PMLS 1 Reviewer
PMLS 1 Reviewer
PMLS 1 Reviewer
• Medical Technology
- designed to improve the detection, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of diseases.
- has linkages with many other disciplines for specific diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
(Evans et al., 2003).
- nature is contextual, interdisciplinary, interdependent, and systems-based.
- dependent on the application, purpose, environment, and setting in which it is applied.
1. Examination of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human body and body fluids
by various electronic, chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic, hematologic, serologic,
immunologic, nuclear, and other laboratory procedures and techniques either manual
or automated;
2. Blood banking procedures and techniques;
3. Parasitologic, mycologic and microbiologic procedures and techniques;
4. Histopathologic and cytotechnology; provided that nothing in this paragraph shall
inhibit a duly registered medical laboratory technician from performing histopathologic
techniques and procedures;
5. Clinical research involving patients or human beings requiring the use of and/or
application of medical technology knowledge and procedures;
6. Preparations and standardization of reagents, standards, stains and others, provided
such reagents, standards, stains and others are exclusively for the use of their
7. Clinical laboratory quality control;
8. Collection and preservation of specimens;
Provided, that any person who has passed the corresponding board examination
(7for the practice of a profession already regulated by existing law, shall not be subject to
the provisions of the last four preceding paragraphs if the performance of such acts or
services is merely incidental to his profession (Section 2, a.).
➢ Roles and Responsibilities of Medical Technology Professionals
• Perform Clinical Laboratory Testing
• Perform Special Procedures
• Ensure Accuracy and Precision of Results
• Be Honest in Practice
• Ensure Timely Delivery of Results
• Demonstrate Professionalism
• Uphold Confidentiality
• Collaborate with Other Health Care Professionals
• Conduct Research
• Involvement in Health Promotion Programs
• Phlebotomist
- an individual trained to draw blood either for laboratory tests or for blood donations.
• Cytotechnologist
- works with the pathologist to detect changes in body cells which may be important in
the early diagnosis of diseases. This is primarily done by examining microscopic slides of
body cells for abnormalities or anomalies in structures, indicating either benign or malignant
- selects and sections minute particles of human tissue for microscopic study, using
microtomes and other equipment and employs stain techniques to make cell structures
visible or to differentiate its parts. The Papanicolaou (Pap) test and the H&E are the most
commonly employed staining techniques.
• Histotechnologist
- also referred to as histotechnican, laboratory personnel responsible for the routine
preparation, processing, and staining of biopsies and tissue specimens for microscopic
examination by a pathologist (Cardona, 2015).
• Toxicologist
- studies the effects of toxic substances on the physiological functions of human beings,
animals, and plants to develop data for use in consumer protection and industrial safety
- designs and conducts studies to determine physiological effects of various substances on
laboratory animals, plants, and human tissue, using biological and biochemical techniques.
Medical Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science Education
➢ Definition of Curriculum
- comes from the Latin word currere which means to run. A student enrolled in a program has to
work hard and run with all his or her might in order to finish the race on time.
- considered one of the allied health programs (others, to name a few, are Nursing,
Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, among others.).
- is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses that students
are expected to complete in CHED-accredited training laboratories affiliated with their
4. Cytogenetics
This course is focused on the study of the concepts and principles of
heredity and inheritance which include genetic phenomena, sex
determination, and genetic defects rooted in inheritance, among others. It also
discusses the abnormalities and genetic disorders involving the chromosomes
and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Emphasis is given to the analysis of nucleic acids
and their application to medical science.
5. Human Histology
This course deals with the study of the fundamentals of cells, tissues,
and organs with emphasis on microscopic structures, characteristics,
differences, and functions. The laboratory component of this course primarily
deals with the microscopic identification and differentiation of cells that make up
the systems of the body.
