HSTE NB0064 IND RV1.2 Windows - Guide - HYP20003 20220909
HSTE NB0064 IND RV1.2 Windows - Guide - HYP20003 20220909
HSTE NB0064 IND RV1.2 Windows - Guide - HYP20003 20220909
HyperPKI USB Token
www.hypersecu.com 604-279-20000
Windows User Guide for HYP2003
Table of Contents
Getting Started........................................................................................................ 1
Requirements ....................................................................................................... 1
Installing HyperPKI Token Manager ......................................................................... 1
HyperPKI Token Manager Interface ......................................................................... 2
Logging In ........................................................................................................... 3
Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) ............................................................................... 4
Token Management .................................................................................................. 5
Renaming Your Token ........................................................................................... 5
Changing Your User PIN ........................................................................................ 5
Certificate Management ............................................................................................ 7
Viewing Certificate Information............................................................................... 7
Importing a Digital Certificate ................................................................................ 8
Exporting a Digital Certificate ................................................................................. 9
Deleting a Certificate............................................................................................. 9
Free PDF Signer.................................................................................................. 10
Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................... 11
Unlock or Reset User PIN ..................................................................................... 11
Identifying Your Token’s Registered Email .............................................................. 13
Analysis Tool for Analysis and Repair..................................................................... 13
Uninstalling HyperPKI Token Manager ................................................................... 15
Document History
Version Description of Changes Document Owner Approved By
CD-ROMs, hardware and documentation, and all future orders, are subject to the terms of this
Agreement. If you do not agree with the terms herein, please return the evaluation package to us,
postage and insurance prepaid, within seven days of their receipt, and we will reimburse you the cost
of the Product, less freight and reasonable handling charges.
1. Allowable Use – You may merge and link the Software with other programs for the
sole purpose of protecting those programs in accordance with the usage
described in the Developer’s Guide. You may make archival copies of the
2. Prohibited Use – The Software or hardware or any other part of the Product may
not be copied, reengineered, disassembled, decompiled, revised, enhanced or
otherwise modified, except as specifically allowed in item 1. You may not
reverse engineer the Software or any part of the product or attempt to discover
the Software’s source code. You may not use the magnetic or optical media
included with the Product for the purposes of transferring or storing data that was
not either an original part of the Product, or a Hypersecu provided enhancement or
upgrade to the Product.
3. Warranty – Hypersecu warrants that the hardware and Software storage media are
substantially free from significant defects of workmanship or materials for a time
period of twelve (12) months from the date of delivery of the Product to you.
4. Breach of Warranty – In the event of breach of this warranty, Hypersecu’s sole
obligation is to replace or repair, at the discretion of Hypersecu, any Product free of
charge. Any replaced Product becomes the property of Hypersecu.
Getting Started
Before installing HyperPKI Token Manager for the HYP2003 be sure the following
requirements are fulfilled:
2. Click Next, then choose the installation location and click Next again.
3. Choose the CSP option you want to use:
• Choose Private CSP to use the CSP provided by Hypersecu. The CSP name is
“EnterSafe HYP2003 CSP v2.0”.
• Choose Microsoft CSP to use the CSP provided by Microsoft.
IMPORTANT: For Windows Vista and above, Microsoft has integrated a smart card
minidriver into Windows and will perform an automatic installation of the Microsoft Base CSP
through a system update without a redundant installation package or complicated
installation process necessary.
For Windows XP and below, you may need to manually install the base CSP using the
system patch KB909520 before you can select the Microsoft CSP option. If you do not have
the Microsoft Base CSP installed, the Microsoft CSP option will be disabled. For more
information or assistance, contact Microsoft Support.
If you do not have access to the Internet, we can provide an installation package.
4. Click Install to proceed with the installation process, then click Finish to complete
the installation.
Using HyperPKI Token Manager, you can perform the following tasks and more:
NOTE: The total private memory space and free private memory space refer to the PIN-
protected spaces. Since the private key is highly sensitive and is managed by the COS, the
HyperPKI Token Manager interface will not display the total private memory space and the
free private memory space.
Logging In
Before you can log in, make sure your HYP2003 token is inserted into a valid USB port.
IMPORTANT: Each token has a set number of log in attempts. If you attempt to log in with
the incorrect PIN too many times, your token may be locked from further login attempts
and you will not be able to perform any operations with the token until it is unlocked. If
your token is locked, contact your system administrator to unlock the token and reset your
1. If you have more than one HYP2003 token inserted, select the one you want to log
in to from the token list.
2. Click Login, then enter your PIN and click OK.
NOTE: When the PIN input dialogue box is displayed, the HyperPKI Token Manager will
enable safe desktop. In this mode, only the PIN input dialogue box is highlighted, and most
other operations are disabled. The default PIN is 12345678.
TIP: To enable soft keyboard for extra security, check the Enable soft keyboard box. The
physical keyboard will be disabled while the soft keyboard is enabled.
1. Click Settings.
2. Check the Single Sign On (SSO) box.
3. Click OK.
Token Management
You can only log in to and manage one token at a time. To manage another token, you
must log out and log in to another token.
3. Click OK.
To enable soft keyboard for extra security, check the Enable soft keyboard box. The
physical keyboard will be disabled while the soft keyboard is enabled.
To check the security of your chosen PIN, check the Check intensity box. Your PIN will be
ranked from Low security (red) to High security (green).
Certificate Management
Each HYP2003 token can store multiple digital certificates and key-pairs. They are used for
encryption, decryption, authentication, and digital signing.
• P12
P12 and PFX type certificates contain a key-pair (a public key and a private key). CER type
certificates do not.
o Choose From Store to import from the certificate store, then select a
certificate from a list of available certificates.
NOTE: If the digital certificate contains a key-pair, the private/public key cannot be
Deleting a Certificate
You can delete any digital certificate or container. This process cannot be reversed. Be sure
you want to delete the certificate or container before doing so.
NOTE: You can also select the token and delete all its contents. This includes all certificates
and keys in the token.
IMPORTANT: Do not remove the token until the deletion process has been completed.
NOTE: Make sure that the Signer.Digital extension is enabled in your Chrome browser. If
you are using Firefox or Microsoft Edge, the extension must be installed manually.
Microsoft Edge:
1. In the HyperPKI Token Manager, click Free PDF Signer to open a web address
(https://web.signer.digital/InteractiveSigning) in your default browser. You can
bookmark this address in your browser to directly open it.
2. Click the Sign Setting (Optional) button.
3. Configure the settings you want, then click Save.
5. To add text to the PDF, click the Add Text Annotation (Optional) button.
6. Once the PDF is ready to sign, click the Sign PDF button and draw the
signature box where a signature is required.
7. Release the mouse to finish drawing the box and select the certificate you want to
use to sign the PDF.
8. Enter the PIN to sign the PDF and save the file.
NOTE: All signing processes are performed in the system memory cache. No information is
shared over the Internet for security purposes.
Unlock or Reset User PIN
A token may be locked due to a variety of security reasons, including if a user has exceeded
the number of allowable user PIN attempts. Once a token has been locked, it must be
unlocked before it can be used again.
NOTE: Make sure you have the latest HYP2003 drivers installed before beginning. Remote
Unlock Client only works on driver versions 180929 and above. Click Update if your driver
version is a previous version.
5. Enter the received activation code in the Input Response Code field, then click
6. Enter the new User PIN and confirm the User PIN, then click OK.
1. Make sure your HYP2003 token is plugged in, then open Internet Explorer.
2. Click on the Tools menu and select Internet options.