit of the X vs t Graph

7.- Perform a dynamic analysis of the system to calculate the value of the acceleration of the system
(aTheorical) assuming there is no friction between the glider (mass 1) and the aluminum rail. Use the mass
values of the real system (the mass of the sliding glider is 155.6g and the hanging mass is chosen by
your team). Include the procedures using a formula editor.

8.- Repeat steps 5-7 for 6 different hanging masses, include the corresponding evidence and complete
the following table:
No. m2 (kg) aTheorical (m/s2) aTracker (m/s2)
Table 2: Comparison of accelerations
9.- Using the values from table 2, plot the acceleration vs hanging mass (m2) graph of your experiment
where you can visualize both set of points (theoretical and experimental) with their respective
trendlines as shown below in Figure 4. For this graph, you can use Excel or Desmos to make it easier.

Figure 4: Acceleration vs m2 graph

10.- As a conclusion, comment on the differences or similarities between the theoretical acceleration
(obtained through dynamic force analysis) and the experimental acceleration (obtained through
tracker). According to the experimental acceleration values obtained, how much would you say that
friction was reduced due to the air flow between the glider and the aluminum rail? Finally, think about
everyday situations or applications we improve to reduce friction between objects and surfaces, as well
as the most common methods used to achieve this.

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