Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning: E E R E
Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning: E E R E
Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning: E E R E
Condenser coil
The fluid that collects heat at the evaporator and releases it at the condenser is called refrigerant. A pump, called the compressor, forces the refrigerant through the circuit of tubing and fins in the coils. Air moves through the tiny spaces between the fins and is cooled by the refrigerant in the coils.
This document was produced for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a DOE national laboratory. The document was produced by the Information Services Program, under the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse (EREC) is operated by NCI Information Systems, Inc., for NREL / DOE. The statements contained herein are based on information known to EREC and NREL at the time of printing. No recommendation or endorsement of any product or service is implied if mentioned by EREC.
Printed with a renewable-source ink on paper containing at least 50% wastepaper, including 20% postconsumer waste
John Krigger
This publication discusses both central and room air conditioners. Heat pumps, which provide both home cooling and heating, are not covered in this publica tion. Contact the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse (ERECsee Source List below) for more information about heat pumps of all kinds.
Evaporator coil
refrigerant through the circuit of tubing and fins in the coils. The liquid refrigerant evaporates in the indoor evaporator coil, pulling heat out of indoor air and thereby cooling the home. The hot refrigerant gas is pumped outdoors into the condenser where it reverts back to a liquid giving up its heat to the air flowing over the condensers metal tubing and fins.
A packaged air conditioner sits outside the house next to the foundation or on the roof. Its cabinet contains the evaporator, condenser, compressor, and all other parts of the air conditioner. Supply and return ducts connect to this outdoor cabinet.
Evaporative Coolers
An evaporative cooler (also called a swamp cooler) is a completely different type of air conditioner that works well in hot, dry climates.
Evaporative Cooler
Evaporative coolers cost about half as much as central air conditioners and use about 25% less energy. These units cool outdoor air by evaporation and blow it inside the building, causing a cooling effect much like the process when evaporating perspiration cools your body on a hot (but not overly humid) day. When operating an evaporative cooler, windows are opened part way to allow warm indoor air to escape as it is replaced by cooled air. Evaporative coolers cost about one-half as much to install as central air condi tioners and use about one-quarter as much energy. However, they require more frequent maintenance than refrigerated air conditioners and theyre suitable only for areas with low humidity.
John Krigger
John Krigger
Regular Maintenance
An air conditioners filters, coils, and fins require regular maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently throughout its years of service. Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases.
reduces its ability to absorb heat. Therefore, your evaporator coil should be checked every year and cleaned as necessary. Outdoor condenser coils can also become very dirty if the outdoor environment is dusty or if there is foliage nearby. You can easily see the condenser coil and notice if dirt is collecting on its fins. You should minimize dirt and debris near the condenser unit. Your dryer vents, falling leaves, and lawn mower are all potential sources of dirt and debris. Cleaning the area around the coil, removing any debris, and trimming foliage back at least 2 feet (0.6 meters) allow for adequate air flow around the condenser.
The most important maintenance task that will ensure the efficiency of your air conditioner is to routinely replace or clean its filters.
Coil Fins
The aluminum fins on evaporator and condenser coils are easily bent and can block air flow through the coil. Air conditioning wholesalers sell a tool called a fin comb that will comb these fins back into nearly original condition.
Ducts must be sealed with duct mastic. The old standby of duct tape is ineffective for sealing ducts. Obstructions can impair the efficiency of a duct system almost as much as leaks. You should be careful not to obstruct the flow of air from supply or return registers with furniture, drapes, or tightly fitted interior doors. Dirty filters and clogged evaporator coils can also be major obstructions to air flow. The large temperature difference between attics and ducts makes heat conduction through ducts almost as big a problem as air leakage and obstructions. Ducts in attics should be insulated heavily in addition to being made airtight.
how much air leaks into your home from the outside; and how much heat the occupants and appliances in your home generate. An air conditioners efficiency, performance, durability, and initial cost depend on matching its size to the above factors. Make sure you buy the correct size of air conditioner. Two groupsthe Air Condi tioning Contractors of America (ACCA) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)publish calculation procedures for sizing central air condition ers. Reputable air conditioning contractors will use one of these procedures, often performed with the aid of a computer, to size your new central air conditioner. Be aware that a large air conditioner will not provide the best cooling. Buying an oversized air conditioner penalizes you in the following ways. It costs more to buy a larger air conditioner than you need. The larger-than-necessary air condi tioner cycles on and off more frequently, reducing its efficiency. Frequent cycling makes indoor temperatures fluctuate more and results in a less comfortable environment. Frequent cycling also inhibits moisture removal. In humid climates, removing moisture is essential for acceptable comfort. In addition, this cycling wears out the compressor and electrical parts more rapidly. A larger air conditioner uses more electricity and creates added demands on electrical generation and delivery systems.
the voluntary EnergyStar labeling program (see Source List in this publication). EnergyStar-labeled appliances mean that they have high EER and SEER ratings. In general, new air conditioners with higher EERs or SEERs sport higher price tags. However, the higher initial cost of an energy-efficient model will be repaid to you several times during its life span. Your utility company may encourage the purchase of a more efficient air conditioner by rebating some or all of the price difference. Buy the most efficient air conditioner you can afford, especially if you use (or think you will use) an air conditioner frequently and/or if your electricity rates are high.
