Ameen 2021
Ameen 2021
Ameen 2021
Keywords: This article provides an overview of extant literature addressing consumer interaction with cutting-edge tech
Consumer interaction nologies. Six focal cutting-edge technologies are identified: artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual
Cutting-edge technologies reality, wearable technology, robotics and big data analytics. Our analysis shows research on consumer inter
Artificial intelligence
action with cutting-edge technologies is at a nascent stage, and there are several gaps requiring attention. To
Virtual reality and augmented reality
further advance knowledge, our article offers avenues for future interdisciplinary research addressing implica
Wearable technology tions of consumer interaction with cutting-edge technologies. More specifically, we propose six main areas for
Big data analytics future research namely: rethinking consumer behaviour models, identifying behavioural differences among
different generations of consumers, understanding how consumers interact with automated services, ethics,
privacy and the blackbox, consumer security concerns and consumer interaction with new-age technologies
during and after a major global crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
* Corresponding author. Royal Holloway, University of London, School of Management, Egham, TW20 0EX, United Kingdom.
E-mail address: (N. Ameen).
Received 8 August 2020; Received in revised form 14 February 2021; Accepted 22 February 2021
Available online 26 February 2021
0747-5632/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Ameen et al. Computers in Human Behavior 120 (2021) 106761
2. Overview of consumer research on cutting-edge technologies customer behaviour. Virtual experiences characterised in terms of pos
itive feelings of joy, excitement, freedom and escape from social hier
2.1. Artificial intelligence archies help consumers to feel empowered in a VR environment. Kang
et al. (2020) note that 3D VR stores experience can be made stylish and
In the most widely accepted definition, Brooks (1991) notes that attractive to successfully influence consumer decision-making. The
“artificial intelligence is intended to make computers do things, that immersive effects of VR, according to Meiβner et al. (2020), can
when done by people, are described as having inicated intelligence.” AI significantly affect customers’ choices in three ways: variety-seeking,
has the capability of imitating humans, carrying out tasks in an ‘intel price-sensitivity and satisfaction with the choice made. VR can also
ligent’ way (Kumar et al., 2020) and encompass emotions, assist shoppers suffering from negative feelings of crowding in shopping
self-awareness, reasoning, creativity, logic and critical thinking (De malls. Van Kerrebroeck et al. (2017) explains that the content and length
Bruyn et al., 2020). Humanised AI can potentially combine cognitive, of the VR experience can be adapted in accordance to shoppers’ state of
emotional and social intelligence (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2019). AI is mind. While VR has witnessed extensive use in areas such as retailing
impacting on the management of customer relationships and the prac and tourism, it suffers from limitations that can be addressed by AR
tice of marketing in general (Libai et al., 2020). For example, predictive technology.
analytics applications can be deployed to analyse customers’ current AR is characterised by digital and real content superimposed on
and future behaviour, personalise the service offering and recommend users’ real surroundings (Flavián et al., 2019). McLean and Wilson
products to consumers (Ameen, Tarhini, Reppel, & Anand, 2021; Borges (2019) show that, similar to VR, AR can lead to stronger brand
et al., 2020; Zaki, 2019). For Kumar et al. (2016), AI-enabled recom engagement and higher levels of satisfaction. In a mixed reality context,
mendation agents can provide insights into how customer behave, customers are present in the real world, with digital content incorpo
enhance customer experiences, improve increase satisfaction and loy rated into their surroundings, and customers have the option of inter
alty by offering superior customised products and services. acting with either the physical (real) or digital content. From a
Recent research focusses on analysing the impact of different types of marketing perspective, AR helps to enhance the customer experience,
AI-enabled technologies on various aspects of consumer behaviour such decision-making, and responses (Hilken et al., 2018). Furthermore, AR
as engagement, satisfaction and enjoyment. For example, Prentice and enable the ‘virtual try on’ experience, bringing stores and products to
Nguyen (2020) compared humanic service experience and automated AI customers’ homes. For example, Yim et al. (2017) examined consumers’
customer service and found no differences in terms of consumer evaluations of AR-based virtual try-on product presentations. Con
engagement and loyalty. Brill et al. (2019) found that customers are sumers with an unfavourable body image prefer to use AR-based virtual
satisfied with artificial intelligence applications. In their study of chil try-on, but no differences were reported among consumers with a
dren’s interactions with AI-enabled voice assistants, such as Amazon’s favourable body image.
