Competitive Strategy Syllabus

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MBA 701 Competitive Strategy

Dr. M. Krishna Erramilli, Professor at Stuart School of Business, Illinois Institute of Technology
M. Krishna Erramilli | Illinois Institute of Technology (

Course Description
If you are someone interested in learning how companies compete and succeed by developing and executing
highly effective competitive strategies, this course is made for you.

This course is part of the Performance Based Admission courses for the MBA program.

This course provides you with the opportunity to learn about 21st century competition, the forces driving it,
and the challenges it poses for companies. Using that as the backdrop, you will learn how to analyze a
company's external and internal environments and develop powerful strategies that allow companies to gain a
sustainable competitive advantage even in fast-cycle markets. The course will describe companies that have
successfully outperformed their competitors even in the fiercely competitive markets of the 21st century.

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Describe what a competitive strategy is and how it is formulated.
• Analyze the macro-environmental factors and identify opportunities and threats.
• Analyze industry forces and draw conclusions about the industry’s profitability.
• Describe the concept of competitive advantage and its importance.
• Describe the circumstances under which competitive advantage is sustainable.
• Analyze the value chain and understand its contribution to competitive advantage.
• Explain how companies compete on price using a cost leadership strategy.
• Explain how companies compete on their unique features using a differentiation strategy.
• Explain how companies can offer both low prices and unique features simultaneously.
• Describe how to choose a value-creating competitive strategy.

Course Materials
The link to reading materials and resources to learn on the topics can be found in each week’s learning
module. All materials are available online for free, no required resources need to be purchased. There is no
required textbook to supplement the course materials. Note: Be aware that some resources may open in a
new tab.

Course Outline
The course consists of 3 modules that focus on the following key areas:
Module 1
Key concepts

- What is Competitive Strategy?

- Analysis of Macro-Environment
- Analysis of Industry Forces


- Kennedy, R., Jamison, E., Simpson, J., Kumar, P., Kemp, A., Awate, K., & Manning, K. (2020).
Chapters 1 and 3. In Strategic Management. essay, Virginia Tech Publishing.

Module 2
Key concepts

- What is Competitive Advantage?

- When is Competitive Advantage Sustainable?
- Analyzing the Value Chain


- Kennedy, R., Jamison, E., Simpson, J., Kumar, P., Kemp, A., Awate, K., & Manning, K. (2020).
Chapter 4. In Strategic Management. essay, Virginia Tech Publishing.

Module 3
Key concepts

- Types of Competitive Strategy

- Link to Competitive Advantage
- Choosing a Competitive Strategy


- Kennedy, R., Jamison, E., Simpson, J., Kumar, P., Kemp, A., Awate, K., & Manning, K. (2020).
Chapter 6. In Strategic Management. essay, Virginia Tech Publishing.

Course Structure and Learning Activities

There are 3 content modules in this course and each module may take about 6-7 hours to complete. You can
advance at your own pace; a consistent pace will help you complete the module and move on to the next
course in the sequence. The final module consists of your final exam for the course.

This course is comprised of the following elements:

● Readings: Each module may include several required and/or supplemental readings. The
supplementary materials are provided for you to help you to further explore the course topics.

● Video Lessons: In each module, the concepts you need to know will be presented through a
collection of short videos. You may stream these videos for playback within the browser by clicking on
their titles.

● In-Video Questions. Some videos have questions associated with it to help verify your understanding
of the topics. These questions will automatically appear while watching the video if you stream the
video through your browser. These questions do not contribute toward your final score in the class.

● Discussion Forum: This course has a place for you to interact with other learners about class-related
topics. Unless specified, discussion forums do not carry a score.

● Practice Quizzes: Each module will include some practice quizzes, intended for you to assess your
understanding of the topics. You will be allowed unlimited attempts at each practice quiz. There is no
time limit on how long you take to complete each attempt at the quiz. These quizzes do not contribute
toward your final score in the class.

● Summative Module Assessments: Each module will include at least one summative module
assessment. You will be allowed three attempts per every eight hours for each assessment. There is
no time limit on how long you take to complete each attempt at the quiz. Your highest grade will be

● Final Assessment: Each course will contain one final summative course assessment. You will be
allowed one attempt for this assessment.

