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Employee‟s presence at work place during the scheduled time is highly essential for
the smooth running of the production process in particular and the organization in general.
Despite the significance of their presence, employees sometime fail to report at the work place
during the scheduled time. Absenteeism refers to the failure on the part of employees to report
to work though they are scheduled to work. In other words, unauthorized absences constitute
Absenteeism costs money to the organization, besides reflecting employee
dissatisfaction with the company. Like employee turnover, there is avoidable and unavoidable
absenteeism. Absenteeism is unavoidable when the employee himself or herself fell sick, his
or her dependence at home suddenly become unwell or there is an accident inside the plant.
Unavoidable absenteeism is accepted by managers and is even sanctioned by labour laws. Foe
instance, one days* leave with wages for every 20 days of service is allowed by the factories
Act 1948.
Avoidable absenteeism arises because of night shifts, opportunities for moonlighting
and earning extra income, indebtedness, lack of job security, job dissatisfaction and unfriendly
supervision. This needs intervention by the management.
Labour Bureau, Simla, defined the term Absenteeism as the failure of a worker to
report for work when he is scheduled to work‟s Labour bureau also states that the
Absenteeism is the total man-shifts lost because of absence as a percentage of the total number
of man-shifts scheduled to work." According to Webster‟s Dictionary, the Absenteeism is the
practice or habit of being an "absence” and an absentee is one who
Habitually stays away Modem organizational setting is characterized by constant
changes relating to environment factors and human resources. As regards environmental
factors, we find changes in the operating organizational structure, the networking procedures,
customs or norms and the economic, political and social patterns in which organizations exist.
Moreover, there is constant change in resources.

1.1.1 Types of Absenteeism:

1.Authorized Absenteeism:
If an employee absents himself from work by taking permission from his superior and
applying for leave, such absenteeism is called as Authorized Absenteeism.
2.Unauthorized Absenteeism:
If an employee absents himself from work without informing or taking permission and
without applying for leave, such absenteeism is called as Unauthorized Absenteeism.
3.Willful Absenteeism:
If employee absents himself from duty willfully such absenteeism is called Willful
Absenteeism. Absenteeism caused by circumstances beyond once control: If an employee
absents him from duty owing to circumstances beyond his/her control like involvement in
accidents or sudden sickness, such Absenteeism is called Absenteeism caused by
circumstances beyond once control.

1.1.2 Features of Absenteeism:

Research studies undertaken by different authors reveal the following features of
The rate of absenteeism is the lowest on pay day; it increases considerably on the days
following the payment of wages and bonus.Absenteeism generally high among the workers
below 25 years of age and those of above 40 years of age.
The rate of absenteeism varies from department to department within an
organization. Generally it is high in production department.Absenteeism in traditional
industries is seasonal in character.

1.1.3 Causes of Absenteeism

 The following are the genera I causes of Absenteeism

 Maladjustment with the working conditions.
 Unsatisfactory housing conditions at the work place
 Industrial fatigue. The industrial fatigue compels workers to remain outside the work.
 Unhealthy working conditions
 Poor Welfare Facilities

 Alcoholism
 Itidebtness
 Maladjustment with the job demands
 Unsound Personal policies
 Inadequate leave facilities
 Lower level of Wages.

1.1.4 Categories of Absenteeism

1. Entrepreneurs
2. Status seekers
3. Epicureans
4. Family oriented
5. Sick and the old
1. Entrepreneurs:
This class of absentees consider that their jobs are very small for I heir total interest and
personal goals. They engage themselves in other economic activities and sometime social
activities to fulfill their goals.
2. The status Seekers:
These types of absentees enjoy or perceive a higher ascribed social status and are keen on
maintaining it.
3. The Epicureans:
This class of absentees does not like to take up the jobs which demand initiative and
responsibilities, discipline and discomfort. They wish to have money, power, and status but
are unwilling to work for their achievements.
4. Family oriented:
This type of absentees are often identified with the family activities
5. The sick and the Old:
These categories of absentees are mostly unhealthy with a week constitution or old people.


1. To identity the reasons tor Absenteeism.

2. To measure the Employees Absenteeism level.
3. To identity steps required to decrease the Absenteeism.
4. To study Employees working condition.
5. To identity factor that motivates the Employees which minimize Absenteeism.


The development of any organization depends on the regularity of employees. The

study is conducted to know the various levels and reasons for absence of employees in an
organization. By looking it one can adopt corrective measures to decrease irregularities in the
organization leads to organizational growth. Hence the “employee absenteeism” at sripathi
paper industries limited undertaken to make an exploration into absenteeism faced by
employee it‟s very essential to control the employee absenteeism in future fairly.


1. As the study is based on primary data the researcher has to depend upon the
information given by the respondents.

2. The information might be limited due to individual bases.

3. The process is usually done in a rushed manner.

4. Some of the employee is refused to spend time to answer the question in their scruple.

5. The reliability on accuracy of information gathered from respondents of the company

Cannot be assured.

6. The sample respondents may not have disclosed the exact information with accuracy.

7. As the employee were busy with their work, they were not ready to spend more time
for answering the question.



Company name : sripathi paper & boards pvt ltd.,

Plant location : Coimbatore & sivakasi

Established : 2002

Funder : Mr.R. Krishna swamy (chairman & managing director)

Nature of the business : kraft paper

Number of employee : 250

ISO certificated : an ISO 9001,ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001

“environmental management system”

Website : www.sripathi.net

2.1.1 Employee Details:

Total number of employees - 250
No. of skilled employees - 65
No. of semiskilled employees - 80
No. of unskilled employees - 50
No. of highly skilled employees - 55

2.1.2 working hours:

Morning : 8.30am to 5.15pm
Break (morning) : 10.00am to 10.15am
Break (evening) : 3.00pm to 3.15 pm
Lunch : 12.15pm to 1.15pm

2.1.3 Strength:
The factory has an area of 45000sqft, with modern technology and with help of self-
motivated employees the company is able to produce around 500 pcs of basic style.

