Capital Structure Therories
Capital Structure Therories
Capital Structure Therories
Equity repayment of capital except when expectations of Shareholders are capital base might be expanded
Capital the Company is under liquidation higher than interest rates. Also, and
Dividends are not tax-deductible.
shareholders public
Hence best from viewpoint ofrisk. are involved.
High risk- Capital should be prevailing interest rates are Financial Institutions may insist
Funds as per agreement, Interest
be paid irrespective of profits.
considered only to the extent of on nomination of their
after tax impact. representatives as Directors.
Financial Management and Economics for Finance-for CA INter
rddnuka S Students' Guide on
5.3.5 Other Considerations in Capital Structure
Capital Structure Planning are as under
considerations in
Risk, Cost and Control, the other
In addition to
is more than the rate
rate of intos
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE),
to ma: mise EPS.interest
1. Trading on When the
Equity: be used favourably on
siuch aborro
Financial Leverage can
funds rate of
or Preference Dividend,
Preference Shares may be preferred in such
Company is said to be "trading on equity". Loans or
of any financing decision on EPS and ROE should be analysed carefully. situations. Thease, t e
2. Corporate Taxation: Interest on Debt is a tax- deductible expense, but dividend is not. Also, the cost .
through borrowing is deductible in the year in which it is incurred. If it is incurred during the pre-commendsing
Due to tax-saving advantage, Debt has a dheaper effective cost than Preferencenent pei
can be
Capital. The impact of taxation should be carefully analysed. apital or riEoq d,t
Government Policies: Raising finance by way of borrowing or issue of Equity, is subject to policies of the e.
and its regulatory bodies like SEBI, RBI, etc. The monetary, fiscal and lending policies, as well as rules:
and r
stipulated from time to time by these bodies have to be complied with for acquiring funds through the particul
requirements: The applicable legal provisions should be bornme in mind while deciding iaular
about h mode
Structure. Some provisions relate to maximum limit of borrowings by a Company, approvals requiredfor F C
Investment, etc. Dred
5. Marketability: The mode of
obtaining finance depends on the marketability of the
Instruments (Debentures Bonds). In case of restrictions in marketability, it is difficult toCompany's Shares
Hence, the Company has to consider its ability to market corporate securities. obtain public sulhc
6. Maneuverability: Here, Maneuverability means having many possible alternatives at the time of
contractingthe requirement of funds. It enables use of proper type of funds available at a expandina
enhances the bargaining power when dealing with given time, and al
prospective suppliers of funds.
7. Flexibility: It denotes the capacity of the business and its
in the business environment. The management to adjust to expected and unexpected changes
structure should provide maximum freedom to
changes at all times.
8. Timing: Proper timing of a security issue often brings substantial
market. Hence the issue should be made at the savings because of the dynamic nature of the captal
should constantly study the trend in the right time so as to minimize effective cost
of capital. The managemet
capital market and time its issue carefuly.
9. Size of Company: Small
considered less risky by Investors. Such rely heavily on Owner's Funds, while large and widely held Companies at
large Companies can issue different
10. Purpose of financing: Funds required for types of Debt Instruments or Securnue
etc. may be raised long-term
through long-term sources. But if theproductive purposes like manufacturing, setting up ne ant
facilities to employees such as funds are required for
Schools, Hospitals, etc. internal non-productive purposes, KE
11. Period of finance: Funds financing may have to be used.
Debt. If the funds are for required
for medium and
permanent requirement, it will long-term periods say 8 to 10 years may be
be appropriate to
raise them by the issue or
rd hares
Nature of Investors:
Companies which enjoy stable E
Borrowings or Preference earmings and dividend with a proven track optfar
which do not have assuredShares, since they have adequate profits to pay recorome
income, should preferably rely on
difficult to attract investors towards interest fixed charges. D
the issue. internal resources to a
large extent, >"
Requirement of Investors: Different types of securities tother
requirement. Sometimes, the investor may be are issued to
different dasses of
double options, convertibility,
security of
motivated by the options and investors cecurity,
14. Provision for future growth: Future
principal and interest, etc. advantages available wiU
considered, while planning the capital growth considerations and ould also
structure. further requirements of
5.3.6 Theories explaining Capital
1. Variables: Capital Structure
Structure and Cost of Capital
(a) Theories seek to
Debt-Equity Mix, i.e. proportions of explain the
relationship between the following variabie
(b) Costs of each
component of Capital, components of capital (Debt,
(c) Impact of Leverage, Equity, etc.),
(d) Overall Cost of
(e) Capital (WACC),
Value of the Firm. and
Cost of Capital and Capital
ive: The objective of the Firm is to choose that Debt-Equity Mix such that the Overall Cost of Capita
minimized and the value of the Firm is maximized. For this purpose, the following terms are relevan
o r Ko EBT
Debt D
Interest (b) Value of Equity E
Residual Earnings
Value of
(c) Ko
s vaue
(Ko) show an inverse relationship. Hence, the Firm seeks to
value of
(v nd WAL
minimising its WACC.
