Lockdown Booklet

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30 Fun and Educational

Massage Stories with

the Story Massage Programme

Here are some of the massage stories that we shared during the first
lockdown. You can find video demonstrations of many of these on our Vimeo
channel: https://vimeo.com/storymassage

Always remember to ask permission and say ‘thank you’ at the end. You can
also enjoy these massage stories as a self-massage or with your pets.

Chapter 1 (pages 2-10) Nursery Rhymes and Songs

Chapter 2 (pages 11-19) Traditional Tales

Chapter 3 (pages 20-40) Creative and Educational

Please do not share this booklet on public social media as we

are working hard to protect the integrity of the programme.

The Grand Old Duke of York
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

Oh, the Grand Old Duke of York

He had ten thousand men.

He marched them up to the top of the hill

And he marched them down again.

And when they were up, they were up.

And when they were down, they were down.

And when they were only halfway up, they were

neither up nor down.

Horsey, Horsey
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

Horsey, Horsey don’t you stop

Just let your feet go clippety-clop.

Your tail goes swish and the wheels go round.

Giddy-up, we’re homeward bound.

We’re not in a hurry. We’re not in a flurry. And

we don’t have a heavy load.

Horsey, Horsey, don’t you stop.

Just let your feet go clippety-clop.

Your tail goes swish and the wheels go round.

Giddy-up, we’re homeward bound.

Miss Polly had a Dolly
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick

So, she phoned for the doctor to come quick, quick,


The doctor came with his bag and his hat,

And he knocked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.

He looked at the dolly and he shook his head.

And said, “Miss Polly, put her straight to bed!”

He wrote on a paper for a pill, pill, pill.

“I'll be back in the morning with my bill, bill, bill.”

The Wheels on the Bus
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

The wheels on the bus go round and round.

Round and round, Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round

All day long.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,

Swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish

All day long.

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep

Beep, beep, beep, Beep, beep, beep

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep

All day long.

The doors on the bus go open and closed

Open and closed Open and closed

The doors on the bus go open and closed

All day long.

Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

Mummy finger, mummy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do?

Round and Round the Garden
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

Round and round the garden

Like a teddy bear.

One step, two steps

Tickle under there!

Round and round the haystack

Went the little mouse.

One step, two steps

In his little house.

One, Two Buckle My Shoe
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

One, two

Buckle my shoe.

Three, four

Knock at the door.

Five, six

Pick up sticks.

Seven, eight.

Lay them straight.

Nine, ten

Let’s say it again.

Down in the Jungle
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

Down in the jungle where nobody goes.

There’s a great big gorilla washing his clothes.

With a rub-a-dub here

And a rub-a-dub there.

That’s the way he washes his clothes.

Repeat with:
Big Fat Hippo

Great big crocodile

Little baby monkey

Very stripy Tiger

A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea

To see what he could see, see, see.

But all that he could see, see, see

Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea

To see what he could see, see, see.

But all that he could see, see, see

Was seaweed in the deep blue sea, sea, sea.

Add other ideas – whale, squid, crab etc… then …

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea

To see what he could see, see, see.

But all that he could see, see, see

Was a great big shark in deep blue sea, sea, sea.

So, he sailed back home very quickly!

Little Red Riding Hood
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

Little Red Riding Hood walked through the forest to

visit her sick Granny.

She took some delicious chocolate cake in a basket.

On the way she was stopped by the wicked wolf who

asked where she was going.

‘I’m taking the winding path that leads to my Granny’s

little cottage,’ she said.

The wicked wolf was hungry, so he decided to run to

Granny’s cottage. And he ate her all up.

Then the wolf put on Granny’s cap and her shawl and
pretended to be Granny.

Little Red Riding Hood tiptoed quietly into Granny’s


‘Granny, what big ears you have!’ she said. And the wolf
replied: ‘All the better to see you with.’

‘Granny, what big eyes you have!’ said Little Red Riding
Hood. And the wolf replied: ‘All the better to see you
‘Granny, what big teeth you have!’ said Little Red Riding
Hood. And the wolf replied: ‘Grrrr… all the better to
eat you with.’

Then the wolf swallowed Little Red Riding Hood down in
one gulp.

‘Help, let us out,’ cried Granny and Little Red Riding

Hood from the wolf’s tummy.

A woodsman heard their cries and cut the wolf open

with his axe. Out jumped Granny and Little Red Riding
And they all sat down to enjoy chocolate cake for tea.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

Once upon a time there was a little girl called

Goldilocks. She was walking in the woods and she
came to a house.
It belonged to three bears. Papa Bear, Mama Bear
and Baby Bear.

