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Science and Life course details

Course code: 0201111

Dr Nadia Hussain
Lecture topics – time/date of all lectures
Resources used for course
Exams – dates, marks distribution, topics for each exam
Office hours, contact details
List of Chapters
Chapter No. Lecture title
1 The cell
2 Nutrition
3 Diseases related to nutrition
4 Ecology
5 Pollution
6 Extinction
7 Human health
8 Addiction
9 Energy
Lecture list:
Chapter 1: The cell part 1
Chapter 1: The cell part 2
Chapter 2: Nutrition part 1
Chapter 2: Nutrition part 2
Chapter 3: Diseases related to nutrition part 1
Chapter 3: Diseases related to nutrition part 2
Chapter 4: Ecology part 1
Chapter 4: Ecology part 2
Chapter 5: Pollution part 1
Chapter 5: Pollution part 2
Chapter 6: Extinction
Chapter 7: Human health part 1
Chapter 7: Human health part 2
Chapter 8: Addiction part 1
Chapter 8: Addiction part 2
Chapter 9: Energy part 1
Chapter 9: Energy part 2 & 3
Lecture time/location
Lab 10 (AA building – near gate)
2 – 4 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Lecture schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
1 2 3 4

8 9 10 12

16 17 18 19
Introduction to Science & Introduction to Science & Chapter I: The Cell (part 1) Chapter I: The Cell (part 2)
Life course Life course

23 24 25 Quiz 1 Chp 1 & 2 26

Chapter 2: Nutrition (part Chapter 2: Nutrition (part Chapter 3: Diseases Chapter 3: Diseases
1) 2) related to nutrition part 1 related to nutrition part 2

30 Midterms 31 Midterms 1 Midterms 2

Chapter 4: Ecology part 1 Chapter 4: Ecology part 2 Chapter 5: Pollution part 1 Chapter 5: Pollution part 2
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
6 7 8 9
Chapter 6: Extinction Chapter 6: Extinction Chapter 7: Human health Chapter 7: Human health
(part 1) (part 2)

Quiz 2 (Chp 5 & 6) 13 14 Assignment due 15 16

Chapter 8: Addiction part 1 Chapter 8: Addiction part 2 Chapter 9: Energy part 1 Chapter 9: Energy part 2

20 21 22 Final exams start 23 Final exams Final exams

Revision Revision Revision 24 25
Lecture timetable Week 1 - 6 (specific till
midterm/final exam dates announced)
Week 4:
Week 1:
• 16 May (Mon): Intro to course • 6 June (Mon): Chapter 6: Extinction
• 17 May (Tues): Intro to course • 7 June (Tues): Chapter 7: Human health part 1
• 18 May (Wednesday): Chapter 1: The cell part 1 • 8 June (Wed): Chapter 7: Human health part 2
• 19 May (Thursday): Chapter 1: The cell part 2
• 9 June (Thurs): Chapter 8: Addiction part 1
Week 2:
Week 5:
• 23 May (Mon): Chapter 2: Nutrition part 1
• 24 May (Tues): Chapter 2: Nutrition part 2 • 13 June (Mon): Quiz 2 on Chapter 5 & 6, Chapter 8: Addiction part 2
• 25 May (Wed): Chapter 3: Diseases related to nutrition part 1 • 14 June (Tues): Chapter 9: Energy part 1
• 26 May(Thurs): Quiz 1 (on Chapter 1 & 2) Chapter 3: Diseases related to nutrition part 2 • 15 June (Wed): Chapter 9: Energy part 2
Week 3:
• 16 June (Thurs): Chapter 9: Energy part 3
• 30 May (Mon): Chapter 4: Ecology part 1
Week 6
• 31 May (Tues): Midterm?? Chapter 4: Ecology part 2
• 1 June (Wed): Midterm?? Chapter 5: Pollution part 1 • 20 June (Mon): Revision of Chapter 1-2
• 2 June (Thurs): Midterm?? Chapter 5: Pollution part 2 • 21 June (Tues): Revision of Chapter 3-5
• 22 June (Wed): Revision of Chapter 6-9
• 23 June (Thurs): Final exams begin
Student presentation schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
1 2 3 4

8 9 10 12

16 17 18 19
Introduction to Science & Introduction to Science & Chapter I: The Cell (part 1) Chapter I: The Cell (part 2)
Life course Life course

23 24 25 Quiz 1 Chp 1 & 2 26

Student presentation 1 Student presentation 2 No presentation No presentation

30 Midterms 31 Midterms 1 Midterms 2

No presentation No presentation No presentation No presentation
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
6 7 8 9
Student presentation 3 Student presentation 4 Student presentation 5 Student presentation 6

Quiz 2 (Chp 5 & 6) 13 14 Assignment due 13 16

No presentation Student presentation ?? Student presentation ?? Student presentation ??

