You may already have some or most of the knowledge and skills covered in
this learner’s guide because you have:
At the end of this module is a Learner’s Diary. Use the diary to record
important dates, jobs undertaken and other workplace events that will assist you in
providing further details to your facilitator/ assessor. A Record of Achievement is also
provided by your facilitator to complete once you complete the module.
Talk to your facilitator and agree on how you will both organize the Training
of this unit. Read through the module carefully. It is divided into sections,
which cover all the skills and knowledge you need to successfully complete
this module.
Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section.
Read information sheets and complete self-check. Suggested references are
included to supplement the materials provided in this module.
Most probably your facilitator will be your supervisor or manager. Your
facilitator will support and correct you.
Your facilitator will tell you about the important things you need to consider
when you are completing activities and it is important that you listen and take
You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice on the
job. Make sure you practice new skills during regular work shifts. This way
you will improve both your speed and memory and also your confidence.
Talk to more experience work-mates and ask for their guidance.
Use the self-check questions at the end of each section to test your own
When you are ready, ask your facilitator to watch you perform the activities
outlined in this module.
Ask you work through the activities; ask for written feedback on your
progress. Your facilitator keeps feedback/ pre-assessment reports for this
reason. When you have successfully completed each element, ask the
facilitator to mark on the reports that you are ready for assessment.
When you have completed this module, and feel confident that you have had
sufficient practice, your facilitator will arrange an appointment with registered
assessor’s to assess you. The results of your assessment will be recorded in
your competency Achievement Record.
3. Care and Maintain Crops Caring and Maintaining Crops AFF 610303
This module covers the knowledge skills and attitudes required to perform
nursery operations for agricultural crops including establishing nursery shed,
preparation and handling of planting materials, preparation of growing media,
transplanting germinated seedlings and handling nursery tools and equipment.
1. Tools, farm implements and simple equipment are prepared according to work
2. Basic pre-operative checking of tools, farm implements and equipment is
performed in accordance with manufacturer’s manual and GAP standard.
3. Tools with wear and corrosions are segregated and treated according to
maintenance plan and procedures
Learning Outcome 1
Read Information Sheet 1.1-1, about If you have some problems on Information
Tools, Farm Implements and Simple
Equipment Sheet 1.1-1, don’t hesitate to approach your
facilitator. If you feel you are
knowledgeable on the content of
Information Sheet 1.1-1, you can now
answer Self-Check 1.1-1.
Are usually light and are used without the help of animals or machines. They
are being used in performing farm activities which involve small areas like school
garden and home garden.
They can be grouped according to uses such as: digging, cutting, harvesting,
cultivating, cleaning, measuring, and watering.
Garden Spade
Featuring a shorter handle with a D-grip
and a blade with a straight, sharp edge,
the spade's main purpose is to cut clean
edges in turf or mulch. You can also use
it to chop through small roots and dig
shallow, square holes for plants.
Pick Mattock
It is used for digging canals, breaking
hard top and for digging up stones and
tree stumps.
Hole Digger
Hand Trowel
It is used for loosening the soil around
the growing plants
Pruning Saw
Resembling a curved keyhole saw, has
large, well-spaced teeth that cut through
live and dead branches quickly without
getting clogged. The blade of a typical
pruning saw is a about a foot long, and it
usually retracts into a case. You can also
buy a pole saw -- a pruning saw mounted
to a long pole -- when you need to cut
It is used for cutting tall grasses and
weeds and chopping branches of trees
Hedge Shear
Pruning Shear
It is used for cutting branches of planting
materials and unnecessary branches of
It is a hand-held agricultural tool with a
variously curved blade typically for
cutting weeds
Spading Fork
It is used for loosening the soil, digging
out root crops, and turning over the
materials in a compost heap.
It is used for cleaning the ground and
leveling the topsoil.
These are accessories that are being pulled by working animals or mounted to
machineries (hand tractor, tractor) which are usually used in preparing land. These are
usually made of metal.
Specifically used for tilling large areas,
making furrows and inter-row
cultivation. Are made either of a
combination of metal or wood or pure
An implement attached to a tractor,
used for tilling and pulverizing the soil.
These are machineries used in land preparation and in transporting farm inputs
and products.
Hand tractor
It is used to pull a plow and harrow in
preparing large area of land.
Water pumps
Used to draw irrigation water from a
Performance Objective: Given the tools and equipment you should be able to
identify different tools and equipment in the farm.
Cutting tools
Digging tools
Watering Tools
Farm equipment
Other Tools
Identify each tools and equipment with your trainer.
Trainee must be provided with the following:
Nursery tools: digging tools, propagation tools, and measuring tools; farm
implements and simple equipment: water pumps, hand tractor, plow, harrow
and sprayer
Growing containers: polyethylene bags, clay pots, plastic containers, seed
tray, seed box, coco husk, wired basket
Other supplies/materials: cleaning materials/supplies,
References (NSIC catalogue, GAP, OHS, HACCP manuals, etc.)