She knocked on the door but there was no answer.

So, she went inside.

She found three bowls of porridge on the kitchen

table. It looked delicious and she was very hungry.
The porridge in the first bowl was too hot. The
porridge in the second bowl was too cold.
‘This porridge is just right,’ said Goldilocks when
she tasted the porridge in the third and smallest
bowl. She ate it all up.
She felt very sorry. She decided to sit down. She
could see three chairs. The first and second chairs
were too big for her.

‘This chair is just right,’ said Goldilocks as she sat

on the third and smallest chair. But the chair
broke into little pieces. Goldilocks felt very sorry
for breaking the chair.
She felt very tired, so she went upstairs for a
rest. She found three beds. The first bed was too
hard. The second bed was too soft.

‘This bed is just right,’ said Goldilocks and she lay

down on the third and smallest bed. She fell fast

The three bears came home. ‘Someone’s been
eating our porridge’ growled Papa and Mama Bear.

‘Someone’s been eating my porridge and they have

eaten it all up!’ cried Baby Bear.

‘Someone’s been sitting on our chairs,’ growled

Papa and Mama Bear.

‘Someone’s been sitting in my chair’ cried Baby

Bear ‘And they’ve broken it’

‘Someone’s been sleeping in our beds,’ growled Papa

and Mama Bear.

‘Someone’s been sleeping in my bed and she’s still

there!” exclaimed Baby Bear.

Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. ‘I am

really sorry,’ she said, ‘I will tidy your house and
mend your chair and make breakfast.’

Baby Bear smiled and said, ‘I hope that we can be


The Three Little Pigs
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

Mrs Pig was too tired to look after her three little
piglets. So she sent them off to fend for themselves.

The first little pig built a house made of straw.

The second little pig built a house made of sticks.

The third little pig built a house made of bricks. It

took a long time.

His brothers laughed because he was working so hard

when their homes were already finished.

Then one night, a wolf knocked on the door of the

straw house. “Let me come in,” he said. “Or I’ll huff,
and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.”

And that’s exactly what he did.

The next night the wolf knocked on the door of the

stick house. “Let me come in,” he said, “Or I’ll huff,
and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.”

And that’s exactly what he did.

The next night the wolf knocked on the door of the

brick house. “Let me come in,” he said, “Or I’ll huff,
and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.”

And he huffed, and he puffed but he couldn’t blow the

brick house in.

The wolf was very hungry, and he became very angry.

He started to come down the chimney but… the third

little pig was clever. He caught the wolf with a pan of
boiling water.

The brick house was safe and strong. Not even a wolf
could come in.

The three little pigs lived happily in their own brick


Jack and the Beanstalk
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

Jack lived with his Mum and his cow. They were very

One day Jack’s Mum told him to sell the cow.

Jack sold the cow for some magic beans.

His Mum threw them out of the window.

The next day, a huge beanstalk grew in the garden.

Jack climbed the beanstalk to see what was at the top.

A horrible giant lived there in a castle.

The giant had stolen many things from Jack’s family.

Jack took back the hen that laid golden eggs.

“Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum” roared the angry giant.

Jack took back the bag of gold.

“Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum” roared the angry giant.

Jack took back the magic harp that could play and sing
by itself.

“Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum” roared the angry giant.

Jack chopped down the beanstalk.

Jack and his Mum lived happily ever after.

The Chicken and the Fox
Adapted for the Story Massage Programme

One day a chicken was alone in a field, happily pecking

at some grains.
A hungry fox saw the chicken and wanted to eat it.

“My dear chicken,” said the fox, “You look very

beautiful today. Please can you sing a song for me with
your sweet voice.”
The chicken believed the fox and started singing.

The fox jumped on the chicken, caught hold of its

neck and started running.
But then the fox and the chicken saw some dogs
chasing them. The dogs were barking loudly.

The fox was scared and ran faster and faster.

But the clever chicken a good idea. “The dogs want to

eat me not you,” said the chicken, “You can stop and
tell them that you caught me first.”
The fox believed the chicken and opened its mouth to
started talking.

This was the chance for the chicken to run away. It

jumped from the fox’s mouth and flew up a tree.

And when the fox was gone, the chicken started

happily pecking at grains again.

The Circus Comes to Town
Written for the Story Massage Programme

Roll up… roll up…roll up…

The Circus is here! The tent is so big, and so colourful.

Hold on tight to your ticket. Come on in…

The jugglers are catching balls flying through the air.

