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Effects and solutions of using bilingualism in teaching

and learning English for teachers and students at Kiwi
English Center


Supervisor: NGUYỄN VĂN ĐỨC

BIEN HOA CITY, 09/2022


CHAPTER 1............................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background of the Study..............................................................................................4
1.2 Aim of the Study............................................................................................................5
1.3 Research Question.........................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 2............................................................................................................................7
2.1 Overview........................................................................................................................7
2.2 Definitions of terms......................................................................................................7
2.2.1 Definition of Bilingual education..........................................................................7
2.2.2 The importance of Bilingual education................................................................9
2.2.3 Types of Bilingual education...............................................................................10
2.3 Effects of using bilingualism in teaching and learning............................................10
2.3.1 Negatives................................................................................................................10
2.3.2 Positives.................................................................................................................11
2.4 How to help teachers limit the use of Vietnamese too much in English classes?. .11
2.4.1 Be more active in preparing lectures..................................................................11
2.4.2 Teaching Strategies..............................................................................................12
2.4.3 Minimize the use of Vietnamese in the classroom.............................................12
2.5 Solutions of using bilingualism in teaching and learning........................................13
2.5.1 Classroom language.............................................................................................13
2.5.2 Body language.......................................................................................................13
2.5.3 Listen to your interests.........................................................................................14
2.5.4 Improve students' listening and comprehension skills.........................................14
2.5.5 Listening Materials...............................................................................................14
2.5.6 Unfamiliar Vocabulary 14
2.6 Review of related literature........................................................................................15
2.7 Conceptual framework of the study..........................................................................17

CHAPTER 3..........................................................................................................................18
3.1 Research design...........................................................................................................18
3.2 Context of the study....................................................................................................18
3.3 Participants of the study.............................................................................................20

3.4 Instruments..................................................................................................................20
3.4.1 Questionnaire........................................................................................................21
3.4.2 Pre-Test and Post-Test.........................................................................................24
3.5 Data collection procedure...........................................................................................26
3.6 Data analysis procedure.............................................................................................28
3.6.1 Data analysis from questionnaire.......................................................................28
3.6.2 Data from Pre-Test and Post-Test......................................................................30
CHAPTER IV.......................................................................................................................32
4.1 Analysis of data...........................................................................................................32
4.1.1 Data analysis from questionnaire.......................................................................32
4.1.2 Analyze data from Pre-Test and Post-Test........................................................34
4.2 Discussion of results....................................................................................................38
CHAPTER V.........................................................................................................................40



1.1 Background of the Study

The English language is patronized by the economic, political, and socio-cultural

hegemony of the indigenous peoples that have broadened their horizons around the
world, but more especially in areas that are still colonial country mining at any time.
The strong flow of languages has led us to switch to learning English for one reason
or another. However, its strong prevalence has undergone certain changes according
to regions and their socio-cultural background.
English has become the third most widely spoken language globally. Its speakers are
increasing day by day. The simple fact that can judge its importance is that it is the
official language of many countries. It is the first language of many countries and the
second language of most of the world. English is a popular language around the
globe. People prefer to converse and express themselves in English instead of their
native language because it fills them with pride and confidence and quality.
English has become an important and mandatory language of communication in
Vietnam since we opened up to the world in 1986. Many English-speaking expats
from all over Asia, Australia, the US and Europe started to invest in Vietnam. This
has motivated Vietnamese people to learn English to facilitate effective
communication with their counterparts. The importance of English was recognized
immediately by the Vietnamese government, and as a result, English programs were
developed and applied right from primary school, to high school and finally to
Learning English today has become much simpler and more convenient than before,
further affirming the role of English in Vietnam today. However, learning English at
schools in general and language centers in particular is never easy. More specifically,
the fact that teachers teach English at English centers in Vietnamese has caused

various controversies. Researching this issue, researcher John Harbord believes that
relying too much on the mother tongue will distrust the ability to communicate in
English. Learners may feel that the only way for them to understand anything the
teacher says is when it is translated into Vietnamese, leading to the habit of using the
mother tongue even when they are fully capable of expressing it. in English. This
both greatly reduces the opportunity to practice English in the classroom, and leads to
thinking that using English in learning English is very difficult to do. In addition, in
foreign language learning, the recipient is the learner, often paying more attention to
the content being communicated if the teacher uses a foreign language to teach, and
that attention will be reduced. go when the language of instruction is the mother
tongue (the language the learner is familiar with). It means that students will focus
more on what the teacher says, if the teacher says it in English. Therefore, it is
necessary to find out the influences and come up with solutions for the use of
bilingualism in teaching and learning English. This research is based on the fact that
teachers and students use bilingualism in teaching and learning English at Kiwi
English Center.

1.2 Aim of the Study

The study is done with the following intentions:

Most teachers at schools in general and foreign language centers in particular,

teachers often use the Vietnamese method to define English, I want to find out the
effects of using bilingualism to teach and learn English.

How should the teaching and learning of English in bilingualism (Vietnamese -

English) be solved and what solutions are there to help teachers and students become
better in the process of conquering English - the second language most widely used
language in the world.

To meet the requirement "By 2020, the majority of Vietnamese youth Male graduates
of secondary schools, colleges, and universities have the ability to use foreign
languages independently, confidently in communication, study and work in an
integrated, multilingual, and multicultural environment; making foreign languages a

strength of the Vietnamese people, serving the cause of industrialization and
modernization of the country” (Decision No. 1400/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister
dated August 30, 2008, on approving approved the Project "Teaching and learning
foreign languages in the national education system for the period 2008 - 2020"), it is
necessary to have a systematic and standard bilingual approach model based on a
solid theoretical foundation, with input from stakeholders such as educators,
policymakers, investors, parents, etc.

1.3 Research Question

According to the researcher, the use of bilingualism in teaching and learning is still
quite new and has not been fully implemented, especially for teachers and students at
Kiwi English Center. This study was conducted with the hope that it can help with
bilingual teaching and learning for teachers and students at Kiwi English Center by
considering the following question:

1. What are the effects of using bilingualism in teaching and learning English?

2. What solutions for overcoming using bilingualism in teaching and learning




2.1 Overview

This chapter examines the relevant literature on bilingualism and its positive
and negative effects on teaching and learning. This chapter begins with an overview
of bilingualism, followed by a description of its influences. Then come up with
solutions for both teachers and students.
2.2 Definitions of terms
2.2.1 Definition of Bilingual education

First of all, it is advisable to clarify the concept of English as a Foreign Language

(EFL) and bilingual education because their connotations are different. The term “learning
English as a foreign language” (EFL) is used when describing the study or use of English in
countries where English is not the first language or is used as a means of communication. .
In other words, EFL is learned in settings where English is not the language of
communication in the community or in schools (Gunderson, 2009).

