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English 3is Q2 LP-15

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SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Student’s Name: ___________________________Grade and Section: __________

Teacher: _________________________________Date Submitted:_____________

A. Most Essential Learning Competency
Learner presents written research report

B. Objective
Orally present a research report


Oral Presentation of research provides a chance for the students to
present their research by reading a paper and/or showing PowerPoint slides to a
group of interested faculty, students, and judges. These presentations will allow
students to experience what it is like to present their research at a conference in
their discipline.
Oral presentations usually introduce a discussion of a topic or research
paper. A good oral presentation is focused, concise, and interesting in order to
trigger a discussion.

Guidelines for Oral Presentations:

1. Students are required to submit an abstract of their oral presentation.
2. If you have PowerPoint slides, you will need to get a copy of those slides
to the panelists at least 48 hours in advance. You must also bring a flash
drive copy of your slides as a backup on the day of the presentation.
3. Practice your presentation in advance.
4. A good rule of thumb is that it takes two minutes to read one page, so your
paper should be no longer than six standard, double-spaced pages.
5. Although you are not expected to memorize your presentation, you should
be familiar enough with the material to make frequent eye contact with
your audience.
6. Handouts are not required, but if you choose to bring handouts to your
presentation, you should bring 10 copies.
7. A good oral presentation will

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q2_LP 15 1

o summarize your research succinctly: stating your thesis, argument,
purpose, and research methods;
o present the evidence that supports your thesis;
o point out any conclusions you have reached; and
o explain the larger significance of your research for your field.
8. Finally, students should consult with their faculty sponsor about the best
way to present their material. Your faculty sponsor has probably made
many such presentations and can give you some good tips.

Compiling a PowerPoint
An effective PowerPoint presentation is just an aid to the presentation, not
the presentation itself.
● Be brief and concise
● Focus on the subject
● Attract attention- indicate interesting details
● If possible, use relevant visual illustrations (pictures, maps, charts graphs,
● Use bullet points or numbers to structure the text
● Make clear statements about the essence/results of the topic/research
● Maintain eye contact with the audience
● Write down the whole outline of your paper.
● Just Read the Slides
● Write long full sentences on the slides.
● Use distracting colors, patterns, pictures, decorations on the slides.
● Use too complicated charts, graphs; only those that are relatively easy to

A. Practice Tasks
Task 1. Read the following statements about presentation structure and slides
content used in research oral defense. Choose the term/s being
described in each statement from the box. Write the letter on your
answer sheet.

A. Title B. Conclusion C. Discussion D. Result

E. Methodology F. Literature Review G. Introduction

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q2_LP 15 2

_____1. This slide should contain the information that is provided on the title page of
your hard copy.
_____2. This slide includes the title of your research paper, your name, where you
are studying, name and details of your course and the name of adviser.
_____3. This slide should provide the committee an idea of the topic area that you
are investigating and the specific research questions that you set out to
_____4. The relevant current research that is close to your topic and areas of
weakness that are currently highlighted should be presented here.
_____5. The type of study you have conducted: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed
and the methods that you chose and why are included in this slide/s.
_____6. This part should give the committee / audience a good understanding of
what you’ve discovered during your research.
_____7. Highlight here the meaning of the findings in relation to your discipline
program and the research that you have done.
_____8. This provide information regarding how you have analyzed the data that you
have collected.
_____9. This covers an overall description of the data that you collected during your
_____10. Here you will show what contribution you have made, state any limitations
to the work you have done and suggest future research.

Task 2: Based on your previous lesson on written research, present your report
through a sentence outline. Be guided by the TASK 2 SAMPLE. Use a separate
sheet of paper for your answer.

Several aspects must be considered in writing a sentence outline.
● If you have chosen to write a sentence outline, all headings and sub-headings must be in
sentence form.
● As in any outline, remember that a division or subdivision cannot be divided into one part;
therefore, if there is an "A" there must be a "B," and if there is a "1" there must be a "2."

Example of Sentence Outline

Negative Effects of Divorce on Adolescents

I. When family conflicts arise as a result of divorce, adolescents suffer.
A. During the first year, these young people may be depressed due to conflicts
between the custodial and non-custodial parents.
B. Grandparents, aunts, and uncles are often restricted by visitation provisions.
C. Almost without exception, adolescents find divorce very painful, but they react in
differing degrees depending on their age.

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q2_LP 15 3

II. Some of the most negative effects on adolescents may be associated with economic
A. The family will most probably experience a lower standard of living due to the cost
of maintaining two households.
B. Some female custodial parents have poor job skills and must train before entering
the job market.
C. The lower standard of living may result in misunderstanding and conflicts within
the family.
D. The decreased standard of living, particularly for an untrained female custodial
parent, often causes relocation.

