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Basics of Landfill Gas (Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfides)
Landfill gas is produced through bacterial decomposition, volatilization and chemical reactions. Most
landfill gas is produced by bacterial decomposition that occurs when organic waste solids, food (i.e.
meats, vegetables), garden waste (i.e. leaf and yardwaste), wood and paper products, are broken down by
bacteria naturally present in the waste and in soils. Volatilization generates landfill gas when certain
wastes change from a liquid or solid into a vapor. Chemical reactions occur when different waste
materials are mixed together during disposal operations. Additionally, moisture plays a large roll in the
speed of decomposition. Generally, the more moisture, the more landfill gas is generated, both during the
aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

Landfill Gas Production and Composition:

In general, during anaerobic conditions, the composition of landfill gas is approximately 50 percent
methane and 50 percent carbon dioxide with trace amounts (<1 percent) of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen
sulfide, hydrogen, and nonmethane organic compounds (NMOCs). The more organic waste and moisture
present in a landfill, the more landfill gas is produced by the bacteria during decomposition. The more
chemicals disposed in a landfill, the more likely volatile organic compounds and other gasses will be

The Four Phases of Bacterial Decomposition:

“Bacteria decompose landfill waste in four phases. The composition of the gas produced changes with
each of the four phases of decomposition. Landfills often accept waste over a 20-to 30-year period, so
waste in a landfill may be undergoing several phases of decomposition at once. This means that waste in
one area might be in a different phase of decomposition than more recently buried waste in another area.

Phase I:
During the first phase of decomposition, aerobic bacteria-bacteria that live only in the presence of
oxygen-consume oxygen while breaking down the long molecular chains of complex carbohydrates,
proteins, and lipids that comprise organic waste. The primary byproduct of this process is carbon
dioxide. Nitrogen content is high at the beginning of this phase, but declines as the landfill moves through
the four phases. Phase I continues until available oxygen is depleted. Phase I decomposition could last
for days or months, depending on how much oxygen is present when the waste is disposed of in the
landfill. Oxygen levels will vary according to factors such as how loose or compressed the waste was
when it was buried.

Phase II:
Phase II decomposition starts after the oxygen in the landfill has been used up. Using an anaerobic
process (a process that does not require oxygen), bacteria convert compounds created by aerobic bacteria
into acetic, lactic, and formic acids and alcohols such as methanol and ethanol. The landfill becomes
highly acidic. As the acids mix with the moisture present in the landfill, they cause certain nutrients to
dissolve, making nitrogen and phosphorus available to the increasingly diverse species of bacteria in the
landfill. The gaseous byproducts of these processes are carbon dioxide and hydrogen. If the landfill is
disturbed or if oxygen is somehow introduced into the landfill, microbial processes will return to Phase I.

Phase III:
Phase III decomposition starts when certain kinds of anaerobic bacteria consume organic acids produced
in the Phase II and form acetate, an organic acid. This process causes the landfill to become a more
neutral environment in which methane-producing bacteria begin to establish themselves. Methane-and
acid-producing bacteria have a symbiotic, or mutual beneficial, relationship. Acid-producing bacteria
create compounds for the methanogenic bacteria to consume. Methanogenic bacteria consume the
carbon dioxide and acetate, too much of which would be toxic to the acid-producing bacteria.

Phase IV:
Phase IV decomposition begins when both the composition and production rates of landfill gas remain
relatively constant. Phase IV landfill gas usually contains approximately 45 percent to 60 percent
methane by volume, 40 percent to 60 percent carbon dioxide and 2 percent to 9 percent other gasses, such
as sulfide. Gas is produced at a stable rate in Phase IV, typically for about 20 years; however, gas will
continue to be emitted for 50 or more years after the waste is placed in the landfill (Crawford and Smith
1985). Gas production might last longer, for example, if greater amounts organics are present in the
waste, such as at a landfill receiving higher than average amounts of domestic animal waste" (ATSDR,

Due to the fact that refuse is placed in a landfill at different times and consists of different types of solid
waste at different moisture content, all four phases of degradation may be occurring simultaneously within
the landfill.

Factors Affecting Landfill Gas Production:

Gas production rates depend on the rate of decomposition, which in turn is affected by moisture content of
the waste, temperature, soil cover permeability, amount of precipitation, composition of the waste, refuse
particle size, compaction, and landfilling practices.

Moisture is essential for bacterial survival. Ideal moisture content for decomposition is one that
approaches saturation. Biological reactions can be retarded if moisture content drops below 40 percent
and essentially stops when moisture content is below 20 percent. Thus, in very dry climates,
methanogenic (methane producing) decomposition will have a very small possibility of occurring.
Methane will be produced only when oxygen (O2) is no longer present in the landfill.

Capping of a landfill with a low permeability layer reduces the available moisture, thus retarding landfill
gas production. Smaller particles decompose more quickly due to the high surface area to mass ratio.
Thus, shredded waste produces gas more quickly than non-shredded waste. For additional information on
landfill gas production and composition refer to Chapter 7 of MassDEP’s “Landfill Technical Guidance

Figure 1: Production Phases of Typical Landfill Gas

Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfides:

Sulfides are naturally occurring gasses that often give a landfill gas mixture its rotten egg smell. Sulfides
can cause unpleasant odors even at very low concentrations. Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable
gas and is one of the most common sulfides responsible for landfill odors. Some people can smell
hydrogen sulfide (individual’s odor threshold) at concentrations as low as 0.5 parts per billion (ppb).
However, the odor threshold can vary significantly among individuals based on the olfactory sensitivity of
the person. For many compounds, including hydrogen sulfide, there is a wide variability in published odor
thresholds (refer to Table 1). Odors alone cannot be relied upon as providing an early warning for
elevated concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. "At concentrations around 100 ppm,” (parts per million)
“no odor is detected due to a loss of olfactory sensation, resulting in loss of warning properties at lethal
levels." (Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)). Hydrogen sulfide is more dense than air, and
therefore, more likely to pool at lower elevations under still conditions, depending upon topography.

Hydrogen sulfide is found naturally in the environment and is also produced from man-made processes.
Hydrogen sulfide occurs naturally in crude petroleum, natural gas, volcanic gasses, hot springs, and tidal
flats and can also be produced from bacterial breakdown of organic matter. Hydrogen sulfide is produced
by human and animal waste, and landfilling of solid waste, and can result from industrial activities such as
food processing, coke ovens, paper mills, tanneries and petroleum refineries, to name a few.

Dimethyl sulfide and mercaptans are sulfides that can also cause odors but typically are not emitted from a
landfill at the high concentrations or at production rates associated with hydrogen sulfide.

The concentration of hydrogen sulfide detected in landfill gas samples at solid waste landfills that receive
construction and demolition (C&D) waste is usually much higher than at landfills that do not accept C&D.
The higher concentrations of hydrogen sulfide are believed to be associated with the gypsum board
component (e.g. wallboard) present in C&D material. The combination of gypsum, organic material,
moisture and anaerobic conditions present in C&D landfills is believed to provide a favorable mixture and
environment for bacteria to produce hydrogen sulfide gas. Concentrations of hydrogen sulfide detected in
raw landfill gas samples, collected from within a landfill waste mass, have ranged from 50,000 ppb to
15,000,000 ppb (50 ppm - 15,000 ppm) for those landfills that accepted C&D solid waste. Landfills
which do not accept C&D typically have much lower concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in the raw gas,
usually less than 100,000 ppb (100 ppm).

Hydrogen sulfide is generated as a result of a series of reactions that biologically reduce sulfate leached
from gypsum contained in the C&D. In general, wallboard consists of the gypsum core (CaSO4 x 2H2O)
with facing and backing consisting of paper. The microorganisms responsible for generating hydrogen
sulfide include sulfate-reducing bacteria and sulfur-reducing bacteria (Florida, 2002). Sulfate reducing
bacteria require the following to produce hydrogen sulfide: a sulfate source (gypsum), a carbon source
(organic material), anaerobic conditions, and moisture.

Laboratory studies have indicated that under anaerobic conditions "...decaying drywall, even alone,
leached enough sulfide ions and organic matter for sulfate reducing bacteria to generate large hydrogen
sulfide concentrations” (Florida, 2002). "Factors contributing to hydrogen sulfide production are
anaerobic conditions, pH, moisture, organic matter content, in the presence of sulfate" (Florida, 2002).
Additional information on factors affecting hydrogen sulfide production is available from the State
University System of Florida.

Hydrogen sulfide production from various mixtures of municipal solid waste (“MSW”) and C&D waste
has been measured under laboratory conditions. Laboratory experiments have documented higher sulfide
production from wastes with wallboard than in those without.