In contrast, the term “bilingual education” is used when both languages are used as a
means of teaching subjects according to the school curriculum (Cohen, 1975). In general,
bilingual education means using two languages for teaching purposes.

In addition, since language and culture cannot be separated, bilingual education also
requires education. on culture, ethnography for learners (May 2008).

2.2.2 The importance of Bilingual education

Bilingual education has proven to be a secret weapon in equipping students for

learning and even helping to positively change the structure of the brain.

Here are some key benefits of being bilingual:

 Improve cognitive development

 Better academic performance
 Improved memory
 Prevent memory loss
 Increase economic opportunities
 Multicultural awareness
 Improves brain function

2.2.3 Types of Bilingual education

According to the overview of Roberts (1995), there are 5 models of bilingual

education being applied including:

1. Submersion: This is a model of language assimilation for students whose native

language is not English. The goal of these programs is to help students integrate into
academic and social environments where communication is primarily done using
communication in English. Their mother tongue is not developed at school, so it gradually
disappears, examples of this model being implemented in schools in the state of California
(Jenkins, 2003 cited Lamus, 2008).

2. ESL Pullout (English Separation): Students are given a break from regular school
hours to learn English. This is also a bilingual model in the direction of assimilation;
Language learning in this form has a negative effect on students making friends and
integrating with teachers and friends when they are absent from other subjects to learn

3. Transitional: the subjects in the program are taught in the mother tongue, in parallel
with the teaching of English. Initially, English was taught as a foreign language; Subjects
that do not require too much language are also taught in English. The ultimate goal of this
model is to help students with good English ability to easily integrate into the “mainstream”
academic environment (May 2008). Studies also show that it takes 5-7 years of learning a
language for students to reach the same level of language as their classmates whose first
language is English. However, this model in the US usually lasts only 3 years (Lamus,

4. Maintenance: Unlike all the models mentioned above, conservation bilingual
education is also known as one-way bilingual education, targeting students from families.
immigrants but by the second generation speak little or no family language.

5. Enrichment: Also known as two-way bilingualism, this form of education is

characterized by the parallel use of two languages in teaching. The student population
includes native English-speaking students and students whose native language is not
English. The goal of enrichment bilingualism is to enable students to be fluent in both
languages. Enrichment/two-way bilingualism uses both languages in instruction but the
student population will be more diverse, including students whose mother tongue is English
and students whose mother tongue is a minority. This model separates the amount of time
each language is used in the classroom, rather than mixing the two (Garcia, Flores & Chu,
2011; Gomez, Freeman & Freeman, 2005).

2.3 Effects of using bilingualism in teaching and learning English

Teaching and learning in bilingualism is the issue that many people are most
interested in when learning English. And of course everything that exists in this world has
two distinct sides. Let's find out the positive and negative effects of adopting bilingual
education below:

2.3.1 Positives

 Cultural awareness

One main advantage of bilingual education is that it gives us the opportunity to raise
the cultural awareness of children. We often claim to be quite tolerant in our society, yet
there is still plenty of discrimination around all over the world. By teaching children in more
than one language, we will be able to improve their level of tolerance since children will
become more aware of the fact that there are many different cultures and languages on our
planet and that it is important to preserve all this knowledge. Therefore, through bilingual
education, the overall level of tolerance towards other cultures might be increased in our

 Makes it easier to learn a secondary language

Since children in bilingual schools will simply have no choice regarding whether they
want to learn a secondary language or not, chances are that they will simply take accept it
and see it as a sort of normal education behavior for them. In turn, it will become quite easy
for them to learn this language since it is part of their regular education. Moreover, it might
also be quite nice for children to be educated in a foreign language since it makes the whole
education process more interesting.

 Automatic adaption of the new language

After some practice, it will also become quite easy for children to learn new
languages since they are so used to it. At a young age, children are willing to learn many
new different things and therefore, the bilingual education should start at early as possible in
order to make it easy for children to adapt to this alternative education framework.

 Can be quite beneficial for your travels

Another advantage of bilingual education is that it can greatly benefit you later on in
your life when it comes to traveling. Especially if you travel to quite exotic places on our
planet, chances are that locals will not speak your native language from your home country
and you may have a pretty hard time to communicate. Moreover, even though some people
in foreign countries may speak your mother tongue, they will still be much friendlier and
cooperative if you know how to speak their local language since you show some interest in
their culture by doing so. Therefore, if you love traveling, chances are that bilingual
education will greatly benefit you also in this regard.

 Better career opportunities

If you speak more than your native language, chances are that you will also have
better career opportunities. Especially if you work for a big international corporation,
chances are that you will frequently talk with colleagues and clients from all over the world
and it will be a necessity to excel in foreign languages. Thus, if you aspire to a demanding
career in the corporate world, learning foreign languages can be a great way to improve your
chances to get one of those jobs.

 Semester abroad

If you are taught in a bilingual manner, chances are that you will also have it easier
when it comes to making a semester abroad. Many students want to spend a semester abroad
in a foreign country in order to get to know the different culture and to make new
experiences. Yet, many undergraduate studies are only taught in the local language and
therefore, you will have a quite hard time to study abroad in case you do not have any
knowledge about the respective local language. Hence, if you want to study abroad, bilingual
education in school may also be a great way to prepare yourself for your future studies.

 You may be able to work abroad

Bilingual education can not only help you in case you want to study abroad, it can
also help you in case you want to work in a foreign country. Quite often, if you work in a
foreign country, you need at least a minimum amount of the local language in order to get
employed. Moreover, having some knowledge of the local language will also make it much
easier to succeed in your job abroad. Therefore, especially if you aspire to a corporate career
in a foreign country later on in your life, bilingual education may be perfect to enable you
with the language skills that are required for this path.

 May improve our mental capacities

Our brain is a quite complex system and quite little is still known regarding how
exactly it works and how we can improve our mental capacities. Yet, many scientists believe
that learning a secondary language can help us improve our mental capacities since our brain
will learn to adapt to those foreign languages and may build up some new capacities in order
to process all this information. Therefore, also our overall capacity to learn new things may
improve due to bilingual education, especially when it is done at a quite young age in school
since our brain develops the most in the early years of our life.

