2019 AL 1st Paper

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�@ &Wmill (fte}{)!JiJlclJ)@il u .UL/rf/GJJ1DU.f6iJJLUJ�1/All Ri hts Reserved!

�c) �GX:J!4tiJ111 UffLfbtiJLLt.b!New Syllabu�

20i9. 08. 28 / 0830 - 1030

0025'} I
muurr6lfi I (!JU:, o,;t:D@
Japanese I @}ff6mir(i) w6llilll{ij!}9wrr60Ih
Two hours

'* � ® gcrl'Z5:>0CD 8�61 reoc.nrl25.>.
,!, 8�6t O@©d �c,:i@m cl0:>25.>G'c.3 cvcw.l � qoi:s,ai (3c.:\25'},:,,.
>i< 8�61 O@®d 83oe:i � <'.fl� C,O©<cCO <c e:>tCi@C3@me) i@c,:ie):i 8@0�25'}Z5),
·:f:- 1 Bo 50, @ml:S) � e'.)l:S) e'.Jl:S) gr.dZ5:>G'.lD (I), (2), (3), (4) W25.> 8�10825'} �oe
<iG>5 egfro®m (NG@Om
� 8�6 @t3)56:i©m25.>, e'.lw ag� 0� 6goro {1� �d l:l)� (x) eGl:I(;) (�.

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'* 6l'Jl6ll)L!'f>�60l6U C/!)ro)� @)L�GU a;t:..Q..m� 6l@lbJffi.
616\)GW 6T(!Q{b)IL.

·:t, 6l5l@L/t�60l6fu ol!i)ulfx£�6U MLIUL(B6Tl6TT .@IU)l6lJ!!l]56sf>6Uln60)6!J& ffi61161Jll00ffi 6llffff1/b{b)U ul61ilu!iJ!!llffi,

,!:- 1 Qw!LMl.b 50 6ll6lD!JU.j61T6ll 6»!60ITTlfx£6TI �TT60!IDJffi@ID (I), (2), (3), (4) 6T60l 6l60lir�LUULL 6l'i160)L&60]6b
ll'!)lwrr60l �GUGU'9J uSla;u QJrr@!f>s5L0060l 6»!61DL6IDUJ/l> Gtb!fl!i'>G./b(B�, $61fLJ.JL{B6ttrn ��
.9l6l»IJlW 6l'il6lllLM"fi60l6b �Ii; @j!l'j� �J!JC!!>l.b @�6b l.j6Tl� (x) @(Ba;.
'* Answer all questions.
,!, Write your Index Number in the space provided in the answer sheet.
'* .Instructions are given on the back of the answer sheet. Follow those carefully.
,!:. In each of the questions 1 to 50, pick one of the alternatives from (1 ), (2), (3), (4) which
is correct or most appropriate and mark your response on the answer sheet with
a cross (x) on the number of the correct option in accordance with the instructions given on
the back of the answer sheet.

I c�c.> / tffil6lirrr�lf>IT6TT I / Paper I

T"- L-?t,<, :::.t:
�""('7)1( rl>,t=��t-�" \ 0

t-?t --c � t 'J :::. t:. .l i:.,

•t� � t-���(1\ (2), (3), (4)'7)ff''h"i;,ifftflt·�\ \ 0

• ti,(, i, ( "I., I)

1 . A:� ;tz 0) X. ¥�7 7'<1) ------ �11-":)f::v')"(\ 4 t.'�At-"'-v')i!Rie-Li {t:f1J"'t''

B: f J"(''91J" o "'t"t, 41J:�At(J,{:,,,)7-,i',,:; ��1t-J"(\ \ i91J" o
(1). rj;;;z,,Y- (2). A71/.:z.-JI,, (3). ;t-L.,,�-1/ (4). :12_.:z..:::.7-1/3/

I @t:;t>lm B§D @edz,"Jf u&. 02 ruu urr�lt& I See page two

AL/2019/87/STE-I(NEW) -2-

(3). jJ7;f 7 (4). -lf�·yr-

3. A: � B ll�Jlh" 0---- h'\ fl\,OY(\ � < 9.fr}-? -C j," L 1t.A.t -c·t \,\, --(·'1" 7J" o
B: \ \\ ,--(•9 J::o J?f:\ ,L'(:o

C1). -? ::_·7 (2). -C ,,(,, �

1,, t:
(3). l'L ,,(,, (4).

