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Project Report on

Evaluating Properties of Subgrade Soils

Reinforced with Plastic Waste

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

of the degree of

(A.Y. 2024-2025)


Under the Guidance of

Arpit Vyas
Assistant Professor

Department of Civil Engineering, (Academic Year 2023-24)

This is to certify that the project entitled “Evaluating Properties of Subgrade
Soils Reinforced with Plastic Waste” is a bonafide work of Kaustubh Patil
(33), Mrudula Sawant (43), Jatin Shetigar (47), Shreya Waykar
(53)submitted to the Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai
(An Autonomous College affiliated to University of Mumbai) in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of “Bachelor of
Engineering” in “Department of Civil Engineering”.

Signature with Date: Signature with Date: --------------------

Name of HOD: Dr. Seema Jagtap
Name of Guide:
Arpit Vyas Department of Civil Engineering


Ast Professor
Scarcity of traditional construction materials has motivated researchers to explore alternatives, and
besides crushed glass, reclaimed asphalt pavement, and scrap tires, to name a few, plastic waste
(unwanted or unusable plastic objects) has also gained attention in recent years. Plastic waste is
traditionally re-used or recycled, but it often ends up as trash on curbsides, in landfills, or in our seas
and oceans. The substantial amount of plastic waste produced annually worldwide, and its
environmental repercussions are the rationale for exploring alternatives in order to recycle plastic
waste into construction materials. This exploration can also benefit many industries and would help
minimising adverse environmental impacts associated with dumping tones of plastic waste in
landfills. Using plastic waste material with soil for soil reinforcement purposes has revealed some
improvements in terms of strengths of materials, but nevertheless, this potentiality has not been fully
assessed for different types and forms of plastic waste with natural subgrade soil in the road industry.
In this paper, ground, flaky, and pelleted shapes of four sorted types of plastic waste from a recycling
market were combined with silty or clayey gravel and sand soil of the A-2-7 AASHTO type. These
plastic types are: low density polyethylene (LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE), polyethylene
terephthalate (PETE), and polypropylene (PP) resins. Their various geotechnical properties have been
assessed thoroughly. The investigation process entails assessing compaction, Californian Bearing
Ratio (CBR), strength, resilient modulus, and permeability properties for both natural sub-grade soil
and modified sub-grade soil with the aforementioned types of plastic waste. The results obtained show
that the addition of plastic wastes decrease the maximum dry densities of the subgrade soils because
of the lower relative density of the plastic material compared to the soil particles. It is also found that
the addition of plastic wastes can increase or decrease the CBR and MR values of the subgrade. The
nature of change (increase or decrease) and its magnitude are a function of the plastic content, shape
and type. Permeability values of many subgrade soil samples increased with the addition of plastic
waste, whereas the hydraulic conductivity of some soils modified with plastic remained unchanged.
Subgrade soils with plastic had higher friction angle and lower compressive strength than plastic-free
soils. The results of this research suggest that partial replacement of subgrade soil material with
plastic waste may prove useful in road subgrade applications.

We sincerely thank to our guide Mr. ARPIT VYAS sir , Civil Department and Thakur
college of Engineering and Technology for their guidance and support for carrying out
our project work.

(Note: students are expected to write at least 4 to 5 lines for ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.

While writing the acknowledgement all students are supposed to follow the hierarchy in
the order of principal, Dean, HOD, guide, Industry experts, colleague, parents as






Chapter 1. Industry Linkage

1.1 Inputs received from Industry (formal communication proof)

1.2 Rubrics for Industry Linkage

Chapter 2. Business canvas

2.1 One-page Report (Business Canvas screenshots)

2.2 Rubrics for Business canvas

Chapter 3. Pitch Presentation

3.1 Screenshots of Presentation Slides

3.2 Rubrics for Pitch Presentation

Chapter 4. Participation in Competition

4.1 Screenshots of Presentation

4.2 Rubrics for Project Competition

4.3 Proof of Participation/certificate in Outside Project competition (if

any) Chapter 5. Research Paper

5.1 Research Paper (Document /PDF)

5.2 Rubrics for Technical Paper Writing

5.3 Proof of Paper Publication (Mail/Certificate/copy of published

paper) Chapter 6. Research Outcome Achieved

6.1 Screenshot of Research Outcome Quiz

6.2 Proof of Achievement

Chapter 1: Industry Linkage
Inputs received from Industry (formal communication proof)