Categorisation of Theeories: These theories can be broadly classified into two categories Debt-
Structure (i.e.
a)Theories which suggest that Capital Structure (i.e. (b) Theories which suggest that Capital
Debt-Equity Mix) affects WACC, not affect WACC,
Equity Mix) does
WACC Theoriess
i.e. Variable WACC Theories i.e. Constant
Approach (NI Approach) 1. Net Operating Approach (NOI Approach)
1. Net Income
& M Approach)
2. Traditional Approach |2. Modigliani and Miller Approach (M
in Structure Theories
5.3.7 General Assumptions Capital
in Structure Theories
Thefollowing are the general assumptions Capital
1. The Fim has a perpetual life (i.e. Going Concern).
two sources of funds viz. Debt and Equity. (No Preference
Share Capital).
2. There are only
of the Firm (i.e. Capital Employed) is constant. (No change in Capital
Employed). However, Debt-
3 Total Assets
done by
Equity mix can be changed. This can be
Shares or
(a) either by borrowing Debt to repurchase (redeem) Equity
(b) by raising Equity apital to retire (repay)
mix decision. (No change in Fixed Costs
Business Risk is constant and is not affected by the financing
Operating Risks).
5. The Firm earns Operating Profits and it is expected to grow. (No Losses).
[Note: Operating Profits =EBIT]
6. There are no corporate or personal taxes. (No taxation).
100% Dividend Payout Ratio). (No Retained
7. All Residual Earnings are distributed to Equity Shareholders (i.e.
since there is no Taxation and Preference Dividend.]
Earmings). [Note: Residual Earnings EBT,
difference in Investors
8. The Investors have the same subjective probability distribution of expected earnings. (No
Debt and Equity Investors.]
expectations). [Note: Investors refer to both
9. Cost of Debt Ka (referred to as Debt Capitalisation Rate) is less than Cost of Equity Ke (referred to as Equity
and Economics for Finance-
For CA Inter
on Financial
dS Students' Guide Will decline with every incro-
of Financial Leverage
increases, WACC crease in the
Favourable DFL: As the Degree
content in Total Funds Employed. EBIT the Value of Firm will increase for every declin
4. Effect on Firm Value: Since Value
of Firm WACC
Jcing the Value
thereby reducing Valio.
will happen, 1.e. WACC WIll increase of
Where debt content is reduced, the
reverse the Fim
value and lower its Ko (WACC) by increasing tho
can increase its
5. Maximum Use of Debt: Thus, a Firm the use of total or maximumm
debt in the capital structure. Thus,
Net Income Approach suggests
mum at a point where
Value of the Firm will be maximu ACC ssible
financing, for minimising
i.e. point of maximum debt.
the cost of capital.
Income Approach for determining WACC involves the following steps
Application: Theapplication of Net Procedure
Step =EBIT less Interest on Debt Funde
1 Determine EBIT (Net Operating Income) and EBT (Net Income). EBT
2 Compute Market Value of Equity (E) Cost of Equity Ke
Interest Interest
Compute Market Value of Debt (D)
3 Cost of Debt Kd
Compute Market Value of Firm (V) =E+ D Market Value of Equity +Market Value of Debt.
5 Compute Overall Cost of Capital (Ko)
Value of Firm
Market Capitalisation:
(a) The market (investors in Debt as well as Equity) capitalises the value of the Firm as a whole, witnout ggiving
importance to the Debt-Equity mix. Hence Overall Cost of Capital is constant.