 Learning languages can be fun

Some people also find it quite interesting to learn new languages. While it might feel
like a burden to some school kids, it might feel rather like a hobby to others and for kids who
really enjoy learning new languages, bilingual education might greatly improve their overall
quality of life. Some kids will also be quite proud of themselves and may brag among their
family and their friends regarding what they have learned in school. Therefore, if your kid
likes to learn languages, you might seriously consider sending your child to a school that
offers bilingual education.

 May just be the start

For children who really enjoy learning new languages, bilingual education can be
regarded as some kind of entry to much bigger opportunities. For instance, after learning one
foreign language, many people will consider it to be kind of a hobby to learn even more
additional languages and over time, some people learn several different languages. This is
not only quite applaudable, it also gives those people a great edge regarding their future
career prospects as well as in several other parts of their daily life.

 Easier to participate in exchange programs

Many bilingual schools also offer school exchange programs with schools in foreign
countries. Therefore, by attending schools that offer bilingual education, chances are that
you will also get to know a different culture at a rather young age, which may greatly benefit
you in later parts of your daily life. Therefore, also the opportunity to engage in those
exchange programs may be another benefit of bilingual education.

 Personal development

Bilingual education can also greatly benefit the personal development of children. For
instance, due to the different cultural influence and the higher level of acceptance towards
other cultures that is implied by bilingual education, children will also learn much sooner
that there are many different ways to live and that our cultural norms should not necessarily
be considered as a gold standard. Consequently, the overall personal development in schools
with bilingual education may be fostered much more compared to attending regular schools.

 Students may be more willing to learn new things

Since students will be forced to learn a foreign language, they will likely also be more
willing to learn new things in their daily life. This could mean that they will be more open
towards meeting new people or also to learn many new other skills. This is quite important
for several parts of our daily life since connections are quite important to succeed in the
corporate world and we also all have to adapt on a regular basis since technology evolves

and we also have to evolve in order to avoid becoming obsolete. Therefore, the ability to
learn new things is quite important and this skill is promoted through bilingual education.

 You may be able to work as a private language tutor

If you are privileged to benefit from bilingual language education, you might also be
able to work a tutor and earn some money during your school career. Many children need
tutoring since they have difficulties in school and since you will acquire foreign language
skills, you can use those skills to work a tutor. Apart from money you will earn, you can also
improve your interpersonal skills since you will be forced to adapt to the learning patterns of
your clients. In turn, you will have it easier afterward to work in a team since you learned
important soft skills early on in your life.

 May boost confidence levels of kids

Bilingual education may also be quite beneficial in terms of improving the confidence
levels of our kids. Many kids nowadays are quite insecure since they suffer from mobbing or
other unpleasant things. Bilingual education can help those kids since they will learn new
language skills and over time, they will get really good at it. In turn, chances are that this
will boost their confidence levels since they realize that they can get really good at several
things in life.

 Quite important in a globalized world

Language skills are more important than ever in our current state of the world. Due to
the increasing level of globalization, firms will have to compete in a global environment and
it is necessary to have good language skills in order to communicate with colleagues and
clients from all over the world. In many jobs, it is even a necessity rather than a nice-to-have
to have basic skills in the main global languages. Therefore, if you want to compete in our
nowadays job market, chances are that bilingual education can be quite beneficial in this

2.3.2 Negative

Inability to be sensitive to English

Learners always have the feeling that they don't 'really' understand any word unit until
it is 'translated' in their mother tongue.

Lack of precision

Learners and teachers alike inadvertently oversimplify the generalization of the

language's content and implication to accept a rough and inaccurate 'translation'

Reduced ability to communicate in English

Learners are not aware of the problem of practicing language, they easily
communicate with friends and teachers in Vietnamese while they can fully express
themselves in English.

Lack of confidence when using English

Learners do not seize the opportunity to demonstrate their competence and do not
remember that it is essential that they use English more to make progress at the final
milestone (tests).

2.4 How Can Teachers Help Their Students Overcome Hearing Comprehension

Taking away the comfort blanket

My first answer to this question is don’t worry about it. This might sound
controversial but in my experience the more you nag teenagers, the less likely they are to do
what you ask them to do. There’s an old expression: you can lead a horse to water but you
can’t make it drink. So our job is to explain why it’s a good idea to use English and create
the right environment but not to force the students to do it. So I suppose the question could
be: how can I create the right environment to encourage my students to stop using the
comfort blanket?

If we know what is stopping the students from using English then we might be closer
to the answer. I think there are three main reasons why students don’t use English in pair
work and group work.

1. They are scared to make mistakes

School culture often makes students scared to make mistakes; it might not be what we
are doing in our English lessons but what is going on when they are not being taught
languages. That means we need to work hard to overcome their resistance to error rather
than highlight every error the students make. Often students are scared that if they make
mistakes they will be marked down, so let’s let them know that mistakes are an essential part
of the learning process.

To do this we could have ‘quantity not quality’ days where we tell the students they
will be marked on how much they say not on how they say it. Also we could have a dice or
spinning wheel with typical mistakes written on it. For each speaking activity we spin the
wheel and whatever it lands on is the mistakes the teacher listens for and corrects. This
shows students they can learn from their mistakes. Finally, as a teacher it is really important
to respond to the content of what is being said. So if your student says “I went in Rome”,
initially respond to the fact they were in Rome rather than the fact they have their
preposition wrong.

2. They don’t have any ideas

An oft heard quote is that students don’t have any ideas, but in the feedback to the
survey many teachers said the students were on task but just not using English. So can we
use this to our advantage? Could we allow the preparation time to be in the students’ L1?
Allow them time to come up with ideas and then translate them. Would this give them the
tools to give more than just one- or two-word answers?

Whatever we do, I think for speaking activities to work, preparation time is a

necessity not a luxury. I also think it is important to give students a chance to work in pairs
to plan what they are going to say before changing pairs and asking them to do the activity.
It is often a nice idea to repeat the activity with a new partner, the students will feel the first
one was a rehearsal and they feel more relaxed second time around, (maybe even stealing
some of their previous partner’s ideas.) Finally, you could give the students opinions; maybe
students are too shy to say what they really feel for fear of being ridiculed, so if we tell them

they have to argue against X or in favour of Y then they can hide behind the ‘role’ they have
been given.

