Razzel Bason Chapter 1-3
Razzel Bason Chapter 1-3
Razzel Bason Chapter 1-3
Chapter I
Science education plays a crucial role in developing students’ critical thinking, problem-
solving skills, and scientific literacy.Since it has an impact on everyone’s everyday activities and
employment, science plays a significant part in daily life. In order to simplify their lives and
work, humans use a range of tools, combining scientific knowledge with creativity and other
efforts (Tortorella et al., 2021). Science may help people strengthen their reasoning, creativity,
analytical skills, and critical thinking (Darling-Hammond et al., 2020). It also helps people to
learn, approach problems in a methodical way, and base conclusions on a range of facts and
verifiable evidence. In the early years of education, it is essential to introduce students to the
nature of science, which forms the foundation for their understanding of scientific concepts and
processes. As a consequence, everyone ought to study science. One goal of science education is
to develop students into scientifically literate people who can derive ideas and information from
the results of experiments, as well as acquire processes and knowledge through observations,
surveys, investigations, and experiments (Olson, 2018; McComas & Clough, 2020).The nature of
science refers to the characteristics, values, and assumptions that are inherent in scientific inquiry
and the development of scientific knowledge. It includes concepts such as the empirical basis of
science, the role of observation and experimentation, the tentative nature of scientific knowledge,
and the importance of creativity and imagination in scientific discovery.
Teaching the nature of science to young learners can be challenging, as they may have limited
prior knowledge and experience with scientific concepts and processes. However, by using
differentiated activities, educators can create a supportive and engaging learning environment
that meets the diverse needs and interests of students. Differentiated activities involve tailoring
instruction to the individual learning styles, abilities, and interests of students. This approach
recognizes that students learn in different ways and at different paces, and it provides
opportunities for students to explore scientific concepts and processes through a variety of
hands-on, inquiry-based activities.
Background of the study
The nature of science (NOS) is a fundamental aspect of scientific literacy that encompasses the
values, assumptions, and practices of science. It is essential for students to understand the NOS
to develop a critical and informed perspective on scientific knowledge and its applications.
However, teaching the NOS to young learners can be challenging, as it requires a deep
understanding of scientific concepts and the ability to communicate them in a way that is
accessible and engaging.
Differentiated instruction is an approach that recognizes and responds to the diverse learning
needs of students. It involves providing multiple means of representation, expression, and
engagement to accommodate different learning styles, abilities, and interests. By using
differentiated activities, teachers can create a more inclusive and supportive learning
environment that allows all students to succeed.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in the use of differentiated activities to teach the
NOS in elementary school classrooms. Several studies have shown that differentiated instruction
can improve students’ understanding of the NOS and their engagement in science learning (e.g.,
Bybee, 2013; Lee & Buxton, 2010). However, most of these studies have focused on older
students, and there is limited research on the effectiveness of differentiated activities in teaching
the NOS to grade 3 learners.
Grade 3 is a critical stage in students’ scientific development, as they begin to develop more
abstract thinking skills and a deeper understanding of scientific concepts. It is therefore
important to explore effective strategies for teaching the NOS to grade 3 learners to support their
scientific literacy development.
The study will use a mixed-methods approach that combines quantitative and qualitative data
collection and analysis techniques. The quantitative data will be collected through pre- and post-
tests to measure students’ understanding of the NOS. The qualitative data will be collected
through classroom observations, interviews with teachers and students, and analysis of students’
work samples.
The findings of this study will have important implications for science education research and
practice. They will contribute to our understanding of how to effectively teach the NOS to young
learners and provide practical recommendations for teachers on how to differentiate activities to
meet the diverse learning needs of their students.
The primary purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of differentiated activities
in promoting Grade 3 learners’ understanding of the Nature of Science. Specifically, this research
seeks to:
2. Design and implement differentiated activities that illustrate key NOS principles in the
classroom, categorized into three levels of contextualization: decontextualized,
moderately contextualized, and highly contextualized.
To teacher: The findings will provide teachers with practical strategies for effectively
integrating NOS instruction into their classrooms, catering to diverse learning needs.