(b) The Market Value ofthe Firm is ascertained by capitalising the Net Operating Income (EBIT) at the Overa
Capital Ko, which is constant. The Market Value of the Firm is not affected by Debt-Equity mix change n
distinction between Debt and Equity is irrelevant.
5. Optimum Capital Structure: Since WACC is constant at all levels, every debt-equity mix is as good as any ou
There is no optimum capital structure. Every capital structure is optimal one.
Cost of Capital and Capital Structure
Determine EBIT (Net operatin9 Income) and EBT (Net Income). EBT =EBIT less Interest on Debt rur ds
Compute Market Value of Firm (V) EBIT EBIT
Compute Market Value of Debt (D) Interest Interest
3 Cost of Debt Kd
Compute Market Value of Equity (E) V-D = Market Value of Firm (Less) Market Value of Debt.
Compute Cost of Equity Capital (Ke) EBT EBT
5 Value of Equity E
Note: Under Net Income Theory, the approach is V = E + D, in order to compute Ko. However, under Net Operating inco
Theory, the approach is E =V- D, in orderto compute Ke
only at a higher rate of interest. So Cost of Debt Kg also rises beyond a certain leve! of debt content.
Debt-Equity Mix vs Cost: Ka and Ke vary with change in Debt-Equity mix. However, increase in Cost of Equity is
more steeper and higher than increase in cost of debt.
3. Initial Leverage Effect: Debt is a cheaper source of finance than equity due to tax saving effect and investor's risk
expectations. Use of cheaper debt funds in total capital structure will reduce Ko initially. This
is because the benefits
cheaper debt may be so large that even in off-setting the effect of increase in cost of equity, the WACC may go down.
4. Set-Off Effect: As more debt is employed, the risk perceptions of Equity Investors and Ke may increase. However, Ka
may still remain constant, causing WACC to remain constant due to set-off effect, i.e. advantage of low-cost debt is
set-off exactly by the disadvantage of increasing cost of equity.
5. Subsequent Risk Effect: However, beyond an acceptable limit (called as the Optimal Point), the Cost of Debt Kd
and Cost of Equity Ke start rising. This is because of the high financial risk associated with the Firm. The increasing Ke
owing to increased financial risk and increasing Ka makes the Overall Cost of Capital Ko to increase.
6. Optimal Capital Structure: The Firm should strive to reach theoptimal capitalstructure andmaximiseits total value
through a judicioususe of both debt and equity in the capital structure. At the optimal capital structure the overall cost
of capital will be minimum and the value of the Firm is maximum.
Ke Phase I II III
for Finance-
and Economics
Rate (Ka) re remains constant at
Padhuka's Students' Guide on
t Vario various
c o n t e n t increases due to
Rate Ke
as debt
higher finandalleve
Debt-Equity mix. However, sell securities. They
and higher expectations of Equity Investors.
free to buy and well:
Investors hekre
costs. The
Markets are perfect. transaction
6. Market Capitalisation:
(a) The market (Investors in Debt as well as Equity) capitalises the value of the Firm as a whole, withot e
importance to the debt-equity mix. Hence Overall Cost of Capital is constant for all degrees of debt-equity mi
The Market value of the Fim is ascertained by capitalising the Net Operating Income (EBIT) at the
Capital Ko, which is constant. The Market Value of the irm is not affected by debt-equity mix
Overall as
Optimum Capital Structure: Since WACC is constant at all levels, every
There is no optimum capital structure. debt-equity mix is as good as any other ma
Every capital structure is an optimal one
WACC vs Debt
Equity Mix: The Total Cost of
Capital of a Fim (i.e. WACC or Ke) is Ke
of its methods and level of independent
Equity Mix is not
financing. Hence, Debt-
relevant for
determining WACC.
9 WACC= Ke at 0% Debt: Since Risk Prermiun
constant, WACC at 0% Debt WACC is
shouid be the same as (i.e. 100% Equity)
WACC at any other
percentage of debt. Hence WACC
Firm isfinanced purely by Ke when the =
less As a resu
Investment- Financing
WACC+Risk Premium. capital structure
debt funds.
of financing.