20 21 22
Student presentation ?? Student presentation ?? Revision
Presentation details
Time: 20 minutes including question/answer details
Presentation MUST be emailed to at least ONE DAY
BEFORE your presentation. USBs having your presentation will not be accepted on
my laptop.
NO VIDEOS will be allowed as part of your presentation.
Topics: please see the list on the next slide
I will reply “Received” to your presentation email which means that I have gotten
your email. If I don’t reply within 8 hours of you sending the email that means I
haven’t received it.
Presentation topics – your topic should be related to:
1. The cell
2. Nutrition & diseases related to nutrition
3. Ecology
4. Pollution
5. Extinction
6. Human health
7. Drug Addiction
8. Energy
Presentation tips
Your slides should not be image heavy. One image on one slide is enough to keep it
interesting. Try and pick images that you actually like, and not too distracting.You
don't want puppy dogs and things. Make something simple, but something that you
like, and make sure it looks nice.
Tips on effective presentation:,
Presentation tips
Engage your audience, be confident, speak clearly and make eye contact with your audience.
Keep a confident posture and don’t read the slides.
Don’t use your Powerpoint presentation as a replacement for your talk. It is a visual aid, not a
substitute for effective communication.
Your slides should not be image heavy. One image on one slide is enough to keep it interesting. Try
and pick images that you actually like, and not too distracting.You don't want puppy dogs and
things. Make something simple, but something that you like, and make sure it looks nice.
Don’t use fancy or beautiful fonts – these are hard to read/understand. Check that your font is
not too small because you are presenting on a large screen.
Don’t add more than three or four lines on each slide because more lines will confuse your
Tips on effective presentation:,
Assignment details
Due date: June 15th 2022
Document specifications:
Use template provided only
Minimum 3 pages – Maximum 6 pages.
Single space, font size 12 (Calibri/Times New Roman)
No pictures/tables allowed.
Submission: online only via e-learning system
Topics: choose one in the list provided
Assignment topics (choose one)
1. Does encouraging eco-tourism help protect the environment?
2. Can people use their own gardens to help the earth and create a greater diversity of species in
their city?
3. How can large countries like China and India meet their growing energy needs best?
4. What is the long-term impact of nuclear disasters like Chernobyl?
5. What is the best way to prevent wildfires?
6. How can toxic waste affect a community?
7. How can we prevent fertilizer plant disasters like the one which occurred in West, Texas?
8. How can we help more people have clean drinking water?
9. What impact does oil drilling have on coastal species?
10. Can coral reefs be regenerated?
11. How are scientists using genetic information to help preserve species?
Marks & chapters distribution
Quiz 1 on Chapter 1 & 2 for 10 marks
Quiz 2 on Chapter 5 & 6 for 10 marks
Assignment – 10 marks
Group discussion/Presentation – 10 marks
Midterm exam on Chapter 1-3 for 20 marks
Final exam on Chapter 1 – 9 for 40 marks
Total: 100 marks
Exam question style: any combination of MCQs, Fill in the blanks, short essay
Office hours
Monday -Wednesday: 12 – 2:00 pm
Please respect the office hours. These timings will be strictly followed
Course textbook
Science and Life textbook by Prof. Khawla Ibrahim Al-Qaisi and Prof. Salman
Ahmed Al-Janabi
This textbook has to be studied to pass this course, the slides are not enough.
Attendance details
Attendance – late/absent attendance upto 3 times/course only allowed. Sick
leave is required if more than 3 classes are missed. First warning is issued when 4
classes are missed etc.
Contacts & lecture resource source
E-learning AAU

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