Direct observation and question
Oral interview and written test
Learning Outcome 2
Seedlings and grafts are produced in nursery from which the fruit orchards and
ornamental gardens can be established with minimum care, cost and
The nursery planting materials are available at the beginning of the planting
This saves the time, money and efforts of the farmers to raise seedlings
There is a wide scope for fruit orchards, ornamental, vegetable, and landscape
(1: Main road, 2: Gate, 3: Nursery road, 4: Path, 5: Office, 6: Labor shed, 7: Store rooms, 8: Vehicle
shed, 9: Potted plants, 10: Saplings, 11: Seedlings, 12: Propagation/mist chamber, 13: Shade net
house, 14: Polyhouse, 15: Seedling beds, 16: Mother beds, 17: Well/water source, 18: Water pipeline,
19: Soil dumping,20: Compost area, 21: Mother plants, 22: Fencing, 23: Plant library, 24:
Made up of polythene (bags, pots, and root trainers), clay (pots) or iron
material. Polybags are the cheap containers, while root trainers are user friendly, easy
to handle and transport.
Nursery Media
Water and Fertilizers: water for irrigation and fertilizer for major and minor nutrient
Equipment and Machinery: The nursery operations like transporting, watering and
sales depend on the vehicle and machineries and equipment in the nursery. Among
them tractor with trolley, disc plough, water tanker are necessary. The nursery potting
media filling machine or automated container filling machines (Fig. 3) for nursery
mixture preparation and filling, grafting machine facilitate the speedy operation of
nursery in cost effective way.
Labor: Nursery is a labor intensive activity. Skilled and permanent labor engagement
ensures quality seedling production and their maintenance in nursery.
Water and nutrients are the two important inputs having direct relationship
with quality of seedlings. Water quality and its proper availability to plants ensure
better growth of seedlings. It may be used effectively by sprinkler irrigation system.
Irrigation of seedling with the required quantity alone reduces the occurrence of weed,
pathogens, etc. Availability of nutrients to seedlings depends on the pH of the media,
watering and character of species. Proper solarisation of media, mixer media
preparation, container filling, filled container arrangement, using well decomposed
farm yard manure (FYM), quality water and crystal colloids will ensure minimum
input cost.
Mother bed: They are seed sowing beds prepared with fertile and clean nursery
mixtures (Soil, sand and FYM). Generally they are rectangular in shape with 1 to 1.8
m width and 1.8 (in hills) to 12 m (in plains) length. The lengthy side of the bed
should be oriented towards the sun (east-west) so that shading can be done.
For propagation, framed structures such as green house, poly tunnels, culture
room, hardening chamber and mist chamber are some important structures. A
greenhouse is a framed, infrastructure covered with a transparent material in which
crops can be grown under at least partially controlled environment. Various designs of
greenhouse viz.,shade net house, plastic film green house, glass house and natural
greenhouses may be designed according to the need and resource availability.
Advantages Disadvantages
Crops inside the greenhouse are Initial costs may be relatively high
better protected from strong
winds, heavy rain and insects
It is possible to grow crops year- Temperature inside the
round to time the harvesting when greenhouse, if not provided with
price is high. adequate ventilation, can be high
and uncomfortable for the
workers inside the greenhouse.
The following figures depicts some of the good nursery practices to be followed and
wrong practices to be avoided in nursery.
The seedling stress symptoms like damping off, wilt, root rot, rust and
powdery mildew are caused by pathogen infection and results in stunted growth of
These pathogens may be soil, seed or air borne in nature. Nurseries established in the
recently cleaned land hardly invite parasitic organisms. Stunted growth of seedlings
indicates the loss of soil fertility, excess watering and dumping of seedlings in shady
White Grubs: The adult white grubs feed on leaves and larval stage of the grub
(during monsoon months feed on roots. It is a major pest in Mango, and leguminous
seedling). Deep ploughing, soil solarisation, poisoning and using light traps are some
control measures against white grub attack. Application of 200 g phorate or 50 ml of
chloropyriphos mixed in 50 ml water may be used to spray for one bed. Foliar spray
of host trees available in the nursery vicinity with 0.05% monocrotophos or 0.03%
quinalphos can also helpful in controlling the adult population.
Cutworms: It damages the young seedlings soon after germination and is also a feeder
of young leaves. Seedlings of Pine, Cedar, mango, and sapota are themost preferred
by cutworms. Nursery site flooding and collection of cutworm after heavy rains are
some preventive measures to avoid cutworm damages. Dusting of seed bed with a
mixture of quicklime and ash or 1.5% quinalphos will control the insect.
Termites: They cause damage to seedlings either by primary attack (tap root destroy),
secondary attack (follow up attack after draught, pathogens, etc.) or complementary
attack and damage the seedlings which make it weak and subsequently it is
susceptible for other pathogen and pest attacks. The termite attack can be controlled
by keeping the nursery cleared of wood debris, using well decomposed FYM and
application of termiticides such as chlorpyriphos.
Crickets: The nymphs and adult stage cricket come out at night and cut off all the
seedlings, low branches and drag the piece to their tunnels for feeding the young
crickets. Ficus, Casuarina, Eucalyptus, Sisham, teak, rubber and mango seedlings are
commonly affected by crickets. Deep ploughing during nursery site preparation,
application of 200 g phorate or fenitrothinon 5% dust per bed can control the pest.
Nematodes, rat, squirrel, hare, deer, mite and birds are some important non-insect
pests. Poison bating by rodenticide such as Zinc phosphide, proper fencing and
manual scaring are the best methods to reduce damage by them. Other than the
disease and pest damages, the natural events like frost, chilling, drought, fire and non-
availability of nutrients also cause stunted growth/death of seedlings.
Watering preferably in the mornings and avoiding the mid-day period when
the sun will cause excessive evaporation. The visible symptoms of over watering are
slight to severe yellowing and stunted growth. Sometimes large groups of seedlings
exhibit 'wave' formations where the watering system is not supplying water uniformly
to all the plants. This condition should not be confused with blocks of plants with
stunted growth which is normally caused by a deficiency of nutrients. Wilting is one
of the early signs of under watering. Hand watering with cans fitted with a rose spray
or knapsack mist nozzles are the obvious methods for small nurseries. The ideal
system for large nurseries is overhead sprinkler irrigation as it is easily controlled and
provides the most uniform method for the application of water.
Weeds are any plants present in the cultivation area which is out of our
interest. They compete with the seedlings for nutrients, water and light and suppress
the growth of young plants because the weeds are usually more vigorous and grow at
a faster rate. The most troublesome are grasses or dicotyledonous plants that grow
from a root stock. If such a weed is cut off at the ground level, it will sprout again and
continue to grow from the carbohydrates stored in its root tissue hence the need to
remove the whole plant. Since it is more difficult to eradicate weeds after they have
invaded seedlings growing in containers and in transplant beds, both the potting soil
and the pre-filled containers may be watered in advance so that the germinated weeds
can be removed in advance of transplanting. For this purpose, containers should be
filled up to 4 weeks in advance of transplanting or direct sowing operations if weed
free potting soil is not available. A thick hedge around the nursery helps keep out
weed seeds that is otherwise brought in by wind.
Mature pod/fruit has to be collected just prior to its falling and subsequently
seed should be extracted without damage to the seeds
Sowing of seed/propagules should be carried out during early morning (7 to 9
am) or evening (3 to 5 pm) hours
Seed Collection: Fresh and fully matured fruit/pod at its available season.
Propagules Collection: As per standard season and method of scion, bud collection
specific to the species.
Avoidable Period: Severe winter, summer, labor shortage, pest and disease outbreak
All plant waste and spilled growing media should be collected and removed
from production areas. Waste should be disposed of away from production
facilities/areas and water sources.
DIRECTION: Match Column A with Column B. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.
1. f
2. a
3. e
4. b
5. d
Performance Objective: Given the materials needed you should be able to design a
Bond paper
Considering the components of a nursery make a nursery lay-out.
1. Planting materials are determined according to kinds and varieties.
2. Quality seeds are selected according to prescribed characteristics.
3. Seed testing is conducted to determine the percentage germination of the seed
stock in accordance with the standard procedures
4. Planting materials are treated following standard protocol
Trainee must be provided with the following:
Planting materials: seeds, suckers, tissue cultured plantlets, cuttings, rhizome,
corm, grafted material, tubers, runners/solon, bulbs
Nursery tools: shovel, hand trowel, bolo, knife, spade, wheel barrow, etc.
Nursery supplies/materials: pesticides, growth promoters, poly bags, crates,
References (NSIC catalogue, GAP, OHS, HACCP manuals, etc.)
Direct observation and question
Oral interview and written test
Learning Outcome 3
Perform Jobsheet 1.3-1 to 1.3-3 Check your work with the performance
criteria checklist and let your trainer
evaluate your work.
A seed is a matured ovule. It consists of an embryo, its food reserves, and the
seed covering called testa or seed coat. The embryo which is the rudimentary plant is
usually the product of the fertilization of the egg cell by one of the two female nuclei
from a pollen tube. It also refers to propagating materials of healthy seedlings, tuber,
bulbs, rhizome, roots, cuttings, setts, slips, all types of grafts and vegetative
propagating materials used for production purpose.
Thus seed is the most vital and crucial input for crop production, one of the
ways to increase productivity without adding appreciably to the extent of land now
under cultivation by planting quality seed.
Quality seed insures good germination, rapid emergence and vigorous growth.