Hence every ecisions: The
So, Ke Ko+ Debt
Fauity Mix is not relevant for estment
invest cut off
rate for (Ko- Ka)
Equity (Ko-Ka)
Capital proposal can be investment emae
D. Leverage Adju
djustment: Budgeting decisions.evaluated at the purposes i s completely independe m sD e t
the same
risk class. Financial
ss. In case
leverage effect. Hence Leverage has
such Firms no
applicable for such type
Arbitrage willhad differentimpact on
market market values.
substitute values, which remain
Wnich constant for .
bet'n Cost
of Equity & Fin.Leverage as per M&M Proposition
of pure eqe
nposition: Modigliani and Milerargue that the Cost of Equity (K.) is equal to the Capitalisation
a m plus a premium ror inancial risk. The financial risk increases with more debt content in the
Capital S t r u c t u r e . As
creases in a manner to offset exactly the use of less expensive source of debt funds. Hence, Overall Cost
esult, Ke increases
of Capital on
When the Debt Content in (trading
Financial Leverag Capital Structure increases, the financial leverage
mity) operates favourably, particularly when the Firm's ROCE is high. However, Equity Shareholders are enn
f residual income only (i.e after meeting interest payment, taxes, if any, and Preference Dividend, duy
ce, at
Hence, at higher levels of debt, the risk perception of Equity Shareholders increases.
off Effect: The advantage of using low-cost debt is set off by the disadvantage of rising Cost of Equity
3encethe Overall Cost of Capital remains constant. The increase in the Cost of Equity is defined by the Risk Premiu
Ke =
Ko + Risk Premium.
Sect of Tax Saving: When Corporate Taxation is included in the analysis-
and (b) Overall Cost of Capital will decrease.
(a) Value of the Firm will increase,
3. ax Shield: The effect of Tax Saving can be identifled from the following relationships
a) Total Earnings in Levered Firm = Total Earnings in Unlevered Firm Interest on Debt xTax Rate. [Here Total
carnings =
EAT +Interest, i.e. the Earnings
available for Equity and Debt-holders.]
(6) Value of the Levered Firm will be greater than that of the Unlevered Firm, to the extent of the Tax Shield, Hence
value of Levered Firm = Value of Unlevered Firm+ Debt
x Tax Rate. nce,
Financial Management
and ECOnoi
uka S Students' Guide
Leverage ane
d Fims Require
between the Financial
Effect: The following
4. with Tax is given by the
a n d Ko relationship with Corporate
Taxes = Required Rate of Return to Equity Share
Keturn to Equity
= Required of
Rate Return for an olders
all-Equity Firm
Ko Portion of
Debt in Capital Structure
D in Capital structure
Portion of Equity
Ke Ko +(1-Tc) (Ko- Ka), where E
= Corporate Tax
Tc Lenders
= Required Rate of Return to
Company l and Uboth have a EBIT (Net Operating lncome) of 10,00,000 each. Company L has 10% Debt in theof40% ta
Funds to the tune of T
40,00,000. Both Companies are in 18,00.00
Equity of 22,00,000.Tax
U employs Equity
available to Investors. bracke
EXplain the effect Shield on the Total Earnings
CompanyL (Levered)
Company u(Unlevery
EBIT 1,80,000 10,003
Interest on Debt at 18%
Less 8,20,000
Less: Tax Expense at 40% 4,00 05
4,92,000 6,00,0
Total Income of Equity & Debt (EAT +Interest)
the following relationship
Difference in Total Earnings of Equity
and Debt Investors is given by
Unlevered Firm + Interest on Debt xTax Rate.
in Levered Fim Total Earnings in
Total Earnings
6,00,000(7 1,80,000 x 40%)
Thus, F 6,72,000 =
not use any Debt in its Capital Structure, Q 7 80.08 while has
There are two Firms P and Q which are identical except P does
Firms have EBIT of 2,60,000 p.a. and the Capitalization Rate isT
9% Debentures in its Capital Structure. Both the N
Firms according to M&M Hypothesis.
Assuming Corporate Tax 30%, calculate the Value of these
Particulars Computation
EAT 2,60,000x (100%-30%) 18,20,0M
1. Value of Unlevered Firm (P) =
3. Value of Levered Firm (Q) =Value of Unlevered Firm + Tax Shield (1+2)
Mustration: strucbe
ALid and B Lid are identical in every respectexceptCapitalStructure. A Lid does not employ Debt in is capi
whereas B Lid employs 12% Debentures amounting toR 10 Lakhs. Assuming that
(a) All assumptions of M-M model are met. cEBIT is 2,50,000 and
(b) The income-Tax Rate is 30%. dThe Equity Capitalization Rate of ALtd Is z
Calculate the Average Value of both the Companies and find the Weighted Average Cost of Capital for both the Congo
EAT of A Ltd (Pure Equity Firm) = EBIT x (100% - Tax Rate) = R 2,50,000 x (100% - 30%) = 5,000.
