Fybroc-Series 5530 IOM

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Global Pump Solutions

A Met-Pro Fluid Handling Technologies Business
Combining the Resources of Dean Pump, Fybroc & Sethco

Fybroc® series 5530 vertical dry pit pump



l Life Support




Global Pump Solutions AALSO

A Met-Pro Fluid Handling Technologies Business
Combining the Resources of Dean Pump, Fybroc & Sethco

700 Emlen Way • Telford, PA 18969

P: 215.723.8155 • TOLL-FREE: 800.FYBROC.1 • F: 215.723.2197
sales@fybroc.com • www.fybroc.com

Page Page
Fybroc Warranty 2 Starting 7
Installation Instructions 3 Operational Check List 7
General Description 4 Maintenance 7
Location 4 Trouble Check List 8
Pump Installation 4 Assembly/Disassembly Procedures 9
Piping the Pump 4 General 9
Suction Piping 5 Disassembly 9
Discharge Piping 5 Assembly 10
Column Return Piping 5 Impeller Adjustment 11
Ancillary Piping 5 Sectional Drawing 12
Motor Installation 5 Outline Drawing 13
Electrical Connections 5 Operational Start-up Checklist 14
Rotation 5 Notes 15
Coupling Installation 6 Notes 16
Start-up and General Operating Procedures 7 Notes 17
Lubrication 7

orderiNg replacemeNt parts

For future reference fill in the following information from the pump nameplate.
This will be necessary to ensure accuracy when ordering replacement parts.

Serial Number
Impeller Diameter Installed
Material of Construction

Global Pump Solutions
A Met-Pro Fluid Handling Technologies Business
Combining the Resources of Dean Pump, Fybroc & Sethco

WarraNty FYBROC pumps are warranted by the Company, insofar as the same are of its own manu-
facture, against defects in materials and workmanship under proper and normal use and
service, for a period of one year from the date of original shipment from the factory.
FYBROC’s obligation is limited, however, to furnishing without charge, F.O.B. its factory,
new parts to replace any similar parts of its own manufacture so proving defective within
said period, provided the Buyer has given FYBROC immediate written notice upon discov-
ery of such defect. No allowance will be made for labor charges. FYBROC shall have the
option of requiring the return of the defective material, transportation prepaid, to establish
the claim.
FYBROC makes no warranty or guarantee whatsoever, either express or implied, of prime
mover, starting equipment, electrical apparatus, parts or material not manufactured by
Fybroc, except to the extent that warranty is made by the manufacturer of such equipment
and material.
FYBROC assumes no liability for damages or delays caused by defective material, and no
allowance will be made for local repair bills or expenses without the prior written approval
or authority of FYBROC.
Under no circumstances will FYBROC be liable for indirect, special or consequential loss or
damage of any kind and the Buyer assumes all liability for the consequences of its use or
misuse by the by the Buyer, his employees, or others.

perFormaNce Is at the specified point of rating only and will not cover performance under conditions vary-
guaraNtee ing therefrom, nor for sustained performance over any period of time.

acceptaNce If required, shall be conducted in accordance with the practices as set forth in the Hydraulic
tests Institute Standards. The expense of any such tests shall be borne by the buyer.

perFormaNce Are based on shop laboratory tests with cold water as outlined in the Hydraulic Institute
represeNtatioNs Standards.

Field testiNg Due to the inaccuracies of field testing, the results of any such tests conducted by or for
the Buyer shall be interpreted as being only indicative of the actual field performance of the
pump. No equipment will be furnished on the basis of acceptance by results of field tests.
If the buyer, after such a test, questions the performance of the pump, he may at his option
request a test to establish the performance. Such tests will be conducted in accordance
with the above paragraph entitled “Acceptance Tests.”

all WarraNties Are void if -

a. Pipe strains are the cause of damage.
b. Pump handles liquids other than those specified in detail.
c. NPSH lower than required by pump impeller.
d. Operating speed is higher than specified.
e. Improper field installation.

recommeNdatioNs To combat corrosion, abrasion, erosion, or pumping solids, foreign objects, or pumping
For special liquids at elevated temperature, any such recommendations will be based on the best
materials available experience of FYBROC and the supplier of the material and industry, BUT WILL

The foregoing warranty is made in lieu of all other warranties guarantees, obligations or
liabilities, expressed or implied, by FYBROC or its representatives. All statutory or implied
warranties, other than of title, are hereby expressly negated and excluded.

All illustrations and provisions in specifications are descriptive and are not intended as
warranties. Penalty of any kind are not acceptable unless approved in writing by an officer
of Met-Pro Corporation.
3 16
geNeral descriptioN 3) When the pedestal is resting in the proper
Fybroc dry pit vertical pumps, (Series 5530) are cen- position, check the level of the pedestal, and
trifugal type pumping units designed for installation in shim if necessary to level the unit. The pump
dry sumps or on the side of liquid tanks vented to shaft must be vertical to avoid a bending
atmospheric pressure. Series 5530 vertical pumps stress on the shaft column, and to avoid bear-
contain one non-metallic sleeve bearing which is ing damage during operation. Check the shaft
lubricated and cooled internally by the pumped fluid. column (Item 91) with a level to be sure the
The fluid used to cool the bearing is returned to the unit is straight and plumb.
liquid source through a 1-1/2" column return flange. 4) Bolt down the pedestal, and be sure it is
All pump parts in contact with fluid are constructed of adequately supported on both sides.
glass reinforced vinyl ester (VR-1) or epoxy (EY-2)
resin with the exception of the shaft bearing sleeve, 5) Rotate the shaft by hand to be sure no
which is of an alloy compatible with the pumped fluid. damage has occurred during shipment or
pipiNg tHe pump
The pump should ideally be placed as close as
possible to the liquid supply source. It should also be Piping must not be connected to the pump until the
positioned relative to the liquid level such that the pump is properly installed and secured. Failure to do
pump will not run dry and that the liquid level will not so may result in the inability to attain proper align-
rise above the return line from the column. Sufficient ment later.
space should be allowed on the sides and overhead The pump has been designed with all necessary
to permit inspection and maintenance work to be strength factors for long, reliable service life. How-
performed. ever, due to the composite construction, care must
be taken during installation to avoid unnecessary
pump iNstallatioN pipe strain. If piping strains are to be encountered,
1) Inspect pump and any accessories packed flexible connections are recommended. Flat face
with the unit to assure no damage has flange and full face gaskets are recommended for
occurred during transit. pump piping, however if raised face flanges or gas-
kets are to be used, caution must be exercised when
MOTORS ARE SHIPPED SEPARATELY tightening the flange bolts so as not to distort or
AND SHOULD ALSO BE INSPECTED. damage the pump flanges. When lined piping is
Install the pump assembly in position before used, flange alignment should be carefully checked.
mounting the motor to prevent damage. Spacer ring gaskets are recommended to assure
parallel alignment of pipe and pump flanges. The
following flange bolt torque values should be used:
A rope or sling should be attached to the Flange Size Bolt Torque
bearing pedestal (Item 81) for lifting. Serious 1 1/2" 9-12 ft-lbs.
damage may result if the unit is picked up by 2" 18-24 ft-lbs.
the column (Item 91). The pump assembly 3" 23-30 ft-lbs.
4" 27-36 ft-lbs.
must be placed carefully into position. Care
6” 35-50 ft-lbs.
must be taken to guide the pump as it is low-
ered into place to avoid striking the sides.