2.1.4 Turn Over:

Owing to the attributes like strict quality parameters, latest designs, durability and
exclusivity. It has able to cater large „clientele‟ both in national and international market place
consequently this has enabled to earn annually turnover of arount 2 millon USD.

2.1.5 Infrastructure:
We are well equipped with a state-of-the-art manufacturing unit. The sound
infrastructural base enable to manufacture and supply premium quality knitted garment and
fabrics in compliance with the latest trends. It is capable enough to carry out customized
products and fulfill bulk order requirements of the customer‟s in global arena. The various
machinery installed at our manufacturing unit are as follows: we follow strict production
methods ensure product safety at all levels. Finished papers are packet at well controlled and
monitored metal free zone.
2.1.6 Objectives:
Catalog showcasing a wide spectrum of ready-made paper that have been
manufactured taking into consideration the prevailing fashion trends. Our complete range
caters to the requirements and preference of various age groups.
2.1.7 Finance Department:
Finance department is mainly concerned with the preparation and maintenance of
accounts. It involves collection of bills from various department and entries are fed into the
computer using tally.

2.1.8 Expenses:
Working capital : 1 crore
Purchase : purchase is made at 60% of the turnover
Mode of payment : cheque
Value of fixed assets : 1 core (including building and machinery)
Yearly turnover : 2 cores
Auditing : auditing is made at end of each accounting year
Discount allowed : maximum discount allowed to buyer is 3%

2.1.9 Human Resource Department:

1. Employee Handbook
A document to be submitted to the new joiners which provides
comprehensive information of the company:
 Short introduction of the company
 Code of contact
a) Attendance
b) Absence without notice
c) Telephone and internet use
d) Dress code
 Leave and holidays
 Performance policy
 Grievance policy

2. Recruitment Process
A standard document for management use regarding workforce planning
It includes the following:
 Man power requisition
 Standard procedures for selection
 Hierarchy of selection
 Work hours/shift timings, breaks

3. Induction Management:
During the induction process the employee should receive the following documents from the
 Employee handbook
 ID
 Safety rules
 Car park entry
 Documents for company car
By the end of the induction program the inductee should know the following:
 The location of worksite
 Time recording procedure
 Resk/meal break times
 Health and safety rules
 Rules about PC/phone use
 Key points of contact
 Have been introduced to their immediate supervisors and colleagues

4. Performance Management:
Performance management in the organization involves its employees, an individuals and
members of a group towards the accomplishment of company goals.
Employee performance management includes:
 Planning work and setting expectations
 Monitoring the performance continuously
 Developing the capacity to perform
 Rating the performance periodically
 Rewarding good performance

1. Planning
The company plans its work in advance so that the workers can work more efficiently
to achieve the goals of the organization. plans should be measureable and understandable by
the workers

2. Monitoring
monitoring enables the organization to provide necessary feedback to their employees
by measuring their performance.

3. Developing
Developing process enables increasing the capacity to perform through training.
providing employees with training encourages good performance, strengthens job-related
skills, etc………

4. Rating
Rating involves comparing performance among various employees to know which
employer is performing well

5. Rewarding:
Rewarding the workers according to their performance may strength them to achieve
the goals. It may include promotion, increment, etc…..

2.1.9 Structure Of HR Department:

2.1.10 Compensation Management:

Compensation provided to employees can be direct in the form of both Monetary
benefits or indirect in the form of non-monetary benefits such as perks, time off, etc,.
Compensation does not include only salary but it is the sum total of all rewards and
allowances provided to the employees in their service.

2.1.11 Fire Regulations:

 Fire training-fire training provided to the workers to meet the fire accidents.
 Fire drill procedures are explained. Employee is aware of location of all fire

2.1.12 Health And Safety:

 Health and safety requirements explained.
 Introduction to First Aider is explained.
 Lifting techniques are also explained.
 Safety equipment is issued.

2.1.13 Production Department

The production department is mainly guided by the FM(Factory Manager).
This department includes various sections namely:
 Merchandising section
 Fabric section
 Laboratory
 Stitching section
 Checking section
 Ironing section
 Stores section
 Delivery section

2.1.14 Our Vision:

Our vision is to create and grow a successful business enterprise based on principles of
recyclable raw materials, eco manufacture and an approach to all stakeholders.

2.1.15 Our Mission:

Our mission is to be a leading manufacturer of complete range of paper products in packaging
as well as cultural segments with out compromising on our central beliefs.

2.1.16 Values Of Study

Enterprising Perseverance Collaborate Empower Paper Industries Limited, an
engineering company, engages in the manufacture and sale of steel based products in India.
The company offers automobile products, which include panels and profiles for buses and
light commercial vehicles; bumpers and fenders for heavy commercial vehicles.


