Choose The Correct Answer

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Subject: English Grade:1

Name:__________________ Unit-2(2.6) + 3(3.1-3.3)

1. Choose the correct answer:
1. Ayesha and her brother go shopping with __________.
 grandma
 grandpa
2. Mum and Asha play ________ together.
 games
 music
3. ________ helps Paco.
 Dad
 Mum
4. A rock can ________ the scissors.
 cut
 break
5. A bird can drink water, so _______wins.
 bird
 rock
6. Water can cover a rock, so water _____.
 wins
 rocks
2. Rearrange the days of the week in the correct order:

Days of the week Correct order

Thursday Sunday
3. What day is it today? Circle your answer

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

4. Answer in a sentence:
 What do you and your family like to do together?
 Can you bounce a ball?
 Can you catch a ball with a box?
5. Use the word box and fill in the blanks:
What can we do with a ball?
catch throw hit bounce roll kick

a. I can ________________ the ball.

b. I can __________________ the ball.

c. I can __________________ the ball.

d. I can __________________ the ball.

e. I can__________________ the ball.

f. We can__________________ the ball.

6. Answer the following in Yes/No:
1. Families work and have fun together.-______
2. Kadar goes out to meet his friends.- _______
3. In the story, Ayesha uses a shopping list.-____
4. Dad and Paco make a cake.-____
5. Ana makes birthday hats.-_____
6. In the story, it is grandma’s birthday.-_____

7. Match the sentences

 Scissors can cut the paper.

 Paper can cover the rock.

 A rock can break scissors.

8. State whether the following sentences are true or false.

 Dad and Amira play with their boats- _______

 Kadar goes out to meet his friends.-________
 Scissors can cover a paper.-_________
 Paper can cut a rock.-________
 A rock can hit a bird, so rock wins.-_________

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