Lifestyle Challenges
Lifestyle Challenges
Lifestyle Challenges
Mind, Nutrition,
Kawthar, Latifa M, Shaikha A | 9A
01 02
Healthy Lifestyle Mental Health
What is overall healthy lifestyle Overall habits that contribute to mental, and
and its importance. Kawthar emotional well-being. Latifa
03 04
Physical Fitness Proper Nutrition
Engaging in regular physical activity to Eating a balanced diet that includes various
maintain and improve health. Shaikha nutrients essential for health. Kawthar
Healthy Lifestyle
Living a healthy lifestyle is important for
staying strong and feeling good. Be active
regularly, eat a balanced diet with plenty of
fruits and whole grains, and find ways to
manage stress. Stay safe by wearing seatbelts,
avoiding smoking, and practicing safe habits.
Sleep well, keep in touch with family and
friends, and protect your skin from the sun by
using sunscreen. These simple steps lead to better
health and well-being over time.
Mental Health
Staying physically healthy is very important for overall well-being, which includes our
mental and emotional health. Here are some simple habits you can practice:
1. Exercise Regularly : Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week,
like walking, jogging, or dancing. This can help lift your mood and reduce stress.
2. Eat a Balanced Diet : Focus on eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean
proteins. A healthy diet can help you feel better both physically and mentally.
3. Get Enough Sleep : Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Good sleep helps
your body and mind recover and stay sharp.
4. Stay Hydrated : Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body
functioning well.
5. Practice Relaxation : Engage in activities like yoga or meditation to relax your mind
and reduce stress. By following these simple habits, you can improve your physical
health, which will also help your mental and emotional well-being.
Physical fitness
Engaging in regular physical
activity is crucial for maintaining
good health. It helps control
weight, strengthens the heart,
and builds strong bones and
muscles while reducing the risk of
diseases like diabetes and heart
conditions. It also helps boosts
mental health by relieving stress
and improving moods
A balanced diet gives your body the nutrients it needs to stay
healthy. It includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean
proteins like chicken or beans, and healthy fats from nuts or
avocados. These foods provide energy, support muscle health,
improve brain function, and strengthen the immune system.
A balanced diet is important for preventing diseases, boosting
energy, and helping you stay focused and healthy.
Healthy Diet
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created by Slideshow, including icons by
Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik