Product Booklet English
Product Booklet English
Product Booklet English
Unit I: Shillu Kala,
Parwanoo-173 220 (H.P.)
Unit II: Plot No. 6, Sector-1, Parwanoo,
Distt. Solan - 173220 (H.P.), India.
Unit-lll: Village Chouli Shahbuddinpur,
Pargana Bhagwanpur, Teh. Roorkee- 247661,
Distt. Haridwar (U.K.)
Bakson's Formulations 1
Dr. Bakshi's B Drops #B 1-71 71
Dr. S.P.S. Bakshi speaks…….. Bakson's Compound Tablets 75
Bakson's Medicated Globules 77
The technological and scientific advancements have made life
more easy and comfortable; but they have also added more stress. Bakson's Biochemic Tissue Remedies 78
Man seems to be loosing out on quality of life due to the ravages of
Bakson's Biochemic Combination Tablets 79
disease and an ever demanding work routine. Science may have found
new and better answers for these ailments but what is required is Bakson's Trituration Tablets & Powder 80
increased resistance to fight disease so as to evolve a healthier
community and produce stronger generations. Bakson's Trituration Tablets (1x Range) 81
Down the years homoeopathy has emerged as the most Bakson's Mother Tinctures & Dilutions 82
promising science which not only annihilates the symptoms but also
builds up the immunity of body. Bakson's Eye Drops 83
We at Bakson are committed towards helping goodness of Bakson's Ointments, Creams & Gels 86
homoeopathy reach millions in the most safe & effective manner
through our products & services. We envision to further nurture the Bakson’s Nutritional Supplements 88
prospects of this science in healing the sick holistically and safely.
Bakson’s Personal Care products 101
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy life !
Dr. S.P.S. Bakshi Nature gives Homoeopathic Medicines Bakson Ensures their Quality
C.M.D. Bakson Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
AC#4 AC#7
Tablets Tablets
Dandruff is a common, non-contagious skin condition that causes Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three
shedding of the dead skin from the scalp with high oil (sebum) times per week. With constipation stools are usually hard, dry, small in
size and difficult to eliminate. Some people who are constipated find it
production. Old dead cells on the scalp are forced to the surface at painful to have a bowel movement and often experience straining,
an extreme rate, every 2-7 days forming flakes triggered by various bloating and the sensation of a full bowel, commonly found in Irritable
internal & external factors like drugs, puberty, stress, extreme Bowel Syndrome.
changes in the weather or a person's diet and is aggravated when Constipation is a symptom, not a disease. Almost everyone
exposed to UV light, hair dyes and harsh chemical shampoos. experiences constipation at some point in their life, a poor diet and
lifestyle typically is the cause (Functional Constipation), overuse of
Although not a life threatening condition, but left untreated may laxatives may be another reason. Mostly constipation is temporary
lead to possible hair loss by clogging the hair roots and eventually and not serious. Ageing may also affect bowel regularity, as slower
weakening them. AC#4 is indicated for: metabolism results in less intestinal activity and muscle tone.
u Greasy, oily/dry areas of skin. Persistent constipation may culminate into Piles.
u Skin scales (white & flaking, oily & adherent).
AC#7 is a homoeopathic combination which relieves mild constipation
without side effects.
u Mild redness with itching.
Indications: Helps relieve constipation with difficult, hard stools, great
Composition: Calcarea fluor. 3x, Calcarea sulph. 3x, Kali. sulph. 3x, straining, colic, flatulence, besides Piles with burning in rectum. A safe
Natrum sulph. 3x, Arsenicum alb. 6x, Rhus tox. 3x, Sulphur 3x. laxative for lasting relief.
Dosage: Adults : 1 tablet twice a day for two weeks. Composition: Senna 3x, Lycopodium clav. 3x, Hydrastis can. 3x, Nux
Children: 1 tablet on alternate day. vomica 3x, Silicea 3x.
Dosage: Adults: 3 tablets at bed time. Children: 2 tablets at bed time.
For more information, please read the detailed insert inside the
Once better taper the dose. Or as prescribed by the physician.
product pack Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets.
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets.
1 Bakson's Homoeopathy...... ...... Beyond Compare ! 2
Tablets Tablets & Cream
Our hair is one of the most noticeable part of our overall A useful Homoeopathic combination with following effects:
appearance. Traditionally hair loss is a condition associated with u Hypoallergic & Anti-comedogenic action.
men; however it is a reality for an astonishing number of women
u Controls excessive sebum accumulation.
as well.
u Provides flawless skin.
Frequently, hair may simply thin out as a result of predetermined
genetic factors, family history and the overall aging process. Other A specialised, satisfactory homoeopathic formulation which
times, normal life variations including temporary severe stress, prevents excess production of sebum. It strikes at the root cause
nutritional and hormonal changes like those in pregnancy, puberty and doesn't leave any mark or scar on face thus providing clear,
and menopause may cause a reversible hair loss. Notably, several well nourished skin.
health conditions, including Thyroid disease and Iron deficiency Composition: Tablet: Berberis aqu. 3x, Kali. brom. 3x.
anemia, can also cause hair loss.
Cream: Berberis aquifolium Ø (ext.), Thuja occ. Ø (ext.), Calendula
Bakson's AC#9 tablets is an effective clinical formulation which off. Ø (ext.).
combats hair fall, restores lost hair and promotes their healthy
Dosage: 1 tablet, 3 times a day. On improvement reduce the dose
growth with the goodness of homoeopathy.
to twice daily.
Composition: Acid phos. 3x, Lycopodium 3x, Jaborandi 3x, Natrum
Application: Apply the ointment twice daily on clean and dried
mur. 3x, Arnica mont. 3x, Cantharis 3x.
affected portion of skin.
Dosage: Adults: 1 tablet twice daily. Children: 1 tablet once daily.
Presentation: Tablets: 40 tablets, 75 tablets.
Or as prescribed by the Physician.
Cream tube: 30 gms.
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets.
3 Bakson's Homoeopathy...... ...... beyond compare ! 4
Invigorating Tonic Health drink
Nourishing & invigorating tonic for all age groups. A wholistic health drink for vigour and vitality. It not only instantly
u Improves physical and mental strength. quenches the thirst but also rapidly cools the entire system and
gives back the freshness, when body is depleted of same by
u Supplement during Pregnancy & Lactation. excessive heat.
u Fights nervous exhaustion and fatigue. Alfalfa tones up the appetite and digestion resulting in greatly
u Phosphates tone up Liver and Brain. improved mental and physical vigor, with gain in weight. Brahmi
u Aids Calcium absorption. which is a nervine tonic, enhances learning and improves mental
ability. Natrum muriaticum corrects nutritional imbalance
u Boosts immunity.
imparting good health
Composition: Alfalfa 2x, Avena sat. 2x, Cinchona off. 2x, Hydrastis
Composition: Avena sativa Ø, Alfalfa Ø, Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi)
can. 2x, Natrum phos. 3x, Acidum phos. 2x, Calcarea phos. 3x, Kali.
Ø , Natrum muriaticum 3x
phos. 3x, Ferrum phos. 3x, Magnesium phos. 3x, Withania som.
2x. Directions for use: Use to taste. Can be drunk mixed in plain water
or it can be made into a refreshing, delicious milk shake. It can also
Dosage: Adults:1 tablespoon, 2 times daily.
be used for making ice cream and faloodas.
Pregnant & Lactating females: 1 tablespoon, 3 times daily.