These aspects translate to a good stand (whether greenhouse or field). Poor quality
seeds results in “skips” excessive thinning, or yield reductions due to overcrowding,
all of which diminish profitability.
1. External Factors :
a. Water – a dormant seed is generally dehydrated and contains hardly 6 –
15% water in its living cells. The active cells however, require about 75-
95% of water for carrying out their metabolism. Therefore, the dormant
seeds must absorb external water to become active and show germination.
Besides providing necessary hydration for the vital activities of
protoplasm, water soften the seed coats, causes their rupturing, increases
permeability of seeds, and converts the insoluble food to soluble form for
its translocation to the embryo. Water also brings in the dissolve oxygen
for use by the growing embryo.
b. Oxygen – Oxygen is necessary for respiration which releases the energy
needed for growth. Germinating seeds respire very actively and need
sufficient oxygen. The germinating seeds obtain this oxygen from the air
contained in the soil. It is for this reason that most seeds sown deeper in
the soil or in water-logged soils (i.e. oxygen deficient) often fail to
germinate due to insufficient oxygen. Ploughing and hoeing aerate the soil
and facilitate good germination.
c. Temperature - An optimum rate of temperature is essential for
germination. Protoplasm cannot carry on vital activities at a very low or at
a very high temperature. There is a minimum below which seeds will not
germinate and a maximum above which germination will not take place.
The suitable temperature, of course, varies with the seeds. Most of the
seeds usually show signs of germination when temperature varies from
25°C to 30°C. The germination in most cases stops at 0°C and 45°C.
Scarification (in botany) involves weakening, opening, or otherwise altering the coat
of a seed to encourage germination. Scarification is often done mechanically,
thermally, and chemically. The seeds of many plant species are often impervious to
water and gases, thus preventing or delaying germination. Any process designed to
make the testa (seed coat) more permeable to water and gases (and thus more likely to
germinate) is known as scarification.
Types of Scarification
2. Chemical scarification
Is another type of scarification which involves the use of one or more
chemicals to promote germination. It can involve imbibing or soaking seeds in
precisely concentrated acidic or basic solutions for varying amounts of time.
Chemicals such as sulfuric acid or even household bleach can be used to affect
this process. Chemical scarification can also be achieved through the use of
nutrient salts such as potassium nitrate. Dipping of seeds in strong acids like
H2SO4 or some organic solvents e.g. acetone, alcohol or even dipping in
boiling water breaks dormancy by weakening the seed coat.
Dormancy in plants is both useful and harmful to man. Cereal grains have
temporary dormancy which is helpful for their harvesting, dry storage and as a source
of food. In the absence of dormancy these grains were likely to germinate in the field
and experience unfavourable conditions. Seeds of several weeds remain dormant for
many years and are a source of nuisance to the farmers.
Similarly, in deserts, most annual species have their seeds dormant till
sufficient rainfall occurs. The availability of rain water helps in the diffusion of
inhibitors present in the seed coat of such species and germination is initiated.
In general two theories are advanced to account for the dormancy regulation
and these are hormonal and restriction of gaseous exchange. It is generally assumed
that seeds of several dormant species contain inhibitors.
Thus, when the level of these inhibitors is brought down or promoters are
enhanced, germination is initiated. The role of oxygen uptake is also emphasized,
especially in collaboration with high temperatures, as an important factor in causing
seeds dormancy.
The viability of the seed accession is a measure of how many seeds are alive
and could develop into plants which will reproduce themselves, given the appropriate
The most accurate test of viability is the germination test. The germination test
is made under controlled conditions to find out how many seeds will germinate and
produce normal seedlings which could develop into normal reproductively mature
A germination test is a simple way to determine if the seeds you are planting
are viable after storing them for a season or if you are unsure of the germination rate.
A germination test may also help farmers, extension agents, and students troubleshoot
germination issues and understand that when seeds fail to germinate regularly in the
field and garden, it might be due to factors other than the quality of the seeds.
Additionally, it can be used to compare the viability of different varieties and make
purchase decisions or to adjust for a lower rate when needing to produce a specific
number of plantlets. Treating or cleaning seeds may also improve germination and
prevent plant diseases.
The viability of seed can be determined by three methods: the rag doll method,
the Petri dish method, and the seedbox method. The result of any of these tests
indicates whether a stock of seed is suitable for planting and it serves as a basis for
computing the right amount of seed to use.
You’ll need:
a grease pencil
filter paper
Take seeds at random. Discard all unfilled seeds. Count four lots of exactly 100
Label the petri dish cover. With a grease pencil write the variety name and the
date of the test on the cover of each petri dish (fig. 1).
Place a piece of filter paper in each dish. Use only the bottom of the petri dish.
Moisten the filter paper. Add just enough clean water to cover the filter paper (too
much water will cause the seeds to float).
Place the seeds on the filter paper. Evenly distribute 100 seeds on the filter
paper in each dish. Placing too many seeds in one place tends to complicate
subsequent counting of germinated seeds. Do not add water immediately after placing
seeds on the filter paper because water drops may displace the seeds and group them
in clusters.
Let the seeds germinate. Place the four petri dishes in a safe place. Room
temperature is favorable for germination. Do not place the dishes in an air-
conditioned room. Maintain enough moisture in the dishes to wet the filter paper by
occasionally adding drops of water. The seeds will germinate in 4 to 5 days.
Count the germinated seeds. After 4 or 5 days, count the number of seeds that
have shoots and roots. All shoots must be longer than 1 cm. If they are not, seed
viability may have been damaged.
You’ll need:
4 pieces of cloth, 15 × 20 cm
4 paper labels
Obtain a composite sample of seeds to be tested. Take seeds at random. Discard all
unfilled seeds. Count exactly 100 seeds.
Label the test. Write name of variety and date of test on a paper label.
Moisten a piece of cloth. Soak a cloth in water then squeeze the water out. This
helps the seed to stick when placed on the cloth. Spread the cloth on a flat surface.
Sow the seeds on the cloth. Distribute all 100 seeds evenly in rows of 10. Start
about 2 cm from each edge of the cloth(fig. 2).
Place the bamboo stick on the cloth. Place the bamboo stick along the longer
edge of the cloth (fig. 3).
Roll the cloth around the stick. Press the border of the damp cloth against the
stick and simultaneously roll the stick with the cloth while moving toward the
opposite border. Do not roll the stick without moving it toward the opposite border or
you may displace your arrangement of seed. Secure the cloth in place by tying both
ends with rubber bands or string (fig. 4).
Let the seeds germinate. Moisten the seed by dipping the rag doll in the pail of
water, then remove it from the pail. About three dippings per day are sufficient to
keep the seed continuously moistened. Store the rag doll in a shaded place at room
temperature (28 °C), but not in an air-conditioned room. Protect the rag doll from rats.
The seeds will germinate in 4 to 5 days.
You’ll need:
Plant the seeds in the box. Drop seed in rows. One box is sufficient for planting
all your replications (divide the box into four sections and plant 100 seeds in each
section) (fig.
5). Cover the seeds slightly with soil. Water the box after sowing, then occasionally
thereafter. Do not let the soil dry out. Protect the seeds from rats. The seeds will
germinate in 4 to 7 days.
Count the germinated seed. At the end of the germination period, count the
number of shoots above the soil level. Do not count any shoot shorter than 1 cm.
Record the results. Divide the total number of shoots in all four sections of the
box by 4 to get percentage viability.
Count the germinated seed. At the end of the germination period, count the
number of shoots above the soil level. Do not count any shoot shorter than 1 cm.
Record the results. Divide the total number of shoots in all four sections of the
box by 4 to get percentage viability.
For example, if 86 seeds germinated in a tray of 100 seeds after 10 days, then
1. Bulb – are round, swollen parts of a stem that are typically found
underground. Within these organs of
vegetative propagation lies the central
shoot of a new plant. Bulbs consist of a bud
that is surrounded by layers of fleshy,
scale-like leaves. These leaves are a source
of food storage and provide nourishment to
a new plant. Example onions, garlic,
shallots, hyacinths, daffodils, tulips and
DIRECTION: Match the following in Column A with Column B. Write the letter
of the correct answer before each number.
2. c
3. a
4. e
5. c
1. Obtain a composite sample of seed to be tested. Take seeds at random. Discard
all unfilled seeds. Count exactly 100 seeds.
2. Label the seedbox. Write name of variety tested and date on a paper tag or a
wooden pot labeling peg. Stick the label in the soil at one corner of the
3. Plant the seeds in the box. Drop seed in rows. One box is sufficient for
planting all your replications (divide the box into four sections and plant 100
seeds in each section. Cover the seeds slightly with soil. Water the box after
sowing, then occasionally thereafter. Do not let the soil dry out. Protect the
seeds from rats. The seeds will germinate in 4 to 7 days.
4. Count the germinated seed. At the end of the germination period, count the
number of shoots above the soil level. Do not count any shoot shorter than 1
5. Calculate the germination rate and record the results. Divide the total number
of shoots in all four sections of the box by 4 to get percentage viability.
Learning Outcome 4
Growing media for use in container nurseries is available in two basic forms:
soil based and organic based. Compared with soil based media that has field soil as a
major component, organic based media (a base of organic materials that may be
compost, peat, coconut coir, or other organic materials, mixed with inorganic
ingredients) promotes better root development. In temperate areas, nurseries can
choose from a wide range of commercial products for their growing media, including
peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite, and premixed blends of these ingredients. Most
nurseries in the tropics, however, do not have easy and affordable access to these
materials, and even nurseries in temperate areas are seeking to replace some of these
ingredients with more local and sustainable materials. In the tropics, growers often
create their own media using locally available ingredients.
1. Physical Support
The growing medium must be porous yet provide physical support. Young plants
are fragile and must remain upright so that they can photosynthesize and grow. With
larger nursery stock in individual containers, a growing medium must be heavy
2. Aeration
Plant roots need a steady supply of oxygen
to convert the photosynthate from the leaves into
energy so that the roots can grow and take up water
and mineral nutrients. The byproduct of this
respiration is carbon dioxide that must be dispersed
into the atmosphere to prevent the buildup of toxic concentrations within the root
zone. This gas exchange occurs in the large pores (macropores) or air spaces in the
growing medium. Because nursery plants grow rapidly, they need a medium with
good porosity—a characteristic termed “aeration” that will be discussed in more detail
in the next section.
3. Water Supply
Nursery plants use a tremendous amount of water for growth and
development, and this water supply must be provided by the growing medium.
Growing media are formulated so that they can hold water in the small pores
(micropores) between their particles. Many growing media contain a high percentage
of organic matter such as peat moss and compost because these materials have
internal spaces that can hold water like a sponge. Therefore, growing media must
have adequate porosity to absorb and store the large amounts of water needed by the
growing plant.
Coconut Coir. Coconut Coir, or coco coir, is a very popular growing medium for
hydroponics users. It is made from the middle layer of a coconut, the part just beneath
the outer layer and outside the interior shell. Perhaps the best advantage of coconut
coir is its cost efficiency and quality. Coconut Coir has a great pH level that allows
you skip purchasing pH balancing items. Coir also does a great job draining and
retaining water to promote healthy growth. The only types of plants we don’t
recommend you grow in coconut coir are heavy feeding plants like vegetables. You
can still grow them, but you’ll need to purchase some fertilizer or compost
Fun Fact: It takes about a year from the minute coconut coir is extracted from
a coconut until it is ready to be used as a growing media.
Rice Hulls. Rice hulls are a bi-product of the rice milling industry. Although they are
extremely light in weight, rice hulls are very effective at improving drainage. The
particle size and resistance to decomposition of rice hulls and sawdust are very
similar. However N depletion is not as serious of a problem in media amended with
rice hulls.
Sand. Sand, a basic component of soil, ranges in particle size from 0.05mm to 2.0mm
in diameter. Fine sands (0.05mm – 0.25mm) do little to improve the physical
properties of a growing media and may result in reduced drainage and aeration.
Medium and coarse sand particles are those which provide optimum adjustments in
media texture. Although sand is generally the least expensive of all inorganic
amendments it is also the heaviest. This may result in prohibitive transportation costs.
Sand is a valuable amendment for both potting and propagation media.
Perlite. Perlite is a silicous mineral of volcanic origin. The grades used in container
media are first crushed and then heated until the vaporization of combined water
expands it to a light powdery substance. Lightness and uniformity make perlite very
useful for increasing aeration and drainage.
Perlite is very dusty when dry and has a tendency to float to the top of a
container during irrigation. It has also been shown that perlite contains potentially
toxic levels of fluorine. Although costs are moderate, perlite is an effective
amendment for growing media.
To insure that the soil is free from soil-borne microorganisms, the soil is
sterilized. The longer it takes for seeds to germinate and the slower the growth rate of
seedlings, the greater is the danger of microbial infection; thus, the greater the need to
sterilize the soil.
Soil sterilization is done either by heating the soil sufficiently or with the use
of chemicals.
o Burning rice straw on soil surface
o Application of fungicides, nematicides etc. Methyl bromide obtainable
in cans is a commonly used chemical for sterilizing soil. It is released
in gaseous form; thus, the soil should be covered with plastic sheet to
prevent the escape of chemical into the air. Forty percent (40%)
formaldehyde can be used to sterilize small amounts of soil at a rate of
one-half tbsp. in one cup of water.
o Pouring of boiling water on bed/seedling trays
o Sun drying
o Drenching
100% compost
100% soil less mix
25% garden soil + 75% compost
25% soil less mix + 25% garden soil + 50% compost
25% garden soil + 75% soil-less mix
50% soil-less mix + 50% compost
Plant containers come in a wide variety of prices, sizes, colors, shapes and
materials. Each specific container has advantages and disadvantages of its own.
Where you want to keep the potted plant, your climate, aesthetic value, and
ease of maintenance and cost are all factors you need to consider before you make a
Pressed Paper. Pressed paper containers are a great choice when dealing with
vegetables. These containers breathe well, promoting healthy root growth and
improving aeration, as well as insulating the roots from temperature changes that
might otherwise harm or stress your plants.
These planters are biodegradable, which is great for the environment but
means that you will need to replace them every single year.
Coir. Coir containers are economically and ecologically sound choices. These
planters are made from coconut husks and are studier than the pressed paper pots, but
still keep the benefits for the paper pots.
