Paula Rudall - Anatomy of Flowering Plants (2020)
Paula Rudall - Anatomy of Flowering Plants (2020)
Paula Rudall - Anatomy of Flowering Plants (2020)
Fourth Edition
Understanding plant anatomy is not only fundamental to
the study of plant systematics and palaeobotany but also an
essential part of evolutionary biology, physiology, ecology
and the rapidly expanding science of developmental
genetics. This modernized new edition covers all aspects of
comparative plant structure and development, arranged in
a series of chapters on the stem, root, leaf, flower, pollen,
seed and fruit. Internal structures are described using
magnification aids from the simple hand lens to the
electron microscope. Numerous references to recent
topical literature are included, and new illustrations reflect
a wide range of flowering plant species. The phylogenetic
context of plant names has been updated as a result of
improved understanding of the relationships among
flowering plants. This clearly written text is ideal for
students studying a wide range of courses in botany and
plant science, and is also an excellent resource for
professional and amateur horticulturists.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
University Printing House, Cambridge CB2 8BS, United Kingdom
Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781108782104
© Paula J. Rudall 1987, 1992, 2007, 2020
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978-1-108-74912-1 Paperback
Preface page ix
2 Stem 24
3 Root 41
4 Leaf 54
5 Flower 72
Glossary 107
Select bibliography 122
Index 135
1.1 Organs
Plants are essentially modular organisms; each individual plant
consists of distinct but connected organs. In their turn, the organs
are composed of cells, which are mostly grouped into tissues.
Vegetative organs support photosynthesis and plant growth, and
reproductive organs enable sexual reproduction. In seed plants, the
primary vegetative organs are the root, stem and leaf (Figure 1.1).
Roots and stems have well-defined growing points at their apices,
but the leaves are determinate lateral organs that stop growing when
they reach a particular size and shape. When a seed germinates, the
seed coat (testa) is ruptured and the embryonic structures emerge
from opposite poles of the embryo: a seedling root (radicle) grows
downwards from the root apex and a seedling axis (hypocotyl)
bears the first leaves (cotyledons) and the shoot apex, which ulti-
mately develops new foliage leaves.
Primary pit fields are thin regions of the primary cell wall that
correspond with similar regions in the walls of neighbouring cells.
Pits have protoplasmic strands (plasmodesmata) passing through
them, connecting the protoplasts of adjacent cells. The connected
living protoplasts are collectively termed the symplast. Primary pit
fields often persist as thin areas of the wall even after a secondary
wall has been deposited. In simple pits, which occur on relatively
non-specialized cells such as parenchyma, the pit cavity is of more
or less uniform width. In bordered pits, which are present in
tracheary elements, the secondary wall arches over the pit cavity
so that the opening to the cavity is narrow and the outer rim of the
primary pit field appears as a border around the pit opening when
viewed through a light microscope18.
Figure 1.3 Lapageria rosea (monocot: Philesiaceae), stomatal pore and guard
cells (TEM). Scale = 10 µm
Figure 1.4 Idioblastic cells containing crystals of calcium oxalate. (a) Dioscorea
sosa (monocot: Dioscoreaceae), raphide crystals in a mucilage sheath. (b)
Cissus rhombifolia (eudicot: Vitaceae), druse (cluster crystal). (c) Atriplex
hymenelytra (eudicot: Amaranthaceae), druse. Scale = 10 µm
Figure 1.5 Oryza sativa, rice (monocot: Poaceae), H-shaped silica bodies
(phytoliths) in a leaf epidermis (SEM). Scale = 10 µm
8 Organs, cells and tissues
1.5 Meristems
Meristems are the growing points of the plant. They represent
localized regions of thin-walled, tightly packed living cells that
undergo frequent mitoses and often continue to divide indefinitely.
Most of the plant body is differentiated at the meristems, though cells
in other regions may also occasionally divide.