3. They don’t see the point

I often hear teachers say that students don’t see the point. Maybe a reason for this is
that if they are in a class of twenty then they realise the teacher can’t listen to all of them at
the same time, so they only feel they are learning when the teacher is listening. One thing we
could try is to ask the students to record themselves using their phones or other recording
devices. They could send us their recordings so we can use something from it in the next
lesson and they can keep a record for themselves.

A lot of respondents to the survey said their students don’t listen to each other. This is
a common problem, turning speaking into a series of monologues. One way to combat this is
to have an activity within an activity. For example, ask your students to answer as a famous
person or as another student in the class, or try to get random words into the speaking
activity, or to slip in a lie. Their partner has to listen and guess who they are, or guess what
the word was or what the lie was, training them to listen.

So throw away your ‘No L1’ signs, stop worrying when L1 pops up, and allow
students to have their comfort blanket when they need it. But let them know why you want
them to speak English, let them know that you actually welcome mistakes not frown on
them, they are part of the process of learning, and encourage students to listen to each other
by bringing fun to speaking activities and hopefully you’ll soon have them leaving their
comfort blankets behind by themselves. 2.5 Solutions to help students overcome listening
comprehension problems


2.7 Conceptual framework of the study



This chapter provides detailed information about the study design, the context of
research and participants. Besides, more details will be provided related to the tools
used in this study.

3.1 Research design

The study was conducted to examine the effects of bilingualism in English

classrooms of teachers and students at the Kiwi English Center and to offer
appropriate solutions.

The purpose of the study is to see what positive and negative effects the use of
bilingualism in teaching and learning English in both English and Vietnamese has.

The data collection process includes 2 assessment table, and a questionnaire.

Various tools have been used to determine attitudes and motivations for learning
English listening and speaking skills, how teachers and students use English, and
difficulties encountered by teachers and students. right, etc. These tools are then
explained both quantitatively and qualitatively. As described earlier in Chapter 1, the
research questions considered in the study and the different tools used to collect the

1. What are the effects of using bilingualism in teaching and learning English?

2. What solutions for overcoming using bilingualism in teaching and learning


3.2 Context of the study

The study was conducted at Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School. This is a school
located in Dong Nai province. Currently, the school is meeting national standards and
gradually bringing the school to achieve the 3rd level of quality accreditation. The

school always pays attention to comprehensive education for students and focuses on
fostering gifted students. With spacious facilities with 30 standard classrooms, and
functional classrooms, besides modern equipment to meet the requirements of
innovation in teaching methods, as well as the teaching qualifications of the lecturers
are rated as good quality. The school focuses on real learning, real exams, real scores,
real knowledge, learning to make a career. This is where the educational program, the
school's teaching plan is made according to the guidance of the Ministry of Education
and Training, so studying at a secondary school is a right choice. With such a quality
educational environment, it will train many high potential students, every year in the
new semester, about 300 students enroll. The school is training 4 blocks: 6th grade,
7th grade, 8th grade and 9th grade (age 11-15 years old), the time frame for students
includes morning shift (5 lessons) and afternoon shift (5 lessons), the schedule is
arranged to suit the students. This study will choose grade 9 of Nguyen Van Troi
Secondary School to study because this is an important study time for students to take
the final exam and transfer exam to grade 10, so the quality of students need to keep
grasp all the factors learned knowledge is very important and that will have a lot of
varied and different survey results. This will help answer these questions so that our
research will be easier and more accurate. English is one of the subjects that are really
necessary for all students at Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School, it is a subject that
helps students develop thinking, use English reasonably and correctly, these are
important knowledge for students to lay the foundation for later. Besides, the Ministry
of Education as well as Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School choose English as a
compulsory subject in the entrance exams and assessment of students' ability. But
according to the survey situation, it shows that learning listening skills of English
subject is most limited in the remaining 3 skills: Speaking, Reading, Writing.
Therefore, the study of attitudes, how to practice and spirit learning listening skills in
English at this school will help them solve the situations are encountered difficulty in
practicing listening skills.

3.3 Participants of the study

We specifically target 9th graders at Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School as the
research object for this study, because students in 9th grade are in the decisive stage
of assessing whether students have mastered knowledge of subjects including English
or not? This is a decisive condition for students to decide to take the entrance exam to
grade 10. So this is the object that helps us to study the difficulties and solutions
clearly and accurately.

Grade 9 of Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School has a total of 6 classes of 45

students each, so the participants are divided as follows:

Group 1: Participants 1 (Grade 9/1, 45 students have 21 boys and 24 girls),

participant 2 (Grade 9/2, 45 students with 22 boys and 23 girls), participant 3 (Grade
9/3, 45 students with 20 boys and 25 girls).

Group 2: Participants 4 (Grade 9/4, 45 students with 19 boys and 26 girls),

Participants 5 (Grade 9/5, 45 students with 20 boys and 25 girls), who class 6 (Grade
9/6, 45 students with 21 boys and 24 girls).

Overall, there were 270 students in total, a situation where there were more girls
than boys in each class. Due to the ongoing epidemic situation, most of the students
have started learning online and thus the participants have started to get used to 4.0
devices. We suggested the school principal through their online learning channel, and
we surveyed 100% of the 9th grade students at Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School,
no participants were absent and declined to participate in this survey.

All of these participants are 15 years old, none of them are foreigners, 100% of
participants were raised and born in Vietnam. Because this participant is in 9th grade,
we put them in the B1 level frame (corresponding to level B1 according to the CEFR
framework) to survey and assess their listening skills.

3.4 Instruments

The purpose of the study is to find out the reasons that the 9th grade students of
Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School are facing, have they solved their problem in

practicing English listening skills? From there, we will draw useful solutions to help
them improve their English listening skills. The tools used are a pre-test and post-test,
a questionnaire.

3.4.1 Questionnaire

In general, on the survey form, we have created 10 questions based on conditions,

social situations, personal information, daily activities around 9th grade students at
Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School. Since all 9th graders are required to take
English as a core subject, our sample range is 270 students divided equally among 6
classes, with 45 students in each class. Due to the complicated situation of covid 19,
all students across the country learn online on media such as phones, laptops, etc., so
students will easily access online websites, so they I conduct an online survey with a
google survey for students to enter answers to each question (Appendix A).

We suggest by means of a written request to the school administration, that, in

order for us to have some time after they finish class, we will have students fill out a
survey after approval from the school administration (Appendix D).