Other types are made from grain husks and various binding agents rather than
coconut husks. These pots are inexpensive and can be found in a wide variety of
colors and shapes, up to around a foot in diameter.
Ceramic. Ceramic containers, or stoneware, are made from finely textured, light-
colored clay and then glazed. These containers are fired at a high kiln temperature,
which reduces the pot’s porousness and vulnerability to the elements. However, if a
ceramic pot is left out in the cold weather it can still crack. The down side to this
durability is that the pots are quite heavy, although this factor makes them a good
They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, with large bowls being
among the most common.
Terra Cotta. Terra cotta is a type of clay that is commonly used in making pots and
planters of various sizes and shapes. Terra cotta pots can be as small as two inches in
diameter or height, and as large as the creator’s imagination.
The shapes and sizes of containers from this material are seemingly endless,
so they are quite versatile. It is typically a warm reddish brown color and offers an
earthy appeal to gardeners.
Terra cotta also tends to be readily available and affordable, which makes it a
popular choice among gardeners for indoor and outdoor use.
Two aspects of terra cotta that you need to be aware of is that it is more fragile
than some of the other planting options, and that terra cotta is generally sold unglazed
and is therefore permeable.
This means that the pot can lose moisture, and soak in moisture from the
outside. If you find that you cannot keep up with the water needs of a plant that is
otherwise thriving in terra cotta container, then I suggest lining the interior of the pot
with a graze or some plastic to limit the amount of water that escapes through the pot.
Remember to leave some drainage holes in the plastic if you do chose to line a
pot, or you will encounter a new set of water related woes.
If you live in an area with very cold winters, it is important to store any terra
cotta pots upside-down and indoors to prevent early destruction from the elements.
Fiberglass and Resin. Fiberglass planters are created from a blend of resin and glass
fibers. These pots tend to be molded to look like terra cotta or stone pots. Actually,
some manufacturers have added some limestone of clay to the resin blend to create a
better texture.
While this choice might not be the most ecologically friendly, it does have
quite a few advantages.
Plastic. Plastic containers can also be made to look like other materials, but is less
realistic and durable that the fiberglass planters.
Most plants that you purchase in a store or at a nursery will go home with you
in a plastic container; this is because it is the cheapest container for commercial
growers to use.
Thicker versions of plastic planters can be made to look like stoneware or terra
cotta pots, but they do not have the heft of the real thing. Plastic planters can come in
an endless number of sizes and shapes.
Wood. Wooden planters can look great in just about any outdoor or patio setting.
These containers tend to be square or rectangle, although there are some curved
containers available as well.
Wood is not likely to crack in cold weather, and is slow to dry out. The only
real danger with wood containers is rot; therefore, I suggest lining a wooden planter
with plastic to prevent this problem. Just remember to leave some holes in the plastic
for drainage.
Metal. Metal containers are extremely durable, and in the case of case iron, extremely
heavy. Metals such as aluminum can offer gardeners the durability of metal with a
lighter weight, making the planting and moving of pots much more practical.
Aluminum does not rust, does not need painting and costs less than some other
metal options. Other metal choices include copper-coated stainless steel, zinc, lead,
and copper.
Concrete. Concrete planters can look great, especially once they have aged a little.
While concrete is the practical choice for large plants that might need the ballast
support against the wind because of its sheer weight, which weight also makes the
planter difficult to move.
Other commonly used containers are tin cans and to certain extent bamboo
tubes.in selecting containers, consider availability, convenience, price and reusability.
Earthen pots are expensive but are re-usable for a long period of time until they break.
1. Aeration
a. Water b. oxygen c. nutrients d. all of the above
2. Plastic
a. Cheapest b. expensive c. durable d. all of the above
3. Coco coir
a. Sugar cane b. rice c. coconut d. volcanic origin
4. Bagasse
a. Sugar cane b. rice c. coconut d. volcanic origin
5. Growing media is also called .
a. Sugar cane b. rice c. substrate d. volcanic origin
1. Nursery shed is set-up according to plant requirement.
2. Quality seedlings are selected based on prescribed characteristics.
3. Propagation materials are selected according to propagation activity.
4. Plant propagation techniques are performed based on recommended practices.
5. Germinated seedlings are maintained until fully established.
6. Pricking and thinning of seedlings are performed based on recommended
7. Proper use of PPE and observation of OHS is performed.
Trainee must be provided with the following:
Planting materials: seeds, suckers, tissue cultured plantlets, cuttings, rhizome,
corm, grafted material, tubers, runners/solon, bulbs
Nursery tools: shovel, hand trowel, bolo, knife, spade, hoe, wheel barrow,
sprayer, sprinkler, etc.
Nursery supplies/materials: pesticides, growth promoters, poly bags, crates,
old newspapers, basin, pail, etc.