Table 1. Chemical and Physical Properties of H2S

Characteristic/Property Data Reference

Common Name hydrogen sulfide ATSDR, 1999
Synonyms hydrosulfuric acid; stink damp; sulfur ATSDR, 1999
hydride; sulfurated hydrogen; dihydrogen
monosulfide; sewer gas; swamp gas;
rotten-egg gas
CAS Registry No. 7783-06-4 ATSDR, 1999
Chemical Formula H2S ATSDR, 1999
Molecular Weight 34.08 ATSDR, 1999
Physical State colorless gas ATSDR, 1999
Odor Threshold 0.0081-0.13 ppm Beauchamp et al., 1984; Amoore and

0.005 ppm U.S. Department of Health and human

services, 1999

Vapor Pressure 220 mm Hg at 21.9°C ATSDR, 1999

Density 1.5392 g/L at 0°C ATSDR, 1999
Specific Gravity 1.192 ATSDR, 1999
Freezing/Boiling/Flash Point -85.49°C/-60.33°C/26°C ATSDR, 1999
Solubility 1 g in 242 mL water at 20°C; soluble in ATSDR, 1999
alcohol, ether, glycerol, gasoline, kerosene,
crude oil, carbon disulfide
Conversion factors in air 1 ppm = 1.4 mg/m3 AIHA, 1991
1 mg/m3 = 0.7 ppm

Methane and Carbon Dioxide:

Landfill gas is composed primarily of 50 percent methane and 50 percent carbon dioxide and other gases
produced at less than 1 percent. Methane and carbon dioxide are generated through the biological
decomposition of waste. Methane is naturally occurring flammable, colorless and odorless gas and is the
principal explosive component of concern in landfill gas. Carbon dioxide is naturally found at low
concentrations in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is colorless, odorless, and slightly acidic.
Table 2. Chemical and Physical Properties of Methane

Characteristic/Property Data Reference

Common Name Methane Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,
Synonyms natural gas, marsh gas, fire damp, methyl Sax's Dangerous Properties of
hydride Industrial Materials, 2000

CAS Registry No. 74-82-8 Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,

Chemical Formula CH4 Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,
Molecular Weight 16.04 g/mol Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,
Physical State colorless gas Sax's Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 2000
Odor Threshold Odorless Sax's Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 2000
Density 0. 7168 g/l Sax's Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 2000
Freezing/Boiling/Flash Point -183°C/-162°C/-188°C Hawley's Condensed Chemical
Dictionary, 2001
Solubility Slightly soluble in water (v/v at 20°C is Hawley's Condensed Chemical
0.033); soluble in alcohol, and ether Dictionary, 2001
Flammability Limits in Air 5% to 15% Hawley's Condensed Chemical
Dictionary, 2001

2.1.5 Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Generation Rates Vs. Methane Generation Rates:

C&D debris landfills do not produce the large volumes of methane gas that MSW landfills generate. The
lower methane production can be a problem since one of the most effective treatment technologies for
landfill gas (including hydrogen sulfide) is combustion using methane as the fuel source. The lower
methane production may be because the landfill may not have reached anaerobic conditions, which are
necessary for significant methane and hydrogen sulfide production. Additionally, hydrogen sulfide is toxic
to methane producing bacteria, which in turn reduces methane gas production even under anaerobic
conditions. Combustion technologies such as an active landfill gas collection and landfill gas flare system
require sufficient fuel (methane) in order to thermally treat the hydrogen sulfide gas.

MassDEP has noted a correlation between the acceptance of C&D at both active landfills and at unlined
landfill closure projects and the generation of hydrogen sulfide causing odors offsite. Some landfills that
accepted mostly unprocessed C&D for disposal have experienced hydrogen sulfide odors offsite as early
as fourteen months from first acceptance. Since the large surface area of processed materials promotes
rapid decomposition, MassDEP has experienced hydrogen sulfide gas emissions offsite as early as nine
months from the first acceptance of processed C&D fines and residuals used for grading and shaping
material for unlined landfill closure projects.

MassDEP strongly recommends that, when disposing of unprocessed C&D or processed C&D (fines and
residuals) in an active landfill, the owner/operator accept other materials (MSW) for disposal that generate
sufficient levels of methane to properly control the generation of hydrogen sulfide gas.

With regard to the Inactive Unlined Landfill Closure projects, where C&D fines and residuals are
accepted for grading and shaping, MassDEP recommends mixing soils with the C&D fines and C&D
residuals at a minimum ratio of 1 to 1 by volume in order to reduce the potential for generation of
hydrogen sulfide (less surface area).

Landfill Gas Migration:

Landfill gas that is produced within the landfill mass will generally move away from the landfill. Landfill
gasses can migrate through the soils or through ambient air (dispersion). The production of landfill gas
results in pressure gradients (advection) and concentration gradients (diffusion) between the landfill and
the surrounding environment. Landfill gas will migrate from the source area (landfill) along the path of
least resistance due to pressure, density, and concentration gradients. Methane is lighter than air and
carbon dioxide is heavier than air. However, they "... will not separate by their individual density..", but
rather move, ".. as a mass in accordance with the density of the mixture and other gradients such as
temperature and partial pressure" (EPA, April 1992). This usually results in landfill gas moving upward
through the landfill surface into the landfill gas collection system or through the surface soils into ambient
air. However, the upward movement of landfill gas can be inhibited by compacted waste or landfill cover
materials. This can result in landfill gas migrating horizontally through the waste mass into surrounding
soils, utility conduits or structures if an adequate gas collection system is not designed and constructed.

Factors Affecting Landfill Gas Migration:

Landfill gas has been detected in soils at distances of up to 1,500 feet from the edge of waste at landfills.
As with groundwater flow, highly porous materials, such as fine to coarse sands and gravels, will provide
more passageways for landfill gases than fine-grained soils such as till, silts and clays.

However, landfill gas migration differs from migrating contaminated groundwater in that gas flows within
the soils along its own pressure and concentration gradient, which can cause gas migration in a direction
opposite to groundwater flow or topography. Also, landfill gas flow in soils is impeded by soils that are
saturated. For example, wetlands and other locations where exposed groundwater is situated, act as
barriers to the migration of landfill gas. The water table (non perched) is a barrier to landfill gas migration.
Perched water table conditions, however, do not prevent landfill gas from migrating through soils located
in between the perched water table interval and underlying water table.

Landfill gasses can move through the landfill surface to the ambient air. Once in the air, landfill gasses
can be carried off site to receptors by the wind. Odors are an indicator of gas moving in ambient air. The
concentration of gases in ambient air, where people may be exposed, depends on many factors including,
but not limited to: proximity to the landfill, landfill gas production rates, landfill gas constituent
concentrations within the landfill, pressure gradients within the landfill, gas control systems, topography,
weather (e.g. barometric pressure, wind), and change in seasons (temperature inversions) to name a few.

Additional information on landfill gas migration through soils is available within MassDEP’s Landfill
Technical Guidance Manual, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s, Design Operation, and Closure of
Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, seminar publication, EPA/625/R-94/008, and in the document titled
Landfill Gas Primer, An Overview For Environmental Health Professionals, November 2001 prepared by
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (


Landfill Gas Monitoring

Landfill Gas Monitoring
This Appendix provides basic information about the design and implementation of landfill gas
sampling and monitoring at landfills. Chapter 4 of MassDEP's Landfill Technical Guidance
Manual (“Manual”) provides guidance on implementing landfill gas monitoring at landfills
including soil gas monitoring procedures. Additionally, MassDEP recommends the following
document as an overview of the different types of landfill gas monitoring:

Landfill Gas Primer

An Overview for Environmental Professionals
November 2001

prepared by

Department of Health and Human Services

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Division of Health Assessment and Consultation

MassDEP recommends that professionals experienced with landfill gas monitoring procedures and
protocols, and the regulations, be consulted when planning landfill gas monitoring activities at landfills.

Ambient Air Monitoring Locations

MassDEP recommends a pre-sampling survey be conducted prior to selecting ambient air monitoring
locations. Inspecting the area surrounding the landfill is necessary to identify receptors (e.g. residents,
health-care facilities, schools, day-care centers, businesses, etc.). Of primary importance in ambient air
monitoring is the predominant wind direction for the area. Conducting some preliminary field screening
and identifying other potential sources of hydrogen sulfide (e.g. vehicles, landfill equipment, flares,
industrial sources) and other pollutants is also recommended. Background samples should be collected
upwind of the landfill.

The topography of the surrounding area is very important in determining where to monitor. In some
circumstances topography and local atmospheric conditions may cause landfill emissions to travel
significant distances (a mile or more) before affecting off-site receptors. This is more likely to occur at
large, highly mounded, landfills or in areas with significant elevation changes. Under these circumstances
monitoring the fence line may be too close to the landfill to detect landfill gas emissions.

Landfill gas will tend to collect in low-lying areas under certain atmospheric conditions (e.g. low wind,
high humidity, etc.). Methane is lighter than air and carbon dioxide is heavier than air. However, landfill
gas "..will not separate by their individual density….", but rather moves, "as a mass in accordance with
the density of the mixture and other gradients such as temperature and partial pressure" (EPA, April

MassDEP will require each owner/operator, as part of their Hydrogen Sulfide and Odorous Landfill Gas
Response Plan (“Plan”), to include a section on monitoring locations (on-site and off-site) for their
Landfill. MassDEP refers to this section of the Plan as the Odor Survey Plan or Odor Loop.

Meteorological Considerations

MassDEP recommends a modest local meteorological data collection station be installed at the Landfill
site that documents wind speed and direction, barometric pressure and temperatures. Wind direction and
speed can vary significantly over short distances. Meteorology can vary from location to location and
greatly affect where and at what concentrations contaminants are present in ambient air. MassDEP has
noted a strong correlation between certain types of atmospheric conditions and odor complaints at many
landfills. Odor complaints tend to coincide with little or no wind, fog or high humidity, overcast skies,
and during thermal inversions. These meteorological conditions tend to occur early in the morning or
evening. These types of weather conditions typically occur during the change in season from Fall to
Winter and from Winter to Spring. Odor complaints are rarely received during clear, sunny, and windy

Near Surface Monitoring

Near surface monitoring is the measurement of gas concentrations within a few inches of the surface of a
landfill. Near surface monitoring is used to quantify the levels of landfill gas that are escaping from the
landfill surface, to verify a cover system integrity and performance or to determine whether the landfill
gas control system is working efficiently to control landfill gas emissions. Near surface monitoring is a
useful tool to evaluate the effectiveness of landfill gas control systems and identify those areas
contributing to landfill gas emissions. A screening study consisting of landfill gas characterization (refer
to the “Landfill Gas Characterization” section of this Appendix) followed by near surface monitoring can
be useful in narrowing down the list of potential compounds causing odors and their source (e.g. gas
breakouts along a particular landfill slope).

Near surface monitoring is more commonly conducted at those landfills that trigger the New Source
Performance Standards (NSPS - 40 CFR 60, subpart www) under the Clean Air Act with NMOC
(nonmethane organic compounds) emissions greater than 50 Mg/year. For those landfills, a quarterly
surface methane monitoring program is required. The protocol for assessing surface emissions is included
in the Federal NSPS guidelines 40 CFR 60.755. Portable instruments are used for evaluating landfill
cover systems by monitoring for methane leaks. For the facility to be considered in compliance, the
monitoring program requires that the methane concentration be less than 500 ppm above background at
the surface of the landfill. To determine if this level is exceeded, the owner and/or operator shall conduct
surface testing around the perimeter of the collection area and along a grid pattern that traverses the
landfill at 30 meter intervals and where visual observations indicate possible elevated concentrations of
landfill gas, such as distressed vegetation and cracks or seeps in the cover material. A surface monitoring
design plan shall be developed that includes a topographical map with the monitoring route and the
rationale for any specific deviations from the 30 meter grid intervals (40 CFR 60).

