Gemc 511687742121192 25012024

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अनुबंध मांक|Contract No: GEMC-511687742121192

अनुबंध त थ|Generated Date : 25-Jan-2024
बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं या|Bid/RA/PBP No.: GEM/2023/B/4348435

संगठन ववरण|Organisation Details खरीदार ववरण|Buyer Details

प|Type : State Local Bodies पद|Designation : HEALTH INSPECTOR MARADU MUNICIPALITY
मं ालय|Ministry : - संपक नंबर|Contact No. : 0484-2706544-
वभाग|Department : Local Self Government Department Kerala ईमेल आईडी|Email ID :
संगठन का नाम|Organisation Name : Maradu Municipality जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN : -
कायालय े |Office Zone: Maradu Munuicipal Office ,KRL Road, Maradu,
पता|Address :

व ीय वीकृ त ववरण|Financial Approval Detail भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण|Paying Authority Details

आईएफडी सहम त|IFD Concurrence : No Role: BUYER
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम| भुगतान का तरीका|
Municipal Council Offline
Designation of Administrative Approval: Payment Mode:
व ीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम| पद|Designation : HEALTH INSPECTOR MARADU MUNICIPALITY
Municipal Secretary
Designation of Financial Approval : ईमेल आईडी|Email ID :
जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN : -
Munuicipal Office ,KRL Road, Maradu,
Ernakulam, KERALA-682304, India

व े ता ववरण|Seller Details
जेम व े ता आईडी|GeM Seller ID : LLL7220006960033
कंपनी का नाम|Company Name : TRAIAC AUTOMATION
संपक नंबर|Contact No. : 07012776582
ईमेल आईडी|Email ID :
16/884/2013,savera tower,changaramkulam,Village/Town:- Alamcodu, City:- Changaramkulam,
पता| Address :
Malappuram, KERALA-679575, India
एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या|MSME Registration number : UDYAM-KL-09-0018563
एमएसई सामा जक ेणी|MSE Social Category : OBC
एमएसई लंग ेणी|MSE Gender : Male
जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN: 32DBUPA0932D1Z4

* जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा|GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Buyer

वतरण नदश | Delivery Instructions : NA

उ पाद ववरण|Product Details

मू य
(INR म सभी
आइटम इकाई मू य शु क और कर
ववरण| इकाई | (INR)| कर वभाजन (INR)| स हत)|
# आइटम ववरण|Item Description
Ordered Unit Unit Price Tax Bifurcation (INR) Price
Quantity (INR) (Inclusive of
all Duties and
Taxes in INR)
उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : WASTE SORTING CONVEYOR
ांड|Brand : NA
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not verified by OEM
1 1 pieces 285,000 NA 285,000
कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by OEM
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : WASTE SORTING CONVEYOR (Q3)
मॉडल|Model: CONVEYOR5M
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: HSN not specified by seller

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : DUST REMOVER

ांड|Brand : NA
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not verified by OEM
2 1 pieces 214,000 NA 214,000
कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by OEM
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : DUST REMOVER (Q3)
मॉडल|Model: NA
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: HSN not specified by seller

कुल ऑडर मू य |Total Order Value (in INR) 499,000

परे षती ववरण|Consignee Detail

दनांक के बाद वतरण पूरा कब

डलीवरी शु तक करना है|
.सं.|S.No परे षती|Consignee व तु|Item लॉट नंबर| मा ा|Quantity करना है| Delivery To
Lot No. Delivery Start Be
After Completed
पद| Designation : - WASTE SORTING
- 1 25-Jan-2024 09-Feb-2024
ईमेल आईडी|Email ID : CONVEYOR
संपक|Contact : 0484-2706522-
जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN : 32AAALM2072Q1ZV
पता|Address : Munuicipal Office ,KRL Road, Maradu, DUST REMOVER - 1 25-Jan-2024 09-Feb-2024

Product Specification for WASTE SORTING CONVEYOR

व नदश|Specification उप- व नदश|Sub-Spec मू य|Value

Custom Specification Custom Specification Yes

Annual maintenance charges for WASTE SORTING CONVEYOR

सेवा वष|Service Year एएमसी तशत|AMC Percentage एएमसी रा श|AMC Amount एएमसी आवृ |AMC Frequency
AMC charges for 1st year after warranty period in % of cost of equipment 3% 8550.00 Annually

व े ता व श ता द तावेज़|Seller Specification Document:
1. SpecificationDocument1

खरीदार व श ता द तावेज़|Buyer Specification Document:
1. SpecificationDocument

Product Specification for DUST REMOVER

व नदश|Specification उप- व नदश|Sub-Spec मू य|Value

Custom Specification Custom Specification Yes

Annual maintenance charges for DUST REMOVER

सेवा वष|Service Year एएमसी तशत|AMC Percentage एएमसी रा श|AMC Amount एएमसी आवृ |AMC Frequency
AMC charges for 1st year after warranty period in % of cost of equipment 3% 6420.00 Annually