Apical meristems are located at the shoot apex (Figures 1.1, 2.1),
where the primary stem, leaves and flowers differentiate, and at the
root apex (Figures 3.1, 3.2), where primary root tissue is produced. In
flowering plants, the shoot and root apical meristems are highly
organized but differ from each other in many respects. Both shoot
and root apical meristems contribute to extension growth and are self-
renewing. The shoot apical meristem also initiates lateral organs
(leaves) at its flanks in a regular nodal arrangement, each node bearing
a single leaf, a pair of leaves or a whorl of leaves. Subsequent elonga-
tion of the shoot axis occurs at the stem internodes, either by diffuse
cell divisions and growth throughout the youngest internodes (unin-
terrupted meristem) or in a restricted region, often at the base of the
internode (intercalary meristem). Both intercalary and uninterrupted
meristems represent growth in regions of differentiated tissues.
Lateral meristems are important for stem thickening growth;
they include vascular cambium and the primary and secondary
1.5 Meristems 9
1.7 Tissues
Simple tissues, such as parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma,
consist of regions of similar individual cells, often interspersed with
isolated specialized cells (idioblasts43) and secretory cells or canals.
The bulk of the primary plant body (the ground tissue) consists of
12 Organs, cells and tissues
1.8 Epidermis
The outermost (dermal) cell layer, the epidermis, covers the entire
plant surface; in the root it is sometimes termed rhizodermis. The
aerial epidermis is covered with a hydrophobic cuticle layer that
consists primarily of a complex polymer, cutin, which forms
a protective barrier to water and CO2 and also prevents adhesion
between cells of adjacent organs in tightly packed structures such
as the bud. The cuticle permeates the outermost cell wall and also
forms an outer skin of varying thickness, often associated with
epicuticular waxes70 (Figure 4.7). The cuticle can be striated or
variously ornamented.
The epidermis is a primary tissue that is initially derived from
the protodermal cells of the apical meristem. In developing organs,
both anticlinal divisions and cell elongation extend the epidermis
to accommodate organ elongation and even some organ
16 Organs, cells and tissues
1.9 Stomata
Stomata are specialized pores in the epidermis through which
gaseous exchange (water release and CO2 uptake) takes place.
They occur not only on most aerial plant surfaces, especially on
green photosynthetic stems and leaves, but also on some floral
organs. Each stoma consists of two guard cells surrounding
a central pore (Figures 1.10, 1.11). Guard cells are either kidney-
shaped (in most plants) or dumbbell-shaped (in grasses, sedges and
allied families); their inflation by increased osmotic potential results
in opening of the pore, and their deflation causes its closure.
Cuticular ridges extending over or under the pore from the outer
or inner edges of the guard-cell walls help to seal the closed pore. In
contrast with most epidermal cells, guard cells typically contain
plastids that function as both chloroplasts and amyloplasts; these
specialized plastids are smaller than those of mesophyll cells and
contain photoreceptors that help to control stomatal opening80, 122.
Epidermal cells adjacent to the guard cells are termed sub-
sidiary cells if their shape differs from that of other pavement
epidermal cells; they can be either lateral or polar with respect to
1.9 Stomata 17
Figure 1.12 Plant hairs. (left) Quercus ilex (eudicot: Fagaceae), stellate non-
glandular trichome on abaxial leaf surface. Scale = 50 µm. (right) Salvia
involucrata (eudicot: Lamiaceae), trichomes on petal surface, including
glandular (secretory) hairs with short stalks and either four-celled or single-
celled glands. Scale = 20 µm.
Figure 1.13 Stinging hairs in Urtica dioica (eudicot: Urticaceae). (left) adaxial
leaf surface with many trichomes; the largest one is a stinging hair with
a glandular tip. Scale = 100 µm. (right) tips of stinging hairs, with apical
glands intact and broken (SEM). Scale = 10 µm.
20 Organs, cells and tissues
substances such as volatile oils collect between the secretory cells and
a raised cuticle, which ultimately breaks to release the exudate. There
are many different types of glandular hair that secrete a variety of
substances, including salt, mucilage, essential oils and even
enzymes41, 154. Leaf glandular hairs of Cannabis sativa secrete
a resinous substance containing cannabinoids that act as plant defense
compounds. Glandular hairs of carnivorous plants such as Drosera
secrete both sticky mucilage and proteolytic enzymes that help to
capture and digest the prey. Salt-secreting glands help to modulate
ion concentration in leaves of salt-tolerant plants such as the man-
grove Avicennia70.
Some trichomes are specialized for water absorption rather than
secretion. Examples include the leaf scales that occur in many
epiphytic and rock-dwelling Bromeliaceae, which represent an
important source of water and mineral uptake to the plant. The
specialized hairs (hydropotes) that occur on the submerged sur-
faces of many water plants (e.g. waterlily, Nymphaea) initially
secrete mucilage, but following degeneration of the cap cells
they absorb water and minerals and accumulate heavy metals.
1.11.1 Xylem
The primary function of xylem is transport of water throughout the
plant, from roots via the stems to the leaves, where water is combined
with carbon dioxide to make carbohydrates and oxygen during
photosynthesis. Xylem is composed of several distinct cell types,
1.11 Vascular tissue 21
1.11.2 Phloem
Phloem has complex roles in translocation of nutrients (sucrose and
electrolytes) and hormones throughout the plant39. Although com-
monly associated with xylem, phloem can develop precociously in
regions that require a plentiful supply of nutrients, such as devel-
oping sporogenous tissue. Phloem consists of conducting cells
(sieve elements) and associated specialized parenchyma cells (com-
panion cells) (Figure 1.14); these two closely interdependent cell
types are produced from a common parent cell (meristemoid) that
divides and develops asymmetrically to form a larger sieve element
and smaller companion cell. Most angiosperms possess sieve-tube
elements rather than the relatively unspecialized sieve cells.
At maturity, sieve elements lack nuclei and most organelles but
retain plastids and phloem-specific proteins (P-proteins).
Companion cells are densely cytoplasmic, retaining nuclei and
many active mitochondria. Sieve element plastids and P-proteins
occur in several morphological forms (amorphous, filamentous,
tubular and crystalline) that are often highly characteristic for parti-
cular plant families and are thus of systematic and evolutionary
value11,145. Sieve-element plastids are classified according to their
inclusions: starch (S-type plastids), protein (P-type plastids), or both.
Sieve elements are linked axially to form sieve tubes via sieve
plates. Slime plugs are formed when P-protein accumulates on
a sieve plate39. The walls of sieve elements are thin and possess
characteristic regions (sieve areas) that connect adjacent sieve ele-
ments; sieve areas consist of groups of pores and associated callose.
In sieve tube elements, the sieve areas are localized on the adjoining
end walls, forming sieve plates that are either simple or compound.
1.12 Secretory cells and laticifers 23
Stems are axes that are typically cylindrical, elongated and branch-
ing, though many modifications can occur in different species.
Shoot apical meristems are present at the tips of all the stem
branches; lateral branches are initiated from buds that are borne
in the axils of leaves. Stems are most commonly aerial, though
some stems occur below ground. Aerial stems are often green and
photosynthetic during early growth but subsequently turn brown
following radial stem thickening. Some underground stems are
modified into storage organs such as corms or rhizomes that allow
them to survive a harsh winter or dry season below ground.
The inner corpus region (L3), in which cell divisions are more
randomly oriented, is the region proximal to the tunica. Thus, the
outer tunica region contributes to surface growth and the inner
corpus region to increase in volume, though there is often slight
intergradation between them39. The central region underlying the
corpus zone is a rib meristem, which gives rise to files of cells that
form the pith. It is surrounded by a peripheral flank meristem that
produces the leaf primordia cortex and procambium, which itself
gives rise to the primary vascular system.
Leaf primordia are initiated at or near the shoot apex in a regular
arrangement. In many species, a single leaf develops at each node,
though some species are characterized by a pair of leaves or
a whorl of leaves at each node. Extension growth of the stem
occurs at the internodes, either by diffuse cell divisions and cell
elongation throughout the internode, or sometimes in a more
restricted region, often localized at the base of the internode.
The reproductive shoot apex produces an inflorescence, and each
flower apex produces a single flower. At the transition to flowering,
there is an overall increase in mitotic activity in cells above the rib
meristem, resulting in a change in shape of the shoot apex39.