The Tamil Nadu papers industry had its origins to the year1965 with an orientation
towards space and deface Technologies.1985 saw the advent of Computers and Telephone
exchanges, which were succeeded by paper manufacturing in 1988.The period between 1984
and 1990, was the golden period for Papers during which the industry witnessed continuous
and rapid growth.
Indian paper industry can be compared to a pyramid of ice floating in water. The only
one tenth of the pyramid is visible, in the form of large paper mills in the organized sector.
The body of the paper pyramid consists of the decentralized power loom and handloom
sectors, which account for the bulk of Indians production. The base of the pyramid is the
downstream apparel and household paper sectors.
The entire pyramid employs about fifteen million £as in 2007, it was estimated 20
million) workers-most of whom work in small firms in the decentralized sector". Indeed, the
structure of the Indian paper industry is as varied and deep-rooted as is its reform, challenging
and daunting Indian paper and clothing industry is the largest foreign exchange earner for the
country, and employs over 20 million people, second only to agriculture.
India cannot afford to let this industry grow sick. That would be nothing short of a
human tragedy. Until the era of globalization liberalization was launched at the opening of the
current decade, the domestic market was a protected turf, and a seller‟s market.
However, with the forces of globalization having been unleashed, and accentuated by
the coming into force of the WTO in 1995, there is no looking back. The world has changed
and is changing. In the borderless world, only the fittest would survive. Indian paper and
clothing industry is beset with several shortcomings, in no small measure due to the lop-sided
govt. policy in the post- 1947 India.
But now it must change. It must change if it is not be blows away by the global market
forces, both in the international market as well as by imports in the domestic territory And
contrary to the common refrain of the industrialists in paper industry, the onus of infusing a
refreshing change lies more on the industry (firms) than on the government. This is not to be
little the significant role of a facilitator that govt alone can provide. But competitive strategy
originates at the level of the film. No amount of macroeconomic change can make the firms in

the industry competitive. The govt. must evolve a national policy, which can act as a general
guideline for the firms to define their unique positioning strategy. Given the national
environment, the firms must control their own destiny, or someone else will.
Although the changes may provide solution to some problems, it may create several
new ones. There is an urgent need to understand these problems, anticipate them and to the
solutions to them. The responsibility to find out solutions to these problems lies with every
manager who has to be prepared to deal with different changes effectively through educational
and developmental programs. Obviously, every manager is responsible for management of
human resources of course with the advice and help of personnel department. Management is
the essence of being a manager has to get things done through others. Specifically, his task
relates to leading, mobilizing and directing the efforts of people without which he can be a
technician but not a manager. Thus, every manager has to develop and maintain his
competence in managing human resources which have assumed utmost significance in modern
The term Job Satisfaction is of almost significance from the standpoint of employee
morale. It refers to employee^ general attitude towards his work. Lock defines work
Satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one*s
work or work experience. The extent that a person‟s work fulfils his dominant need and is
consistent with his expectations and values, the work will be satisfying.

2.2.1 Market Size

The industry is expected to touch US$ 220 billion by 2020, according to estimates by
Alok Industries Ltd. Also, India has the capacity to improve its textile and apparel share in the
world trade from the current 4.5 per cent and reach US$ 80 billion by 2020.
Papers exports from India grew by 19 per in the period July 2012-July 2013 to touch
US$ 1.27 billion, on the back of increasing demand in developed economies such as the US,
according to data released the apparel Promotion Council(AEPC).
India has the advantage of abundant resources of raw materials. It is one of the
largest producers of cotton yarn in the world and there are good resources of fibers such as
polyester, silk, viscose, etc. The country is also home to a range of cotton fiber and has a
rapidly developing synthetic fiber industry.

The most significant charge in the Indian textile industry has been the advent of
man-made fiber (MMF).India‟s innovative range of MMF textile finds presence in almost all
the countries across the globe. MMF production recorded an increase of 7 per cent in the
month of August 2013 and grew by 4 per cent during April-August 2013.

Absenteeism is computed and is expressed in terms of percentages.

 Absenteeism can be calculated with the help of following formula.
Absenteeism Rate = (Number of Man days lost / Number of Man days scheduled to
work) x 100
 Absenteeism rate can be calculated for different employees and for different lime
periods like month and year.
 The frequency rate reflects the incidence of absence and is usually expressed as the
number of separate absence in a given period, irrespective of length of absences. The
frequency rate represents the average number of absences per worker in a given period.
 Frequency rate = (total no. of times in which the leave was availed / total no. of Man
days scheduled to work ) *100
 Severity Rate: severity is the average length of time lost per absence and is calculated
by using the formula.
 Severity rate = (Total no. of absent during a period / Total no. of times absent during
that period) x l00
 A high severity rate indicates that the employee is absent for longer durations each
time. High frequency and severity rates indicate that the employee is absent more
frequently and for longer durations each time resulting in high absenteeism even in
absolute terms.



Review of literature is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current
knowledge including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological
contribution to a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and as such, do not
report any new or original experimental work.
absenteeism is a matter raised by employee to express dissatisfaction with management
behavior and is an attempt to bring out changes.-D‟CRUZ absenteeism involves an
individual‟s claiming that he or she suffered or been wronged, often because of the actions or
decisions made by the manager acting on behalf of the organization.-Anderson & Gunderson.
A substantiated grievance is a signal that a manager‟s behavior was in error or
manager has breach worker‟s right.-MeyerOften in organization, the absenteeism arises
because of lack of clarity in the explicit company‟s rules.-Hook, etc...
According to them, a very low absenteeism rate may suggest a fear of filling a
absenteeism, a belief that the absenteeism procedure is not effective or a belief that
representation is not adequate .Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhard & wrightabsenteeism is defined as
any dissatisfaction regarding work and workplace filed by employee formally to his
immediate supervisor.-Rose
“Any real or imaginary felling of dissatisfaction and injustice which an employee has
about this employment relationship”-Ristan.g
“a written complaint filed by an employee and claiming unfair treatment”.-James yoder
Employee‟s presence at work place during the scheduled time is highly essential for
the smooth running of the production process in particular and the organization in general.
Despite the significance of their presence, employees sometime fail to report at the work place
during the scheduled time. Absenteeism refers to the failure on the part of employees to report
to work though they are scheduled to work. In other words, unauthorized absences constitute
Absenteeism costs money to the organization besides reflecting employee
dissatisfaction with the company. Like employee turnover, there is avoidable and unavoidable
absenteeism. Absenteeism is unavoidable when the employee himself or herself fell sick, his