Screenshot of the mail received can be added

Rubrics for Industry Linkage Evaluation
(20 Good Average Marks
Sr. No Description Marks) (10 Marks) (05 Marks) Percenta
100 50 Percent 25 Percent ge
Societal A feasibility study Social Practical Practical Issue is
Benefit and all of a project's relevance study feasibilit addressed
Practical relevant and with y and without any
Feasibility factors—including practical associati study justification
(GA9, economic, feasible on report
GA12) technical, legal, study without
and scheduling report any
considerations—to with study
ascertain the associatio report.
likelihood of n.
completing the
Industry Industry Industry Supported Industry Industry
Support sponsored/technic Sponsore technical associati communica
( GA8) ally supported/ d and ly on for tion is
inputs received supported part of initiated
technicall project through
y emails and

Cost Cost consideration Cost Cost Cost Cost model

Effectivene looking into effective effective model is is partially
ss demand and with but addresse addressed
( GA11) inflow in the survey/stu relevanc d
market. dy report e after
is not
Timeline Time factor in Within Delay is Timeline Timeline is
( GA4) which project is time tolerable is prepared
going to be frame /as to some prepared not clear.
completed. per extent but not
industry and feasible
needs and subject
expectatio to
ns market
ns and

Scalability Technical measurem Scalability Any one Scalability Scalability

and ent of study and of the and and
customer the scalability, support is study support customer
support Technical studied. and meet to support is
(GA 4 & Support teams complyi some partially
GA8) ng expectati addressed.
Chapter 2. Business Canvas
Rubrics for Business Canvas Evaluation
Excellent Very Good Good Average
Sr No. (20 Marks) (15 Marks) (10 Marks) (05 Marks)
100 Percent 75 Percent 50 Percent 25 Percent Percentage
Product Idea Well thought A creative Average Poorly
and Value out, creative, product that product that considered and
Proposition and unique is/ may be may be presented
(GA 3, GA product that viable in the somewhat product that
6, is viable to market place. practical in the may not be
GA 8) the market market place. practical in the
place. Specific market place.
customer Few specific
Specific problems cited customer No specific
customer and needs with problems cited customer
problems cited back up data and needs back problems cited
and needs with to show up data to show and lacks back
extensive back market market up data to
up data to potential. potential. Some show market
show Specific key key features of potential.
MULTIPLE features of product do Specific key
market product match match the features of
potential. the customers customers product do
Specific key problems/needs. problems/needs. not match the
features of customers
product match problems/needs.
the customers
Customer Clear Clear Little No clear
Segments and understanding understanding understanding understanding
Customer of specific of specific of specific of specific
Relationships customers in customers with customers, but customers and
(GA 4, GA 6, MULTIPLE potential size missing missing
GA 7) markets. of market. potential size potential size
of market. of market.
In depth three Three part plan
part plan to to attract, keep Identified few Missing steps to
attract, keep and grow steps to attract, attract, keep
and grow customers with keep and grow and grow the
customers with specific the customer. customer.
specific benchmarks. Vague Missing the
benchmarks. Clear understanding understanding
Specific understanding of needed of needed
understanding of the complete relationship relationship
of the complete customer with customer. with customer.
customer relationship
relationship needs.
Extensive Specific
Channels research of B2B/B2C Little B2B/B2C Unclear
Revenue B2B/B2C channels of channel B2B/B2C
Streams and channels of distribution understanding. channel
Cost distribution with citations Identification of understanding.
Structure with citations for each few specific Missing specific
(GA 10, for each specific and channels and channels and
GA specific and alternative alternative alternative
11) alternative channels. channels. channels.
Clear A general No
Clear understanding understanding understanding
understanding of the profit of the profit of the profit
of the profit stream for the stream for the stream for the
stream for the product/service. product/service. product/service.
in MULTIPLE Explanation of General critical Missing critical
markets. critical costs for costs for costs for
product/service product/service product/service
Explanation of with sources. without sources. without sources.
critical costs for
with sources for
Key Partners, An extensive A complete list Incomplete list Missing list of
Activities and list of key of key partners, of key partners, key partners,
Resources partners, suppliers, suppliers, suppliers,
(GA 8, GA suppliers, resources resources resources
9) resources required of required of required of
required of each key each key each key
each key partner. partner. partner.
List of key General list of Missing the list
List of key activities with key activities of key activities
activities with backup data without backup without backup
backup data on on needs to data on needs to data on needs
needs to achieve key achieve key to achieve key
achieve key activities. activities. activities.
activities for
MULTIPLE Complete list General list of Missing the list
markets. of resources resources of resources
needed with needed without needed and
Complete list of citations for citations for their citations
resources connecting with connecting with for connecting
needed with the resources, the resources, with the
citations for and sorted by and vague resources,
connecting with prioritization. prioritization. and missing
the resources, prioritization.
and sorted by
prioritization by
Subject The presenter Each presenter Presenter Presenter does
Knowledge has a complete understands vaguely not understand
and Delivery understanding their position understands their position on
(GA 6, GA 7, of "Business on the Business their position on the Business
GA 12) Model Canvas", Model Canvas the Business Model Canvas,
product and product Model Canvas, product
customer knowledge, and product knowledge, and
segment in the sources knowledge, and sources
executive referenced in sources referenced in
summary and executive referenced in executive
presentation. summary and executive summary and
slides. summary and slides.
Excellent slides.
presentation Presenters oral Poor oral
oral skills well skills well Average oral delivery. Unable
practiced. Well practiced. delivery. to respond to
thought out Thought out Vaguely clients
responses for responses for responds to questions.
client questions client questions. clients
with data questions.
support for