2. Value of A Ltd (Pure Equity, i.e. Unlevered Firm) =
3The theory presumes the availability of free and upto date information on all aspects of the Company's functioning. in
practice, investors have little or no knowledge about the Company's operations. Their dealings in shares are based
only upon the information on hand, but on other considerations also.
2. Myers' Approach:
)Myers has suggested that a Frm follws a "modified pecking order" in their approach tofinancing
(b) Heavy reliance on intermally generated funds is attributed to asymmetric information relating to the Capital Market,
where issue of Equity Shares is interpreted in the Market, as bad news. So, the theory argues that a Firm will be
motivated to issue Equity Shares only when share markets are undeveloped.
c)The use of internal finance ensures that there is a regular source of finance, which is in tune with the Company's
expansion programmes and long-term budgets. If funds over and above intenal cash accruals are required, the
Firm will first resort to additional borrowings. Further issue of Equity Shares will be the last resort for financing.
3. General Points: The Pecking Order Theory of Capital Structure has the folowing aspects-
a) Low Dividend Payout Ratio, i.e. a sticky dividend policy,
(6) Preference for using internally generated funds,
()Aversion to the issue of Equity Shares, which will be the last resort for financing.
danuka's Students' Guide on Financial Management and Economics for Finance-For CA Inter
2. Vpe of Financial Distress Costs: A Firm experiences Financial Distress when the Firm is unable to cope i
Debtholders' obligations. If the Firm continued to fail in making payments to the Debtholders, the Firm can eveh the
insolvent. So, Cost of
Financial Distress will comprise
aDirect Costs, e.g. Administrative and Legal Cost of Insolvency Proceedings, Loss due to Sale of Assets at .
than Current Prices, etc. lower
(b) Indirect Costs,
them, Cost of
eg. Cost of Employees leaving, Cost of Customers paying lower than due from them,
Ders demanding disadvantageous payment terms, Cost of Investors/ Managers / Shareholders, Costs due
Bondholder/Stockholder infighting, etc. to
and Costs, caused by dispute of interests among themanagement of the Firm, Debtholders and Stockholer
Shareholders-Managers conflict and Shareholders-Debtholders conflict, at the time of insolvency proceedings
In the Graph,
the Top Curve indicates the Tax Shield Gains of
Debt Financing,
PV of Bankruptcy Costs
the Bottom Curve indicates the Tax Shield Gains of
Debt Financing (-)Costs of Bankruptcy, and
the Gap between the Curves indicate the PV of
Bankruptoy Costs, or the Cost of Financial Distress. PV of Intere_t Tax Shields
Optimum DE
Hence, Trade Off Theory suggests that Optimum Debt
Level (D/E mix) is the point at which there is a trade
off between the Interest Tax Shield and Bankruptcy, by Value of UnleveredPirm
balancing Costs and Benefits of Debt.
Debt-Equity Mix i.e. % of Debt in Capital
7. Capital Structure Theories
Computation of Income to Debt and Equity Holders
There are two Firms Company A and B having Net
whereas Company A is all Equity Company. Debt
Operating Income of R 15,00,000 each. Company B is a Levered Company
employed by
both the Companies is 25%. Calculate Earnings available for Company
B is of 7,00,000@ 11%. The Tax Rate
applicable to
Equity and Debt for both the Firms.
Particulars (Amounts in )
Company A Company B
Net Operating Income =
15,00,000 15,00,000
Less: Interest on Debt (11% of 7,00,000) = Income for Debt holders
Profit before Taxes
15,00,000 14,23,000
Less: Tax@25%
3,75,000 3,55,000
Profit After Tax =
Earnings available in Equity Holders 11,25,000 10,67,250
Total Earnings available to Equity Holders+ Debt holders 11,25,000 +Nil 10,67,250 +77,000
11,25,000 11,44,250
Terence in Total Earnings of Equity and Debt Investors is given by the following relationship-
Total Earnings in Levered Firm Total Earnings in Unlevered Firm + Interest on Debt xTax Rate.