One, two, three, four, five, six balls!
The clowns are funny. They have very big feet, and red
noses and painted faces. Everyone laughs at their tricks
and jokes.
And look at the clever cyclists on their uni-cycles. How
do they balance?

Acrobats jump and spin and tumble across the ring.

And look up high… the tightrope artists are walking high

above the circus ring. Will they fall? Everyone holds
their breath…. Phew! They are very skilled.

And can you see the tall man, the very, very tall man on

His trousers are so long!

Then everyone goes very quiet…

The daring trapeze artists arrive in the ring in their
sparking costumes. They climb higher and higher……

And they swing upside down. And from side to side.

They do somersaults in the air and catch each other.

Everyone stands to clap and cheer.

Hurrah for the circus!

Colours of the Rainbow
Written by Mary Atkinson for the Story Massage Programme

Let’s paint an adventure with the colours of the


Hold on tight and we’ll travel through the seven

different colours. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue,
Indigo and Violet.
All aboard for the colour Red. We’re sitting on a red
London bus. Can you see Buckingham Palace?

Snuggle up for the colour Orange. Feel the warmth of

the orange flames as we huddle around a campfire.

It’s a bumpy ride along the colour Yellow. We’re high up

on a camel trekking across the yellow sands in the
Walk gently on the colour Green. We’re in a beautiful
forest with tall green trees and wildflowers.

Dive deeply into the colour Blue. We’re swimming with

fish and dolphins in the warm blue sea.

Climb up high into the night sky for the colour Indigo.

With twinkling stars to guide us on our way.

Tiptoe into the magical, sparkling world of the colour

Violet. Would you like to make a wish?

And now, let’s travel back along the rainbow to arrive

safely home after our colourful adventure.

A Sensory Walk
Written by Mary Atkinson for the Story Massage Programme

When you go for a walk, what can you see?

Pretty patterns on the leaves of every tree,

Fluffy clouds in the sky above,

And rainbows in windows, made with love.

When you go for a walk, what can you hear?

The singsong of birds, both far and near.

Chatter of people, and a cheery hello.

The clatter of footsteps on the ground below.

Feel the gentle breeze and warmth of the sun.

Smell the colourful flowers, one by one.

Take time to find joy everywhere

In this sensory world that we all share.

Maisy’s Musical Journey
Written by Mary Atkinson for the Story Massage Programme

Maisy loves to listen to music. All kinds of music.

Classical and Pop. Jazz and Rock. She enjoys them all.

Music takes Maisy on a magical mystery journey.

The happy strumming of the ukulele takes her to a sunny

beach with golden sands.

And now she is dancing to the jingle-jangle of the

tambourine at a colourful festival.

With the soothing sound of the harmonica she is

relaxing on a boat trip along the river.

And now she is marching to the steady beat of the drum.

Right foot, left foot…

Next she is on a train with the shrill blast of the whistle

signalling the start of an exciting ride. Hold on tight to
Poppy’s hand!
But it is the shakers that make Maisy laugh. Her whole
body moves to the rhythm. What will it be today?

Soft and slow or loud and fast.

Maisy smiles and sings along with the music.

Friendship Poem
Written by Sarah Duncan
and adapted for the Story Massage Programme

Friendship is the kind of thing

That ripples far and wide

One friendly act, much joy can bring

And fills you up inside.

So, what can you do today

To be a special friend?

Smile and find kind words to say

Or write a little note to send?

Be a friend and show you care

And like ripples in a lake

Your friendship will spread everywhere

What a difference you can make!

Finding the Moon
Written by Mary Atkinson for the Story Massage Programme

Bobby Blackbird looked up at the dark night sky and saw

twinkling stars and….
…a silvery, crescent shaped moon.

“Tomorrow I will fly to the moon,” he said. as he went to

But the next morning he looked up to the blue sky and
he saw a round yellow sun and dark clouds.
But no moon. Where was the moon?

He flew towards the dark clouds to see if they were

hiding the moon. He flew past birds and planes and even
a hot air balloon.
But no moon. Where was the moon?

And then he felt raindrops falling from the sky

He looked up and saw a beautiful rainbow with seven

colours….red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
But no moon. Where was the moon?

All day long, Bobby tried to find the moon until it was
time to go to sleep.
Bobby looked up at the dark night sky. And do you know
what he saw?
A silvery, crescent shaped moon!

The Snake in the Jungle
Written by Sarah Hall for the Story Massage Programme

Sally Snake slithered through the jungle.