26 Stem
Figure 2.7 Wood. Quercus robur (eudicot: Fagaceae), wood block at edge of
transverse and tangential longitudinal surfaces, showing large early wood
vessels (SEM). Scale = 100 µm
phloem rays are radially continuous with xylem rays. Close to the
vascular cambium, they can be either uniseriate or multiseriate, but
they become dilated towards the cortex as a result of cell divisions that
accommodate increase in stem thickness (Figure 2.6), and older ray
cells often become lignified. At their outer periphery, parenchyma-
tous ray cells are indistinguishable from cortical cells and form part of
the bark. The axial system of the secondary phloem not only consists
of sieve elements and companion cells, as in primary phloem, but also
includes fibres, sclereids and axial parenchyma cells. In some species,
the phloem fibres are formed in groups at regular intervals, resulting
in characteristic tangential bands of fibres alternating with groups of
sieve elements and parenchyma cells.
located inside the phellogen layer are non-suberinized and can con-
tribute to the secondary cortex of a stem. The initial phellogen
originates either in the subepidermal (hypodermal) layer or deeper
in the cortex, more rarely within the epidermis itself.
Bark tissues include secondary phloem, fibres, cortex and
periderm3. In some woody trees, the bark can become very thick
and two distinct regions are distinguishable: inner bark, consisting of
secondary phloem tissues, and outer bark (rhytidome), consisting of
cortex and periderm tissues. In some species, several phellogens can
form sequentially or almost simultaneously; they frequently overlap
each other within the bark. The pattern of periderm formation largely
dictates the appearance of the bark of a woody plant. For example, the
smooth papery bark of a birch (Betula) tree results from regular
formation of abscission bands causing thin sheets to flake off. In cork
oak (Quercus suber), the initial phellogen can maintain activity indefi-
nitely and produces seasonal growth rings. In trees grown for the
38 Stem
near the vegetative shoot apex (Figure 2.11). The PTM is especially
extensive in species with short internodes and crowded leaves, such
as bulbous taxa27, 109. In monocots, the PTM originates in ground
tissue in the pericyclic region of the stem. It is a tiered meristem,
consisting of a zone of meristematic cells that produces radial deri-
vatives. The majority of its radial derivatives are centripetal, consisting
of both parenchyma and discrete vascular bundles, though it also
produces some parenchyma towards the outside. In addition to
primary stem thickening, the PTM forms linkages between root,
stem and leaf vasculature, especially in relatively condensed bulbous
plants. It typically ceases activity at a short distance behind the apex,
and subsequent stem thickening is limited. However, in some spe-
cies, this region retains some meristematic potential and resumes
meristematic activity further down the stem; it represents the site of
adventitious root production in some monocots109.
Although monocots are predominantly herbaceous, some species
achieve considerable height and girth. Tree-forming palms possess
an extensive PTM that results in a large sunken shoot apex; in these
species, further stem thickening occurs by subsequent division and
enlargement of ground parenchyma cells, termed diffuse secondary
growth. A PTM is not confined to monocots; similar pericyclic
meristems also occur in some eudicots with thick stems (e.g.
Cactaceae14). In some woody monocots of the order Asparagales
(e.g. Agave, Aloe, Cordyline, Yucca), considerable increase in stem thick-
ness is achieved by means of a secondary thickening meristem
(STM) (Figure 2.12). The STM resembles the PTM in that it is
radially located in the pericyclic region of the stem within the cortex
and it produces radial derivatives, but it occurs further from the
shoot apex; the two meristems are best regarded as developmental
phases of the same meristem. The STM produces secondary vascular
bundles that are mostly amphivasal and radially elongated. In some
woody monocots (e.g. Beaucarnea recurvata, Cordyline terminalis), the PTM
and STM are axially discontinuous, whereas in others (e.g. Yucca
whipplei) they are axially continuous29, 132, 133.
40 Stem
Figure 3.2 Longitudinal sections of root apices. Left: Vicia faba (eudicot:
Fabaceae), open organization. Right: Zea mays (monocot: Poaceae), closed
organization. Scales = 100 µm
Figure 3.4 Lateral roots. Vicia faba (eudicot: Fabaceae), transverse section
of root with three developing lateral roots. Scale = 100 µm
in other parts of the root they often have a storage role. In some
plants (e.g. root crops such as carrot), the tap root is a modified
swollen storage organ with a broad cortex. Contractile roots occur
periodically in many plants with modified underground stems such
as corms, bulbs or rhizomes (e.g. Crocus); these specialized roots
grow downwards, then contract axially and expand radially to draw
the stem deeper into the soil67. Contractile roots have a wrinkled
surface; they possess two or three clearly distinct concentric regions
of cortical parenchyma, distinguishable by cell size, including
a region of collapsed outer cortical cells interspersed with occa-
sional thicker-walled cells (Figure 3.4). In some species, centripetal
collapse of outer cortical cells results from loss in turgidity follow-
ing transpiration, which produces a differential between atmo-
spheric pressure and relatively low xylem pressure.
