Paper Template - ASBIRES 2022

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Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Applied Science, Business & Industrial Research – 2022

ISSN xxxx-xxxx, ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx-x

Applied Science, Business, and Industrial Research Symposium

(ASBIRES) Research Paper Format

Firstauthor AB1, Secondauthor BC2

Department One, Faculty One, University. One)
Department Two, Faculty Two, University.Two)


A clear and well-documented Word document template is presented as an article

formatted for publications made to Applied Science, Business, and Industrial Research
Symposium (ASBIRES) of Faculty of Applied Science, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
The various components of the paper to be published in the conference proceedings [title,
text, headings, etc.] are defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this
document, including an abstract of 200-250 words. The Abstract should follow 3 – 5
keywords. This article presents and explains many of the common variations, as well as
many of the formatting elements an author may use in the preparation of the documentation
of their work.

KEYWORDS: Component, Formatting, Style, Styling

1 INTRODUCTION preparing electronic versions of their

This artilcle provides a detailed papers. The length of the paper should be
discription of a consistent MS Word between 4-5 pages, including references.
styles to use across Applied Science, No page numbers should be indecated.
Business, and Industrial Research Please be informed that all the articles
Symposium (ASBIRES) publications. must be submitted according to the final
Authors must use ASBIRES - Head 1 submission format and articles received
style for section headings, ASBIRES - in another format it will be rejected
Head 2 style for sub headings, without further notice.
ASBIRES – Body style in the section 2 EASE OF USE
body texts and ASBIRES - References. 2.1 Selecting a Template
This template, modified in MS Word
2013 and saved as “Word 97-2003 & The authors should confirm that they
6.0/95 – RTF (*.doc)” for the PC, have used the correct template for the
provides authors with most of the recommended paper size. This template
formatting specifications needed for has been tailored for output page size
Author1 & Author2 Name (only surname)

orresponding to A4, which is 210mm x Abbreviations should not be used in the

297mm (8.27" x 11.69"). title or headings unless they are
2.2 Maintaining the Integrity of the unavoidable.
Specifications 3.2 Equations
The template is used to format the The equations are an exception to
paper and style the text. All margins, the prescribed specifications of this
column widths, line spaces, and text template. The authors can determine
fonts are prescribed; and authors should whether or not their equation should be
not alter them. It is expected that the typed using either the Times New Roman
authors may notice peculiarities, such as or the Symbol font. However no other
the head margin in this template fonts should be used. To create
measures proportionately more than is multileveled equations, it may be
customary and all margins are of 20 mm necessary to treat the equation as a figure
(0.75"). and insert into the text after the paper has
3 PREPARE THE PAPER been styled.
BEFORE STYLING Equations should be numbered
Before the authtors begin to format consecutively. Equation numbers are to
their paper, they should save the content position flush right within parentheses, as
of their manuscript as a separate text file. in (1), using a right tab stop. Use a long
It is expected that they keep their text dash rather than a hyphen for a minus
content and graphic files separately until sign. Equations must be punctuated with
after the content has been formatted and commas or periods when they are part of
styled. Authors should not use hard tabs, a sentence.
and limit the use of hard returns to only Note that the equation needs to be
one return at the end of a paragraph. centered using a center tab stop. Be sure
They must not add any kind of that the symbols in the equation have
pagination anywhere in the paper. been defined before or immediately
The authors should complete the following the equation. Use “(1)”, not
content, and organizational editing before “Eq. (1)” or “equation (1)”, except at the
formatting. The authors are adviced to beginning of a sentence: “Equation (1)
take note of the items discussed in the is . . .”
sub sections here when proofreading After the text edit has been
spelling and grammar: completed, the paper is ready for the
3.1 Abbreviations and Acronyms template. Duplicate the template file by
using the Save As command, and use the
The authors must define
naming convention prescribed by
abbreviations and acronyms the first time
ASBIRES for the title of the paper. In
they are used in the text, even if they
this newly created file, highlight all of
have been defined in the abstract.
the contents and import text prepared in

both columns (as shown in Figure 2).

Figure captions should be below the
figures and the table headings should
appear above the tables. Care should be
taken to insert figures and tables after
they are cited in the text. Fig 1 shows the
possitioning of a figure in a text box.

Table 2: The length of the article

(Source: Author compile)
Figure 1: Positioning of a Figure.
the manuscript file. The paper is now Topic Maximum length
ready for styling. Use the scroll down 1
Abstract /3 page
window on the left of the MS Word
Formatting toolbar or Styles window in Introduction /3 page
newer versions of MS Word for styling. Literature 2
/3 page
3.3 Identify the Headings
Methodology ½ page
Headings, or heads, are
organizational devices that guide the Data Collection & 2
/3 page
reader through a paper. Analysis
Use “figure caption” for Figure
captions, and “table head” for table titles. Results and
1 1/2 pages
Run-in heads, such as “Abstract”, will Discussion
require applying a style in addition to the Conclusion 2
/3 pages
style provided by the drop down menu to 1
References /3 page or so
differentiate the head from the text.
Text heads organize the topics on a The abbreviation “Fig. 1” should be
relational, hierarchical basis. For used in text, even at the beginning of a
example, the paper title is the primary sentence. Table 2 shows a tentative
text head because all subsequent material sections breakdown of a research paper.
relates and elaborates on this one topic. Times New Roman 12 point should be
Styles named “Heading 1” and “Heading used for figure and table labeling. The
2” are prescribed. raw height for one line of a table should
3.4 Figures and Tables be 0.3 inches and font size inside the
table should be 12.
When positioning figures and tables,
Words rather than symbols or
they should be placed at the top and/or
abbreviations should be used when
bottom of columns. Placing them in the
writing figure axis labels to avoid
middle of columns must be avoided.
confusing the reader. For an example,
Large figures and tables may span across
Author1 & Author2 Name (only surname)