Presentation: 750ml
Children: 1-2 teaspoon, 2-3 times daily.
Presentation: 300 gms & 500 gms.
Tablets Twin pack
HAIR OIL Syrup & Tablets
Drops Syrup
Drops Drops
Clinically proven for maintaining normal blood pressure. Hypercholesterolemia and Hypertension are both major risk
u Regulates circulation of blood. factors for the development and progression of atherosclerotic
heart disease and their co-existence has been associated with an
u Checks venous stasis and haemorrhage. increased incidence of cardiac events like Strokes, Heart Attacks or
u Corrects Arteriosclerosis. Kidney Disease and even insulin resistance in case of high
u Fights hypertension, Cardiac hypertrophy & dropsy. cholesterol. Normal blood pressure is when blood pressure is
lower than 120/80 mmHg most of the time. The normal range for
u It gives a mean fall in SBP of 15.75mmHg & mean fall in DBP of
total blood cholesterol is between 140 and 200 mg per decilitre
10.31mmHg without side effects over a period of 12 weeks.
(mg/dL) of blood.
Composition: Rauwolfia serpentina 2x, Viscum album 3x, Bee Pee Aid Plus is a safe homoeopathic combination which
Crataegus oxy. 2x, Arnica montana 3x, Valeriana off. 3x, Melilotus reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels without side effects
alba 3x, Cactus g. 3x. or dependency, under the supervision of medical practitioner
Dosage: Acute conditions: 20 drops diluted with some water, along with lifestyle changes. Regular medical checks ups are
every 2 hours. imperative to keep track on prognosis and health benefits.
Mild to moderate conditions: 20 drops diluted with some water, 2 Composition: Rauwolfia serpentina Ø, Crataegus oxy. Ø, Cactus g.
times a day. Ø, Fucus vesiculosusØ, Curcuma longa Ø
Presentation: 30 ml, 100ml. Dosage: Take 10 drops mixed in some water, thrice daily. Or as
prescribed by the physician
Presentation: 30 ml, 100ml.
Tablets Tablets
Calcium is one of the most important macronutrients for the Anxiety is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences at
body's growth and function. Efficacy of Calci Aid has been proven times. Many people feel anxious, or nervous, when faced with a
by Clinical study and is an effective supplement for all age groups problem at work, before taking a test or making an important
including Pregnant & Lactating mothers. Bakson Calci Aid helps to: decision under stress. In small doses, stress helps one to stay
u Reduce physical fatigue & improve mental health. focused, energetic and alert. But when stress becomes
u Aid uneventful dentition. overwhelming, it can damage health, mood, productivity,
relationships and quality of life.
u Strengthen bone and reduce risk of fracture besides
maintaining tissue elasticity. CALM AID is an effective homoeopathic combination meant for
relieving anxiety, soothing nerves and easing sleep. without the
u Maintain Calcium balance in body which indirectly is known fear of drug dependence and any side effects
to reduce premenstrual symptoms and curb tendency to put
on weight. Composition: Iris versicolor 3x, Cedron 3x, Ignatia amara 3x,
Spigelia anthelmia 3x, Belladonna 3x.
Composition: Calcarea carbonica 3x, Calcarea flour. 3x, Calcarea
Dosage: 1 Tablet, 3 times a day. Or as prescribed by the physician.
phosphorica 3x, Silicea 3x
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets.
Dosage: Adults: 1 tablet, twice a day. Children: 1 tablet, once a
day. Or as prescribed by the physician.
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets & 200 tablets.
Drops Tablets
A highly efficacious formula to tone up the Heart. It checks : Psoriasis occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals
u Angina that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells. Psoriasis is not
contagious. It is characterised by red, scaly patches of skin, which
u Arrhythmia usually have very well defined edges. It is often symmetrical,
u Hypertrophy of Heart affecting both sides of the body. The scale is typically silvery white.
u Cardiac dropsy Bakson’s DERMATO AID helps relieve symptom of Psoriasis.
u Coronary Artery Disease Composition: Berberis aquifolium Ø, Calcarea carbonica 6x,
Composition: Cactus grandiflora Ø, Crataegus oxy. Ø, Graphites 5x, Hydrocotyle asiatica 2x, Natrum muriaticum 5x.
Strophanthus hispidus Ø, Convallaria maj. Ø, Valeriana officinalis Dosage: Adults: Start with one tablet once on Monday &
Ø, Aurum muriaticum nat. 3x, Camphora 2x. Thursday, twice in a week. In case of no improvement after fifteen
Dosage: 20 to 30 drops diluted in water, three times daily. days, you may increase to one tablet on alternate day for two
Presentation: 30ml, 100ml.
Children: Start with one tablet once a week. As the improvement
increases, you may reduce the dosage to one tablet once in ten
days and then one tablet once fortnightly.
For more information, please read the detailed insert inside the
product pack
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tabs.
Drops Syrup
Bakson DIAB AID is a clinically proven safe and effective A highly effective composition to regularise digestion. It gives
formulation which helps to successfully maintain normal Blood glucose everlasting and quick relief in:
levels in Prediabetic (a stage between normal & Diabetes) as well as
u Acidity
diagnosed Type 2 diabetic cases.
u Helps relieve increased frequency of urine & thirst & check u Flatulence
debility. u Nausea
u Its formulation is safe for use during Pregnancy (Gestational
u Vomiting
Diabetes) as compared to other homoeopathic formulations for
Diabetes. u Cramps in abdomen
u It can be used standalone as well as an adjunct to other Composition: Piper nigrum 2x, Nux vomica 3x, Thymus serp. 3x,
treatment. Asafoetida 3x, Hydrastis can. 3x, Lycopodium clavatum 2x,
u Clinical trials prove that Bakson Diab Aid when used regularly helps Coriandrum sat. 3x, Carbo veg. 3x.
to reduce fasting and Post prandial blood sugar levels, decrease
the requirement of insulin units & reduce HbA1c levels also. Dosage: Adults: 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day after meals.
Composition: Cephalandra indica Ø, Gymnema syl. Ø, Syzygium Children: Half the adult dose.
jambolanum Ø, Crataegus oxy. Ø, Acidum phos. 2x, Abroma aug. Ø, Presentation: 115 ml, 450 ml.
Chionanthus vir. Ø
Dosage: Adults: 10-15 drops in 1/4th cup of water before
meals, 3 times a day. Children: 5-10 drops in 1/4th cup of water before
meals, 3 times a day.
Presentation: 30 ml, 100ml
Suspension Syrup
Syrup Tablets
Fever is the temporary increase in body's temperature, above the Aids an instant and effective recovery from attacks of Coryza.
normal 98.60F (370C), in response to some disease or illness. It Helps to overcome an acute attack of flu, sneezing, runny nose,
forms an important part of the body's defense against infection. low to high grade fever, chilliness, headache, pain in bones and
Fevers of 104oF (400C) or higher demand immediate emergency muscles, cough and general weakness.
care, as they can result in delirium, hallucinations, confusion and
Composition: Arsenicum album 6x, Gelsemium sempervirens 3x,
convulsions, particularly in infants and children. Signs and
Eupatorium perf. 3x, Bellis per. 3x, Bryonia alba 3x.
symptoms of a fever include the following:
u Shivering, shaking, chills Intermittent sweats Dosage: Adults: 1 tab, 2 hourly, 6 times a day. Children: Half the
u Aching muscles and joints Skin flushing adult dose.
u Headache Weakness Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets.