This near surface monitoring methodology can be used to identify hydrogen sulfide as well as methane
emissions. Near surface monitoring is accomplished with portable sampling equipment with the probe

inlet positioned to within 5 to 10 centimeters of the ground surface. The probe is moved over the surface
of the landfill at a pace slow enough to identify peak hydrogen sulfide/methane/volatile organic
compounds concentrations. Whenever landfill gas is identified, the pace is slowed further and the area
assessed to locate the local maximum concentration. MassDEP recommends that monitoring be performed
under the following conditions: no precipitation, wind speeds below 10 miles per hour, and low
barometric pressure.

Landfill Gas Characterization

Landfill gas characterization is the measuring of the concentration of gasses from the interior of the
landfill. Landfill gas characterization samples are collected from within the waste mass, unlike soil gas
monitoring samples that are collected from soils above or adjacent to the landfill. Landfill gas
characterization is typically performed to identify the individual chemicals of concern in the raw landfill
gas. Landfill gas characterization is typically done to quantify the concentrations of methane, carbon
dioxide, volatile organic compounds, sulfide and mercaptans in raw landfill gas. Landfill gas
characterization is performed to aide in the design of a landfill gas control system and aide in the routine
balancing of an active landfill gas control system. Landfill gas characterization data is required for certain
air quality permitting and can be important for modeling landfill gas emissions and determining the
feasibility of a potential post closure use at a landfill.

Landfill gas characterization samples are typically collected from landfill gas vents installed as part of a
landfill gas control system. If a landfill gas control system is not in place, landfill gas samples are
collected from shallow probes/wells installed within the waste mass (refer to Chapter 4 of the Manual).
Sampling procedures for landfill gas characterization are presented in the Manual.

Landfill gas characterization samples, including samples for hydrogen sulfide, are typically analyzed
using a combination of field equipment and laboratory analysis. First, field equipment such as multigas
meters and Jerome meters are used for quantifying hydrogen sulfide concentrations in landfill gas and
then samples are collected for laboratory analysis. The choice of which field equipment to use depends on
the detection limits of equipment and the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide detected in the raw landfill
gas. Multigas meters typically have the detection range of 1 ppm - 2000 ppm for hydrogen sulfide
compared with a Jerome meter, which has the detection range of 0.003 ppm to 50 ppm. MassDEP does
not recommend the use of Draeger tubes for assessing hydrogen sulfide concentrations.

MassDEP recommends that, prior to the collection of landfill gas samples for laboratory analysis, portable
field equipment (e.g. multigas meter, photo ionization detector etc.) be used to analyze the landfill gas
from the proposed sampling locations for methane, volatile organic compounds, hydrogen sulfide and
oxygen. The purpose of analyzing in the field is to ensure that a representative and undiluted raw landfill
gas sample is collected from the sampling locations (refer to the Manual). The field data can be used to
identify problems (e.g. oxygen intrusion) before samples are collected for costly and time-consuming
laboratory analysis. Additionally, the field data can be compared to laboratory data in order to ensure
proper quality assurance/quality control procedures have been followed. After analyzing the landfill gas
with field equipment, a gas sample for laboratory analysis is typically collected in a SUMMA canister or
Tedlar bag. The presence of high concentrations of oxygen in the laboratory sample may be an indicator

of atmospheric contamination of the sample. As always, proper collection procedures and holding times
for the particular test method need to be followed.

Ambient Air Monitoring Protocols for Hydrogen Sulfide

MassDEP has established Action Levels for hydrogen sulfide in ambient air (refer to Table 1 in the policy
“Control of Odorous Gas at Massachusetts Landfills” (the “Policy”)). In order to determine if a hydrogen
sulfide Action Level has been exceeded, ambient air monitoring equipment must be employed. Please note
that the determination of an odor nuisance condition can be entirely separate from determining the
ambient air concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is only one of many compounds that
could be emitted from a landfill that may cause an odor nuisance. For information on determining if odors
from landfill gas emissions pose a nuisance (Odor Action Level 1) refer to Appendix E- “Protocol for the
Assessment of Off-site Landfill Odors”.

MassDEP recommends the following equipment and protocols be used for determining if hydrogen
sulfide concentrations in ambient air are greater than the established Action Levels in the Policy.

• Stationary or portable continuous monitoring device(s) (e.g. Jerome meter or similar device)
• method detection limit of approximately 3 ppb, or less, if available
• sampling interval of approximately 10-15 minutes

The “Jerome meter” is a portable hydrogen sulfide meter manufactured by Arizona Instrument LLC, that
has a detection range of 3 ppb to 50,000 ppb. The Jerome meter, or similar device, can be used as a
portable or stationary continuous monitoring device with the use of the data logger. The number and
location of continuous monitoring devices that are necessary for each landfill will be site specific.
However, ideally, meter(s) should be located at the fence line (i.e. site assigned property line) of the
property in the predominant downwind direction of the landfill, in low-lying areas, and in the direction of
the nearest receptor(s) or in the area with the greatest number of odor complaints.

MassDEP recommends portable/stationary continuous monitoring field equipment rather than laboratory
techniques that typically use integrated samplers (i.e. SUMMA canisters or Tedlar bags) for hydrogen
sulfide ambient air monitoring. MassDEP recommends this type of monitoring for two reasons: 1) near
continuous monitoring capability and 2) immediate sample results. The near continuous monitoring
feature of field equipment can better account for the variability over time of hydrogen sulfide in ambient
air. Additionally, time integrated samples cannot account for short-term spike concentrations.
Continuous monitoring devices constantly sample and analyze gas concentrations over short intervals.
Continuous monitoring devices can provide valuable insight into ambient air quality and can be used to
measure the effectiveness (performance) of landfill gas control measures. Continuous monitoring devices
can provide quantitative evidence of the effectiveness of response actions to address hydrogen sulfide and
other landfill gas emissions. The reactivity of hydrogen sulfide also causes problems with time integrated
samples. Hydrogen sulfide can react in the sample container with atmospheric gases and can result in the
under-reporting of actual ambient air hydrogen sulfide concentrations.

Appendix C

Checklist for Hydrogen Sulfide and Odorous Landfill Gas Response Plans

Checklist for Hydrogen Sulfide and Odorous Landfill
Gas Response Plans

The following checklist is presented to assist owner/operators in the preparation of a Hydrogen Sulfide
and Odorous Landfill Gas Response Plan ("Plan"). The checklist identifies subject areas that should be
addressed in a Plan for completeness. Depending upon site-specific conditions, some areas may require a
more detailed discussion than others.

Task 1: Identify Potential Receptors

______ Identify Potential Receptors

______ Review existing documents and/or conduct a survey to identify receptors and sensitive
receptors (e.g. residential dwellings, health-care facilities, schools, day-care centers, senior centers or
use centers) and their distances from landfill

______ Develop an Odor Survey Plan (“Odor Loop”)

An odor survey plan identifies locations in the vicinity of the landfill that should be investigated to
determine if odors or landfill gas emissions are present. The choice of locations should be based
upon, but not limited to, the following: the proximity to the landfill, receptors, topography,
meteorology, previous complaints, predominant wind direction, and other potential sources of odors
and emissions.

Task 2: Develop procedures and protocols for logging the complaint

______ Establish phone line, fax line and contact person for complaints

______ Develop a complaint form

The complaint form should contain but not be limited to the following information: date of complaint,
time of complaint, proximity to landfill, name, address and phone number of the caller,
characterization of the odor, type and intensity of the odor, duration of the odor, and other comments
by the caller (refer to Appendix E for the complaint form the MassDEP uses).

Task 3: Develop procedures for response to complaints

______ Identify OSHA health and safety plan procedures for investigating odor complaint

______ Develop field investigator data sheet (refer to Appendix E)

______ Establish procedures to identify source of odors

______ Identify remedial actions to be taken, if necessary

______ Provide recommendations to prevent reoccurrence of odors.

Task 4: Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan

______ Develop protocols for determining when the landfill gas monitoring plan for ambient air monitoring,
near surface monitoring, landfill gas characterization, etc. should be implemented

______ Identify potential locations for hydrogen sulfide ambient air monitoring

______ Identify potential contractors, consultants, and vendors who provide landfill gas monitoring
equipment and monitoring services, including but not limited to, ambient air monitoring

Task 5: Conceptual response actions in response to hydrogen sulfide or odors

______ Develop contingencies for potential problems

______ List technologies/response actions (refer to Appendix F)

______ Identify potential vendor/consultant who can implement such services

______ Identify implementation schedule including permitting

Task 6: Communication Plan

______ Describe how owner/operator will communicate information regarding: landfill complaints, public
health advisories, assessment and monitoring activities and response actions to the general public and
local health officials

Some examples of communication media are fact sheets, meetings, news releases, newsletters, web
pages, faxes-on-demand, public notices, fliers etc.


Data Collection and Hydrogen Sulfide

Exceedance Examples

Data Collection and Hydrogen Sulfide Exceedance Examples
As stated in Table I of the Policy, an exceedance of a hydrogen sulfide Action Level can occur in either of
two ways:

(1) The average concentration of hydrogen sulfide measured at the point of compliance is greater than or
equal to 15 ppb over an eight (8) hour averaging period; or,

(2) The average concentration of hydrogen sulfide measured at the point of compliance is greater than or
equal to 30 ppb over a one (1) hour averaging period.

For both Action Levels, running averages are to be used in the determining any exceedance.

Table AL-1 on the following pages provides an example data set of hydrogen sulfide readings over a 16-
hour period with calculations demonstrating an exceedance of the 15 ppb hydrogen sulfide concentration
over an eight (8) hour period. The data set assumes that the hydrogen sulfide meter is newly installed so
that there is no background information.

Column 1 is the Reading Number since the meter started operation.