(1). 'Jt-i-

6. �O)v.::Zr-7YlJ..±. 8 t:tJ. a)----0)-(".., ��/: b)----Ltdi.7/J"

\ \\ \ -C"?" J:: 0

(1). a) u0< b) :1L' (2). a) -??"t' b) !t-?LA.t

(3). a) ::_t' b) J::-?( (4). a) 7J"f:0'(t� b) J::7\'

7. ---- 4�Ltivz/v-C\ t:>t.'il"fJ'\\ ,t:(t.'-?-CLi\ ,tLt.: o
(1). -?<-?t: (2). <-:3-?t: (3). J:::'Lt: (4). t-:;::_Lt:

8. �;tx i.51ili 'l't L\, ---- , �L\ \::_ttt:(�At�'Ji-t' o
(1 ). --ct c2). itht'' C3). t:·n"0 C4). 0)-c,·

t: , , .;, 1 tc. \, 1,,,, t ·� ·i l

9. ---- -€:;' �77·c*--ct, ?7'//':k¾ft:p .J=-Li-l±-At o
(1). tt;:' c2). t:.ti. C3). -r-?t C4). -+fu

[Zt7b"JV{251 B.f?v oJeei-fm I Uffi. 03 ffil.J urriJ&& / See page three



10 . Li it.:> v( -t / 7· l: fr--? f:: t 1) '\ 1J t} i -tr Iv

jfl,. C ____ ff � t:: \, \ -c't" 0
CD. t'IJ\t'-h\ (2). ",-:>ff\ (3). h;Yt (4). iy'

• r • t� 0 � • ti5l � "t"t·7 • � t-t �'

fl' -It Iv .;.; :: 1.'. Ii Ir Iv t.: fl'

��i ?

11. �/:t::v,hlv'h'\J:.fJ,"?7::(7)--C\ -=r-t·t�fflf&tl:ith "'t1t�1Lt::o

(1). *.it (2). *.5Nt (3). 1;$.-tt (4). 1;$. 5Nr.

12 . .iic(7) a t.:JJf � 77'\ 11I � � �h"t *-f:: (7)i\ Jt �t.:J:t� � o/ L�-}L�--? --C\ \ ilt::o

(1). 11}± (2). �:!{� (3). � JC. (4). *- *

13. � ;fX--C"� /vf:\, j(_ ¥ �� iiL it' o
(1). ilI 1� (2). ilI � (3). ilI � (4). irr�

14. ;zi::--to)� � �L--C'-\it"v\G, 1* M flJ77\-:J"t <n 1-tt /v-/J\o


(1). -1:--?--C (2). tt"?-t (3). �--?--( (4). @--?--(

15. .Jt$IJ'\M � B 1:<ht::A'.·;:t:/'(7)-lf-1 A'.'/.i.f>ht'\ \(7)--(\ �/:.f>tfilf:: o
(1). �ht'\\ (2). �ht'\, (3). ½ht'\\ (4). �ht'\,

• r. tµ0�i((;tt·7�l,a. t-t�' o
{), -It Iv ,;: :: t Ii J:

16. *-ii&-h\G::t-11.,,1:ttdt Lit" o �(7) ift<(7);J;-f 11.,,1:-50 Li-t o

(1). \ ,ttJ.< (2). \ ,ttf< (3). \ '"?ti< (4). \ \-:;,(£\,

= �--<
17. t!9 *-flt::G, .iich��Gt'ltfl-lit·�Ji-tt-!vo
(1). "\?(�< (2). f><�·< (3). "\?.:Li:< (4). f>