‘Fevo Aid' is an effective homoeopathic anti-pyretic that assists the
body in relieving the accompanying discomforting symptoms.
Composition: Acetanilide 8x, Ferrum phos. 8x, Bryonia alba 2x,
Rhus tox. Ø, Gelsemium semp. Ø, Belladonna Ø, Eupatorium
perf.Ø, Andrograph p. 2x, Agnus castus Ø, Allium cepa Ø, Ocimum
san. Ø, Justicia adh. Ø.
Dosage: Adults: 1 tablespoon, every 3-4 hours. Children: 1
teaspoon, every 3-4 hours. Infants: ½ teaspoon, every 3-4 hours.
Presentation: 60 ml, 115 ml & 450 ml.
Syrup & Tablets Drops
Mixture Drops
Colic is the worst pain a baby experiences. There are several It is a perfect growth promoter for children.
contributing factors that, when occur in combination, are likely to u Relieves colic, diarrhoea, dentition disorders & worm
result in colic and discomfort. infestations.
Bakson's Gripe Aid has carminative and digestive properties, u Checks weakness of memory.
which relieve symptoms of colic in gastrointestinal disorders in
infants and children. It helps restore the normal physiological u Improves growth.
functions of the digestive tract, acts as an appetizer and ensures u Fights food negativism and Iron deficiency.
health and well-being. Being a homoeopathic medicine, Gripe Aid Composition: Calcarea phos. 8x, Ferrum phos. 8x, Kali.
is reliable, non allergic and completely safe and provides effective phosphoricum 8x, Chamomilla 3x, Cinchona off. 3x, Iodium 3x,
relief from flatulence, colic and hiccups, soothes stomach upset Cuprum oxy. nigrum 8x, Cypripedium pub. 20x, Chelone gl. 3x,
that often results during Dentition and helps baby's digestive Nepeta cataria 2x.
system adjust to new foods.
Dosage: Infants (6 months to 1 yr.): 5 drops twice daily. 1-3 yrs.: 5
Composition: Chamomilla 3x, Magnesium phos. 8x. drops thrice daily. 3 yrs. & above: 10 drops thrice daily.
Dosage: Infants: ½ tea-spoonful. 1 - 6 months: 1 tea-spoonful. Presentation: 30 ml.
6 months-1 year: 2 tea-spoonful. 2 years & above: 2-3
teaspoonful or as prescribed by the physician.
Presentation: 115 ml.
Drops Drops
(Twin Pack) (Individual Pack)
Hair Tonic For healthy hair
A perfect hair tonic. The drops help fight Dandruff, Alopecia (hairloss) & thinning of hair.
The internal medication checks dandruff, premature greying of hair The use of External drops conditions scalp & hair as well as
and split ends. The external preparation conditions scalp and hair nourishes the hair roots. Besides it prevents itching & irritation of
and also nourishes the hair roots. Hair Aid is inevitable for natural scalp & split ends. The EXTERNAL DROPS is meant for applying on
growth of healthy hair. hair while washing hair and INTERNAL DROPS is for consuming
medicine internally as per advised dosage.
Composition: Internal Preparation: Acidum phos. 3x, Lycopodium
clavatum 3x, Jaborandi 2x, Natrum mur.8x. Composition: For Internal use: Acidum phos. 3x, Lycopodium
clavatum 3x, Jaborandi 2x, Natrum mur.8x.
External Preparation: Cinchona off. Ø, Arnica mont. Ø, Jaborandi
Ø, Cantharis Ø. For External use: Cinchona off. Ø, Arnica mont. Ø, Jaborandi Ø,
Cantharis Ø.
Dosage: Adults: 10 -12 drops in half tablespoon of water twice
daily (Internal prep.). 40 to 45 drops mixed with oil on alternate day Dosage: For Internal use: Dilute with half tablespoon of water.
(External prep.). Adults: 10-12 drops twice daily. Children: 5-6 drops twice daily.
Children: 5 - 6 drops in half tablespoon of water twice daily(Internal Directions for use of External Preparation: Mix with oil & apply on
prep.). 20 - 25 drops mixed with oil on alternate day (External scalp every alternate day.
prep.). Adults: 40-45 drops. Children: 20-25 drops.
Presentation: 30 ml each (Twin Pack). Presentation: 30 ml each
Tablets Tablets
There are many causes of slow growth. Delayed growth is poor or An anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-pruritic combination that
abnormally slow height or weight gain in a child younger than age offers relief from skin ailments like :
of 5. This may just be normal and the child may outgrow it. u Eczema
u Lichen planus
While we cannot change the hereditary and congenital causes for u Extreme dryness, cracks & excessive scaling
abnormal growth and stunting, abnormal growth due to hormonal Composition: Calcarea fluorica 3x, Calcarea sulph. 3x, Kali sulph. 3x,
causes, poor nutrition, due to various illnesses and psychosocial Natrum sulph. 3x, Arsenicum album 6x, Rhus tox. 3x.
causes definitely needs proper finding of cause and treating it Dosage: For Dry / Wet Eczema: Adults: Start with one tablet Monday
along with proper supplementation. & Thursday, twice a week for two weeks. In case of no improvement
after fifteen days, you may increase to one tablet alternate day for two
Composition: Baryta carbonica 6x, Silicea 3x, Calcarea phos. 3x.
Dosage: Children below 13 yrs.: 1 tablet, daily at bedtime. Children: Start with one tablet once a week. As the improvement
Children above 13 yrs.: 2 tablets, daily at bedtime. increases, you may reduce the dosage to one tablet once in ten days
and then one tablet once fortnightly.
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets.
For Lichen planus: Adults: Start with one tablet on alternate day. In
case of no improvement after fifteen days, you may increase to one
tablet once a day for two weeks.
Children: Start with one tablet on Monday & Thursday, twice in a
week. As the improvement increases, you may reduce the dosage to
one tablet once in a week and then one tablet once in ten days.
For more information, please read the detailed insert inside the
product pack
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tabs. & 200 tabs.
33 Bakson's Homoeopathy...... ...... beyond compare ! 34
Tablets Syrup
Homoeopathic Formula ‘P’ Tablets is a combination of several A polyfunctional restorative tonic for all ages with natural
clinically tried potentized homoeopathic medicines which give goodness of Alfalfa and Ginseng.
relief in problems of prostate, thereby avoiding unnecessary u Great appetizer.
surgery. The medicine in microdoses promotes normal functioning
of gland without side effects. It is used for painful or frequent u Eases convalescence.
urination. u Promotes growth & development in children.
Composition: Chimaphila umb. 3x, Clematis erecta 3x, Conium u Corrects Anaemia, insomnia & general weakness.
mac. 3x, Ferrum picricum 6x, Pareira brava 3x, Populus u Normalises vital body functions.
tremuloides 3x, Pulsatilla nig. 3x, Sabal serr. 3x.
Composition: Avena sativa Ø, Cinchona off. 2x, Ginseng Ø,
Dosage: 1 tablet, four times a day. Hydrastis can. Ø, Alfalfa Ø, Acidum formicum 3x, Lecithin 2x,
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tabs. & 200 tabs. Janosia ashoka 2x, Manganum acet. 2x, Zincum metallicum 8x.
Dosage: Adults: 1 tablespoon, 2 times a day.
Children: 1 teaspoon, 2 times a day.
Presentation: 115 ml, 225 ml & 450 ml.
