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IV. Match the following 2. Name the four cardinal directions.

1. Latitude
(a) 0° longitude
Ans. North, East, South, and West.
2. Prime Meridian 3. What is an atlas?
(6) Halfway betwecn Ans. An atlas is a book or collection of maps.
poles 4. What is the scale on a map used for?
3. Equator (c) Measures distance Ans. The scale on a map is used tO represent the distanoe
from the Equator on the ground.
4. Meridians of 5. What is the Prime Meridian also known as?
(d) Grid lines on a globe Ans. TbePrime Meridian is also known as the Greenwich
S. Scale Meridian.
(e) 0° longitude 6. What is latitude?
Answers: 1. - (c) 2. - (a) 3. - (e) 4. -(d) Ans. Latitude measures the distance from the Equator.
5.- (b)
V. 7. What are meridians of longitude?
Assertion-Reason Type Questions Ans. Meridians of longitude are imaginary lines running
There are two statements in each question from the North Pole to the South Pole.
marked as
Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Choose your answer as per 8. What is the Equator?
the options given below: Ans.The Equator is the line of 0° latitude, halfway
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the between the North Pole and the South Pole.
explanation of (A). 9. How many degrees is the Earth divided into for
(6) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the latitude?
correct Ans. The Earth is divided into 90 degrees for latitude.
explanation of (A).
10. What is the International Date Line?
(c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
(a) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct. Ans. The International Date Line is an imaginary line at
1. Assertion (A): A map shows a large area in detail.
approximately 180° longitude, marking the change
of a day.
Reason (R): Maps are drawn to scale, which helps
in representing large areas accurately.
VII. Short Answer Type Questions
2. Assertion (A): The Equator is the largest circle of 1. Explain the difference between a political map and
latitude. aphysical map.
Reason (R): The Equator is halfway between the Ans. A political map shows boundaries and cities,
North Pole and the South Pole. whereas a physical map shows natural features like
mountains and rivers.
3. Assertion (A): Longitude helps in measuring time.
Reason (R): Longitude measures distance from the 2. Why is the Equator considered the largest circle of
Prime Meridian.
Ans. The Equator is considered the largest circle of
4. Assertion (A): A physical map shows countries and latitude because it is the line of 0° latitude and
their boundaries. divides the Earth into Northern and Southern
Reason (R): A physical map includes natural Hemispheres.
features like mountains and rivers. 3. What are the main uses of a map?
5. Assertion (A): The International Date Line helps Ans. The main uses of a map are to represent areas, show
in changing the date. locations, and provide directions.
Reason (R): The International Date Line is located 4. Describe the importance of the Prime Meridian.
at 0° longitude. Ans. The Prime Meridian is important as it is the
Answers: 1, - (c) 2. -(a) 3. - (b) 4.-(a). 5.- (c) reference point for measuring longitude and divides
the Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
VI. Very Short Answer Type Questions 5. How do time zones relate to meridians of longitude?
1. What does a map represent? Ans. Time zones are based on 'meridians of longitude,
Ans. A map represents an area and shows how to get to with each zone representing a specific hour
different places. difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
VIll. Long Answer Type Questions IX. Source-based Questions
1. Discuss the significance of the Equator and the Read the below passage and answer the following
Prime Meridian in geography. questions:
Ans. The Equator and the Prime Meridian are significant
in geography as thcy serve ns the referencc lincs for A map is a reprcsentation or a drawing of an area.
It shows us how to get to different places. There are
latitude and longitude, respcctivcly. The Equator different kinds of maps, such as political, physical,
divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern thematic, and road maps. Political maps show countries
Hemispheres, while the Prime Meridian divides it and cities, while physical maps show natural features
into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Thesc like mountains and rivers. Thematic maps provide
lines help in determining locations, understanding specific kinds of information, such as population density
climate zones, and measuring time differences. The or climate. Road maps are used for navigation, showing
Equator is also the largest circle of latitude, and the roads, highways, and important landmarks. Maps
Prime Meridian is the starting point for measuring have various elements, including symbols, scales, £nd
longitude. directions, which help in understanding the represented
2. Explain how maps and globes help in understanding area. The Prime Meridian and the Equator are important
the Earth's geography. reference lines in geography, dividing the Earth into
hemispheres and helping in determining locations.
Ans. Maps and globes are essential tools for understanding
the Earth's geography. Maps provide a flat 1. What is the main purpose of a map?
representation of the Earth's surface, allowing for Ans. The main purpose of a map is to represent an area
detailed views of specific areas, while globes offer a and show how to get to different places.
three-dimensional perspective, accurately depicting 2. Name two types of maps mentioned in the passage
the shape and size of continents and oceans.
and their features.
They help in visualizing geographical features, Ans. Two types of maps mentioned are political maps,
understanding spatial relationships, planning routes, which show countries and cities, and physical maps,
and studying various aspects of the Earth's surface. which show natural features like mountains and
Maps can also be specialized to show political rivers.
boundaries, physical landscapes, and thematic
information, enhancing our knowledge of different 3. What elements are commonly found in maps?
regions. Ans. Common elements found in maps include symbols,
scales, and directions.
3. How do latitude and longitude work together to
pinpoint any location on Earth? Provide an example. X. Picture-based Questions
Ans. Latitude and longitude work together to pinpoint Observe the picture and answer the following questions:
any location on Earth by creating a grid system of
coordinates. Latitude measures the distance north
or south from the Equator, with the Equator at 0° North Pole
latitude and the poles at 90°N (North Pole) and 90°S
(South Pole). Longitude measures the distance east

or west from the Prime Meridian, which is at EUROPE
longitude and passes through Greenwich, England,
with values ranging from ° to 180° east or west. PRIME
By combining these two mneasurements, any
on Earth's surface can be precisely identified
a pair of coordinates. For example, the 30°N
for the city of New Delhi, India, are approximately

28.6139°N latitude and 77.2090°E longitude. This 30°W AFRICA 60°E

means New Delhi is located 28.6139 degrees Lattuae
east of the West Longitud
of the Equator and 77.2090 degrees accurate n EQUATOR
Prime Meridian. This system allows for
around the
navigation and mapping of locations 30


the Equator and
1. Which direction represents latitude? 3. What are the divisions created by
the Prime Meridian
Ans. Latitude measures the distance north or south of the and the Prime
Ans. The divisions created by the Equator
equator. Meridian are called hemispheres. The Equator
2. What is measured by longitude? divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern
Ans. Longitude measures the distance cast or west from Hemispheres, while the Prime Meridian divides
the Prime Meridian. into the Eastern and Western

XI. Map Skill

On the outline map of India, mark the Uijaini Prime Meridian.
I72 7 36
36 '68




20 20



76 8Þ 84 ,88 92

VI. Very Short Answer Type Questions 4. How are continents counted differently, and which
1. Why is Earth called the 'blue planet'? count is most widely adopted?
Ans. Because most of its surface is covercd with water, Ans. Continents can be counted as four, five, six, or
which appears blue from space. seven based on different criteria, but the most
widely adopted count is seven continents: Africa,
2. What are the five oceans mentioned in the text?
Ans. Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean,Indian Occan, Arctic Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America,
Ocean, and Southern Oceun. and South America.
3. What is the main cause of a tsunami? 5. What. is the significance of the Indian Antarctica
Ans. Strong earthquakes or volcanic eruptions at the Programme mentioned in the text?
bottom of the ocean. Ans. The Indian Antarctica Programme, which began in
4. What does the motto Sam noh Varunah" mean? 1981, explores Antarctica, conducting research on
Ans. "Be auspicious to us, O Varuna." climate and environment evolution. It established
5. Which two bodies of water are on either side of India's first scientific base station, Dakshin Gangotri,
India? in 1983.
Ans. The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.
6. What is the most widespread color seen from outer VIIl. Long Answer Type Questions
space when looking at Earth? 1. Discuss the significance of oceans and continents
Ans. Blue, representing water. in shaping the Earth's climate and life.
7. What nickname did early astronauts give to Earth? Ans. Oceans and continents play a vital role in shaping
Ans. The "blue planet'. the climate of the Earth by affecting all aspects
8. What are the largest water bodies on Earth called? of life, including plants, animals, and human life.
Ans. Oceans. They influence weather patterns, provide habitats
9. What is the Indian Navy's motto? for diverse species, and contribute to the water
Ans. "Sam noh Varunah" which means "Be auspicious to cycle, which is essential for rainfall and agriculture.
us, O Varuna "
Oceans also produce more than half of the world's
10. Which continent is mentioned as being explored by oxygen through marine fiora, regulating the clinmate
the Indian Antarctica Programme? and sustaining life on Earth. Additionally, oceans
Ans. Antarctica.
have historical and cultural significance as they
VII. Short Answer Type Questions have been used for migration, trade, military
1. What is the purpose of World Oceans Day according campaigns, and as a food source through fishing.
to the United Nations?
Coastal cultures are rich with tales and legends
about the sea, indicating the deep impact of oceans
Ans. Toremind us of the major role the ocean plays in on humanity.
everyday life, serving as the lungs of our planet, a
major source of food and medicine, and a critical 2. Explain the impact and aftermath of the 2004 Indian
Ocean tsunami on India.
part of the biosphere.
2. Explain the role of oceans in the Earth's water cycle Ans. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, caused by an
and climate regulation. earthquake in Indonesia on 26 December 2004, had
Ans. Oceans play a critical role in the Earth's water cycle a devastating impact on India. Over two lakh people
by contributing to rainfall through evaporation and lost their lives across the affected regions. In India,
precipitation. They also regulate the climate by the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, along with the
absorbingand distributing heat, producing oxygen, coasts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, were severely
and supporting diverse marine life. affected, suffering significant damage and loss of
3. What are the challenges faced by marine life. The disaster highlighted the need for effective
environments, and what actions are necessary for early. warning systems and disaster management.
their protection? Consequently, many countries, including India, now
Ans. Marine environments face challenges such as collaborate in early warning systems like the Indian
pollution from plastic waste and chemicals, Ocean Tsunami Warning System to protect lives and
overfishing, and habitat destruction. Protecting property from future tsunamis.
them requires reducing pollution, sustainable fishing 3. Discuss the challenges faced by the marine
practices, international cooperation, and raising environment and the collective responsibility to
awareness about marine conservation. protect it.