or her dependence at home suddenly become unwell or there is an accident inside the plant.
Unavoidable absenteeism is accepted by managers and is even sanctioned by labour laws. Foe
instance, one days* leave with wages for every 20 days of service is allowed by the factories
Act 1948.
Avoidable absenteeism arises because of night shifts, opportunities for moonlighting
and earning extra income, indebtedness, lack of job security, job dissatisfaction and unfriendly
supervision. This needs intervention by the management.
Labour Bureau, Simla, defined the term Absenteeism as the failure of a worker to
report for work when he is scheduled to work‟s Labour bureau also states that the
Absenteeism is the total man-shifts lost because of absence as a percentage of the total number
of man-shifts scheduled to work." According to Webster‟s Dictionary, the Absenteeism is the
practice or habit of being an "absence” and an absentee is one who
habitually stays away Modem organizational setting is characterized by constant
changes relating to environment factors and human resources. As regards environmental
factors, we find changes in the operating organizational structure, the networking procedures,
customs or norms and the economic, political and social patterns in which organizations exist.
Moreover, there is constant change in resources. New individuals are being employed with
their new ideas and expectations while the existing workforce is constantly changing via-a-via
ideas, attitudes and values.


Chih , Li and lee (2008) absenteeism is dependent on the is dependent on the following
parameters for its success (i)perceived value of leaning programme (ii) attitude to teacher (iii)
response to learining conditions (iv) desire to learn: the degree to which trainees really want to
researchers World-Journals of Arts, science & commerce learn and do well. Giangreco,
Sebastiano, and Peccei (2009), The key determinants of overall satisfaction with training
(OST) are perceived training efficiency (PTE) and Perceived usefulness of training (PUT).
Bates and davis (2010)Usefulness of absenteeism is possible only when the trainee is
able to practice the theoretical aspects learned in absenteeism in training programme in actual
work environment. They highlighted the use of role playing, cases, simulation, mediated
exercises, and computer based learning to provide exposure to a current and relevant body of
knowledge and real world situation.
Kalaiselvan and naachimuthu (2011) absenteeism cost and business benefits are drawn
on X and Y axis respectively. Four quadrants were identified to highlight (i) strategic (lower
absenteeism cost and higher business benefits), (ii) payback (Higher training cost and higher
business benefits), (iii) Think (lower training cost and lower business benefits)
(iv)Drop(Higher training cost and higher business benefits).
Karthik R (2012) absenteeism objectives tell the trainee that what is significance from
a number of stakeholder perspectives; trainer, designer, evaluator.
Dr.R.Anitha(sep.2011)Studied the of employee with special reference to udumalpet
and palani taluk. absenteeism level of the employee was measured on the basic of employee
working condition, rewards, welfare measures & job security. The 100 employee were
selected after considering time and cost.
Harter,schmidt and hayes(2002)Mentioned that 7,855 articles having being published
between 1976 and 2000, on employee absenteeism.
Absar (2001) In her study mentioned that bangladesh has the cheaprst unit of labor
cost in south asia. It costs only 11 cents to manufacture a shirt in bangladesh where as it costs
79 cents in sri lanka and 26 in india.Michael j.jucaus “defind as the field of management
which has to do with planning, organizing, directing and controlling the function procuring
developing maintaining and utilizing the labour force”.

Labig and greer (1998) denote that a high number of absenteeism in a unit or subunit
can be indicative of many factors,including both effective and ineffective supervisory
Bemmels and Reshef (1991) mentioned that in a specific work group, many
absenteeism are in response to specific behaviors by and the supervisiors. Hence, this present
research has targeted supervisors as unit of analysis.
According to Clark (1988)And Bemmels Reshef (1991) supervisors „behavior and
personal attitudes may affect their styles in handling absenteeism through grievance
procedure. Thus, this study tends to evaluate the effect of personality on the selection of
appropriate handling styles among immediate supervisors. Styles in handling employee‟s
conflicts may give an impact in industrial relation culture (Holt & Devore, 2005).
Rahim‟s (1983) study has constructed independent scales to measure five styles in
handling conflict namely integrating, obliging, dominating and avoiding. High concern for self
as well as the other party involved in conflict. It is concerned with collaboration between
parties (for example openness, exchange of information and examination of differences) to
reach an acceptable solution to both parties (Rahim & Magner, 1995). Thomas and Kilmann
(1974) labeled this styles as collaborating mode. Collaborating mode refers to the ability of
manager to work with his or her employee to find a solution that fully satisfies the concerns of
Schultz (1973) in his book „Psychology and Industry Today‟ attempted to explain
work values, motivation and job satisfaction on the basis of a brief review of literature. The
study found traditional values for work for older workers. These variables include, “a strong
loyalty to the company for which they worked; a strong motivation force: drive for money and
status; a strong need for job security and stability and a strong identification with work roles
rather than with personal roles off the job.” The study found that values of work of new breed
of work differ sharply from those of the old breed.
Shepard (1973) studied three occupational groups to examine the relationship between
job satisfaction and autonomy discrepancy. The author concluded that nonchallenging work is
associated with job satisfaction, even though there was some evidence that highly specialized
work lowers individual expectations for autonomy.