Readings in this example are taken at 10-minute intervals. (6 readings per hour)

Column 2 is the recorded hydrogen sulfide reading in parts per billion (ppb) at 10-minute intervals.

Column 3 is the Reading Number taken 8 hours previously.

Column 4 is the recorded hydrogen sulfide reading taken 8 hours previously.

Column 5 is the cumulative 8-hour hydrogen sulfide reading.

Column 5 is calculated by adding the hydrogen sulfide readings for the previous 8 hours.
For a 10-minute sampling interval, 48 readings are taken over 8 hours.
In the example, the first 48 readings add to 432 ppb (refer to reading 48 column 5).

To calculate the second running 8-hour period, the first reading is subtracted and the 49th reading
is added. In the example, the first reading of 0 is subtracted; the 49th reading of 18 is added (refer
to reading 49 column 7).

To calculate the third running 8-hour period, the second reading is subtracted and the 50th reading
is added. In the example, the second reading of 0 is subtracted and the 50th reading of 22 is added
(refer to reading 50 column 7).

Table AL-1 provides example calculations for readings 49 through 64

(refer to column 7).
Column 6 is the determination of whether there is an exceedance of the 15 ppb limit.
Note that 48 initial readings (6 per hour for 8 hours) are required to commence this calculation.
Accordingly, determination of an exceedance begins with the 48th reading.

Note that, since an exceedance requires that the average hydrogen sulfide concentration be equal
to or greater than 15 ppb over an 8-hour period, the cumulative hydrogen sulfide readings over the
running 8-hour period must be greater than or equal to 720 ppm. (6 readings x 8 hours x 15 ppb =
720 ppb)

In the example, readings 80 through 92 each lead to an exceedance of the 15 ppb 8-hour running
average. Although this example illustrates 13 calculated exceedances, any one exceedance would
require a response action.

Column 7 provides example calculations for determining the cumulative running hydrogen sulfide
concentration for readings 49 through 64.

Table AL-1

Data Collection and Exceedance Example for > 15 ppb in an 8 Hour Period

Page 1
Readings 1 through 32 (hour 0 through 6.3) (Readings taken every 10 minutes)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Reading H2S 8-hour 8-hour 8-hour Limit
Number Level Previous Previous Running Exceedance
ppb Reading H2S Total if >/=15 ppb
Number Level
1 0 - - 0 -
2 0 - - 0 -
3 0 - - 0 -
4 3 - - 3 -
5 3 - - 6 -
6 5 - - 11 -
7 3 - - 14 -
8 5 - - 19 -
9 7 - - 26 -
10 8 - - 34 -
11 10 - - 44 -
12 12 - - 56 -
13 17 - - 73 -
14 13 - - 86 -
15 19 - - 105 -
16 20 - - 125 -
17 17 - - 142 -
18 15 - - 157 -
19 13 - - 170 -
20 12 - - 182 -
21 12 - - 194 -
22 15 - - 209 -
23 16 - - 225 -
24 17 - - 242 -
25 15 - - 257 -
26 12 - - 269 -
27 10 - - 279 -
28 11 - - 290 -
29 8 - - 298 -
30 7 - - 305 -
31 7 - - 312 -
32 5 - - 317 -

Table AL-1

Data Collection and Exceedance Example for > 15 ppb in an 8 Hour Period

Page 2
Readings 33 through 64 ( hour 6.3 through 12.6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reading H2S 8-hour 8-hour 8-hour Limit Sample
Number Level Previous Previous Running Exceedance Calculations
ppb Reading H2S Total if >/=15 ppb
Number Level
33 3 - - 320 -
34 3 - - 323 -
35 3 - - 326 -
36 3 - - 329 -
37 3 - - 332 -
38 3 - - 335 -
39 4 - - 339 -
40 5 - - 344 -
41 6 - - 350 -
42 7 - - 357 -
43 8 - - 365 -
44 10 - - 375 -
45 12 - - 387 -
46 13 - - 400 -
47 15 - - 415 -
48 17 - - 432 <15
49 18 1 0 450 <15 add 18, subtract 0
50 22 2 0 472 <15 add 22, subtract 0
51 25 3 0 497 <15 add 25, subtract 0
52 23 4 3 517 <15 add 23, subtract 3
53 24 5 3 538 <15 add 24, subtract 3
54 27 6 5 560 <15 add 27, subtract 5
55 24 7 3 581 <15 add 24, subtract 3
56 22 8 5 598 <15 add 22, subtract 5
57 20 9 7 611 <15 add 20, subtract 7
58 19 10 8 622 <15 add 19, subtract 8
59 17 11 10 627 <15 add 17, subtract 10
60 16 12 12 631 <15 add 16, subtract 12
61 15 13 17 629 <15 add 15, subtract 17
62 15 14 13 631 <15 add 15, subtract 13
63 16 15 19 628 <15 add 16, subtract 19
64 17 16 20 625 <15 add 17, subtract 20

Table AL-1

Data Collection and Exceedance Example for > 15 ppb in an 8 Hour Period
Page 3
Readings 65 through 96 (hour 12.6 through 16)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Reading H2S 8-hour 8-hour 8-hour Limit
Number Level Previous Previous Running Exceedance
ppb Reading H2S Total if>/= 15 ppb
Number Level ppb
65 19 17 17 627 <15
66 19 18 15 631 <15
67 20 19 13 638 <15
68 21 20 12 647 <15
69 23 21 12 658 <15
70 21 22 15 664 <15
71 17 23 16 665 <15
72 18 24 17 666 <15
73 19 25 15 670 <15
74 17 26 12 675 <15
75 16 27 10 681 <15
76 16 28 11 686 <15
77 16 29 8 694 <15
78 17 30 7 704 <15
79 17 31 7 714 <15
80 16 32 5 725 15.1 Exceeds Limit
81 12 33 3 733 15.3 Exceeds Limit
82 8 34 3 738 15.3 Exceeds Limit
83 5 35 3 740 15.4 Exceeds Limit
84 3 36 3 740 15.4 Exceeds Limit
85 3 37 3 740 15.4 Exceeds Limit
86 3 38 3 740 15.4 Exceeds Limit
87 3 39 4 739 15.4 Exceeds Limit
88 4 40 5 738 15.3 Exceeds Limit
89 4 41 6 736 15.3 Exceeds Limit
90 5 42 7 734 15.3 Exceeds Limit
91 4 43 8 730 15.2 Exceeds Limit
92 4 44 10 724 15.1 Exceeds Limit
93 3 45 12 715 <15
94 3 46 13 705 <15
95 3 47 15 693 <15

96 3 48 17 679 <15

Data Collection and Exceedance Example for > 30 ppb in a 1 Hour Period

Table AL-2 on the following pages provides an example data set of hydrogen sulfide readings over a 12.6-
hour period. Calculations are provided demonstrating two exceedances of the 30 ppb limit over a one (1)
hour period. The data set assumes that the hydrogen sulfide meter is newly installed so that there is no
background information.

Column 1 is the Reading Number since the meter started operation.

Readings in this example are taken at 10-minute intervals. (6 readings per hour)

Column 2 is the recorded hydrogen sulfide reading in parts per billion (ppb) at 10-minute intervals.

Column 3 is the Reading Number taken 1 hour previously.

Column 4 is the recorded hydrogen sulfide reading taken 1 hour previously.

Column 5 is the cumulative 1-hour hydrogen sulfide reading.

Column 5 is calculated by adding the hydrogen sulfide readings for the previous 1 hour.
For a 10-minute sampling interval, 6 readings are used per hour.
In the example, the first 6 readings add to 25 ppb (refer to reading 6 column 5).

To calculate the second running 1-hour period, the first reading is subtracted and the 7th reading is
added. In the example, the first reading of 4 is subtracted, the 7th reading of 3 is added (refer to reading
7 column 7).

To calculate the third running 1-hour period, the second Reading is subtracted and the 8th Reading is
added. In the example, the second reading of 5 is subtracted, the 8th reading of 5 is added (refer to
reading 8 column 7).

Table AL-2 provides example calculations for readings 7 through 15. (refer to column 7)

Column 6 is the determination of whether there is an exceedance of the 30 ppb limit.

Note that 6 initial readings (6 readings per hour for 1 hour) are required to commence this calculation.
Accordingly, a determination of an exceedance begins with the 6th reading.

Note that, since an individual hydrogen sulfide concentration exceedance requires that the average
hydrogen sulfide concentration be greater than or equal 30 ppb over a 1-hour averaging period, the
cumulative hydrogen sulfide readings over the running 1-hour period must be greater than or equal
180 ppm.
(6 readings x 1 hours x 30 ppb = 180 ppb)

In the example, Reading Numbers 50 and 61 each lead to an exceedance of the 1-hour average of 30
ppb limit.

Note that, when Reading Number 50 resulted in an exceedance of the 30 ppb running average limit,
the 1-hour running total in Column 5 was reset. The running total for Reading Number 51 (Column 5)
is the same as Reading Number 51 (Column 2- 32 ppb) and the running total of Reading Number 52 is
the sum of Reading Numbers 51 and 52.

Column 7 provides example calculations for determining the cumulative running hydrogen sulfide
concentrations for readings 7 through 15.