Hair Care Syrup
A hair rejuvenating preparation that strengthens and replenishes Liver disease is a broad term that covers all the potential problems
hair of its lost luster and vitality bringing shine, bounce and that cause the liver to fail to perform its designated functions.
volume. It prevents hair loss and promotes new growth. A gentle Usually, more than 75% or three quarters of liver tissue needs to
massage with this oil helps to enhance the blood circulation of the be affected before a decrease in function occurs. Liver disease is
scalp, thereby increasing absoption of its restoring agents, that also referred to as hepatic disease.
strengthen hair roots and nourishes hair till the tip.
Classic symptoms of liver disease include:
Composition: Arnica montana Ø, Brahmi Ø, Cantharis Ø, u Nausea Vomiting
Jaborandi Ø, Wiesbaden 12x, Oil base.
u Right upper quadrant abdominal pain Jaundice
Application: Apply to hair & scalp with gentle massage. Fatigue, weakness and weight loss may also occur.
Presentation: 100 ml, 200 ml & 500ml. Bakson’s KALMEGH AID is a composition of various clinically tried
homoeopathic medicines which gives relief from symptoms
associated with these liver ailments.
Composition: Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh) 2x, Carduus
marianus 2x, Carica papaya 2x, Chelidonium majus Ø, Chionanthus
virginicus Ø, Myrica cerifera Ø.
Dosage: Adults: 1 teaspoon (5ml), 3 times a day. Children: ½
teaspoon (2.5ml), 2 times a day. Or as prescribed by the physician.
Presentation: 115 ml & 450 ml.
Syrup & Tablets Syrup
Syrup Syrup
LIV AID SUGAR FREE: Each tablespoon has 0.45Kcal & a day’s dose
falls into negligible “Zero Calorie” category. Safe for Diabetics.
Presentation: 115 ml, 200 ml & 450 ml.
It provides instant relief in any type of headache like migraine, For pain, obstruction and other ailments of ears.
periodical headache of school children, premenstrual headaches, Mullein oil which is obtained from the herb Verbascum thapsus, is
climacteric headaches, headache due to eye strain or on exposure a good bactericide and is used locally in diseases of ear. It is
to heat of the Sun or light. suitable for otalgia, sense of obstruction in ears, dry, scaly
Composition: Cimicifuga rac. 3x, Gelsemium semp. 3x, Iris condition of the meatus, purulent discharge from ears, Otitis
versicolor 3x, Sanguinaria can. 3x, Spigelia anthel. 12x, Natrum externa, Otitis media and hardness of hearing due to excessive
mur. 3x, Ferrum phos. 3x, Kali. phos. 3x. accumulation of ear wax, chronic cold, Sinusitis and old age.
Dosage: Adults: 1 tablet, 4 times a day. Children: 1 tablet, 2 times a Composition: Mullein (Verbascum thapsus), Acidum boracicum,
day. Or as prescribed by the physician. Glycerine.
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tabs. & 200 tabs. Directions for use: Instil 2-3 drops into the ear 3-4 times a day. If
pain persists discontinue its use and consult a physician.
Presentation: 10 ml.
Spray Oil
Nasal congestion also known as blocked nose or stuffy nose is the Leucoderma is a acquired skin condition with localized loss of
blockage of the nasal passage usually due to membranes lining the pigmentation (brown colour) of the skin resulting in white patches
nose becoming swollen from inflamed blood vessels. It has many that may occur after any number of inflammatory skin conditions,
causes like common cold, allergic reaction, Sinusitis or even deviated burns, post dermabrasion etc. Postinflammatory hypo-
septum. pigmentation may also follow healing of Dermatitis. Besides even
Dr. Bakshi's Nasal Aid is an instant acting composition that provides after the Psoriasis has cleared up by itself or with treatment, it may
symptomatic relief from nasal congestion. Its direct acting solution leave dark or pale marks (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
acts by constricting the blood vessels in the nasal tissues, reducing and hypopigmentation). It does not cause true scarring.
swelling and feeling of congestion. It helps relieve:
Bakson's Oil Bouchi prepared from Psoralea coryfolia in oil base,
u Blockage of nose
effectively treats hypopigmentation without any side effects.
u Nasal discharge- watery, thick, bland or acrid
u Sneezing
Directions for Use: Apply as directed by Physician.
u Itching of nose Presentation: 60ml, 100ml & 450ml
u Loss of smell &
u Other symptoms associated with Allergic Rhinitis & Sinusitis.
Composition: Arsenicum album 6x, Calcarea carbonica 3x, Hydrastis
canadensis 3x, Kali bichromicum 3x, Pulsatilla nigricans 3x
Dosage: Adults: 1-2 sprays every 4 hours.
Children: 1 spray every 6 hours.
Presentation: 10ml
Tablets Liquid
A highly effective formulation for women suffering from disorders Bakson has carefully prepared a tonic which comprises of famous
of Reproductive System in particular Leucorrhoea (bland or acrid). five phosphates much approved in Homoeopathy.
It helps: It is available in syrup base to make it easy for children to consume
u Alleviate itching of Vagina besides also being manufactured in tablet form.
u Relieves agony of Pelvic pain u A tonic for all ages.
u Corrects menstrual irregularities u Builds up healthy bones.
Composition: Alumina 3x, Borax 3x, Sepia 20x, Kreosotum 3x, u Corrects debility.
Pulsatilla nigricans 3x u Improves impaired memory.
Dosage: Adults: 1 tablet, 3 times a day. u Tones up the nerves & circulation.
Children (Above 12 yrs.): Half the adult dose. Composition: Calcarea phos. 8x, Magnesium phos. 8x, Natrum
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets. phos. 8x, Ferrum phos. 8x, Kali phos. 8x.
Dosage: Adults: 1 tablespoon, 2-3 times a day.
Children: 1 teaspoon, 2-3 times a day or as directed by the
Presentation: 115 ml & 450 ml.
Tablets Mouthwash
A clinically well tried combination of phosphates of Sodium, Mouthwash or mouth rinse is used as an effective home care
Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium and Iron. It is a supplement for system to enhance oral hygiene. Its antiseptic and anti-plaque
good health in general for person of all ages. properties kill the bacterial plaque causing cavities, Gingivitis and
u Tones up the nerves, blood vessels & bones. bad breath.
u Removes general debility due to any cause (old age, child Perio Aid is a complete oral care routine for every day. This
birth, Lactation, prolonged illness or over work). mouthwash gives instant relief from bad breath by killing germs
and bacteria that a regular toothbrush would otherwise not reach.
u Impairment of memory and Skeletal disorders.
Even long after using Bakson’s Perio Aid Mouthwash, breath stays
Composition: Pentaphos 3x: Calcarea phos. 3x, Ferrum phos. 3x, fresh and cool.
Kali phos. 3x, Natrum phos. 3x, Magnesium phos. 3x. Perio Aid can also ease the pain of mouth ulcers, reduce
Pentaphos 6x: Calcarea phos. 6x, Ferrum phos. 6x, Kali phos. 6x, inflammation and help the tissues heal. An ideal preparation to
Natrum phos. 6x, Magnesium phos. 6x. soothe Canker sores and Gingivitis.
Dosage: Adults: 2-4 tablets three to four times a day. Children: (5- Composition: Calendula off. Ø, Echinacea angu.Ø, Hydrastis can. Ø
12 years of age): Half the adult dose. Or as prescribed by the Directions for use: Mix 15-20 drops in some water and rinse
physician. regularly after every meal. Hold above liquid in mouth for about
Presentation: 100 tablets & 1800 tablets. 30-40 seconds and rinse out.