Pritchard and Peters (1974) interviewed 629 enlisted naval personnel for studying the
effect of job duties and workers interests on intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction. They found
that job duties were more strongly related to both intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction than were
the indicators of interests.
Quinn et al. (1974) conducted a comprehensive review of trends in job satisfaction,
based primarily on seven national worker surveys, and supplemented by eight national polls
from 1958 to 1973. The study concluded with comparison of job satisfaction levels among
groups of workers and with a brief overview of experience with programs designed to increase
the job satisfaction of workers such as job enrichment, job enlargement, job rotation and flexi
time and other rearranged work schedules.
Tannebaum et al. (1974) conducted an international study of the effects of workers‟
participation on ten industrial plants taking 2 units from each of five countries selected for
study (Israel, Yugoslavia, Austria, Italy and the United States). They found that position in the
organizational hierarchy was positively related to job satisfaction in each country. In all
countries except Austria, the strongest correlate of job satisfaction was an index of
opportunities provided by work and education, which had a negative net effect on job
satisfaction in each country.
Herman et al. (1975) studied 392 workers in a printing plant and investigated the
relative importance of demographic characteristics of employees and their position in the
organizational structure in explaining job satisfaction and other attitudes. Demographic factors
like age, sex, marital status, family size, number of family wage earners and education were
taken for the analysis. It was found that employee‟s organizational position (which was
indexed by job level, shift, department, tenure in corporation) was a far more important
predictor of attitudes than the individual demographic variables.



This Chapter deals with the methodology adopted for thestudy by the researcher. It
includes the field of study, Sampling design, Sample size, Methods of data collection, Tools
and techniques of analysis.
The research for knowledge through objective and systematic method of findings
proper and feasible solution to a problem is popularly know as research.
Nature of data:
The nature of data is both primary and secondary.
Source of data:
Primary Data:
Primary data is collected through structured questionnaire. are collectively directly,
from the retailers .Primary data is original research data in its raw form, without any analysis
or processing. This data provides a wealth of information for researchers. Depending on the
nature of a study, the primary data may be provided along with reports and analysis so readers
can look at it directly, or it may be kept confidential.
Secondary Data:
Secondary data means the data which are collected from various books, journals,
magazines etc. Secondary data is all the information collected for purposes other than the
completion of a research project and it‟s used to gain initial insight into the research problem.
Sampling procedure/method:
Since the study is having its own predetermined objectives, this research is a
descriptive Study. The sampling procedure employed is conveniences sampling method. In
this method, the sample units are chosen primarily on the basis of the convenience to the
investigation of both the employees and researcher.
The sample size of this project is 100.
Method of data collection:
The structured questionnaire will be employed to collect the data from the employees
with due consideration to its validity reliability.
Tools and techniques for analysis:

The statistical tools for analysis of data are,

 Percentage Analysis
 Weighted Average Method
 Chi square
The collected data have been suitably arranged in the table format for the
purpose of effective analysis and interpretation.
Percentage Method:
The simple percentage analysis methods are used for the percentage analysis.the
percentage method is the calculated by formula given below
No.of respondents/total respondents*100
Weighted Average:
Weighted average is an average in which each quantity to be averaged is assigned a
weight. These weightings determine the relative importance of each quantity on the average.
weightings are the equivalent of having that many like items with the same value involved in
the average.
Formally, the weighted mean of a non-empty set of the {X1,X2,…………Xn} with non-
negative weights {W1, W2,………Wn},is the quantity
Weighted Average Mean = ∑wax
W = relative weight(%)
X = value

Chi-square Analysis:
It is useful to determine the significant relationship between the two variables.
The formula is used for Chi-Square Test
Chi-square χ2 = ∑(0i ­ Ei)2
Where O Observed Frequency
E Expected Frequency
Expected Frequency is calculated as follows:
E=Row Total *Column Total
Grand Total
Degree of Freedom(r-1) (c-1)
Where R Number of Rows
C Number of columns
One variable chi-squre:Degree of freedom = N-1
Null Hypothesis(Ho)
In Chi – Squre test of independence, null Hypothesis assumes that There is no
significant realationship between the two variables.
Alternative Hypothesis( H1)
In Chi – Squre test of independence, alternative hypothesis assumes that There is
significant realationship between the two variables.
Hypothesis Testing
If the calculated value of Chi-squre test is less than the table value, we will reject
the null hypothesis. If the calculated value greater then we will accept the Null Hypothesis


The data collected through the various sources was converted into readable form
through the process of classification, arrangement and presentation of data. The data was
tabulated and analyzed for logical statements using samples statistically method percentage
analysis and weighted average method.
Percentage Analysis:
Percentage is used in making comparison between two or more series of data.
Percentages are used in to describe relationship it can be used to compare in relative terms the
distribution of two or more series of data.
Percentage analysis = (No. of Respondents/Total no. of Respondents)*100;

Table 4.2.1

Employee's age

Age in Years Number of employee Percentage

18-25 53 53
26-35 35 35
36-45 12 12
45 above 10 10
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 1)

Since 53% of employees are of the age between 18-25. The trend clearly shows that
these are the employees who are employed the most by theemployer because these employees
are young & energetic.

Chart 4.2.1

Age of the respondents


40 35


12 10

18-25 26-35 36-45 above 45

Table 4.2.2.