Alexa and Apple’s Siri, Aeschlimann et al. (2020) conclude that differ Recent studies (e.g. Tussyadiah et al., 2018; Chylinski et al., 2020)
ences exist in information-sharing among children when they interact examine various aspects consumers’ engagement and interaction with
with human versus AI-enabled voice assistants. Pizzi et al. (2019) AR such as holograms and glasses. For example, Carrozzi et al. (2019)
further identify a significant relationship between digital assistants’ demonstrate that customising AR-based holograms allows customers to
analytical skills and customer interaction. Rese et al. (2020) show that feel a psychological ownership of digital products. AR glasses extend
both utilitarian and hedonic factors have significant positive effects on consumers’ natural abilities by improving their perceptual skills and
the acceptance of the text-based “Emma” chatbot used in fashion experiences (Tussyadiah et al., 2018). Other potential extension of AR is
retailing and integrated into Facebook Messenger. the creation of an AR-based social network as the technology offers
Despite the current and potential uses and benefits of AI, some issues opportunities for immersive reality. In general, consumers find
in relation to the AI-human interaction, given its complexity, remain AR-based mobile applications easy to use due to their familiarity with
underexplored. For example, the lack of human intervention can affect smartphones (Goebert & Greenhalgh, 2020).
emotions associated with AI-enabled customer experience, whether they
are positive, negative or mixed. Customer autonomy is another issue 2.3. Robotics
associated with AI. For example, during the use of chatbots or when
receiving product recommendations based on AI analytics, consumers Service robots are defined as “system-based autonomous and
have limited control of the situation. In addition, De Bruyn et al. (2020) adaptable interfaces that interact, communicate and deliver service to
note that many challenges still exist, for example, marketing ethics and an organization’s customers” (Wirtz et al., 2018, p. 909). Various hu
issues associated with the “blackbox” nature of AI as it remains imper manoid robots are in use around the world across a number of industries
vious of knowledge transfer. such as retailing, tourism and hospitality. In fact, Grewal, Kroschke,
et al. (2020) and Bertacchini et al. (2017) note that robots can transform
2.2. Virtual reality and augmented reality customer experiences in the retail and service settings. Robotic tech
nologies have extraordinary performance in terms of speed, data storing,
VR is an entirely synthetic environment, which may or may not and processing capabilities (Xiao & Kumar, 2021) and are programmed
mimic the real world, providing an immersive experience (Loureiro to learn from customers using machine learning and big data analytics.
et al., 2019). Research highlights how VR can be used to transform Robots increase efficiency, reduce cost as are best deployed for fixed and
customer experiences through vividness and interactivity (Loureiro routine tasks.
et al., 2019). The immersion associated with VR technology allows users One of the main issues surrounding the use and development of ro
to better focus on their experience and expand their perception of time, botic technologies is whether robots should look like machines or take
leading to higher satisfaction levels (Rudd et al., 2012). Recent studies anthropomorphised forms (Thomaz et al., 2020). Other concerns, as
show an emphasis on understanding the effects of VR experiences on Xiao & Kumar (2021) note, are the risk and uncertainty when interacting
consumer/user behaviour such as emotional reactions. For example, with service robots given the unpredictability of their actions. Hence,
Martínez-Navarro et al. (2019) reveal that emotions experienced in a trust remains a major challenge, but consumer anthropomorphism (i.e.
virtual store affect customers’ sense of presence. Pizzi et al. (2019) assigning human traits to robots) increase trust and enjoyment (van
demonstrate that a virtual store brand experience, using VR, allows Pinxteren et al., 2019). A growing body of research focusses on the
customers to feel a higher level of presence in comparison to the physical human-robot interactions. For example, Piçarra and Giger (2018)
store experience. identify robots’ warmth, appearance and competence as important
Jung et al. (2019) further explore how virtual experiences shape factors for better interactions. Yu and Ngan (2019) observe gender and
N. Ameen et al. Computers in Human Behavior 120 (2021) 106761
cultural differences in terms of how consumers perceive robot warmth. and Ratchford (2018) explain that obtaining big data is not a problem,
For Desideri et al. (2019), emotions and trust play critical roles in but it is still challenging to analyse every consumer interaction in terms
human-robot relationship. of cognitive and hedonic behaviours. In addition, in their review on big
data analytics in the context of social media, Ghani et al. (2019) identify
2.4. Wearable technology five key issues that remain to addressed: (1) data quality; (2) data lo
cality; (3) velocity; (4) data availability; and (5) natural language pro
Wearable technologies, such as smart clothing, smart glasses and cessing. Sheth and Kellstadt (2020), to further advance knowledge, call
smart watches, involve embedding sensors and transmission chips into for additional research in the area of BDA and consumer behaviour to
ordinary objects that can be worn on the body (Jung et al., 2016). address issues related to text mining, biometric data, video analytics,
Wearables are examples of self-tracking technologies (STT) used to emoji analytics, pattern recognition and forensic research.