15 4
All piping must be supported independently of the columN returN pipiNg OPERATIONAL START-UP CHECKLIST
pump. The piping should always line up naturally with 1) Bearing flow column return piping must be
the pump flanges. Never draw the piping to the suc- arranged for gravity flow back to liquid tank.
tion or discharge flanges of the pump. Piping loads Liquid level in the tank should never exceed Pump mount is level and plumb.
transferred to the pump column will result in prema- the elevation of the column return flange.
ture bearing wear. Outside installations should be Mounting bolts are tight.
properly compensated for changes in ambient temper-
atures. Refer to pipe manufacturers standards for aNcillary pipiNg
Motor mounting bolts tight.
proper installation. Omission of this could result in 1) Where the ancillary piping is connected to
severe strain transmitted to the pump flanges. If the pump only plastic fittings shall be used. Suction and discharge connections secure.
expansion joints are to be used, they should be WarNiNg: Failure to use plastic Fit-
installed in a location to prevent loading of the pump tiNgs may result iN damage to tHe Flush piping installed (if required).
flanges. pump. tapered metal pipe tHreads caN
The piping should be as short and direct as possible. cause cracKs aNd delamiNatioN. Electrical connections secure and covered.
Avoid all unnecessary elbows, bends and fittings, as After the piping is complete, again rotate the shaft
they increase friction losses in the piping. by hand to be sure no piping loads were trans- Ensure that coupling sleeve is disengaged.
ferred to the sleeve bearing resulting in binding
suctioN pipiNg which will lead to excessive bearing loads. Jog motor/Check rotation.
1) To minimize friction loss the length of the suc-
tion pipe (from process to pump inlet) should be motor iNstallatioN Turn pump shaft by hand, ensure that it does not bind.
as short as possible. It is important that NPSH 1) Install the appropriate coupling half and
available to the pump be greater than the Install coupling sleeve.
drive key onto the pump shaft in the
NPSH required by the pump, long suction runs extreme downward position.
greatly affect NPSH and should be considered Ensure that all guards are in place.
carefully. 2) Engage the coupling sleeve in the pump
coupling half. Ensure bearing flush is on (if required).
2) The diameter of the suction pipe should be
as large or larger than the pump suction. 3) Install the motor coupling half and drive key
onto the motor shaft in the extreme upward Suction valve is open. Discharge valve is slightly open.
3) Elbows, fittings, valves or expansion joints (close to motor frame) position.
should be avoided directly at the suction flange. Ensure that pump is filled with liquid.
A straight run of at least 10 pipe diameters into 4) Attach the motor adapter (if required) to the
the suction of the pump is recommended. motor and securely tighten the mounting
Start pump and open discharge valve to desired flow rate.
bolts. Be sure the pilot fit is properly
4) If a valve is to be installed in the suction piping, engaged and seated.
only full flow valves offering a minimum flow Check flush water flow and pressure (if required).
disturbance should be used (ball, plug types). 5) Install the motor assembly onto the pump
These valves should be for shut-off only when pedestal and initially engage all of the Check for excessive vibration and bearing temperature.
the pump is not running, not for throttling or mounting bolts. After all of the bolts are
controlling flow. Centrifugal pumps should started, securely tighten the mounting bolts.
never be throttled on the suction side. Be sure the pilot fit is properly engaged
and seated.
5) Provisions for a suction pressure gauge should
be included. 6) WarNiNg: cHecK tHat coupliNg
sleeVe is eNgaged iN pump
discHarge pipiNg coupliNg HalF aNd diseNgaged
iN motor coupliNg HalF. coupliNg
1) Installation of a valve in the discharge line that sleeVe must Be diseNgaged uNtil
can be used as a flow shutoff for inspection correct motor rotatioN is
and maintenance is recommended. It should be estaBlisHed. Failure to do so
of a design to allow throttling or flow control. caN result iN damage to pump
2) The diameter of the discharge pipe should be From reVerse rotatioN.
as large or larger than the pump discharge.
3) Provision for a discharge pressure gauge
should be included.
5 14
electrical coNNectioNs coupliNg iNstallatioN
1) All electrical work done to the unit should be 1) After correct motor rotation has been

5530 series outliNe draWiNg

performed by a qualified electrician. All local, established, lock out motor starter, loosen
state and federal electrical codes should be motor and pump coupling halves and
adhered to. engage coupling sleeve. Position coupling
2) Wire motor according to motor manufactur- halves to ensure maximum engagement of
ers instructions. Ensure that all connections both shafts and shaft keys and secure
and covers are tight and that proper sized coupling halves.
wire and switch-gear are used. 2) Coupling alignment is not necessary due to
the pilot fits, however check for equal spac-
rotatioN ing between the coupling halves. This will
All pumps operate in a clockwise direction when insure that the motor and motor adapter
viewed from the coupling end of the pump shaft, fits are properly seated.
(see direction arrow on the pump pedestal). Connect
3) Reinstall the coupling guard.
electric motor to power supply and jog motor to
check rotation. If motor is operating in wrong direc-
tion, reverse leads and recheck.