Chapter 3. Pitch Presentation

Screenshots of Presentation Slides
Rubrics for Pitch Presentation Evaluation
Excellent Good Average
(10 Marks
(20 (15 (05
Sr. No Description Marks) Percent
Marks) Marks) Marks)
50 age
100 Percent 75 25 Percent
Introduction,  Strong and Exceeds Meets Meets Does Not
Preparednes engaging introduc Expectations Expectation Some Meet
s and tion; s Expectatio Expectati
organizati  Draws the s ons
audience into
on (GA2,
GA 3,  Thoroughly
GA 10) prepared, well-
organized, logical
sequence of
information that
the listener could
easily follow.
Subject  Clear, thorough Exceeds Meets Meets Does Not
Knowledge  description of Expectations Expectation Some Meet
(GA1, product or s Expectatio Expectati
GA2) service. s ons
 Communicates
benefits and/or
solve a problem.
Visual  Correct spelling Exceeds Meets Meets Does Not
Aids/Materia and grammar Expectations Expectation Some Meet
s on all handouts s Expectatio Expectati
(GA4, used to support s ons
GA5) the pitch (if
Persuasion  Compelling Exceeds Meets Meets Does Not
(GA 6, GA pitch that Expectations Expectation Some Meet
10) successfully s Expectatio Expectati
convinces s ons
that the product
or service is
beneficial and
why it is the best
on the market.
Delivery  Effectively and Exceeds Meets Meets Does Not
and Time creatively delivers Expectations Expectation Some Meet
Managemen pitch with eye s Expectatio Expectati
t (GA 10, contact and s ons
G enthusiasm that
A engages the
 Speaks clearly
and distinctly.
 Presentation is
between 2-3
minutes, and
was obviously

Chapter 4. Outside / In house Participation certificate/s

Screenshots of Presentation

Proof of Participation/certificate in Outside Project competition (if any)

Rubrics for Participation in Competition

Parameter Excellent Very Good Good Average Marks
(20 Marks) (15 Marks) (10 Marks) (05 Marks) %
100 % 75 % 50 % 25 %
Problem Problem is Problem is Problem is not Problem is
definition defined clearly defined defined not defined at
GA 1,GA 2 and identifies adequately appropriately all.
underlying Scope is Scope is not Scope is not
issues. adequately identified identified at
Scope is identified and appropriately all and
identified and finalized with features are
finalized with features and features vague
features are not fully
innovative finalized
steps are taken
Functionality Product has Product has Product has Product has
GA 4 very good good chance some chance very less
chance of of of functioning chance of
functioning functioning with 30%- functioning k
80%-100% sufficing 50% stake nowledge
functionality. 60%-80% of audience level.
functionality knowledge
Design The solutions The solution The solution No
GA4,GA5 have very good has good has limited proficiency in
proficiency in proficiency in proficiency in using the
using the using the using the elements and
elements and elements and elements and principles of
principles of principles of principles of design.
design design with design, but
(Modularity, good results design is
cohesion etc) for the task. inappropriate
with high level for the task
of creativity for
the task.