The root endodermis is a uniseriate cylinder of innermost cortical
cells surrounding the central vascular region, adjacent to the pericycle.
3.5 Pericycle and vascular cylinder 47
are located along the archs, towards the root centre. Both xylem and
phloem are exarch in the root (i.e. they mature centripetally).
roots (as in Arabidopsis) lateral roots are initiated opposite the xylem
poles. In polyarch roots of monocots, the site of lateral root initia-
tion is difficult to determine; it can be opposite either protoxylem or
phloem poles88. The founder cells undergo a series of periclinal and
anticlinal divisions to form a lateral root primordium. The first
anticlinal divisions are asymmetric, resulting in daughter cells of
unequal sizes. In many species, some subsequent cell divisions
occur in the endodermis, so that ultimately both the pericycle and
the endodermis contribute to the tissues of the lateral root. The
emerging lateral root pushes its way through the cortex and epi-
dermis of the parent root by mechanical and/or enzymatic action.
Adventitious roots have various sites of origin within a stem; they
are typically endogenous (Figure 3.5), but more rarely are exogen-
ous, arising from superficial tissues such as the epidermis (e.g. in
surface-rooting Begonia leaves) or from callus tissue at the site of
a wound. In woody species, adventitious roots are often formed at
nodes on the stem, which is why horticultural cuttings are commonly
taken from just below a node. In most monocots, adventitious roots
arise from cell divisions in the pericyclic region of the stem.
the same plant. For example, in Quercus robur (oak), stem wood is
ring porous, with earlywood vessels markedly larger than late-
wood vessels, but root wood is diffuse porous, with vessels that
maintain a relatively even size across each growth ring.
Figure 4.1 Leaf venation. Hypenia pauliana (eudicot: Lamiaceae), cleared leaf
with reticulate venation. Scale = 2 mm.
Figure 4.2 Leaf anatomy. Ficus cordata (eudicot: Moraceae), transverse section
of leaf blade. Scale = 50 µm
Figure 4.3 Leaf surface. Vicia faba (eudicot: Fabaceae), abaxial leaf surface
with undulating anticlinal walls. Scale = 20 µm
Figure 4.4 Ficus elastica (eudicot: Moraceae), transverse section of leaf blade
showing adaxial epidermis and cystolith. Scale = 50 µm
restricted to the abaxial surface. The floating leaves of many aquatic
plants are epistomatic, stomata being restricted to the adaxial surface.
Figure 4.8 Erica carnea (eudicot: Ericaceae), transverse section of leaf showing
abaxial groove containing trichomes and stomata. Scale = 50 µm
4.7 Mesophyll
Chlorophyll is contained in chloroplasts in the mesophyll, which is
the primary photosynthetic tissue of the leaf. In many plant species the
mesophyll is demarcated into distinct regions, termed palisade and
spongy tissues (Figures 4.2, 4.4), though in some species the meso-
phyll is relatively undifferentiated and homogeneous throughout the
leaf. Palisade mesophyll is located on the adaxial side of the leaf and
spongy mesophyll on the abaxial side. Palisade cells are anticlinally
elongated and possess relatively few intercellular air spaces; they often
occur in a single layer, but can be arranged in two or more layers. In
contrast, spongy mesophyll consists of several layers of cells of various
shapes interspersed with numerous air spaces.
In thick leaves, the central mesophyll cells are often large,
undifferentiated and non-photosynthetic. In the thick, fleshy
4.7 Mesophyll 65
5.4 Perianth
Perianth organs are dorsiventrally flattened. They consist of an
abaxial and adaxial epidermis enclosing three or four (or more)
layers of undifferentiated isodiametric or elongated mesophyll
5.5 Androecium 79
5.5 Androecium
Stamens typically consist of a stalk-like filament that supports
the pollen-producing anther24. Most stamen filaments are
80 Flower
5.6 Gynoecium
Carpels are the ovule-bearing floral organs. The number of carpels
per flower ranges from a single carpel to multiple carpels in
different species. Monocots typically possess three carpels
(Figure 5.10), whereas the most common carpel numbers in
eudicots are two and five34. In the majority of flowering plants,
the carpels are fused together to form a syncarpous gynoecium,
which represents the central region of the flower. In contrast, the
carpels remain unfused (free) in apocarpous species, especially
among early divergent angiosperms (e.g. Amborella, Illicium), but
also in many eudicots, magnoliids and monocots34.