18. r���-J(ifPJt�hit"-/J\ o
( 1). .fJ /v-tt /v t:·\\ \,-:> (2). .f> Iv� /v t:: \\ \,t
(3). 1J/v{t- /vt::\ \\ \--;) (4). '&)/v·+f!vt::.\ \\ ,t

I wmdvr£ 8/JD aemm I uri,. 04 mu urrfJa;a; I See page four

AL/2019/87/STE-l(NEW) -4-

19. l:B � * M v') 10 ;; wr I:: 1 ;J <1) )(Jt:: *-"'t <t:·� \

"-- f 'o

CD. L�Li--?l:11\At (2). L�-?/.i--?l:11\At

(3). L�-?li--?l:n\AJ (4). L�l.f--?L'77\,{;

20. ABS �At Li� Ii! v') ii. 1:s�Jit"o

(1). �At=7 (2). 7/At/J\,{; (3). �A;=

,,, \' tr! �.. \ \ J: '}

B: �tt-·CL;i, li11\v')h.AJt.'li¾ilv') l*J ��1o-?--C\ \it"ho
CD. titJ\ (2). L/J\ (3). <''½\, C4). t::'lt

22 . ¥ :-tx i--C''v') it ti, �� Li � ----:: At --C''\ 1 i -tr At o

(1). t.' t·' (2). tit'' (3). ::·1:-:, (4). it:'

23. ch t·�,{;, ::i'itJ\½1i' 00 t�v')�5i--C�-th o t::'h77\;-}1711';t�-�·�---­

L --C<t::�\ 1 0

24. ¥ 1:. A:.::. ;z. - ;z ··cti, t:f h\ft;zbb\(J,{;/:: tJ\;z t'<--Ct ---- �1--c··-to
¥ 1:. B: �'J--C"t"11\ o i:"t -. ;fA(;i t 7 *JTL" \1)\/j',{;� Ji\ 1 1 Lf::o
(2). \\\\ (3). ""A.If)

25 . .::.1/
1 �- 9-
l;l-,1,�l ?O'\'

: 7 ,{;, 4- 8 , � ;f( % v') *, ifX -& ,t 1:. I :____i:''t" o

_::.1/ : � h/;iJ: 1)\-? f:-(''T h o

B: ::_\�)A.; 0 4-, ith--C''\ 1 611\�, 1):f'J-?f:½ �Li: J;(fbh o
(1). �,{;"'(" (2). ttih--C (3). �i-tt-i: (4). �ti)"'(
AL/2019/87/STE-l(NEW) -5-

27. A: t±-& l.: /J, };-f- � /4.dJ{____o

B:Li\\, .:::...A.\\1Ta
(1). \ \�-::,L-\"'\ Yf977" (2). };.:fJ 1Ji-trA.J77"
(3). ;HiiJiLJ:7n" C4). j') tJ i
" t"tJ"


28. ;::./,-Jv�A.Jl.i-�fJ-$-ffJJ\ 'Ii:\,.;(!)(:, ____ o

C1). };i:-n1 f3-�i:''Th. C2). ;Hi:-n\i,fJit"h
C3). };i:-ts,ft-tt,{;n. C4). };�1:m-:;>--z:\,-t-tn

29. fz,,tiibitJ�, �,t1t""1-tt-A.Jh\ t"Lt=.·-;t::�, ____o

(1). 1t""1-tt,{; (2). 1t""i9

• h Iv IJ< t: .ti t--;,

30. a *- --("lJ�ll'tlZti 12 }3 3JZ1i:''I:, ___o

C1). l:tl LI=.ti 777{\,\,i:''T (2). l:tl �t:{tfL(Jt.'�Ji-tt Iv
(3). l:tl t" "'?f; �Ji:''9 (4). tl:llit"

k� �/., k� �Iv

.iE.L\ ,:5e.i;;tt·tt �r:t"tl' o .iE.L\ ,:5e."'(·t"o

-=-<�-' ;I:? t:.:,
C 0. 00 �3¥4� � �Jl: 1t�iLI=. o \, ;s\,;st.' 00 (l)Jfl-:E! fJ 1 M.""i:\,iLf= a
,;: ., L t: J,..·fi.z,. ;tt-, � Iv I!

