L5-N3 Neoborn Babies
L5-N3 Neoborn Babies
L5-N3 Neoborn Babies
Neonatal period: It is the first 4 weeks of human life (28 days). It is divided into:
Perinatal mortality rate (PMR): Is the number of still born babies after 20 weeks
of gestation + number of deaths in the first week of life per 1000 total births.
Neonatal mortality rate (NMR): Is the number of infants died during the first 28
days of life per 1000 live births.
FULL TERM: NB delivered between 37-42 weeks (260- 294 days).
Small for gestational age (SGA) Is NB with birth weight of < 10 th centile
Appropriate for age (AGA) Is NB with birth weight between 10th -90th centiles
Large for gestational age (LGA) Is NB with birth weight of > 90 th centile
Hb 14 – 22 g/ dl
BP 80/50 mm Hg
RR 40 – 60 breaths/ minutes
Urine passed within 24 hours of birth, max. 40 hours
They are neonates whose birth weight < 2500 grams. They represents 6-7 % of
all births, but they accounts for 2/3 of all neonatal deaths.
PRETERM NEONATES: Any neonate who was born before 37 weeks completed.
1. Maternal causes: maternal age <16 - >35 years, grand parity, smoking,
poor housing, short stature, alcohol consumption, chronic maternal
diseases like chronic HT, cyanotic CHD, chronic renal diseases, acute
infections during pregnancy and drug abuse like cocaine.
2. Thermal instability (hypothermia or hyperthermia): Hypothermia may be
due to large S.A compared to BWT, little or no subcutaneous fat, poor
muscular activity, poor sweating mechanism, immature heat regulating
centre in brain. So protect preterm neonates by putting him in plastic
bag(<750 g) or under overhead heater after delivery and then in
12.Ophthalmologic: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) which may lead to
Partial or total blindness especially if received high 02 concentration for
long period. They require follow up by fundoscopic examinations.
- Hypotonic with full extension of legs, arms (frog like posture with poor
muscle tone).
- The body is covered with black soft brittle hair all over the back and
shoulder (lanugo hair)
g. Nutrition: parenteral (partial, total TPN) and enteral (NG tube,
direct oral). They are unable to suckle and swallow well or tolerate
enteral feeding before 34 weeks. So start with i.v fluids then cavage
(NG tube) then breast or bottle feeding if older than 34 weeks.
Breast feeding is better than formula for its nutritional, immunity,
protective advantages against NEC, and developmental benefits.
For long term sequels, 10-15% of those < I 500 grams are found to have major
handicap such as CP, developmental delay, blindness, and deafness.
Early: RDS, Jaundice, PDA, IVH, Early anemia of prematurity. These occur while
the patient in hospital.
Late: ROP, BPD (CLD), Late anemia of prematurity, Rickets, CNS damage. These
occur while patient in hospital or after discharge.
Diagnosis: Clinical course, chest x ray, blood gases, other Investigations and
echocardiogram when needed.
Chest x ray classically show increased reticulogranular pattern of lung field that
may obscure the heart border (ground-glass appearance, or white lung).
Sometimes air bronchogram is seen.
Blood gases usually show increased paCO2, decreased paO2, and PH.
Differential diagnosis:
Transient tachypnea of newborn (TTN) may be distinguished by its short and mild
clinical course and is characterized by low or no need for oxygen supplementation.
More in term baby, especially after Elective C/S. OTHER D.D, Group B streptococcal
infection, Cyanotic congenital heart diseases, aspiration syndromes, primary
pulmonary hypertension of newborn (PPHN), spontaneous pneumothorax,
diaphragmatic hernia, pleural effusion, lobar emphysema, congenital anomalies
of lung.
Prevention of RDS:
3. Prophylactic Surfactant (human or bovine). The first dose is given into the
trachea of premature neonate immediately after birth or during the first 15
minutes of life.
Treatment of RDS:
2. Umbilical artery and vein catheterization including too far or too close
insertion, perforation.