Educational qualification

Educational qualification Number of Responded Percentage

8-12 44 44
Degree & ITI 36 36
graduates 13 13
Others 7 7
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 2)

Since 44% of employees are of the education between 8-12. The trend clearly shows
that these are the education who are employed the most by the employer because these
employee for the organization.

Chart 4.2.2
Education qualification of the respondents

40 44
10 13
5 7
12-Aug degree & ITI gradutes others

Table 4.2.3

Employee Monthly Income

Monthly Income Number of employee Percentage

4000-6000 46 46
6001-10000 34 34
10001-15000 14 14
Above 15000 6 6
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 3)

Above the table 46% of employees are of the monthly income between 4000-6000.
The trend clearly shows that these are the monthly who are employed the most by theemployer
because these employees are experience.

Chart 4.2.3
Monthly income of the respondents:

30 34
10 14
4000-6000 6001-10000 10001-15000 above 15000

Table 4.2.4
Employee marital status

Marital Status Number of employee Percentage

Male 67 67
Female 33 33
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 4)

The above table shows that 67% percent of the respondents are male and 33% percent of
the respondents are female.

Chart 4.2.4

Material status of the respondents:

60 67

30 33
male female


Table 4.2.5


Departments Number of Responded Percentage

Production 42 42
Quality 40 40
Stores 10 10
Personal 8 8
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 5)

Above the table 42% of employees are of the department between production. The
trend clearly shows that these are the department who are employed the most by the employer
because these employees are says yes.

Chart - 4.2.5
Departments of an respondents:

45 42
10 8
production quality stores personal

Table 4.2.6
Employee working years

Years Number of Responded Percentage

Less than one year 48 48
One-two years 32 32
Two-five years 11 11
Five years or more 9 9

Source: Primary data (Question 6)

Above the table is less than one year 48% of the workers at industry are working for
one-two for 32% and two-five 11% are working for more than 5 years 9%.

Chart 4.2.6
Working Years of the respondents:




11 9
less then one one-two year two-five years five years or
year more

Table 4.2.7
Main reason the employee absent

Reason for absent Number of Responded Percentage

Health problem/domestic 50 50
Stress 30 30
Work dissatisfaction 10 10
Working environment 5 5
Others 5 5
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 7)

Since 50% of employees are of the absent between health problem/domestic reason.
The trend clearly shows that these are the problem/domestic who are employed the most by
the employer because these employees for organization.

Chart 4.2.7
Reason for absent in respondents

10 5 5

Table 4.2.8
Work job responsibilities

Job responsibilities Number of respondent Percentage

Well clear 51 51
Good 39 39
Fair 13 13
Don‟t know 7 7
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 8)

Above the table 51% of employees are of the work job responsibilities between well
clear. The trend clearly shows that these are the job responsibility who are employed the most
by the employer because these employees are satisfaction.

Chart 4.2.8
Work Job responsibilities:



10 7

well clear good fair don't know

Table 4.2.9
Satisfied with your work

Satisfied with your work No of respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 42 42
Satisfied 40 40
Dissatisfied 18 18
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 9)

Since 42% of employees are of satisfied with work between highly satisfied. The trend
clearly shows that these are the work who are employed the most by the
employer because these employees are says yes.

Chart 4.2.9
Satisfied with your work for the respondents

45 42
20 18
highly satisfied satisfied dissatisfied

Table 4.2.10
Working environment and work place:

Working place & No of respondents Percentage

Excellent 53 53
Good 37 37
Fair 6 6
Poor 4 4
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 10)

Since 37% of employees are of the working environment between excellent. The trend
clearly shows that these are that working environment who are employed the most by the
employer because these employees are well useful the organization.

Chart 4.2.10
Work place & environment for the respondents:


40 37



10 6 4
excellent good fair poor

Table 4.2.11
Relations with you supervisors/co-worker

Supervisors/co-worker No of respondents Percentage

Excellent 41 41
Good 31 31
Fair 15 15
Poor 13 13
Total 100 100

Source : Primary data (Question 11)

Since 41% of employees are of the relationship with you supervisors / co-worker
between excellent. The trend clearly shows that these are the employed the most by the
employer because these employees are says yes.

Chart 4.2.11
Supervisor/co-worker of an respondents:

40 38
20 17 16
excellent good fair poor

Table 4.2.12
Superior‟s behavior toward your problems:

Superior‟s behavior No of respondents Percentage

Excellent 36 36
Good 35 35
Fair 15 15
Poor 14 14
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 12)

Since 36% of employees are of the superior‟s behavior between excellent. The trend
clearly shows that these are the superior‟s who are employed the most by the employer
because these employees are young & energetic.

Supervisor‟s behavior of your problems:

40 38
20 17 16
excellent good fair poor

Table 4.2.13
Facilities provided in work place:

Facilities provided in work No of respondents Percentage

Excellent 38 38
Good 35 35
Fair 17 17
Poor 16 16
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 13)

Since 38% of employees are of the facilities provided in work place between excellent.
The trend clearly shows that these are the work place who is employed the most by the
employer because these employees are young & energetic.

Chart 4.2.13
Facilities of on respondents

40 38
20 17 16
excellent good fair poor

Table 4.2.14
Company co-operate with each other:

Company co-operate No of respondents percentage

Yes 56 56
No 44 44
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 14)

Above 56% of employees are of the company co-operates between “yes”. The trend
clearly shows that these are the co-operates who are employed the most by the employer
because these employees are says yes.