A syncarpous gynoecium consists of an ovary, style and one or
more stigmas (depending on the degree of fusion of the carpels).
The stigma provides a receptive surface for pollen grains. Stigmatic
epidermal cells are usually secretory; they are often domed or
possess variously elongated papillae and a specialized cuticle58, 59
(Figure 5.11). Stigmas of some species possess little or no surface
secretions (termed dry stigmas), whereas wet stigmas exude
copious surface secretions that play a role in pollen recognition
Figure 5.10 Asparagus officinale (monocot: Asparagaceae), transverse section of
central region of ovary, which consists of three postgenitally fused carpels.
Scale = 100 µm
The seed represents the dispersal unit of a plant. Seeds are dis-
persed from the flower either as separate units or enclosed inside
a fruit. Each seed develops from a fertilized ovule. Fruits can
develop from various structures, including a single ovary (simple
fruits, found in the majority of angiosperms), a flower with multi-
ple free carpels (aggregate fruits, e.g. in Ranunculus), a single carpel
(e.g. the monocarpellate pod of the legume family Fabaceae) or
even from an entire inflorescence (e.g. in pineapple, Ananas
Seeds and fruits often possess specialized structures that are
related to dispersal13, 76, 136. For example, some wind-dispersed
seeds possess outgrowths that function as wings. Some animal-
dispersed seeds are fleshy and often edible, whereas others possess
structures that are attractive to animals, such as arils and elaio-
somes. Some plants, especially parasitic or mycoheterotrophic
plants such as Monotropa or orchids, produce large numbers of
highly reduced dust seeds from each ovary; these minute seeds
can be blown over long distances.
Figure 6.3 Silene nutans (eudicot: Caryophyllaceae), entire seed (left) and
detail of seed surface (right) showing papillate epidermal cells with sinuous
anticlinal walls. Scales: left = 100 µm, right = 20 µm
6.4 Endosperm
Endosperm forms a food-storage tissue contained within the seed,
facilitating dispersal and promoting longevity and growth. Mature
endosperm generally consists of tightly packed cells that contain
food reserve materials such as starch grains or protein bodies. In
contrast, the liquid milk of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) is
a syncytium that contains many free endosperm nuclei in addition
to oil droplets and protein granules. In the majority of angiosperms,
endosperm is a triploid tissue formed by fusion of a single male
nucleus with two female polar nuclei. Endosperm is present in most
angiosperm seeds but in greatly varying amounts; for example,
endosperm formation is negligible in orchid seeds but extensive
in grass seeds, in which it forms the basis for several crucially
important food sources (e.g. barley, maize, oats, rye).
6.4 Endosperm 101
6.5 Perisperm
In some plants, especially monocots, parts of the nucellus enlarge or
proliferate after fertilization and have a role as a regulating or storage
tissue for the developing embryo. Seed storage tissues derived from
the nucellus are termed perisperm111. In some monocots, endosperm
is entirely absent from the mature seed, and perisperm represents the
primary storage tissue (e.g. in some Poales119). Seeds of Yucca possess
6.6 Embryo 103
6.6 Embryo
In a typical angiosperm reproductive system, the embryo develops
from the diploid fertilized egg cell (zygote). Following fertilization,
104 Seed and fruit
6.7 Seedling
At germination, the testa is ruptured and the seedling radicle
emerges through the micropyle and pushes through the substrate.
Seedlings possess a root (radicle) and a hypocotyl, which bears the
cotyledons (seed leaves) and shoot apex. The hypocotyl varies in
size and form, from a swollen food-storage organ to a very short
structure, in which case the radicle extends almost to the cotyle-
donary node. Following the emergence of the radicle, either the
hypocotyl elongates and the cotyledons and shoot apex emerge
(epigeal germination), or the cotyledons remain enclosed in the
testa and the internode above them (the epicotyl) elongates,
pushing the shoot apex upwards (hypogeal germination).