The higher initial cost of an energy-efficient model will be repaid to you several times during its life span.
Choosing a Contractor
Choosing a contractor may be the most important and difficult task in buying a new central air conditioning system. Ask prospective contractors for recent references. If you are replacing your central air conditioner, tell your contractor what you liked and did not like about the old system. If the system failed, ask the contractor to find out why. The best time to fix existing problems is when a new system is being installed. When designing your new air conditioning system, the contractor you choose should: use a computer program or written calculation procedure to size the air conditioner; provide a written contract listing the main points of your installation that includes the results of the cooling load calculation;
give you a written warranty on equip ment and workmanship; and allow you to hold the final payment until you are satisfied with the new system. Avoid making your decision solely on the basis of price. The quality of the installation should be your highest priority, because quality will determine energy cost, comfort, and durability.
Insulating Ducts
All ducts should be insulated when they are located in attics or crawl spaces.
Sealing Ducts
Be sure that your contractor performs the following procedures when installing a new central air conditioning system: allows adequate indoor space for the installation, maintenance, and repair of the new system, and installs an access door in the furnace or duct to provide a way to clean the evaporator coil. uses a duct-sizing methodology such as the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) Manual D. ensures there are enough supply registers to deliver cool air and enough return air registers to carry warm house air back to the air conditioner. installs duct work within the conditioned space, not in the attic, wherever possible. seals all ducts with duct mastic and heavily insulates attic ducts. locates the condensing unit where its noise will not keep you or your neighbors awake at night, if possible. places the condensing unit in a shady spot, if possible, which can reduce your air conditioning costs by 1% to 2%. verifies that the newly installed air conditioner has the exact refrigerant charge and air flow rate specified by the manufacturer. locates the thermostat away from heat sources, such as windows, or supply registers.
Reputable contractors seal all joints in both new and existing ducts with duct mastic.
If you are replacing an older or failed split system, be sure that the evaporator coil is replaced with a new one that exactly matches the condenser coil in the new condensing unit. (The air conditioners efficiency will likely not improve if the existing evaporator coil is left in place; in fact, the old coil could cause the new compressor to fail prematurely.) If you install a new room air conditioner, try to: locate the air conditioner in a window or wall area near the center of the room and on the shadiest side of the house. minimize air leakage by fitting the room air conditioner snugly into its opening and sealing gaps with a foam weather stripping material. Paying attention to your air conditioning system saves you money and reduces environmental pollution. Notice whether your existing system is running properly, and maintain it regularly. Or, if you need to purchase a new air conditioner, be sure it is sized and installed correctly and has a good EER or SEER rating. 7
John Krigger
John Krigger
Source List
There are many groups offering information on air conditioning. The following groups are just a few that can assist you in increasing your air conditioning efficiency. Some of these organizations provide only materials appropriate for professionals in the air conditioning industry. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) 4301 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 425 Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 524-8800 Fax: (703) 528-3816 ARI represents manufacturers of air conditioning, refrigeration, and heating equipment and has consumer brochures on a variety of topics. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30329 (404) 636-8400 Fax: (404) 321-5478 ASHRAE is organized solely for the purpose of advancing the arts and science of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration for the publics benefit through research, standards writing, continuing education, and publications. Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) 1513 16th Street NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 483-9370 Fax: (202) 234-4721 The Air Conditioning Contractors of America is the most active and widely recognized organization representing contractors in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR) industry. EnergyStar Program 1-888-STAR-YES e-mail: ENERGY STAR-labeled products, including heating and cooling equipment, use less energy than other products and save you money on utility bills. These products are made by all major manufacturers and are available at stores everywhere.
Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) 1679 Clear Lake Road Cocoa, FL 32922 (407) 638-1000 Fax: (407) 638-1010 FSEC provides information on building in hot, humid climates. For more information about cooling and air conditioning, as well as on a wealth of other energy-efficiency topics, contact: The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse (EREC) P.O. Box 3048 Merrifield, VA 22116 (800) 363-3732 (800-DOE-EREC) Fax: (703) 893-0400 E-mail: consumerinfo / EREC provides free general and technical information to the public on many topics and technologies pertaining to energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Reading List
The following publications provide more information on air conditioning. The list does not cover all the available books, reports, and articles on air conditioning, nor is the mention of any publication a recommendation or endorsement. ASHRAE Journal, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 1791 Tullie Circle N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329-2305, monthly trade magazine. Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings, A. Wilson and J. Morrill, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, 1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 801, Washington, DC 20036, 1998. Home Energy, The Magazine of Residential Energy Conservation, 2124 Kitteredge, #95, Berkeley, CA 94704, monthly trade magazine. For example, the May/June 1995 issue had an article about properly sizing air conditioning systems. Consumer Reports, The Consumers Union of the United States, Inc., 101 Truman Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10703, (800) 234-1645 (subscriptions and back issues). Chill Out: A Guide to Air Conditioning, (63:6) pp. 36-42, June 1998. Cool It (Room/Window Air Conditioners) (64:6) pp. 35-37, June 1999.