Padhuka's Students' Guide on Financial Management and Economics for Finance For CA Inter
Solution: B
Firm A C|
EBIT 2,00,000 7 3,00,000 T5,00,00o
Less: Interest T 20,000 T 60,000 R2,00,000
EBT = Net Income 1,80,000 2,40,000 7 3,00,00o
Ke (given)
12% 16% 15% 3,60,0
Value of Equity (E) =
EBT 18h
15,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000
Value of Debt (D) = nterest [Note: Kd 10%] 2,00,000 T6,00,000 20,00,000
Value of Firm (V) =(E+D) 17,00,000 21,00,000 40,00,000 44,00,000
Ko = WACC 11.76%o 14.29/% 12.50%
Value of Firm 13.64%
When Firm Aborrows 2 Lakhs at 10% interest rate, to repay Equity Capital, the efifect on WACC willbe as under-
Particulars Before After
EBIT (given) 2,00,000 T 2,00,000
Less: Interest 20,000 40,00
EBT Net Income 1,80,000 71,60,000
Ke(9iven) 12%
Value of Equity (E) =
15,00,000 7 13,33,333
Value of Debt (D) = Note: Kd = 10%]
Kd 2,00,000 4,00,00
Solution: Note: Net Operating Income Approach (with Constant Ko) is applicable since (a) Companies are loe
Capital Markets are perfect, (c) no tax. Beta(
Alpha (R)
1. Value of Firm (F) =
EBIT 3,60,0000 20,00,000 3,60,000 - 20,00,0
Ko 18% 18% 4,00,000
20% 1 6 , 0 0 , 0 0 0
2 . Value of Debt (D) 50% 10,00,000
VALUE OF Equity = F-D
3. 10,00,000 360,000
Net Operating Income =PBIT 3,60,000 32,000
Cost of Capital and Capital Structure
approach, the decdine in required Equity isReturn offsetsexactly the disadvantage of ot employing
of "cheaper" Debt Funds, thus overall
so much in the way
Ko Constant.
M&M Approach
One-Third of the total Market Value of Hari Limited consists of Loan Stock, which has a cost of 10%. Another Company, Guru
Limited, is identical in every respect to Hari Limited, except that its Capital Structure is all-equity, and its Cost of Equity is 16%
According to Modigliani and Miller, if we ignored taxation and tax relief on Debt Capital, what would be the Cost of Equity of
Hari Limited?
As per Modigliani and Miller, if there are no taxes, the two Firms Hari and Guru should have equal WACC.
Since Cost of Equity of Sansui (Pure Equity Firm) is 16%, its WACC is also 16%, and the WACC for Hari also will be the
same at 16%.
Cost of Equity of Hari Ltd is given by the following computation -
Solution: Constant Ko means the use of NOI or M&M Approach. Under M &M Approach, Ke = Ko + Risk Premiunm.
From M & M Approach, we have So, K= Ko+ Debt (K-Ka) = 12% + [80% x (12% - 9%6) = 14.40%%.
Calculate-(1) Value of both the Companies, (2) Weighted Average Cost of Capital for both the Companies.
Tax at 30%
250 M
EAT 3,50,000 78000
Value of Firm (V) (as computed above) 17,50,000
Less: Value of Debt (D)
Value of Equity (E) = (V) - (D)
T 17,50,000 20,0 0
Cost of EquityValue of
Equity 52.00%
Cost of Debt Nil 12% x
(100% -30%) =
(8.4%x 20,00,000
WACC= (Ka Xx)+(K ) x 20% 23,50,000(52%x 3,50,000
23,50,000 14.89
may be taken as 30%. After the capital re-structuring and applying MM Moc (with taxes), you are required to calculate-
0 Market Value of RES Ltd.
)Cost of Equity Ke
(i) Weighted Average Cost of Capital and comment on it.
25,00,000, and Cost of Equity (K-) =21%
25,00,000x 21% =7 5,25,000
EBT of Unlevered Firm T5,25,000 = R 7,50,000 EBIT also.