First, in our survey sample, their personal information must be determined by a

simple yes or no question about male or female gender, which will show the
difference of which gender to invest more time to study and practice English listening
skills, and we rely on this survey data to double check if there are enough

Next, we asked them a question: Are they passionate about English? This
question will show that students have a lower or higher interest in English than in the
subjects they have studied such as math, literature, chemistry, geography, history, etc.
When they really love the English language, they will be motivated and have the will
to learn and learn about English seriously and they will realize the importance of
English instead of some reason to pass the subject enough, but that reason will affect
learning negatively, easily cause boredom when learning English, and we find out the
reason by asking sub-questions to find out why they don't like English. Based on the
results found, can we tell if it's a number worth worrying about? As for the current

student situation for English because if they don't like English, they will not seriously
study leading to bad academic results and affect their later knowledge because they
do not have a solid foundation.

After we study about the interest in English, we will ask deeper questions about
the skills of English listening, reading, writing, speaking and which of those skills are
the most difficult. This question tells us whether Listening skill is the most difficult
skill and an obstacle is also an important factor that makes grade 9 students dislike
English or not? Therefore, we have to research and come up with solutions to help
students overcome listening skills in this study. To find out if the amount of
knowledge of the student is stable or not?

Next is a choice question for us to learn about the importance of students about
listening to English. This question can tell us if students have a serious attitude to
studying and understanding the subjects they are studying in class? The fact that
students understand the importance of this but still find it very difficult to listen to
English, so we have a question about learning like doing you study at home or at
another English Center? Because the current situation of many unscrupulous centers
can affect students' learning, we need to identify students who have been studying on
their own or at other English centers. Besides that, English teacher in class about
specifying reasonable methods of teaching listening skills? Can this question
demonstrates that the teacher is an important cause of teaching? If teachers teach
incorrectly and are not careful, the learning process of students is extremely low.

We learn more about the learning conditions of students often using practice
listening English, if the students have good conditions when using modern 4.0
devices and when students listen to English using a device such as a Smartphone or
Laptop, it will help them get a quality and easy-to-use audio file.

Currently in the world there are many learning resources for students to refer to,
We asked them how they learn? This question shows the student's learning spirit is
still at what level? Have they established and found the best source of learning

methods for themselves? Does this help us determine if this is the cause of the
student's difficulty?

We will begin to further investigate their learning style by asking questions about
how students do when they are practicing their English listening skills. This is a
question to determine if students learn to listen normally or to learn to listen
attentively. If it is a normal method of listening, students need to improve and change
the way they learn in accordance with their ability.

The last question of the survey is also a question to find out the main cause more
clearly about the difficulties when students practice English listening skills.
Therefore, we have to research more ways for us to help them overcome these
difficulties when they learn English listening skills.

After we design these questions, we will translate them into Vietnamese for
students to understand and tick the boxes most accurately, the Vietnamese translation
is written in each question for the students to look easily understand and avoid
wasting time. Some questions have several prompts and students can choose from
multiple options (Appendix A). This questionnaire collected 270 students, the
questionnaire was completed after the pre-test. Here are 10 questions used:

1. What is your gender?

2. Do you like English?

3. In four skills of English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Which skill do
you find the most difficult?

4. How important do you think English listening skills are?

5. Do you study at another English Center or self-study?

6. Does your English teacher use appropriate methods in teaching listening skills?

7. What media do you usually practice listening with?

8. What other ways do you often practice listening to English?

9. How do you listen to English?

10. What difficulties do you face when listening to English?

3.4.2 Pre-Test and Post-Test

We test the ability of students by Pre-Test and Post-Test, these tests are Pet
system taken from Cambridge English “Preliminary English Test For School 1”. We
will compile all these 25 questions into an online google form (Appendix B,
Appendix C), because now the world has entered the 4.0 period, today's modern
means of communication are smartphones or laptops along with the Internet. The
internet has helped students adapt to online learning and learn a lot of knowledge
around them. According to the survey results, the majority of 9th grade students at
Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School have used these technology devices as an
essential tool in their lives, so it is appropriate for me to conduct a survey using the
google online form page and avoid wasting students' time. We will upload the mp3
file of the test to google drive and then upload that google drive link to the Test page
we have created, students will easily hear the clear audio file. We suggest the
management board to allow us to conduct the Pre-Test and Post-test for students on

two different days (Pre-Test is done on the day the student completes our survey,
Post- Test: after 3 weeks of doing Pre-Test) by sending an email to the school
(Appendix D), after having the approval of the management board, we proceed to
collect research samples. After students completed their lesson, we will introduce
ourselves as students from the Department of Foreign Languages of Dong Nai
University of Technology who come here to conduct a study on the difficulties and
solutions for the 9th grade of Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School about English
listening skills, From there you gain our trust, then we will guide students to take the

Students take the Pre-Test and Post-Test for 35 minutes and the Pre-Test and Post-
Test consists of four parts divided in sequence:

Part 1: Multiple choice with pictures.

Part 2: Multiple choice with short question.

Part 3: Gap fill.

Part 4: Multiple choice with – Yes/No.

After the test period ended, we thanked the students in each class and graded their
test the next day. From there, we took the resulting data and analyzed the data to see
the capacity situation on practicing English listening skills.

First, we performed the Pre-Test for all 6 groups of participants (270 students) as
detailed in section 3.3 Participants of the study (including grades 9/1, 9/2, 9/3, 9/4,
9/5, 9/6) to get data and assess the English listening ability of current students to find
out the causes and draw solutions for students Grade 9 Nguyen Van Troi Secondary
School. Next step we divided into two groups (Group 1: 9/1, 9/2, 9/3; Group 2: 9/4,
9/5, 9/6).

In group 1, we will apply the measures in sections 2.4 and 2.5 of this research title
to help them gain a lot of experience and improve their English listening skills. We
also share our contact information with students to answer questions and solve
problems for students. Besides, we provide students with more tips and ways to

divide their time to practice listening English appropriately, We help them practice
listening skills by Pet questions from Cambridge English “Preliminary English Test
For School 2” to improve your listening skills consists of three practice tests
(Different questions from Pre-Test and Post-Test, similar in the format to 4 parts)
(Appendix E, Appendix F, Appendix G) at the end of Saturday every week (for 3
weeks), to help students hear correctly, learn more vocabulary and avoid mistakes
like in the Pre-Test. The rest is group 2, we don't apply measures for them for three
weeks. The last step, after the three-week period is over, we will have them do a Post-
Test to evaluate the capacity of the 2 groups, thereby leading to the results of whether
this study is correct, exactly and reasonable or not?