Presentation: 30ml, 100ml.
Figure Perfect Relieves Piles & Fissures
Safe and natural way to combat Obesity. Special compound tablet - "PILGO" - acts most markedly on lower
It is indicated for excess weight including post delivery weight gain, bowels.
provided the mother is not breast feeding. Phytolacca berry u Eases engorged Haemorrhoidal veins.
tablets can be used along with a healthy diet and regular exercise u Relieves piles (blind/bleeding), fissures of anus, worm
to maintain normal body weight. infestation.
Composition: Phytolacca berry 1x. Composition: Ratanhia 2x, Hamamelis vir. 2x, Aesculus
Dosage: 2 tablets thrice daily, before meals. hippocastanum 3x, Aloe soco. 3x.
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets & 200 tablets. Dosage: 1 tablet, three times a day for 4 days, when bleeding stops
take 1 tablet, twice a day for 3-6 months to counter tendency for
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets & 200 tablets.
Twin Pack PLUS Drops
Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swellings containing Prostate enlargement, also known as ‘Benign Prostatic
enlarged blood vessels found inside or around the bottom (the Hyperplasia’, is a common condition that affects older men. When
rectum and anus). In many cases, they don't cause symptoms. On the Prostate becomes enlarged, it can place pressure on the
the other hand an anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist Bladder and Urethra, the tube through which urine passes. An
tissue (mucosa) that lines the anus. An anal fissure may occur enlarged Prostate can create difficulties with urination and
when one passes hard or large stools during a bowel movement. weakens the Bladder.
Anal fissures typically cause pain and bleeding with bowel
Prostate Aid, can check the symptoms of Prostate enlargement,
movements. Pilgo plus is a combo pack to ease symptoms of
restoring the state of health without the need for surgical
painful hemorrhoids and anal fissures, regularise bowel habits and
prevent recurrence. intervention. It relieves the frequency, urgency, hesitancy to
Composition: Pilgo tablets: Ratanhia 2x, Hamamelis vir. 2x, urinate, dribbling of urine & its interrupted flow.
Aesculus hippocastanum 3x, Aloe soco. 3x. Composition: Sabal serrulata 2x, Chimaphila umb. 3x, Clematis
#B 9 DROPS: Acidum nit. 6x, Aesculus hipp. 2x, Collinsonia can. 4x, erecta 3x, Conium mac. 3x, Pareira brava 3x, Pulsatilla nig. 3x.
Graphites 8x, Hamamelis vir. 3x, Kali carbonicum 8x, Lycopodium Dosage: 10-15 drops in 1/4th cup of water, 3-4 times daily or as
clav. 4x, Paeonia officinalis 3x, Sulphur 5x. prescribed by the physician.
Dosage: Pilgo Tablets: 1 Tablet 3 times a day for 4 days, when
Presentation: 30ml.
bleeding stops take 1 Tablet twice a day for 3-6 months to counter
tendency for Piles. #B-9 Drops: Take 10-15 drops diluted in water,
2 hourly, 6 times a day. Once improvement starts maintenance
dose to be taken 2 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
Presentation: Combination of Pilgo Tabs.-75 Tablets & B#9 Drops-
53 Bakson's Homoeopathy...... ...... beyond compare ! 54
Syrup, Tablets & Gel Oil
Tones up the Musculoskeletal system. Relieves pain, stiffness and To counter Musculoskeletal pain, Bakson introduces a non-greasy,
impaired functioning of affected parts without side effects. easy to apply, Rheum Aid Oil, a useful combination of well known
Composition: Syrup: Acidum form. 3x, Colchicum a. 3x, Rhus tox. homoeopathic remedies. It is an effective, formulation that aids in
3x, Natrum sali. 8x, Ledum pal. 3x, Dulcamara 3x, Lithium carb. 8x, alleviating suffering and provides quick relief with direct
Gelsemium semp. 3x, Ulmus f. 3x. application on the affected part. Its fast absorption into skin
Tablet: Calcarea phos. 3x, Ferrum phos. 3x, Kali. phos. 3x, Natrum exhilarates the fatigued Muscles to improve flexibility and
phos. 3x, Magnesium phos. 3x, Berberis vulg. 3x, Causticum 3x, movement of body parts.
Rhododendron chrys. 3x, Rhus tox. 3x. Indication: External application in oil form for pain in Joints,
Gel: Arnica mont. Ø, Gaultheria Ø, Methyl Sali. 1x, Cantharis Ø. Muscles and Soft tissues, Sprains, stiff neck/back & Sciatica.
Dosage: Syrup: Adults: 1 tablespoon of syrup, thrice daily. Composition: Arnica montana Ø, Cantharis Ø, Gaultheria p. Ø,
Children: 1 teaspoon of syrup, thrice daily. Methyl salicylate 1x, In electromagnetically activated Hydrocarbon
Tablets: Adults: 1 tablet, 3 times a day. Children: 1 tablet, 2 times a & Vegetable Oil Base q.s.
day. Or as prescribed by the physician. Application: Massage gently, 2-3 times daily, on clean, dried
Application: Apply the gel twice daily on clean & dried affected affected area till the oil gets absorbed. For faster absorption, hot
portion. fomentation is recommended prior to application.
Presentation: Syrup: 115 ml & 450 ml. Caution: Do not apply on the face and scalp.
Tablets: 40 tablets, 75 tabs. & 200 tabs.
Presentation: 60 ml & 115 ml.
Gel Tube: 60 gms.
Twin Pack PLUS Syrup
RHEUM AID PLUS is proven for overcoming the distress caused by Naturally beautiful skin is clean, soft and supple, just like that of a
inflammations and pain. It acts by alleviating all the five symptoms child. It glows naturally and is spotless. Skin Problems are generally
of Rheumatism thereby greatly reducing the discomfort and caused by impurities in the blood. Most of the applications used
restoring the mobility. externally provide only transitory relief and do not address the
Composition: Rheum aid Tablets: Calcarea phos. 3x, Ferrum phos. root cause. Sarsa Aid with goodness of homoeopathic remedies
3x, Kali. phos. 3x, Natrum phos. 3x, Magnesium phos. 3x, Berberis detoxifies the blood and clears the skin from within leaving skin
vulg. 3x, Causticum 3x, Rhododendron chrys. 3x, Rhus tox. 3x. glowing and pimple free.
B#11 Pain Drops: Berberis vulgaris 3x, Calcarea phosphorica 8x, The formulation helps relieve skin diseases such as acne vulgaris,
Causticum 3x, Rhododendron chrysanthum 3x, Rhus toxicodendron boils, skin rashes, blemishes, mild eczema
Composition: Sarsaparilla Ø, Sulphur Ø, Phytolacca decandra Ø,
Dosage: Rheum Aid Tablets: Adults: 1 tablet, 3 times a day. Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Azadirachta Indica Ø, Gentiana lutea Ø.
Children: 1 tablet, 2 times a day. #B-11 Drops: In acute cases take
10 drops in some water 4 times a day. Once improvement starts Dosage: Adults: 1 tablespoon, three times a day before meals.
reduce the dose. In chronic cases take 10 drops in some water 2 Children: 1 teaspoon, three times a day before meals. Or as
times daily before meals for atleast 12-16 weeks. Or as advised by prescribed by the physician.
the physician. Presentation: 115 ml & 450 ml.
