Unec 1730379911

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Course Syllabus – Fall/Winter 2024/2025
Instructor: Maryam Adilkhanova
Office Hour: By appointment
Contact: maryam_adilkhanova@unec.edu.az

Course Description/Overview

Statistics course provides statistical methods for students to conduct effective research and
forecasting. The main purpose is being familiar with foundation of statistics, which is important part
of individual quantitative research. Therefore, the tools and methodology learned in these courses
are essential building blocks for Research methods courses in the sequence. Focus will be on basic
principles, such as sampling methods, descriptive measures, probability densities and distributions,
characteristic functions, statistical inference, Hypothesis tests and basic forecasting. Emphasis will
be placed on applied practical problems using the tools learned in the class.
The motivation in this course is not to be master of statistics, but to increase the quantitative
research skills of students. At the end of this semester, students will acquire enough skills to
understand basic statistical techniques and terms, which are essential to carry out simple but
satisfactory quantitative research. There are not any prerequisites for this course.

Aims and objectives

The academic aims of this course are to improve and deepen students’ knowledge of statistical
methodologies, tools and practices to provide them ability and skills to carry out independent research
and understand existed sophisticated literatures. After this course, students will be able to calculate
descriptive and numerical measures and probabilities based on both sample and population for making
initial inferences about population parameters.
By the end of the course the students will be able to:
- Knowing different data collection methods.
- Different sampling techniques, such as random, systematic, and stratified.
- Collecting data that accurately addresses the research problem
- Measuring the effectiveness of estimation results
- Conducting simple forecasting of unknown population parameters
- Using data to make decisions

Basic knowledge of math and some interest in programming.

Teaching Methodology
This course based on the statistical techniques and methods that mostly used in quantitative research. It
consists of theoretical and practical materials. The first half of the course will be taught through lectures
and class discussions. The second half will be concentrated on practical exercise by applying theoretical
techniques that acquired during lectures.

Reading List
1. Newbold Paul, William L. Carlson and Betty M. Thorne. (2022). Statistics for Business and
Economics, 10th Edition, USA. (NW)
2. Additional materials, articles and book chapters will be provided by instructor.


Week Topic Aims and Content Readings

Statistical Methodology. Decision Making in

an Uncertain Environment. Random and
Systematic Sampling. Sampling and Non-
Sampling Errors. Classification of variables.
Measurement levels. Graphs to Describe
Introduction to Statistics
I Categorical and Numerical variables. Mean, Chapter 1 and 2 -NW
Median and Mode. Shape of distribution.
Geometric Mean. Percentiles and Quartiles.
Weighted Mean and measures of grouped

Sampling from a Population. Development of

a Sampling Distribution. Sampling
II Sampling and Sampling
Distributions Distributions of Sample Means. Central Limit Chapter 6 (6.1, 6.2) - NW
Theorem. Monte Carlo Simulations: Central
Limit Theorem Acceptance Intervals

III Sampling and Sampling Sampling Distributions of Sample Proportions. Chapter 6 (6.3, 6.4)- NW
Distributions Sampling Distributions of Sample Variances

Properties of Point Estimators. Unbiased.

Most Efficient. Confidence Interval
IV Estimation: Single Population Chapter 7 (7.1, 7.2)-NW
Estimation for the Mean of a Normal
Distribution: Population Variance Known.
Intervals Based on the Normal Distribution.
Reducing Margin of Error

Confidence Interval Estimation for the Mean

of a Normal Distribution: Population Variance
Unknown. Student’s t Distribution. Intervals
V Estimation: Single Population Based on the Student’s t Distribution.
Confidence Interval Estimation for Population Chapter 7 (7.3, 7.4, 7.5)
Proportion (Large Samples). Confidence
Interval Estimation for the Variance of a
Normal Distribution

Confidence Interval Estimation of the

difference between two normal population
VI Estimation: Additional
means: dependent samples and independent Chapter 8

Concepts of Hypothesis Testing. Tests of the

Mean of a Normal Distribution: Population
VII Hypothesis Testing: Single
Variance Known. p-Value. Two-Sided Chapter 9 (9.1, 9.2)
Alternative Hypothesis

VIII Hypothesis Testing: Single Tests of the Mean of a Normal Distribution: Chapter 9 (9.3, 9.4)
Population Population Variance Unknown. Tests of the
Population Proportion (Large Samples)

Assessing the Power of a Test Tests of the

Mean of a Normal Distribution: Population
IX Hypothesis Testing: Single Variance Known. Power of Population Chapter 9 (9.5, 9.6)
Population Proportion Tests (Large Samples). Tests of the
Variance of a Normal Distribution