100% -70%
Profit Statement
Particulars (amountsin) Pure Equity Debt and Equity
7,50,000 7,50,00
Less: Interest (R 5,00,000 x 15%) 75,00
EBT 6,75,000
Less Tax at 30% 2,02,50
2,25,000 4,72,500
After Restructuring:
1. Market Value of Levered Firm =
Market Value of Unlevered Firm
(Debt x Tax Rate)
+ =
MV of ULF+ Tax si
25,00,000+(5,00,000 x 30%) =? 26,50,0000
2. Cost of Equity (Ke) =
Value of
4,72,500 21.98%o
Equity 26,50,000 5,00,000
3 of Capital (K,) is as under
5,00,000 19% Ka
Individual Cost
15% x (100% - 30%) = 10.5%
Equity 21,50,000 81%
Total Ke (as above) =21.98% 19,799%
26,50,000 100%
Comment: At
K i sr e d u c e d
Personal Taxes on Value of in
Leverage, Corporate and and Taxes
50 M&M-Effect ofhas 30,00,000 and a 40% Tax Rate. ts Required Rate on Equity
Earnings before Interest of
Tushara Company
the absence of borrowing is 18%.
what is the ofthe value Company in an MM world
1.In the absence of Personal Taxes,
with 70,00,000 in Debt.
with 40,00,000 in Debt (c) Stock income is 25%, and the
a) with no leverage (b) Personal Tax rate on Common
Taxes now exist. The Marginal for each of the three debt
2. Personal as well as Corporate the value ot the Company
Debt Income is 30%. Determine
Marginal Personal Tax rate answers differ?
alternatives in Part. Why do your
1.Without Personal Taxes:
EAT 30x(100%- 40o)z100 Lakhs.
(a) Value of Unlevered Firm Ke
of Tax Shield on Debt (i.e. Debt x Tax
Firm + Value
40,00,000 in Debt
Value or Unievered
(b) Value of Firm with Lakhs = 7 128 Lakhs.
100 Lakhs+ 40% on 7 70Firm is able to
increase Its value in a
linear manner with more Debt.
Rate) =
Note: Due to the Tax saving effect,
(a)Valueof Unlevered
Firm =
Ke Ke
40,00,000 in
(6) Value of Firm with
Post Tax Equity Income of Shareholders x Debt
+(1 Income of Debt holders
Firm Post Tax Debt
Value of Unlevered
Padhuka's Students' Guide on Financial Management and Economics for Finance - For CA Inter
The presence of Personal Taxes reduces the Tax advantage associated with Corporate Debt. Also, if the
Tax on Stock Income is less than that on Debt Inocome, the Net Tax Advantage to Debt is positive. Asa Persona
Taxes, orresult,
the Value of the Firm rises with more Debt, but not as rapidly as if there were no Personal
Personal Tax Rate on Stock and Debt Income were the same. f the
51. Arbitrage when Value of Levered Firm is more than Value of Unlevered Firm
There are two Firms N and M. having same Earnings before Interest and Taxes, ie. EBIT of 20.000. Fim M is a ered
Company having a Debt of 1,00,000@ 7% Interest Rate. Cost of Equity of Company N is 10% and of CompanyMis 11,50
Explain how arbitrage process will be carried on in this case.
Particulars Unlevered Firm N
Levered Firm M
NOI (i.e. EBIT) 20,0000 20,000
Value of Debt (D) 7 1,00,000
NOI - Interest
Value of Equity (E)
Cost of Equity
20,000- Nil
= 2,00,000 20,000-7,000
= R 1,13,043
Value of Firm (F) = Value of Equity (E) + Value of Debt (D)
2,00,000 2,13,043
Suppose an Investor X has 10% Share in Levered Company M. Therefore, Investment in 10% of Equity of Levered Company
M 10% x ? 1,13,043 =7 11,304.30. On this Investment, the Investor is entitled to a Return / Income = 10% of Earnings
for Equity Holders 10% of (T 20,000- 7,000) = T 1,300.
(c) Return obtained now = 10% EBIT of Unlevered Firm (Less) Interest to be paid on Borrowed Funds
10% of 7 20,000 (-) 7% of R10,000 2,000 7,00 =
7 1,300
Result: The Return of F1,300 is the same as was obtained earlier in Firm M. However, we now have 1,304.30 SUrp
money available. Thus, we are better off by doing arbitrage.