Figure 2: Positioning of a Large Figure

write the quantity “Magnetization”, or al., 2015) or alternatively as in

“Magnetization, M”, not just “M”. If “Columbus et al. conclude that…
including units in the label, present them (2015).” can be used. If two or more
within parentheses. Axes should not be sources needs to be included, they should
labeled only with units. In the example, be styled as (Jones, 2015; Hill & Smith,
write “Magnetization (A/m)” or 2016). If a part from a source is directly
“Magnetization {A [m (1)]}”, but not just quoted, “it should be italic and should be
“A/m”. Do not label axes with a ratio within inverted commas as shown here”.
(e.g. “Temperature (K)” but not In such cases, the citation should also
“Temperature/K”). follow a page number (Chary, 2016, p.
3.5 In-text Citation 125).
In-text citation should follow APA REFERENCES
style. Citations with a single author All citations within the manuscript
should be cited as in (Columbus, 2014). must appear in the reference list and all
Alternatively, the int-text style as listings in the reference section must be
“Columbus concludes that …(2014).”. In cited somewhere within the manuscript.
the case of two authors, citation should References should be in alphabetical
be (Columbus & Gerry, 2012). order by the first author's last name and
Alternatively, the style “Columbus & the reference list should not be
Gerry conclude that … (2012).” can also numbered. For clarity, please DO NOT
be used. If there are three or more use any abbreviations (such as for journal
authors, citation should be (Columbus et

names) in the references. Our journal

style uses fully spelled-Out journal titles.
Special notes: Do not use "et al.” ● Green, R. E., Davidsori, J.M.,
(either for authors or editors) in-reference andBiggar,J. W. (1980). Methods for
determining adsorptiondesorption of
list; all author (editor) names should be organic chemicals: An assessment. In
spelled out. Use only author/editor first Banin, A. D., and Kafkafi, U. F. (eds.),
and/or middle initials (do not spell out Agrochemicals in Soils (pp. 273-282).
first or middle-names in reference Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press.
section). EDITED BOOK
The critical concern is that all (citing entire book rather than individual
reference components are present. The authors):
JAB reference style is adapted from the ● Bredahl, W, M. E., Abbott, P. C., and
Reed,M. R. (Eds.) (1994).
Publication Manual of the American
Competitiveness International Food
Psychological Association (APA). A Markets. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
number of sample reference citations are
provided below (as generally fictitious JOURNAL ARTICLE: (Note: FULLY SPELL
OUT name of journal; be Sure to include
illustrations only), showing the
volume number and. inclusive page numbers.)
components needed for various reference
● Author’s surname and initials, year of
publication, title of article, title of
journal or periodical, title of series,
place of publication, volume number,
issue number/identification, page
BOOK: numbers.

● Author’s surname and initials, year of

publication, title of publication, title of ● Addiscott, T.M., and Wagenet, R. J.
series, volume number, edition, editor (1985a, March). Concepts of solute
or translator, place of publication, leaching in soils: A review of modeling
publisher page numbers. approaches.Journal of Soil-Science, 36,
● Addiscott, T. M., and Wagenet, R. J.
(1985b). A simple method for combining
● Gremlin, R. J. (1991). Agrochemicals: soil properties that show Variability. Soil
Preparation and Mode of Action, 3rd Science Society of America Journal,49,
ed.Chichester, England: John Wiley and 1365-1369.
Sons. ● Anderson, J. L. (1995, winter). The
environmental revolution at twenty-
Author1 & Author2 Name (only surname)

five.Rutgers Law Journal,26(2), 395-430. ● Huang, K S. (1985, December). U.S.

demand for food: A complete system of
price and income effects. Technical
Bulletin No. 1714, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Economic Research Service,
Washington, DC.
● U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Agricultural Marketing Service. (1985-
96). Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Arrival
Totals for 23 Cities (various issues).
USDA/AMS, Market News Branch,
Washington, DC.
● Alam, A., and Rajapatirana, S. (1993). PAPER PRESENTED AT MEETING:
Trade policy reform in Latin America and ● Eginton, C., and Tweeten, L. (1982,
the Caribbean in the 1980s. Policy February 12). Impacts of national inflation
Research Working Paper No. 1104, on entrance and equity growth-
International Trade Division, the World Opportunities on typical commercial
Bank, Washington, DC. farms. Paper presented at the annual
● Schatzer, R. J., Wickwire, M., and Tilley, meetings of the Southern Agricultural
D. (1986). Supplemental vegetable Economics Association, Atlanta, GA.
enterprises for cow-calf and grain farmers
in southeastern Oklahoma. Research PROCEEDINGS:
Report No. T-874, Agricultural ● Murray, W. (1999). An easily
Experiment Station, Department of implemented, linear time algorithm for
Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State Bayesian student modeling in multi- level
University, Stillwater. trees.S.Lajoie& M. Vivet, In Proceedings
● Grise, V. (1990, February). The world of the 9th international Conference on
tobacco market: Government intervention Artificial Intelligence and Education (AI-
and multilateral reform. Unnumbered staff ED 99), (pp.153-162). Amsterdam: IOS
report, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Press
economic Research Service, Washington,
● U.S. Department of Agriculture. (1983,
December). Food consumption, prices,
and expenditures: 1962-1982. Statistical
Bulletin No. 702, USDA, Economic
Research Service. Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office."

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