Tests of the Difference Between Two Normal

Population Means: Dependent Samples. Two
Means, Matched Pairs. Tests of the Difference
Between Two Normal Population Means:
Independent Samples Two Means,
X Hypothesis Testing:
Independent Samples, Known Population
Additional Topics Chapter 10 (10.1, 10.2)
Variances. Two Means, Independent Samples,
Unknown Population. Variances Assumed to
be equal. Two Means, Independent Samples,
Unknown Population Variances not assumed
to be equal

Tests of the difference between two

Population Proportions (Large Samples). Tests
XI Hypothesis Testing:
Additional Topics of the equality of the Variances between two Chapter 10 (10.3, 10.4)
Normally Distributed Populations

Overview of Linear Models. Linear

Regression Model. Least Squares Coefficient
Estimators Computer Computation of
Regression Coefficients. The Explanatory
Power of a Linear Regression Equation.
XII Simple Regression
Coefficient of Determination, R2. Statistical Chapter 11 (11.1, 11.2, 11.3)
Inference: Hypothesis Tests and Confidence
Intervals. Hypothesis Test for Population.
Slope Coefficient Using the F Distribution.
Prediction. Correlation Analysis

Goodness-of-Fit Tests: Specified Probabilities.

Goodness-of-Fit Tests: Population Parameters
XIII Analysis of Categorical Data
Unknown. A Test for the Normal Distribution. Chapter 14 (14.1, 14.2, 14.3)
Contingency Tables

Comparison of Several Population Means.

One-Way Analysis of Variance. Multiple
XIV Analysis of Variance Chapter 15 (15.1, 15.2, 15.3)
Comparisons Between Subgroup. Means
Population Model for One-Way Analysis of
Variance. The Kruskal-Wallis Test

XV Review Session

The final grade will be determined by the following with the given weights:
 Class activity (seminar) – 20%
 Mid-term-30%
 Final exam – 50%

The students are required to attend all the classes and those having legitimate reasons for absence
(illness etc.) are required to inform the instructor.
If a student misses the final exam with a valid excuse, s/he must make it up the following
semester. If you do not have a valid excuse for missing the exam, it will count as zero.
In order to be excused from the exam, the student must contact the instructor before the exam. If
you cannot reach the instructor, leave a message with the faculty office.


Cheating or other plagiarism in mid-term and Final Exams will lead zero grade
Category Score for
s/s of the the Question
question question
Calculate the interquartile range (IQR), st. dev and etc. of the data
1 01
2 01 Calculate the mean, median and mode of the data set
Explain the difference between percentiles and quartiles. How are
3 01
they calculated differently?
Calculate the interquartile range (IQR), st. dev and etc. of the data
4 01
5 01 Calculate the mean, median and mode of the data set
6 02 Practical question about sampling distribution of the sample mean
Explain how to calculate the standard error of the sample mean
7 02
and the standard error of the sample proportion
8 02 Practical question about sampling distribution of the sample mean
What is the sampling distribution of the sample proportion, and
9 02 how is it different from the sampling distribution of the sample
Practical question about sampling distribution of the sample
10 02
Practical question about sampling distribution of the sample
11 03
What is the sampling distribution of the sample mean? Explain
12 03 why the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is
equal to the population mean
What is the standard error and how is it related to the sampling
13 03 distribution? How does the sample size affect the standard error?

Practical question about sampling distribution of the sample

14 03 proportion

Properties of point estimators: Unbiased, Efficiency, Consistency

15 03 (explain the unbiased and biased point estimators with graphs)

16 04 Practical question about interval estimation

What is interval estimation and how does it differ from point

17 04 estimation? Explain why interval estimates are preferred over
point estimates in many statistical applications

18 04 Practical question about interval estimation

What is a confidence interval and what does it represent in the

19 04 context of interval estimation? How do confidence levels (e.g.,
90%, 95%, 99%) affect the width of a confidence interval?

20 04 Practical question about interval estimation

Why is interval estimation generally preferred over point

21 05 estimation in statistical inference? What additional information
does an interval estimate provide compared to a point estimate?

22 05 Practical question about interval estimation

23 05 Practical question about interval estimation

How are the upper and lower limits of a confidence interval
determined and what do they represent in the context of a
24 05
estimating a population parameter? (describe what is standard
error, margin of error, confidence interval)
25 05 Practical question about interval estimation
26 06 Practical question about interval estimation

27 06 Practical question about interval estimation

28 06 Practical question about interval estimation

When would you use a t-distribution instead of a

29 06
z-distribution for interval estimation?

What is the margin of error in interval estimation.and how is it

30 06 calculated? Why does the margin of error increase as the
confidence level increases?

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