7. Clinical Laboratory
This course deals with the study of the physiology and morphology of
bacteria and their role in infection and immunity. Its emphasis is on the collection
of specimens and the isolation and identification of bacteria. It also covers
antimicrobial susceptibility testing and development of resistance to antimicrobial
Some of the procedures and tests that students perform for the laboratory component of the
course in a school-based laboratory are:
a. Preparation of culture media f. Characterization of colonies of bacteria
b. Collection of specimens growing in culture media
c. Preparation of bacterial smear g. Performing different biochemical tests
d. Staining of smear for identification of bacteria
e. Inoculation of specimen on culture h. Biosafety and waste management
media i. Quality assurance and quality control
j. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
8. Clinical Parasitology
This course is concerned with the study of animal parasites in humans and
their medical significance in the country. Its emphasis is on the pathophysiology,
epidemiology, life cycle, prevention and control, and the identification of ova and/or
adult worms and other forms seen in specimens submitted for diagnostic purposes.
Some of the procedures and tests that students perform for the laboratory
component of the course in a school-based laboratory are:
a. Microscopic identification of diagnostic features of different groups of
parasites pathogenic to man (e.g., nematodes, trematodes, cestodes,
protozoa, plasmodium, among others)
b. Different methods of preparing smear for microscopic examination (e.g.,
direct fecal smear, Kato-Katz, among others)
13. Hematology 1
This course deals with the study of the concepts of blood as a tissue. Formation,
metabolism of cells, laboratory assays, correlation with pathologic conditions, special
hematology evaluation are given emphasis. Quality assurance and quality control in
hematology laboratory as well as bone marrow studies are also discussed.
Some of the procedures and tests that students perform for the laboratory component of the
course in a school-based laboratory are:
a. Complete blood count (CBC) h. Erythrocyte indices
b. Hematocrit blood test i. Reticulocyte count
c. Platelet count j. Instrumentation
d. Preparation of blood smear k. Osmotic fragility test
and staining l. Quality assurance and quality
e. Red cell morphology control
f. Erythrocyte sedimentation m. Biosafety and waste
rate (ESR) management
g. Fragility test
14. Hematology 2
This course deals with the concepts and principles of hemostasis, and
abnormalities involving red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), and platelets.
Laboratory identification of blood cell abnormalities, quantitative measurement of
coagulation factors, and disease correlation are emphasized.
Some of the procedures and tests that students perform for the laboratory
component of the course in school-based laboratory are:
a. Identification of abnormal RBC and WBC
b. Special staining techniques
b. Profile
Membership in a professional organization can also build the career
portfolio of a professional. A professional society can also provide opportunities for
speaking engagements, career specialization, publication in research journals, and
even scholarship and training programs abroad.
c. Perks
Perks usually come in the form of monetary discounts on registration fees
for professional usually come in development activities of the organization. These
discounts are offered exclusively to members of the organization.
d. Professionalism
Professionals must adhere to the set of rules or code of ethics prescribed
by the professional society. Although this is the least in terms of value among the
benefits, this is an advantage for employers since adherence to prescribed rules
shapes the conduct of a professional.
e. Education
Professional organizations organize continuing professional development
(CPD) activities for their members through conventions, seminars, fora, workshops,
and other activities of similar nature. Also, most professional societies publish
research journals which could serve as avenues for improving the body of
knowledge in a certain field.
f. Networking
Activities conducted by professional organizations provide opportunities
for building networks in the field. Gatherings and other activities can be potential
avenues for creating long-term linkages and connections with other professionals
in the field.
2. Credentialing/Certifying Organizations
- provide certification examinations for professionals. Certified professionals are
required to renew their licenses within a specified duration.
- in the Philippines, credentialing professional organizations are not common due to the
presence of a government professional regulatory body, the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC).
✓ AMT - American Medical Technologists
✓ ASCP - American Society of Clinical Pathology
✓ ISCL - International Society for Clinical Laboratory Technology
✓ NCA - National Certifying Agency for Medical Laboratory
3. Professional Societies
- contribute to the continued development of a specific group of professionals.
- membership in a national society follows membership in its local affiliate/chapter.
✓ PAMET - Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc.
✓ PASMETH - Philippine Association of Schools of Medical
Technology and Public Health, Inc.
