Speaking Rubric
Speaking Rubric
Speaking Rubric
Speaking Rubric for Role Play Presentation (English Foreign Language) English Teacher: MSc. Carlos Guerrero
Criteria Excellent (4 pts) Good (3 pts) Fair (2 pts) Needs to Improve (1 pt) SCORE
Speaks clearly and understandably. Speaks clearly with some Frequent pronunciation errors
Speech is somewhat difficult to
Pronunciation & Minimal errors in pronunciation. errors in pronunciation. make speech difficult to
understand due to pronunciation
Fluency Delivers lines fluently with natural Delivers lines mostly fluently understand. Delivery is halting
errors or lack of fluency.
rhythm and intonation. with some hesitations. and lacks natural flow.
Interactive Engages actively with partner(s). Participates actively in the Limited participation in the Passive participation in the
Communication Listens attentively and responds interaction. Listens and interaction. May not listen interaction. Does not listen
appropriately. Maintains eye responds fairly well. Uses attentively or respond fully. Little attentively or respond
contact and uses gestures some eye contact and or inconsistent use of eye contact appropriately. Lacks eye contact
effectively. gestures. and gestures. and gestures.
Total Points: 10
Individual Group Final score
• 9-10 points: Excellent role play presentation score score