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Dharmapuri DT Quarterly Exam 24 Question Paper

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Time :3.00 Hours MARKS: 100

1. Write clearly and legibly without mistakes and overwriting utilising the maximum time allotted for
the exam.
2. Answer should be in your ownstyle without changing the main core concept.
3. Use only black or blue ink pen to write the exam.
Answer all the question: 14X1 =14
Choose the appropriate synonyms for the underlined words.
1. The great expanse of sea stretched down beneath
a) large space b) narrow c) small space d) deep area
2. Islammed shut the door at the stairs top
a) released b) loosened c) closed d) opened
3. She was commissioned to the India Navy service.
a) shared b) constituted c) booked d)designed
Choose the appropriate antonym for the italicized words.
4. He failed to muster up courage
a) bravers b) daring c) cowardice d) grit
5 The spoilt child of affluent parents.
a) harmed b) ruined c) devasted d) good
6. What was the selection process?
a) extension b)rejection c) termination d) collection
7. Choose the correct pluralform of the word Penny from the following.
a) pennys b) pennies c) pennees d) pennea
8. Form a derivative by adding the right prefix to the word ...... head'
A) mal b) fore c) trans d) multi
9 Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation 'GSSLV'.
a) Government Satellite Service Launching Vehicde b) Great Satellite Safety Service Launching Vehicle
c) Good Satellite Service Launching Vehicle d) Geo Synchronous Satellite LaunchingVehicle
10. Completethe followingsentence with the most appropriate phrasalverb given below:
PO ...... post office
a) stand up b) stands for c) stands over d) stands out
11. Choose the suitableoption to pair it with the word 'bond' to forma compound word.
a) safe b) cheer c) establish d) age
12. Fillinthe blank with the most appropriate preposition given below:
What you are looking younder a) on b) at c) in d) to
13. Complete the following sentence using the most appropriate tense form of the verb
given below.
We all (sing) in the choir last week
a) sang b)sing c) sung d) are singing
14. Choose the most appropriate linker form the given four alternatives.
He is ...... tall ...... gigantic.
a) too,to b) either,or d) both, and
C) so, as
3 X 2 =6
Answer anythree of the following question.
15. Why did the young bird utter a joyful scream?
16. What were the various sounds the brothers heard when they went downstairs?
Mention the special features of INSV Tarini?
18, What was the condition of the attic? 10th ENGLISH PAGE -1
3 X 2 = 6
19. So let the way wind upthe hillor down,
o'er ròugh or smooth, the journey will be joy.
a) How was the way of life? bHow should be the journey of life?
20. A silly young cricket accustomedto sing
Through the warm, sunny moths of gay summer and spring
a) Name the seasons mentioned here? b) What was the routine of the cricket?
21. She's today's woman. Today's woman dear
Love her, Respect her, Keep her near.
A) How should woman be treated
b) Is the post talking about the woman of the previous generation ?
22. They growlat the and they growl at this;
Whatever comes,there is something amiss?
a) What does the word 'amiss' mean here? b) Why do they find everything amiss?
SECTION - III (Grammar)
Answer any three of the following question. 3X 2 = 6
23. Rewrite the following sentence to the other voice.
How did you cross the river?
24. Rewrite the sentence using indirect speech.
The girl said,"We were practicing yoga"
25. Transformsthe following sentence into a a compound sentence.
As he was good, he helped others.
26. Rearrange the words inthe correct order to make a meaningful sentence.
a) zigzag / snore/ I/ have / never. b) speak / actions /than / louder / words.
27. Punctuate the following sentence.
dont you dare sleep dr. krishnan warned zigzag
SECTION -IV(Compulsory) 1X2 = 2
28. Guide the stranger who wants to visit the Hospital.
to library


stranger are here


Answer any two of the following in utmost 10 lines. 2X5 10
29. Describe the struggles underwent by the young seagull toovercorme its fear of flying.
30. Narrate the extensive search operation made by the policeman in the house.
31. Write in detail about the selection and training process which the crew underwent.
32. Give a detailed account of allthoughts in the narrator's mind while accompanyingAditya.
Answer any two of the following in utmost 10 lines. 2X5= 10
33. Write aparagraph on "The Grumblle family" and their attitude towards other folks.
34. Compare and contrast the attitude of the ant and the cricket.
35. Read the following stanza and answer the questiongiven below.
So let the way windup the hill or down,
O'er rough or smooth, the journey willbe joy
stillseeking what I sought when but a boy
New friendship, high adventure, and a crown
a) Identify the rhyming words of the given lines.
b)What isthe rhyming scheme of the above stanza?
c) Mention in the figure of speech employed in the first line of the stanza.
d) Pick out the alliterating words in the second line.
36. Paraphrase the following stanza.
Strong is she in her faith and beliefs.
"Persistance is the key to everything",
Says she. Despite the sighs and groans and moans,
She's strong in her faith, firm in her belief!
Answer any one of the folowing. 1X5 5
37. Rearrange the following sentence incoherent order.
i) He took care of the orderliness in the clinic.
ii) Zigzag was of a great trouble in the house
ii) Dr. Krishnan was surprised of the sudden change in Zigzag.
iv) Gone was Zigzag's bored and grumpy expression.
v), Dr. Krishnan took him to the clinic.
38. Read the following passage and answer the question that follow.
Many years ago, China was in the middle of a great war. The emperor said that one man
from each Chinese family must leave his family to join the army Mulan, a teenage girl who lived
in afaraway village of china, heard the news when she was outside, washingclothes. )
a) Which country was in the middle ofa great war?
b) What was the order issued by the emperor?
c) Who was Multan?
d) Where did she live?
e) What was she doing when heard the news?
SECTION -IV(Writing)
Answer any four of the following. 4x5 = 20
39. Preparean attractive advertisement using the hintsgiven below.
Grand Discount sale - Mobile store - exchange offer - bye one get one - Dual SIM- ALL
spare parts available - Sunday working day - Flower bazaar, Ulundurpet.
40. Write a letter tO a sports 'store ordering for sports goods for your school.
41. Write a notice about a book Exhibition to be held in your school
42. Look at the following picture and express your views on it in about five sentences:

43. Make notes or write a summary of the following passage.

Disciline refers to a collection of rules, limitations, and behavioural patterns that must
be followed. When these factors are integrated and used, they assist in maintaining the social
and personal order of events in life. Discipline can be developed at homne starting at ayoung
age. As a result, it sprèads and develops, affecting various aspects of life. Personal.discipline
includes things like sticking to a regular sleep schedule, eating good food, exercising, pursuing
a passion or interest, and participating in sports on a regular basis. Behaving in a certain way
in social situations, meetings, or activities is referred to as social discipline Professional
discipline, on the other hand, mostly entails time management, meeting deadlines, greeting
seniors corectly, and keeping healthy relationship, among other things. Discpline is an inextricable
aspect of society, and its role begins in our educational institutions. People nowadays frequently
lose sight of time and must make great efforts to maintain a disciplined lifestyle. Various ways
tomaintain a disciplined lifestyle are being aware of then rules and guidelines, coordinating
with coworkers, keeping personaland personal and professional lives separate and maintaining
both, ect.
AA Tdentify and correct theerrors in the following sentences.
a) Vallabai patel is called as the iron man of India. b) Idon't know who is she.
c) Let the door opened. d) The plane flew above the mountain.
e) The Hindu' has the larger circulation in India.
SECTION - V Memoriter (Compulsory)
45. Quote from memory: 1 X5 =5
From : A woman is
To : in spring
PART - IV(Supplementary) 2 x8 = 16 1X8 = 8
46. Write aparagraph of about 150 words by developing the following hints.
a)Dr. Ashok - entrusts his pet bird - Dr. Krishnan - children excited of his entry - it can speak
- 21 - Africa languages - 2igzag - sleeps endlessly - with heavy snore - no peace at- home
- Mrs. Krishna - not happy - shouts and asks solutions - Dr. Krishnan writes - to Ashok -
finding Solutions - no replay - Dr. Krishna - takes zigzag to clinic - turn if events - Zigzag
takes - care of - the orderliness - clinic - very quite - all surprised - zigzag commands - Dr.
krishna happy - finds - secret - zigzag - must be engaged - if not he sleeps -family is happy
with hìs presence. (OR)
b) Prosper lived - daughter Miranda - island cave - help of Ariel - raised storm - Antonio, king of
naples,Ferdinand - ship wrecked- Prosperocommands Ariel - bring Ferdinand - to cave-Miranda
- sees first time - human space - Ferdinandsurprised to see - Miranda - prospero - engages
hard tasks - Miranda - Pleads with father -Prospers chides Miranda - Ariel brings king of Naples to
Prospero -realize mistake - restores the dukedom - marriage of Miranda and Ferdinand.
PART - V(GeneralComprehension) 4X 2= 8
47. Read the following paragraph and answer the question given below.
Ajoint family is a family structure where multiple generations live. together under one
roof. In a joint family, grandparents, parents, and children allshare a home and often share
responsibilities. And resources. This type of family structure can offer many benefits, such as
a strong sense of community, support, and shared responsibility . For example, grandparents
may help with childcare and often share their wisdom and experience with the younger
generations.Additionally, the joint family system promotes a strong bond amoung family mumberse
and help to preserve cultural values and traditions. Its is important for the family to have open
communication and aclear understanding of responsibilities to ensure a harmonious living.
a) What isyour opinion about joint family? b) What is the role of children in a joint family?
c) What are the benefits of living in a joint family? d) In which family do you live? (OR)
Read the following poem and answer the question given below.
If I shouldmeet with the boy that I was,
How should we look?
What should we say?
So have Ichanged in the years that I think
Both would be dumb.
Yet there is nothing that came from without
Nothing of new.
Build on the old
What I am now was asleep in me then,
Waiting its hour.
Slowly,as men who unbury a vast
City that lay
Sunken insand,
Thought and the powerful spade of the world
Dig out the self.
1. Whom does the narrator want to meet?
2. What has happened to the narrator with time?
3. Is therè anything that has come new?
4. What help man dig out 'the self"?

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