MRIPL Chinmaya Kumar Kar
MRIPL Chinmaya Kumar Kar
MRIPL Chinmaya Kumar Kar
Qualification B.Tech/B.E-Computers
Total Experience 8
Note : This data represents the system-generated candidate information used for candidate evaluation.
Career Objectives:-
A challenging career in an organization where the work demands high degree of skills and
logic where my experience and knowledge of window server and Network domain can be
utilized for completing projects successfully with high quality on time.
Professional Experience:-
Work Description:-
Precision provide Biometric ,SMerver hardware,operating system and system
software,Networking infrastructure supported by the wealth of certified technical expertise
• Window installation and configuration.
• Bio-Metric installation.
• SQL server,wi-fi vpn.
• VNC installation and configuration.
• Managed different type network & ISP.
• To Handle the server room and its area.
• To Attend any trouble shooting in individual system.
• Managing hardware vendors and renewals of AMC, Product licenses.
• Stack Verification .
• keeping complete track of licensing of products.
• Providing support to colleagues for software issues.
• Managed network downtime report.
• Maintain Antivirus and user policy.
• OFC cable laying work .
• Maintaining Desktop,Laptop ,UPS,Printer,Plotter Asset details.
• Maintaining Weigh Bridge .
• Managing CCTV surveillance and its maintenance.
Education Qualification:-
Diploma in CSE 2003.
B-tech in CSE 2009.
I hereby declare that too the statements made in the resume are true to the best of
knowledge and belief.