JC Agriculture 2023 Question Paper 1
JC Agriculture 2023 Question Paper 1
JC Agriculture 2023 Question Paper 1
Paper 1 October/November 2023
1 hour
Additional material: calculator
The answer sheet has your name, centre number and candidate number and it must be signed after
completion of the paper.
This paper consists of 40 multiple choice questions. Four possible answers are given for
each question. Choose the best answer and shade your choice in the box provided under the
correct letter in soft pencil HB on the separate Answer Sheet provided.
A. 18 days
B. 25 days
C. 30 days
D. 60 days
This document consists of 8 printed pages.
A crop rotation
B intercropping
C mixed farming
D monocropping
A axe
B pickaxe
C pruning shear
D slasher
5 Which term describe the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s
A climate change
B global warming
C greenhouse effect
D high temperature
A high frost
B high humidity
C high rainfall
D high wind
8 Which of the following activities makes seedlings stronger and can withstand heat?
A fertilization
B hardening off
C shading
D transplanting shock
A daily
B hourly
C monthly
D weekly
A early watering
B even watering
C late watering
D light watering
A biological control
B chemical control
C cultural control
D integrated control
A carbohydrates
B carbon dioxide
C chlorophyll
D water
Fig 13.1
A blocky structure
B crumby structure
C prismatic structure
D single grain structure
A fertilizer
B lime
C mulch
D weeds
A calcium
B phosphorus
C sulfur
D zinc
A fertilizer
B herbicide
C lime
D pesticide
A add manure
B add water
C fork the soil
D place the material
A coarse soil
B crumbled soil
C heavy soil
D sticky soil
19 What is the vertical distance of land with 20% slope and a horizontal distance of 200m?
A 10m
B 20m
C 40m
D 200m
A broadcasting
B furrows
C intercropping
D intervals
Fig. 21.1
Which of the following crops is planted using the method indicated in Fig. 21.1?
A beans
B maize
C potato
D sorghum
A grain tanks
B maize crib
C metal drums
D mud tanks
A 21 days
B 28 days
C 35 days
D 56 days
A drone
B king
C queen
D worker
A apiary
B colony
C hive
D swarm
27 Which cattle breed is characterised by a large body, a dark red coat and a broad head?
A Afrikander
B Brahman
C Jersey
D Nguni
A cross breeding
B inbreeding
C outbreeding
D outcrossing
A castration
B dehorning
C deworming
D disbudding
A caecum
B colon
C liver
D pancreas
31 What is the name of a young rabbit weighing between 2.0 kg and 2.3 kg?
A buck
B doe
C fryer
D kitten
A 10-11 hours
B 12-18 hours
C 21-26 hours
D 24-30 hours
A couch grass
B elephant grass
C thatching grass
D weeping love grass
A high rainfall
B low rainfall
C no rainfall
D moderate rainfall
Fig. 36.1
A base line
B border line
C drip line
D straight line
37 How much 2:3:2 (22) + 0.5% Zn fertilizer is applied to a fruit tree every after three months?
A 100g
B 200g
C 300g
D 400g
A budget
B capital
C profit
D record
A economic influence
B political influence
C social influence
D technological influence
A advertising
B assembling
C packaging
D processing
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