Presentation: Combination of Rheum Aid Tabs.-75 Tablets &
B#11 Drops-30ml
Spray Tablets
Antiseptics are agents that slow or stop the growth of micro- Sinusitis means inflammation of a sinus. Most bouts of sinusitis are
organisms (germs) on external surfaces of the body and help caused by an infection, but also can be caused by allergies and
reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis or putrefaction in minor chemicals or particulate. The cheekbone (maxillary) sinuses are
cuts, scrapes and burns. Bakson's Sept aid, a local antiseptic wash the most commonly affected.
is a pump-action spray that helps remove dirt and grime from cuts
Acute sinusitis (acute rhinosinusitis) causes the cavities around
and wounds and promotes healthy granulation with rapid healing
nasal passages (sinuses) to become inflamed and swollen. This
through antiseptic as well as anti-inflammatory action of its
interferes with drainage and causes mucus to build up. Sinusitis
natural ingredients especially Calendula and Echinacea. It is highly
effective for healing : that lasts more than eight weeks or keeps coming back, despite
treatment is called chronic sinusitis.
u Minor cuts and scrapes
u Burns and stings
SINUS AID is effective for blocked nose, sneezing & related
symptoms. It acts homoeopathically preventing recurrences and
u Superficial eruptions with pus formation &
thereby boosting immunity.
u Shallow ulcers on skin.
Composition: Calendula off. (Ext.) Ø, Echinacea ang. (Ext.) Ø, Composition: Arsenicum album 6x, Calcarea carbonica 3x,
Kreosotum (Ext.) Ø Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Kali bichromicum 3x, Pulsatilla nigricans
Directions for use: Hold the container approximately 2-3 inches
away from the affected area and spray lightly to irrigate. May be Dosage: 1 Tablet, 4 times a day. Maintenance dose: 1 Tablet, twice
repeated 2-3 times daily, if necessary, until the area is healed. a day. Or as prescribed by the physician
Presentation: 100ml Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 Tablets
‘Spondylosis’ refers to degenerative Osteoarthritis of the joints A perfect restorative health tonic for males.
between the centre of the spine. Spondy Aid is useful in treating the u Fights Sexual disorders like premature or delayed ejaculation.
diseases of the spine and back. This combination helps in reducing the
pain and inflammation of the affected joints. It significantly reduces u Relieves Sexual Neuraesthenia.
stiffness and radiating pain associated with Cervical and Lumbar u Restores lost vigour and vitality.
Spondylosis, thereby improving the ability to function normally. It also
Composition: Damiana Ø, Acidum phosphoricum 3x, Avena sativa
reduces muscular spasm and frequency of pain thus restoring the
general strength of the body.
2x, Yohimbinum Ø, Agnus castus 2x, Lycopodium clav. 3x, Cinchona
off. (China) 2x, Viburnum op. 3x.
Composition: Acid form. 3x, Colch. aut. 3x, Rhus tox.3x, Ledum pal 3x,
Dulcamara 3x, Gels. semp. 3x, Ulmus fulva 3x. Dosage: 1 teaspoon twice daily after meals.
Dosage: 10-15 drops should be diluted with water and taken 3 times a Presentation: 115 ml & 450 ml.
day. In acute cases take 2 hourly 6 times a day. Once improvement
starts reduce to twice daily. For best results take with Rheum Aid
Presentation: 30ml
Presentation: Combination of
Spondy aid drops 30ml &
Rheum aid gel 60g
Tablets Tablets
A complete health restorative tonic with the active ingredients in It is a unique composition of very selective homoeopathic
the form of suitably selected homoeopathic medicines that medicines which are time - tested, clinically tried and well-known
energizes the body & provides the well needed boost for its for the cure of :
efficient functioning. It combats general debility, improves u Tonsillitis
appetite, relieves distress due to disturbed sleep & also aids
convalescence during ill-health. u Pharyngitis
Composition: Avena sativa Ø, Gentiana lutea Ø, Guarana 3x, u Sore Throat
Acidum phosphoricum 2x, Aurum muriaticum 3x, Helonias dioica Composition: Mercurius bin. iod. 6x, Kali mur. 3x, Belladonna 3x,
3x. Baryta carbonica 6x, Ferrum phos. 3x
Dosage: Adults: 1-2 teaspoons diluted in half a cup of water, 3 Dosage: Adults: 1 tablet 3 to 4 times a day. Children: Half the adult
times daily. dose. Or as prescribed by the physician.
Presentation: 100 ml. Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets, 200 tablets.
Tablets Tablets
Urticaria or Hives are itchy, burning swellings that appear on the skin For warts, corns and Epithelial Tumours.
as an indication of an allergic sensitivity to various allergens specially
u It is a combination of Causticum and Thuja, which are well
with a family history. The development of Urticaria occurs when the
body releases histamines into the blood stream or tissues as an allergic known, clinically proved specific homoeopathic remedies for
response causing widening of the capillaries thereby allowing the all types of warts.
plasma to escape through its walls resulting in swellings on skin u Wart Aid is the safest and effective method to get rid of warts.
Urticaria appears as red/white blotches on the skin accompanied by Composition: Causticum 3x, Thuja occ. 2x.
itching & burning. Bakson’s Urtica Aid helps relieve intolerable itching, Dosage: Adults: 1 tablet thrice daily. Children: 1 tablet twice daily.
stinging pains of Hives/Urticaria & symptoms of Angioedema besides Or as prescribed by the physician.
fighting ill effects of suppressed Urticaria.
Composition : Urtica urens 3x, Apis mellifica 3x Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets.
Dosage: Acute Phase: One tablet 4 times a day. As condition improves
gradually reduce the dosage.
Chronic Phase: Start with one tablet Monday & Thursday, twice a
week for two weeks. In case of no improvement after fifteen days you
may increase to one tablet alternate day for two weeks.
Children: Start with one tablet once a week. As the improvement
increases, you may reduce the dosage to one tablet once in ten days
and then one tablet once fortnightly.
For more information, please read the detailed insert inside the
product pack
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tabs.
67 Bakson's Homoeopathy...... ...... beyond compare ! 68
Tablets Tablets
An effective and safe deworming formulation which helps: An effective formulation with laxative action combining the
u Relieve pain abdomen, itching of anus & nose. valuable Homoeopathic remedies and an additional constituent
Phenolphthalein that tones up the intestines, regulates bowel
u Relieves Diarrhoea/Constipation. habits, relieves constipation & anal itching. Also relieves the
u Corrects altered appetite. associated complaints of bloated sensation, flatulence, abdominal
It acts without producing any side effects or dependency that is pain & straining during defecation.
seen with conventional medicines. Its regular use helps build Composition: Phenolphthalein 1x, Senna 1x, Sulphur 1x.
immunity of children so that they don't fall prey to worms again. Dosage: Adults: 2 tablets at bedtime.
Composition: Cuprum oxydatum nigrum 3x, Santoninum 3x, Children: 1 tablet at bedtime.
Chelone glabra 3x, Filix mas 3x
Presentation: 40 Tablets, 75 tablets & 200 tablets.
Dosage: Adults: 2 tabs, 2 times a day. Children above 5 yrs: 1 tab, 2
times a day. below 5 yrs: 1 tab, once a day.
Presentation: 40 tablets, 75 tablets.
Dr. Bakshi's #B18 : TEETH DROPS: For painful dentition, toothache, pyorrhoea
B-DROPS etc.
#B19 : COLIC DROPS: For abdominal pain and constipation.
#1-71 #B20 : SUGAR DROPS: For Diabetes Mellitus and hyperglycemia.