How to Pass This Course

Guidelines for completing and submitting each assigned course activity is posted along with the assignment.
Assignments can be submitted at any time as you move through the module. Only those who complete and
submit all assignments, including peer reviews, will receive a certificate of completion of this course. No late
assignments will be accepted. In case of extenuating circumstances beyond your control that prevent the
submission of an assignment or exam, you have to enter a request with the program advisor and the

To qualify for a Course Certificate, simply start verifying your coursework at the beginning of the course and
pay the fee. Coursera Financial Aid is available to offset the registration cost for learners with demonstrated
economic needs. If you have questions about Course Certificates, please see the help topics here.

If you choose not to pay the fee, you can still audit the course. You will still be able to view all videos, submit
practice quizzes, and view required assessments. Auditing does not include the option to submit required
assessments. As such, you will not be able to earn a grade or a Course Certificate.

The following table explains the breakdown for what is required in order to pass the class and qualify for a
Course Certificate. You must pass each and every required activity in order to pass this course.

Activity Required? Number per Estimated Time % Required % of Total

Course per Module to Pass Grade
Lecture Videos Yes 3-6 per .5-1 hour N/A N/A

Practice Quizzes No 3-6 per .5 hour N/A N/A


Discussions No 2 per course 1 hour N/A N/A

Summative Module Yes 1 per module .5 hour 80% 60%


Summative Course Yes 1 per course 1-3 hours 80% 40%


Letter Grades
Letter grades are used for the final grade. Information about IIT grading system can be found in the Graduate
Student Handbook.

Letter Grade Description Points Percentage

A Excellent 4.00 90-100

B Above Average 3.00 80-89.99

C Average 2.00 70-79.99

E Fail 0.00 Under 70%

Getting and Giving Help

● Use the Learner Help Center to find information regarding specific technical problems. For example,
technical problems would include error messages, difficulty submitting assignments, or problems with
video playback. If you cannot find an answer in the documentation, you can also report your problem
to the Coursera staff by clicking on the Contact Us! link available on each topic's page within the
Learner Help Center.
● Use the flag icon under each item to report errors in lecture video content, assignment questions and
answers, assignment grading, text and links on course pages, or the content of other course materials.
● Familiarize yourself with Coursera’s policy on Accessibility.

Academic Integrity
Your attentiveness to academic integrity reflects the value you place on your own work and the work of
others. In addition to Coursera's Honor Code, we also have high expectations for conduct during course

Discussion Forums: Expectations

Sharing an online course with other avid learners like you gives you a unique opportunity to share,
collaborate, and learn from others and their experiences, and helps you reinforce your understanding of the
topics of the course. Interacting in the Discussion Forums is a great way to engage with your online
community. We know that it is not possible to read every discussion forum post, so we recommend that you
read those that interest you; and reply when you can contribute. The forum is part of your class activities and
everybody is expected to act professionally and be civil and respectful of others in your class. Failure to meet
these expectations may be considered a break in the Academic Code of Conduct and may result in your
removal from the course. Please, check tips and helpful tools to interact in discussion forums in this

Academic Code of Conduct

Above all else, learners are expected to ensure that their conduct helps to create an atmosphere conducive to
learning and the interchange of knowledge. While it is understood that some of these items are subject to
interpretation, learners should nonetheless endeavor to:

● Be respectful of fellow learners.

● Not discriminate against fellow learners in any manner.
● Conduct peer reviews in a timely manner and give useful feedback on what was done well, helpful
suggestions for how to improve, and specific comments about why you gave the grade you chose to
assist peers in their learning.
● Turn assignments in on time and follow instructions on all assignments including those affecting the
use of technology.
● Be truthful in all communication, which includes, but is not limited to, avoiding academic dishonesty.

Illinois Institute of Technology Copyright Statement

This course material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by IIT. No part of this course material may be
reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer
language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or
otherwise, without the express prior written permission of the University.

Disability Resources and Educational Services

To obtain disability related academic an accommodation, students with disabilities must contact the course
instructor and the Center for Disability Resources (CDR). You have to indicate that you are an IIT-Coursera
student in Competitive Strategy. All accommodations must be requested in advance at 312.567.5744

Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis after the Center for Disability Resources considers
both the student’s needs as described in their disability documentation and the technical academic standards
of their course or program.

Reasonable Accommodations

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