measure and record various aspects of our lives (Al-Emran et al., 2020).
The use of wearable technology has been mainly associated with 3. Directions for future research
healthcare, and applications in the marketing domain is emerging
(Ferreira et al., 2021). For example, Google glasses can embed person To further advance our understanding of consumer interaction with
alised advertisement (Park & Skoric, 2017). At the same time, adoption cutting-edge technologies, we have identified several areas for future
of wearables, in the form of health and fitness devices, is on the rise with research grouped under six categories: rethinking consumer behaviour
recent research (e.g. Zakariah et al., 2021) investigating how consumers models; behavioural differences among different generations of con
integrate self-tracking technologies in their daily life. Other studies (e.g. sumers; consumer interaction with automated services; ethics, privacy
Wu et al. (2016) focus on factors determining adoption of wearable and the black box; consumer security concerns; and consumer interac
technology, with a lack of research addressing issues related to the post tion with new-age technologies during and after a major global crisis.
adoption stage, for example, long term health benefits of self-tracking Table 1 summarises the key questions we propose in relation to each of
daily routines and exercises. the six areas we identified for future research.
In their study, Gu et al. (2016) identify privacy concerns, propensity
to trust, performance expectancy, facilitating conditions and hedonic 3.1. Rethinking consumer behaviour models
motivation as key determinants of consumer trust in wearable technol
ogy. More recent studies (e.g. Salahuddin & Romeo, 2020) focus on The majority of prior studies addressing human-computer interac
customers and developers’ expectations of the quality and features of tion in the fields of information systems and marketing focus on the idea
wearable technology. Differences exist between the two groups with that technology is a force offered by companies/brands to users/con
developers emphasising material selection, ways of combining elec sumers, who should accept, adopt, use, or exploit it further. While this
tronics with clothing, and battery life, while customers focus on product may be true for new adopters, consumers interact with technology in
safety, product functionality, privacy and the security of their personal different ways and in different contexts. Kumar et al. (2020) explain that
data. Despite the growth of wearables in consumers daily lives, Ferreira consumers are increasingly seeking to influence and control the tech
et al. (2021) in their review, note marketers face challenges and argue nology around them, rather than passively allowing technology to shape
that positioning should emphasise the perceived utility of the devices. In their behaviours. In addition, recent studies agree that technology is
addition, there are ethical and privacy concerns related to mining, sur shaping various aspects of consumer behaviour (e.g. Hoyer et al., 2020;
veillance and tracking of data from consumer wearable devices (Park & Paul & Rosenbaum, 2020). We propose rethinking consumer behaviour
Skoric, 2017). models when studying people’s interaction with cutting-edge
2.5. Big data analytics In reality, customers are likely to experience several technologies at
the same time (Barwitz & Maas, 2018). However, to date, previous
Big data refers to “data sets that are so large (terabytes to exabytes), studies mainly focus on consumers’ interaction with one technology at a
unstructured, and complex (from genome analysis, political science, time; for example, chatbots, VR, AR, robots or wearable technology (e.g.