(2). �(l)7, .:\=--v/'f1-.,-,,,1t-?t::�, 1A��tJlf=�J, I� (l)Faj'Jti&�LiLt:: o

(3). �(l)7, ilt <(l) g i:'J{
' " '*tt"bt .. JJ; (l) A.n1 ;H��J � M i1Lt -t
? t t, I)<
* � 't''Lt::a

(4). �t�\'Ii:\ 'lbA./,:F,,-:Z77\3�'--:)77'\-?i:, �(l) A.(Jlth1tLiLf= o

AL/2019/87/STE-I(NEW) -6-

/i:. f,:'. ,;: /v f: f:: ,j; Iv
• .iE L <t.'", :tt;;tt h ---c·i""-IJ' o .iEL <t.'", o

(1). h.t0 t.'iJ" � L \, f 71: ;Ht''"'? -c \, i -to � a 0) /'\--5- 1-l: *----CJ:: "'?t: ---c-tIJ, o

$;, v� "l

= \ \;;
(2). 71/- �t00) � !i} �E14li, ::k �\ 1 ½:t±O)�±-&t::�7---C"T a

(3). � � ;Q"--?\ ,--z \ \ 1-t 1}' G" t!)(L 1)" � l ct 7 "("9 0

(4). 7 1.-:j .1J �Alli��� IJ{ � \ \"(''9 h o iJ"·+f'h.f=.\ \'(''9 o

�� Jt t.'�\ ' o ----1:)-..;;Jl:ti@. � t.'�i.l.it h---C·T-IJ'o

;{. ,z, !;l \' t-,l::'. '{ � t. ·l :: Ii:.
33. -f't''{,O)t3, ____o
(1 ). *-. t1J,t0t::'::tlJ{.f/Ji-t
(2). *-.I: iJ" 1ht:::: t b\}/J i-t
(3). *-.t:1J,1-ttt=.:::tfJ{J,J�)i9

!il. Iv l:'.-;
..::_:j- : =O)��!(.J7.}:.. ili (: ____o
C 1). ---:; i t'.:i t.'", "(''9 J:: (2). " , C'h;; -C·'9 J:
(3). t.'--?iJ"L\ \-C''T ct (4). ;HtL�\ ,-c"-t ct

i. .): Iv

• �1:stxl;;tt·h-c·-,fJ, o
CD. IJ- rt >...n -c fJ, �, ;1-�?7 / t ;H 9 t, 3-;,J � 77" rB 1 -to
C2). 1-t;t<?7/tt:;Li-t o �JrLfJ,i;IJ-ft>...n;;t ._ 5--:>,J�tJ{tl:ii-to
(3). 5--:>,;�t>-..h-C ;t:?7/tt:;-tt, IJ-J-:'77{ 8:1 i9 o

(4). ii\ t")�t>-..n-c-b,i:, ._ it'?7:,,,t;H-tt, 3--:>,;�iJ"tl:l 1-t o

CD ••••••••

leodvcm' 8,{J.9 &edml u&. 07 mu urr�if,1n / See page seven

7_- ____________2_9____
AL/2019/87/STE-I(NEW_�) _______-____: 29
-?�· .;;,<.,L.d J: L-:> ti .l ::. t:.
• ;kv')je*��1v--c�1': rJ1l::�;t t.·�\ ' o
a *-t:tJ., :[v')-:ffi'--t-\\t5v:B.iE '1IJ{itt<-�:.;t, t:>-1:!tiii.:t:--?t::Av�L\ \
t;?ilf,<, L,�·)&,,<,

t:pJtJC::§\\1:t"o t:.\\--C\\, 7 '115 8/J'GB '115 8v')Fa'j/.:};<bv')//��'l'.l--C''To

it::, if-0') �,t--)Jt:t:><btv')t r B-tt-\ \/IJt i \ \ i-t r B-lt'- \/IJt.i, t::\ \--C\ \ 12 O

