Fishery Icdp
Fishery Icdp
Fishery Icdp
Fish is one of the main nutritious food in Nagaland as 95% peoples are non-
vegetarian. The demand of fish has been increased due to increase of population.
The gap between production and consumption is vast due to this gap 90% of fish
has been imported from outside the state to cope with the demand. To increase the
gap of demand, our society has decided to avail financial assistance from ICDP
Programme for the self employment of beneficiaries through fish farming and
slide to increase the socio-economic condition.
In Nagaland hundred percent of the local people and nearly 90% of the non-locals
are non-vegetarians, so the market for fish is very good. But the supply of local
fish is very less in comparison with the fish imported from other states, where
local fishes are preferred to the fishes brought from outside. So, market
potentiality is very good as appears from its demand.
T O T A L 2,30,000.00
1. Share Capital by the State Govt. 55,000.00
2. Members share capital 10,000.00
3. Subsidy/Grant-in-aid 55,000.00
4. Term Loan 1,10,000.00
TOTAL 2,30,000.00
2. Manuring of ponds
a) To increase the natural fertility, pond should be initially
fertilized for two or three weeks before stocking of the fingerlings
with raw cow dung 2,000.00
5. Other Expenses
a) Travelling & conveyance 1,000.00
b) Insurance & miscellaneous 1,000.00
Total 1,21,000.00