#B21 : STRENGTH DROPS: For males.
#B22 : SINUS DROPS: For Sinusitis, chronic coryza, runny nose.
#B1 : INFLUENZA & FEVER DROPS: For runny nose, cold & fever.
#B23 : SKIN DROPS: For pimples, scars and rashes.
#B2 : STOMACH DROPS: For indigestion, acidity, Gastritis etc.
#B24 : NAUSEA DROPS: For nausea & morning sickness.
#B3 : DIARRHOEA DROPS: For diarrhoea, Gastro-enteritis &
dysentery. #B25 : ACNE DROPS: For pimples, Dermatitis etc.
#B4 : HEART DROPS: For insufficiency of Heart. #B26 : INJURY DROPS: For sprains, wounds, open ulcers, sepsis.
#B5 : GOLD DROPS : For Heart ailments. #B27 : WORMS DROPS: For all types of worm infestations.
#B6 : INFLAMMATION DROPS: For Sinusitis, Arthritis etc. #B28 : WEIGHT DROPS: For obesity and tendency to put on
#B7 : CLIMACTERIC DROPS: For hot flushes, irregular
menstruation. #B29 : INTERCOSTAL DROPS: For pain in intercostal spaces.
#B8 : CALCIFICATION DROPS: For senile changes. #B30 : NOCTURNAL DROPS: For bed wetting and bladder
#B9 : HEMORRHOIDAL DROPS: For Piles, anal fissure etc.
#B31 : MENSIN DROPS: For painful menstruation.
#B10 : SLEEP DROPS: For loss of sleep & disturbed sleep patterns.
#B32 : LAX-N-LIV DROPS: For Liver disorders & constipation.
#B11 : PAIN DROPS: For muscular pains and joint ailments.
#B33 : COUGH DROPS: For continuous/spasmodic/ suffocative
#B12 : HEADACHE DROPS: For Migraine, nervous headaches.
#B13 : PROSTATITIS DROPS: For prostatic enlargement &
#B34 : TUMOUR DROPS: For anomalous growths & tumours.
#B35 : URINARY DROPS: For Kidney, Bladder & Urinary disorders.
#B14 : RENAL DROPS: For renal calculus and Urinary problems.
#B36 : ENDOCRINE DROPS (males): For various Endocrine
#B15 : FEMALE DROPS: For menstrual irregularities.
disorders in males.
#B16 : VERTIGO DROPS: For vertigo, travel sickness.
#B37 : ENDOCRINE DROPS (females): For various Endocrine
71 Bakson's Homoeopathy...... ...... beyond compare ! 72
disorders in females. vertigo.
#B38 : REACTIVATING DROPS: For obstinate skin ailments. #B58 : PNEUMO HEPATIC DROPS: For Lungs & Liver disorders.
#B39 : CARDIO PULMONARY DROPS: For Heart and Lungs. #B59 : ANASARCA/DROPSY DROPS: For oedema of legs, ascites
#B40 : PLEURISY DROPS: For suffocation, cough & pain associated etc.
with pleurisy. #B60 : INFLAMMED MUCOSA DROPS: For inflammation of
#B41 : VITALITY DROPS: For loss of vigour and vitality. mucous membranes as in measles.
#B42 : HEMATINIC DROPS: For proper production & circulation of #B61 : BLOOD PURIFIER DROPS: For impurities of blood &
blood. unhealthy skin.
#B43 : HYPER HYDROSIS DROPS: For profuse perspiration. #B62 : CIRCULATION DROPS: For cramps in limbs, Circulatory
#B44 : CONVULSION DROPS: For epilepsy, cramps & convulsions. disorders.
#B45 : NEURAL DROPS: For nervous irritability. #B63 : KIDNEY DROPS: For pain in region of kidneys, albuminuria,
#B46 : RIGHT ABDOMINAL DROPS: For pain in right side of proteinuria.
abdomen. #B64 : DERMATO DROPS: For exfoliation, Eczema and Psoriasis.
#B47 : LEFT ABDOMINAL DROPS: For pain in left side of #B65 : CARDIAC EFFICIENCY DROPS: For Heart disorders.
abdomen. #B66 : SHOCK DROPS: For vertigo, syncope and other circulatory
#B48 : VEIN DROPS: For varicose veins. disturbances.
#B49 : ASTHA DROPS: for Asthma and Bronchitis. #B67 : SHINGLES DROPS: For Herpes labialis and Herpes zoster.
#B50 : STIMULANT DROPS: For stimulation of Heart muscles. #B68 : NEURALGIA DROPS: For neuralgia-facial/trigeminal etc.
#B51 : LARYNGEAL DROPS: For chronic hoarseness of singers, #B69 : SCIATICA DROPS: For formication and pain in legs.
swelling and pain in Larynx. #B70 : PANCREATIC DROPS: For bloated abdomen, indigestion &
#B52 : ARTHRALGIA DROPS: For pain in bones & joints. Pancreatitis.
#B53 : HYPOCHONDRIACAL DROPS: For hysterical complaints. #B71 : ARTHROPATHY DROPS: For painful, swollen joints,
#B54 : PULMONIC DROPS: For Lung disorders. Osteoarthritis.
#B55 : FEM RHEUMA DROPS: For bone ailments in females.
#B56 : THYROTOXIC DROPS: For Thyroid dysfunctioning. Dosage: As prescribed by the physician.
#B57 : MEMORY DROPS: For weakness of memory, exhaustion & Presentation: 30 ml.
Dosage: Children Above 5 years: 2 tabs. thrice a day. 0-5 years: 1 tab.
thrice a day. Acute condition: 2 tabs. 2 hourly for 2-4 days.
Fights Respiratory problems 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x & 200x Potencies
Cough, cold, coryza, flu, hoarseness are common ailments u Calcarea fluorica
consequential to exposure to Pollution, Infections, Change of u Calcarea phosphorica
weather. All these seemingly miniscule yet troublesome problems
can affect quality of life. Medicated Globules arms one with five u Calcarea sulphurica
formulations to tackle these problems at their onset besides helping u Ferrum phosphoricum
to control Asthmatic exacerbations. u Kali. muriaticum
For Influenza & Fever: For Flu symptoms like fever, runny nose,
u Kali. phosphoricum
sneezing and cough especially associated with Upper Respiratory
Infections. u Kali. sulphuricum
For Hoarseness: For hoarseness due to overuse of voice or Throat u Magnesium phosphoricum
u Natrum muriaticum
For Sinusitis: For both acute and chronic Sinusitis.
For Cough: For continuous/spasmodic/ suffocative cough associated u Natrum sulphuricum
with Respiratory infections. u Natrum phosphoricum
For Asthmatic Condition: For breathlessness and cough in Bronchitis
u Silicea
& Asthma.
Dosage: Adults: Dissolve 6 globules in the mouth, 4 times a day. Dosage: Adults: 4 tablets, 4 times a day.
Children: 3 pills, 3 times a day. In acute/severe cases 4 pills every 2 Children: Half the adult dose.
hours, 6-8 times a day, may be taken. Presentation: 25 gms & 450 gms.
Presentation: 10g each.