13 6

luBricatioN maiNteNaNce
The standard pump assembly is supplied with Fybroc pumps are designed for a long service life.
greased for life ball bearings in the pedestal and The only scheduled maintenance items are the
provided with an internal flush passage for the lubrication intervals for the motor bearings. The
lower sleeve bearing. With this method of lubrica- standard pump is provided with greased for life ball
tion there is no further action required. bearings and requires no maintenance. If the
pedestal is provided with a re-greasable ball bear-
If the pump is provided with a re-greasable ball
ing, follow the same schedule and procedure as
bearing, the bearing was pre-lubricated at the fac-
for the motor below.
tory, and additional lubricant is not required.
If the pump is provided with an external flush for
the sleeve bearing, an external water line must be motor
provided for cooling and lubrication of the sleeve The motor relubrication intervals are greatly influ-
bearing. enced by the environment it is in and the length of
time it runs. Refer to the following chart for typical
startiNg relubrication values for motors. Standard duty is
when the motor is operated eight hours a day and
1) If pump has been sitting idle for an extended
the environment is free from dust. Severe duty is
period of time between installation and start-
when the motor runs twenty-four hours per day
up, it would be advise able to remove the
with exposure to dirt and dust.
coupling guard and turn the pump shaft by
hand to be sure rotating elements are still free.
Sync RPM Motor Frame Type of Service
2) Fully open the suction valve. The suction Range Range Standard Duty Severe Duty
pipe, pump casing and impeller must always 143TC - 256TC 5 Yrs 3 Yrs
be full of liquid before the pump is started. 3600 284TC - 286TC 1 Yr 4 Mos
324TC - 365TC 9 Mos 3 Mos
3) Open the discharge valve to approximately 143TC - 256TC 7 Yrs 3 Yrs
25-50% flow. 284TC - 326TC 4 Yrs 1.5 Yrs
4) If the pump is equipped with external sleeve 364TC - 365TC 2.5 Yrs 10 Mos
bearing flush, open the flush valve to the 404TC - 447TC 2 Yrs 8 Mos
bearing and adjust to 1/4 -1/3 GPM. 143TC - 256TC 7 Yrs 3 Yrs
1200 284TC - 326TC 4 Yrs 1.5 Yrs
5) Start and bring the pump up to operating 364TC - 447TC 3 Yrs 1 Yr
speed and adjust the discharge valve to the
desired flow rate.

5530 series sectioNal draWiNg

Instructions For Lubricating Motors
WarNiNg: do Not ruN pump WitH a Before greasing, be sure fittings are clean and
closed discHarge ValVe as tHe liQuid free from dirt. Remove grease relief plug or plate,
iN tHe pump Will rapidly iNcrease iN using a poker ensure that the relief tube is clear,
temperature, causiNg damage to pump then using a low pressure grease gun pump in the
or BeariNg. required grease. Do not over-grease. After re-
lubricating allow motor to run for an hour before
WarNiNg: do Not ruN pump WitHout liQ- replacing relief hardware.
uid as tHe loWer sleeVe BeariNg aNd
sHaFt Will Be damaged.

operatioNal cHecK list

1) Periodically check for excessive vibrations and
bearing temperatures. Correct if necessary.
2) Periodically check pressure gauges and flow-
meters for correct flow-rate. Adjust discharge
valve if necessary. Correct if necessary.
7 12
12A) Install the seal ring O-ring (Item 91H), lightly 5) Place a dial indicator on the end of the shaft trouBle cHecK list PROBLEM: Pump takes to much power.
coat the face of the vapor seal ring (Item 91E) or coupling flange. Rotate the collar clock- Refer to the following diagnostic section if
with a thin film of grease or oil and secure into wise, raising the shaft to the clearance speci- hydraulic problems are encountered in the pump CHECK: Speed too high.
position with the mounting screws and wash- fied in table below. operation.
ers (Items 91E, 91F). Gradually cross tighten Note: For quick field adjustment, rotate the Impeller diameter (larger than
screws to assure seal ring is perpendicular to collar 90° clockwise, while securing the shaft. PROBLEM: Insufficient liquid delivered or not required).
shaft. Torque screws to 10 in-lbs. Max. enough pressure.
13A) Lubricate the section of shaft in contact with Head lower than rating; pumping
impeller impeller CHECK: Suction pipe and /or pump casing beyond design point.
the vapor shield (Item 91B) with a light coat- diameter clearaNce not filled with liquid.
ing of grease for ease of installation. Remove UP TO 8" .015"
temporary clamp holding vapor seal flange Liquid heavier than specified; check
8" TO 10" .020" Speed too low. viscosity and specific gravity.
and install pedestal assembly on top of col- 10" TO 13" .025"
umn assembly. Be sure pilots are correctly
NPSHA (Lower than NPSHR, pump Mechanical defects (bent shaft,
engaged and fasten with column-pedestal 6) Re-lock adjusting collar clamping screw will cavitate). rotating element binds, misalign-
screws (Item 70A). (Item 66). ment, piping loads).
14A) Thread the lock-collar (Item 66) onto the 7) Tighten set screw(s) (Item 12A). Impeller or suction pipe plugged
shaft threads. Hand tighten only, as the with solids. Motor defects.
impeller clearance must be set after the 8) Rotate the shaft by hand while pushing down
pump is reinstalled. on the shaft or coupling half to insure that Air pockets in suction line or air leak- Foreign object trapped in impeller.
there is no binding or rubbing of parts. ing in through suction gaskets if
15A) Reinstall pump into position per the pump
installation procedure found on page 3. 9) Lower motor coupling half to correct position dynamic suction pressure is negative.
and retighten.
16A) Set impeller clearance per the impeller set- Suction strainer plugged, if used in
ting procedure found on page 9. 10) Replace coupling guard.
suction line.
17A) Reinstall the motor and recheck for rotation
as per the procedure found on page 4. Insufficient submergence above
suction entrance (vortexing).

impeller adJustmeNt For 5530 series Air or gases in the liquid.

The 5530 series design permits adjustment of the
impeller clearance between the pump casing wall Impeller diameter (smaller than
and the impeller face. The pump impeller is adjust- required).
ed at the factory during assembly and should not
require further adjustment upon installation. Mechanical defects (impeller clear-
Impeller adjustment will be required when a drop in ance too great, impeller damaged,
head and/or capacity indicates a change in clear- excessive sleeve bearing clearance).
ance. Impeller adjustment will also be necessary if
the pump was disassembled/reassembled and/or if Pressure gauge or flow meter in
parts were replaced. Refer to the following table for poor location.
recommended clearance when adjusting impeller
on horizontal pumps. Viscosity of liquid.