She slithered up to an elephant. Ssssssss

But the elephant ran away. Stomp, stomp, stomp.

Sally Snake slithered through the jungle.

She slithered up to a gazelle. Ssssssss

But the gazelle ran away. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Sally Snake slithered through the jungle.

She slithered up to a tree frog. Ssssssss

But the tree frog ran away. Bounce, bounce, bounce.

Sally Snake slithered through the jungle.

She slithered up to the wise old owl. ‘Ssssssss…

Sssssssorry,’ said Sally Snake, ‘I scare all the other

animals away.’

So, the wise old owl flew around the jungle and told all
the animals that Sally Snake was not really very scary.

Sally Snake slithered through the jungle.

She slithered up to:

the elephant

the gazelle

the tree frog

and the wise old owl

And they all played happily together.

Written by Lisa Reynolds for the Story Massage Programme

Let’s go out to the garden. What can we hear and


The buzzing of a bumble bee,

Ants running all around,

Wiggly worms underground.

A ladybird with spots on her back

Snails leaving a sticky track.

Pretty butterflies flying overhead,

Spiders weaving a silky web.

Finding minibeasts is so much fun!

Time to go inside, the day is done.

Under the Sea
Written by Mary Atkinson for the Story Massage Programme

Deep in the ocean lived little Freddie Fish.

He was darting and diving and dashing around looking

for a quiet place to relax in the busy ocean. But it was
He had to zip past Ollie Octopus with eight swirling,
curling tentacles searching for food.
Then Sammy Sea Turtle whizzed and weaved through
the water with her super-strong flippers.

While the twisting, twirling, whirling of Spanish

Dancer made him feel quite giddy.

Charlie Crab scooted and scuttled sideways across the

ocean floor, in a hurry with a flurry of legs. Little
Freddie Fish didn’t feel very relaxed.
Then he was whisked away on the current of the flip-
flap-flop of Ruby Ray’s amazing wings.

That’s when he spotted wibbly-wobbly Jimmy Jellyfish

floating calmly in the water. That looked very
Little Freddie Fish realised he could do the same. So,
he let his whole body relax, breathing in and out, in
and out.
And he forgot all about the frenzy of his sea-friends
and felt calm inside.

Into Space
Written by Sarah Hall for the Story Massage Programme

Can you remember the eight different planets high up

in space?
Well, here’s a clever rhyme to help you put them in
My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Noodles.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,

Uranus, Neptune.

Yes, eight planets in order, plus stars and oodles and

Mercury is the baby planet, smallest and nearest to
the sun
Named after the Roman messenger of Gods, it is the
fastest one.
When ancient astronomers could see only five,
Venus was the prettiest planet, bright and alive.
Although as humans we like to roam
Earth is our sanctuary, our place, our home.
Mars is like my house, it is really dusty
And the colour of Mars is pretty rusty.
Jupiter, is the largest planet, named after a powerful
The Roman God of thunder and sky.

Saturn is the planet famous for rings going around it,
And has more moons than any other planet.
Sometimes you can see Uranus in the sky
Without a telescope, with just the human eye.
Neptune is the furthest planet away
To get there I’d guess 12 years and a day
It is the coldest planet and looks blue like the sea
Hence the name Neptune, the Roman God of the sea.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune.

My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Noodles.

Yes, eight planets in order, plus stars and oodles and

Emmanuel Goes Camping
Written by Mary Atkinson for the Story Massage Programme

Emmanuel and his Mum went on a camping adventure.

First, they put up their tent.

And then they hammered in the tent pegs.

They rolled out their beds and their sleeping bags, so it

all looked cosy. “This is going to be the best camping
trip ever,” said Mum.
They went searching for kindling wood for the campfire.
They gathered up lots of little twigs and sticks.

They enjoyed watching the colourful, flickering flames

of the campfire. And they sang their favourite songs.
Then Mum and Emmanuel toasted some marshmallows
over the fire. They smelt so good and tasted …mmm…
But oh no! The clouds started building up and it began to
rain. They ran inside their tent.

They listened to the pitter-patter sound of raindrops

falling on their tent. And they snuggled up happily
Finally, the rain stopped, and they went outside. They
looked up to the sky….

…and saw lots and lots of beautiful, twinkling stars.

“This is the best camping trip ever,” said Emmanuel.

A Winter Walk
Written by Mary Atkinson for the Story Massage Programme

Brr… it’s cold and frosty out there.

But we are going for walk to get some fresh air.…

“Put on your gloves,’” says Mum, “and a hat on your head.

“It’s slippery today. Let’s be careful where we tread.”