COMBINATION Tablets & Powder
# 1-28 3x & 6x Potencies
1X Range Pure & effective
u Alfalfa u Ginseng Bakson offers a wide range of Homoeopathic Mother Tinctures &
u Andrographis paniculata u Glycyrrhiza glabra Dilutions.
u Avena sativa u Gymnema sylvestre
u Azadirachta indica u Hamamelis virginica Dosage: As prescribed by the physician.
u Bacopa monnieri u Hydrocotyle asiatica Presentation: 30 ml & 100 ml.
u Baptisia tinctoria u Hydrastis canadensis
u Berberis aquifolium u Hypericum perforatum
u Berberis vulgaris u Janosia ashoka
u Blatta orientalis u Justicia adhatoda
u Carduus marianus u Passiflora incarnata
u Carica papaya u Phytolacca
u Chelidonium majus u Quercus robur Potentiser
u Cinchona officinalis u Rauwolfia serpentina
u Crataegus oxyacantha u Sabal serrulata
u Damiana u Senna
u Daphne indica u Syzygium jambolanum
u Echinacea angustifolia u Thuja occidentalis
u Fucus vesiculosus u Urtica urens
u Ginkgo biloba
Eye Drops
Eye Drops
Controls Cataract For Eye Infections
Cataract is a clouding (opacity) of the lens of the eye that causes a Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva most
progressive, painless loss of vision. Vision may be blurred, contrast commonly due to an allergic reaction or an infection and presents
may be lost and halos may be visible around lights. as redness (Hyperaemia), swelling of conjunctiva (Chemosis) and
watering (Epiphora) of the eyes.
Cineraria, a known homoeopathic medicine is recommended in Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is caused by decreased tear production
diseases of the eye and has reputation in the cure of Cataract and or increased tear film evaporation. It presents as dryness, burning
Corneal opacities; especially as an absorbent of Cataracts. It must & a sandy-gritty eye irritation that gets worse as the day goes on.
be used regularly for several months. Blepharitis is an ocular disease characterized by inflammation of
Composition: Cineraria maritima Ø. the eyelid margins and presents as redness of the eyes, itching and
irritation of the eyelids.
Indications: Helps relieve symptoms of incipient Cataract especially All these eye affections are effectively relieved by well known
blurring of vision and other eye affections like Corneal opacities. homoeopathic medicine Euphrasia.
Directions for Use: Instil 1 or 2 drops into the eye, 3 or 6 times daily. Composition: Euphrasia officinalis Ø
Warning: If irritation persists or increases, discontinue the use and Indications: For symptoms of Conjunctivitis especially congestion
of eyes, excessive watering, irritation and photophobia besides
consult physician.
discomfort of dry eyes.
Presentation: 10 ml. Directions for Use: Instil 1 or 2 drops into the eye, 3 or 6 times
Warning: If irritation persists or increases, discontinue the use and
consult physician.
Presentation: 10 ml.
Eye Drops
For Common Eye Disorders A Complete Range
Some eye problems are minor and fleeting but some lead to a u AESCULUS OINTMENT: Itching & bleeding at anal opening.
permanent loss of vision. Common symptoms of eye diseases are u ARNICA OINTMENT: Traumatic injuries, sprain etc.
eye pain, watery eyes, photophobia, red eye, cloudy vision, foreign u CALENDULA OINTMENT: Antiseptic, for cuts & burns.
body sensation in eye, seeing lights, flashes, seeing spots, crusty
eyelids etc. u ECHINACEA OINTMENT: Antiseptic for boils & insect bites.
Cineraria Euphrasia Eye Drops, a combination of some well known u GRAPHITES OINTMENT: Cracks & hardened skin.
homoeopathic remedies, is effective in treating symptoms of u HAMAMELIS OINTMENT: Bleeding anal mass & cracked
many common eye infections besides relieving eye strain, corneal heels.
opacities and tendency to obscuration of lens causing blurred
u RHUS TOX OINTMENT: Muscular pain & trauma.
Composition: Cineraria maritima Ø, Euphrasia off. Ø, Kali. mur. u SULPHUR OINTMENT: Antiseptic for dry, itchy skin.
10x, Calcarea fluorica 10x, Silicea 10x, Magnesium carb. 10x, u THUJA OINTMENT: Warts & corns.
Calendula off. Ø. u CANTHARIS OINTMENT: Burns & scalds.
Indications: For symptoms of eye infections and tendency to
u HYPERICUM OINTMENT: Traumatic neuralgia.
opacification of eye lens (Cataract) especially with blurring of
vision. u URTICA URENS OINTMENT: Burning & stinging skin
Directions for Use: Instil 1 or 2 drops into the eye, 3 or 6 times daily conditions.
for several months. u APIS MELLIFICA OINTMENT: Urticaria (hives), bites & stings.
Warning: If irritation persists or increases, discontinue the use and u RUTA OINTMENT: Painful Musculoskeletal conditions.
consult physician.
Presentation: 10 ml. u BELLADONNA OINTMENT: Boils, abscesses & carbuncles.
Presentation: 25 gms tube
87 Bakson's Homoeopathy...... 88
Suspension Capsules
Capsules Capsules
Tablets Powder
Healthy hair and strong nails are a reflection of general overall A healthy weight refers a balance between the fat and fat-free
health - both inside and out. In order to keep them beautiful & masses (mainly muscle) in the body. Introduction of higher protein
youthful, Nail and Hair Aid is required. diets that include high quality proteins, like whey; help support
It provides essential nutrition for collagen and keratin build up, weight management and improvements in body composition.
Reaching a healthy body composition is important for optimal
improves blood circulation and imparts texture, tone as well as
body functioning, mobility, vitality, quality of life and preventing
strength to hair besides healthy nails.
lifestyle disorders. Hydrolysates are proteins which have already
Dosage: 1 tablet, once a day or as prescribed by the physician. been "broken down" to some level, hence they are absorbed into
Presentation: 30 Tablets the blood more quickly. These are beneficial for athletes wanting
faster recovery from training, to seniors who are fighting
sarcopenia (bone loss) and to patients meeting with high protein
demands while challenged with reduced absorption.
Bakson's Protein Plus is an effective mix of hydrolysates and other
proteins fortified with vitamins to give you wholesome nutrition
and ideal body weight.
Presentation: 350 gms.
Tablets & Capsules Tablets
A health supplement in the form of multivitamin with a special Bakson’s Withania coagulans tablets provide you the unmatched
focus on Vitamin D. Vitamin D is used for preventing and treating benefits of this herb. It is one of the best herbs for treating
Rickets, a disease that is caused by not having enough vitamin D diabetes. It helps in repairing beta cell of pancreas to provide
(Vitamin D deficiency). It is also used for treating weak bones insulin to our body in right quantities. This herb helps the body to
(Osteoporosis), bone pain, bone loss in people with a condition absorb blood glucose and improve carbohydrate metabolism, and
called Hyperparathyroidism and in inherited diseases in which the is also used to treat dyspepsia, flatulent colic and other intestinal
bones are especially brittle and easily broken. It is also used for infections.
preventing falls and fractures in people at risk for Osteoporosis. Indications: Maintains glocose levels & promotes a sense of well
Vitamin A, B, C & E have multiple functions in maintaining health being.
including growth and development, maintenance of the immune Dosage: 1 tablet once daily. Or as prescribed by the dietician.
system, healthy skin and good vision. Presentation: 75 Tablets, 200 Tablets.
Recommended for: Health supplement for strong bones, boosts
immunity and aids convalescence. Suitable for all age groups.
Dosage: Tablets: 1 tablet, once a day. Or as prescribed by the
physician. Capsules: 1 capsule, once daily. Or as prescribed by the
Presentation: Tablets: 30 Tablets
Capsules: 50 Capsules (5x10 Blister pack)