1) Loosen motor coupling half and raise Turbulence at pump suction

approximately 1/4" to allow for axial travel of (bends or area changes near pump
the pump shaft. entrance).
2) Loosen bearing cap set screw(s) (Item 12A).
3) Loosen clamping screw in adjusting collar
(Item 66).
4) Slowly rotate adjusting collar counterclock-
wise while pushing down on the pump shaft,
rotate the shaft until you feel the impeller
touch the casing face.
11 8
14) Compress and remove bearing snap ring in contact with the vapor shield (Item 91B)
(Item 12B). Slide bearing holder (Item 12) with a light coating of grease for ease of
geNeral 5) Attach a hoist or other suitable means for lift- and bearing (Item 18) from pedestal. Use an installation. Slide the shaft/impeller assembly
The Fybroc pump is designed for easy inspection ing the pump via the cast iron pedestal and arbor press or equivalent to remove bearing through the cover, column, pedestal and
and service. For inspection or replacement of cer- remove the four pedestal mounting bolts. from bearing holder. bearing holder until the back of the impeller
tain parts, the work can be done in place, without 6) Carefully lift out the pump and place it in hor- rests on the cover.
the necessity to remove the complete pump to a 15) Remove vapor shield (Item 91B) from
izontal position with the coupling guard side pedestal. 9) Thread the lock-collar (Item 66) onto the
maintenance area. Refer to applicable Sectional facing up. shaft threads. Hand tighten only, as the
Drawing in this manual for item numbers men-
7) Remove casing bolts,washers and nuts impeller clearance must be set after the
tioned below. assemBly - Vertical 5530 series
(Items 1C,1D & 1E). Lift the column slightly pump is reinstalled.
Before any work is done the following procedures to remove the casing (Item 1). Remove 1) Clean and inspect all items prior to assembling.
New gaskets and O-rings are recommended 10) Install the cover O-ring (Item 73), casing (Item
and precautions should be taken: O-ring (Item 73).
upon re-assembly. 1) and casing hardware (Items 1C, 1D, 1E).
1) The electric motor should be either discon- 8) Fix the pump shaft at the coupling and
2) Press bearing (Item 18) onto bearing holder 11) Lay pump assembly on its side and reinstall
nected from its power source, or the switch remove the impeller (Item 2) by turning the
(Item 12) and slide into pedestal bore. coupling half and key.
or circuit breaker must be secured in an “off ” impeller in a counter clockwise direction
position so that the motor cannot be acciden- when facing the impeller. A strap wrench or Secure with snap ring (Item 12B). 12) Reinstall pump into position per the pump
tally started. similar device may be required to disengage 3) Install vapor shield (Item 91B) in its respec- installation procedure found on page 3.
2) Depending upon the fluid being pumped, the the impeller screw threads. Remove the tive groove in the pedestal. Be sure it is 13) Set impeller clearance per the impeller set-
proper protective equipment should be worn impeller O-ring (Item 2B). properly seated. ting procedure found on page 9.
(gloves, mask, respirator, goggles or safety 9) Loosen the pump end coupling set screw and 4) Insert sleeve bearing (Item 93B) into the cas- 14) Reinstall the motor and recheck for rotation
glasses, etc.) to prevent contact with the fluid remove from the pump shaft along with the ing cover (Item 11). Line up grooves in bear- as per the procedure found on page 4.
in the pump or pipelines. key (Item 6A). Loosen the set screw on the ing and cover and insert pin (Item 93D) with Note: THE FOLLOWING IS FOR COMPLE-
3) Check the valves on the suction and discharge threaded collar (Item 66) and unscrew off the notched end facing outward. Install snap ring TION OF THE PUMP ASSEMBLY WITH THE
lines to be sure they are closed and secured. shaft. Remove the slinger (Item 40). Loosen (Item 93C) into groove with the flat adjacent OPTIONAL VAPOR SEAL.
the bearing holder set screw (Item 12A). to the notch in the pin. Inspect internal bear-
4) If the pump or piping is provided with a drain, 6A) Install impeller O-ring (Item 2B) in the impeller
10) Remove the shaft (Item 6) by sliding it out from ing flush hole which runs from face of cover
the liquid trapped in the pump and piping and thread impeller onto pump shaft (Item 6).
the cover end. It may be necessary to tap the to the I.D. of the sleeve bearing. Be sure
should be drained. Care should be taken to Be sure the impeller hub is bottomed on the
coupling end of the shaft with a brass bar if the hole is clear.
either trap the fluid in a container or to divert shaft shoulder.
it to a proper disposal area so that the area bearing holder set screw has created a burr. 5) Install column O-ring (Item 91A) in the
around the pump and floor will not be conta- column (Item 91) and install the cover/bear- 7A) Lubricate the back face of the vapor seal
WarNiNg: do Not attempt to remoVe
minated. ing assembly with the cover nuts (Item 11B). cavity with a light coating of grease as shown
tHe sHaFt out tHe top (motor eNd)
Line up with disassembly marks to original in figure 7A1. Install seal plate O-ring (Item
oF tHe pump, as it Will cause
disassemBly - Vertical 5530 series orientation. 91I) in the vapor seal flange (Item 91C) and
damage to tHe composite sHaFt.
1) Ensure that the motor is shut off and lock out temporarily clamp into position.
11) Mark the location of the cover relative to the Note: FOR STANDARD CONSTRUCTION,
power supply. Check that suction and dis- COMPLETE ASSEMBLY BY FOLLOWING 8A) Slide the shaft/impeller assembly through the
column flange. Remove the column-cover
charge valves are shut and any liquid is STEPS 6 THROUGH 14. FOR OPTIONAL column/ cover/seal-plate assembly until the
nuts (Item 11B) and slide the cover off of the
drained. VAPOR SEAL CONSTRUCTION, COMPLETE back of the impeller is against the face of the
column. Remove O-ring (Item 91A).
2) Remove coupling guard screws and coupling ASSEMBLY BY FOLLOWING STEPS 6A cover.
12) Compress and remove the sleeve bearing THROUGH 17A.
guard. Loosen coupling set screws and slide 9A) Install the cover O-ring (Item 73), casing (Item
snap ring (Item 93C). Slide sleeve bearing
coupling halves away from each other. 6) Install column/cover assembly to the pedestal 1) and casing hardware (Items 1C, 1D, 1E).
(Item 93B) and pin (Item 93D) from the cover.
Retighten set screws. (Item 81) with the column-pedestal screws 10A) Turn the casing/cover/column assembly into
13) Mark the location of the column relative to the (Item 70A). Line up with disassembly marks to
3) Ensure motor power is locked out. Discon- the vertical position resting on the casing
pedestal. Remove column-pedestal bolts original orientation.
nect wiring to motor (tag wires for rotation suction flange. Block this assembly to keep
(Item 70D) and disengage column (Item 91)
check upon reassembly). Remove motor or 7) Install impeller O-ring (Item 2B) in the impeller from tilting.
from pedestal.
motor adapter mounting bolts and lift the and thread impeller onto pump shaft (Item 6). 11A) Slide the vapor seal (Item 91D) over the shaft
motor and its coupling half from the pump. 13A) Optional vapor seal only. Remove screws and Be sure the impeller hub is bottomed on the and gradually push it into position in the vapor
washers (Items 91F, 91G) and remove Carbon shaft shoulder.
4) Drain liquid from pump as necessary. seal cavity of the vapor seal flange. The lip of
vapor seal ring from the flange. Remove vapor
Remove suction, discharge and bearing flush 8) Turn cover/column/pedestal assembly into the vapor seal should be slightly protruding
seal (Item 91D) and O-rings (Items 91H, 91I).
return line flange bolts and gaskets. the vertical position resting on the motor end above the face of the vapor seal flange.
of the pedestal. Lubricate the section of shaft
9 10
14) Compress and remove bearing snap ring in contact with the vapor shield (Item 91B)
(Item 12B). Slide bearing holder (Item 12) with a light coating of grease for ease of
geNeral 5) Attach a hoist or other suitable means for lift- and bearing (Item 18) from pedestal. Use an installation. Slide the shaft/impeller assembly
The Fybroc pump is designed for easy inspection ing the pump via the cast iron pedestal and arbor press or equivalent to remove bearing through the cover, column, pedestal and
and service. For inspection or replacement of cer- remove the four pedestal mounting bolts. from bearing holder. bearing holder until the back of the impeller
tain parts, the work can be done in place, without 6) Carefully lift out the pump and place it in hor- rests on the cover.
the necessity to remove the complete pump to a 15) Remove vapor shield (Item 91B) from
izontal position with the coupling guard side pedestal. 9) Thread the lock-collar (Item 66) onto the
maintenance area. Refer to applicable Sectional facing up. shaft threads. Hand tighten only, as the
Drawing in this manual for item numbers men-