We do an in-depth analysis of the parts of 3 Pet lessons that we practice for

students in three weeks:

Regarding part 1, this part helps students to reflect English quickly through the
dialogues in the listening test, carefully determine the topic question. Besides helping
them supplement and check their vocabulary of life knowledge, students can identify
images and guess ideas in the conversation of the listening text. This part helps
students learn more synonyms and antonyms, adapting to the character's voice in the
dialogue. Students can gradually catch up with the speed of the listening test.

As for part 2, this section helps students practice being careful about how to
identify the question given by the test and helps students divide the time to listen to
the full meaning of the question, which helps students learn more synonyms and
antonyms, adapt to the character's voice in the dialogue. Students can gradually catch
up with the speed of the listening test.

Regarding part 3, this part helps students understand the main idea and find
keywords of the listening passage, listen and understand the problem in the listening
passage, students can correct spelling mistakes and learn a lot of vocabulary. Students
do not fill in the answers incorrectly and carefully read the passage containing the
blanks carefully. Students adapt to the character's voice in the dialogue. Students can
gradually catch up with the speed of the listening test.

The last part 4: help students listen to a conversation to understand in detail the
meaning and determine the attitude and point of view of the character in the listening
text, so that the students do not misunderstand and do not mishear keywords. Help
students select clear information from the points of view offered by the test. Students
adapt to the character's voice in the dialogue. Students can gradually catch up with the
speed of the listening test.

3.5 Data collection procedure

Our survey for about 270 9th graders at Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School. We
have conducted a survey to get information, from that information we find out the
causes and solutions for them to improve their English listening skills. In addition, we
have used 2 Pet level tests of Cambridge English (Cambridge English Language
Assessment) which is a system of testing English skills with many levels, in order to
assess the level and ability to use English language skills, using the test taker's foreign
language, thereby granting an International English certificate, these 2 Pet proficiency
tests are qualified to match the capacity and knowledge of 9th grade students at
Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School. From that, the most accurate and effective
results were drawn for this study

Based on the survey results, the first step of the data collection process is to
prepare the survey questionnaire and two Cambridge English Pet level tests
“Preliminary English Test For School 1”. To avoid cheating and students using
materials while taking the test, we have applied the Zoom software that they often
study online with other subjects to observe the students doing the test through the

The second step, is to collect data from a 10-question survey, we do the survey on
September 6, 2021, on that day we will suggest some time after school, then we I let
you do the survey. We have collected different answers, but in general they are
having a lot of trouble in English listening skills. After the students finished, we took
the results on September 8, 2021. Step 3 is to collect Pre-Test and Post-Test data. We
prepared in the step 1, compiled all these 25 questions into a google online form,

because now the world has entered the 4.0 era, today's modern media smartphones or
laptops along with the internet has helped students adapt to online learning and learn
a lot of knowledge around them. According to the survey results, the majority of 9th
grade students at Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School have used these technology
devices as an essential tool in their lives, so it is appropriate for me to conduct a
survey using the google online form page and avoid wasting students' time. We will
upload the mp3 file of the test to google drive and then upload that google drive link
to the Pre-Test and Post-Test pages that we have created, students can easily hear the
audio file clearly. On September 13, 2021, we got the consent of the school
administration, after the students finished their studies, we will introduce ourselves as
students of the foreign language department of Dong Nai University of Technology to
give them our trust, we will then guide students to take the Pre-Test. After the test
period ended, we thanked the students in each class and graded their test on
September 14, 2021 to derive the student's current performance status. Next, we
divided two groups of students: 1 group applied the measure (Group1), 1 group did
not apply the measure (Group 2). We did it for three weeks. On October 4th we did
the same process as the Pre-Test.

Besides, we use the survey page by google online form to extract and put the data
we have collected into using excel software to calculate the percentage of the survey
results, then We will publish key percentages via pie chart and compare them with
each other.

3.6 Data analysis procedure

3.6.1 Data analysis from questionnaire

We conducted the survey on September 6, 2021 with a survey form with 10

questions and selected the results on September 8, 2021, on that day we will suggest
some time after students finished on class online, then we have them take the survey,
so there's a good chance that all the students will finish on time.

First, in our survey sample, their personal information must be determined by a

simple yes or no question about male or female gender, which will show the

difference of which gender to invest more time to study and practice English listening
skills, according to the survey, the number of female students is 147 students and the
number of male students is 123 students.

Next, the question: “Do you like English?” Fortunately, about 34% of the
students who checked in the box did not really like English, we had to find out the
reason by asking a secondary question to find out why they did not like English,
according to our results. There are many reasons: study pressure, not much time,
English with many new words is difficult, English grammar is difficult, English
teachers teach boringly, teachers only focus on textbooks and teaching grammar in a
sketchy way, leading to incorrect English knowledge, difficult pronunciation and so
on. Besides, about 5% don't fill in the reason simply because they don't like it.

About the question: “In four skills of English: listening, speaking, reading and
writing. Which skill do you find the most difficult?” 9% of students chose reading
skill, 13% of students chose speaking skill, 15% chose writing skill and 63% of
students chose listening skill.

Next is the question: “How important do you think English listening skills are?”
Up to 77% of students checked in 4 or more boxes.

The fact that students understand the importance of this and still find it very
difficult to listen to English, firstly for the question: "Do you study at another English
Center or self-study?" The results show that more than 56% of students study at an
English center, the rest are self-study at home. Second to the question: “Does your
English teacher use appropriate methods in teaching listening skills?” There are 63%
tick in box No.

With the question: "What media do you usually practice listening with?", more
than 71% of students chose smartphones, 25% of students used laptops, the remaining
few chose non-modern media such as: TV, radio or tapes/CDs.

Question: “What other ways do you often practice listening to English?” There
are many suggestions for them to choose from, all of which have a purpose and

qualifies as a resource for you to practice listening skills. There are 67% of students
choose 4 - 6 ways to practice listening to English.