Epigeal germination is the most common type in angiosperms;
the cotyledons are borne above ground and are usually photosyn-
thetic. In contrast, some larger-seeded eudicots such as the legume
pea or bean (e.g. Vicia faba) are hypogeal and possess fleshy,
swollen cotyledons.
In monocots, the seedling radicle withers at an early stage, and
subsequent roots are shoot-borne (adventitious); they are each
initially surrounded by a sheath (coleorhiza), which develops
from the outer cortical tissue by cell elongation. The cotyledons
are usually morphologically different from the first foliage leaves,
often possessing simpler vasculature with a single vascular bundle
(Figure 6.7). In monocot seedlings, the cotyledon typically con-
sists of three parts: a basal sheath, a ligule or ligular sheath, and
a limb, though the relative differentiation of each region varies; for
example, in Tigridia seedlings both the hypocotyl and the basal
sheath are extremely reduced.
egg apparatus (in mature embryo sac): egg cell and two synergids
egg cell: part of megagametophyte; haploid cell at micropylar end
of mature embryo sac that will fuse with male haploid nucleus
to form a zygote
elaiophore: oil-secreting trichome or tissue in flower
embryogenesis: embryo development
endexine (nexine) inner layer of exine in pollen grain wall
endocarp: inner layer of fruit wall (pericarp)
endodermis: innermost cell layer of cortex (mainly in roots)
endogenous: of deep-seated (internal) origin (cf. exogenous)
endomycorrhizal [fungal mycelium on roots]: invading tissues
and cells (cf. ectomycorrhizal)
endoplasmic reticulum (ER): series of membranes permeating
the cytoplasm
endosperm: seed storage tissue, formed by fusion of one male
nucleus with two female polar nuclei (i.e. usually triploid)
endotegmic seed coat: one with thickened, mechanical layer
derived from the inner epidermis of the inner integument
endothecium: anther wall layer immediately within the
epidermis; often possessing characteristic thickenings
epiblast: in grass embryos, outgrowth opposite scutellum
epicotyl: seedling axis above cotyledons
epidermis: outermost layer of cells, covering entire primary plant
epigeal germination: seedling germination type in which
cotyledons are green and borne above ground
epigynous flower: one with inferior ovary (i.e. the ovary is
attached to the receptacle above the level of insertion of the
stamens and perianth parts)
epistomatic leaves: with stomata found on adaxial surface only
epithem: tissue (often loosely packed parenchyma) in hydathode
between epidermis and vascular tissue
equatorial (pollen grain aperture): located at or crossing a line
midway between the two poles of a microspore or pollen grain
112 Glossary
perforated ray cell: (in secondary xylem) ray cell linking two
vessel elements, and itself resembling and functioning as a
vessel element
perforation plate: opening in end wall of vessel element
perianth: outer sterile part of flower
pericarp: fruit wall
periclinal: parallel with the surface. cf. anticlinal
pericycle: in roots, a distinct layer of thin-walled cells located
within the endodermis
periderm: cork tissue
perigene cell: in stomatal complex, neighbour cell that is
not derived from the same cell lineage as the guard
periplasmodium: coalescent mass in anther locule, formed from
protoplasts of tapetal cells
perisperm: food-storage tissue in the seed, derived from part of
the nucellus
phellem: external derivatives of phellogen
phelloderm: internal derivatives of phellogen
phellogen: cork cambium, or cork meristem
phloem: tissue that transports food in the form of assimilates;
either primary (produced by the apical meristem) or secondary
(produced by the vascular cambium)
phyllotaxis: the pattern of arrangement of organs on an axis, e.g.
leaves on a stem, flowers on an inflorescence
pith: central parenchymatous region of stem
pits: thin areas of the primary and secondary cell wall, often
corresponding with pits in adjacent cells (pit-pairs)
placenta: region of attachment of ovules on ovary wall
placentation: arrangement of placentae and locules in ovary (e.g.