Containers: polyethylene bags, clay pots, plastic containers, seed trays, seed
box, coconut husk, wired basket
References (NSIC catalogue, GAP, OHS, HACCP manuals, etc.)
Direct observation and question
Oral interview and written test
Learning Outcome 5
Perform Jobsheet 1.5-1 – 1.5-3 Check your work with the performance
criteria checklist and let your trainer
evaluate your work.
A. Sexual Propagation
It is the most common method by which plants
reproduce in nature, most efficient and widely used
method for cultivated crops. Seeds arise from the fusion
of male and female gametes to form a single cell
(zygote) within the ovule of a flower.
Seeding rate is the number of seeds planted per hectare (ha) to ensure normal
density of sprouts and maximum.
Before sowing, it is imperative to know the seeding rate of particular crop in order
to determine the quantity needed, this will also able the grower to save expenditures.
Most crops grown by seeds have its own seeding rate.
Calculate the amount of tomato seeds needed for 0.5 ha with 95% germination
and a seeding rate of 300g/ha.
%germination = 95
= 0.15 kg x 100
1. Read the information on the seed packet. It will tell Read the information on
the seed packet. It will tell you when to start your seeds and what they need in
the way of soil and air temperature, humidity and light, as well as any special
pre-plating treatment.
B. Asexual Propagation
Involves reproduction from vegetative parts of plants and is possible because
the vegetative organs of many plants have the capacity for regeneration.
1. Separation and Division
Separation – involves separating naturally detachable organs from the
mother plant.
Root cutting – ex breadfruit, apple
Types of Graftage:
Types of Budding:
i. Patch budding – this type of budding is usually used in species
having a thick bark which can be separated easily from the
iii. Chip budding – this method of budding is used where the bark
of the stem adheres closely to its wood, which may occur
naturally to some species arising from growing conditions.
6. Inarching (approach grafting )
7. Tissue culture – this technique
involves the culturing of plant cells
that may be taken from different
parts of parent plant. The tissue is
placed in a sterilized container and
nurtured in a special medium until
a mass of cells known as callus is
formed. The callus is then cultured
in a hormone-laden medium and eventually develops into plantlets.
When planted, these mature into fully grown plants.
1. Bulb
a. Garlic b. taro c. strawberry d. spider plants
2. Runner
a. Garlic b. taro c. strawberry d. spider plants
3. Plantlets
a. Garlic b. taro c. strawberry d. spider plants
4. Budding
a. Scion and root stock b. bud c. plant tissue d. all of the above
5. Grafting
a. Scion and root stock b. bud c. plant tissue d. all of the above
1. a.
2. c.
3. d.
4. b.
5. a.
Title : T Budding
Performance Objective: Given the tools and materials, you must be able to perform
grafting and budding.
Supplies and Materials :
Budding/grafting tape
Budding/grafting tape
Budding/grafting knife
Pruning shears
1. Prepare all the tools and materials needed in the propagation activities.
2. Cut a budstick from its source.
3. Carve a “bud shield” for grafting.
4. Make a T-cut in the new plant (rootstock).
5. Create a pocket. Peel the bark away from your T-cut. Start from the inside
corners where the vertical and horizontal cuts meet.
6. Trim the bud shield if needed.
7. Graft the bud shield to the root stock.
8. Tie and cover the graft.
Grafting tape
Grafting knife
Pruning shears
1. Prepare all the tools and materials needed in the propagation activities.
2. Cut the stock branch.
3. Make a cleft into the cut. The depth of the cleft should be 2 to 3 inches.
4. Trim the scion.
5. Insert the scion into the cleft.
6. Tie and cover the graft. Wrap the grafting tape around the entire graft.
& Questioning
The evidence must show that the trainee…
Prepares tools and simple equipment are
according to work requirements
Performs basic pre-operative activities such as
checking of tools and equipment in accordance
with manufacturer’s manual and GAP standard
Segregates and treats damaged and corroded
tools according to maintenance plan and
Maintains nursery sanitation according to GAP
Performs repair and maintenance of nursery
Applies preventive measures according to
Practices safety measures according to OSHS
Determines seeds/planting materials according
to kinds and varieties
Selects quality seeds according to prescribed
Conducts seed testing to determine the
percentage germination of the seed stock in
accordance with the standard procedures
Treats planting materials following standard
Performs seed treatment for germination
purposes based on type of crop*
Prepares growing media according to
prescribed mixture*
Prepares seedbed based on crop species
Trainee’s Name
Off-Baring- process of cultivating the soil away from the base of the
Larvae – the first stage of the life cycle of insects after leaving the
Pre cooling – strictly, it means the rapid cooling (48 hours or less) of
a commodity to a desired transit or storage temperature soon after
harvest before it is stored or moved in transit.
Rodents – refer to rats and mice which destroy grains and other
stored products.
germination-external-and-internal-factors/15758 Articles shared by: Srinibas
Kumas, April 6, 2020)