Diagnostic Moteur
Diagnostic Moteur
Diagnostic Moteur
Réparation Automobile
【(Diagnostic Moteur)】
引擎檢診作業 (基礎)
Auteurs : Jackie Lu
Rédacteurs en français:
Traore Brahima
Couldiati Tiabitieba
Kabore Saga
Juillet 2010
Programme assuré par CTC/EVTA, Commission d’Etat du Travail sur délégation du Ministère
des Affaires Etrangères,
- République de Chine (Taiwan) -
編號:AM-Ⅲ- 00 -Basic
Traore Brahima
Couldiati Tiabitieba
Kabore Saga
2010 年 7 月
主辦:行政院勞委會職業訓練局中區職訓中心受外交部委託辦理 PROGRAMME DE
Niveau Basic
Edité par : Jackie LU
Station 1 2001 TOYOTA (COROLLA) 1.8L DTC
Before the practice, do the basic check. ( Engine oil, Coolant, etc. )
avant d`effectuer le controle faire des verification preleminaire( huile
moteur et liquide de refroidissement)
A. Diagnostic function
Disconnect the following connectors when the engine is during idle
speed, and inspect the 「engine check lamp」that is on or off.
Faire tourner le moteur au ralenti et debrancher successivement
A. Diagnostic function
Disconnect the following connectors when the engine is during idle
speed, and inspect the 「engine check lamp」that is on or off.
1. Air Flow Sensor (AFS):
Capteur de debit d`air
2.Camshaft Position Sensor (G sensor):_____
Capteur de position de l`arbre a cames
3. Barometric pressure sensor:_____
capteur de pression atmospherique
B. Read DTCs
C. Erase DTCs
A. Diagnostic function
Disconnect the following connectors when the engine is during idle speed, and inspect
the 「engine check lamp」that is on or off.
1. Intake Air Temperature Sensor:
Capteur de temperature d`air
2. Mass Air Flow Sensor:________
Capteur de debit d`air
3. Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (CTS):________
capteur de temperature du moteur
a. engine check lamp is on
b. engine check lamp is off
B. Read DTCs
1. Turn off the ignition switch.
2. Use the SST (cross wire) to connect the terminal TEN and GND of
the connector。
3. Turn on the ignition switch.
4. Read DTCs and write them down.
C. Erase DTCs
1. Turn off the ignition switch.
2. Remove the SST (cross wire).
3. Disconnect the negative cable of battery for more than 10 seconds.
A. Diagnostic function
Disconnect the following connectors when the engine is during idle
speed, and inspect the 「engine check lamp」that is on or off.
1. Barometric Pressure Sensor (BPS):
2. Air Flow Sensor (AFS):_____
B. Read DTCs
C. Erase DTCs
B. Read DTCs
1. Turn off the ignition switch.
2. Use the SST (cross wire) to connect the terminal TE1 and E1 of
3. Turn on the ignition switch.
4. Read DTCs and write them down.
C. Erase DTCs
1. Turn off the ignition switch.
2. Remove the SST (cross wire).
3. Disconnect the negative cable of battery for more than 10 seconds.
B. Read DTCs
C. Erase DTCs
B. Read DTCs
C. Erase DTCs
A. Diagnostic function
Disconnect the following connectors when the engine is during idle speed, and
inspect the 「engine check lamp」that is on or off.
B. Read DTCs
C. Erase DTCs
1. After reading DTCs, when ignition switch is on, use a flat screw driver to
rotate the test mode selector on the ECM clockwise to the end.
2. Then use a flat screw driver rotate the test mode selector on the ECM
counterclockwise to the end.。
3. If DTCs have been erased, the check lamp will flash code 55 . (i.e. it’s the normal