व े ता व श ता द तावेज़|Seller Specification Document:
1. SpecificationDocument1

खरीदार व श ता द तावेज़|Buyer Specification Document:
1. SpecificationDocument

एएमसी के लए अ त र त खंड|Additional Clauses for AMC

<b>1.</b>AMC charges to be indicated as percentage of cost of Product/Equipment quoted for each year after the warranty period.<br/><br/> <b>2. </b>GST shall be included in
the AMC Charges quoted.<br/><br/> <b>3. </b>The AMC functionality shall be available in bid only and no direct RA shall be applicable. In case of bid to RA decrement rules shall
be applicable on total price inclusive of AMC charges.<br/><br/> <b>3.1 </b>Buyer shall indicate number of years of warranty by selecting option of 1- 10 Years available in the
field depending on warranty parameter applicable in category parameters for the equipment. The Seller while participating in Bid/RA will get fields to indicate AMC charges as
percentage depending on number of years of AMC selected by Buyer. The following shall be applicable If 5 year AMC selected.<br/><br/> <b>3.1.1 </b>AMC charges for first year
after warranty period – Percentage to be indicated- A1.<br/> <b>3.1.2 </b>AMC charges for second year after warranty period – Percentage to be indicated A2.<br/> <b>3.1.3
</b>AMC charges for third year after warranty period – Percentage to be indicated A3.<br/> <b>3.1.4 </b>AMC charges for fourth year after warranty period – Percentage to be
indicated A4.<br/> <b>3.1.5 </b>AMC charges for 5th year after warranty period – Percentage to be indicated A5.<br/><br/> <b>3.2 </b> The calculation of AMC Charges shall take
in to account of number of years of warranty and duration of AMC as specified while creating bid.<br/><br/> <b>3.3 </b>AMC charges to be indicated for each subsequent year
should be same or higher than preceding year.<br/><br/> <b>3.4 </b>The AMC charges shall be offered within range of 3 to 10% of cost of equipment.<br/><br/> <b>4.</b>Since
AMC charges are to be paid only later for each year during AMC period , applicable performance guarantee amount after placement of contract shall be based on the cost of
product/equipment and not on basis of cost of equipment along with AMC Charges.<br/><br/> <b>5. </b> Performance bank guarantee applicable for AMC is to be submitted at
start of the AMC and shall be applicable as 2.5% on the total contract value including AMC Charges The PBG submitted after award of contract shall be released only after new
PBG for the AMC period is submitted and accepted by buyer/consignee after due verification. Bank guarantee for AMC is to remain valid till completion of AMC period plus one
year .The bank guarantee for AMC shall be submitted to buyer directly.<br/><br/> <b>6. </b>In case of splitting of quantity product/equipment cost and AMC charges offered by
L-1 in the evaluated cost shall be matched by higher quoting eligible bidders on one to one basis .The equipment cost shall be matched and AMC charges shall be matched year to
year.<br/><br/> <b>7. </b>The AMC Contract shall be an offline contract to be handled by buyer. The payment of AMC will be made on AMC frequency (as indicated above) basis
after satisfactory completion of said period, duly certified by end user and scope of AMC will be as per para 1 above.<br/>

खरीदार ारा जोड़ी गई बोली का व श अ त र त काय|Buyer added Bid Specific Additional Scope of Work

.सं|S.No द तावेज़ का शीषक|Document Title ववरण|Description लागू आईआरओ सामान|Applicable i.r.o. Items



ईपीबीजी ववरण | ePBG Detail

सलाहकार बक | Advisory Bank : NA

ईपीबीजी तशत (%) | ePBG Percentage(%): NA

नयम और शत|Terms and Conditions

1. General Terms and Conditions-

1.1 This contract is governed by the General Terms and Conditions , conditions stipulated to this Product/Service as provided in the Marketplace.
1.2 This Contract between the Seller and the Buyer, is for the supply of the Goods and/ or Services, detailed in the schedule above, in accordance with the General Terms and
Conditions (GTC) unless otherwise superseded by Goods / Services specific Special Terms and Conditions (STC) and/ or BID/Reverse Auction Additional Terms and Conditions
(ATC), as applicable

2. Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions-

2.1 Buyer Added Bid Specific ATC :

Buyer uploaded ATC document Click here to view the file .

नोट: यह स टम जनरेटेड फाइल है। कोई ह ता र क आव यकता नह है। इस द तावेज़ का ंट आउट भुगतान/लेनदे न उ े य के लए मा य नह है।

Note: This is system generated file. No signature is required. Print out of this document is not valid for payment/ transaction purpose.

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