7) Remove casing bolts,washers and nuts impeller clearance must be set after the
tioned below. assemBly - Vertical 5530 series
(Items 1C,1D & 1E). Lift the column slightly pump is reinstalled.
Before any work is done the following procedures to remove the casing (Item 1). Remove 1) Clean and inspect all items prior to assembling.
New gaskets and O-rings are recommended 10) Install the cover O-ring (Item 73), casing (Item
and precautions should be taken: O-ring (Item 73).
upon re-assembly. 1) and casing hardware (Items 1C, 1D, 1E).
1) The electric motor should be either discon- 8) Fix the pump shaft at the coupling and
2) Press bearing (Item 18) onto bearing holder 11) Lay pump assembly on its side and reinstall
nected from its power source, or the switch remove the impeller (Item 2) by turning the
(Item 12) and slide into pedestal bore. coupling half and key.
or circuit breaker must be secured in an “off ” impeller in a counter clockwise direction
position so that the motor cannot be acciden- when facing the impeller. A strap wrench or Secure with snap ring (Item 12B). 12) Reinstall pump into position per the pump
tally started. similar device may be required to disengage 3) Install vapor shield (Item 91B) in its respec- installation procedure found on page 3.
2) Depending upon the fluid being pumped, the the impeller screw threads. Remove the tive groove in the pedestal. Be sure it is 13) Set impeller clearance per the impeller set-
proper protective equipment should be worn impeller O-ring (Item 2B). properly seated. ting procedure found on page 9.
(gloves, mask, respirator, goggles or safety 9) Loosen the pump end coupling set screw and 4) Insert sleeve bearing (Item 93B) into the cas- 14) Reinstall the motor and recheck for rotation
glasses, etc.) to prevent contact with the fluid remove from the pump shaft along with the ing cover (Item 11). Line up grooves in bear- as per the procedure found on page 4.
in the pump or pipelines. key (Item 6A). Loosen the set screw on the ing and cover and insert pin (Item 93D) with Note: THE FOLLOWING IS FOR COMPLE-
3) Check the valves on the suction and discharge threaded collar (Item 66) and unscrew off the notched end facing outward. Install snap ring TION OF THE PUMP ASSEMBLY WITH THE
lines to be sure they are closed and secured. shaft. Remove the slinger (Item 40). Loosen (Item 93C) into groove with the flat adjacent OPTIONAL VAPOR SEAL.
the bearing holder set screw (Item 12A). to the notch in the pin. Inspect internal bear-
4) If the pump or piping is provided with a drain, 6A) Install impeller O-ring (Item 2B) in the impeller
10) Remove the shaft (Item 6) by sliding it out from ing flush hole which runs from face of cover
the liquid trapped in the pump and piping and thread impeller onto pump shaft (Item 6).
the cover end. It may be necessary to tap the to the I.D. of the sleeve bearing. Be sure
should be drained. Care should be taken to Be sure the impeller hub is bottomed on the
coupling end of the shaft with a brass bar if the hole is clear.
either trap the fluid in a container or to divert shaft shoulder.
it to a proper disposal area so that the area bearing holder set screw has created a burr. 5) Install column O-ring (Item 91A) in the
around the pump and floor will not be conta- column (Item 91) and install the cover/bear- 7A) Lubricate the back face of the vapor seal
WarNiNg: do Not attempt to remoVe
minated. ing assembly with the cover nuts (Item 11B). cavity with a light coating of grease as shown
tHe sHaFt out tHe top (motor eNd)
Line up with disassembly marks to original in figure 7A1. Install seal plate O-ring (Item
oF tHe pump, as it Will cause
disassemBly - Vertical 5530 series orientation. 91I) in the vapor seal flange (Item 91C) and
damage to tHe composite sHaFt.
1) Ensure that the motor is shut off and lock out temporarily clamp into position.
11) Mark the location of the cover relative to the Note: FOR STANDARD CONSTRUCTION,
power supply. Check that suction and dis- COMPLETE ASSEMBLY BY FOLLOWING 8A) Slide the shaft/impeller assembly through the
column flange. Remove the column-cover
charge valves are shut and any liquid is STEPS 6 THROUGH 14. FOR OPTIONAL column/ cover/seal-plate assembly until the
nuts (Item 11B) and slide the cover off of the
drained. VAPOR SEAL CONSTRUCTION, COMPLETE back of the impeller is against the face of the
column. Remove O-ring (Item 91A).
2) Remove coupling guard screws and coupling ASSEMBLY BY FOLLOWING STEPS 6A cover.
12) Compress and remove the sleeve bearing THROUGH 17A.
guard. Loosen coupling set screws and slide 9A) Install the cover O-ring (Item 73), casing (Item
snap ring (Item 93C). Slide sleeve bearing
coupling halves away from each other. 6) Install column/cover assembly to the pedestal 1) and casing hardware (Items 1C, 1D, 1E).
(Item 93B) and pin (Item 93D) from the cover.
Retighten set screws. (Item 81) with the column-pedestal screws 10A) Turn the casing/cover/column assembly into
13) Mark the location of the column relative to the (Item 70A). Line up with disassembly marks to
3) Ensure motor power is locked out. Discon- the vertical position resting on the casing
pedestal. Remove column-pedestal bolts original orientation.
nect wiring to motor (tag wires for rotation suction flange. Block this assembly to keep
(Item 70D) and disengage column (Item 91)
check upon reassembly). Remove motor or 7) Install impeller O-ring (Item 2B) in the impeller from tilting.
from pedestal.
motor adapter mounting bolts and lift the and thread impeller onto pump shaft (Item 6). 11A) Slide the vapor seal (Item 91D) over the shaft
motor and its coupling half from the pump. 13A) Optional vapor seal only. Remove screws and Be sure the impeller hub is bottomed on the and gradually push it into position in the vapor
washers (Items 91F, 91G) and remove Carbon shaft shoulder.
4) Drain liquid from pump as necessary. seal cavity of the vapor seal flange. The lip of
vapor seal ring from the flange. Remove vapor
Remove suction, discharge and bearing flush 8) Turn cover/column/pedestal assembly into the vapor seal should be slightly protruding
seal (Item 91D) and O-rings (Items 91H, 91I).
return line flange bolts and gaskets. the vertical position resting on the motor end above the face of the vapor seal flange.
of the pedestal. Lubricate the section of shaft
9 10
12A) Install the seal ring O-ring (Item 91H), lightly 5) Place a dial indicator on the end of the shaft trouBle cHecK list PROBLEM: Pump takes to much power.
coat the face of the vapor seal ring (Item 91E) or coupling flange. Rotate the collar clock- Refer to the following diagnostic section if
with a thin film of grease or oil and secure into wise, raising the shaft to the clearance speci- hydraulic problems are encountered in the pump CHECK: Speed too high.
position with the mounting screws and wash- fied in table below. operation.
ers (Items 91E, 91F). Gradually cross tighten Note: For quick field adjustment, rotate the Impeller diameter (larger than
screws to assure seal ring is perpendicular to collar 90° clockwise, while securing the shaft. PROBLEM: Insufficient liquid delivered or not required).
shaft. Torque screws to 10 in-lbs. Max. enough pressure.
13A) Lubricate the section of shaft in contact with Head lower than rating; pumping
impeller impeller CHECK: Suction pipe and /or pump casing beyond design point.
the vapor shield (Item 91B) with a light coat- diameter clearaNce not filled with liquid.
ing of grease for ease of installation. Remove UP TO 8" .015"
temporary clamp holding vapor seal flange Liquid heavier than specified; check
8" TO 10" .020" Speed too low. viscosity and specific gravity.
and install pedestal assembly on top of col- 10" TO 13" .025"
umn assembly. Be sure pilots are correctly
NPSHA (Lower than NPSHR, pump Mechanical defects (bent shaft,
engaged and fasten with column-pedestal 6) Re-lock adjusting collar clamping screw will cavitate). rotating element binds, misalign-
screws (Item 70A). (Item 66). ment, piping loads).
14A) Thread the lock-collar (Item 66) onto the 7) Tighten set screw(s) (Item 12A). Impeller or suction pipe plugged
shaft threads. Hand tighten only, as the with solids. Motor defects.
impeller clearance must be set after the 8) Rotate the shaft by hand while pushing down
pump is reinstalled. on the shaft or coupling half to insure that Air pockets in suction line or air leak- Foreign object trapped in impeller.
there is no binding or rubbing of parts. ing in through suction gaskets if
15A) Reinstall pump into position per the pump
installation procedure found on page 3. 9) Lower motor coupling half to correct position dynamic suction pressure is negative.
and retighten.
16A) Set impeller clearance per the impeller set- Suction strainer plugged, if used in
ting procedure found on page 9. 10) Replace coupling guard.
suction line.
17A) Reinstall the motor and recheck for rotation
as per the procedure found on page 4. Insufficient submergence above
suction entrance (vortexing).