sensor, social media, or smartphone apps to Internet-based gadgets data) Goebert & Greenhalgh, 2020; Grewal, Kroschke, et al., 2020; Rese et al.,
that require advanced and unique technologies to store, manage, anal 2020). Rodríguez-Torrico, Cabezudo and San-Martín’s (2017) study is
yse, and visualize” (Xu et al., 2016, p. 1562). Big data consumer ana one exception, addressing how two individual traits – impulsiveness and
lytics has a major influence on the practice of marketing (Erevelles et al., the need for touch – influence the use of online and mobile devices in
2016). The deployment of big data analytics (BDA) offer companies omnichannel shopping. Hence, it is important to understand, for
unique insights behavioural patterns, transform customer experiences example, how loyalty and satisfaction can be maintained when con
and can be used to predict future behaviour (Chae et al., 2020; Holm sumers use multiple complex cutting-edge technologies. Furthermore,
lund et al., 2020). Big data analytics capture customers’ emotional, so recent studies (e.g. Brill et al., 2019) model satisfaction and loyalty after
cial, sensory and cognitive responses from multiple touchpoints (e.g. consumers had experience with emerging technologies. No research can
social media platforms and online reviews), allowing companies to oofer be identified that capture the precise point of interaction between con
offering personalised experiences to their customers (Anshari et al., sumers and cutting-edge technologies during their experience and
2019; McColl-Kennedy et al., 2019). In addition, BDA is helping com analyse how this can lead to satisfaction and brand loyalty.
panies with smarter marketing decisions in terms of product develop In addition, recent studies on wearable technology mainly focus on
ment, service design and product recommendations (Jagtap & Duong, general use or adoption-related issues, such as usefulness, trust, privacy
2019). and security concerns (e.g. Chuah et al., 2016; Gu et al., 2016; Wu et al.,
Despite the advantages of BDA, there are still challenges for mar 2016). However, there is a knowledge gap in terms of how consumers
keters and researchers to address in terms of data quality, complexity, interact with wearable technology during the shopping experience and
velocity, heterogeneity, security, privacy and management (Lee, 2017). how this interaction may (or may not) lead to satisfaction and loyalty
For example, Eastin et al. (2016) note that advertisers seek to exploit big towards a brand. Further research should also investigate the use of
data gleaned from customers personal mobile devices. Eastin et al. cutting-edge technologies to enhance consumer emotional security,
(2016) study reveal that concerns about perceived control and unau self-image and self-confidence.
thorized access to personal information have a significant negative in
fluence on m-commerce activity (such as compare product prices,
research product features, and purchase goods or services online. Moe
N. Ameen et al. Computers in Human Behavior 120 (2021) 106761
N. Ameen et al. Computers in Human Behavior 120 (2021) 106761
Alexa will behave if he/she had to search for a product, service or brand; marketing with the presence and use of service robots. The introduction
which technology will the consumer use first/last and why? of service robots presents new ethical and moral challenges. Rivas et al.
Recent studies focus on consumer interaction with VR and AR (2018) found that people are unable to distinguish whether they are
technologies in a number of contexts such as shopping malls, remote interacting with, for example AI- and ML-based chatbots or with a
rehabilitation, virtual brand experience, sports marketing and other human being Hence, it is important to educate users (consumers) about
shopping experiences (e.g. Goebert & Greenhalgh, 2020; Meiβner et al., how chatbots work and who is responsible and accountable for associ
2020; Van Kerrebroeck et al., 2017). However, researchers have yet to ated moral and ethical issues.
empirically test the effects of macro-level issues, such as cross-cultural Another key area is to investigate whether consumers with ethical or
and cross-national differences in terms of how Generation X, millen privacy concerns can still display positive behaviours during their
nials and Generation Z consumers behave in virtual, augmented and interaction with cutting-edge technologies, and if so, how. Having
pure mixed reality environments. ethical concerns about a certain system or process may not always lead
to a person discontinuing its use or developing strong negative attitude
3.3. Consumer interaction with automated services or behaviour. Even if that does happen, behaviour can change over time
(Soliman & Rinta-Kahila, 2020). Hence, there is a need to assess changes
Recent studies highlight that the future of marketing is tightly linked in behaviour after consumers have expressed ethical concerns.
with automated services enabled by AI, such as chatbots and digital Furthermore, although new regulations such as the General Data Pro
assistants (such as Siri and Alexa) (e.g. Brill et al., 2019; De Bruyn et al., tection Regulation (GDPR) aim to protect consumers’ privacy and se
2020; Rese et al., 2020). Shank et al. (2019) investigate people’s qual curity, it does fully account for the complexity and ambiguity associated
itative descriptions of a personal encounter with AI. However, no with cutting-edge technologies in relation to consumer misbehaviour
research investigates the types of emotions (e.g. anger, fear, anticipa that damages or disrupts data privacy and data protection of others.
tion, trust, surprise, sadness, joy and disgust) that different group of Hence, there is a need for future studies to identify such issues and
consumers experience during their interaction with automated services. provide recommendations to improve existing regulations. In addition,
Future studies are needed on consumers’ (e.g. Generation X, millennials future research can focus on how consumers’ perceive the ‘person
and Generation Z) emotional experiences when encountering new alisation–privacy paradox’ during their interaction with cutting-edge
technologies using a combination of quantitative and qualitative technologies.
methods or by integrating sentiment analysis and machine learning.