axile, basal, free central, parietal)
plasma membrane (plasmalemma): cell membrane (within cell
wall) that encloses protoplast
118 Glossary
vacuole: cavity
vascular cambium: bifacial meristem that produces secondary
vascular tissue (phloem and xylem)
vascular tissue: conducting tissue (phloem and xylem)
vegetative cell: one of two cells of the male gametophyte
velamen: outer dermal layer on the aerial roots of some tropical
venation: arrangement of vascular bundles in leaf (e.g. parallel or
reticulate venation)
vessel element: water-conducting cell of xylem, possessing
bordered pits on lateral walls and perforation plates on end
walls; groups of axially linked vessel elements form a vessel
vestured pitting (in secondary xylem): bordered pits surrounded
by numerous warty protuberances
wax: fatty substance often deposited on the surface of the cuticle
whorl: ring of organs; sometimes applied to a region of a similar
organ type, e.g. the stamen whorl
wood: secondary xylem
xeromorphic: showing characteristics that are often associated
with dry environments
xerophyte: plant that grows in a dry (xeric) environment
xylem: water-transporting tissue, consisting of several different
cell types
zygote: cell formed by fusion of megasporocyte and
microsporocyte; will eventually divide to form the proembryo
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Lamiaceae, 19, 28, 29, 55, 61, 78, 85, 97, Neottia, 51
102, 103 Nigella, 74
Lapageria, 4 nitrogen-fixing bacteria, 52
lateral meristem, 8 nodal anatomy, 28
lateral root, 47, 48 nucellus, 91
Lathraea, 52 nuclear endosperm, 101
laticifer, 6, 11, 23, 26, 66 nucleus, 4, 90
leaf gap, 28 Nymphaea, 13, 20, 66, 80
leaf primordium, 56
lenticel, 38 obturator, 84
lignin, 2, 36 Ochroma, 35
Ligustrum, 2, 48 Olea, 98
Liliaceae, 21, 29, 82 Oleaceae, 2, 48
Lilium, 21, 29, 82 Omphalea, 64
Limonium, 61 Ophrys, 85
Linum, 14, 97, 105 Opiliaceae, 58
Lomandra, 92 Orchidaceae, 16, 44, 51, 77, 79, 85, 87,
Loranthaceae, 52, 53 91, 95, 96, 97, 100, 105
Lythrum, 75 Orobanchaceae, 52
Orobanche, 52
Malvaceae, 38, 76 Oryza, 7, 45
marginal growth, 56 osmophore, 84, 85
megagametophyte, 93, 94
megaspore, 93 pachychalaza, 103
megasporocyte, 93 palisade mesophyll, 12, 64, 71
megasporophyte, 93 Papaver, 23, 99
meristem, 8 Papaveraceae, 88, 99
meristemoid, 9, 22 papillae, 18
mesocarp, 98 parallel venation, 67
mesophyll, 55, 64, 78 parenchyma, 11, 12
metaxylem, 21, 47 pearl gland, 63
micropyle, 92, 106 Peperomia, 57
microspore, 82, 86 perforated ray cell, 32
microsporocyte, 86 perforation plate, 21
microsporogenesis, 86 pericarp, 98
middle lamella, 2, 10, 11 pericycle, 44, 45, 46, 47
mitochondria, 4, 5, 22 periderm, 36, 37, 45
Monotropa, 95 periplasmodium, 81
Moraceae, 56, 59 perisperm, 102
mucilage, 5, 6, 18, 20, 23, 62, 70, Phaseolus, 105
97 phellogen, 9, 36, 37, 38
multiple epidermis, 57 phloem, 12, 20, 22
multiseriate epidermis, 16 pigment, 79
Musa, 103 pith, 26
mycorrhizae, 51, 52 placenta, 84
myxocarpy, 97 Plantago, 97
myxospermy, 97 plasma membrane, 1
plasmodesmata, 3
Narcissus, 86 plastid, 4, 5, 16
nectar, 63 Platanthera, 85
nectary, 5, 64, 84, 85 plumule, 99
138 Index
trichome, 18, 19, 61, 63, 79, Vicia, 27, 41, 42, 43, 46, 58,
85, 97 106
Tropaeolum, 105 Viscum, 52
tunica-corpus, 24 Vitaceae, 6, 31
tylose, 34 Vitis, 98
Ulmaceae, 50 Winteraceae, 74
Ulmus, 50
Urtica, 19, 61 xerophyte, 70
xylem, 12, 20
vacuole, 4
vascular cambium, 27, 28, 31, 34, Yucca, 39, 40, 62, 102
veinlet ending, 67 Zea, 41, 42, 43
velamen, 16, 43, 44 zygote, 90, 103