impeller adJustmeNt For 5530 series Air or gases in the liquid.

The 5530 series design permits adjustment of the
impeller clearance between the pump casing wall Impeller diameter (smaller than
and the impeller face. The pump impeller is adjust- required).
ed at the factory during assembly and should not
require further adjustment upon installation. Mechanical defects (impeller clear-
Impeller adjustment will be required when a drop in ance too great, impeller damaged,
head and/or capacity indicates a change in clear- excessive sleeve bearing clearance).
ance. Impeller adjustment will also be necessary if
the pump was disassembled/reassembled and/or if Pressure gauge or flow meter in
parts were replaced. Refer to the following table for poor location.
recommended clearance when adjusting impeller
on horizontal pumps. Viscosity of liquid.

1) Loosen motor coupling half and raise Turbulence at pump suction

approximately 1/4" to allow for axial travel of (bends or area changes near pump
the pump shaft. entrance).
2) Loosen bearing cap set screw(s) (Item 12A).
3) Loosen clamping screw in adjusting collar
(Item 66).
4) Slowly rotate adjusting collar counterclock-
wise while pushing down on the pump shaft,
rotate the shaft until you feel the impeller
touch the casing face.
11 8

luBricatioN maiNteNaNce
The standard pump assembly is supplied with Fybroc pumps are designed for a long service life.
greased for life ball bearings in the pedestal and The only scheduled maintenance items are the
provided with an internal flush passage for the lubrication intervals for the motor bearings. The
lower sleeve bearing. With this method of lubrica- standard pump is provided with greased for life ball
tion there is no further action required. bearings and requires no maintenance. If the
pedestal is provided with a re-greasable ball bear-
If the pump is provided with a re-greasable ball
ing, follow the same schedule and procedure as
bearing, the bearing was pre-lubricated at the fac-
for the motor below.
tory, and additional lubricant is not required.
If the pump is provided with an external flush for
the sleeve bearing, an external water line must be motor
provided for cooling and lubrication of the sleeve The motor relubrication intervals are greatly influ-
bearing. enced by the environment it is in and the length of
time it runs. Refer to the following chart for typical
startiNg relubrication values for motors. Standard duty is
when the motor is operated eight hours a day and
1) If pump has been sitting idle for an extended
the environment is free from dust. Severe duty is
period of time between installation and start-
when the motor runs twenty-four hours per day
up, it would be advise able to remove the
with exposure to dirt and dust.
coupling guard and turn the pump shaft by
hand to be sure rotating elements are still free.
Sync RPM Motor Frame Type of Service
2) Fully open the suction valve. The suction Range Range Standard Duty Severe Duty
pipe, pump casing and impeller must always 143TC - 256TC 5 Yrs 3 Yrs
be full of liquid before the pump is started. 3600 284TC - 286TC 1 Yr 4 Mos
324TC - 365TC 9 Mos 3 Mos
3) Open the discharge valve to approximately 143TC - 256TC 7 Yrs 3 Yrs
25-50% flow. 284TC - 326TC 4 Yrs 1.5 Yrs
4) If the pump is equipped with external sleeve 364TC - 365TC 2.5 Yrs 10 Mos
bearing flush, open the flush valve to the 404TC - 447TC 2 Yrs 8 Mos
bearing and adjust to 1/4 -1/3 GPM. 143TC - 256TC 7 Yrs 3 Yrs
1200 284TC - 326TC 4 Yrs 1.5 Yrs
5) Start and bring the pump up to operating 364TC - 447TC 3 Yrs 1 Yr
speed and adjust the discharge valve to the
desired flow rate.