Table AL-2

Data Collection and Exceedance Example for > 30 ppb in a 1 Hour Period

Page 1
Reading Numbers 1 through 32 (hour 0 through 6.3) (Readings taken every 10 minutes)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reading H2S 1-hour 1-hour 1-hour Exceedance Sample
Number Level Previous Previous Running ( 1-hour Calculations
ppb Reading H2S Total running
Number Level ppb average
ppb >/=30 ppb)
1 4 - - 4 <30
2 5 - - 9 <30
3 5 - - 14 <30
4 3 - - 17 <30
5 3 - - 20 <30
6 5 - - 25 <30
7 3 1 4 24 <30 Add 3, subtract 4
8 5 2 5 24 <30 Add 5, subtract 5
9 7 3 5 26 <30 Add 7, subtract 5
10 8 4 3 31 <30 Add 8, subtract 3
11 10 5 3 38 <30 Add 10, subtract 3
12 12 6 5 45 <30 Add 12, subtract 5
13 17 7 3 59 <30 Add 17, subtract 3
14 13 8 5 67 <30 Add 13, subtract 5
15 19 9 7 79 <30 Add 19, subtract 7
16 20 10 8 91 <30
17 17 11 10 98 <30
18 15 12 12 101 <30
19 13 13 17 97 <30
20 12 14 13 96 <30
21 12 15 19 89 <30
22 15 16 20 84 <30
23 16 17 17 83 <30
24 17 18 15 85 <30
25 15 19 13 87 <30
26 12 20 12 87 <30
27 10 21 12 85 <30
28 11 22 15 81 <30
29 8 23 16 73 <30
30 7 24 17 63 <30
31 7 25 15 55 <30

32 5 26 12 48 <30
Table AL-2

Data Collection and Exceedance Example for > 30 ppb in a 1 Hour Period
Page 2
Reading Numbers 33 through 64 (hour 6.3 through 12.6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reading H2S 1-hour 1-hour 1-hour Exceedance Sample
Number Level Previous Previous Running (1-hour Calculations
ppb Reading H2S Total running
Number Level ppb average
ppb >/= 30 ppb)
33 7 27 10 45 <30
34 9 28 11 43 <30
35 9 29 8 44 <30
36 13 30 7 50 <30
37 14 31 7 57 <30
38 17 32 5 69 <30
39 20 33 7 82 <30
40 20 34 9 93 <30
41 19 35 9 103 <30
42 23 36 13 113 <30
43 27 37 14 126 <30
44 29 38 17 138 <30
45 32 39 20 150 <30
46 33 40 20 163 <30
47 29 41 19 173 <30
48 27 42 23 177 <30
49 29 43 27 179 <30
50 32 44 29 182 >30 Exceeds Limit
51 32 45 --- 32 <30 Restart calculation
52 25 46 --- 57 <30
53 25 47 --- 82 <30
54 23 48 --- 105 <30
55 24 49 --- 129 <30
56 22 50 --- 151 <30
57 27 51 32 146 <30
58 32 52 25 153 <30
59 32 53 25 160 <30
60 33 54 23 170 <30
61 37 55 24 183 >30 Exceeds Limit
62 32 56 22 32 <30
63 27 57 27 59 <30

64 26 58 32 85 <30


Protocols for the Assessment of Off-site Landfill Odors

Protocols for the Assessment
of Off-Site Landfill Odors

MassDEP will use a five (5) point odor intensity field reference scale as noted below:

0 Odor not detectable.

1 - Very Light Odorant present in the air which activates the sense of smell, but the
characteristics may not be distinguishable.

2 - Light Odorant present in the air, which activates the sense of smell and is
distinguishable and definite but not necessarily objectionable in short
durations but may be objectionable in longer durations.

3. - Moderate Odorant present in the air which easily activates the sense of smell,
is very distinct and clearly distinguishable and may tend to be
objectionable and/or irritating.

4 - Strong Odorant present in the air, which would be objectionable and cause a person
to attempt to avoid it completely.

5 - Very Strong Odorant present which is so strong it is overpowering and intolerable for
any length of time.

In general an odor nuisance shall be deemed to occur if the investigator determines that one of the
following conditions exist:

1. The odor characteristic (or type of odor, separate from the intensity of the odor, example:
rotten egg type or garbage odor) is deemed to be unpleasant or objectionable and the average
odor intensity is determined by the inspector to constitute a level of three (3) or greater for a
period of 15 minutes or greater. Odor “observations” shall be made at least twice during the
15-minute period and shall be noted in a logbook or form to be developed by MassDEP.

2. The odor characteristic (or type of odor, separate from the intensity of the odor, example:
rotten egg type or garbage odor) is deemed to be unpleasant or objectionable and the odor
intensity is determined by the inspector to constitute a level four (4) or greater for any period
of time.

3. The odor characteristic (or type of odor, separate from the intensity of the odor, example:
rotten egg type or garbage odor) is deemed to be unpleasant or objectionable and the odor
intensity is determined by the inspector to constitute a level of two (2) or between levels two
(2) and three (3) for a period of 60 minutes or greater. Odor “observations” shall be made at
least three (3) times during the 60-minute period. MassDEP recognizes that the investigator
will want to be able to continue with the odor survey. Therefore the investigator may leave the
area in question as long as the investigator is present at the beginning and approximately the

end of the 60-minute period and also is present during some portion of the time in between.
MassDEP may also consider the number of complaints received and the reported duration of
the odor event when considering whether a “Level Two” odor would constitute a nuisance.

Note: Failure to act in accordance with these guidelines will not invalidate an odor nuisance determination
made by an inspector.

Schedule of Odor Surveys

An Odor Survey Plan identifies locations in the vicinity of the landfill that personnel assigned to
investigate the complaint shall visit and determine if odors are present. These locations shall be based
upon, but not limited to, the following: the proximity to the landfill, receptors, topography, meteorology,
predominate wind direction, accessibility and other potential sources of odors and emissions.

MassDEP will generally perform odor surveys of accessible off-site areas in the vicinity of a landfill under
the following scenarios:

1) routine unannounced inspections - MassDEP will perform an odor survey.

2) scheduled inspections, tours, meetings on site - MassDEP will incorporate an odor survey if

3) response to complaints - MassDEP will perform an odor survey.

MassDEP will generally respond to odor complaints under the following scenarios:

1) upon receipt of an odor complaint where the caller indicates that the odor is current and at a
nuisance level and duration.

2) upon receipt of an odor complaint where the caller indicates that:

• the odor was previously at a nuisance level and duration.
• a change in wind direction indicates the likelihood that nuisance conditions still exist at another off-
site location.

MassDEP may not immediately perform a site inspection when complaints are received regarding previous
odor conditions which are unlikely to exist at the time of complaint.

Site Specific Odor Survey Plan

For each landfill facility demonstrated or likely to be prone to producing off-site nuisance odors, a site-
specific odor survey plan will be developed. Elements of each plan shall include but not be limited to the

Site Specific Odor Survey Field Data Log Sheet:

• date of survey
• start time of survey
• reason for survey: complaint response, periodic inspection, etc.
• atmospheric conditions: temperature, wind, current/previous precipitation, etc.
• routes/locations for odor surveillance
• time of survey at specified survey points
• odor intensity at specified survey points (1-5)
• odor description at specified survey points
• odor duration at specified survey points
• specific comments regarding odor source: solid waste facility, other facility,
residential odors, etc.
• specific comments solicited from other persons

See Attachment A for sample log sheet.

Public Complaint Forms

MassDEP will also utilize standard forms for recording and investigating public odor complaints.

The Office Data Log Sheet recording the odor complaint will contain the following:
• date of complaint
• time of complaint
• solid waste facility proximate to the origin of complaint
• name, address, phone number of caller
• characteristic of odor as provided by the caller
o intensity of odor (1-5)
o duration of odor
• other comments by caller

See Attachment B for sample log sheet.

The Field data Log Sheet of MassDEP’s investigation/evaluation of odor complaints will contain the

• date of complaint
• time of complaint
• solid waste facility proximate to the origin of complaint
• name, address, phone number of caller
• location where odor was detected
• characteristic of odor
• intensity of odor (1-5)
• duration of odor
• other comments by caller
• atmospheric conditions

See Attachment C for sample log sheet.

Attachment A
Site Specific Odor Survey Plan
Date ________
Reason for Survey _________________________________________

Location Time Odor Intensity Odor Type Comments

Rte 495 at Overpass
Rte 495 at Rte 1 exit
Rte 1 at Entrance
Rte 1 at truck stop
Rte 1 at pond
Rte 1 at Thurston St
Thurston St at farm
Thurston St at trail
715 Thurston St
Town Line at Woodside
West St at Monitoring Wells
94 West St
78 West St

Site Specific Odor Survey Plan cont'd

Location Time Odor Intensity Odor Type Comments

Daniels St at West St
Daniels St at fence
Campground at gate
campground at tent area
Spruce St at West St
Spruce St at overpass
Charles Samuel Way
Mirimichi St at causeway

Taylor Road at spillway

Comments: 1) __________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________

Attachment B

Odor Phone Log

Landfill ___________________________________________

Date Name Address Time Scale Phone Comments

5 max

Attachment C

Today's Date:______________

Name of Observer: __________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________

Landfill(s) in Proximity to Odor Observation ___________________


1. what date was odor detected: ___________________

2. what time was odor first detected: ___________________
3. what time was odor last detected: ___________________
4. comments: ____________________________________________

5. Where were you when you first smelled the odor?

Indoors at home? _________________

Were Windows Open? ______ Closed? ______
Outdoors at home? ______________
Other location (please specify) ________________________________

6. Strength of Odor: Intensity based on a scale of 1-5 _____

(see attached odor intensity scale)

7. Odor Character (type): __________________________________

(rotten eggs, smoke, garbage, couldn't distinguish, etc)

8. Duration of Odor ________________________ Minutes Hours


1. Estimated Wind Speed ___________ MPH

2. Wind direction (FROM which wind is blowing)

_____ North _____Northeast ____ East _____ Southeast

_____ South _____Southwest ____ West _____ Northwest

3. Sky Conditions: % Cloud Cover _______

____ Rain ____ Overcast _____ Snow

Form Completed By: ___________________________ Date: _________

Form Received By: __________________________________________




Health, Safety & Welfare (Nuisance) Issues Associated with Hydrogen Sulfide and
Odorous Landfill Gas

This appendix provides basic information about health and safety issues associated with
hydrogen sulfide and odorous landfill gas. People may be exposed to landfill gasses,
including hydrogen sulfide, at the landfill and/or off-site. Exposures only occur if the
landfill is producing landfill gas/hydrogen sulfide and only if the gasses are migrating
from the landfill. Landfill gasses can migrate from a landfill below ground, within soils,
or above ground in the ambient air.

Potential Exposure Pathways to Landfill Gas

Source: ATSDR 2001

I. Health Impacts

Many of the compounds detected in landfill gas can be a health concern if present at
elevated concentrations. This section focuses only on air quality impacts and risk to
public health through the release of hydrogen sulfide to ambient air. Breathing hydrogen
sulfide at concentrations greater than 500 ppm can be fatal within a few breaths. At
concentrations above 100 ppm, a person may not be able to smell hydrogen sulfide. Since

a person’s sense of smell becomes rapidly fatigued, the sense of smell cannot be counted
on to warn against the continued presence of the gas.