creatures. Each part of the ocean, from the sun-lit
Ans. The marine environment faces several challenges
due to human activities. Pollution, particularly from surface to the dark depths, has its own diverse
plastic waste, is a significant issue, with millions of forms.
tonnes of plastic being dumped into the occans cach
year, choking marine life. Other forms of pollution (0) Why are the lines dividing the five oceans on the
include chemical runoff, oil spills, and noise map considered to be conventions rather
pollution, all of which harm marine ccosystems. natural boundaries?
Overfishing is another major concern, leading to Ans. The lines dividing the five oceans on the man
the decline of marine species. Protecting the marine are considered conventions because the natural
environnent requires collective responsibility and world does not follow such boundaries. Seawater
action to reduce pollution, implement sustainable flows freely across different oceans, making these
fishing practices, and support conservation cfforts. divisions artificial.
Internationalcooperation and awarencss campaigns, (ii) What types of marine life are sustained by the
such as World Oceans Day, play a crucial role in interconnected flow of seawater across different
promoting the protection of oceans for the future of Oceans?
the planet and humanity. Ans. The interconnected flow of seawater sustains a
4. What are the roles of oceans in supporting marine rich diversity of marine life, including marine flora
life and regulating the Earth's climate? such as algae and seaweeds, and marine fauna such
Ans. Oceans support a vast diversity of marine life, as colorful fish, dolphins, whales, and deep-sea
including plants like algae and seaweeds, and creatures.
animals such as fish, dolphins, whales, and deep-sea (iii) What are some examples of marine flora and fauna
creatures. Each part of the ocean, from the sun-lit found across different oceans?
surface to the dark depths, hosts unique ecosystems. Ans. Examples of marine flora include tiny plants called
Oceans also play a critical role in regulating the algae and various seaweeds, while examples of
Earth's climate by absorbing and distributing heat marine fauna include colourful fish, dolphins,
around the planet. They contribute to the water whales, and numerous deep-sea creatures.
cycle, which is essential for rainfall, and produce 2. Read the below passage and answer the following
more than half of the world's oxygen through
marine flora, earning them the title of the planet's questions:
lungs. By stabilizing temperatures and supporting The oceans together hold most of the water available
the water cycle, oceans help maintain a habitable on the planet. But this seawater is salty and unfit for
environment on Earth.
consumption by most land animals, including humans.
IX. Source-based Questions On the other hand, freshwater makes up a very small
proportion of the planet's water resources; it is found
1. Read the below passage and answer the following in glaciers, rivers, lakes, in the atmosphere and also
questions: underground.
Although we have listed five oceans, it is clear from () Why is seawater unfit for consumption by most land
the map that they are not really separate. The lines animals, including humans?
conventions Ans. Seawater is unfit for consumption by most land
divide them on the map are no more than
such boundaries. animals, including humans, because it is salty.
the natural world does not follow
Seawater, for example, constantly flows across (ii) Where can freshwater be found on Earth?
marine life. Many Ans. Freshwater can be found in glaciers, rivers, lakes,
oceans, sustaining arich diversity of
plant and animal species can be found
across nmultiple in the atmosphere, and underground (called
tiny plants called groundwater).
oceans. The marine flora includes
algae and all kinds of seaweeds;
the marine fauna (iii) What is the term used for water found underground!
colourful fish, Ans. The term used for water found underground D
consists of thousands of species of
mysterious deep-sea 'groundwater.'
dolphins, whales, and countless

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