J:l 1 8 IJ'G 31 a 1--c--1:B<fJi-t o

t.' i)' ivlJ ... '
::h li, ;t'/,7' L v') 1'.: (�l'--? t:. .A..t ;�� 1 ff� t.: ml{� IJ,j; fJ:t -t o
-r: <t,--?t:.A�* t.J] 1:-t bv')t � c�rtt-c, :B-1:!±-ttt: t:-:>t:..A.. �
�L'- \.A../:s\ \���L, 7°v-tt:,;t-�Lf::v')/,7\ :0')1};t:p :itJ�
r h-lt'- ,(f'Jv')f� 1:fJ--c---t o b'IJ,l(.i � 5f;I: ,!,Q t't(7), t:. ti.ti', *
*�� t:t''f 7°v--tt:,; 1---t; = t IJ{ ffe 1,7\--? t:.--c-·-t o
L�'7n',<; 0::.
JcO)�'l'.ftL:i, �t��--C\ \--c, it'�*ti:><b:tlJ{-ft ffe \ \--C''-t o


36. / °\:,,'..:::..�/vt.i:B-1:!±-tit:t·--?t:. 8 *A-_0')7t.�/.:, ��1};-lt\ '1/f'Jtf};tj::tJtJf

r :B '41 :it J t r B -tt- \ \, rJ t B<.;
:B< fJt:.\ , --c·'-t O � a t.1 9 J:J 1 5 a --c··-t O �� v')

:th�·"("�J:T/J\ o
t,,, ilf,<,

(1). }; lf1 :it ti:>-lt\ \(;f'th<b:tlJ{--C"51-t 0


C2). B tf7 :it(.1B<b:t/J{--c··5:tt"1,7{, h--tr\ \lf'l.ih<b:ti7{--C·'5i-tt lv o

t,,.1lf Iv
(3). :B-lt '- \/Ili:B<b: tlJ{--C\�it"iJ\ B tf7 Jt/.JB<;: t 1,7{-1_··3i-lt lv o
(4). }; o/ :it t};-lt\\(f'tt:><.;:::. t IJ{--(_•'5 i-lt Iv 0

l;,dlf A, ;(_ l,
37. i:> °41 :it �h-tr \\/fl:-?\ \--c .iE L\\ t v') ��cf t.'�'- \o
h-ill-ti(:t.· �t:: .A..IJ{};:fLO') � ttt� :!lt-t t::cV:>l .:};< 1)1-t o
j,t \'

(1) •
*1. \.
(2). h-ill-ti�Lt:: A._ 1)°\;F) *L(J) � #t f :!lz-t t:.cV:>t.:B< 1Ji-t

(} ?J: '1

(3). i:>ii-t.: � �--C\ \bAI.: � 5f; 1.: ,>6 t'tv')f B< 1J1-t
�� "'�' 0

(4). c <t., -"'.)t:. Al.:� L\ \ � t4f t t :!lt-t t:. 'ciJI .:B< 1) t-t o

I q00z255' 8/JD wewro I Lil£. 08 mu uf!�&& I See page eight

AL/2019/87/STE-I(NEW) -8-

-=>5' .;:,<,L.d J; l-=>t,<,, ::..tc

8 ;j(v')j{_-�fie,(,"(�jt ri:ii1:�;t.t·�\ 'o
ABC * ¥Ii 8 J.f./:cb; � ¥ 1:--IJ{- ffi: � \ \ * ¥v?----,;-("-f o \ \.;\ \.; t: 00 tJ"L-;;

* g':-("� 5!L "(\ \ * ')ii 1)11

(7) � ¥ 1:--IJ{ ABC iT o h-1\/ t: ¥ (7) �I :{i/\/··t\ \ i-t o �(7)

,, f, i. ti-,
- �tt:t;t 6 --?(7)�µ � t i'S �Ji-to � ... h-1\/ t:-IJ{1.i/\/--Z'''- \;�µ � /.i#½<1):i@. 1J--Z''T o

101 102 103 104 105 106

If:,,, .A

0 0 0 0 0 0

--c, *(7) � EB ;t '.i-ti ;jz

L,d�,,<, 'J.d
� i.. /J � � 'l'.ft tJ' ii 7(7)"(\ h-I\/ t: J: < It 1\/ tJ" LiT o �:::
(7)J: 7t:J-'l:-� #-? "( � -c h-1\/ t'(7)iµ� � 1,l" ;z. ilt:: 0

7-rt,1.� ;l,0)$� i- -/J' ;t;t Lt: o

d.> Lt: t,, t; �Jr L \, ,:g��t:: tJ':h-:,-r < t�'-::" ' o

• 7'/-::;l,t;t IO I -/J'G I 06 t::-/J,x.1 Lt: o

• :\=-IA-:: ;l,t7/'Y-:: ;l,0)$�t;t-/J't:>�J 1-tt";l, o
• 01,-l--�;l,ti'//-::A..,O)A,0)$�t::i,px_£ Lt:o
• b. 1 I \ - -:: A., ti' A,' 0 / {- ":: A., 7J f{f-:, -r \, \ �$� t:: '/J' ;t1 Lt: 0

• -5-9"-:: ;l,ti�� Li Lt:o

38. tblt::1J"l-;;(7)�µ�/:--?\ \"(, .iEL\ \f,(7)��cft,·�" \o
CD. �1 / {-2-,{,li 102 t: iJ,hfJiLt.:o

(2). 106 li � \ \ "( \ \ i-t 0

C3). � �::,{,/.i 7:1/:J�/\/(7)tt.· 1J--z---r o

(4). t:]!'\-l'-2-/\/(7)�µ�(.i 101 "("j" 0

lm0c9[Z>5' B§D f:iJ(jZDro! Uffi. 09 mu UIT[Tffi/:6 / See page nine

AL/2019/87/STE-l(NEW) -9-

8 *--C" :i. 51; 1";t.� I : >l'

::,;,·h ·/4,
1 * t : t' ; 8 2f.(7) < -t - � 1)--(7)::, - -t--C''T
V- -:> J: 'i

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o ffei � -\?
lth"-C"Al&tl -C\,;A/:a,\ ,1:fr<.::t� f JJJt tl" ,J t.%\,t-to � B Ii, .:_(7)
;,. t Li1n'�' ;., "!.
r h Jt --. " ,Jl: 1t<t. 3 (7)? -t- l:-:> \,-C � 1r-Lit" o JJJt • \ \I:1t<t. 3 t: t.''(7)J:

;t-f, h )t tl\ \/:1t<

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� 4 -rt.l: 1f" \-c 1i=,; i.. f= fJ t";.:: t. IJ"-C"3it" o
t; Jl--. 1. ,(7)7°v--t:t1/H :-:>\\-Ct��-:>tt�I i 7-h"\,\ ,-'(''
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-� :k..-1:JJt:.:.t.li, Al&tL-C\,;;Ah\bi 1J�ht·1. ,J:71:-t;;.:_t_ ---('·-to -C''Y
h\ G, t; ti Lt";;� Ml.it.''/v t.'I:-& <-ct 30 'n"(''0\ \ 77"\ \",-c,·LJ: 1 o