Look at the dogs in cosy coats to keep them dry

They make us smile as we walk by.

When we get to the park, it’s a magical sight

The frost covers everything with twinkles of light.

The pond is frozen, but the ducks don’t mind

We watch as they dive to see what food they can find.

The cold wind gives our cheeks a rosy glow

And we feel the first fluttering of soft, white snow.

I wave at my friend, but we don’t go too near.

We want to stay safe, and the rules are clear.

As we walk home, I ask if the snow will settle

But Mum just says: “Time to put on the kettle!

She makes hot chocolate in my favourite mug

And we sit on the sofa, all warm and snug.

Our winter walk was fun, we’ll do it again

And maybe tomorrow we can build snowmen.

Europe – Stepping Back in Time
Written by Mary Atkinson for the Story Massage Programme

Let’s step back in time to Europe around 500 years ago

Go famous places and meet famous faces

That you might know.

Let’s begin
with a very famous Tudor king…

Henry V111 married six times to fulfil his dream

Of being the monarch who reigned supreme.

At Hampton Court Palace, he made his grand plan

To dissolve the monasteries and claim their land.

Let’s step back in time to Europe around 500 years ago

Go famous places and meet famous faces

That you might know.

Now to Italy we go,

to meet the Renaissance artist, Michelangelo…

He painted the ceiling of the Sistine chapel with a

talent so rare
Visitors still marvel at the artwork beyond compare.
And his sculpture of David is one of the most famous
of all
It’s made of marble, and 17 foot tall!

Let’s step back in time to Europe around 500 years ago

Go famous places and meet famous faces

That you might know.

And now we are in Stratford-upon-Avon. But why are

we here?
It’s the birthplace of William Shakespeare!
He was a poet and playwright, still of great renown
Who staged his plays at The Globe in London town.

He wrote 37 plays full of passion, power and regret

King Lear, Hamlet and of course, Romeo and Juliet.

We have stepped back in time to Europe around 500

years ago

We've been to famous places and met three famous

That you now know.

What’s your Favourite Weather?
Written for the Story Massage Programme

What’s the weather today? Let’s look out of the window.

The round, yellow sun is shining in the blue sky. We feel


But soon black clouds appear, and the sky goes dark.

Now it is raining. Can you hear the pitter-patter of

raindrops falling on the window?

What can you see now? There’s a colourful rainbow! Red,

Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.

Now look at the trees. They are shaking in the wind. All
the leaves are falling to the ground. And the wind blows
harder and harder and harder.
What’s that noise? Can you hear the thunder? Boom,
boom, boom.

Let’s look out for the zigzag of lightening in the sky.

Brrr…. do you think it feels cold now? We’re starting to

Snow falls gently from the sky... so white and beautiful.

What's your favourite kind of weather?

Animal Habitats
Written by Mary Atkinson for the Story Massage Programme

Jamie was feeling bored at home. He wanted to live

somewhere else. So, he visited his animal friends in
their homes.

Rabbit lived in a hole underground called a burrow.

Rabbit had to dig it with his own paws.

Jamie didn’t want to live there.

Camel lived in the dessert where it was very, very hot.

Camel went to sleep standing up.

Jamie didn’t want to live there.

Polar Bear lived in the Artic where it was very, very

cold. Polar Bear had to wear a coat of very thick fur to
stay warm.

Jamie didn’t want to live there.

Frog lived near a pond to keep his skin wet. Frog ate
insects like flies and moths.

Jamie didn’t want to live there.

Koala lived at the top of a Eucalyptus tree in a forest.
Koala’s favourite food was leaves from the tree. She
ate lots and lots of leaves.

Jamie didn’t want to live there.

‘I like my home best’ said Jamie. “I don't want to live

anywhere else.”

Making a Pizza
Written by Verna Adderley for the Story Massage Programme

Pizza, pizza, delicious pizza.

First, we knead the dough to make is soft and

Next, we roll out the pizza dough.

Now, we spread on some tomato sauce. But what

shall we put on our pizza today?

Let’s sprinkle on some grated cheese.

Then we can add some red pepper slices.

Onions, mushrooms and sweetcorn taste good too.

And maybe some pepperoni or ham?

Open the oven door and slide our pizza in.

Waiting, waiting for our pizza to cook.

Oh, hurry up pizza! We are very hungry.

Open the oven door. Mmm.. it smells good. Slide our

pizza out and …
Yes! Our pizza is ready to eat.

Let’s sit down and have a pizza party!

For more information about the Story
Massage book, resources and online
training please visit:


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