✓ BRAP - BioRisk Association of the Philippines
✓ PBCC - Philippine Blood Coordinating Council
✓ PCQACL - Philippine Council for Quality Assurance in Clinical
✓ PSM - Philippine Society of Microbiologists
✓ PhBBA - Philippine Biosafety and Biosecurity Association
✓ ASCP - American Society for Clinical Pathology
✓ AMT - American Medical Technologists
✓ AACLS - ASEAN Association for Clinical Laboratory Sciences
✓ AAMLS - Asia Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists
✓ AAMLT - ASEAN Association of Medical Laboratory
✓ ASCLS - American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
✓ IAMLT - International Association of Medical Laboratory
✓ IFBLS - International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory
✓ ISCLT - International Society for Clinical Laboratory
• 3 Circles – symbolize the continuous active involvement of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao in the national
transforming venue of medical laboratory science students
• Laurel – nature and the continuation of life every year
• Green Letters – color of health
• 5 Bubbles from the Test Tube – 5 objectives embodied in the constitution of the organization
• 15 Interconnected Molecules Outside a Test Tube – unity of the 15 board schools exploring various
possibilities and aiming towards the integral growth and holistic development of medical laboratory science
• Microscope – represents medical laboratory science
Nature of the Clinical Laboratory
• Republic Act No. 4688
- an act regulating the operation and maintenance of clinical laboratories and requiring the
registration of the same with the department of health, providing penalty for the violation
thereof, and for other purposes
- approved last, June 18, 1966
• Section 1
Any person, firm or corporation, operating and maintaining a clinical laboratory in which
body fluids, tissues, secretions, excretions and radioactivity from beings or animals are analyzed
for the determination of the presence of pathologic organisms, processes and/or conditions in
the persons or animals from which they were obtained, shall register and secure a license
annually at the office of the Secretary of Health: Provided, That government hospital laboratories
doing routine or minimum laboratory examinations shall be exempt from the provisions of this
section if their services are extensions of government regional or central laboratories
• Section 2
It shall be unlawful for any person to be professionally in-charge of a registered clinical
laboratory unless he is a licensed physician duly qualified in laboratory medicine and authorized
by the Secretary of Health, such authorization to be renewed annually. No license shall be
granted or renewed by the Secretary of Health for the operation and maintenance of a clinical
laboratory unless such laboratory is under the administration, direction and supervision of an
authorized physician, as provided for in the preceding paragraph
➢ Definition of Terms
a. Applicant
- natural or juridical person who intends to operate a clinical laboratory
- acronym for the Bureau of Health Facilities and Services
c. CHD
- Acronym for the Center for Heath Development
d. Clinical Laboratory
- facility where tests are done on specimens from the human body to obtain information about
the health status of a patient for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. These
tests include, but are not limited to, the following disciplines: clinical chemistry, hematology,
immunohematology, microbiology, immunology, clinical microscopy, histopathology, cytology,
toxicology, endocrinology, molecular biology, and cytogenetics. Other functions of the clinical
laboratory are to provide consultative advisory services covering all aspects of laboratory
investigation including the interpretation of results and advice on further appropriate
investigation. Facilities that are involved in the pre-analytical processes, such as the collection,
handling or preparation of specimens, or act as a mailing or distribution center, such as in a
laboratory network or system are also considered to be a part of a clinical laboratory. The total
testing process includes pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical procedures
e. Critical Values
- panic values originally described by Lundberg as "life-threatening" unless something is done
promptly and for which some corrective action could be undertaken
- acronym for External Quality Assessment Program
- program where participating laboratories are given unknown samples for
analysis. These samples are to be treated as ordinary human specimens for
the usual processing and examination.
g. Inspection Tool
- checklist used by the regulatory officers during inspection visit(s) to evaluate
compliance of a clinical laboratory to the minimum standards and technical
h. Institution
- corporate body or establishment organized for an educational, medical, charitable, or similar
i. License
- document issued by the DOH to an individual, agency, partnership or corporation that operates
a clinical laboratory upon compliance with the requirements set forth in this Order.