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39. hJl t�h ,t-tibt.3(7)?-t-t.L -c, :5C.-Jit(7) r*J ?fuq:s-?-C\. ,.;t(7)��cft.·�\ ' a
Cl). -:>tJ�liAn"t: <t·-?t�t.3(7) n-c,·-t1.i,G�&½ iLJ: 7o
(2). Al&tL-C1. \bAt. ft\,� M tt-t .::t.tiJ:(t.·\,-c,·-t o
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(3). J!!-.. \.
'�R��-C1T-?-Ct,\ \\ ,-("Y o
(4). hh\L �<t=·t(7)tit�-?-C rr-?-Cti1. ,tti-tt lv o
(c;oJ0zz6' 8,i]tJ oJe2Jfro/ui£. JO mu urr�a;a;/ See page ten
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*trL\ \ A]tl.i ag 1.::. ��0)-tt !!J v')t'bV'tifl "C\ �frL\\ �1\li1 �5¥0 J *1\t
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A .fil v') t:; -t ;#fo1' t' �Ji -t iJ", t' b 7J' t � .fil l.± !!J v') t:; -t ifl 1J \ \ \ i -tr ,,{; o -c· -t b' � ,
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a *-0)A�!J., i&-J�B'yt'1± :f: �L ! -tl- Alo tJ'IJ\UJ.A�tiilf **-1::'t � i.Gh
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40. )(_:f(1) l*J �/,:jry-?-(\ \bt(1)(jJX T (1)C::�ifl, -C''-f/J\ o
A�U,t"1'.!..,Q)i ���i "1'.!..,<ni
(1). B?J 1-=-�� (;J: 31 .xf=-M 5'l; j}J!L -C 3£Lf: h\ � � ·'("Ajt !-\?<Y)£ Lf:: 0
.t � 1,, t ·c 1v (f) ·i h \, h i: t:: \ , 1,, 1:, ·u, t ·, 1v <n -l "' \ , -tt \, t: e \,
(2). ag 1-=-A j[ (1) ITTJ1\li I�*° B{H� J' ¥i1- A j[ (1) ITTj={\t;J: r ij2- � WJ:1\ J t g \ \ iT 0
-u., (f) ·j 1')' 1, � l"
(3). 8 ;$:.All �t A.N[li##.�'t/t-;-C\ \iT a
-clvQ)i -r "1'./..,<ni
(4). A� (1) � �(1) � 1:J:bt, ;)z(1) � �(;;i:, £2'.tl -c,·-t a

A: *JT L 1.. "7 1 '\-1, Jf -?t:/v-C''T -:>-C ?
B: ____
A: {;h, '{\ t''7t_•(7) ? ?(_(1);7 1 '\-j--0
(1). 'Zc 71)\ (2). �7t'(1) (4). \ \\ \(1)

\, -old!t ,vii'>\ '(i -,,(F.; '1
A: �AIJ{-�11-$-��!L -C1.. ,;(1)/:, t�'htP/]\ ,--c<fLi-tbG o
B:a) ____ a Zchli b) ____a
(1). a) Zc)-C''TIJ\ b) IJ\h\. \:ic"?-C''T tl

C2). a) Zc 1-C"T n b) *- � -C"t"IJ,


(3). a) 'Zc 7--C"-r h b) �li'-?t:--C''TIJ,

(4). a) 2<:7-Z''TIJ\ b) J:IJ,-?t:--C"T n

,;,<Lr) 1
A: ;'fA{j:i'((1) 81: 1€-:>t:2°.t!-t('{i 1€ TbJ:7/:L -(\, \iT O a)____o
B:{7-C"T1J' o ;fAt b)____o
J: L •? i
CD. f 1f/f.r,t'·f'IJ\L1.. ,-c·t-lJ\G
a) b) t t0/v-C''T
C2). a) t--C t ""Iv �J-c·-tIJ" G b) IJ{/vt£1Ji1"
t� ... ,-....,v
C3). a) tt-c·:k�-C-'TIJ"G b) J:02"./v-C"-t=>fJi-t
C4). a) 1&.-C" �hi -t 77\ G b) -\?-?-Chit-
AL/2019/87/STE�I(NEW) - 12 -