1. The family may have to move to a poorer neighborhood in order to cut costs.
2. As a result, the adolescent may have to attend a different school.

III. Adolescents from divorced families often experience peer problems.

· Due to relocation and prejudice, adolescents may lose friends.
· The lack of a solid relationship with both parents affects an adolescent's attitude
toward the opposite sex.
Retrieved from: https://www.oakton.edu/studentservices/learning_center/tutoring/research_paper_tips/

Task 3. Present your research report through a PowerPoint considering the

guidelines on the preparation of effective oral presentation of a written
research report. Submit the soft copy to your teacher.

B. Assessment
Present your research paper report to your adviser together with the panelists
for your final defense. Consider the guidelines for oral presentation and be
guided by the rubric below.


Analytical Rubric in Presenting a Research Report
Category 18-20 16-17 14-15 0-13
Content In-depth Good coverage Topic is Coverage of
coverage of the of topic, topic is adequately topic, topic is
topic, topic is appropriate to covered, topic is appropriate to
appropriate to assignment, appropriate to assignment,
assignment, basis in sound, assignment, not not based on
strong basis in research-based based on research-
sound, information, research-based based
research-based clear and information, information,
information, understandable clear and unclear and
outstanding hyperlinks to understandable difficult to
clarity, credible sites hyperlinks to understand, no

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q2_LP 15 4

hyperlinks to non-credible hyperlinks
credible sites sites
Presentation Attractive, easy Attractive, easy Attractive, Unattractive,
to interpret, to interpret, difficult to difficult to
pleasing colors pleasing colors interpret, interpret, poor
with high with good pleasing colors color choice
contrast, slide contrast, with high and slide
presentation, organized slide contrast, slide contrast, slide
well-organized, presentation, presentation presentation
excellent use of good use of disorganized, unorganized,
bullets, bullets, graphics, bullets, graphics, bullets,
graphics, transitions, and transitions and graphics,
transitions, and slide effects slide effects transitions, and
slide effects which enhance detract from the slide effects
which enhance the presentation content detract from
the of the content the content
presentation of
the content
Mechanics No misspellings Three or fewer Four More than four
or grammatical misspellings misspellings misspellings
errors and/or and/or and/or
grammatical grammatical grammatical
errors errors errors
Organization Presenter and Presenter and Presenter and Presenter and
(presenter and oral oral presentation oral presentation oral
oral presentation are organized, are poorly presentation
presentation) are well- he/she organized, are well-
organized, discusses he/she relies on organized,
he/she content notes to conduct he/she reads
discusses occasionally presentation slides and or
content seldom referring to notes to
referring to notes to conduct conduct
notes to presentation presentation
Appearance Engages the Engages the Engages the Presenter does
(presenter) audience well, audience, audience poorly, not engage the
displays displays displays a poor audience,
professional professional professional displays
appearance, appearance, appearance, unprofessional
uses volume uses volume uses volume appearance,
and elocution and elocution and elocution does not
approprate to approprate to inapproprate to maintain eye
setting, setting, setting, contact,
maintains maintains good maintains displays poor
excellent eye eye contact, minimal eye posture and

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q2_LP 15 5

contact, posture and contact, posture lack of
posture and composure and composure composure

A. Practice Task
Task 1.
1. A 6. D
2. A 7. C
3. G 8. E
4. F 9. D
5. E 10. B

Task 2. Answers may vary

Task 3. Answers may vary

B. Assessment
Answers may vary


Darwish, A. How to Write a Research Report and Give a Presentation.
Example of Sentence Outline - Oakton Community College. (2021).

Oral Presentation - Quiz. (2015). Quizizz.com.

‌Presentation Structure and Slides Content

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q2_LP 15 6

Research Guides: Advanced Research Methods: Presenting the Research
Paper. (2014). Ucla.edu. https://guides.library.ucla.edu/c.php?
Stevens, Michelle. (2017). Powerpoint Do’s and Don’ts.

Prepared by:
Gov. Mariano E. Villafuerte HS, SDO Cam. Sur

Quality Assured by:

GEMMA A. REALO, Principal II
Don Mariano C. Veneracion NHS, SDO Cam. Sur


Homobono H. Gonzalez NHS, SDO Cam. Sur


Visita de Salog NHS, SDO Cam. Sur


SDO Camarines Sur


SDO, Masbate City

Layout Artist:
Fundado ES, SDO Cam. Sur

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q2_LP 15 7

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