5530 series sectioNal draWiNg

Instructions For Lubricating Motors
WarNiNg: do Not ruN pump WitH a Before greasing, be sure fittings are clean and
closed discHarge ValVe as tHe liQuid free from dirt. Remove grease relief plug or plate,
iN tHe pump Will rapidly iNcrease iN using a poker ensure that the relief tube is clear,
temperature, causiNg damage to pump then using a low pressure grease gun pump in the
or BeariNg. required grease. Do not over-grease. After re-
lubricating allow motor to run for an hour before
WarNiNg: do Not ruN pump WitHout liQ- replacing relief hardware.
uid as tHe loWer sleeVe BeariNg aNd
sHaFt Will Be damaged.

operatioNal cHecK list

1) Periodically check for excessive vibrations and
bearing temperatures. Correct if necessary.
2) Periodically check pressure gauges and flow-
meters for correct flow-rate. Adjust discharge
valve if necessary. Correct if necessary.
7 12
electrical coNNectioNs coupliNg iNstallatioN
1) All electrical work done to the unit should be 1) After correct motor rotation has been

5530 series outliNe draWiNg

performed by a qualified electrician. All local, established, lock out motor starter, loosen
state and federal electrical codes should be motor and pump coupling halves and
adhered to. engage coupling sleeve. Position coupling
2) Wire motor according to motor manufactur- halves to ensure maximum engagement of
ers instructions. Ensure that all connections both shafts and shaft keys and secure
and covers are tight and that proper sized coupling halves.
wire and switch-gear are used. 2) Coupling alignment is not necessary due to
the pilot fits, however check for equal spac-
rotatioN ing between the coupling halves. This will
All pumps operate in a clockwise direction when insure that the motor and motor adapter
viewed from the coupling end of the pump shaft, fits are properly seated.
(see direction arrow on the pump pedestal). Connect
3) Reinstall the coupling guard.
electric motor to power supply and jog motor to
check rotation. If motor is operating in wrong direc-
tion, reverse leads and recheck.

13 6
All piping must be supported independently of the columN returN pipiNg OPERATIONAL START-UP CHECKLIST
pump. The piping should always line up naturally with 1) Bearing flow column return piping must be
the pump flanges. Never draw the piping to the suc- arranged for gravity flow back to liquid tank.
tion or discharge flanges of the pump. Piping loads Liquid level in the tank should never exceed Pump mount is level and plumb.
transferred to the pump column will result in prema- the elevation of the column return flange.
ture bearing wear. Outside installations should be Mounting bolts are tight.
properly compensated for changes in ambient temper-
atures. Refer to pipe manufacturers standards for aNcillary pipiNg
Motor mounting bolts tight.
proper installation. Omission of this could result in 1) Where the ancillary piping is connected to
severe strain transmitted to the pump flanges. If the pump only plastic fittings shall be used. Suction and discharge connections secure.
expansion joints are to be used, they should be WarNiNg: Failure to use plastic Fit-
installed in a location to prevent loading of the pump tiNgs may result iN damage to tHe Flush piping installed (if required).
flanges. pump. tapered metal pipe tHreads caN
The piping should be as short and direct as possible. cause cracKs aNd delamiNatioN. Electrical connections secure and covered.
Avoid all unnecessary elbows, bends and fittings, as After the piping is complete, again rotate the shaft
they increase friction losses in the piping. by hand to be sure no piping loads were trans- Ensure that coupling sleeve is disengaged.
ferred to the sleeve bearing resulting in binding
suctioN pipiNg which will lead to excessive bearing loads. Jog motor/Check rotation.
1) To minimize friction loss the length of the suc-
tion pipe (from process to pump inlet) should be motor iNstallatioN Turn pump shaft by hand, ensure that it does not bind.
as short as possible. It is important that NPSH 1) Install the appropriate coupling half and
available to the pump be greater than the Install coupling sleeve.
drive key onto the pump shaft in the
NPSH required by the pump, long suction runs extreme downward position.
greatly affect NPSH and should be considered Ensure that all guards are in place.
carefully. 2) Engage the coupling sleeve in the pump
coupling half. Ensure bearing flush is on (if required).
2) The diameter of the suction pipe should be
as large or larger than the pump suction. 3) Install the motor coupling half and drive key
onto the motor shaft in the extreme upward Suction valve is open. Discharge valve is slightly open.
3) Elbows, fittings, valves or expansion joints (close to motor frame) position.
should be avoided directly at the suction flange. Ensure that pump is filled with liquid.
A straight run of at least 10 pipe diameters into 4) Attach the motor adapter (if required) to the
the suction of the pump is recommended. motor and securely tighten the mounting
Start pump and open discharge valve to desired flow rate.
bolts. Be sure the pilot fit is properly
4) If a valve is to be installed in the suction piping, engaged and seated.
only full flow valves offering a minimum flow Check flush water flow and pressure (if required).
disturbance should be used (ball, plug types). 5) Install the motor assembly onto the pump
These valves should be for shut-off only when pedestal and initially engage all of the Check for excessive vibration and bearing temperature.
the pump is not running, not for throttling or mounting bolts. After all of the bolts are
controlling flow. Centrifugal pumps should started, securely tighten the mounting bolts.
never be throttled on the suction side. Be sure the pilot fit is properly engaged
and seated.
5) Provisions for a suction pressure gauge should
be included. 6) WarNiNg: cHecK tHat coupliNg
sleeVe is eNgaged iN pump
discHarge pipiNg coupliNg HalF aNd diseNgaged
iN motor coupliNg HalF. coupliNg
1) Installation of a valve in the discharge line that sleeVe must Be diseNgaged uNtil
can be used as a flow shutoff for inspection correct motor rotatioN is
and maintenance is recommended. It should be estaBlisHed. Failure to do so
of a design to allow throttling or flow control. caN result iN damage to pump
2) The diameter of the discharge pipe should be From reVerse rotatioN.
as large or larger than the pump discharge.
3) Provision for a discharge pressure gauge
should be included.
5 14
geNeral descriptioN 3) When the pedestal is resting in the proper
Fybroc dry pit vertical pumps, (Series 5530) are cen- position, check the level of the pedestal, and
trifugal type pumping units designed for installation in shim if necessary to level the unit. The pump
dry sumps or on the side of liquid tanks vented to shaft must be vertical to avoid a bending
atmospheric pressure. Series 5530 vertical pumps stress on the shaft column, and to avoid bear-
contain one non-metallic sleeve bearing which is ing damage during operation. Check the shaft
lubricated and cooled internally by the pumped fluid. column (Item 91) with a level to be sure the
The fluid used to cool the bearing is returned to the unit is straight and plumb.
liquid source through a 1-1/2" column return flange. 4) Bolt down the pedestal, and be sure it is
All pump parts in contact with fluid are constructed of adequately supported on both sides.
glass reinforced vinyl ester (VR-1) or epoxy (EY-2)
resin with the exception of the shaft bearing sleeve, 5) Rotate the shaft by hand to be sure no
which is of an alloy compatible with the pumped fluid. damage has occurred during shipment or
pipiNg tHe pump
The pump should ideally be placed as close as
possible to the liquid supply source. It should also be Piping must not be connected to the pump until the
positioned relative to the liquid level such that the pump is properly installed and secured. Failure to do
pump will not run dry and that the liquid level will not so may result in the inability to attain proper align-
rise above the return line from the column. Sufficient ment later.
space should be allowed on the sides and overhead The pump has been designed with all necessary
to permit inspection and maintenance work to be strength factors for long, reliable service life. How-
performed. ever, due to the composite construction, care must
be taken during installation to avoid unnecessary
pump iNstallatioN pipe strain. If piping strains are to be encountered,
1) Inspect pump and any accessories packed flexible connections are recommended. Flat face
with the unit to assure no damage has flange and full face gaskets are recommended for
occurred during transit. pump piping, however if raised face flanges or gas-
kets are to be used, caution must be exercised when
MOTORS ARE SHIPPED SEPARATELY tightening the flange bolts so as not to distort or
AND SHOULD ALSO BE INSPECTED. damage the pump flanges. When lined piping is
Install the pump assembly in position before used, flange alignment should be carefully checked.
mounting the motor to prevent damage. Spacer ring gaskets are recommended to assure
parallel alignment of pipe and pump flanges. The
following flange bolt torque values should be used:
A rope or sling should be attached to the Flange Size Bolt Torque
bearing pedestal (Item 81) for lifting. Serious 1 1/2" 9-12 ft-lbs.
damage may result if the unit is picked up by 2" 18-24 ft-lbs.
the column (Item 91). The pump assembly 3" 23-30 ft-lbs.
4" 27-36 ft-lbs.
must be placed carefully into position. Care
6” 35-50 ft-lbs.
must be taken to guide the pump as it is low-
ered into place to avoid striking the sides.