Chart 4.2.15
Company co-operative with each other‟s of a respondents:

60 56





yes no

Table 4.2.15
Comments and suggestions

Comments and suggestions No of respondents Percentage

Yes 61 61
No 39 39
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 15)

Above the table 61% of employees are of the comments and suggestions between
“yes”. The trend clearly shows that these are the comments and suggestions who are employed
the most by the employer because these employees are say yes.

Chart 4.2.15

Comments and suggestions of respondents

yes no

Table 4.2.16
Harmonious relationship with our in your organization

Relationship in organization No of respondents percentage

Strongly agree 48 48
Agree 32 32
Natural 11 11
Disagree 9 9
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 16)

Since 48% of employees are of the relationship in organization between strongly agree.
The trend clearly shows that these are the organization who are employed the most bay the
employer because these employees are young & energetic.

Chart 4.2.16
Relationship in organization of an organization:

20 16
strongly agree agree natural disagree

Table 4.2.17
Belongingness increase with the co-operation:

belongingness increase with No of respondents Percentage

the co-operation
Strongly agree 44 44
Agree 30 30
Natural 16 16
Disagree 10 10
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 17)

Since 44% of employees are of the belongingness increase with the co-operation
between strongly agree. The trend clearly shows that these are the strongly who are employed
the most by the employer because these employees for organization.

Chart 4.2.17
Belongingness increase with the co-operation of respondents:

20 16
strongly agree agree natural disagree

Table 4.2.18
Job efficiently:

job efficiently No. of respondents Percentage

To great extent 50 50
To some extent 34 34
Rarely 16 16
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 18)

Since 50% of employees are of the job efficiently between two great extent. The trend
clearly shows that these are the efficiently who are employed the most by the employer
because these employees are satisfied.

Chart 4.2.18
Job efficiency of respondents:



20 16


to great extent to some extent rarely

Table 4.2.19
Relationship among employees:

relationship among No. of respondents percentage

Yes 56 56
No 44 44
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 19)

Above the table 56% of employees are of the relationship among employees
between”yes”. The trend clearly shows that these are the age employees who are employed the
most by the employer because these employees only.

Chart 4.2.19
Relationship among employees of respondents:

60 56





yes no

Table 4.2.20
Social security benefits:

social security benefits No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 68 68
No 32 32
Total 100 100

Source: Primary data (Question 20)

Above the table 68% of employees are of the relationship among employees between
“yes”. The trend clearly shows that these are the employees who are employed the most by the
employer because these employees are satisfaction.

Chart 4.2.20
Social security benefits of a respondents:

yes no

4.2.21 Chi Square Analysis:

Chi-square χ2 = ∑(0i ­ Ei )2

Educational qualification and job satisfaction

Hypothesis testing -1

There is a significant relation between educational qualification and job satisfaction of an


Null hypothesis (Ho): there is no relationship between educational qualification and job
satisfaction of an employee

Qualification Highly Satisfied Dis Highly TOTAL

Satisfied Satisfied Dis
8th 1 1 1 0 3
12th 8 5 2 0 15
ITI&Diploma 30 20 10 0 60
PG 10 9 1 0 20
Others 1 1 0 0 2
TOTAL 50 36 14 0 100


Oi Ei (Oi-Ei) (Oi-Ei)2 (Oi-Ei)2/E

1 1.5 0.5 0.25 0.1667
1 1.08 0.08 0.0064 0.0059
1 0.42 0.58 0.3364 0.8009
8 7.5 0.5 0.25 0.0333
5 5.4 0.4 0.16 0.0296
2 2.1 0.1 0.01 0.0047
30 30 0 0 0
20 21.6 1 1 0.0463
10 8.4 1.6 2.56 0.3048
10 10 0 0 0
9 7.2 1.8 3.24 0.45
1 2.8 1.8 3.24 1.1571
1 1 0 0 0
1 0.72 0.28 0.0784 0.1088


Chi-square χ2 = ∑(0i ­ Ei)2

Chi squre = 3.1081
Table value = 22.363
Degree of freedom = N-1
= 14-1
=13Calculated value is Less than table value
H1=Alternative hypothesis is selected, Hence there is significant relationship between
educational qualification and satisfaction.

4.2.22 Weighted Average Method:

An average in which each quantity to be averaged is assigned a weight.These
weightings determine the relative importance of each quantity on the average.weightngs are
the equivalent of having that many likes items wih the same value involved in the average.

Weighted Average Mean = ∑wax

W = relative weight(%)
X = value

W=5 W=4 W=3 W=2 W=1 Avg Rank

10 6 8 4 4 7.33 2

2 1 4 1 1 1.733 4.5

dissatisfaction 7 3 1 4 1 3.933 3

18 12 7 0 7 11.0667 1

3 1 1 2 0 1.733 4.5

Factors Rank

Working environment 1

Health problem/domestic reason 2

Work dissatisfaction 3

Stress 4.5

Others 4.5


1. The Maximum no. of employees of the age are between 18-25 years. It means most of
employees of these ages are attracted towards work, compared to the age between above 50.

2. It was inferred that about 44% of the respondents having the qualification of 8 th to 12 th
36%of employees are have completed other degree and ITI,13 % of responders are
professionals in sripathi paper & boards.

3. From the Interpretation it is referred that 46% of the employees are receiving a salary from
Rs.4000 to Rs.6000.

4. The following the table 61% of employee are male and 39% of employee are female.

5.It shows that majority of employees (37.50%) are from production department, and 18.33%
of the employees from stores.