Next, question: How do you listen to English? According to the survey, 71% of
students choose to learn to listen normally, the rest learn to listen to focus and other

The final question of the survey form: What difficulties do you face when
listening to English? We provided many sample suggestions according to the English
language difficulties we were studying, and a question to ask them about other
reasons. We were very surprised that 81% of the students ticked the 5 - 6 boxes we
gave, this is a very large number that surprised us. So we have to research more ways
for us to help them overcome these difficulties when they learn English listening

3.6.2 Data from Pre-Test and Post-Test

a. The Pre-Test

As a result of the Pre-Test, we have met the target of 270 students in grade 9 of
Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School, including 2 groups of participants Group 1 and
Group 2. On September 13th/ In 2021, we discussed with the teacher of each class
that day, after the students finished studying, we would introduce ourselves as
students of the foreign language department of Dong Nai University of Technology
so that they could have our trust, we will then proceed to guide students to take the
test. After the test period ended, we thanked the students in each class and graded
their test on September 14, 2021 to derive the student's current performance status.
We were surprised with the percentages of the average score of 9th grade students at
Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School. According to the 10-point scale, 8.5% of
students scored from 8 to 10; 35.2% of students scored from 6 to 7; The remaining
56.3% of students achieved average and poor scores. This is a large number that
proves that many students have poor listening skills.

Chart Title

56.30 35.20
% %

Score 8-10 Score 6-7

Average and poor grades

Chart 1: Pre-Test results survey chart.

b. Post-Test
After three weeks, we got the results of two groups:
Group 1 (9/1, 9/2, 9/3): We scored the results for the students, making progress as
follows: 25.3% of the total students achieved scores from 8 to 10; 53.1% scored
between 7 and 8 and the rest 21.6% scored average and poor.
Group 2 (9/4, 9/5, 9/6): This group we do not apply measures. After three weeks,
we got the results of two groups: 9.3% of the total students scored between 8 and 10;
39.1% scored between 7 and 8 and the rest 51.6% scored average and poor.

Chart Title Chart Title


21.60% 25.30%



Score 8-10 Score 6-7 Score 8-10 Score 6-7

Average and poor grades Average and poor grades

Chart 2: Group 1 Chart 3: Group 2



4.1 Analysis of data

4.1.1 Data analysis from questionnaire

First, in our survey sample, they have to identify their personal information with a
simple yes or no question about male or female gender, according to the survey, the
number of female students is 147 students and the number of male students is 123
students. This number proves that we have fulfilled our target of 270 students in grade
9 of Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School. Next, we asked them a question, are they
passionate about English? This question will show that students have a lower or higher
interest in English than in the subjects they have studied such as math, literature,
chemistry, geography, history, etc. Because when they really love the English, they
will be motivated and have the will to learn and study English seriously and they will
realize the importance of English instead of some reason to just pass the subject, but
that reason will affect learning negatively, easily causing boredom when learning
English. Fortunately, about 34% of the students who checked the box did not really
like English, we had to find out the reason by asking a sub-question to find out why
they don't like English, according to the results. Many reasons: study pressure, not
much time, English with many new words is difficult to learn, English grammar is
difficult, English teachers teach boringly, teachers only focus on Textbooks and
grammar teaching in a sketchy way lead to incorrect English knowledge, difficult
pronunciation and so on. Besides that, about 5% don't fill in the reason simply because
they don't like it. The results show that it is also a worrying number when the current
situation of students towards English because if they don't like English, they will not be
serious about studying, leading to bad academic results and negative impacts to later
knowledge because there is no solid foundation.

After we study about the interest in English, we will ask deeper questions about
the skills of English listening, reading, writing, speaking and which of those skills are
the most difficult. 9% of students chose reading skill, 13% of students chose speaking
skill, 15% chose writing skill and 63% of students chose listening skill. This result
shows that the percentage of Listening skill is the most difficult skill and an obstacle is
also an important factor that makes grade 9 students dislike English.

Next is a choice question so that we can make sure the students understand the
importance of listening to English? Up to 77% of students checked in 4 or more boxes,
which shows that most of the 9th grade students of Nguyen Van Troi Secondary
School are having a very serious study attitude, learning the subjects they are studying
in class. But the students understand the importance of this and still find it very
difficult to listen to English, so we ask the students about learning as if you were self-
studying at home or at another English Center? The results show that more than 56% of
students study at an English center, the rest are self-study at home. Then we ask the
question: Did the teacher in your class give you clear learning methods? 63% ticked
the box No, proving one thing that teachers are an important cause, if their English
teachers teach in the wrong way and are ambiguous, it leads to the situation that
students do not understand the learning method and adversely affects their learning

We found out more about the learning conditions of students, what media do they
usually use to practice listening to English, more than 71% of students chose
smartphones, 22% of students used laptops, the rest chose non-modern media such as:
TV, radio or tapes/CD. Proving that 9th grade students of Nguyen Van Troi Secondary
School have good conditions when using modern 4.0 equipment. When students listen
with a device such as a Smartphone or Laptop, it will help them get a quality and easy-
to-use audio file.

Currently in the world there are many learning resources for students to refer to,
We ask them how they learn? And given many suggestions for them to choose, these
suggestions are all purposeful and qualifies as a source of material for you to practice

listening skills. There are 67% of students choose 4 ways to practice listening to
English. This shows that students' learning spirit is still at an average level, they have
not established and found the best source of learning methods. This is also the cause of
difficulties for students today.

We will begin to further investigate their learning style by asking the question:
How do you listen to English? We suggested 4 ways to practice listening and 1 more
question about their opinion about their learning style. Because this is a question to
determine whether students learn to listen normally or to learn to listen attentively.
According to the survey, 71% of students choose to learn to listen normally, the rest
learn to listen to focus and other ideas. Such common learning methods, students need
to improve and change the way they learn in accordance with their ability. Gradually
practicing each level from A1 to B1, students need to listen more attentively because
this will help them easily conquer English listening skills.

The last question of the survey form is also a question to find out the main cause
more clearly: What difficulties do you face when listening to English? We provided
many sample suggestions according to the English language difficulties we were
studying, and a question to ask them about other reasons. We were very surprised that
81% of the students ticked the 6 boxes we gave, this is a very large number that
surprised us. So we have to research more ways for us to help them overcome these
difficulties when they learn English listening skills.

4.1.2 Analyze data from Pre-Test and Post-Test

a. The Pre-Test

We were surprised with the percentages of the average score of 9th grade students
at Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School. According to the 10-point scale, 8.5% of
students scored from 8 to 10; 35.2% of students scored from 6 to 7; The remaining
56.3% of students achieved average and poor scores. This is a large number that proves
that many students have poor listening skills.