15 4
Global Pump Solutions
A Met-Pro Fluid Handling Technologies Business
Combining the Resources of Dean Pump, Fybroc & Sethco

WarraNty FYBROC pumps are warranted by the Company, insofar as the same are of its own manu-
facture, against defects in materials and workmanship under proper and normal use and
service, for a period of one year from the date of original shipment from the factory.
FYBROC’s obligation is limited, however, to furnishing without charge, F.O.B. its factory,
new parts to replace any similar parts of its own manufacture so proving defective within
said period, provided the Buyer has given FYBROC immediate written notice upon discov-
ery of such defect. No allowance will be made for labor charges. FYBROC shall have the
option of requiring the return of the defective material, transportation prepaid, to establish
the claim.
FYBROC makes no warranty or guarantee whatsoever, either express or implied, of prime
mover, starting equipment, electrical apparatus, parts or material not manufactured by
Fybroc, except to the extent that warranty is made by the manufacturer of such equipment
and material.
FYBROC assumes no liability for damages or delays caused by defective material, and no
allowance will be made for local repair bills or expenses without the prior written approval
or authority of FYBROC.
Under no circumstances will FYBROC be liable for indirect, special or consequential loss or
damage of any kind and the Buyer assumes all liability for the consequences of its use or
misuse by the by the Buyer, his employees, or others.

perFormaNce Is at the specified point of rating only and will not cover performance under conditions vary-
guaraNtee ing therefrom, nor for sustained performance over any period of time.

acceptaNce If required, shall be conducted in accordance with the practices as set forth in the Hydraulic
tests Institute Standards. The expense of any such tests shall be borne by the buyer.

perFormaNce Are based on shop laboratory tests with cold water as outlined in the Hydraulic Institute
represeNtatioNs Standards.

Field testiNg Due to the inaccuracies of field testing, the results of any such tests conducted by or for
the Buyer shall be interpreted as being only indicative of the actual field performance of the
pump. No equipment will be furnished on the basis of acceptance by results of field tests.
If the buyer, after such a test, questions the performance of the pump, he may at his option
request a test to establish the performance. Such tests will be conducted in accordance
with the above paragraph entitled “Acceptance Tests.”

all WarraNties Are void if -

a. Pipe strains are the cause of damage.
b. Pump handles liquids other than those specified in detail.
c. NPSH lower than required by pump impeller.
d. Operating speed is higher than specified.
e. Improper field installation.

recommeNdatioNs To combat corrosion, abrasion, erosion, or pumping solids, foreign objects, or pumping
For special liquids at elevated temperature, any such recommendations will be based on the best
materials available experience of FYBROC and the supplier of the material and industry, BUT WILL

The foregoing warranty is made in lieu of all other warranties guarantees, obligations or
liabilities, expressed or implied, by FYBROC or its representatives. All statutory or implied
warranties, other than of title, are hereby expressly negated and excluded.

All illustrations and provisions in specifications are descriptive and are not intended as
warranties. Penalty of any kind are not acceptable unless approved in writing by an officer
of Met-Pro Corporation.
3 16

Page Page
Fybroc Warranty 2 Starting 7
Installation Instructions 3 Operational Check List 7
General Description 4 Maintenance 7
Location 4 Trouble Check List 8
Pump Installation 4 Assembly/Disassembly Procedures 9
Piping the Pump 4 General 9
Suction Piping 5 Disassembly 9
Discharge Piping 5 Assembly 10
Column Return Piping 5 Impeller Adjustment 11
Ancillary Piping 5 Sectional Drawing 12
Motor Installation 5 Outline Drawing 13
Electrical Connections 5 Operational Start-up Checklist 14
Rotation 5 Notes 15
Coupling Installation 6 Notes 16
Start-up and General Operating Procedures 7 Notes 17
Lubrication 7

orderiNg replacemeNt parts

For future reference fill in the following information from the pump nameplate.
This will be necessary to ensure accuracy when ordering replacement parts.

Serial Number
Impeller Diameter Installed
Material of Construction

Global Pump Solutions
A Met-Pro Fluid Handling Technologies Business
Combining the Resources of Dean Pump, Fybroc & Sethco

Fybroc® series 5530 vertical dry pit pump



l Life Support




Global Pump Solutions AALSO

A Met-Pro Fluid Handling Technologies Business
Combining the Resources of Dean Pump, Fybroc & Sethco

700 Emlen Way • Telford, PA 18969

P: 215.723.8155 • TOLL-FREE: 800.FYBROC.1 • F: 215.723.2197
sales@fybroc.com • www.fybroc.com

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