52. Arbitrage when value of Unlevered Firm is more than the Value of Levered Firm. st of
There are two Firms U and L having same NOI of 20,000, Firm L is a levered Firm having Debt of 1,00,000 7%, ana
Equity of U& Lare 10% and 18% respectively. Show how arbitrage process will work in this case.
Value of Firm (F) =Value of Equity (E) + Value of Debt (D) 2,00,000
and Capital Structure
Cost of Capital
estorX has 10% Share of Unlevered Firm 'U' ie. Investment of 10% of 2.00,000 = 7 20,000, and Return
se an Invest
on 20,000. Incom
20,000. Income (Return) =
10% of Earnings available for Equity Holders 10% 20,000
at10% x
r ae
ge Process
will operate as under
(Moving from-
53. Effect of Debt Funding on Value of Equity Shares-WACC not affected by Gearing
Dividend of 7 1,20,000 has
Zeta Ltd is presently financed entirely by Equity Shares. The current Market Value is 7 6,00,000. A
just been paid. This level of dividend is expected to be paid indefinitely. The Company is thinking of investing in a new project
involving an outlay of R 5,00,000 now and is expected to generate Net Cash Receipts of 1,05,000 per annum indefinitely.
project would be financed by issuing7 5,00,000 Debentures at 18% Interest Rate. Ignoring tax
1. Calculate the Value of Equity Shares &the gain made by Shareholders, if the Cost of Equity rises to 21.6%
2 Prove that the Weighted Average Cost of Capital is not affected by gearing.
tis expected that for Debt Financing upto 30%, theRate ofnterestwillbe 0% and Equity Capitalization Rate will increase to
7%. If the Company opts for 50% Debt, then the Interest Rate will be 12% and Equity Capitalization Rate will be 20%,
For CA Inter
s Students' Guide on Financial Management and Economics for Finance
You are required to compute the Value of the Company and its Overall Cost of Capital under diferent options, and
which is the best option. and also stae
Plan Present: 0% Debt Plan 1: 30% Debt Plan 2:
Debt Nil 6,00,000 50% Debr
Equity Capital (given at Present Level) 20,00,000 14,00,00o 10,00,00
Total Assets 20,00,000 20,00,000 10,00,000
7 4,00,000 74,00,000 20,R04,00,0
Less: Interest at 10% & 12% under Plan 1 & 2 60,000
EBT F 4,00,00D0 3,40,0000 71,20,000
Ke 16% 17%
Value of Equity (E) Ke 25,00,000 20,00,000
Add: Value of Debt (D) (taken at Book Value) 6,00,000
Value of Firm = V = (E +D)
T 25,00,000 26,00,000
Ko = WACC =
16.00% 15.38% 16.67%
Value of Firm
Inference:The Fim should opt for Plan 1, i.e. 30% Debt, being the Optimum Capital Structure. This is the pointatwhie
WACC is minimum, and Value of the Firm is maximum.
8. Miscellaneous llustrations
55. Rights Share Valuatior
Pioneer Ltd has issued 15,000 Equity Shares of 10 each. The current Market Price per Share is 37. The Com has a plan
to make a Rights Issue of one New Equity Share at a price of 25 for every five Shares held. You are requiredto -
1. Calculate the Theoretical Post-Rights Price per Share.
2. Calculate the Theoretical Value of the Rights alone.
3. Show the effect of the Rights Issue, on the wealth of a Shareholder who has 1,000 Shares, assuming he sells the entre nghs
4. Show the effect if the same Shareholder does not take any action and ignores the issue.
1. Theoretical Post Rights Price per Share =
3. Wealth of Shareholder:
Before Rights Issue After Rights Issue
1,000 Shares at 37 35,000
7 37,000 1,000 Shares at 7 35
Total 7 37,000 Total oss
If the Shareholder ignores the Rights Issue (i.e. he ncither subscribes to Rights Issue, nor sells his Rights), there is a
due to dimunition in value to the extent ofT 2,000 (7 37,000 35,000).
assets-in-place is 15 Crores. The Return on Capital Employed of 15% is expected to be sustained in perpetuity, anace
has a Cost of Capital of 10%. Estimate the present value of Economic Value Added (EVA) to the Firm from its assels-l
Cost of Capital and Capital
1.OperatingProfit after Tax 15 Crores
Narmal Return on Capital =
Capital Employed x WACC =
100 x 10°%
Added (EVA) 5 Crores
Value (1- 2)