So we analyze the data further in the sections of the Pre-Test:

Regarding part 1, we got the result that 45.7% of the total students got from the
correct level of 4 sentences out of 7 sentences, this is an average number, showing the
English reflexes of the students through the dialogues in the listening is low, besides,
they still lack much vocabulary about life knowledge, so when they look at some
pictures and they can't identify the vocabulary, it leads to misheard and under heard.

As for part 2, we found that 40.6% of all students got 3 to 6 sentences right, a
worrying number, while we observed the students in this listening section, they I find
students very distracted and in a hurry, many students have not determined what the
question is about and have not given the right time to listen to the full meaning of the
question, after students take that part, there are some The students suggested to us that
there are many synonyms that they have not learned and have not adapted to the
character's voice in the dialogue, these are the reasons they are worried.

Regarding part 3: 41.5% of the total number of students got 3 or more blanks
correct. This number is close to the average, many students do not understand the main
idea of the listening text, cannot find the keywords to listen, listen in a way that leads
to not understanding the problem, while we grade the students. In this section, many
students make spelling mistakes, a few students fill in their answers incorrectly because
they did not read the passage containing the blanks carefully.

The last part 4: 39.4% of students got 3 to 6 questions right (out of 6 questions),
this number has dropped lower than the above sections. The students listening to a
conversation do not understand the details of the meaning and determine the attitude
and point of view of the character in the listening passage, leading to the students
misunderstanding the idea, listening to the wrong vocabulary. The biggest mistake is
that many students do not read the opinion sentence that the test gives.

Percentage of students correcting parts of the Test
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Chart 4: Percentage of students correcting parts of the Pre-Test

From this result, it shows that the English listening ability of 9th grade students at
Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School is still limited and challenged by the average

b. The Post-Test

Group 1 (9/1, 9/2, 9/3): We scored the results for the students, making the
following improvements: 25.3% of the total students achieved the score from 8 to 10;
53.1% scored between 7 and 8; and the rest 21.6% scored average and poor.

To clarify, we analyze in detail the results of each part of Post-Test:

In Part 1, we found that 70.7% of the total students got 4 to 7 questions correct.
Thus, in this final test, the number increased by 25%, the students drew from the
experience of Pre-Test, learned more vocabulary, identified the content of each picture,
listened to the speed of the song. Listening level, listen to the main idea of the

Next is Part 2, with 68.5% of the total students getting 3 to 6 sentences right,
improved by 27.9%. Students have understood the cause and found a way to fix it,
know how to carefully read the requirements of the test and understand the answers
and suggestions of the test given, effectively divide the listening time with each

question, learn Students are familiar with the character's voice in the listening passage,
understand the main idea and find the keywords to look for.

In addition, Part 3 has 71.8% of students correctly filling in 3 to 6 blank boxes, an

increase of 30.3% compared to Pre-Test. Students can clearly hear the vocabulary in
the listening test and understand clearly topic, find the main idea and keywords. Do not
misspell and listen to the listening speed of the listening passage.

Finally, in Part 4, 67.2% of students answered correctly from 3 to 6 questions,

increasing by 27.8%, this percentage proves that the students really focused on the test.
By checking their own listening, without distraction, the students understood the details
of the meaning and identified attitudes and opinions in the dialogue, read and
understood each sentence in the test and took the test carefully.

Percentage of students Group 1 correcting parts of the Test

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Chart 5: Percentage of students Group 1 correcting parts of the Test

In conclusion of Group 1, compared with the Pre-Test, through the measures that
our research topic has achieved, it has been effective for 9th grade students at Nguyen
Van Troi Secondary School. Thanks to that, they can conquer English listening skills,
no longer afraid and worried about it.

Group 2 (9/4, 9/5, 9/6): This group we do not apply measures. After three weeks,
we got the results of two groups: 9.3% of the total students scored between 8 and 10;
39.1% scored between 7 and 8 and the rest 51.6% scored average and poor.
• For part 1, we got 46.7% of the total number of students who got 4 outs of 7 correct
answers, which is the average number,

• For part 2, we find 40.6% of all students got 3 to 6 sentences correct, which is a
percentage that is close to below average.

• Regarding part 3: 42.5% of the total students got 3 or more blanks correct.

• The last part 4: 38.4% of students got 3 to 6 questions right (out of 6 questions), this
number has been lowered compared to the above sections.

Percentage of students Group 2 correcting parts of the Test

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Chart 5: Percentage of students Group 2 correcting parts of the Test

In general of Group 2, these percentages have not improved compared to the Pre-
Test, the students of this group have not learned from experience, made mistakes and
do not understand the importance of listening to English leading to poor results than
the results of Group 1.

4.2 Discussion of results

During our research, we completely focused on the spirit, attitude and effort of
the students, which is a very important and indispensable part of learning English
listening skills. We have to choose specific and clear learning methods as a matter of
great need. Put the problem of the importance of listening to English in the teaching of
teachers as well as students to improve their vocabulary, practice more interest in

learning to listen to English to avoid boredom and sleepiness when students learn in
class or practice listening skills at home. I mentioned the use of entertainment sites
"play while learning". In order for students to enjoy learning English listening skills,
the method we use must really attract and attract students such as cakes, website,
quizzes, listen a minute,... Besides that, I help them divide specific time in the most
reasonable way so as not to affect their health and spirit while learning English
listening skills. In this research, I have collected specific and clear data. Based on that,
I've found surprising findings. Through research, I also realized the importance of
using modern devices such as smartphones and laptops, websites that are not boring for
learners of English listening skills with endless sources online of information and
knowledge will bring great effects for learning English listening skills. Through our
research, all the results obtained show the interaction of students, we highly appreciate
their interactive spirit. Based on the outstanding progress with the results of Group 2
after we conducted the research, it helped our research methods in a right direction,
clear and accurate, serious when carry out this study.



The use of bilingualism in teaching and learning is a good method, but for English learning,
it becomes more worrisome when teachers and students abuse Vietnamese to teach and learn
English. So that the parallel existence of the two views 'It is not possible to completely
eliminate the use of Vietnamese in English classes' and 'It is necessary to practice and fully
apply English in foreign language lessons' are not contradictory. and cause great obstacles in
teaching English, teachers need to be given more flexibility in choosing to handle the
content of the lesson. When the teacher actively invests time, prepares the content design,
and anticipates the possible situations in the classroom, the causes of time constraints or the
complexity of the vocabulary or structure problems. grammatical structure, as well as the
difference in ability of students ... can all be solved in the target language without the
support of the mother tongue


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