6. It was found that 48% of the employees are working in sripathi paper & bords for less than
1 year, 32% of employees are working in sripathi paper & bords from 1 to 2 years and 11% of
employees are working for sripathi paper & bords for 2 to 5 years.

7. The main reason for employee absent 50% in health problem and domestic reason.30%
absent for stress.10% absent for work dissatisfaction.5% `absent for working environment and
5% absent for other level.

8. 51% employee job responsibility for well clear and 39% good responsibility in sripathi
paper & boards and 13% and 7% in fair and don‟t know..

9. It was noted that 42% of the employees are highly satisfied with the working condition
provided by the company, and 40% of the employees are satisfied withworking conditions. So
that the company is providing good working condition for the employees.

10. It was noted that 41% of the respondents say that the relationship with you supervisors/co-
worker helps the employees to excellent.

11. It was noted that superior‟s behavior towards problem36% of the employees say that the
absenteeism helps in improving relations.

12. It was found that 38% of the employees are regarding the facilities provided to you
excellent by sripathi paper & boards to suggestions in their job.

13. It indicates that 48% of the respondents strongly agree that there is harmonious
relationship with their colleagues.

14. It was noted that 50% of the respondents say that the training programmes helps the
employees to great extent to achieve the required skill for performing the job efficiently.

15. It was noted that 56% of the employees say that the training programmes helps in
improving relationship among employees.

16. It was found that 68% of the employees feel social security benefits in their job.


Productivity of an organization depends upon the people who work for the unit. "How
to make people work more or more better? is a million dollar question that requires an
understanding of what motivates people to work. Similarly it may be possible to get people to
work more in higher proportions with marginal increase in providing welfare measures. Such
needs have been analyzed and identified through this study. It will be fruitful for the
organization to adopt for better human pronounce, provided management simultaneously
retain high skilled employees to attain organization effectiveness. This may help in controlling

In this section following suggestions may help:

1. Organization can try and increase the level of workers participation in decision making
2. Increase the number of performance related awards
3. More attention to be given for over all development of employees welfare facilities.
4. Organization can motivate individuals through proper counseling and guidance.
5. Organization may consider for arranging transport facilities.
6. Majority of them feel that wage & salary provided to them may have to be considered
for hike. So the company may consider of increasing it.
7. Individual attention to employees regarding health matters may be
8. considered on priority basis. 3 Better communication may yield some more results.
9. Supervisors may be considered for management training.


The employees of sripathi paper & boards Pvt. Ltd. Are taking leaves for various
personal and family reasons. They are aware of the impact of their absence on the production.
Most of the employees admit that they are trying to avoid leaves, but many a times things are
beyond their control. Some of the employees feel that the management should provide holiday
trip or family get together as recreation so that they will be relaxed after the hectic job
schedule. They also add that they are availing all the welfare facilities provided by the
company. One will never forget to say that little of empathy towards employees will definitely
yield better industrial relations and minimize Absenteeism.The term absenteeism refers to the
failure to attend to work. It is one of the major problems faced by companies across the globe
today. The study concluded that providing positive incentives to workers in the form of those
motivational factors that nominally influence workers to be absent is better than imposing
penalties for discouraging absenteeism. The best reward for workers with lower absenteeism is
to grant additional time off for personal matters. Workers are influenced to a lesser extent by
deterrents, loss of pay and benefits and loss of promotion opportunities and discharge,
imposed for frequent absenteeism. Finally a combination of incentives (additional time off)
and penalties (loss of benefits or job) with the primary emphasis on motivational incentives is
the most effective approach to reducing absenteeism.



Personal details
Name (optional):_______________________________
1 .Age:
18-25 26-35 36-45 above 45
2. Educational Qualification:
8-12 Degree & ITI Graduates others
3. Income:
4000-6000 6001-10000 10001-15000 above 15000
4. Gender:
Male ` Female
5. Department:
Production accounts Quality control stores personal
6. How long have you been working for sripathi paper & boards Pvt Ltd?
Less than one year One – Two years
Two – Five years Five years or more
7.According to you what is the main reason the employee absent?
Health problem/domestic reason stress work dissatisfaction
working environment others
8. Are you clear your work job responsilities?
Well clear good fair don‟t know
9. Are you satisfied with your work?
Highly satisfied satisfied dissatisfied
10. Your views regarding the working environment of sripathi paper & boards pvt ltdand work
Excellent good fair poor
11. How are your relations with you supervisors/co-worker?
Excellent good fair poor

12. Your superior‟s behavior towards your problems?

Excellent good fair poor
13. Your views regarding the facilities provided to you by sripathi paper & boards pvt ltdand
work place?
Excellent good fair poor
14.Do the other departments in the company co-operate with each other?
Yes No
15.Do you feel to offer comments and suggestions?
Yes No
16.There is a harmonious relationship with our colleagues in your organization
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree
17. Sense of belongingness increase with the c0-operation.
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree
18. How far training programs helps an employee to achieve the required skill for performing
the job efficiently?
To great extent To some extent Rarely
19. Do you think the training programs helps in improving relationship among employees?
Yes No
20.Does the company provide you the social security benefits?
Yes No


 Aswathappa.k, Human Resource Management, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw hill

education private limited.

 C.R.Kothari, “Research Methodology” 2nd edition, Wish wan prakashan, New

Delhi, 2001.

 C.B.Mamoria, “Personal Management” 2nd edition, Bombay Himalaya publishing

House, 2002.

 Gray Dessler, “Human Resource Management” Asoke K.Ghosh prentice Half of

India private limited.

 www.managementparadise.com

 www.scribd.com

 www.madrascement.com

 www.businessdictionary.com

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