At lower concentrations hydrogen sulfide causes health symptoms from inhalation that
may include: throat irritation, bronchial constriction, inflammation of the nasal
membranes, compromised lung function, headache, nausea and central nervous system
effects. The effects of hydrogen sulfide are even more pronounced on sensitive
individuals including asthmatics and others with lung function deficiencies, persons with
ulcerative colitis (these persons cannot detoxify hydrogen sulfide in the digestive tract),
and persons with cardiac and neurological disorders. While hydrogen sulfide has not
been shown to cause cancer in humans, EPA has not classified it regarding its ability to
cause or not cause cancer (ATSDR, July 1999).

II. Public Safety

Explosion Hazards

In order for landfill gas to pose a potential explosion hazard, the waste within the landfill
must be producing gas containing chemicals that are present at explosive levels.

Hydrogen sulfide is unlikely to be present at concentrations high enough to pose an

explosion hazard. The Lower Explosive Limit (“LEL”) for hydrogen sulfide is 4.3
percent by volume or 43,000 ppm and the Upper Explosive Limit (“UEL”) is forty-five
(45) percent by volume (450,000 ppm). The principal explosive component of concern in
landfill gas is methane. Methane is explosive between its LEL of five (5) percent (50,000
ppm) by volume and its UEL of fifteen (15) percent (150,000 ppm) by volume. The UEL
is the maximum concentration of gas or vapor above which a substance will not burn
when exposed to an ignition source. This does not mean the concentrations above fifteen
(15) percent methane are not of concern. As methane migrates (through soils or ambient
air) and is diluted by atmospheric gasses, the resultant mixture can be quickly lowered to
within the explosive range of methane. Other landfill gas constituents like ammonia,
hydrogen, and volatile organic compounds are flammable but are unlikely to be present at
concentrations above their LEL.

Asphyxiation Hazards

Landfill gas can pose an asphyxiation hazard if it collects in a confined space (e.g.
landfill gas collection system, leachate collection systems, basements, manholes, utility
conduits and structures). Either individually or in combination, landfill gasses can create
an asphyxiation hazard if they are present at concentrations sufficient to create an oxygen
deficient atmosphere. The two major components of landfill gas, methane and carbon
dioxide, are asphyxiants. Hydrogen Sulfide is also an asphyxiant but is usually detected
at trace concentrations (less than 1 percent). An oxygen deficient environment is defined
by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as one that has less than

nineteen and one-half (19.5) percent oxygen by volume. Ambient air contains
approximately twenty-one (21) percent oxygen by volume.

Landfill Fires

Landfill fires may or may not be directly caused by landfill gas. However, landfill fires
may pose a potential risk to public health and safety due to gasses released and
particulates associated with the fire. It is very important to properly manage (balance)
active landfill gas control systems in order to avoid applying too high a vacuum to the
active landfill gas control system. Applying too much vacuum can result in introduction
of oxygen into the solid waste mass, which increases the risk of fire (refer to Appendix B
and the Manual). Once a landfill fire begins it can be extremely difficult to extinguish.

III. Public Welfare (Nuisance)

Even when concentrations of hydrogen sulfide do not pose a risk to public health they
may pose a risk to public welfare by creating a nuisance odor. Odors can have an
undesirable effect on quality of life. Sometimes odors associated with hydrogen sulfide
may be sufficient to make people feel ill but it should be kept in mind that such illness is
a reaction to the odor and should improve once the odor dissipates. Also, residents
located in the vicinity of landfills have reported being woken up due to landfill gas odors
in their homes. Of further note, there is some evidence that odors in and of themselves
may trigger respiratory effects among asthmatics (ATSDR 1999b).

"At low concentrations (of hydrogen sulfide) -typically associated with

landfill gas-it is unclear whether it is the constituent itself or it is the odors
that trigger a response. Typically, these effects fade when the odor can no
longer be detected" (ATSDR, 2001).

The sense of smell, just like the other senses, varies from person to person. Due to this
variation, what is deemed a nuisance odor varies among the population. MassDEP has
noted this variation among MassDEP staff and persons filing odor complaints with
MassDEP. To reduce the subjectivity of odor evaluation some MassDEP staff have been
trained to objectively evaluate odors (refer to St. Croix Sensory, Inc., 1997). MassDEP’s
approach when investigating odor complaints involves: 1. characterizing the odor (what
does it smell like?); 2. determining the intensity of the odor (how strong is it?); and, 3.
determining the duration of the odor (how long has it persisted?). Based on these factors,
MassDEP determines if an odor nuisance condition exists offsite (refer to MassDEP’s
Odor Protocol, Appendix E).

A level of no significant risk of harm to public welfare exists, or has been achieved, if no
nuisance conditions exist in the breathing zone of ambient air and indoor air and the air
will, in the reasonably foreseeable future, remain free from persistent, noxious odors
(310 CMR 40.0994).

A landfill's day-to-day operations can create nuisance levels of odors from time to time.
However it is the presence of "persistent" or frequent odors that result in risk to public
welfare (nuisance).

IV. Worker Protection Standards for Hydrogen Sulfide

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) develop standards (OSHA) and guidance (NIOSH and
ACGIH) for hazardous substances or conditions in the workplace. These numerical limits
tend to be in the parts per million (ppm) range for H2S. Their current guidance for
workers can be found on their respective websites which may include both ceiling limit
values and concentrations which would be associated with potential for immediate death
or serious impairment:

OSHA regulations require employers to furnish a place of employment that is free of

recognized hazards that cause or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to
employees. Employers have the obligation to eliminate recognized hazards, provide
necessary levels of worker training, provide appropriate safety gear, develop a spill or
hazard response plan, and/or perform a risk assessment. Additional information
regarding worker health and safety protection requirements can be found on the agencies
respective websites.

V. Hydrogen Sulfide Exposure Limits and Exposure Criteria for the General Public

Hydrogen sulfide health-based exposure limits for ambient air are generally lower (parts
per billion, ppb, range) than the short-term worker protection standards referenced above.
This is largely due to the fact that many of the exposure limits and exposure criteria for
the general public are designed to be protective of sensitive individuals. In contrast, the
OSHA/NIOSH/ACGIH short-term standards are designed to protect workers. Workers
are generally healthy adults, typically between the ages of 18 and 65 who are exposed on
average for forty hours per week. The general public is more heterogeneous, including
children, the elderly and individuals with a wide range of health concerns. Exposures to
the general public may also be continuous. Additionally, technical feasibility and costs
associated with achieving standards are typically considered when developing an
occupational standard, whereas other standards may have not considered these factors
when developing a health-based value for the general public.

The following organizations provide guidance for either short or longer-term H2S
exposures and should be consulted for their latest guidance values:

• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (

o Chronic inhalation reference concentrations (RfCs) (
o Acute exposure guideline levels (AEGLs)

• Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

o Minimal risk levels (MRLs, for acute and intermediate duration
exposures) (;

• California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

o Acute reference exposure levels (RELs)

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection provides chronic exposure

limits for H2S in the form of a Threshold Effect Exposure Limit (TEL) and an Allowable
Ambient Limit. These values are intended to protect against the possibility of either
threshold or non-threshold (cancer) effects from chemicals as a result of long-term
exposures. When a chemical has no known or anticipated non-threshold effects, the AAL
and the TEL values are equivalent as is the case with H2S. The TEL is compared to 24
hour average concentrations as a check against shorter-term spikes in concentrations.
The AAL value is compared to annual average concentrations. The present TEL/AAL is
1 ug/m3 (0.7 ppb). MassDEP is presently identifying appropriate short-term exposure
limits for H2S.


Landfill Gas Control Technologies

Landfill Gas Control Technologies
This section presents an overview of landfill gas control technologies. Landfill gas
control systems are designed to control air pollution (limit emissions of greenhouse or
harmful gasses, prevent nuisance odor conditions), control the migration of explosive
gasses and to protect the landfill cover system by preventing uplift damage to a
geomembrane cap or impacts to the vegetative layer. Landfill gas can be managed by
either a passive or an active gas control system. Active systems use vacuums or blowers
to move gas through a collection system (connected by header lines) by maintaining low-
pressure within the collection system wells and/or horizontal collection trenches. Passive
and active landfill gas control systems convey landfill gas through the collection system
for discharge to ambient air. Passive systems may or may not include treatment
technologies prior to discharge to ambient air. Active systems typically require treatment
of the landfill gas to comply with air quality regulations. Treatment typically consists of
combustion (e.g. flare, turbine) or non-combustion technologies (e.g. carbon canisters).
The control technologies discussed herein can be implemented separately or in
combination with each other. The design of a landfill gas control system will be site-

The MassDEP does not currently mandate that all landfills have landfill gas control
systems installed during active operations. However, the MassDEP strongly recommends
that landfill gas control systems be installed and operated during active landfilling. By
installing the gas control system as the landfill is filled, the system can be quickly retrofit
with a solar flare or to an active system, if the landfill generates nuisance odor conditions
prior to final grades being reached.

General Design Considerations. Design of a gas control system should consider factors
such as; landfill gas composition, the location of the site relative to residences
(receptors), nuisance odor problems associated with the landfill, the depth to
groundwater, the dimension of the landfill mass, the age of the landfill waste, geology of
the site, soil transmissivity and the potential for gas migration from the site.

An active landfill gas extraction, collection and treatment system is the preferred
technology to control landfill gas emissions or migration. When there is an increased risk
of landfill gas migration to buildings, passive control systems are usually inadequate to
ensure protection of public safety.