In addition, consumers experience mixed emotions during their 3.5. Consumer security concerns
interaction with automated services but it is not clear how these mixed
emotions affect purchase decisions, word of mouth and brand loyalty. The six cutting-edge technologies discussed in this article are asso
Also, when interacting with cutting-edge technologies, the impact of ciated with complicated and, in some cases (such as AI), undiscovered
time on consumer emotions remains an underexplored area and there is issues requiring further investigation. Recent studies (e.g. Salahuddin &
a need to study the impact of culture on consumers’ behavioural Romeo, 2020) conclude that consumer security concerns are important
responses. determinants of cutting-edge technologies adoption. Also, security
AI-enabled services rely on data collected from users (Kumar et al., concerns influence strategies companies use to keep customers’ data
2016). Unexpected changes in terms of how consumers behave and secure (Ameen, Tarhini, Shah, et al., 2021; Gupta et al., 2020). However,
respond can cause problems when interacting with such services it is not clear how security concerns shape consumer behaviour.
(Janarthanam, 2020). For example, a customer may respond to a chat Research is needed to understand the consequences of behavioural
bot in an unanticipated manner such as asking for the wrong informa changes among consumers with serious security concerns when using
tion or providing the wrong answer. Hence, future studies can focus on cutting-edge technologies. Future studies should examine how security
the long-term and short-term impact of sudden and unexpected changes concerns may result in consumers modifying (temporary or permanent)
in consumer behavioural responses on how automated services work their behaviour when interacting with, for example, AI-enabled appli
and respond to enquiries. cations and machine learning such as chatbots. Moreover, recent studies
Furthermore, recent research mainly focuses on the online environ (e.g. Duffy et al., 2018) suggest that younger generations of consumers
ments, for example, consumer engagement with chatbots on a website (e.g. Generation Z) are less concerned about security and privacy issues.
(Rese et al., 2020). However, consumer interaction with automated However, more research is needed in the context of younger generations
services can also take place in physical locations such as stores. Some of consumers use of single or multiple cutting-edge technologies.
retail brands (e.g. cosmetics) have introduced automated checkouts,
robots and virtual artist kiosks. Therefore, it is important to understand 3.6. Consumer interaction with new-age technologies during a major
the nature of consumer interaction with automated services online global crisis
versus in-store environments.
Technologies such as AI are based on autonomy, contradicting with In late 2019, the world was in the early stages of the COVID-19
the human nature of being in control of a situation. Hence, future health pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted livelihoods,
research can investigate the effects of autonomy and reactance orien threatened recent advances in health and caused major loss of life. The
tation on how consumers interact with automated services. Additional pandemic also has a significant impact on social life, consumption pat
studies can also investigate how consumers’ culture in terms of having a terns and the global economy (Ågerfalk et al., 2020). Consumption
master, partner or servant relationship with AI agents (such as voice- practices have shifted in new and unexpected ways, for example,
controlled smart devices) can affect their experiences. widespread panic buying and consumption displacement (Hall et al.,
2020). In addition, there is a remarkable transformation in terms of how
3.4. Ethics, privacy and the black box consumers interact with different technologies, in and beyond the
context of shopping (Beaunoyer et al., 2020).
Some recent studies investigate the ethical, moral and trust issues These rapid changes have opened up new avenues for research. For
associated with the use of cutting-edge technologies (such as AI). While example, future studies can analyse how fear and health concerns are
the “black box” nature of these systems allows accurate predictions and shaping consumer interactions with cutting-edge technologies (during
enhanced personalisation, the mechanisms of how they work and the and post COVID-19). In addition, as consumers are likely to experience a
information they process are highly complex (Adadi & Berrada, 2018). range of mixed emotions during the pandemic and in its aftermath
Wirtz et al. (2018) made some predictions about the future of service (Brockway, 2020), we call for additional research to analyse the role of
N. Ameen et al. Computers in Human Behavior 120 (2021) 106761
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