Implementatio Use of Error Less No error

n Optimization, handling Documentation handling
GA 5,GA 6 error handling techniques of techniques
techniques Moderate Implementatio No
Documentation Documentati n Documentati
of on of Use of tools on of
Implementatio Implementati e,g, Github
n done on Implementati
Use of tools Use of tools on
e,g, Github, e,g, Github No Use of
integration tools e,g,
tools Github
Potential for Develops a Solution is Analyses of Only one
product clear Solution based on some of the solution is
conversion and has high criteria with alternatives or considered
GA 9, GA 12 potential for with good constraints with
product chances of have lead to constraints
development product different and cannot
development recommendati be converted
ons with some into product
chance of

Chapter 5. Research Paper

Rubrics for Research Paper Presentation
Excellent Very Good Good Average Marks
Sr. No (20 Marks) (15 Marks) (10 Marks) (05 Marks) Percenta
100 Percent 75 Percent 50 Percent 25 Percent ge
Organization If the paper If the paper If the paper If the paper
of content includes all includes any 7 includes any 5-6 includes any 4
GA4 GA6 heads including topics out of topics out of 1) topics out of
1) abstract, 1) abstract abstract, 1) abstract,
2) introduction, 2) introduction, 2) introduction, 2) introduction,
3) objectives, 3) objectives, 3) objectives, 3) objectives,
4) methodology, 4) methodology, 4) methodology, 4)
5) experimental 5) experimental 5) experimental methodology,
plan, plan, plan, 5) experimental
6) result and 6) result and 6) result and plan,
discussion, discussion, discussion, 6) result and
7) conclusions, 7) conclusions, 7) conclusions, discussion,
8) future scope. 8) future scope. 8) future scope. 7) conclusions,
8) future scope.
Grammar and The writing is The writing is The writing is The writing
Format Compelling. generally dull and loses interest in
(GA7) Sentences are engaging unengaging. the reader.
well-phrased but has some dry Some sentences Errors in
and varied in spots. are awkwardly sentence
length and Sentences are constructed so structure is
structure. well phrased and that the reader is frequent
Word choice is there is some occasionally enough to be a
consistently variety in length distracted. major
precise and and structure. Word choice is distraction to
accurate. Word choice is merely the reader.
generally good. adequate, and Many words
the range of are used
words are inappropriate
Design and All 4 parameters Any 3 Only 2 Only 1
Implementati met: parameters met: parameters met: parameter
on 1) Modern Tool 1) Modern Tool 1) Modern Tool met:
(GA4, GA5) Usage Usage Usage 1) Modern Tool
2) Feasibility 2) Feasibility 2) Feasibility Usage
3) User 3) User 3) User 2) Feasibility
friendliness friendliness friendliness 3) User
4) Application 4)Application 4) Application friendliness
4) Application
Presentation Student Student is at ease Student is Student does
and Team demonstrates with information Uncomfortable not have grasp
Work full and answers all with of
(GA6, GA7) knowledge, queries without information and Information and
answering all elaboration. is able to answer can’t answer
queries with Made only basic queries about
explanations. movements or queries. subject.
Movements gestures that Very little No movement
seem smooth enhance movement or or descriptive
and help the articulation. descriptive gestures.
audience Team is gestures. Team
visualize. concentrated wit Team members members are
Diverse talents h only one type are not passive only
are present in of skill set. contributing one person is
team with much for take some
different skill multifaceted efforts
set development of
Quality of If student have If student have If student have If student have
publication published paper published paper published paper published paper
(GA10, in Peer in International/ in International in National
GA11) Reviewed National Journal Conference Conference
Quality Journal

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