Soil gas monitoring networks are the best way to ensure the landfill gas
extraction and collection systems are performing properly. Landfill gas
monitoring programs are intended to detect the presence and migration
of landfill gasses in order to ensure that landfill gas concentrations do
• exceed 10 percent of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) in any
building, structure, or underground utility conduit (excluding gas

control, gas recovery, or leachate collection systems components);
• exceed 25% of the LEL at the property boundary or beyond (310
CMR 19.132(4)(g)&(h))
The efficiency of a gas control system depends in large part on how effectively the
landfill gas is being collected from within the landfill waste mass. In most cases, landfill
waste is not homogeneous, which complicates the collection system design. The presence
of a low permeability barrier (intermediate cover or final cover system) over the Landfill
will prevent landfill gas from escaping to ambient air and ensure that landfill gas flows
into the gas collection system. If the landfill was constructed with a base liner, the landfill
gas collection system will be more efficient, since the liner will prevent landfill gas from
migrating laterally away from the landfill.

It is also important to consider when designing and operating an active gas system the
potential to draw in outside oxygen into the system which could cause a fire within the
landfill mass. Landfill fires are very difficult to locate and extinguish and may damage
the base liner and/or final cover system.

Another factor to consider in gas control system design is how much methane the landfill
is generating. In some cases, MassDEP has experienced low methane production
accompanied by very high hydrogen sulfide production. The low methane production is
a problem since the preferred, and most effective, treatment technologies for controlling
landfill gas and hydrogen sulfide are combustion technologies. Combustion technologies
such as flares require sufficient fuel (methane) in order to treat the hydrogen sulfide.
Therefore, any corrective action requiring combustion should consider methane
production in addition to hydrogen sulfide emissions at the landfill and determine the
need for a supplemental fuel supply. At several landfills, passive and active gas
collection systems were designed to address areas of the landfill that were producing high
concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. Supplemental fuels such as propane or natural gas, if
available, may be necessary to maintain combustion.

The preparation and implementation of an operation and maintenance plan for the gas
control system is a key factor to ensure effective control of landfill gas emissions and soil
gas migration. The operation and maintenance of the landfill gas control system requires
expertise with the control system and monitoring equipment and should not be attempted
by individuals who do not have proper training.

Cover materials. The application of additional compacted soils to the landfill surface is
one of the first corrective actions that a landfill operator can take to reduce odors
emanating through the landfill surface but rarely provides a long-term solution. Landfill
gas can be temporarily contained within the landfill using intermediate cover material
(soil with a maximum permeability of 1 x 10-5 cm/sec) and through the application of
flexible membrane liners. This will temporarily reduce emissions to the atmosphere by
providing a barrier to gas migration through the landfill surface. The application of soils
or other barrier layers will provide time to allow more comprehensive corrective actions

to be designed and implemented. Any improvement in air quality due to the application
of soils is temporary unless combined with a passive or active gas collection system. If
soils are applied alone, internal landfill gas pressure gradients increase, which can result
in landfill gas migrating laterally or building up sufficient pressure to cause breakouts
(e.g. fractures or openings in cover materials) through the overlying surface of the
landfill. These breakouts are often visible by the dark (e.g. black, gray) stained cover
materials in the vicinity of the breakout. This is a primary reason why the application of
low permeability soils or flexible membrane liners in combination with active gas
controls and treatment is the most effective method for controlling landfill gas emissions
and landfill gas migration.

Alternative daily cover materials, such as "Posi-shell", are encouraged due to the
improved sealing of the landfill surface, preventing infiltration of precipitation and
exfiltration of landfill gasses.

Passive Gas Control Systems

Passive landfill gas control systems rely on gas diffusion and convection processes
caused by pressure gradients between gas contained within the landfill and ambient air. In
the absence of odors or landfill gas migration, passive gas collection systems are
commonly installed during placement of final cover (capping). Passive control systems
installed during closure typically use vent wells which are installed vertically through the
landfill mass (75 percent of the depth of waste for lined landfills) prior to final closure.
The installation of vertical gas collection wells requires specialty-drilling equipment such
as bucket augurs or powerful drilling rigs.

When installed, a passive control system shall be designed so it can be retrofitted to an

active gas control system. In addition to vertical gas collection wells, horizontal
collection systems can also be installed within the footprint of the landfill waste mass.
Horizontal gas collection systems include excavation of landfill waste and installation of
slotted piping within a trench. The trenches are backfilled with permeable materials such
as gravel.

Passive gas control systems using horizontal gas collection systems are often installed
during active operations to prevent odors emanating from the landfill. They are often the
first type of gas collection system to be installed in response to odors emanating from the
active area of a landfill. They can be constructed as layers of waste are landfilled.
Horizontal gas collection systems can be installed with a backhoe and don't require the
specialty equipment (e.g. bucket augurs or drill rigs) that is required for vertical gas
collection wells.

Passive venting systems using vertical or horizontal gas collection wells can also be used
to control landfill gas migration. Trenches constructed around the perimeter of the
landfill are filled with permeable materials such as gravel that intercept the migrating gas
and vent it to the atmosphere. Alternatively, the collected gas can be connected to an
active gas collection system.

Other technologies to address gas migration include barrier systems constructed between
the perimeter of the landfill and the receptor. However, they tend to be more costly than
vertical or horizontal gas control systems. The barrier systems should extend to a low
permeability soil layer, natural bedrock or groundwater. It should be noted that bedrock
is not always an effective barrier to landfill gas migration should the bedrock be
fractured. It is not uncommon to use a combination of technologies to address landfill
gas migration problem.

Active Gas Control Systems

Where passive landfill gas control systems are deemed ineffective, active gas systems
need to be used to collect and treat landfill gas. Active gas systems remove landfill gases
from the landfill by creating a vacuum, which induces gas flow from the gas collection
system through header lines to, in most cases, a flare. A gas flare will treat methane and
non-methane organic compounds (NMOCs), and reduce odors.

Active landfill gas control systems require routine balancing of the well field to ensure
proper operations. Systems need to be routinely inspected for settlement and leaks.
Extraction wells need to be checked routinely for leachate/condensate buildup. Header
lines need to be checked for condensate buildup that may inhibit the flow of landfill gas.
Failure to properly maintain and operate a passive or active gas control system can result
in a point discharge to ambient air or lead to the onset of odors and landfill gas migration
due to poor collection efficiencies.

The best header line design for an active gas control system is considered the "loop
design" with integrated shutout valves spaced throughout the header system. The loop
design allows for the active system to operate efficiently should the header line become
clogged in some location and that section needs to be isolated and shut down for repair.

An active gas control system can be used to fuel a gas to energy facility, such as an
internal combustion engine. This type of system provides several advantages for the
operator including: environmental control of gas emissions and odors, conservation of
natural resources through use of gas as a fuel to generate electricity, a positive
community image, and an economic return.

The major components of an active gas control system include:

• Vertical gas collection wells,
• Horizontal gas collection systems,
• Gas collection header lines;
• Blower,
• Condensate collection system,
• Gas treatment system.

Vertical Gas Collection Well Design

Vertical gas collection wells are used in the interior of the landfill or around the perimeter
of the waste to provide a conduit for the collection and control of landfill gas. The
installation of vertical landfill gas collection wells can result in odors during drilling.

The MassDEP recommends the use of an "odor box" when installing landfill gas wells.
This odor box is a device that captures landfill gas and conveys the gas to an attached
flare or can be connected to an active gas extraction system if available. An odor box can
also be used to control worker exposure to landfill gas.

Vertical gas collection well design should consider the following criteria:
• For unlined landfills: drilling to the water table or the base of the waste,
whichever is less;
• For lined landfills: drilling to approximately 75% of the depth of the waste to
avoid damage to the liner;
• Wells should be adequately spaced to vent all portions of the landfill. Every 200
feet is typical. The exact spacing will depend on whether the system is passive or
active and site-specific criteria such as depth of waste, types of waste, distance to
receptors, current and future gas generation, and landfill gas control technology
chosen. Tighter gas well spacing may be appropriate based upon site-specific
criteria. For landfills with active gas control systems that do not have odors or
landfill gas migration issues, a 200-foot spacing between extraction wells is
recommended. Tighter well spacing is recommended for landfills that have odors
or subsurface soil gas migration.
• Wells should be designed to be suitable for an active gas control system,
• Wells should be screened for the entire depth of the well, except for a portion of
the top where solid pipe should be used to prevent ambient air from being drawn
into the well;
• Boreholes should be backfilled with permeable gravel;
• Wells should be properly sealed, particularly in an active system, to keep ambient
air from being drawn into the well;
• Wells should be equipped with sampling ports to enable easy sampling of the gas
from the well.
• Wells should be constructed with large diameter boreholes (36 inch) in order to
achieve sufficient radius of influence for gas extraction wells at 200 ft. spacing
(For more detailed design information refer to the Manual).

1 Pretreatment
Pretreatment of landfill gas is sometimes required prior to combustion. For example,
scrubbing systems are often required to minimize emissions of hydrogen sulfide and
sulfur dioxide from flares or other landfill gas combustion equipment. Generally, landfill
gas containing concentrations of hydrogen sulfide greater than 200 ppm require
Dry scrubbers. Dry scrubber systems generally use some type of containerized media that
reacts with specific compounds in landfill gas, such as hydrogen sulfide, and forms
solid compound that can then be disposed of. (Also see Sulfur Treatment Systems

Wet Scrubbers. In wet scrubber systems landfill gas comes into contact with a
slurry that chemically reacts with and removes the target compound from the
landfill gas.

All pretreatment systems are sensitive to the amount of reactive
material available for the chemical reaction to occur. As the available
reactive media is depleted the effectiveness of the system is reduced,
often requiring multiple units to ensure the targeted level of treatment is

Combustion Technologies
Combustion is the most common technique for controlling and treating landfill gas.
Combustion technologies such as flares, gas turbines and internal combustion engines
thermally treat the compounds in landfill gas. Combustion technologies are most
efficient when the landfill gas contains at least 20 percent methane by volume. At this
concentration, the landfill gas will readily form a combustible mixture with ambient air,
so only an ignition source is needed for operation. At landfills with less than 20 percent
methane by volume, supplemental fuel (e.g. natural gas, propane) is required to operate
the flare, this increases operating costs dramatically. Propane does not burn as hot as
methane and its use may reduce the flare's efficiency in destroying, for example,
hydrogen sulfide and result in odorous emissions from the flare to the ambient air.