A:�{Rf4 El !.iMl:LiLt::h\ o
B: :if1,,tJ____o
C 1 ). M ---(' t \ \\ \ 'C''T C2). Mh\t::Lt::\ \'(''Y
(3). �{){Lil� (4). :5C¥l:LiLt::

A : 7 -::,, -\' :: At i Jt 77\ 1 ti -l± At 'C"L 7'= fJ \ o
t, : <
B: �-? �,il t1J t::' ! J t i \ \ t.·h'\ t:>, ____o
A: Zr,7-("-fh\ o L-v, 5f1,,t y(''{t77Y�'(thtit'1)i-lt At o
� ,(, Ii
C 1). ift � L 1: L�J: (2). tB h\ lt'C \ \ 3 iL 7'= J:
(3). 5.ft \\'(\\ "I9J: (4). *-:) '(\ \
t-,t -c :" I:'. ·1 : f= ;{_ .:,
• 1l. tiii � ,j_·it� ��(r,j_'�\ 'o
\, n' L: : L l 'i n' , ,
46. J,Xr<l) El E,��,fr--<7)____1:>-.6t<l)(.,i'JPJ'(''Y1J" o
t1,, l.i 7 ;v �? 'C"Y 7°1J:,, --t? ;z ¥ tt <7) � tt 2 it- � --Z''Y o 4--, 18 � 'c.''9 o 7 7.::. -\7 l:
�\ \

1.i.A.t --Z''\ \ i Yo ____ o

CD. t' 1�· (2). t' 1tj;}J/J"t1::�\ \iL�
h»' L-?fl''
C3). t''1�·J:�L <;f)hffi\\Li Y (4). ;k:*LLi-t

*-J..../J"·=·� f 't ""'bt� ... ..iI.L \ \ iilij f<l)1t \ \ 1J (jJ-X r <7)t''ti, 'c.''977\0
IL<, t:. tc 1
/ 1 7 '( \' n'
47. 8
(1 ). (2). (3). (4).
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a * -c"-- :: iR � it�; wit 1lCl)ch" \� --:i (/) .iE L" \ J1r� :.ffi: Lt},� r Cl)t··;r1, --c-t 1),
r,�,<,1.:r,<, \.·, fJ,
48. o

CD. wi) =·ti1�i-C"Lt:: 1l) "\f::t:·�t.-t

(2). fir) 1.. \t:t:·�t-r 1!) =·ti1�1-c-tt:
C3). wi) 1.. \t:t�·�t-t 1l) L--:i;M,\. \Lilt:
(4). wi) =·-t..i� 7� t-c··-t 1l) "\t:t::�i Lt:

L: •• i t: L
49. � 5f-C2019 5f- ) t.i -t--=- .:t Cl) '!PJ 5f---t·'-t tJ" o
Cl). \\Cl)LL5f- (2). 1��·'5t- (3). \\�5f-

50. B *Cl) r 5SJ I: --�\\"'( .iEL \ \t(/)� },� r 1J'0�Zft:;::.\

"'' *' 7-�

C 1 ). -tt-" \ �\ -tt-\ \ tJ" Iv, tJ" --:i, -tt-" \ l:f> 1.. \, L --:i tL"\
-tt-\ \
C2). -tt-\ \�, -tt-\ \t,{,, -tt-\ \i, -tt-\. \�Iv, L6L
(3). -tt-1.. \Zf., -tt-\ \�Iv, -tt-\ \Cl)J, -tt---:il:f>\ \, LtL\ \
(4). -tt-\ \�), -tt-1.. \t/v, -tt-\ \iJ, -tr\ \(t--:i, L--:itt

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