j. Licensee
- the individual, agency, partnership or corporation to whom the license is issued and upon whom
rests compliance with this Order
k. LTO
- acronym for License to Operate. It also refers to the license
l. Mobile Clinical Laboratory
- laboratory testing unit that moves from testing site to another testing site, or has a temporary
testing location. It shall have a base laboratory
m. Monitoring Examinations
- tests done in series on patients as a guide for treatment or follow-up of their condition
n. NRL
- acronym for the National Reference Laboratory
- laboratory in a government hospital which had been designated by the DOH to provide special
functions and services for specific disease areas. These functions include provision of referral
services such as confirmatory testing, surveillance, resolution of conflicting results between or
among laboratories; training; research, implementation of EQAS; evaluation of diagnostic kits and
- may or may not be part of a general clinical laboratory
o. POL
- acronym for Physician's Office Laboratory
- individual doctor's office/clinic wherein laboratory examinations are performed.
- acronym for Point of Care Testing. It is a diagnostic testing at or near the site of patient care
rather than in the clinical laboratory. It includes bedside testing, outpatient and homecare
q. Routine Tests
- the basic, commonly requested tests in the laboratory, the results of which are not required to
be released immediately upon completion. It shall follow the usual procedures and system in the
r. Satellite Testing Site
- testing site that performs laboratory examinations under the administrative control of a licensed
laboratory, but performed outside the physical confines of that laboratory
s. STAT Tests
- tests done on urgent cases, the results of which shall be released immediately, within one (1)
hour after the procedure. STAT is an abbreviation for statism which means immediately
B. By Function
• Clinical Pathology
• Anatomic Pathology
C. By Institutional Character
• Institution Based
• Free Based
D. By Service Capability
1. General Clinical Laboratory
Limited-Service Capability
• Services of primary
category laboratory
• Services of primary
• Special Chemistry
• Routine category laboratory • Special Hematology,
Hematology • Routine Chemistry including coagulation Provides the laboratory
• Qualitative Platelet • Quantitative procedures tests required for a
Determination Clinical • Immunology
Determination • Microbiology culture
particular service in the
• Routine Urinalysis • Cross matching– for and sensitivity institution such as but not
• Routine Fecalysis hospital-based
• Aerobic anaerobic limited to dialysis centers
hospital based) and (for
• Blood typing– for • Gram staining- for and social hygiene clinics.
hospital based)
hospital-based hospital-based • Aerobic or anaerobic
• KOH-forhospital-based (non-hospital
2. Special Laboratory
- laboratory that offers highly specialized tests that are usually not provided with a general
clinical laboratory
➢ Penalty
Any person who operates a clinical laboratory without proper license from the DOH shall upon
conviction be subject to imprisonment for not less than one (1) month or a fine of not less than Php
1,000 and not more than Php 5,000 or both at the discretion of the court. Provided, however that if the
offender is a firm or a corporation, the managing head and/or the owner(s) shall be liable to the penalty
b. Hematology
- deals with the examination of cells in the blood and other body fluids (CSF, pleural fluid,
- examinations done in this section:
• Complete Blood Count
• Hemoglobin
• Hematocrit
• WBC differential count
• Cell indices
c. Clinical Microscopy
There are two major areas:
• the first area is allotted to routine and other special examinations of urine such as
macroscopic examinations to determine color, transparency, specific gravity, and
pH level, and microscopic examinations to detect presence of abnormal cells
and/or parasites as well as to quantify red cells and WBC and other chemicals
found in urine.
• the second area is assigned to the examination of stool or routine fecalysis.
Detection and identification of parasitic worms and ova are the primary activities
in this area
d. Blood Bank/Immunohematology
- Blood typing and antibody testing are the two main activities performed in this section.
- this section is considered as the most critical in the clinical laboratory.
- in hospital-based clinical laboratories, blood donation activities prompt other activities
such as donor recruitment and screening, bleeding of donor, and post-donation care