Open Flame Flares. Open flame flares, sometimes referred to as vent flares, solar
flares or candlestick flares, offer a means to thermally treat landfill gas with or
without an active gas collection system. Vent flares can be effective in addressing
landfill gas emissions when an active gas control system is not in place. Vents flares
are typically bought as a complete package and can be installed and delivered quickly
to the site. They are often used as an interim treatment technology while active gas
control systems are being designed, permitted and installed. Vent flares are
specifically designed to be mounted on top of existing passive vertical gas collection
wells or wellheads. The number of vent flares will depend on design of the passive
gas collection system and the landfill gas flow rates. The units are self-contained and
operate using a solar collector to recharge a battery that supplies the ignition source.
Supplemental fuel can be supplied to these types of flares, however the use of
propane, as stated previously, can lead to incomplete combustion of hydrogen sulfide
and result in odors emanating from the flare.

Depending on particular models, these vent flares can operate over a flow rate range
of 2-100 cubic feet per minute. Approximately 30 percent to 80 percent equivalent
methane concentration (combustible gases) is necessary over this flow rate range.
Destruction efficiencies for methane and hydrogen sulfide of greater than 99 percent
are possible with up to 98 percent NMOC reductions, if the flares are operated in
accordance with manufacturers specifications. Changes in barometric pressure and
pressure gradients within the landfill can result in a reduction of landfill gas reaching
the vent flare. This can result in flame out of the flare. The vent flares typically have
an automatic re-ignition process, however, the flare may not reignite if methane
content is insufficient to support combustion. This can result in untreated landfill gas
emissions to ambient air from the vent flares. To prevent flameouts, supplemental
fuel may need to be added to assist in combustion. Additionally, regular inspection of

the vent flares is important. An Operation and Maintenance Plan should be
developed to address vent flare operations and be submitted with any request to use
vent flares. The MassDEP has noted a strong correlation with odor complaints
resulting from poor vent flare operation and maintenance.

In addition to vent flares that are designed to operate at relatively low landfill gas
flow rates, there are larger open flares (candlestick flares, typically skid mounted) that
can operate at much higher landfill gas flow rates. These large open flares are usually
permitted and used as a temporary solution until a permanent, more efficient enclosed
flare is properly permitted. These larger open flares require active landfill gas
collection systems in order to maintain flow rates sufficient for operation. The
simplicity of the design and operation of an open flame flare is one of its advantages.
Disadvantages include combustion efficiency, aesthetic complaints, and difficulties
associated with monitoring combustion parameters compared to enclosed flares.
These candlestick flares typically include the following design features:

• Automatic shutdown system when the percentage of gas moves beyond set low or
high limits,
• Flame suppresser,
• Automatic restart where the flame is blown out,
• Automatic shutdown of the fans when restart does not occur after three tries,
• Alternative source of fuel for startup of the flare.

Enclosed Flame Flares. Enclosed flame flares are more complex and expensive than
open flame flares. Enclosed flame flares consist of multiple burners enclosed within
fire resistant walls that extend above the flame. Unlike open flares, the amount of gas
and air entering an enclosed flame flare can be controlled making combustion more
reliable and more efficient. Enclosed flame flares are also easier to monitor.

Other Enclosed Combustion Technologies. Boilers, heaters, gas turbines and

internal combustion engines are also used to treat landfill gas and can be used to
generate energy or electricity.

Non-Combustion Technologies
In addition to combustion technologies there are chemical and biological technologies,
which neutralize, oxidize, react or bind with odor causing compounds to treat the landfill
gas. The effectiveness of these technologies is primarily dependent on the flow rate,
chemical composition and chemical concentration of the landfill gas. These systems
typically require an active program of monitoring and maintenance to add chemicals or
replace depleted media as needed. The specific examples of non-combustion
technologies listed herein have been used to control odors at Massachusetts’s facilities.
There are many other chemical and biological technologies that are not discussed in this

Carbon Canisters. Carbon canisters are designed to absorb hydrogen sulfide and
volatile organic compounds onto a carbon media. Carbon canisters are typically

used with passive systems and are installed on individual vertical landfill gas
collection wells. Carbon canisters are often used as a temporary measure until
more comprehensive corrective actions can be implemented. One problem with
carbon canisters is they often need frequent replacement due to media saturation.
The time duration the carbon canisters remain effective is dependent on the
landfill gas flow rate and on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide and other
compounds in the landfill gas.

Sulfur Treatment Systems. Sulfur treatment systems use an iron compound

coated onto ceramic media to treat hydrogen sulfide. These systems include
various size vessels filled with the iron compound. These systems have been
used for hydrogen sulfide pretreatment in conjunction with flares to reduce
hydrogen sulfide concentrations in the landfill gas prior to the gas being treated at
the flare, thereby reducing hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide emissions from the
flare to the ambient air.

Biofiltration. Biofiltration is a biological process that oxidizes the volatile

organic compounds (“VOCs”) into carbon dioxide and water. In the case of
compounds containing sulfur, nitrogen or chlorine, the oxidation products are
mineral salts. The primary interest in biofiltration today is for odor control or to
reduce hazardous air pollutants (“HAPs”) for regulatory compliance. The
technology is usually applied to gas streams with large volumetric flow rates and
with dilute HAP concentrations, typically 1,500 ppm or less, but sometimes as
high as 5000 ppm. The technology is proven and cost effective, but suitability is
dependent on the pollutant. The technology has been successfully installed by
composting facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, rendering facilities and
spray booths.

Masking Agents. Masking agents are used at many landfills to alleviate

objectionable odor nuisance conditions off-site, due to odorous materials being
disposed and/or when performing odor producing activities, such as the
excavation of waste during installation of gas collection systems. Masking agents
do not chemically alter the odorous molecule. Masking agents are designed to
mimic natural, pleasant odors that are not generally deemed offensive. Masking
agents do not treat or reduce the concentrations of odorous compounds in the
landfill gas and will not mitigate any risk to public health and safety.

For additional information regarding landfill gas control technologies refer to MassDEP's
regulations 310 CMR 19.000, the MassDEP’s Landfill Technical Guidance Manual and
EPA's web page (



Frequently Asked Questions

1. How will the MassDEP implement this policy?

The Hydrogen Sulfide and Odorous Landfill Gas Response Plan (Plan) is the major
tool MassDEP will use to implement this guidance. As specified in the
Applicability section, certain landfills will need to develop a Plan. MassDEP will
review that plan as part of the permitting process for new or expanding landfills or
those developing a closure plan. The Plan will establish how a facility will respond
to either an odor problem or an H2S problem. The Plan should lay out what steps a
facility owner/operator will take to verify that there is a problem, assess the
problem and respond to and solve the problem. The Guidance provides the
framework that should be used in the development of a Plan. The steps provided in
the Guidance are intended to be a series of progressive steps that will be undertaken
until a problem is solved.

2. Which landfills are required to develop a Hydrogen Sulfide and Odorous

Landfill Gas Response Plan?

All landfills accepting solid waste that have historically or are currently generating
landfill gas that is causing odors off-site will be required to prepare a Plan that
complies with the MassDEP's new Policy requirements. This includes unlined
landfill closure projects that accept construction and demolition debris
fines/residuals in accordance with "Revised Guidelines for Determining Closure
Activities at Inactive Unlined Landfill Sites", revised July 2001.

2. When will new and existing active landfills be required to develop a Hydrogen
Sulfide and Odorous Landfill Gas Response Plan?

All new landfills will be required to submit a Plan as part of their Authorization to
Operate permit application. The requirements will not be retroactive for existing
landfills that have not had historic odor problems. To continue current operations,
however, any existing active landfill will be required to submit a Plan when
applying for a permit for expansion or for renewal of an existing operating permit.

Additionally, MassDEP reserves the right to require that the landfill owner/operator
of any existing landfill prepare a Plan and/or install hydrogen sulfide monitoring
devices during operations as necessary to maintain the environment free from
objectionable nuisance conditions, potential dangers or threats to public health,
safety or the environment. A BWP SW 22, minor permit modification application,
for the facility Authorization to Operate permit will be required.

3. Which landfills are exempt from preparing a Hydrogen Sulfide and Odorous
Landfill Gas Response Plan?

The requirement for developing a Plan does not apply to Landfills that accept only
ash or soils or other materials that do not have the potential to generate landfill

4. Which landfills must have a Hydrogen Sulfide and Odorous Landfill Gas
Response Plan in place and have hydrogen sulfide monitoring devices in place
as part of operations?

Unlined landfill closure projects that accept construction and demolition debris
fines/residuals in accordance with "Revised Guidelines for Determining Closure
Activities at Inactive Unlined Landfill Sites", revised July 2001, will be required to
have a Plan and be required to conduct hydrogen sulfide monitoring during closure
activities. Additionally, if landfill gas monitoring demonstrates that hydrogen
sulfide is creating a nuisance odor condition off-site, the landfill owner/operator
will be required to prepare a Plan for the specific facility and install hydrogen
sulfide monitoring devices.

5. When is an Odor Action Level Investigation & Response Action Required?

Often, increased landfill gas emissions at landfills are accompanied by associated

odors and result in complaints to the landfill owners/operators, local officials and/or
MassDEP. Odor Action Level investigations and appropriate response actions are
required upon the receipt of a complaint or detection of odors off-site or presence of
odors at nuisance levels off-site. In addition to off-site odors, landfill personnel
should be cognizant of odors that exist on-site that have sufficient intensity to
potentially migrate off-site. Therefore, landfill owners/operators should take all
necessary actions as soon as possible once they detect an on-site odor even before a
complaint from an abutter can be placed.

Note: A nuisance odor is defined by the odor characteristics (type of odor), intensity and

6. When is a Hydrogen Sulfide Action Level Investigation and Response Action


Hydrogen Sulfide response actions are required when there is an exceedance of the
Hydrogen Sulfide Action Level, which occurs when either of the following occur:
• Hydrogen sulfide concentrations exceed 15 ppb averaged over an 8 hour
period; or,
• Hydrogen sulfide concentrations exceed 30 ppb averaged over a 1-hour

Note: For Sample calculations for Action Level Exceedances refer to Appendix


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