To students: By promoting a deeper understanding of the NOS, this study aims to
empower students to become more engaged and critical thinkers in their science learning.
This chapter presents the different literature and studies pursued to gather insights for the
study. This also includes the relevant information considered to strengthen the concepts and
variable of the study.
Differentiated activities play a crucial role in teaching Nature of Science (NOS) concepts to
students of all ages. Inquiry-based learning is a widely recognized approach that encourages
students to actively explore scientific phenomena, ask questions, gather evidence, and draw
conclusions. This activity allows students to develop critical thinking skills and a deeper
understanding of the scientific process.
Bybee (2016) highlights the importance of the BSCS 5E instructional model in inquiry-based
learning. The model consists of five phases: Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration,
and Evaluation. By following these phases, students can engage in hands-on investigations and
construct their own knowledge of NOS concepts.
Concept mapping is a visual tool that helps students organize and represent their knowledge of
NOS concepts. It involves creating a diagram that connects key ideas and concepts with lines and
arrows. This activity allows students to see the relationships between different NOS concepts and
how they are interconnected.
Karpudewan et al. (2016) found that using concept mapping can enhance students’ understanding
of the nature of science. Concept mapping allows students to visually represent the relationships
between different NOS concepts, making them more concrete and easier to understand.
Role-playing is an activity that allows students to take on the roles of scientists and engage in
debates or discussions about scientific controversies. This activity helps students develop
communication skills, critical thinking skills, and an understanding of the social and ethical
aspects of science.
Sadler et al. (2016) suggest that role-playing can be an effective way to teach NOS concepts. By
engaging in role-playing activities, students can experience the process of scientific inquiry and
the challenges that scientists face in their work.
Case studies are real-world examples that allow students to analyze scientific issues and explore
the ethical, social, and environmental implications of scientific discoveries. This activity helps
students develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and an understanding of the
complexity of scientific issues.
Zeidler et al. (2016) emphasize the importance of contextualizing socio-scientific issues in
science education. Case studies provide a context for students to explore these issues and
develop a deeper understanding of the nature of science and its impact on society.
This chapter presents the methodology in undertaking the study which includes the research
design, respondents of the study, research instrument, research procedure and the statistical
treatment of data for analysis and interpretation.
Research Locale
This study will be conducted at Cabatang Elementary School, located in Cabatang, Tiaong,
Quezon. This school is one of the public elementary institutions in the Division of Tiaong,
Quezon District II. The researcher has chosen this site to carry out the study, providing an
appropriate setting to explore and enhance the basic process skills of Grade 6 pupils through
inquiry-based learning.
The participants in this study will be a class of Grade 3 learners at a local elementary school.
The sample size will be determined based on the availability of students and the feasibility of
data collection.
Research Design
This study will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data
to investigate the effectiveness of differentiated activities in teaching NOS to Grade 3 learners.
Quantitative data: Pre- and post-assessments will be used to measure changes in students’
understanding of NOS concepts.
Qualitative data: Observations and field notes will be collected to document student engagement
and participation during differentiated activities.
Research Instrument
Pre- and post-assessments: These assessments will be developed to measure students’
understanding of key NOS concepts, including the empirical nature of science, the tentative
nature of scientific knowledge, and the role of creativity and collaboration in scientific
Observation protocol: This protocol will be used to guide observations of student engagement
and participation during differentiated activities.
Procedure/Data collection
1. Pre-assessment: Students will complete a pre-assessment to measure their initial understanding
of NOS concepts.
2. Differentiated activities: The researcher will implement a series of differentiated activities
categorized into three levels of contextualization: decontextualized, moderately contextualized,
and highly contextualized.
3. Post-assessment: Students will complete a post-assessment to measure their understanding of
NOS concepts following the differentiated activities.
4. Observations: The researcher will observe and document student engagement and participation
during differentiated activities.
Quantitative data: Pre- and post-assessment scores will be analyzed using descriptive statistics
and paired t-tests to determine the effectiveness of differentiated activities in improving students’
understanding of NOS.
Qualitative data: Field notes and observations will be analyzed using thematic analysis to
identify patterns and themes related to student engagement and participation.