Positive Birth Environment

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Mrs. Priya Paul
Associate Professor
KNPI, Lucknow

A positive birth environment is one that makes the

birthing person feel safe, comfortable, and in
control. It can help the birthing person have a positive
experience and may have long-term benefits. Here
are some elements of a positive birth environment

Positive Birth Environment is giving birth to a healthy

baby in a clinically and psychologically safe environment,

assisted by a kind and technically competent health care

Positive Births for All?
Bad births can range from
• A woman who was angry her husband/Family didn’t
know how to help her and then stayed angry with him for
months or years to
• A woman who felt that the staff midwife was rough
when she did an internal to
• A woman who was angry because her favorite midwife
was sick the day she gave birth. There is hope.
• Natural pain is part of giving birth
• Pain relief is used by pregnant women without skills or
support partner
• Husband or partner is the most caring birth professional
• Combine the skills with patients will power and
• After a well-managed, painful birth, you will feel an
unbelievable high.
Positive Births: Natural Birthing
• Natural birth = midwife care and home birth
• Medical birth = Doctors and hospital birth
Everything happens in labour and birth is
changes our concept of “natural birth”
to concern how we manage, cope,
and handle ourselves,
rather than where we are
or what is done to us.
Positive Births: Medical Care
Positive birth include
•Standard Medical Assessments,
•Monitoring, And Procedures
•Use Of Pain Relief, Specially For Surgical Birth.
Positive Birth Health Issues
• Pregnancy with health issues require a great deal of
medical attention
• A pregnant woman with heart problem was able to
positively gave birth using the Skills.
This include:
• Internal massage of vagina
• All muscles and tissue inside was soft and pliable.
With 5 hours labour, she gave birth in the care on the
way to hospital with three pushes only.
Positive Birth : In any Place
Home, Hospital, And birth centre
• A positive birth
• is something you work to accomplish, not something
dictated by the choices or lack of choices about where you
give birth.
• Positive birth is achieved through commitment and took
responsibility to prepare in a thorough manner.
• Our faith gave us the courage. The skills gave us the skills.
• Do not compare your experience to anyone else’s.
• So work toward having your positive birth by preparing for
this phenomenal experience, learning the skills, and using

•Physical comfort: The birthing person should have access to pillows,

birthing aids, and positions that help them relax and move easily.
•Privacy and control: The birthing person should be able to control the
lighting and noise levels, and have a sense of privacy.
•Emotional support: The birthing person should have emotional support
from a birth companion and clinical staff.
•Respect: The birthing person's choices, autonomy, and preferences should
be respected.
•Communication: The birthing person should be able to

communicate with their healthcare team.

•Pain management: The birthing person should have access to pain

management options.

•Cultural sensitivity: The birth environment should be culturally

The birthing person's sense of safety and security can help release neurohormones like
oxytocin, which can reduce stress and pain, and help with bonding with the baby.

Nursing Role

Creating a positive birthplace involves, in terms of the physical environment:

comfortable furniture (especially the bed), shower and ensuite toilet; access to water
immersion (birthing pool); space to move around; ability to control the lighting,
heating, noise, clean rooms and privacy.
How can you create a positive birth environment?

• Some simple ways to make your body respond better to your

birth environment*
• Turn off the lights. Dim lights are more relaxing than bright
ones. ...
• Bring a familiar or relaxing smell. Think essential oils or
nothing says familiar like your own pillow. ...
• Bring some things that make it feel more homely. ...
• Music

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